Dumb gay retired writer. Used to run Neighvada Nights and BronyCon panels or something.
Hey there, just your average pony fan and purveyor of pony pudginess from the UK here! I occasionally do small stories of pones getting rather large, so stick around and ya might see some haha!
Third-party archival project, do not contact Fimfiction staff for support.
ACAB | ♠️ | A teacher, student, writer, and opinionated reader. Responsible for cleverpun's Critique Corner. | Donate via Ko-fi
Hi, I write pony stuff as a hobby. As such, the amount of time I put into it varies. Feel free to ask me questions or send messages but I'm bad at responding in a timely manner.
I am a young artist that's found themselves to be quite a writer. I am not a frequent writer, but do try to excel when I do.
Ah, the mighty bio box. So we meet again. You will rue the day you dared show your blank canvas around these parts! I will--wait, what do you mean you're already exhausted? Don't you dare run out of--
Hi, I'm TAW. I write terrible erotic my little pony fan fiction about cartoon horses having sex with each other, or vaguely defined human audience-inserts, for fun. Because... uh. I have no shame?
Q.T. Marx commutes to Equestria from the furry fandom. He hasn't written anything yet, but he edits!