• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 17,432 Views, 715 Comments

The Nightmare Before Nightmare Night - Silent Bob

A slight parody of a Nightmare Before Christmas

  • ...

So Alive

As the crusaders made their mischief beyond her sight,
My student made way for the touch of life.
In one fell swoop the potion was gone,
And sleep took her in its somber song.

In a tidy guest quarters, Twilight Soulshard slumbered soundly upon a nicely made bed, Darksong watching over her worriedly from the door, pacing occasionally.

For nine hours she stayed far from wake,
Her dreams filled with that other place,
And as she slept something beautiful came way,
Life once again took her into its sway.

With a yawn, Twilight's eyes fluttered open, the cracked ceiling of her guest chambers within her sight. It didn’t hit her initially, her feeling somewhat groggy still. However, after a second, she felt something different... something had changed.

"I feel... so warm," she said breathily, smiling brightly as she began to wake, her fatigue gradually wearing off.

She then felt something in her chest, something she hadn't felt in an age: a thump of some kind that wouldn't cease beating.

"My heart... it's working again?"

At that, she couldn't contain herself any longer.

"YEEEEEEES!" she screamed in joy, leaping out of bed and dashing towards the door, her eyes widening when she realized something else had changed as well. "My voice... it's not all scratchy watchy, too! Oh holy night! I can sing even better now!”

She then giggled while dancing to:


Feelin' alive,

Feelin' alive!"

"Twilight, is everything well?" Darksong asked, walking towards her from down the hall.

"Better than well, Darksong!" she beamed, actually grasping him in a hug and pecking him on the cheek, his eyes immediately widening as he blushed redder than his mane. "I haven't felt this good since... oh my gosh I can't remember when! I'M NORMAL! I AM ALIVE!"

"W-Well uh," Darksong stuttered, still blushing. "Welcome back to the land of the living."

At that, Twilight gazed at something the alicorn was levitating, a small basket of rotting fruits. "Oooo, can I have one of those?" she beamed.

"W-Why yes," Darksong chuckled. "I actually brought them for you. I figured you'd be hungry."

"More than hungry," Twilight grinned, immediately levitating an apple out of the basket and bringing it to her waiting mouth. "I'M GOING TO EAT A WHOLE BUSHEL OF THE-" At that, her eyes widened in horror as the putrid taste of the fruit caught her taste buds. "By the night! It's so wretched!" she said, nearly puking as she spat the rancid thing out.

"Indeed, all the fruits here are like that," Darksong said.

"Yes, and this is wonderful!" Twilight beamed.


Twilight nodded frantically. "Don't you see, Darksong?! I'm not only alive in the sense that I'm a living ghoul, I'm alive in the sense that I'm a living pony. I'm a creature of the other side!"

With the jubilance of a small child having eaten a bag of sugar, she quickly rushed back into her bedroom, glancing about frantically for a mirror, finally finding one on the far wall. Her eyes widened in awe as she gazed at a fully living, non-decaying pony. "O-Oh my gosh! I look just like my counterpart!" she squealed. "Bythenightbythenightbythenight!" She then rushed to the center of the room, beginning to do her best attempt at a hand stand. "I must stand on my head! I must stand on my head!" she giggled.

"Uhhhhh.... Lich Queen," Darksong said. "Darksong would just like to say he's glad to see you so happy but... he would also like to say you're acting somewhat insane."

"And what's wrong with that?!" she said with a manic grin, taking him in her embrace. "Dance with me, Darky!"

His eyes widened at that. "U-Uh yes! Will do!"

Using magic, she levitated a record from a small holding case and put it on a player, starting it immediately.

"It's a beautiful day!

Sky falls, you feel like,

It's a beautiful day!

Don't let it get away!"

Squealing with delight, the former Lich Queen then led the alicorn in an awkward, quick-paced dance around the room.

"Bono is right!" Twilight grinned. "It is a beautiful day! Not horrid, not putrid, not ghastly, not sickening: BEAUTIFUL!"

"See the world in green and blue,

See Equestria right in front of you,

See the canyons broken by cloud,

See the pegasi clearing the storms out.

It's a beautiful day!

Sky falls, you feel like,

It's a beautiful day!

Don't let it get away!"

"I can't let it get away..." Twilight suddenly gasped, releasing a relieved Darksong from her grip and she bolted to the door. "I've got to get to the other side!"

