• Member Since 20th Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen Dec 12th, 2024


Pharynx is best changeling. CHANGE MY MIND.


Thorax and Pharynx are taking a hike outside the hive when they stumble across a shady intruder sulking somewhere in the field.

Pharynx vows to properly capture and contain this tyrant, no matter how burly and attractive he may be.

This story was a collaboration with eemoo1o. Feel free to check them out and read their stories, they really deserve more attention.

Chapters (1)

After an awkward moment with Ocellus and Smolder, innocent nymph Flutterwings has been having a rather... odd question on her mind.

Unfortunately, she goes to poor Pharynx for answers.

Poor unlucky Pharynx.

A “Meet The Change Gang” side story.

Co-written by Mlphero

Featured 5/3/2020 - 5/4/2020!

Fanfic Reading by Skijarama!

Chapters (1)

When Pharynx continuously has nightmares about his old outcast issues, he comes to face two options: to open up to his brother about his issues, or to continuously let himself crack under the constant pressure, thus letting himself continue to be tormented in his sleep by his inner emotions.

Idea and co-written by Melody Song. It was an honor doing this with you.

Featured on 5/28/2020!

Chapters (1)

(Cover art by Caroo)

If there’s one thing Pharynx hasn’t changed along with physical appearance, it’s his desire for holes. After all, it’s not like one bite-sized hole could hurt a living soul in Equestria, right?

Well, things go just as well as you expect when Pharynx decides to test his wall-kicking skills, for the first time since his transformation, and play a practical joke on the changelings during the latest Feelings Forum meeting.

And if getting his foot stuck in the wall wasn’t Pharynx’s newest personal definition of “public humiliation,” things go off from there when Thorax accidentally pulls his brother’s boots off.

Let’s just say a lot can happen within minutes; not just for Pharynx, but his now-trapped soles.

(Warning: Involves Anthro and foot tickling. Nothing explicit, fortunately.)

Chapters (1)