• Published 16th Nov 2012
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Asio and Thunder Flare visit equestria - Thunder Flare

well its my first piece of writing and unfinished

  • ...

New beginnings

I awoke in a daze, my head is pounding I sit propped up on my hands. Something felt funny. I realized they aren't hands, but instead they were hooves. The first thought that runs through my head is what the heck am I gonna do? What happened to my hands and when? I attempted to calm my still racing mind and tried to stand up and get off the bed, but instead I fell flat on my face.

Feeling incompetent lying facedown on the floor,I scrambled to get up only moving my hands- I mean forehooves. I looked back and noticed that I had a back pair of hooves too. I slowly lifted myself off my face I focused on learning how to control all of my appendages, flicking my tail and shifting my hooves l, then I felt something heavy resting at my sides. I turn my head to see what it was, and I saw wings. I had wings! I observed the other minor things, my coat being a dark purple, and the like. I heard the sound of hooves coming up the stairs hurriedly, I looked over at the door to the room as it flew open, slamming into the wall with a resounding BANG. An earth pony runs into the room, who I immediately recognized as my friend Damien.

He’s going on about something, though I couldn’t really tell because his mouth is moving a mile a minute, looking just as confused as I was. I told him to calm down and breathe,then I tell him to repeat himself. He starts to explain what happened, describing how he was on Ponibooru at about midnight, and he randomly turned into a pony himself. His first response was to rush over here and tell me about it.

I spent my time observing him, extremely confused as to why we turned into ponies for no apparent reason. I wondered to myself if anybody else had transformed into ponies like us. Suddenly, with a bright white flash from the center of the room, Celestia appeared in front of us. We shielded our eyes from the intense light. After the light died down, we could finally look at Celestia. Her long flowing mane was even more extravagant in person, the flowing locks of green, and purple, and blue with pink, all waving as if carried on an invisible breeze. After a minute of standing in awe,

Celestia spoke to us. “I have come to take the two of you to Equestria with me.”

I didn’t know what to say, I was shocked and confused.We didn’t exactly know why we were chosen to be taken there, and standing there lost in thought, I toyed with the idea of saying no, but decided against it. I decided to break the awkward silence.

“Why were we chosen to go to Equestria,” I paused thinking of a reason that I might have missed “Are we special?”

Celestia looked at me sternly, and I was afraid I had ruined our chances of going to see our favorite ponies. After a moment, she responded.

“We have decided to see if ponies and humans can live alongside each other in harmony.”

I glanced at Damien and he was just smiling, probably lost in his own thoughts. thinking of meeting Pinkie Pie. I looked back at Celestia and responded

“Yes, we’ll go.”

She cast a spell and a bright flash of blue illuminated the room. When the light subsided, we were in the throne room of the Royal Castle in Canterlot.

Celestia looked at us with purpose. “In order for the two of you to better fit in, I shall give you both new names. I will grant you” she started, looking over at Damien, “the name Night Writer,”

she paused for a moment before looking over at me. “And you will be called Thunder Flare.”

The two of us bowed in respect, and we were shown out of the room. we were escorted to the courtyard, where Celestia had an air balloon waiting for us. before we climbed into the balloon, one of the guards that had taken us here had given a letter to Damien- uh, Night Writer. We climbed into the dirigible and began floating above Equestria. Night Writer began reading the note aloud as we glided over Ponyville, but I stopped paying attention

. The only thing I could think of was the beautiful landscape below us: the rolling hillsides, the streams and rivers, I could even see the Everfree Forest off in the distance. The view gave me an idea. I looked back at Night Writer, who was still reading off what Celestia had wrote. I rolled my eyes as I turned back and put my hooves on the edge of the wicker basket we were in. I pushed off and lunged out of the basket.

Night Writer ran over to the other edge to see me falling. I tried to use my wings as I rocketed towards the ground, but they wouldn’t budge. I began panicking, the ground getting closer and closer with each second that passed. Struggling against the wind, something connected in my head, and I unfurled my wings. Just too late though as I started flapping against the pull of gravity, only to be slammed into the ground.

I could almost feel Night Writer facehoof as he lowered the balloon to the ground where I was lying. He stepped out of the balloon, trying to laugh and talk at the same time.

“You are such an idiot.”

I stared daggers up at him from the ground.“Just shut up already.”

