• Member Since 18th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen Nov 27th, 2019

Diezel Riggz


However.... It Could Be Better · 8:18pm Dec 25th, 2016

I have Sad News ...On the afternoon of Friday December 23rd, 2016...My Family's 6 year old Border Collie Lily had to be put down....do to Kidney Failure caused by Antibody's produced during a run in with Lime Disease most like transmitted by a Tick ....Said Tick was taken care of the moment it was discovered ...as well as the Lime Disease ....however ....just because the Lime Disease was treated properly by antibiotic's doesn't mean it would cause problem's down the road ...which in this

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Welcome totallynotabrony :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by Diezel Riggz deleted Jan 18th, 2017

Thank you for watching!

ur welcome Rated R-Superstar:twilightsmile:

Thanks for favoriting my story.

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