• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 421 Views, 2 Comments

Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Twilight and her friends got a message from somebody they went on a mission to stop an unknown god but just when they did they got trapped in some blocks and most of them lost their memories except for Twilight and splitted off

  • ...

Episode 14: The Stolen Gnosis

The next day Twilight, Lumine and Paimon had returned from their walk as they noticed Mondstadt barricated as they saw Amber who saw them and smiled while rushing towards them

"You guys are back! The Honorary Knights return triumphant!" Amber said excitedly

Twilight then chuckled a bit

"It's only been a day since the Stormterror incident" Twilight reminded

"Still, it's true, we're back from tussling with Dvalin!" Paimon agreed

"You just returned yesterday, right? Jean got back first and she told us all about your heroic deeds along with Rainbow" Amber explained

"It was tough yeah but we handled it like the brave heroes we once were" Twilight explained

Amber then sighed in jealousy

"I wonder if I'll ever get an opportunity like that..." Amber said in jealousy

"Of course you will though that is not an opportunity you'd want too often..." Twilight explained

"You're right actually, peace is hard won and we shouldn't take it for granted and this time you're the one we should all be grateful to" Amber explained

"You're welcome! But have you been waiting for us here this whole time?" Paimon asked

"Of course not! Just because I'm not out on the front line doesn't mean I don't have work to do... In fact, I'm dealing with the aftermath of the crisis as we speak" Amber explained

"Aftermath? Here? What happened in Mondstadt?" Paimon asked

"While master Jean was away the monsters lurking nearby made a coordinating attack on the city" Amber explained

"It might or might not have been my fault" Twilight explained

The group then turned to Twilight

"Okay?! What did you do this time?!" Lumine asked angrily

"Well... I may or may not have told some people to stop interrupting us and they thought they should go to Mondstadt, I definitely did not have a part in this" Twilight explained

"Don't worry Twilight, sure it was something you shouldn't have done but since you tried your best to save the others you get another chance" Amber said

"Thanks" Twilight thanked

"While it may be your fault we fortunately weren't taken by surprise, I detected the hilichurls were moving closer to the city a while back" Amber explained

"Oh yeah! Paimon remembers, when we first met you were clearing out one of their camps..." Paimon reminded

"Exactly and if we hadn't started making preparations back then Mondstadt would be in much greater danger by now" Amber explained

"Well, we're glad you held them off" Lumine said in relief

"Thanks" Amber thanked

"But why would the hilichurls do this?" Twilight asked

"I know, it's strange, hilichurls aren't usually capable of coordinating like this so our best guess is that the Abyss Order is behind it like Twilight explained just now" Amber explained

"They've taken over the hilichurls? Hmm... Good thing we saved Dvalin or they might've taken him too..." Paimon said in disbelief

"That's right and since I'm the Outrider it's up to me to keep eyes on the Abyss Order from now on" Amber explained before grunting in disbelief "I'm sorry, you should be celebrating your victory, not listening to all this somber talk!" Amber apologized

"No worries" Twilight said

Amber then began thinking

"Hmm... I promised to take you out for some Sticky Honey Roast didn't I? Before everyone got caught up in the Stormterror crisis" Amber reminded

"Oh yeah, you did!" Lumine realized

"There's no time like the present, right? You guys hungry?" Amber asked

"You bet! You may have forgotten till just now but it's been on Paimon's mind this whole time!" Paimon answered excitedly

"That counts for the rest of us too" Lumine said

"Yep and I think Rainbow wants some to" Twilight explained

Rainbow then dropped by

"Were you just talking about me?" Rainbow asked

"Of course, I know it was a bad time before but do you want some vegeterian Sticky Honey Roast?" Twilight asked

"Of course! I'm excited to eat it after all!" Rainbow explained

"Awesome, let's go then! It's been way too long since I last ate a Sticky Honey Roast myself" Amber said

"Great! Let's get going!" Twilight said

"Wait for me at Good Hunter, I'll be right there, I just have to clean up here real quick" Amber said