"T-The other side?!" he gasped, his eyes widening in realization. "S-So... that was your plan all along..."

The former lich grinned in delight. "You got it! I'm going to experience two days I never thought I would! I'm going to have normal friends! We're going to love and dance and sing and play board games and... and... go on picnics!"

"W-What of the other Twilight?" Darksong said, utterly confounded. "Your little henchghouls came back a few hours ago - said they were bringing her to Necropolis for Nightmare Moon."

"That's perfect then!" the living mare smiled. "My master will surely treat her with hospitality!"

With that, she bolted passed Darksong, out of the quarters, and towards the door hall.

"T-Twilight, wait!" Darksong called desperately, chasing after her. He caught her just as she was about to step through the golden gateway, him panting for breath as he arrived. "Darksong may not be the smartest alicorn, or the the wisest, but he'd..." He winced slightly. "I'd like to think in my old age I've learned a thing or two." At that, he took a deep breath. "You can't go living life wishing for something you can't have."

"But I can have dreams," Twilight grinned, pausing at the gateway. "And for two days, THEY'RE GOING TO BE LUCID!"

With that, she giggled and leapt over to the alicorn's side, singing:

"Sit down at my table,

Put your mind at ease,

If you relax you'll learn real soon,

That you can do whatever you please!

I can see the future,

I can change it 'round some too!

Cus I now have a heart and soul,

And my wildest dreams can come true!

I got voodoo, I got hoodoo,

I got things I ain't even tried!"

At that, she used her magic to create a holographic image of five ponies from the real world: The Elements of Harmony. Twilight then gave a grin.

"And I've got friends on the other side!"

"Y-You've got friends on the other side?!"

"Heck yeah I do!

I've got friends on the other side!"

The alicorn raised an eyebrow, shaking his head.

"But are ya ready?!"

"You bet I am!"

"Are ya ready?!"

"Or you can call me Flim or Flam!"

"You're sure you're ready?!"

"Don't you act so sly!"

With a sigh, the red and black alicorn gave a smile.

"Then go meet your friends on the other side!"

At that, every single door in the hall swung open, revealing the Spring Bunny, Yultide the Gift Pony, the Griffin Slaughter Fest Butcher, and even Billy Hays, the Spring Cleaning pony holding a bucket of Oxyclean in his mouth. And together, they all sang:

"Go meet your friends on the other side!"

The doors then slammed, all except one.

"Thank you, Darksong," Twilight smiled. "I won't forget this..."

"And neither will you, I fear," he sighed. "But there's nothing I can say to stop you, it seems. Go on."

With that, Twilight gave him one last smile before stepping through the doorway to the world of light, Darksong shaking his head incredulously.

“Viva la Nightmare Night!” Twilight said as she walked out of sight into the Everfree Forest.

“Viva la Nightmare Night…” he sighed as he closed the door behind her.

The red and black alicorn shook his head again, making his way to the adjacent hallway. However, before he reached it he was interrupted by one last voice:

"Hey there, Darksong! Billy Hays here with Oxyclean! Man, this world is as dirty as hell! Can I interest you in a bucket?!"

Darksong simpered. "Er... no thanks Mr. Hays. This world likes being filthy."

At that, the sale's pony's eye twitched, his voice becoming a more menacing growl than any ghoul could muster: "Heresy!"

He then furiously slammed the door.

With another sigh, Darksong finally exited the room, pondering something as he did. "Hm, Darksong should probably contact Nightmare Moon and make sure she knows the 'real' Twilight is coming..." He then brought a worried hoof to his chin. "Darksong hopes that she's alright..."






The first thing Twilight Sparkle noticed when her eyes slowly fluttered open was that she couldn't move, and it was something that didn't take her long to figure out why: her whole lower body was encased in web. With a gasp, she then began to glance around, soon finding she was being dragged through some sort of forest, thick and foggy like Everfree, but completely dead.

"By Celestia... where am I?" she whispered.

She then glanced up. The sky was filled with fog as well, it pierced by the brightest moon she had ever seen and swimming in a sea of black and red. Before she could take in more, however, her view was completely blocked.

"Heeeeey!" Rotten-Belle smiled, hovering over her head as Scootaweb continued to drag her.

"Sweetie?!" Twilight gasped. "What's going on... why can I... see through you?"

"Ugh," she grunted. "You're the second person in a day to confuse me for my stupid counterpart."

"C-Counterpart?" the mortal mare said, squinting an eyebrow in confusion.

