• Member Since 11th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Sea Otter, Tempest domain Cleric, Gamer, Writer. Currently nestled out on the east coast, watching icebergs float past. Discord: Tundara's Fanfiction Forum

More Blog Posts201

  • 2 weeks
    Happy New Year (2025 Edition)!

    As Title! Happy New Year everyone! May the next year be better and brighter, and may we all succeed in our resolutions! Mine is to finish this arc of Sunset of Battle, Get a good start on excising the copyrighted materials, and Lose the Holiday Weight gain. ^^d

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  • 6 weeks
    Calcific Tendonitis

    So, I've been having pains in my shoulder the past few months, and if you've read the title of this blog you may be figuring out where this will all be going.

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  • 24 weeks
    August Update Delayed

    The update for Sunset of battle is going to be delayed a little bit. The chapter 17 I had been writing just wont work and is getting totally removed. It's been bouncing around in position for the better part of a year now. At one point it was going to be Chapter 15 and was going to be the first perspective shift away from Sunset Shimmer. Applejack's chapter ended up taking that honour. It

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    2 comments · 114 views
  • 29 weeks
    Something something Update something...

    I'm putting the last touches on the next chapter of Sunset of Battle. It got delayed by a few factors; first is I'm just plain ol' lazy at times, Second was a desire to tweak and tune further (this paid dividends), and Thirdly, I lost my Tigger last Thursday. For the past couple years, since I rescued her from her previous owner, she's been my everything and rock, and I was hers. She'd been left

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  • 46 weeks
    Winter Update for Sunset of Battle

    Going to be a short update.

    Chapters 15 and 16 are in the final editing phases now. I'm waiting to publish anything however until after chapters 17 and 18 are done so I have the latitude to tweak 15 and 16 as needed. Once the current story arc is finished I'll start posting the chapters on a weekly basis.

    That is all...

    Like I said; short update.


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A minor alteration... · 3:19pm Oct 24th, 2023

I made a minor edit to the most recent chapter. There were two little words that had become a massive pain in my arse working on the next chapter. They were, 'to her'. :twilightangry2: It was leading to rabbit holes of character arguments that spiraled into hellish domains where finding a feasible 'out' for Sunset grew dire indeed. After several attempts I've decided to just rip out the root cause of the problem. Now, I could have just ignored it and carried on, but that felt more disengenous than just treating the previous chapter as a bit of a living document and making that itsy bitsy little teeny weeny tweaky weaky.

Another thing I will probably, within the 99%, be doing is after next chapter switching perspectives for a chapter to minor characters so we see the fecal matter hitting the rotary device from other angles that are a bit closer to specific pieces of the action. At present they'll be; a girl at the perimeter making the trenches, a boy who climbs up the cliffside near the resource silos and enters into a series of mine shafts, and the final perspective will be Flash Sentry as he goes in through the hole cut into the warehouse.

I've got ideas for all sorts of mechanical and gribbly monsters for our little children's army to face. :pinkiecrazy: Oh, the carnage to come... :pinkiecrazy:

Report Tundara · 267 views · Story: Sunset of Battle ·
Comments ( 4 )

Oh hey, I missed these blogs :rainbowlaugh: Rants about edits in published chapters, because you realised some mistake or belatedly became unhappy with a passage or two!

Maybe I should pick up Sunset of Battle, see if it piques my interest like Myths and Birthrights did in ages past.


Its a Warhammer 40k crossover (in theory?), so its a bit darker than Myths. I've been told it isn't very warhammer-ish though as the story progresses, so mileage may vary?

I'm somewhat familiar with Warhammer. I paint some of their models, and have absorbed a bit of the lore and such through osmosis as other people talk about it :derpytongue2:

Super interesting story. This and student 32 are my favorites at the moment. I'm glad your making progress with the story.

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