• Member Since 28th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen July 11th


Does drawings and stuff


"...I've brought us all together... but, what now!?"

After the events of Sunny's adventure, where will they go next?

Her village saw what Sunny and her new friends accomplished. But who leads them now? Who does she talk to? Where does she find....

"....Help. Is there anypony out there who can help us...?"

Art used: Sunny Day by Assasin Monkey

Chapters (1)

Experimental choose-the-adventure story, with pictures and gifs.

How this works: Read up to the current point in the story (or, skip the earlier bits). Think of something. Enter a comment.

Comments will become thoughts in the main character's mind. I shall write how she reacts to them.

Chapters (4)

There's something up in Ponyville, and it all revolves around our favourite yellow mare.

Pinkie wants to find out. Will she uncover the truth, or will she be silenced?

It's time to find out.

Chapters (7)

The world has changed. Cities line Equestria now, and technology has sped up faster than anyone could have thought.

Where does that leave Fluttershy?

Chapters (1)

Mountains are a terrifying obstacle for soldiers. Two weeks in, and the party is lost with far few supplies to keep them for much longer.

This is the point of view of Gyle, one of the less-experienced soldiers in the group, as a single evening explores the choices that have to be made to survive.

*Edited on 16/08/15 with the great help of Koekelbag, Quill Scratch, and DarkZonker

Chapters (1)

There's dragon trouble in the Unicorn Range. Thankfully, Crescent is here to sort it out.

Each chapter has a new drawing. There's a bit of variance in the art, as it was all done over a long span of time.


(#BreeziesAreAndDragonsAren't? #WhatIsThisWorld)

UPDATE: Added some more detail and description in some of the chapters.

Art done by me.

Chapters (17)

In a time forgotten, life was lived differently. Rules were made, both countries and conflict following. A defender of Pegasopolis was threatened with an unavoidable loss at home, and from it a choice that would shape his life thereafter.

Chapters (1)

Those with a bad past can make a better future.

Melonbuckle, a Unicorn in the small town of Yan Hoover, is a mailfilly. She delivers mail all around the town, returning home to the orphanage each day. She will not expect the coming days events, and neither will anypony else.

Originally came out on the 16th December 2013, was revoked (not sure why), and has been updated with some art + proofreading! Hope you enjoy.

Chapters (1)