"Alright, as for us, we've got a table to own!" Rainbow said

"Alright but I think I wanna chat with the locals first" Lumine said

"Really?" Twilight asked

"Yeah, I'll be right with you, come on Paimon" Lumine said

"Of course master Lumine!" Paimon called out

The duo then walked off as Twilight turned to Rainbow

"So, do you wanna race, a running one of course?" Twilight asked

"Sure! On three...!" Rainbow called out

Meanwhile Lumine and Paimon went to the Adventurer's Guild building where they saw a guy with yellow hair, mustache and beard, while wearingred monocle on his left eye and wearing a white blouse with a brown belt over it and a black and green jacket which was open, a brown and black belt on the waist in a criss cross way, green pants which like the white blouse had it's sleeves rolled up showing the brown parts from the inside, white socks and brown slippers giving a speech to the ignoring adventurers except of Lumine and Paimon

"Here we go! This is it! Crisis! Danger! The thrill of adventure!!! Adventurers' guild! Finally, our days of rescuing kittens and finding lost puppies are over! The age of adventure is upon us! Roll up youngsters, join the adventurers' guild today! In this time of great upheaval we must rally together, take on the dragon and save our great city of Mondstadt!" The guy announced

"Yeah, about that..." Lumine started

"We already stopped the threat! Jean gave a speech about it yesterday" Paimon reminded

"What?! WHAT?! The Stormterror threat is resolved? I missed the Acting Grand Master's speech?" The guy gasped in shock and disbelief

"Yeah, kinda, sorry dude" Paimon apologized

The guy then grumbled in disbelief and defeat

"Bah! Stormterror should have put up more of a fight! We didn't get to join in..." The guy said in anger and disbelief

The group then walked to another person who seemed to be worried or something

"You okay mister?" Paimon asked

Just then the guy made a pleading position while smiling in excitement

"Long live the heroes! Thank you, it's finally over, many trade routes have closed due to the Stormterror incident, we can cope for now without fresh fruit and vegetables... But if the wine supply dries up we're all doomed! I cannot imagine a world without wine" The guy explained in worry

"If that we're to happen we'll come and help you" Lumine said

"I hope they get the trade routes back up and running soon" The guy hoped

The duo then went to the last stop which was where they last saw the Darknight Hero as a girl in nun outfit was seen standing there who was thinking to herself

"So Stormterror's true identity is Dvalin, one of the Four Winds! We never should've forgotten his past sacrifice for Mondstadt" The nun explained in disbelief

"True but it's all fine now" Lumine said

"Yep cause he's back to normal!" Paimon said

"Well, every cloud has a silver lining, we're fortunate that our relationship with the Dragon of the East didn't sour past the point of no return and for that we have you to thank and Jean of course for her unfailing devotion so as long as we have the Knights of Favonius, peace and freedom will prevail in Mondstadt" The nun explained in relief

Meanwhile Twilight and Rainbow had arrived at Good Hunter where they approached the bar where Sara stood

"Greetings, may I take your orders?" Sara asked

"We'd like one vegeterian Sticky Honey Roast please" Twilight pleaded

"Coming right up!" Sara said

Kaeya then turned to the duo

"Why so cold? I've always thought that we enjoy quite the intimate friendship" Kaeya explained

The duo then turned to Kaeya

"Oh hey, we didn't see you there..." Twilight apologized

"Hahaha... It seems your great battle sharpened not only your combat skills but your wit as well, a knight after my own heart, to bask in the presence of two of Mondstadt's new big heroes is quite the morale boost and that's coming from a knight" Kaeya said in happiness

"Hehe, it is our pleasure to help" Twilight said

"Sweet-talking sugar coated Captain Kaeya" Rainbow said in disbelief

"Haha, nonsense! I speak from the heart" Kaeya corrected

"What are you doing here?" Twilight asked

"Just looking for a quiet spot to collect my thoughts" Kaeya answered

"While the other knights are working hard to clean up after the battle..." Rainbow said in disbelief

"Thinking can be an arduous task you know, believe me, I'd much rather be taking out the trash" Kaeya reminded