I shook my head and staggered to my hooves. It was rather surprising that I didn’t break anything from the fall. After I checked to see if everything was still in the proper places, we climbed back into the balloon and started rising again.. I asked Night Writer if he knew where we were going. He looked over at me and said “Nope. but we have a map!”

After hours of traveling over rolling green hills and a few scattered forests we finally reached the outer parts of ponyville Night Writer lowered the balloon to the ground and we left the balloon and stepped onto the ground. We started walking around Ponyville asking if there was any vacancy; A mare said there were a couple vacant buildings, and the cheapest one for rent was 50 bits a month near Twilight Sparkle’s tree, we asked were we could earn some bits and she directed us towards Sweet Apple Acres where we could buck apple trees to earn bits. The mare guided us to Sweet Apple Acres when we got there we followed a dirt road through an apple orchard blooming with huge red apples. a little bit further ahead of us we saw a mare kicking an apple tree with her hind hoofs causing all the apples in the tree to fall perfectly into two separate wicker baskets. We walked for about five more minutes until we reached the barn and saw a large red stallion who was pulling a cart of apples into the barn I saw us and walked over to us and before he could say anything I spoke up and said

“A mare told us we could earn some bits here to pay for a place to stay by helping out with bucking apple trees, is this true?”

and he looked at us with a blank stare and replied


Night Writer says “Great!”

I look at him for out of the blue finally talking after being lost in thought for so long

“When can we start?” he asked,

the stallion pointed a hoof at the mare walking up that we saw earlier,

“Well if’n ain’t you two,”

I was startled by the sudden thick country accent

“What’re you two do’en here?”

she looked at us with a huge smile, and I replied

“Yeah we are looking for work and were told we could get some work here.”

I smiled back at her

“Yup I reckon that I can find you some work here.” she rubbed her head with her hoof

“I know! you can help me buck some trees! she said pointing at Night Writer

“And you can help move apples with Big Macintosh faster ‘en he can i reckon, since you can fly and all.”

I stammered “But I can’t really...”

Too late she was already off walking towards the orchard Night Writer tailing her.

“Well see you later Night Writer I guess...”

He turned around and waved “Have fun!”and he snickered as he walked away.

I was glaring, I guess and Big Mac said

“Lets get started.”

and i reluctantly said “I...I...guess.”

I followed him to the barn and she showed me a pile of apples, a HUGE pile of apples, my heart sank. This was going to be impossible if i couldn’t fly properly, I lowered my head and sighed. Better start working i said, I started working carrying the apples back and forth. After several hours of walking my legs were tired and i wasn’t even halfway done, I was determined to learn how to fly so i started trying to pinch the nerve in my brain that makes my wings flap and until finally i did and my wings started flapping in alternating patterns i tried to coordinate them and finally after minutes of trying i got them to flap in sync, now i worked on putting enough power into the wing flap to get myself off the ground i finally did it

I yelled “I DID IT YES!”

I felt a huge grin on my face and started getting higher of the ground and higher and higher and higher

“This is going great!”

I was feeling extremely happy. I started moving forward then lost control of my wings and started falling


and I crashed into the ground and I looked to the side and saw Big Mac standing over to the left

“Have you been.....?” i asked still dazed from my crash

his response was “Eeeyup.”

I was able to carry the apples back and forth much faster now that I finally learned how to fly. By the time we were finally done it was almost sundown now I was tired and I look back to the orchard and see Night Writer walking up, with the mare from earlier.

Night Writer fell to the ground from exhaustion.

“Apple bucking is a lot harder... than what I thought it would be.” He said with a very whiny voice.
He got up from his slumped partly dead stance.

“I don’t ever want to do that... AGAIN!! Anyway Apple Jack gave me only 25 bits.”

I then replied somberly “I only made 24 bits.”

Night Writer lowered his head he responded “What are we gonna do?!”

he looked at me with a stern look “How did you only make 24 bits?”

“I learned how to fly.” I responded

he rolled his eyes then Apple Jack walked up and

said “Here go ahead have this here one bit.”

she smiled and dropped the bit in my little pouch holding the bits that Big Mac gave me.


I smiled at Apple Jack and then Night Writer and myself walked away from the barn worn out and started back down the path through the orchard back to the cottage we’re going to rent out.