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This story is a sequel to The Stars That Bind Us

Two weeks after the War against Sombra. Every creature are getting adjusted to their new lives after the war ended. Earth Leaders request an assembly meeting to renegotiate the Treaty between the two worlds. To discuss their relationship and to deal with loose ends.

Spike and Rachel were one of those leaders that were summoned to attend the meeting.

I know I have said i may not do this fic and honestly I didn't think I would. But after the idea got stirred up in my brain I can't stop.

Now warning this is a filler story for those who don't like fillers.

But something tells me you'll love this filler because parts of this story, I have been thinking for awhile. 💍💜💙💛

Chapters (7)

Applejack had no idea that her day and a half will be turned upside down when Glimmer Hearts, a fashion designer rolled through into Ponyville.

All because she put on a dress....

First requested story for JBlaser

Edit: I am deciding to take on writing requests, depending what they are I'm open to take on any. Just so every one know, my personal oc Crimson Rose will be in it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mother Knows Best

After being turned back into a young colt, Sombra is tasked to keep an eye on Mother's new creation in someplace called... Ponyville and manipulate her to become evil.

However, that is easier said than done as it turns out the mission would be quite hard for Sombra to complete.

Would Sombra turn Umbré evil, or would Umbré turn Sombra good?

The romance does not come until much, much, much later

(I was going to use the title Umbré and Sombra's Epic Adventures, but the more I thought of it, the more I didn't like it)

Chapters (5)

As a school assignment, Applebloom has to write down a story of what was her fondest memories of her mom and dad, the problem of that is that Applebloom doesn't remember her parents. She doesn't remember anything about them.

So, she decides to consult with the ponies who does remember.

Chapters (3)

Spike had no idea how he gets thrown into crazy situations. But they always seem to happen to him.

His day started normal, nothing out of the ordinary that the Ambassador of Equestria could address.

That all changes after got caught up in Trixie's shenanigans, Spike got turned back into an egg and was snatched from the castle. Out of embarrassment and fear of Princess Twilight's wrath, the magician decided to take the egg and traveled through the magic portal to the human world and holds off until Twilight had time to cool off and try to come up a way to reverse the damage. She was going to bring Spike back...

But inadvertently ended up losing the egg to the cold, dark streets of the human world...

And in the hands of a ten year old.

Full disclaimer: this has zero relations with my Spike/Rachel universe.

Edit - Cover Art updated

Chapters (6)

Ah Hearth's Warming is upon Equestria, the best time of the year. To Spike however, it's his first Hearth's Warming with his human girlfriend Rachel. And he's all to excited about it, he plans on giving her a good gift when she comes over.

But he gets the startling news that Rachel wasn't coming, so what does the loving drake do?

He takes off to Fillydelphia to get to the bottom why Rachel isn't celebrating.

Now this is a Holiday Special, since I love Christmas, I decided to work on this piece to get ready for the holiday spirit.

Pinkie: Hey! You still got Thanksgiving to get through!

Ugh! don't remind me, double P, don't remind me. I just love Christmas more than Thanksgiving lol

Cover done by me :3, this story is all of it's own and only a side story

Chapters (6)

After a mishap spell, Twilight accidentally sent Rainbow Dash into a game on her phone called "Flappy Bird" A rage quitting game that no pony has yet to defeat. The only way for Dash to get out of the game is if she beats the highest score of 119 feet.

The catch is, Twilight has to play the game. Dash becomes the flapping bird.

One shot fic and I regret nothing XD. The pic was done by me.

Tag for death 'cause of game character dying repeatedly and restart.

Chapters (1)

"I will regain my throne if it's the last thing I'll do!"

After being resurrected by Radiant Hope, King Sombra was back and was ticked off. Ignoring all of Hope's attempts to get him to forget about revenge, he sets off to the frozen wasteland before being summoned and met by none other than "Mother", the Queen of the shadows herself. Learning that he was no longer needed, Mother casts him aside and turned her attention to Equestria's newest and greatest enemy...

The cover is mine

Chapters (11)


Big Mac, brother to Apple Jack, the Element of Honesty and to Apple Bloom, a founding member of the famous CMC. He's infamous for usual "Eeyup" "Nnope", a pony of a few words. For years he kept to himself, only to speak when it's needed to, no pony knows why.

All but Big Mac...

Many years ago, when he was just a young colt, him, his father Bright Mac and his mother Pear Butter - Buttercup everyone calls her, traveled through the Everfree Forest to collect a herb that would keep the parasprites from eating the farm when Mac came across a carnival. Run by Carnival Catherine, a strange mare with strange abilities. Cat nearly lead Big Mac to his doom before his parents stopped her, costing their lives in the process and Cat and her Carnival of Doom vanished.

Now, Carnival Cat has returned to Ponyville to finish the job, her newest victims, CMC in her grasp, Big Mac will have to revisit the past to stop Cat and save the girls.

This is my take on Carnival Cat, based on a song created by Sand Josieph who gave me the A-OKAY to do this. I just heard this the other day and I need to write a story that goes with this, if ya'll haven't heard of it, the link is down here.


Hiatus till I can edit all

Chapters (4)