• Published 22nd Oct 2012
  • 17,429 Views, 715 Comments

The Nightmare Before Nightmare Night - Silent Bob

A slight parody of a Nightmare Before Christmas

  • ...

Feed Me

Across the map pieces moved into place,
As Nightmare Night approached, just one day away.
The bone dragon moved to the Temple of the Gates,
While the ghostly child moved towards my city to set me straight.

However, the key to all things was bound for arctic ice,
A forgotten realm by all those under my sight.
And upon his frozen throne the creature of null,
Readied himself to fulfill his goal.

Within a small, personal chamber Blackblood stood in front of a map of Edeathstria. Upon it were small pieces resembling Death, his apprentice, and other entities. As his mouths grinned, he pushed the blue pegareaper on it towards his base of operations.

“So close…” he whispered.

However, his wicked mood was cut short when he caught sight of the figure of Nightmare Moon, her sitting upon Necropolis. He then gave a silent, longing sigh.


With a tremendous CRASH, Rainbow Death landed upon a forever snow-grazed mountainside, a blizzard kicking around her with such ferocity that it completely blotted out all light, putting her in a comfortable darkness. Unfortunately, she couldn't stay within the shadows for long.

"Te tenebras non valebit, FLAMMA NOCTIS!" she cried into the heavens. "The darkness will not avail you, FLAME OF UDUN!"

Immediately, a bolt of lightning cascaded from the heavens, striking the tip of her scythe and giving it an eerie, blue glow. Now being able to see her general vicinity, she quickly spotted the mouth of the mines that held her target.

"Bingo," she said, narrowing her eyes.


Twilight Sparkle's eyes fluttered open as a groan escaped her mouth. She felt as if every part of her body had been pummeled, though the pain in her side was by far the most potent. Glancing about at her surroundings, she let loose a gasp when she finally took note of her current situation: she was strapped to the floor in the middle of a glowing, red pentagram.

"Scootaweb," she whispered, barely able to see into the dark environment she was in. "Apple Doom?"

She was met with only silence, save for the occasional ghostly sound of the wind that echoed into the room.

"Ugh... where am I..." she said, shivering slightly. "And who didn't pay the heating bill?"

At that, she narrowed her eyebrows, concentrating deeply. A small whirring sound was heard from her horn as wisps of light entered it, though it quickly fizzled out.

"Ack!" she growled, a fierce pain shooting through her head. "No magic for me it seems... must be another dampening potion."

Her ears then perked as the sound of a wicked cackle entered the room, her narrowing her eyes in spite at it.

"I'm afraid that was my doing, Twilight Sparkle," Trixie called, entering her vision with a smug smirk upon her face. "Though I have to say, you're as quick as a whip. It might make this almost as fun as if it were the real thing."

"My counterpart..." she sighed. "What do you have against her?"

Trixie's eyes narrowed at that. "Nothing that you should concern yourself with." She then lifted a hoof. "However, despite all this, I'd just like to point out that none of this is personal. You're not her, after all." She then gave a chuckle. "However, I still have a job to do."

"W-What exactly are you going to do?"

The Wicked Witch of the West gave a grin. "I'm going to do the best I can."

At that, she gave another cackle, beginning to circle her prey like a shark, and a second later, Twilight felt a sharp pain surge through her neck, Trixie quickly waving a hypodermic needle in front of her eyes afterward.

"W-What the heck did you just give me?!" Twilight gasped, now furiously kicking at her restraints.

"Ooooh just a little cheat to make this easier. You see, I really don't have much time to do this." Her smug smirk returned. "I've got a holiday to run, after all."

"Y-You... want to take Soulshard's place in Terrosville, don't you?"

Trixie merely chuckled. "Spoilers."

With that, she clapped her hoofs, and immediately a small ensemble of skeleton ponies entered the room, holding various instruments.

"Always nice to add a little art into interrogations," she grinned. "It makes them a little less... barbaric."

She then began to circle around Twilight again as the small band began to play a ghostly, wicked tune.

"Well, well, well!

What have I caught?

Element of Magic, huh?

Hah! I'd never thought!

Mortal champion of the light,

Hahaha! Yeah bucking right!

You're joking! You're joking!

I can't believe my eyes!

You're kidding me you have to be,

It's this little small fry?!

She's nerdy!

She's ugly!

She couldn't hurt a fly!

And I hate to tell you honey,

But your life's been just a lie!"

"W-What are you talking about?" Twilight groaned, a dizzy feeling beginning to overtake her. "What lie?"

