• Published 27th Nov 2012
  • 2,150 Views, 48 Comments

Things Birth Denies - Cheer

Big McIntosh has always been known as a stallions, stallion. Does he feel th

  • ...

Things Birth Denies (ver. 2)

Big Mac sighed in contentment as he looked over their fields. Finally clean and clear of snow after winter. It had been a little harsh at times but once again the apple family perservered. Now all that was left was to relax for the rest of the night and-

"Mac!" He heard apple bloom yell as she rounded the corner. "There you are Mac!" She continued yelling despite having found him. A pointed look from him caused her to blush in embarrassment.

"Sorry Mac." She apologized, causing him to nod in acceptance as he waited for her to explain why she came yelling for him. "I don't have any dresses that fit!" She exclaimed. Now that was odd. Why would Apple Bloom of all ponies want a dress? "Cause there's the winter wrap up after party thing and Sweetie said that it's more like a dance so I should dress up. I said no but then she said if I did she'd give me part of her birthday candy. But my only one doesn't fit anymore!"

Ah. Now her explanation made sense. He had forgotten about the dance.It was being held in celebration of the third successful Winter Wrap Up in a row.

“Please Mac! I need somethin’ to wear!”

He chuckled once at her words. Saying she needed it. Just like her to say it that way. With a silent nod he got off his seat and headed to the attic, chuckling once more at Apple Bloom’s shout of thanks.

Inside the attic was just as dusty as one would expect so he went over and inched open the window. He sighed in contentment as the still chilly air brushed over his coat.

Big McIntosh held his mother’s favorite dress in his hooves before him. He had lifted it out of an old trunk that had been sitting down in the corner of the attic. It was beautiful. But… as beautiful as it was, simply looking at it, holding it, hurt. It reminded him of far too many things. Memories of his mother, his innocent childhood and thoughts he had for so long been keeping hidden from all who knew him.

Big Mac, to all who knew him was the quintessential strong silent stallion. He was big, strong and not an avid talker. Some of these however he wished he didn't have.

‘If I wasn't so big then maybe… No. It still wouldn't work. Doesn't matter. I’ll always be Big Mac.’ He thought with a sigh before he began to put the dress back when something made him stop for a moment. It was a memory of how beautiful his mother looked in the dress. The feeling of losing his mother hit him with such strength that it caused him to sniffle a little before he caught himself.

With a shake of his head he kept the tears at bay and remembered a time from foalhood when he and a younger Applejack went into their mothers’ room and tried on her dresses. A small already forgotten statement said by his younger sister playing through his head.

’Ya look so pretty Mac!’A small smile formed on his lips remembering the words before it was quickly replaced by a frown due to the fact he felt he would never hear those words said to him again. At least that’s how he felt. That was the fact of the matter. He liked being called pretty. Not handsome. He never felt right in his own body. A small part of him had always been jealous of his sisters for being born the way they were supposed to. The way he was supposed to. These lines of thought began to bring him down emotionally before he tried to call a stop to it himself.

‘No. Gotta keep control of myself. It doesn't matter how much I hope or how wrong this body feels. I am the stallion of the house. I gotta watch over the girls. I gotta be their big brother. That’s what I’ve always been. They’ll never want a big sister. They like having Big McIntosh. I would never wanna do anything to upset them... Besides even if I did one day do something about it they wouldn't understand. Heck I dun even understand it well myself.’

‘I gotta be Big Mac. The rock of this family, and just like a rock no matter how much I want to, no matter how I try, I’ll never change. For the sake of this family I can’t change.’ It was an argument he had with himself more often than he would ever admit. The argument over how his family would think of him, if they would disown him and how his sisters would react. The argument rarely ended on a good thought. It usually ended with him breaking down after imagining his sisters’ disappointed, repulsed or disgusted faces. No matter how well he knew how kind and loving they were, he just couldn’t imagine them being happy with it. No matter how many times he thought it over.

Why? Why couldn't he be what he wanted? Why had he been born so wrong? He never wanted to be big and brawny. He wanted to be small and petite. With his size he couldn't even try to trick himself for a day. Go out to a different town in a dress and hide his face. No. He was far too large for such an idea. He would be figured out far too fast. Nothing about it seemed fair. He was perfect for the farm sure. But it all felt wrong. It was as if fate had decided that the farm was more important than his own happiness.

