• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 565 Views, 53 Comments

Our Digital Friends (MLP X Digimon) - DontFearTheSuperman

Nine Digi-Eggs arrive in Equestria and are found by Fluttershy. When the eggs hatch, the ponies of Equestria will find two things waiting for them; New Friends and New Dangers.

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Comments ( 18 )

I was panicking the moment I recognized him as Lucemon, but I guess this is just a regular Rookie instead of someone capable of fighting Megas? Because either or, it's astounding you gave Fluttershy a Lucemon. I will say it again, this is the most stacked team ever.

Good to see all seven get the drive to fight alongside their partners instead of doing the pacifying thing. These digimon knew what they were doing and were looking for a fight. And weren't being mind controlled. I just find it funny how nervous they were in killing the digimon. Depending in the season, either the characters just do it or avoid it and send the digimon back home.

I'm guessing Spike's digivice came as an extra since he was with them? I see he won't be left behind like in the show.

ggg-2 #2 · 3 weeks ago · · ·

Remind me who's partner is whose? I'm a little turned around.

Sorry bout that. A lot happened this Chapter so I can see where the confusion is.

Lucemon (Lucey) is Fluttershy's Partner

Wizarmon X (Cornelius) is Twilight's

Coredramon Blue (Babs) is Spike's

Meicoomon (Ampurley) is Rarity's

Loogarmon (Loo) is Applejack's

Shortmon (Cutie) is Pinkie's

And V-Dramon (Squirt but not official nickname) is Rainbow's.

I do wonder what does Spike's Digivce look like too?


I plan to reveal what everypony's Digivice looks like next Chapter.


Yeah, this Lucemon is a Champion but it's not like the Lucemon from Frontier. I've always liked the idea of having a story with a Lucemon that's actually a good guy, and a Meicoomon that isn't destined for tragedy. Which informed a bit of the reason for the MC team.

As for it being stacked...yeah. It's the Mane Six and Spike. Of course they get the stacked team.

As for the ponies being hesitant, that might be some of my own ignorance in regards to the show coming through. I kind of decided to not keep watching until after I finished this chapter, so I'm still at the start of Season 3. Thus, to me at least, the ponies wouldn't be willing to full on destroy MadLeomon. Even if he was a danger. As, since this is still in Season 1, the worst thing they've had to deal with was Nightmare Moon. And they just blasted her with rainbows and turned her back into Luna.

This is what I love about Digimon so much. They have a very flexible/nonexistent Digivolution line that you can just pick and choose what stages you like!

Yep, it's one of my favorite parts about the series as well. And one of the reason it's my favorite series.

nice work on all chapters out so far:twilightsmile:

Thank you very much! I am very much trying to make sure that this fic is an improvement over my previous work.

Cool and all, but seven digimon gaining new form at the same time make this feel a bit cluttered.

There a little too much thing going on.

Yeah, I can imagine. But I chalk it up to a symptom of the early chapters. I kind of needed to introduce everyone's Champion form in this Chapter, cause that is gonna be extremely important later. Basically, all of the MC Digimon have "Stable Champion Forms". Meaning, they can stay in Champion for as long as they want, and switch back whenever they want...or when they take a lot of damage.

This is because their Champions forms are gonna be where most of their Characterization comes from, so I kind of needed to get them all in. And, of course, everyone needed at least one moment to be cool.

I CALLED IT FROM THE START THAT FLUTTERS WILL GET LUCEMON!!!!! AHAHAHA me smart lol but really I can't imagine there reaction to LUCEMON-Satan mode imagine THAT protecting the girls lol especially if you add another Evil Lucemon for the seven demon lords


Yeah, I always wanted to write a fic that has Lucemon as a good guy. What better one than the fic where he's teamed up with a pony meant to embody kindness?

Please continue this story it's just heating up lol especially that Madleomon's reaction at Lucemon oh boy that will be some explaining from the ancients hehe you have peaked my interest


Oh, I certainly plan to continue it. Unfortunately, I do have a lot of other things I'm writing and take a Quality Over Quantity approach. So it might take a bit.

NICE take all the time ya need trust me I'm trying to write my own stories for MLP plus Yu-Gi-Oh or Mary Skelter

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