"So whatcha thinkin' about then?" Rainbow asked

"The Abyss Order" Kaeya answered

"A dragon wreaks havoc in Mondstadt and the Acting Grand Master leaves the city to combat the threat, strategically, that's the perfect moment for the Abyss Order to make their move, if you were the Abyss Order would you squander this golden opportunity by sending in nothing more than a few hilichurls?" Kaeya asked

"You're right, it doesn't add up" Rainbow said

"To get to the bottom of it I decided to wait so I waited and watched for their next move and then came the day you made all hell break loose in Stormterror's lair just as the hilichurls' cries sounded from the city gates and that same day I saw shadowy figures lurking in the city itself" Kaeya explained

"Inside the city?!" Twilight asked in shock and disbelief

"This isn't good, right Twilight?" Rainbow asked

"Of course not, maybe it's somebody way dangerous than Dvalin!" Twilight reminded

"True!" Rainbow said worriedly

"Well, all the other knights were outside fighting the enemy and as you can imagine that left the inside of the city completely unguarded except for me of course and so I approached the Abyss Order infiltrators for a bit of... Hmm, let's call it fraternizing and through various means I managed to gather some rather interesting intel and the situation is this: the Abyss Order... They are united under a single leader" Kaeya explained

"The Abyss Order has a leader?" Rainbow asked, thinking

"Really?! That doesn't sound good!" Twilight said worriedly

"Yes and it was this very leader who devised the plot to turn Dvalin into a weapon of war" Kaeya explained

"What exactly did you have to do to find this out?!" Paimon asked

"Hehehe... Let's just say I'm blessed with certain linguistic powers, but there's more... The Abyss Order has a name for this leader... They call her 'the Princess and the Prince'" Kaeya explained

"'Princess and Prince'..." Twilight said in worry "I hope that isn't the guy I saw and Starlight" Twilight called out worriedly

"Now, I'm sorry to cut this intelligence briefing short but I do believe I spy your friends heading this way... I think she's still angry with me for my absence from the defense effort during the attack... I'd better slip away before she notices me" Kaeya suggested

"Alright, we'll see you later then" Twilight waved

Kaeya then gave a salute before he rushes off as soon as Lumine, Paimon and Amber arrived as Twilight and Rainbow turned to them

"One minute I see Kaeya, the next he's slipped away! Clear sign of a guilty conscience..." Amber said in disbelief

"Well, he does a lot behind the scenes..." Twilight reminded

"Are you sure? Because that sounds like exactly what he'd say to talk himself out of trouble..." Amber reminded

"We had that incident too, trust us" Paimon said

"But besides that, where have you girls been?!" Rainbow asked angrily

"Talking with other people, they've been thanking us for our help and they wanted to than you too" Lumine said

"That's a relief" Twilight said in relief

"Let's forget about that for now, I worked super hard today and my tummy's rumbling, let's order!" Amber said

"I have already ordered for me and Rainbow so we'll go find a seat" Twilight said

"Okay" Amber said before turning to Sara "Hi Sara! One Sticky Honey Roast please..." Amber pleaded

"Coming right up!" Sara said

The two then followed Twilight and Rainbow before they went to seat at a table for four as Amber turned to her friends

"So, now that the Stormterror threat is behind us what are your plans for the next step?" Amber asked

"Paimon thinks it's time to leave Mondstadt and keep looking through the seven nations until we find clues about their friends or brothers" Paimon explained

"Huh really? Oh... Well, I guess this is goodbye for now then..." Amber said sadly

"But we'll definitely come visit you again for sure" Twilight explained

"And besides we're still here for one or two months" Rainbow explained

"Yeah but we will still miss our Favonian friends" Lumine said sadly

"Hey, don't feel down! You'll always be friends of the Knights of Favonius and our Honorary Knights or Guard of Favonius, wherever you may go and wherever the wind may blow" Amber reminded

"We'll still come back and visit" Lumine said

"That's the spirit! Remember, Mondstadt will always welcome you" Amber reminded

"We'll keep that in mind" Twilight said

Afterwards a vegetarian and normal Sticky Honey Roast were put on the table by Sara

