I am a firm supporter of the new lunar republic._____________________________________________________my steam https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199387904022.
There’s always room for a story that can transport people to another place.
I love mlp and anime and cartoon, comic Disney I love to use reading on other reading wed wattpad , fanfiction and ao3 also I have a Twitter, Tumblr, and a Pinterest, DeviantArt
Hi, I became an MLP:FiM fan because of a traumatic event. I had decided to take advantage of the show's famous heartwarming moments as a means of helping my recovery. Then I just got hooked.
Un pavo español que se dedica a traducir a su lengua historias sobre ponis de color pastel.
a man of few words i love reading crossovers and playing video games
Long time reader and lover of all kinds of literature. Hey I'm hoping to read fun stories. I'm also always open for a message.
In life I received a minor enlightenment , everything is pointless but I refused to accept it and so I tried to search/seek another and I found that It's HOPE the one thing which bring us to continue.
Strength is not something that is achieved by power, but a choice that must be made.
I wanted to be a professional FanFiction Reading Recorder someday! And I'm also a big fan of HiE stories!
I can make OCs and Story Ideas... I can't wright tho... I'm all for it if you wanna help... heh...
Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. - William Shakespeare
I'm here because my doctors overdosed me on methamphetamines.