• Published 29th Dec 2012
  • 2,528 Views, 37 Comments

To Love an Apple - PhonyPony

Fluttershy goes to Rainbow Dash for advice when she falls in love with a certain Apple, but the unexpected happens.

  • ...

The Confession

“Um, are you sure about this Rainbow Dash?” Fluttershy’s crush on a certain Apple had been messing with her mind for too long now. It wouldn't escape her mind! The thought lingered on during animal care time, her spa days with Rarity, lunches at Sugar Cube Corner, her dreams about… that’s probably enough. She desperately needed advice.

“Definitely, don’t give it any doubt. My idea’s foalproof,” boasted a confident-as-always Rainbow Dash, “That’s why you came to me, for my awesome advice!”

“Yeah, um, of course.” In actuality, everypony else endured their own problems. Nopony had time to deal with Fluttershy at the moment. Rarity, once again, had to design a sparkly new outfit for Sapphire Shores, Twilight secluded herself in the library for studying, Sugar Cube Corner’s new cupcakes made them very busy, thus eliminating Pinkie Pie, and she obviously couldn’t converse with Applejack. “But what if something goes wrong while confessing to Big Macintosh? I couldn’t possibly stay calm if something awkward happens.” The pale yellow mare started tearing up, each tear representing a failed situation being conjured up in her brain.

“Stop with the waterworks. If you love this pony, then you need to act. Big Mac will understand; he’s a nice stallion,” comforted the rainbow-mane Pegasus, “…Very nice. Now just tell him and get it off your chest!”

Fluttershy ceased her crying, now brimming with newfound confidence. “You’re right! I will tell him! He is a nice stallion! Thanks, Rainbow.” At that moment, Fluttershy soared to the sky and headed to Sweet Apple Acres.

“You go, Flutters!” cheered Rainbow Dash. “I wonder how Big Mac will take it. He better make Fluttershy happy, or I’ll…”


While flying, Fluttershy analyzed her conversation with Rainbow Dash. Thinking back at it, their talk may have been rushed. Maybe she needed more time and advice. A thought suddenly hit Fluttershy. What would be Big Macintosh’s reaction?

What’s going to happen? What if he understands and gives me a happy ending? What if he rejects the thought of the two of us being together? What if a changeling invasion occurs and the Elements of Harmony have to face another conflict? What if he doesn’t like my mane?! Oh, I hope nothing bad happens.

A second Fluttershy started to emerge in her subconscious. Stop acting like such a foal! I know you can do it! You put fear in the eyes of a pansy dragon and a feeble cockatrice! If you can do that, then nothing could possibly stop you! Be assertive like Iron Will told you to be! When you have to confess, don’t ever second guess! Be Flutterbrave! As quickly as she appeared, New Fluttershy faded away.

You’re, um, I mean, I’m right! I am brave! I can do this! I…

Before she knew it, Sweet Apple Acres was already directly below her.


Finally arriving at the farm, Flutterbrave slowly descended and landed behind an apple tree. Five trees ahead, she witnessed the red stallion bucking apple trees. A blush couldn’t help but arise when his muscles started to bulge; sweat dropping from his glorious mane. “Don’t get distracted Flutterbrave, you’re here to confess your love.”

Big Macintosh had been bucking trees all day. Tree after tree after tree, one thump from the Big Red Stallion forced all the apples to plummet. An easy task, but it was a tedious one. After bucking the fourth tree, he noticed a yellow Pegasus with a flowing pink mane. That's Fluttershy, ain't it? Why was she here? Had she been watching me? With a small tap on her shoulder, Big Mac asked, “Miss Fluttershy, is that you?”

“EEEEK!” exclaimed a startled Fluttershy, reverting back to her original personality, unaware of his approach. “Um, hello Big Macintosh, I hope I didn’t, um, scare you.”

Big Mac chuckled at the thought of him being scared of the shyest pony in all of Equestria. “Nnope, why are ya here anyway?”

“Oh, no reason.” Oh feathers, don’t say that. You did have a reason to come here, one that could potentially change your entire life. An agonizingly awkward silence followed. Eep, the awkward silence, Situation 8 has come true! I need to break the ice fast! Say something, anything!

“So Big Macintosh, um, come here often?” Genius!


Now for the big reveal! “Sorry to waste your time, but, um, I actually came here to tell you something important, something more important than Princess Celestia raising the sun itself. It’s been eating my heart and clouding my thoughts for so long now, I can hardly focus, so I’ll just tell you right now, if you don’t mind.”

It was Big Macintosh’s turn to have thoughts consume his psyche. Whut would a kind Pegasus like Fluttershy want to tell to an earth pony like me? She’s a former supermodel, an Element of Harmony, and Ah’m just a lowly farmer. Ah mean look at her: beautiful mane, gorgeous eyes, delicate wings, kinda blushing, a well-toned... kinda blushing?

“Big Macintosh, I love…” She couldn’t say it.


Tensions rising, blood boiling, hearts beating rapidly from both ponies, the following event would change their lives forever.

“I love y…”


“I love yo…”

“Eeyup?! Spit it out!”

“I love your sister!” Finally, the moment of truth!