"Thank you Sara!" Rainbow thanked

"No worries!" Sara said

"Alright, now let's eat before it gets cold!" Amber suggested

"Good idea!" Paimon said

And with that the group began eating their first ever Sticky Honey Roast as they began chatting about all the fun things they experienced

Flashback's then came of past episodes where Twilight and Rainbow were seen arguing before it showed Rainbow, Twilight and Lumine fighting in the ruins before finally smashing the stones and afterwards it showed the trio fighting against enemies like the ruin guard in Kaeya's mission, Raptor in Amber's mission and with the help of their friends fighting against the Abyss Mage before it showed the four along with Diluc enter the ruins where they fought against a few Fatui and ending with the Fatui wet in anger as the group chuckled before the screen changed to the group fighting against Dvalin before it ended with them riding on the back of Dvalin and after that was done the screen changed back to the group finishing with their food

"Mmm! That was goooood! Note to Paimon, Amber's recommendations are worth the wait!" Paimon explained excitedly

"Whew! That was some tasty vegeterian food! I'm definitely gonna try and eat that again some time" Twilight said

"Same here" Lumine agreed

"Of course! While I don't trust myself in the kitchen you can always trust me with the menu!" Amber reminded before she realized something "Oh, I almost forgot to mention... Jean's waiting for you at the Cathedral, it's something to do with the Holy Lyre der Himmel... You'd better head there now" Amber suggested

"Alright, we're on our way!" Twilight said

Twilight then put the money on the bar before she along with Rainbow, Lumine and Paimon walked towards the Cathedral as they went to where the entrance to the basement was and when they got there they noticed Barbara, Venti and Jean waiting for them

"We're here!" Rainbow called out

"What is it you needed us for?" Twilight asked

"I think you've met each other the last time you were here but this is Barbara, the deaconess of the church, she is here to retrieve the Holy Lyre der Himmel" Jean explained

"May the Anemo Archon protect you" Barbara greeded

"Oh dear..." Twilight said in worry

"I'm not really in a position to speak compared to our Acting Grand Master but I still want to thank you all on behalf of all of Mondstadt for your assistance! Fortunately everything was resolved peacefully... I can't imagine how an all-out war between the military and the dragon would have ended..." Barbara thanked

"It's no problem really" Twilight said with a smile

"Now the Fatui have no choice but to keep their mouths shut" Jean explained

"Yeah, especially after that stupid failure!" Rainbow said

"Yeah, they must be annoyed that things didn't turn out as planned for them, this time, they even lost their best excuse to pressure the Knights of Favonius but diplomaticly speaking they gained nothing and on the contrary simply proved just how vexatious they can be" Jean explained in disbelief

"Sounds like quite the story" Barbara said in awe before turning to the rest of the group "So, did you bring the Holy Lyre with you? We cannot ask you to keep defending the lyre forever, the Seneschal has been pressing me for a while now..." Barbara reminded in disbelief

"We ahh... Did bring it with us... Ummm... It's just... It's a little..." Paimon stuttered nervously

"Oh don't worry! I'm not here to collect rent! The church has always received special funding..." Barbara explained

"If you say so" Lumine said

Lumine then pulled out the lyre he picked up a couple weeks ago after the failed rescue only for everyone to see it was broken as Barbara gasped

"Ahh..." Paimon called out nervously

"Wow..." Venti called out in nervousness

"AAAAAARGH!!! THE HOLY LYRE!!!" Barbara called out in shock, worry and fright before falling to the ground in sadness "Oh lord Barbatos... Even if I atoned for these sins for the rest of my life it would still not be enough!" Barbara called out in fright

"I think you should solve this" Twilight whispered

"Good idea" Venti agreed before sighing and turning to Lumine "Give it here..." Venti suggested

Lumine then gave the Holy Lyre to Venti before he lightened himself and the floating Holy Lyre with some Anemo magic and when he finished the Holy Lyre looked as good as new

