• Published 16th Nov 2012
  • 521 Views, 0 Comments

Asio and Thunder Flare visit equestria - Thunder Flare

well its my first piece of writing and unfinished

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Love, flight, and writing

The next morning we awoke.

“Thunder!” Night Writer whined

“What?” I groaned

“Make some breakfast!” Night Writer yelled

“Ugh, fine.” I rolled my eyes he coulda made it himself, and proceeded to get off the bed and walk downstairs.

“Just messing with ya, I just wanted you to get out of bed.” Night Writer had said jumping off his bed and walking downstairs.
When I finally got downstairs he had already made a breakfast it was a really simple breakfast, eggs boiled and sunny side up, some toast slightly burnt, of course we are still adjusting to our new bodies, and I glanced downwards at the plate.

“So I figured instead of me working at the farm today I would go to the school and see if there was anything I could help out with down there.”

Night Writer had told me this as he finished his food and placed his dishes in the sink. With that he left and headed down to the school house, I sighed and didn’t feel like walking down to Sweet Apple Acres, I wolfed down the food and mulled over the thought of working, and it didn’t seem like much fun but, then I remembered that Rainbow Dash was home today so I dashed out of the house in an instant and headed down to Rainbow’s house.

I was in a hurry and as I zoomed down the street in a hurry to get to Dash’s house I didn’t see that a small stage was coming up in front of me and before I realized I it , it was too late, and I had slammed into another pony. I looked up dazed and rubbed my throbbing head, and saw a blue unicorn dressed in a wizards hat, and starry cloak. At that moment I knew, I had run into Trixie, the first words I uttered were

“Oh dear god no.” I had a look of terror in my eyes

“How dare you crash into the great and powerful TRIXIE!” was all i heard her say in response.

She had the biggest scowl I had ever seen on her face, it looked like I had interrupted one of her shows.

I was greeted with "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"

she huffed and lifter her light blue hoof off the ground slightly "I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!"

She looked back down at me, it looked like she expected an apology. Normally I would have offered an apology but she was stuck up, self-centered, ignorant and the list goes on and on.

"I know who you are," I stood up and dusted my coat off "And I don't care much for you either."

“And in all honesty, for all I care, you can go die in a hole.”

I walked off, and Trixies mouth was wide open. I was trying to hold back the laugh attack. I continued on to Rainbow Dash's house, but not too long after a unicorn came running through with some fabric and nearly crashed into me, I immediately realized that was Rarity, she looked frantic, I decided to go see what was going on. When i reached Rarity's boutique I knocked, at first there was no answer then, Rarity opened the door and was a mess.

"What do you want! I'm a very busy pony!"

"Um, I was just wondering if you could use some help?" I was afraid she would just get madder.

"Why yes, I suppose I could use a lackey," she walked away, and brought me a long scroll, "This is my shopping list, I have to make these dresses for a ball, and I need a few things." My jaw dropped, and my heart sunk. Walking away I unfurled the scroll and looked at the first item on list, pick up some fabric Rarity had waiting at a store. When I got there there was a lot more fabric than I thought. I was walking back to Rarity's boutique when I spotted Rainbow Dash flying overhead moving clouds around the sky. I was in a trance watching her fly around. I dropped all of Rarity's things and flew up into the sky to meet Rainbow Dash.

"Hey Rainbow!"

"Hey, you're the one I raced last night right? Thunder Flare one of the new stallions in town." I smiled at the fact that she remembered my name

Author's Note:

I'll the story back up I have had A LOT to do recently..

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