"Oh you haven't figured it out for yourself, already? Maybe you're not as smart as I thought." At that, she leaned down towards Twilight, giving her a sympathetic glance. "Blackblood has eyes on the other side, you know. Let's just say not all the birds hanging out in your town are completely... alive. They've... seen things… such as your princess actually having to come and rescue your sorry flank because of your own spell! One caused by a complete mental breakdown!"

"I-I was under a lot of stress at the time!" Twilight gasped. "I had just gotten done dealing with Disc-"

"Blah blah blah, try to make up whatever excuses you want," Trixie grinned. "The real reason for it is because you're completely neurotic! You've got mental issues up the whazoo!"

"That's not true!" Twilight shouted, trying desperately to force her lax muscles against the restraints. "I don't have any mental issues... I'm just a hard worker, and stress comes with that!"

"Even so," Trixie chuckled. "That stress often leads to complete hilarity. Have you ever considered that your so-called 'friends' might only be hanging around you because they're just waiting for the next time you blow?"

"Shut up!" Twilight roared. "You're not getting into my head!" She then shook it as if trying to knock the serum out of her mind. "You're not getting into-"

"Oh I'm already in," Trixie grinned. "You're mine, child of the light."

"When the Wicked Witch says,

There's trouble close at hand,

You'd better pay attention now,

'Cause it ain't no flimsy sham!

So you'd better start prayin' now,

To your so called 'teacher' of the light,

Though I don't think she'd even care,

If her student dies tonight!"

"You're not... turning me... against... CELESTIA!" Twilight cried.

"Hahaha!" Trixie cackled. "Even your own teacher only hangs around you for amusement, you know! She even told you so after the Grand Galloping Gala!"

"S-She did?" Twilight said groggily. "I-I can't... remember."

"Oh yes," Trixie smirked. "Don't you remember? She only invited you to that stupid event because she thought you and your friends would make a mess! Face it, Twilight! Your teacher's nothing but a huge troll! She only has you write those letters to her so she can joke about how obvious the things you've found out are to her friends!"

"I've... been sheltered all my life," Twilight said, continuing to fight. "Those facts are not obvious... to anyone just discovering what friendship is!" She then gave her a glare. "Something you don't know anything about!"

"Oooooooooo," the band cried sarcastically. "She dun told you!"

"Friendship is for the weak," Trixie said smugly. "The only person I need in my life is Blackblood!"

"And that explains why you are... who you are," Twilight sighed.

At that, Trixie was upon Twilight like a tempest. "You're in MY WORLD now, not your world! There is no key to my head!"

"There wasn't even a lock," she grunted, barely grasping at consciousness at this point.

"You still can't deny the facts though!" the wicked witch said bluntly. "Your whole life is just a joke! The entire town of Ponyville is in on it, too!"

Twilight took a deep breath, shaking her head.

"Awww, don't worry Twilight," the Wicked Witch grinned. "Doctor Trixie is here to help!"

"Cus if I'm feelin' antsy,

And there's nothin' much to do,

I just go and cook a batch,

Of Snake and Spider stew.

And don't ya know the one thing

That would make it oh so nice?

If it meant the approval,

Of the student of the light!"

At that, one of her skeleton henchmen made her way to Twilight's side, force-feeding her a spoonfall of a soup that seemed to have been cooked in a sewer pipe, Twilight quickly gagging on it, spitting it out, and shouting:

"Release me now,

Or you must face the dire consequences!

My friends aren't against me,

So stop jumping over fences!"

"You're jokin', you're jokin'!

I can't believe my ears,

Would someone shut this harlot up,

I'm drownin' in my tears!

It's funny, I'm laughing,

You really are too much!

And now, with your permission,

It's time we finish this up!"

At the end of the song, Trixie moved in closer to Twilight, hovering in front of her.

"Help me Twilight... help me take revenge on those who wronged you, and she who wronged me. Tell me the location of Ponyville's armory."

Twilight winced again, breathing heavily, the last vestiges of her sanity becoming depleted.


"Fifth Street... basement... Sugarcube Corner..." Twilight said quietly.

"What was that?" Trixie smirked.

"Fifth Street... basement... Sugarcube Corner..." she repeated, a little louder this time.

"Hehehehe.... hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Trixie cackled, dancing about the room. "YEEEEEES!" Smiling, she finally stopped in front of Twilight, leaning towards her . "I want to know more, though... so much more. I want you to tell me your friends greatest fears. I know you know what they are. Will you help me, Twilight?"

"Yes," she whispered softly.

The wicked witch's smirk returned. "Excellent."


As Death trudged through the winter storm, approaching the entrance to the mines, a brilliant cackle emanated from them.