"How could this--- The Holy Lyre... But how?" Barbara asked

Barbara then rushed towards the Holy Lyre, picked it up and hugged it again while Paion tried to look at what was going on

"Huh? Let Paimon see!" Paimon suggested

Barbara then moved a little further away in fright

"No! No! I don't know how you managed to fix it but you'll never touch the lyre again!" Barbara said in fright and anger

Barbara then rushed off as Twilight shrugged

"Suit yourself!" Twilight said

Venti then turned to the others nervously

"... We ah... Really should get going... That trick I used to 'repair' the Holy Lyre... Hehe, I mean the magic I used... It isn't going to hold forever you know" Venti explained

"What?!" The rest gasped in shock

"Are you serious?! You should've told her!" Rainbow said

Venti then gave a salute and ran off as Paimon stomped the air in anger while Lumine rushed after him

"You--- Tone-Deaf Bard!!!" Paimon called out angrily

The group then rushed after Venti who ran outside before two pieces of mud went up to turn into black Fatui who jumped after Venti before Lumine blew a gust of wind at them causing them to fly back to the ground

"If you want to kidnap Venti we're not gonna let this happen!" Twilight said angrily

"Yeah, as long as we're here we'll never let anybody get trapped!" Rainbow said in agreement and anger

Just then the two back Fatui then dove back into the ground as Lumine rushed after them before somebody appeared and snapped their fingers causing a major gust of wind to fly towards the group sending them flying a bit while Paimon turned into an ice cube before landing as Venti tried to stay strong as he planned to rush towards the woman only to find he was stuck as he looked down only to see him turning into ice which Rainbow noticed to

"Don't worry! I got this!" Rainbow called out

Rainbow then flew towards the woman before the woman snapped her fingers again causing Rainbow's wings to get removed as she continued to rush towards her before she looked behind her only to see her wings was gone causing her to fall to the ground

"Not again!" Twilight called out

Twilight then shot a few lasers which the woman shielded while using her other hand to snap her fingers causing Twilight's horn to go away

"Don't worry! I gotcha!" Lumine called out

Lumine then rushed back towards the woman only to get tackled by two Fatui and pulled up with her arms stretched as she tried to let go of them only to fail as the group turned to see a girl approaching Venti, she had light long blonde hair and wore a huge black and red mask along with a white skirt than turns into a brown lower part, she also wore red and black gloves and a brown and red cape and black heels

"At last, Mondstadt's rodent ruler in the flesh" The girl said in relief before the screen showed her name

La Signora then pulled up Venti's head while saying

"Scurrying through the streets looking for leftovers... Mondstadt calls this a god?" La Signora asked

"Of course they do and why did you need to know that?!" Twilight asked angrily

"Yeah resident rodent... Beats invasive vermin---" Venti started

Just then La Signora snaps Venti hard in the face causing him to grunt in pain while Twilight rushed towards La Signora before she felt herself stuck with chains

"Oh come on!" Twilight called out in disbelief

"Don't you dare speak back to me insolent bard" La Signora ordered

"Leave him alone! You have no right to insult gods!" Twilight reminded angrily

Venti then started glowing a green hue as a small tornado ripped off some pieces of the ice

"Absentee archon of Mondstadt... How impotent you have become... That smirk you wear looks out of place, did you steal it from your master's face?" La Signora asked

"Master?! What is the meaning of this?!" Twilight asked angrily

Just then La Signora blew a gust of wind at Venti before she rushed towards him

"Should have held your tongue" La Signora suggested

Just then La Signora had her hand in Venti's chest which caused Twilight and Lumine to gasp in shock as they thought their friend was about to die before La Signora pulled out some sort of chess piece with a green hue and when she got her hand out Venti fell to the ground in pain

"Venti! No!" Twilight called out

Afterwards La Signora pulled the Gnosis up to take a closer look

"So, this is a Gnosis? I wouldn't be dead wearing this ugly thing in public" La Signora said in disbelief

"You give it back to him now or we'll have a serious problem!" Twilight ordered angrily