"That's right!" Apple Doom said, walking alongside her. "You've been given an all-expense paid vacation to the Nightmare Realm!"

Twilight's eyes then widened further. "The N-Nightmare Realm?!” she gasped. “Oh my gosh... either I'm dreaming or the stories were true..." She then shivered slightly. "No... it all makes sense! What Pinkie saw, what Spike did!" At that, she gave Rotten a worried glance. "Spike! Is he alright?! I swear if you hurt him-"

"Ugh, that's such a cliché," Scootaweb grunted. "The victim making threats when she's in no position to."

"Don't you worry your pretty mortal head, Twilight Sparkle," 'Sweetie' grinned. "We didn't touch a scale on his cute little body."

"I swear... if you say 'cute' one more time I'm going to gag," the spider-pony groaned.

"Sorry," Rotten simpered.

Twilight shook her head incredulously, glancing at the spider pony before her with both disgust and intrigue.

"S-So you're supposed to be Scootaloo?"

"You got it," Scootaweb grunted.

"And you're... Apple Bloom..."


At that, Twilight squinted in thought. "And if there's a counterpart for every one of us in my world...." Her eyes then widened in horror. "What Spike saw must have been the counterpart to me!"

Rotten gave a shrug. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, but she did say she paid the other side a visit."

"Heh, and you really are just like her," Apple Doom said, smiling. "Sharp as a scythe, she is."

"W-Why did you kidnap me though?" Twilight stuttered. "Where are you taking me and why can't I use my magic?!"

"Ohhhh, just cus of a little dampening potion," 'Sweetie' said, giggling. "No worries, it'll wear off in a few hours, though I'm afraid it won't be much use to you if the goddess finds you... distasteful."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "Celestia's counterpart, I assume?"

The three shook their heads, smirking. "Nope, she's called Trollestia, but she isn't in charge here. That falls to Nightmare Moon."

Twilight then sighed in relief. "Good... now I know this is a dream."

Apple Doom cocked an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?"

"Because my friends and I freed Princess Luna from her dark side two years ago," Twilight chuckled.

At that, the three crusaders looked at each other before giggling.

"What's so funny?" Twilight asked, squinting an eyebrow.

Scootaweb brought one of her legs to her mouth to contain her laughter. "Oh nothing..."

"It's just we think you got the wrong Nightmare Moon," Apple Doom said.

The mortal mare's eyes widened. "W-What? How can there be two Nightmare Moons!"

"Don't ask us how it all works," Rotten said, shrugging. "That's more of a thing for philosophical minds such as our Twilight’s..." She then cocked her head. "And yours..."

Apple Doom nodded in agreement. "Maybe if you please the goddess she'll answer a few of your questions.”

Twilight shook her head at that. "I doubt she's going to be too happy with me," she sighed, before squinting another eyebrow. "W-Why are you three doing this, though? If the stories are true, your world is supposed to be dedicated towards scaring... not evil." She then shot the trio a glare. "Sweetie, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom would never do anything like this!"

"We're just doing what we thought our Twilight would have wanted," Apple Doom shrugged.

Scootaweb nodded. "Yeah, don't shoot the middle-ghouls."

Rotten narrowed her eyes. "And either way: we're not them."

The lavender Element shook her head again, squinting in confusion. "W-Why did she want me ponynapped, though?" she said with a hint of a cry before her eyes widened in realization. "Wait... oh no..."


"Spikey, I'm hooooomeeee!" Twilight Soulshard cried in joy as she entered her counterpart's tree house. Immediately, she sniffed the air of it, basking in the fragrance of the living bark. "Oh my gosh... it smells so great!"

"Uggggh..." Spike groaned groggily, him lying on the floor in a puddle of his own drool. "What happened? I feel like I've been stabbed..."

Twilight's eyes widened at the sight. "Oh no," she whispered to herself. "I didn't want them to hurt anypony... they must have taken the other Twilight by force!"

Spike then took a deep breath, groggily rising to his feet, his eyes widening in horror as his memories returned to him. "Oh no! NO! Twilight-"

Quickly getting into an act, Twilight quirked an eyebrow, smiling brightly as she waved towards Spike.

The dragon did a double take. "B-But... y-you... h-how... they took you! I saw them do it!"

"Oh, Spikey," she grinned, chuckling. "I am the Element of Magic. You don't give me enough credit!"