‘But that’s how it is, isn't it? The farm is more important than me. Been in the family for generations. I gotta keep it going just like before AJ was big enough to work it. When I’m dead and long gone the decision to put me in this body will have helped keep it all going. Just a cog in the machine.’

This was not to say he by any stretch disliked the farm. No it was his home and his life. It had been around him all his days and was more important to him than even his deepest desires. His desires to be a what he wanted. What felt right. His desires to be accepted for even thinking about his want. He left them all behind for the sake of the farm. Maybe one day he’d find a mare he got along well enough and have foals. Celestia knows Granny wants some.

There had been a time, it lasted an hour at most, that he had seriously thought about going to ask Twilight Sparkle at the library if there was a spell to put him into the right body. He even had started to walk towards where he thought to find her before he ran across Applebloom and her friends.

“Mac, can ya help us out for a sec?” He turned his head towards his little sister waiting for clarification on what they needed help with. “Well ya see, we were ridin’ in the wagon. Ya know the one that is pulled by Scoots scooter?” He nodded towards his sister in understanding. “Well earlier we were ridin’ around in the Whitetail Woods an’ we hit a big root and now it’s stuck up in a tree and we can’t get it out. So then I saw you walkin’ ta town and I thought that maybe you could get it out for us. So, could ya help?” She finished it up with the puppy dog eyes that he couldn't say no to, not that he would however.

“Eeyup.” He stated and then motioned for them to lead the way. They quickly came across the tree that held their transportation within its branches. With one mighty yank from his teeth he quickly pulled it out and put it down near its owners.

The girls’ faces lit up quickly after being reunited with the scooter and wagon combination. They all went up and hugged Big Mac offering their thanks.

“You’re a life saver!” Scootaloo all but yelled at the return of her scooter.

“You’re amazing, and so strong. You’re like Rarity when her sewing machine decides to break while she has a big order and she throws it.” Sweetie Belle said after seeing the feat of strength. She got a couple odd looks as she said it but it was soon shrugged off.

“You’re the best big brother ever.” Apple Bloom said as she hugged Mac’s leg happily and tightly. The mixture of these comments made him rethink his earlier plan.

‘That’s right. I’m her big strong brother. That’s what I am and that’s what I should stay. For her sake.’ He gave a slightly sad smile at his little sister and her friends that they thankfully didn't notice.

“So what were ya headin' ta town fer anyway? I thought it was Applejacks’ day to watch the cart.” Applebloom asked as her curiosity began to hit. Big Mac took a moment to think about how to answer her before simply responding-

“Nothin’ important.”

He was dragged out of his thoughts as Apple Bloom’s voice came from downstairs. “Mac? What’s takin’ so long?” She shouted with some irritation.

He shook his head and smiled at the dress. ’Ma was a smaller mare after all and Bloom has started growing recently.’ He thought before putting the dress on his back and walking down. She’d look mighty pretty in it.

Author's Note:

Just a different version I wanted to write. Just gives a little more reason to why he was up there. Kinda rough still but meh. Here ya go.

Comments ( 13 )

so sweet. i wish he can have his wish.:fluttercry:


Yeah. Same here.

Ummm, yeah...I can't really come up with a dignified comment here. I'll just throw a couple emotes up that capture my feelings right now.:fluttercry::raritycry::heart:



Thank ya much. This was actually my first finished story on the site so I always like when people like it X3 thank you much again.


Okay. Now that I've had time to compose myself...

This story was deeply touching on a very personal level. It was also just a little depressing.

That said, my mental image of Big Mac runs in the opposite direction. FtM.


I think MtF for Caramel personally. But that's because he shows up looking like Mac first. Then looks more like a normal pony. (Smaller) And then later he was a she.



You have your acronym letters reversed there, as that's clearly a male turning female rather than a female turning male.


Ah. Thanks. My bad. Tired


5498597 OOOOO I just got why the jobs and not... XD

6563329 I have no clue what you just said.

6563525 THATS GOOD O3O YOU SAW NOTHING! *wacks you with a foam noodlez and runz*

this strikes home more than I thought it would... being the eldest child, the one depended on, the strong one, the responsible one, etc... and even with my parents still being in the picture, I was the rock of my family for years... it just hurts seeing my fav character going through what I have...

I have a negative emotional response to this. Good writing.

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