"Beauty is a waste... When the beholder has no taste..." La signora said

La Signora then kicked Venti against Twilight who rolled over him only for the duo to get tangled

"Venti... Twilight..." Lumine called out in worry

La Signora then turned to the other Fatui who held Lumine

"Well, we have what we came here for" La Signora said before she snapped her fingers again causing the chains to go off of Twilight, Twilight to get her horns back and Rainbow her wings before she turned around and walked off

"Come, before our dear Favonian friends arrive, leave nothing for them to find" La Signora ordered

Afterwards she walked off with her fellow Fatui allies as the two who held Lumine let her go before one smacked her to the ground causing her to grunt in pain as she struggled to stan up and save Venti and her friends before she fell unconscious just like those before her and after a while Lumine was woken up by Barbara

"Ah! Honorary Knight, you're awake!" Barbara said in relief

Twilight and Rainbow then helped Lumine up

"Are you alright?" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, that was definitely a hit" Lumine said

"Speaking of which... Venti... Is he alright?" Twilight asked

"Um... I wouldn't say he's 'alright' exactly, I found you lying unconscious outside the cathedral and used my elemental powers to heal you girls..." Barbara explained

"Especially Paimon, I mean, she was almost emergency food!" Rainbow explained

Paimon who was watching then turned to Rainbow angrily

"Hey! I'm never an emergency food!" Paimon reminded angrily

"Still, that bard awakened first but strangely my healing powers had almost no effect on him... This is the first time I've encountered such a patient but he just said 'It's completely normal' and then got up and left the Cathedral..." Barbara explained

"He left? Already? Where'd he go?" Paimon asked

"Yeah, that does seem a bit concering, even for me" Twilight said worriedly

"The Symbol of Mondstadt's Hero, that's what he said" Barbara explained

"Did you try and stop him?" Rainbow asked

"I wanted to but Jean, I mean master Jean said to let him leave, how strange" Barbara explained in worry and confusion

"I think I get why..." Lumine thought

"If Paimon remembers, Venti healed under that tree before..." Paimon explaied

"You mean after we met him?" Rainbow asked

"Yep" Paimon explained before whispering to the group "It's probably due to the connection between Windrise and the Anemo Archon, Master Jean has figured it out as well but we can't tell Barbara..." Paimon whispered

"Good idea" Twilight whispered back

"We'll be checking on Venti for you and if he's not fine we'll bring him straight here!" Rainbow said

"Thank you for your help! It's greatly appreciated!" Barbara thanked

The group then walked towards Windrise and towards the tree Venti stood in before and sure enough he was there once again but this time he had his hand on the tree, trying to let the energy of it float towards him

"The wind amongst the branches is good, I love the way it smells..." Venti thought

"What are you doing here bud?" Twilight asked

Venti who heard that familiar voice then turned around while chuckling

"I said the exact same thing the last time" Venti explained

"Yes you did" Rainbow agreed

Venti then sighed before turning to the tree in worry

"Why do I only say these things when I'm down on my luck?" Venti asked worriedly

Lumine then got sad for him before she shook the thought off her head as she remembered one thing that appeared out of him along with what was said

"So... What is a Gnosis?" Lumine asked

"Ah, so you noticed" Venti said in defeat

"Yeah, we did, well, except for Rainbow and Paimon but can you tell us what it is?" Twilight asked

Venti then sighed in defeat

"This isn't something I'm meant to discuss with ordinary people but I suppose I can let you in on the secret" Venti explained

"Really? That sounds thrilling!" Twilight said excitedly with a tinge of worry

"As you know, visions are external magical foci that only a small minority of people possess, they use these visions to channel elemental power, in truth, every wielder of a Vision is one who can attain godhood and ascend to Celestia, we call such people allogenes" Venti explained

"Allogenes? Paimon's never heard of them before" Paimon explained

"We didn't either, care to explain?" Twilight asked

"Hehe, that's because this is a secret that only archons are privy to, we don't need primitive tools like visions, instead, each archon has an internal magical focus that resonates directly with Celestia itself... Known as a Gnosis" Venti explained

