3rd time comes around. · 3:58am Oct 22nd, 2022
Hey guys, just wishing ya'll a happy early hallowed ween. That's all for the time being.
I no longer stay up late because I have a job, the the joys I get are reading Eights story on my break.
Hey guys, just wishing ya'll a happy early hallowed ween. That's all for the time being.
Hey yall how are you all doing?
I'm doing great right now I feel like I've drunk at least 7 cups of coffee.
Anywho I've been chilling in my house the past few days reading a couple stories on this here site.
If anyone would want to read it I would be happy to give a couple out and I'd urge you all to read them.
#1 The Centurion Project ( Its great for action and if you like a long read it has to be my absolute favorite.)
Hey this is your resident bat pony Night Owl writing my first blog.
Honestly nothing is happening for me besides the fact that I have my first interview for my fist ever full time job coming up so that's exciting.
I hope your all doing well and you live long joy filled lives.
God bless you.
Hey guys, just wishing ya'll a happy early hallowed ween. That's all for the time being.
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I have like no idea who you are talking about.
You crazy bat.