• Member Since 2nd Dec, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 5th, 2023


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Found 5 stories in 16ms

Total Words: 11,511
Estimated Reading: 46 minutes


After trying to raise the Sun, a young Twilight learns an interesting fact about Alicorn biology. Cuddles ensue.

An entry for CategoricalGrant's 2021 Cuddlefic Contest 2021 You should check some of the other stories out. They're good.

Pre-read by Eikichirou and ScatteredStarlight413.

Chapters (1)

After the defeat of the Storm King, Tempest Shadow had made new friends, but what about her old ones?

Wait, that mare seems kind of familiar...

This story was written for the 2021 May Pairings Contest. Click on the link to find out more.

Pre-read by Eikichirou, Shilic, and They Who Don't Want To Be Named.

Chapters (1)

To be Orsus is to be a protector of life, the last wall between civilization and extinction such that civilisation may be brought back from the brink. But when one Orsus sees the purple pony waiting patiently outside her door, she's faced with a different choice, a third option. What will she choose?

Edited by Eikichirou.

This story was written for GaPJaxie's Friendship is Optimal Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

Bounty hunter Arcturus Aquila celebrates Hearth's Warming Eve with his friend, Tin Star, the sheriff of New Hoovendale. They get interrupted with a rather loud bang.

This is a Fallout: Equestria story.

This was written for TheWingman as a present for a Secret Santa event in one of the Discord servers I'm in. Merry Christmas, TheWingman!

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash proposes to Applejack, but Pinkie reminds her that she needs to find a very special something, for her very special somepony.

This was written for the AppleDash Warm and Fuzzy Feelings Event. For more information, click on the link above.

Chapters (1)