• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum


Something something Update something... · 8:53pm June 30th

I'm putting the last touches on the next chapter of Sunset of Battle. It got delayed by a few factors; first is I'm just plain ol' lazy at times, Second was a desire to tweak and tune further (this paid dividends), and Thirdly, I lost my Tigger last Thursday. For the past couple years, since I rescued her from her previous owner, she's been my everything and rock, and I was hers. She'd been left to rot in a garage for several months before I got her. She would sit in her little stool my

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Winter Update for Sunset of Battle · 10:34pm February 28th

Going to be a short update.

Chapters 15 and 16 are in the final editing phases now. I'm waiting to publish anything however until after chapters 17 and 18 are done so I have the latitude to tweak 15 and 16 as needed. Once the current story arc is finished I'll start posting the chapters on a weekly basis.

That is all...

Like I said; short update.


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A minor alteration... · 3:19pm Oct 24th, 2023

I made a minor edit to the most recent chapter. There were two little words that had become a massive pain in my arse working on the next chapter. They were, 'to her'. :twilightangry2: It was leading to rabbit holes of character arguments that spiraled into hellish domains where finding a feasible 'out' for Sunset grew dire indeed. After several attempts I've decided to just rip out the root cause of the problem. Now, I could have just ignored it and carried on, but that felt more disengenous

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I Live! · 11:23pm Sep 9th, 2023


That is all.

I slink now back into my resumed writing.

May I post again in less than ten months time...

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New Cover Art? Discord? A blog of some random thoughts... · 11:49am Jan 28th, 2022

This blog will be a little more rambling than normal.

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Nearing the end of Schola Arc, and future planning. · 6:54pm Jan 14th, 2022

So, as I begin to near the final rise in action for the schola arc of Sunset of Battle I'm looking more and more ahead to what I want to do with the story and where to go next. My general plan is to do a time-skip to when they are novitiates and start the next arc in-media res. But what to do and who to have as the antagonists?

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Happy New Years! · 12:12pm Jan 1st, 2022

Welcome, 2022, may you be at least marginally better than the absolute dumpster fire that 2021 ended up being. I mean, expectations were low after 2020, and yet, by some stroke of ingenuity, '21 managed to top that year. Besides all the pants on head stuff happening in the greater world due to a virus that shall-not-be-named (Covid! There, I named it.) Things have just been all over the place at a personal level.

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Arcane · 6:20pm Nov 20th, 2021

Just finished watching this series. Me right now:

If you had told me a month ago that something from League of Legends would effect me this much I'd have laughed at you. This show is so good.

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The Longest Night: An MLP Reading. · 5:26pm Nov 2nd, 2021


A little while ago I was contacted by someone with a request to do an audio-book version of The Longest Night. I was rather reluctant as I didn't really think that anything I've written is good enough to have made into an audio book. But, who was I to tell someone what they could or could not do? So I said that it was alright by me, and to just give me the link so I could add my limited voice to provide what signal boost I could.

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Report Tundara · 383 views · #Audio Book

Apologies for being away · 1:57am Oct 24th, 2021

So, this is just me making a quick gasp of breath as I struggle to stay afloat in a sea of stress and anxiety. I've been unable to log into my various accounts this past month.

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