• Published 4th Nov 2012
  • 794 Views, 7 Comments

And So Came Order - canonkiller

A first-pony account of a land before order, before acceptance, before magic...

  • ...

Year Two

Celly hasn't woken up yet, but she keeps muttering something about spells and backfire. I've turned to my trusty book, but it doesn't say anything. Maybe Celly has something in her bag. The bird won't get off of her no matter how loud I yell at it.

Celly did have a book with her. It's written by Mommy Epona, I can feel it. It says something about L I F E in it. I don't know what life is. Maybe Celly knows.

Celly didn't talk back when I told her about life. She's really cold, but the bird won't let me move it so I guess it keeps her warm. I'm running low on food, and there's too much sno to find grass. Even though grass is gross.

I don't know what to do. Celly started shivering last night, but she's really warm to touch. The bird lets me near her now. I wonder if my coldness helps her stay comfortable when she warms me up.

Are shadows real animals? I think that one's looking at me.

I made a bunny out of the shadows on my wings. I have named it Xavier and it is my bunny.

I want to tell Celly about Xavier but she still won't wake up. The bird stays away from her now. Maybe it's too hot?

Do ponies burst into flames to get better like birds do? Or do we just nap? I think I prefer napping.

Celly looked at me today! I did open her eye with my hooves, but I think she looked at me!

Celly actually woke up today! She asked me why the floor was so bright and then she went back to sleep.

I have decided I am the most awake pony ever and will wait for her to wake up.

This is a good plan. The bird is frowning at me, but I'm going to talk to Celly.

Good plan.


Luna seems to have tried to stay awake to watch me, the poor dear. She's such a good foal; makes me wish Mother could see her. But she won't be alone for long. I think I've finally figured out how to create life to fill this world. I know you left the bird as a gift for us, but it won't be proper for a foal her age.

That was a long sleep! The bird was sitting on my head when I woke up, and even better, Celly's awake! She made me daisy sandwiches because I was so good while she was gone.

I really like daisy sandwiches. I'm gonna get Celly to teach me how to make them.

I can make daisy sandwiches! I was going to ask Celly about the book today too, but I think she took it back to her room.

I asked her about life and the book today. She told me not to concern myself with big pony spells and ruffled my mane. She did say she was going to stick around until we had lots of food, and then she was going to find me a friend. The way she said 'find' sounded rather suspisus suspicious.

She went out today with her book and a bunch of things she took from Mom's trunk. She told me to stay with Philomena - it was a pretty name, I was right - and to protect the house from the shadows.

The house needs a lot of protecting when the bird's not on fire.

I realized today that if I made Xavier out of shadows, then maybe all of the other shadows were made by me and the stuff around the house too! I don't have to protect anything! I did poke the bird with a stick to set in on fire so I could check anyway.

Celestia's mean, lying to me like that! She lied about the shadows being monsters. I'm going to go find her and yell at her. I have the bird and my poking stick, even if my poking stick is a bit burned.

She wasn't as far away this time. I found her standing a circle of dirt, but it looks really solid and packed, like she trampled it down. She had a bunch of strange stuff with her, and I think it was from mom's box. She doesn't see me yet.

I slept in the bushes, and Celly still hasn't seen me. She's spread out a bunch of mom's books around her, and she's been making notes and muttering all day.She unpacked more stuff, too. I think I see some of my mane. How rude. I thought it got shorter.

Whoa! I just woke up because Cellly was talking to herself, and now everything's really bright! I can barely see the page. I'm going to go see

How long has she been watching me? She is lucky she was not killed.
It worked, mother. You spell worked. I've created two more of us. Not exactly us, really. Despite all of my work, they are flawed.
The one, the female, is more insect than pony. She was extremely weak after her creation, but I have nursed her to health and she is now accompanying Luna in sleep. The second was a male, but his wings and horn are horribly warped. He can use minor magic, but it doesn't always work as he wished.
Oh, mother, you didn't tell me how hard this was going to be! At least if my spells continue to fail, I will have a partner.