"Hehehehe.... hahahahaha... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

"A female voice?" Death said to herself. "Who in the world..."

"Oooooh, just a loving student of mine," a very familiar, very smug hiss crept out of the caves, the origin of it soon making itself known.

"So, it looks like you've converted others to the douchey side of the force," Death said, narrowing her eyes.

"Douchey?" Blackblood said, cocking a head. "You know, people keep calling me that, but I don't know why. What's wrong with seeking power? A few thrills out of life?"

The reaper gave a sarcastic laugh. "You don't get it, do you? Great leaders don't seek power, they have it forced upon them. And as for thrills, hedonism is fine and dandy... as long as you don't have to cut down anypony to receive it." Her eyes narrowed once again. "How many souls of the innocent have you shot up you friggin' junkie?"

Blackblood's many mouths merely gave a smirk. "Enough." With that, he began to circle Death, his stuck-up voice making her wish for it. "You know, we're not that different you and I. You eat souls too, don't you? To seethe that hunger you were born with?"

Rainbow narrowed her eyes. "The big difference is that I deserve it, and so do they.”

The gooey abomination chuckled once again, his mass wiggling as he did so. "Keep telling yourself that, Deathy."

Rainbow Death gave another sigh. "Oh, just quit trying this whole Hannibal crap on me, please. It isn't going to work. 'Blah blah blah, we're not so different, blah blah blah, I got kicked out of friggin' Null Space for being such a tool.'"

"And as a creature of Null Space... I am beyond anything you've ever known," he snapped, his many eyes giving glares. "Your reach is far, but not that far." He then raised an eyebrow before giving a sarcastic laugh. "Do you even have any idea what my kind are? The very look of some of us can drive most insane!"

"Yeah, well the only thing you're doing right now is driving me to drink," Death grunted, before taking a step towards him, her sharpened scythe still glowing a menacing blue. Her voice then grew deadly serious as she said: "I don't know what you are, exactly, Blackblood, or how many times you've cheated me, but not anymore." She took another step forward, taking a deep breath. "It's the end of the line."

"Then make it so, moi loving reaper," he grinned. "Let justice be justice, and reward be reward for all those within me!"

"I'm glad we're in agreement," she whispered, raising her scythe. "Because justice... will always be justice! RAAAAAAAAAUGHHHHHH!.!.!.!"

Like a force of nature, Death surged forward, her single black wing flapping madly. She flew close to the ground, so close that snow whizzed upwards in sheets to her left and right as she sped across it. She held her scythe vertically, preparing to cut through the Eldritch Abomination before her, her teeth gritted against the wind.

Blackblood gave a gasp, letting loose a fury of tendrils that whizzed through the blizzard, blitzkrieging towards Death on both her left and right.

At that, Rainbow gave a battle cry, kicked off the snow and twirled, now facing the ground below her. Her sight was quickly filled with twenty black tendrils that slammed against each other with loud, wet CLAPS, quickly become snarled in each other. Death then narrowed her eyes, twirled vertically in an arc, and sent her scythe towards the wiggling mass of black goo.


Like a knife through butter, her glowing blue blade tore through them, and as if they were animals, they emitted a series of shrieks before crashing into the snow, flailing about, and staining it with a black, oil-like blood.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ohhhh this is going to be fun!" Death cackled. She then flapped her single black wing once again and careened towards the Prince of Null, her rainbow-colored mane and cloak flapping fiercely in the winds. “There’s very few who should truly fear the reaper, baby, but you're on the list!”

Grunting, Blackblood actually severed his own, bleeding tendrils from his body before raising himself on his hind legs and morphing his frontal two together into a large, glistening, onyx sword.

As if she were part of the storm, Rainbow surged forward like a winter spirit. Growling, she sent a diagonal slash towards the abomination’s gooey head meant to decapitate, keeping her momentum as she did so.

Glaring her down, Blackblood raised his sword to block as he sent a series of tendrils from his hind-legs into the ground, fastening himself into position.


The two blades SLAMMED together, a brilliant shower of sparks flying from them. Death's body, however, continued to move forward as Blackblood stayed surprisingly in place, the force of impact not affecting him. Gritting her teeth, Rainbow wildly flapped her wing in reverse to quickly bring herself to a stop before she could collide with the sickening being.

Seeing the world in slow motion, Blackblood eyed a certain coiled-snake shaped locket swinging from a chain around the reaper's neck. With that, he gave a wicked grin and put all his weight against Death, sending her sailing back. She now hovered a few feet off the ground away from him, the snow licking at her mane.

"I've heard rumors of those lockets of yours, Rainbow," he said, smirking. "I hope you keep a tight lid on them."

