• Member Since 11th Nov, 2014
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


Just a guy who only recently got into MLP: FIM. Saw the first few episodes with my niece and nephew and wanted to see more.


The day had begun so great. As part of her training in the world of darkness, Sweetie Belle was going to spend a day at the menagerie with her friends. When she arrived at the home of her friend, she finds that the house has been taken over, and her work as a hunter of monsters begins before she ever has any real training.

Chapters (1)

Ever since she summoned the spirits of her departed parents on Nightmare Night, Scootaloo knew she wanted to become a spirit medium. Early on in her training, she decides to try and understand what it truly means to be a liaison between the dead and the living. With the help of a mysterious stranger who seems to know much about the ways of the spirits, she soon finds that being a medium may mean facing against the evil that the dead have done, and how readily it can consume her.

Chapters (1)

It has been a week since Apple Bloom and her friends have gone to live in the world of darkness, and Apple Bloom has already come to a block in her education as a witch's apprentice. Frustrated, she invokes dark forces to help her. But she finds that the price for meddling in such things may be more than she is willing to pay.

Chapters (1)

Night has fallen. The train ride home to Trottingham is a long and lonely one. But on her way home, Quick Quill is visited by unnatural and otherworldly creatures. Strange beasts that are not known to her, or anypony else. But, the mysterious stranger who has become her companion seems to know more about them than she is letting on.
Will Quill survive to see her home again? Or will the beasts from another world end her there?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Quick Quill's Awful Editing Experience

Quick Quill's life has certainly picked up. After so much time spent working, she decides to take a vacation to her hometown.
At first, things seem to be on the up and up, and she feels ready to rekindle the life that she had left behind so long ago. But, all is not well in the big city.
All that time spent working has taken her to the new territory of reviewing stories. And in reviewing, indignant authors could be anywhere...

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse: The Equestrian Adventure

The world of a certain nopony has shattered. After ending the beautiful dream that was once his life, he found himself in a dark and unusual place. But, the longer he stays in that place, the more it becomes the dream he always wanted for himself. But, what happens when he discovers a new dream? One that has barely any hope of coming true?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse: The Equestrian Adventure

Grow dragon fruit. Harvest dragon fruit. Sell dragon fruit. Between all of that, and raising her infant son, Hitapaya feels her life has become rather monotonous. Deep in her heart, Paya knows that it is time for a change.
When her mother was a young llama, she had seen much of the world beyond their mountain home by trading her fruits with ponies from other lands. Now, Paya feels that it is time for her to do the same.
After packing up as much inventory as she could carry, the young llama will now brave the unknown country that lies beyond her home, to establish a new trading route to expand the sale of her produce.
Not necessarily a sequel to Paya's adventure with Fluttershy, Applejack and Donald Duck. More of a spin-off featuring Paya as the main character.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse: The Equestrian Adventure

It was a fine day in Canterburgh for Quick Quill. After the incident with Theronicus Rex, she believes her life has finally returned to normal. Unfortunately for herself, she has ended up in a rather unusual predicament. Somehow, someway, she has become a character in a very poorly written story.
Whatever magic has led to her life becoming a mess of plotless nonsense, she will have to use her skills as a novelist to set things right.
Not necessarily a sequel to Quick Quill's adventure with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash and Goofy. More of a spin-off featuring Quill as a character.

Chapters (1)

It all began innocently enough. Mickey asked Donald and Goofy to help him find an anniversary gift for Minnie, and settled upon a gorgeous antique mirror.
Unknown to the unwitting buyers, there is another world just beyond the surface of the glass.
Through the magic mirror, all manner of villains, cutthroats and other evils have found their way in, and begun to wreak havoc to steal all the magic they can from the peaceful kingdom of Equestria.
In dire need of a hero, the source of Harmony in the kingdom sends for help, only for the saviors to be nothing more than a plucky little mouse, a hot-headed duck, and a dim-witted dog.
Will the three be able to save the kingdom of friendship? Only their adventure will tell as they journey through the magical kingdom, and uncover the mystery of the missing magic.

Chapters (69)

For once, everything is peaceful in the Mushroom Kingdom. And things only get better when Princess Peach's royal friends in Equestria invite her to attend the Grand Galloping Gala with the company of the famous Mario Bros.
While everyone and everypony is having a good time, a cataclysmic event is brought about by a draconian sorcerer...who isn't Bowser! (Dramatic Cello).
Using his awful powers, the villain does away with the Bearers of Harmony, and renders any magic of the Mushroom or Equestrian royalty inert.
Drained of all power, confined to their castle, and with their own heroines out of commission, the powerful royals must rely on the power of the heroes from another land, who may not bear the powers of harmony, but may have something just as powerful: brotherhood.

Chapters (6)