"What about the thing hanging off your hip?" Lumine asked

Venti then looked at the pendant on the hip which had the Anemo symbol drawn on it

"Eh-he, it's just a glowing glass ball I carry around to avoid suspicion" Venti explained

"Huh..." Lumine asked in confusion

Paimon then decided to change the subject as she turned to Venti angrily

"Anyway, who was that nasty woman who sent Paimon flying and stole your Gnosis?" Paimon asked

"Her name is Signora, No. 8 of the harbingers, she and the rest of the harbingers have been given god-like executive authority by the Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya and with it, strength surpassing that of other mortals" Venti answered

"Ugh! It'll be tough to beat her if we ever find her again!" Twilight said in disbelief

"The Tsaritsa of Snezhnaya? Isn't that..." Paimon started

"Indeed, she is one of the Seven, the Tsaritsa who reigns from the Zapolyarny Palace and the one person that the Fatui Harbingers all answer to" Venti finished worriedly

"That's not good" Twilight said worriedly

"Definitely not" Rainbow agreed

"Still, the Seven don't always get along well but still--- I never thought that she would plot to steal another archon's Gnossis..." Venti explained

"Are you saying it didn't happen before?" Rainbow asked

"That's exactly what I'm saying" Venti answered

"Oh---" Rainbow said worriedly

"So, what sort of god is the Tsaritsa?" Lumine asked

"Ah... How should I put this? Five hundred years ago I knew her well but I can't say the same is true now, you see, a certain catastrophe happened five hundred years ago and after that she cut off all ties with me" Venti explained sadly

"She sounds like that type that isn't gonna forgive anyone so easily" Twilight said

"Yeah, I have a feeling we might not make it out safely if we were to go to Snezhnaya" Rainbow explained

"Don't worry, we can save the discussion of the Cryo Archon and the Fatui for another day" Venti said

"That's probably a good idea" Twilight said

"But if you girls seek the rest of the Seven many difficulties might lie ahead of you still" Venti reminded

"Speaking of which, where should we go next?" Lumine asked

"Well, you should head for Mondstadt's neighboring nation of Liyue, the Geo Archon who reigns there and unlike me, administrates his entire region personally, he only decends once every year to give his divine predictions which set the direction for Liyue for the rest of that year" Venti explained

"Even so, it sounds like he works much harder than a certain someone" Paimon explained

"Eh-he" Venti chuckled nervously before shaking the thought off "...In any case, this year's Rite of Descension is soon to begin, if you miss it, you'll have to wait another year" Venti explained

"WHAT?! Why didn't you tell us before? Well then, bye, girls, we're going!" Paimon called out excitedly

"Calm down! I'm sure Venti means that it'll happen in just two months" Twilight explained

"Twilight's right you know so there's still a lot of time to do what you want" Venti explained

Rainbow then yawned a bit

"I'm getting tired, it's almost nighttime!" Rainbow said

"You know, you're right, we should've been going to bed an hour or two earlier like we always did" Twilight realized

"Except for our first ever adventure!" Paimon reminded

The group then planned to leave until Venti turned to them

"One moment Windborne Outlanders" Venti called out

"Did you have a feeling we had more questions?" Twilight asked

"Yup, girls, once you set off on your journey once again you must remember that the journey itself has meaning, the birds of Teyvat, the songs and the cities, the Tsaritsa, her Fatui and the monsters... They are all part of your journey, the destination is not everything so before you reach the end keep your eyes open and use the chance to take in the world around you..." Venti suggested

"We understand" Lumine said

"Great, so that's that for the Anemo Archon's admonishments! Back to Venti's time!" Venti called out

"We do have a few questions" Twilight explained

"Sure, if you want to chat now's the time, a bard stays not always in a single clime" Venti reminded

"Did Dvalin remember anything after the battle?" Twilight asked

"Up till the end Dvalin remembered his duty as one of the Four Winds as such I don't intend to forcibly strip him of that duty and force my ideals of freedom onto him, I just hope that Dvalin will be able to choose for himself and understand what freedom is but and I became an archon, I too was taught the meaning of freedom in this way by a friend" Venti explained

