• Published 21st Mar 2024
  • 279 Views, 15 Comments

Equestrian girls scary story to tell in the dark - Savant 123

A series of scary stories featuring characters from equestrian girls

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The admirer part 2

Shining armor woke up from his sleep, and after rubbing his eye to get rid of the sleep from his eyes, he looked around and saw he was in an unfamiliar room. He was confused about where he was, but suddenly the room door opened, and in came Cadance, who was smiling at him. Seeing her was enough for him to remember where he was and what happened the night before. Remembering the event of last night quickly sent a chill of fear down his spine.

“Good morning, dear, "cadance greeter said, shining with a smile.

"Um, good morning,“ Shining said in a scared voice.

“Now there is no need to be afraid; I am not going to hurt you,“ Cadance said with a reassuring smile. However, that smile suddenly turned into a strict look. ”Provided that you do what I said. Do I make myself clear?”

"Yes," shining armor said, scared.

"Excellent," Cadance said, smiling. ”Now get out of bed and get a shower. I will get you clothes and breakfast ready while you do it.” Cadence then walked out of the room, and after she left the room, shining quickly got out of bed and began making his way to the bathroom. After taking off his clothes, he put them in the basket and quickly took his bath. After a few minutes in the bath, shining armor got out of it, and he put on the bathrobe available to him. After that, he made his way to his room, where he saw the clothes Cadance had put on his bed.

After putting on the clothes, he went out of the room and down the stairs. He then made his way to the dining room and saw that Cadance had already finished cooking and had already placed the food on the table. Cadance turned and looked at him when she heard him coming. She smiled at him, and shining, who was still afraid, smiled back nervously.

“Hello, dear,“ Cadance said happily. "You are right on time; breakfast is ready.”

Afterward, both shining and cadance sat at the chair and began eating their breakfast. After a few moments, Shining Armor finally gained the courage to ask her the questions that had been on his mind since last night.

“Cadance, may I ask you something?“ Shining asks Cadance, who stopped eating her food, to stare at him when she hears him speak to her.

“I take it you have some questions that have been on your mind,” Cadance asks. ”Ask away.”

Shining was silent for a moment before asking the question that was on his mind.

“Who were the people I saw in the basement?“ shining ask cadance.

“Those were my parents,“ cadence answered. ”I murdered them not too long ago.”

“Why?” Shining asks. ”Why did you murder them, and why are you doing this to me?”

“ For you first question is because they were awful,” Cadance said with hatred. ”Their were awful people who only cared for their family images and work, then their own daughter. I eventually have enough of them and murder them. And for your second question, it is because I love you. I have always loved you since preschool.”

"What do you mean since preschool?“ shining asks, confused.

“You probably don’t remember, but we met during preschool.” Cadance said. ”It was during break, and I was being bullied by a group of our classmates. You came and saved me from them, and after you scared them off, you checked on me to make sure I was alright. That was the first time someone actually showed care or affection for me, as not even my parents ever showed such things to me. It was at that moment that I fell in love with you. However, I never gained the courage to approach you, so instead, I spent years watching you and dreaming of the day we could be together. However, by the time I gain the courage to approach you, you already have a girlfriend, so I have no choice but to get rid of her.”

“ Wait get rid off her “ shining ask shock. ”You mean that you were the reason the accident happened?”

“Oh yes, I did,” Cadance said. ”She was getting in my way, so I sabotage her car, which causes the accident that kills her.”

Shining had a look of shock on his face when he heard that. Seeing the look on his face, Cadance got out of her chair and went to caress shining face. "Ah, are you shocked to hear that? Do you hate me for killing her?” Shining quickly got out of her chair, grabbed her by the shoulder, and pushed her until she hit the kitchen counter. ”I don’t think you should do that since, after all, I am the only one who has the antidote to your poison, and not only that, I know you don’t have it in you to kill me.”

“Want to try me?” shining said as he grabbed a knife from the kitchen counter, and he’d it near her throat. Cadance just had a smirk on her face. After a while, he eventually dropped the knife on the ground and fell to the ground on his knees. Cadance just mockingly petted his head.

“There,there shining “ cadance said in a sweet voice. "Everything will be alright.” Both then went back to the dining table, where they continued to eat their breakfast. After breakfast was done, Cadance then injected him with the antidote.

