While traveling through the magic mirror between worlds, Sunset Shimmer touched upon the realm of Chaos, her course diverted. Rescued by unknown forces, Sunset awoke on a world besieged by daemonic incursions. While running from a daemon, Sunset comes across a dying member of the Order of the Cerulean Chalice, an Ordo Minorus of the Adepta Sororitas. Entrusted with a holy relic, Sunset is given the choice of taking it to the other members of the order, or dying on the doomed planet.
Suspicions surround Sunset on reaching the order, many questioning her nature and whether or not she was sent by their God-Emperor. Some loath her, seeing her as a xenos at worst, or a tainted mutant experiment of the planet's deceased lord at best. Others believe her sent by a Saint, or claim she is merely some form of abhuman. But none of them fully trust Sunset.
To prove herself, Sunset is placed among the scholla within the convent, all while coping with the loss of her magic, and in a new body. There she'll make friends and rivals, and either prove her worth to the Emperor, or die.
Burn the Heretic. Kill the Mutant. Purge the Unclean.