I woke up feeling all dizzy, and you know what, Celestia was right! There was a big scary monster lying right beside me! I'm hiding in the bushes, waiting for Celly. The monster can't find me.

Celly says the monster and the boy are my new friends. I asked her why they looked so weird and she gave me a glare that could have melted sno. She told me they were just as much mommy's children as we were, and I was supposed to teach them lan-goo-age, which she says is what we say and stuff.

After a long day of trying to teach the two children, I have decided the colt is stupider than the bird and Xavier put together. i told him to lift up a feather, and he turned it into a flower! Dummy.

Celly scolded me about calling the colt stupid. She says she'll teach him while I teach the other one. I've decided she should find herself a name.

I brought the pony a book about B-U-G-S because she looks like some of them. She pointed at a word, chirping like she does when she wants something. I told her that word was 'chrysalis' - I'm very proud of myself for knowing such a big word - and she repeated it. She nodded after, pointed her hoof at herself, and repeated it. She's named herself Chrysalis! What a nice name.

The colt was jealous of Chrysalis's name, so he went up to mom's room and started taking books out of the shelves! They got all broken and wrecked because of his dumb magic. Celly nearly killed him, carrying him outside by the neck with her magic. I didn't hear most of what she said, but I think she made up some new bad words for our language. Chrissy agrees. That's Chrysalis's nickname.

The colt isn't allowed in the house. I stayed in mom's room with Celly all day, trying to fix mom's books. Chrissy's been watching from the hall, but Celly won't let her in. I reminded her that Chrissy was mom's child too, and then she kicked me out into the hall.

Celly sat outside with the colt today. Me and Chrissy watched them from the window. Chrissy kept making curious chirping noises, but I didn't know what they meant. She started looking really shiny and moaned like I do after too many daisy sandwiches, though. I didn't see her eat anything. Strange.

Chrissy has made a nest in my pillows. She's nearly as tall as I am, so she doesn't really fit, but she curls up really small and chirps happily. I let her stay in there, even though Celly's been wanting to move her outside with the other colt.

He's learned to talk. I don't know how, because Celly stopped teaching him - at least, I thought she did - but he's making a racket. Chrissy's helping me remember what he said, she's really good at copying and remembering things. Celestia, he was yelling, mother Epona can't help you any more! My name is Discord, and you have wronged me horribly. You will pay for making me a monster, I swear by it! And then he ran away.

Celly won't leave her room. She's just been crying into her pillow, and shouting at me whenever I came near her. Chrissy keeps making those little chirps, and I think I heard her say 'love' once, but I'm not sure. I taught her more words today.

I woke up today and there was another me in the pillows! I asked the other-me where Chrissy was, and the other-me burned up just like the bird and turned into Chrissy again! This must be her special talent, like my shadow puppets! I wonder if 'Discord' has a special talent.

I have the strange feeling that something's lurking in the forest near the house. Chrissy hasn't transformed into me again, and Celly's still in her room. I got really scared, and Chrissy came up into my bed and curled up beside me. She keeps muttering words like 'love' and 'okay'.

I saw eyes in the forest today. I thought they were 'Discord's, but they looked really strange. There's something tense about the air, now. Celly's still in her room, and Chrissy won't leave the bed. She keeps muttering 'hate' and 'bad'. It's scary.

I'm scared. Chrissy keeps moving in my way when I try to leave the room. I don't know where Celly is. I can hear footsteps outside the house. I called for mommy to help, but she didn't hear me.

Comments ( 3 )

:fluttershysad: This is so adorable, and so heartbreaking...

:fluttershyouch: I hope that Chrissy and Luna and Celly and Discord all become happy again...

:fluttercry: Even though I know they don't.


The toughest part is knowing how it'll end. :pinkiesad2:

Bah! The realm of the infinite 'verses is where I'll stay... There may not be many happy endings out there, but at least I can try to find them.

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