After breakfast was done, Cadance let shining to return home, so he went to his car, and after starting it, he began the drive home. As he drove home, he couldn’t help but think about what he should do now. He could go to the police, but with the threat of the poison in him, he can’t do that. He sighed and just drove home. Once he parked in the driveway of his house, he turned off his car, left it, and walked through the front door of his house. As he walked through the house, he saw his little sister twilight sitting down on one of the sofas in the living room, reading a book. She put down her book once she saw him.

“Hi shining,“ Twilight greeted her older brother.

“ Oh hi Twily “ shining greet his little sister.

“How was your date?” Twilight asks her brother.

“Um, just great," he said in his best convincing voice, as he didn’t want his sister to get involved. However, this failed, as she immediately noticed the tone in his voice.

“Is something wrong shining?“ Twilight asks her older brother.

“No, nothing is wrong,“ Shining insisted.

“Shining, if something is wrong, you can tell me, and I will help,” Twilight said.

“Look twily. I am a bit tired, so I think I just go to my room,“ Shining said as he quickly went up the stairs and into his room. However, unknown to him, Twilight was staring at him suspiciously. She knew something was wrong, and she was going to figure out what.
Months had passed since that night, and shining life had become a living hell as Cadance now had complete control over him. Due to the threat of the poison in him, he had no choice but to do what Cadance said if he wanted the antidote. Hence why he has no choice but to continue to be cadance boyfriend. He hated every moment of it since he is now basically cadance slave, but he knows he is not in a position to do anything, hence why he has no choice but to put on a fake smile and act like a good boyfriend to cadance. However, unknown to him, his sister Twilight was growing suspicious of shining behavior, so one day she followed him and cadance date to the amusement park.

She spent an entire day following them and spying on them. During her observation, she was able to quickly realize that something was wrong as she saw that the smile Shinning gave Cadance was forceful and the sad look shining had when Cadance wasn’t looking. Now this confirms her suspension that something was wrong. As the day went by and it became evening, she saw cadance leads shining in a secluded area of the amusement park. She find a safe place to hide and saw Cadance pull out an injector from her pocket and inject him. Twilight nearly gasped seeing that. After that, the two left the amusement park. Twilight decided to confront her brother when he reached home.
Shining armor opened the door to his room, and he saw Twilight sitting down on his bed.

“We need to talk, and we need to talk now,“ Twilight said.

“About what?” shining asked in a scare voice.

“About what is really going on here,” Twilight said in a serious voice. "I have been following you and cadance all day and saw her inject you with something, and I want to know what it is. Don’t bother trying to deny it because I know what I saw.”

Shining just stares at his sister and sight, as he knows he has no choice but to tell the truth.

“All right,” Shining said.
“So that's what's going on,” Twilight said in shock.

“ Y"Yes, and now you know the situation I am in,” Shining said. ”I don’t know what I can do.”

Twilight put a hand on her chin before an ideal struck her.

“I have an idea,“ Twilight said.
“So where are we going for our date?” Cadance asked, shining as he drove to their destination.

“At my house since my family is gone for the day since mom and dad have to stay overtime today and my sister is having a sleepover at her friends house.” Shining said as he drove towards his house. After a while, they reach their destination. After parking the car, both exited the car and entered the house.

“So this is your house?” Cadance asks, smiling as she observes the house.

"Yeah,” Shining said. ”Now why don’t you go make yourself home while I get the food ready?”

"Ok, dear,"Cadance said as she saw Shining go to the kitchen to prepare the food. Cadance went to sit on one of the sofas in the living room. While Cadance was sitting down, she didn’t notice Twilight was lying behind the sofa, and on her hand was a rag. She slowly stood up behind Cadance and quickly placed the rag on her. Cadance quickly tried to escape from the grasp, but suddenly shining showed up and quickly restrained her. It wasn’t long before Cadance fell asleep.
Cadance woke up with a small headache. After blinking the sleep away from her eyes, she saw she was on a bed in the guess room of her house. Confused, she tried to get out of the bed but found herself unable to as her hands were handcuffed to the post of the bed. The door opened, and she saw shining walking in the room.

“Oh, shining I didn’t know you were into such things,“ Cadance said, smiling.

“I am not cadance, "Shining said. “I am putting an end to this now.”

"Oh, how are you going to do that?” Cadance said mockingly, “Only I have the antidote.”

“That's why my sister Twilight is helping,“ shining said. Immediately after he said that, Twilight walked into the room and injected her.

“Oh my, isn’t that the same poison I use on you shining “ Cadance asks.