Death narrowed her eyes. "You're not getting anymore snacks, Blackblood. These are mine!"

Blackblood gave a mock frown. "You'd really let a poor, lonely exile not get his fix? The one thing that keeps him going? You're not nearly as kind as you like to make yourself think you are."

With that, he gave another chuckle before his mouths flung open wide, revealing the glowing spirals of mist. To her horror, Rainbow's locket suddenly snapped open, a number of screaming, misty black souls careening out of it to be devoured by Eldritch Abomination.

"You were right, Rainbow! This is going to be fun!"

He then licked his many lips, and naturally, he began to sing:

"Feed me."

Her eyes widening, Rainbow began to back away from him. "Oh crap..."

"Feed me."

"Did it have to be souls?!"

"Feed me!"

"Did it have to be mine?!"

"Feeeeed me Rainbow,

Feed me all night long!"

A look of both horror and realization came upon her face.

Blackblood smiled haughtily. "That's right, girl! This was a trap, and you fell for it hook, line, and sucker! Who's the douche now?!"

"There are many more things to being a douche than outright stupidity, you know," she said, her eyes narrowing.

"Hehe, whatever. I've got what I want. Why should it matter what people think?"

With that, the spirals leading into the void within him began glowing ever brighter.

"Feeeed me Rainbow,

Feeeed me all night long....”

“Stay back you Cthulhu wannabe!” Death cried.

The abomination gave a frown.

"But if you feeed me Rainbow,

I can grow up BIG. AND STRONG!"

True to his word, his mass began to expand outward, him becoming twice the size of your average ghoul, Death continuing to float away from him in horror.

"You think it was all a coincidence, sweetheart? Me letting one of the crusaders escape?"

Death’s eyes narrowed. "You wanted her to warn me..."

"That’s right!” he grinned. “And now, if I can do something like this, who's to say that I can't do anything I want?!"

"Like what?" Rainbow growled.

"Like deliver, girl! Deliver what my greasy heart desires!"

"How'd you like to know the score?

You just got kicked across the floor!

And now that my hoof is in the door,

You're gonna get it!

Gotta thank you for cuttin' loose,

You've gone and hung your own damned noose!

It's really funny when you stop to think,

Do you get it?"

"So what's your plan, Blackblood? Something cliche like world conquest? Or do you just want to become Douchezilla and call it at that?" Death growled, hugging her other lockets to her chest defensively.

"Pahahaha!" Blackblood cackled. "No, I'm afraid my plans aren't that... ambitious. I only want one thing, and she's waiting for me in Necropolis."

Rainbow gave a sarcastic laugh. "You're doing this to try to impress a girl?! You know, there's a lot easier way of doing that besides this! Like... getting a new personality."

"Ooooh the girl I want isn't some lowly piece of tramp. I've got bigger fish to fry!"

"How big?"

"The biggest," he smirked.

Death raised her eyebrows. "Are you serious?"

“You bet I am,” he grinned.

"Cus I'm her genie, I'm her friend,

I'm her willing slave!

Go ahead and feed me and,

You know the kinda eats,

The kinda ghostly treats,

The kinda itty-bitty sweets I crave!"

"Enough!" Rainbow growled. "You're not getting anymore snacks!"

"But how are you supposed to kill me if you can't get close?" he smirked.

"Whelp, that’ll have to wait til’ later, it seems,” she said, before taking off towards the tunnel. "Gotta say, Blackblood, and I hope you're not disappointed when I tell you this: but kicking your sorry flank was only a secondary objective!"

Blackblood's eyes widened. "You're not getting out of those caves in one piece!" he growled, darting towards her. However, as he closed in on the entrance, he suddenly halted, a scheming smirk coming upon him. "Trixie!" he called. "Kill Twilight and teleport out of there, I'm going to start cutting the loose ends now!"


The wicked witch took a deep breath at that, giving a now unconscious Twilight one last glance. "Well, Twilight, seems I've got places to go, people to meet, rivals to beat..." With that, she levitated a knife that had been dug into one of the points of the pentagram, and with agitation in her eyes, she slowly crept it towards the student of magic's throat.

Suddenly, however, she froze.

At the last second she winced, dropping it to the ground and shaking her head. "No... I'm not a killer.” She then gave a sigh. “Goodbye, student of the other side."

With a blinding flash, she teleported out of the room, and at that, Twilight's eyes fluttered open.


A fury of tendrils was then emitted from the monster sized Blackblood, digging into the various support beams in the frontal area of the mine shaft and snapping them. A few seconds later, a deep rumble was heard as the mountain began to collapse down upon itself.