• Member Since 28th Oct, 2011
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago


I am the Storm Scribe. Let my words thunder across all creation! Let my imagination rain down and bring life to new worlds and adventures. Above all else, may you enjoy what meager gifts I bring...


And another year begins · 6:39pm Last Monday

Yeah, clearing out the birthday post.


So how's everyone doing?

Report KnightMysterio · 46 views ·

Birthday · 5:26pm 6 days ago

Today I am the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything. Happy birthday to me.

Report KnightMysterio · 78 views ·

Signal Boost requested · 3:10am Oct 5th, 2023

Please help this get shared.

A friend of mine recently got out of a longtime abusive relationship. Said abuser has moved onto her kids, but because fuck humanity sometimes, her efforts to protect her children have been undermined.

If you are pressing X to doubt, please keep your comment to yourself. I believe her. I've known this woman for years and she is not a liar.

Report KnightMysterio · 177 views ·

Well... crap... · 11:03pm Sep 4th, 2023

So I was playing Fortnite on my Switch in an attempt to relax (yes it helps me relax). And then I heard a rather loud crack from my left Joycon. My character would now only walk slowly. And I can only get icons to move up occasionally. Can't use Up+B moves in smash barely at all...

So. Um... Anyone know where I can get a reasonably cheap replacement for my left joycon?


Stream Over: Updates posted · 1:10am Feb 24th, 2022

Thanks to anyone who actually showed up.

I did NOT get the money I needed, but I did get a contribution, so thanks for that... *sighs*

Hey, if nothing else, I managed to get two of my stories updated. That's something, right? Friendship is G.I. and Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart both got updated.

Not bad for 6 hours of work, eh?

I'll be trying again with a NSFW stream around the same time tomorrow...


Writing Stream: Live Now · 6:58pm Feb 23rd, 2022

Here is the link.

Hope to see you there.

Report KnightMysterio · 187 views ·

Writing Stream: Time and Date · 3:09am Feb 22nd, 2022

I will be streaming on Twitch on Wednesday at 2PM Eastern standard time, writing for Waking Nightmares: Remix Heart and Friendship is G.I. The stream will last until 8PM EST

I will answer questions through voice chat.

The goal of the chat is to raise money via donations, 250 dollars at the bare minimum, so I can pay my bills for at least this month.

I hope to see you there. Here is the link.

Report KnightMysterio · 206 views ·

A Question for my Readers · 9:34pm Feb 17th, 2022

I want to do a writing livestream for everyone, working on Friendship is G.I., Waking Nightmares Remix Heart, and possibly other stories, as well. The objective would be to collect donations (via Paypal) to pay for my bills this month and my rent month, as well as providing content for everyone. What would be a good day for it? I have Twitch streaming set up, but I could look into Youtube as well.

What do people recommend?


Personal Update · 3:22am Feb 16th, 2022

I am going to try and update more. I may host writing streams on Twitch, too.

That being said, I am hoping to gain some Patrons for my Patreon. Or at least some help via Paypal. I'm in financial trouble this month.

If you want to wait to donate until the writing stream, we can do that. I will be working on Friendship is G.I. and Waking Nightmares Remix Heart during it. I'll let you know once I've decided a time/gauged interest for it.

Report KnightMysterio · 203 views ·

Holy Crap I updated something · 3:16pm Jan 26th, 2022