Reality hit Big Mac hard; his hopes rocketed straight to the moon. “Say whut now?”

“Oh, let me explain, it won’t take long, I promise.” Fluttershy had a joyous look while reminiscing that special moment in her life. “You see, I’ve been in love Applejack for a long time now, ever since we went to Appleloosa. When I saw Applejack taking care of Bloomberg so tenderly, it was the first time I saw her truly care for something. It made me wish that I was the tree, that I was the one being loved by Applejack. At that moment, I realized that I loved Applejack, and I would do anything to make her my special somepony. Unfortunately, my shyness prohibited me from actively pursuing my goal.”

Big Macintosh stood there, simply stunned. “Okay, then, uh, why are ya tellin’ me this? Shouldn’t ya be tellin’ mah sister?”

“Oh, um, I will eventually, but Rainbow Dash convinced me to tell you first so that you could give me your blessing.”

Big Mac, still silent, couldn’t help but feel like Rainbow Dash screwed him over.

“So, um, do you accept?"

“Accept whut?”

Fluttershy whimpered, “Do you accept me being in a relationship with Applejack?”

Dejectedly, Big Macintosh simply stated, “Eeyup…”

“You don’t reject the thought of the two of us being together?”


“And you, um, like my mane?”

The quiet stallion perked up. “Eeyup!” His coat turned a darker shade of red, hoping she hadn’t noticed his sudden enthusiasm.

Fluttershy tackled Big Mac, knocking him to the ground, and gave a meaningful hug. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, so much, Big Macintosh!”

Big Macintosh kept his mouth shut. He hugged her back, feeling just fine knowing that Fluttershy was at her happiest, despite never being able to have her for himself.

The duo got up from the ground, dusted off their coats, and went their separate ways. Now that I’ve told Big Macintosh and received his blessing, the logical thing to do next would be…


“So Granny Smith, um, come here often?”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading to the end! Honestly, Fluttermac is my favorite ship, but it's nice to poke fun at your favorite things sometimes. Also, this is my first fanfic, so some advice on what I need to improve on would be great.

Comments ( 37 )

You completely blindsided me with this. Great Ending line with Granny Smith.

You get a hug :twilightsmile:

This is actually really cute! And though it could be longer, I think it's great for a first attempt :twilightsmile:

Tricked me.....-.-" Very nice. I don't normally like same-gender shipping, but just the way you wrote this.....genius. I don't normally say that to shippers, but I take my hat off to you....if I was wearing one. :moustache:

Coulda been longer, other then that not bad :twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh: I really liked this. Therefore I like this with the like button.

The biggest problem is tense trouble: the story keeps switching between present and past tense, and it's irritating. The writing isn't all that great, though it shows promise, and some of the descriptions are quite good. The twist was nice, but I must be getting used to these because I saw it coming. Pretty good depiction of Fluttershy's thoughts.

Overall: Good effort, but you can do better. :eeyup:

My review of it.

In all seriousness though, really nice work. Paragraphs should be double spaced, names, etcetera, but really, those are beginner issues. With experience (and a bit of effort), those'll resolve themselves.

Is it strange that that's exactly the plot twist I was expecting?
Alrighty then. I hope there's gonna be more.

1871610 My first commenter! Actually, Fluttershy was originally talking to Applebloom at the end, but that would've been weird. :applecry:
1871631 1871798 Thanks! I would have made it longer, but I wanted to take it easy on my first try. :twilightsheepish:
1871700 I'm glad I tricked you. :ajsmug: Thanks for the mustache!
1871856 I too like the like button. Happy you enjoyed it! :yay:
1871982 I agree. I've always had trouble with tenses, but thanks for the criticism. :eeyup:
1872439 I read your review. :rainbowlaugh: It was a huge compliment to me.
1872546 You solved the :twistnerd:. Sorry, but this is just a one-shot.

1872627 well, when you look at it a certain way, it's obvious.
I mean, Rainbow Dash probably wouldn't say that kind of thing about the pony her best(?) and oldest friend had a crush on now, would she?

1872638 Maybe, maybe not. She might be too loyal too say anything like that. I'm just glad my first fanfic is a success.:twilightsmile:

1872664 Wait, your first?
Now I feel terrible.

1872683 Don't sweat it. I said I needed criticism.

1872627 Just keep going, there's no need to outright write a novel. While it's certainly fulfilling, you can believe me that that takes some f'in time.

There's just only so much you can do in so few words. I personally find myself unable to tell any kind of story, even a single chapter, in less than 2000 words. My technique is to think of an ending that I want to do, then brainstorm until I find a nice starting scene, then start the project and somehow fill the holes inbetween.

Okay, maybe that's not the perfect technique for a newun. Basically what I'm saying is know what you're doing, but keep your freedom in that. Once you know how you want to end it, which often means that you'll portray a very specific time of the day (trust me on this one), briefly project to yourself what plot elements there will be and how much story time they'll take, then move the beginning that amount of time backwards from the end. That way, your plot will feel neat and tight and no I definitely did not mean for this to sound sexual. When in doubt, you can always work in fragments that indicate some time has passed, I guess.