With that, the dragon sighed in relief before cocking an eyebrow. "Spikey?" he said, before quickly shrugging it off. "Well, anyway, I'm glad to see you're alright." He then glanced at the cup of spilled holy water he had been sprinkling the house with. "Ugh... you were right, though, like usual... that religion is a scam. It didn't help at all!"

At that, the former lich smiled warmly before levitating the dragon into a tight hug. "Don't worry, Spike... I'm not going to let anyghoul hurt you from now on!"

Spike's eyes widened at the act, though a warm smile quickly followed. "Heh, well I'm glad to see you too!"

The hug continued.

"Uhhh, Twilight..."

And continued...

"You can let go of me now..." he coughed, sweat-dropping.

"Oh, sorry!" Soulshard simpered, releasing him. "I'm just..." She then gave a chuckle. "Ever have one of those days where you're just happy to be alive?"

"Depends on how many gems I've eaten," Spike said, shrugging. After that though, his tone grew serious. "We really need to write a letter to the princess though... Ponyville seems to be targeted by the supernatural for some reason."

"Princess... Celestia?" Twilight said.

Spike raised an eyebrow. "Who else? Princess Luna?"

"Oh, right! Yes! Princess Celestia!" Twilight said, shaking her head with a slight chuckle. "My memory must still be a little fuzzy... they knocked me out after all."

"Right..." Spike said, nodding slowly. "Anyway, I'll get out a scroll. And... would you mind writing it? I'm still feeling really stiff," he said, wincing as he held out a limp claw.

Twilight gave a quick laugh, smiling brightly before heading towards the door. "Oh, Spike! Why would I want to do that when it's such a beautiful day!?"

"B-But Twilight! This is important!" Spike cried, darting to her side as she stepped out into the fresh autumn air.

"Hahahaha!" Twilight giggled, gazing at all the sights around her: pegasi flying in the sky, ponies making their merry way through town, flights of birds heading south... and high above, a sun beating down and filling her with a warmth she never thought she'd experience. "It's all so GREAT!"

"T-Twilight," Spike gasped. "You're acting... slightly crazier than usual. That spider's venom must be screwing with your head..."

"Oh, come on Spike! I've never felt better," she grinned. "Like I said! It's just a great day to be alive!"

At that, she giggled merrily before starting to prance about town.

"This was a triumph.

I'm making a note here: huge success.

It's hard to overstate my satisfaction!"

She shivered in glee as a cool breeze then blew over her.

"The winds of the Nightmare,

A breeze that I've never felt before.

For the good of all of us,

Except the ones who are dead!"

At that, she twirled with a grin before pouncing towards a nearby park, the strange looks of the ponies around her bouncing off her manic-laced joy.

"And there's no use crying over every choice we make,

You've just got to keep on trying,

Til you fix your mistakes!

And the magic gets done,

And you make a neat pun,

For the ponies who are still alive!"

Gasping for breath, Spike quickly caught up to her.

"Twilight what's with you?

I'm being so sincere right now:

I think you've finally lost your mind for good..."

Twilight rolled her eyes at that, bouncing Pinkie Pie style towards Sugarcube Corner.

"Just go and leave me,

Though who's going to help me eat this pie?

Actually make it a chocolate cake,

Cus it's never too late!"

She then gave a giggle.

"Look at me still talking,

When there's so much to do,

When I look on back,

It makes me glad I'm with you!

I've got a new life to run,

One that's completely filled with fun,

With the ponies that are so alive!"

She gave a brief cackle.

And believe me I am so alive!

I'm making magic and I'm so alive!

This cake's FANTASTIC and I'm so alive!

So alive!

So alive!"

"You... are such... a bipolar... crazy!" Spike finally gasped, the song being over with.

Twilight gave a slight frown in return. "I am?"

"Yes!" Spike cried, before actually chuckling slightly and wrapping his arms around her in a warm hug. "But you're my bipolar crazy."

The smile was quickly returned.

"Thanks, Spike," Twilight said, her eyes moistening slightly. "I'm just... really glad to be here." She then put on a grin. "Come on, let's go find our friends and do something! I don't care what!"

The dragon gave another chuckle. "Man, it's really weird seeing you in high spirits... and there being no studying involved," he said. "But you know what? I think I like this new you! I think this is going to be the start of a new, awesome friendship!"

"Heck yeah it is!"

With that, the two quickly finished the chocolate cake before darting out of Sugarcube and into the light.