“Yeah, we found it in your room,“ shining said. ”We, however, couldn’t find the antidote. So your only choice now is to tell us where the antidote is or how to make it, and if not, we both will die.”

Cadance, just look at him before laughing.

"What is so funny?“ Twilight demanded.

“You think I care if I die,“ Cadence said mockingly. “In fact, hearing that we both will die gives me more of a reason not to give you the antidote, as it means we will die together.”

Hearing that, shining fell onto his knees in despair. Twilight quickly placed a hand on him to try to comfort him.

“Come on, shining it isn’t over; we can still try finding the cure.” Twilight said. “If we can find the antidote, I can reverse engineer it and make my own.”

Hearing that shining sight before getting up, and both left the room. However, unknown to them, as they left the room, Cadance was able to reach to her hair, pull out a hair pin, and immediately use it to pick the handcuffs.
Both twilight and shining armor look everywhere in the house for the antidote, but no matter where they look, they are unable to find it. Currently, right now shining armor was sitting down on one of the sofas with a look of despair in his face.

“This is hopeless,“ shining said in despair.

“Don’t give up hope shining “ Twilight said. ”We might still can find the instructions to make the antidote. I will check the room again and see if I miss anything.“

Twilight was about to exit the room when suddenly she was tackled to the ground by cadance who had her hands on twilight neck and began strangling her.

"Twily," Shining said as he ran towards his sister to help her. He pushed Cadance off twilight, and after helping her up, both quickly ran towards the kitchen.

Cadance got up and immediately chased after the two. When she got into the kitchen, she saw shining pointing a knife towards her with twilight hiding behind him.

“Stay away from twilight,“ Shining said.

“As if you have the guts to do it,” Cadance said before charging at them. She grabbed the hand that was holding the knif with one hand and grabbed shining head with her other hand, quickly using as much force as she could to force him out of the way. She then turned her attention to Twilight, grabbed her by the neck, and began strangling her again. Twilight tried to escape from her grasp but found herself unable to as cadance grasp was too strong. Twilight saw the evil look in cadance face as her vision was growing dark. However, it stopped as she saw cadance eyes glow blank as she fell on her side onto the ground. After Cadance fell to the ground, she saw her brother cadance was behind cadance. He took a deep breath and quickly hugged Twilight.

“You ok, Twilly,“ shining asked his little sister, who was breathing heavily.

“Yes, I think I am,” Twilight said as she turned and looked at Cadance, who now had a knife behind her head. She then turned her attention to shining. “What now? We don’t have the antidote.”

“I don’t know,“ Shining said.
Currently, both siblings were sitting down on one of the sofas in cadance living room.

“How long do we have?“ Twilight asks.

“I have at least 5 minutes left,” shining said with tears in his eyes.

“I am sorry shining “ Twilight said. ”I am sorry I couldn’t help you.

“It ok, twily,“ Shining said as he put a hand over twilight waste. ”You did all you could. I am just glad I get to spend my final moments with you.”

“I love you, shining,“ Twilight said with tears in her eyes. She turned her attention to shining and kissed his cheek.

“I love you too, twily “ shining said as he kissed twilight cheeks. Both siblings stay quiet as they stare at the clock that is on the wall and see that it is ticking and that their time is running out. They have exactly one more minute left.

"Goodbye shining," Twilight said,

"Goodbye, Twily, I love you,“ Shining said. Both saw the clock hand finally move. However, nothing happens, as he sees that he is still alive. He got up and looked over himself, shocked. This was mirrored by Twilight, who was also surprised.

“Shining how?“ Twilight asks.

“I don’t know,” Shining said as he looked over himself.

“The poison must have been fake,” Twilight said happily as she got up. “You're going to live.”

“I am going to live,” Shining said happily, and immediately both siblings hugged one another. After a while, they separated.

“What are we going to do now?” Twilight said.

“I think it’s best we call the police.” Shining said.

“You sure?” Twilight asks.

"Yes,” Shining said. ”I promise that no matter what, we will face it together.”

"Ok,” Twilight said, nodding.

Both siblings called the police, and after that, they sat on the sofa and waited for the eventual arrival of the police. After a while, they heard and saw the sirens and lights of the police through the window of the living room.
The end

Author's Note:

I bet non of you were expecting this story to end in a more happily node when compare to my previous story. Anyhow leave a comment on what you think of my story so far.

Comments ( 1 )

At least this has a happy ending.

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