1872701 Thanks for the advice! You got the right idea; I already knew how my fic was going to end. I just wanted to get my point out in 1000 words, but I do want to write more sometime. Not now.

That was the best kind of stupid plot twist.

1873150 1873175 Thanks to the both of you!

I'll admit, AppleShy is one of my least favorite shippings. However, I found this quite amusing. Especially that last line. I lol'd so hard.
Anyway, in terms of critique, not bad. I'm usually hesitant to read one shots that have only a thousand words because they seem to have something lacking. I thought this was better. There's not a lot of detail, but you included enough that there didn't need to be. Some parts could be cleaned up or fleshed out a little, but it's still good.
You started out using present tense in the beginning there, but switched over to past tense after a few verbs. Just take this:

Fluttershy’s crush on a certain Apple has messed with her mind for too long now. It won’t escape her mind! The thought lingers on during animal care time, her spa days with Rarity, lunches at Sugar Cube Corner, her dreams about…

and make it this

Fluttershy’s crush on a certain Apple had been messing with her mind for too long now. It wouldn’t escape her mind! The thought lingered on during animal care time, her spa days with Rarity, lunches at Sugar Cube Corner, her dreams about…

and you're good. No other errors really stick out for me.
All in all, a nice, funny little one shot. Have a thumbs up.

Addendum: Just noticed that the ink is still drying on your membership form. Welcome to Fimfiction.

OMG THAT WAS A TWIST!!!!:twistnerd:

1874056 Who doesn't love twists?!
1874033 I'm not really a fan of Appleshy either, but I wanted to write a Fluttermac fic with a twist, if this fic could still be considered Fluttermac. Now that I think about it, I could've used Braeburn instead of AJ. I appreciate the criticism and changed the beginning to what you advised. Also, thanks for the welcome! :yay:

Yay, ship fics with Big Macintosh and a pegasus are so rare.
As in we have only ever read one other one?
Tia, mother was just expressing her joy at a ship with Big Mac, There is no need to be rude. After all that is what.. uh... the purple one... is here for.
I have a name...
O really? Then what is it?
I don't know, YOUR subconcious made me, and as the only one of us that isn't real I ad perspective to your pointless arguements.
You know what, You will just be purple. I can't wait to introduce you to Green Red and Blue, they will chew you up and spit you out.
Can we get back on topic? The readers are getting antsy.
Luna dear, We are not actually reading this now, just adding it to the read later list...

Ok,I liked tha way Fluttershy expressed herself...:ajsmug:...But Applejack? What is wrong with you?:twilightangry2: Just Kidding! :rainbowlaugh: But seriously I don't like lesbian ponies,it's not sanitary and it makes me wonder why I even liked this cartoon...:applejackunsure:

1878828 I'm okay with same gender ships, both of them. I like straight ships better, but there aren't enough in this fandom. I wanted a twist, and I forgot about Braeburn while writing this fic. :duck: Thanks for the Fluttershy compliment! Sorry if I offended you.

Eh,It's Ok.:pinkiehappy:

........ HAHAHAAHHAHHAHAHHAHHHAHAAAHHAHHAAHHHAHHAAAhaaahhhhhahahhha....ha..........ha

AHEM. sorry about that. Extremely tired and the simplest thing crack me up when i get like this. loved the twist:eeyup: and the ending...:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: there I go again.

I am disappointed...
Write more. Please. :fluttercry:

1922857 I'm so sorry, but this fic was only written to get that twist out of my head and to test my writing ability. :fluttercry:
I'm really proud of it though, and I'm happy that you like it! :twilightsmile:

1922913 No more?

You got to be kidding me....

But anyways, a short to read in the morning before you go somewhere, this is actually pretty good. Basic errors, some with the transitions, might want to extend it from just - to stuff like
I know it may take a while, but those small negative signs are so small, I almost missed one. That's your "Mane" problem. Bye now.
“So Granny Smith, um, come here often?”

Here really isn't enough Appleshy.

Well... Uh... Okay...
Did Discord have anything to do with this?

Really loved it, I needed a :twistnerd:!

XD jajajajaja good one oh god :rainbowlaugh: nice one seriously but poor Mac XD

it's nice to poke fun at your favorite things sometimes.

Clearly we differ in that regard. :ajbemused::derpyderp1::fluttershbad::pinkiesad2::rainbowhuh::raritydespair::trixieshiftleft::facehoof::derpyderp2::trixieshiftright::applecry::unsuresweetie:

Don't get me wrong though, it's not a bad story, I just like my favourite things to not be toyed with.

Lol wasn't expecting her to do that and even when she did I thought she would've tried to clear it up. And when Rainbow hears about this: :rainbowhuh: "Flutters what the hay is wrong with you?" :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Then Applejack: :applejackconfused: "The buck..?!" Then Big Mac: :rainbowderp: After a few minutes :eeyup:

Okay the moment has ceased, now I must try to find another Fluttermac Even though I've already read almost all of them, What?

i’m literally dead right now, at first i was like :pinkiehappy: :rainbowkiss: :raritystarry: but then i was like :rainbowhuh: :twilightoops: :pinkiegasp: :rainbowderp: :fluttershbad: :flutterrage:

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