"I don't know if you know but Kaeya gave us a new hint to the prince and princess of the Abyss Order?" Lumine explained

"So... Kaeya shared some new intel, you say?" Venti asked

"Yep and he believes they're the ones that manipulated Dvalin" Paimon explained

"I see, so the Abyss Order has a princess and prince who orchestrated the plan to corrupt Dvalin?" Venti asked

"Yes, they do, what do you think of that?" Twilight answered

"They were probably trying to turn Dvalin into a weapon of war for the Abyss but that said, I have never heard of any such prince and princess of the Abyss Order" Venti explained

"Not an Abyss Order tradition then" Lumine thought out loud

"I agree, so this must've been a recent development..." Twilight called out

"I think so too... Apparently but how does a prince and princess come out of nowhere and take command over the entire Abyss Order?" Venti asked

"That's what we're not sure of" Rainbow answered

"By the way, did you have any idea what Signora did?" Venti asked

"Well, that Fatui lady didn't hang around! She just grabbed your Gnosis and left!" Paimon answered

"That's just like her, she wanted to avoid any eyewitnesses from the Knights of Favonius" Venti explained

"What do you mean with that?" Twilight asked

"Well, the slightest slip up here would have destroyed the Fatui's diplomatic relations with the Knights" Venti answered

"I do know what happened but I won't say it to the Knights unless more evidence is shown" Rainbow thought

"So they're just gonna keep acting like Mondstadt's allies as if nothing happened?!" Paimon asked in shock and disbelief

Venti then sighed in disbelief

"If only the seven nations had banded together against the Abyss Order in the first place" Venti muttered out loud in disbelief

"Why does that sound so bad?" Twilight asked

"The Fatui possess the strongest military among the seven nations, yet they've used it to steal the Holy Lyre, covet the power of gods and used Dvalin as a bargaining chip against the Knights..." Venti explained

"Don't worry, we'll do whatever it takes to find that Signora and beat her to a crisp!" Rainbow said

"Thanks girls" Venti thanked

"Speaking of the Lyre... Didn't Diluc say something like this before?" Paimon asked

"Oh yeah, he said that the Fatui can only run amok across the seven nations and threaten the Knights because of the harbingers" Twilight realized

"Yes, as I said earlier, the Cryo Archon has given them authority and strength beyond that of other mortals" Venti explained

"Speaking of which, when have you seen her last?" Lumine asked

"The Tsaritsa... I haven't seen her in five hundred years, what is she thinking? What's her plan?" Venti thought before shaking the thought off of his head "Whatever the answer is, I have a feeling it's only going to make your search for the Seven all the more difficult..." Venti explained worriedly

"There hasn't been anything that took me and my friends down so don't you worry about us" Twilight suggested

"What's the difference between a Gnosis and a vision wielder?" Paimon asked

"Well, as I said before, vision wielders are known as allogenes and may ascend to Celestia and a Gnosis is a higher-order nexus of elemental manipulation and is emblematic of an archon's status as one of the seven" Venti reminded

"So do you know which one of the seven too our brothers and friends?" I asked

"I'm sorry but I don't know" Venti answered sadly before he realized something and rubbed the back of his head nervously "Wait, as one of the Seven, I'm not clear of suspicion yet either, am I?" Venti asked nervously

"Do we need to remind you that you don't like a god at all?" Twilight asked

"Hang on a hot second! Tone-Deaf Bard is just one of Barbatos' many incarnations, who's to say---" Paimon started

"We've known you long enough to trust you" Lumine interrupted while putting a hand on Paimon's mouth

"Haha, we're a great team indeed! Say, once you find your brothers and friends, how would you like to become one of the new four winds?" Venti asked

"You mean, all three of us except for Paimon?!" Paimon asked in shock

"Exactly" Venti answered

"What why?!" Paimon asked

"Sorry about that but I haven't seen you fight except for them" Venti answered

"Oh, Paimon understands" Paimon realized

"Speaking of which, we'll think about it" Lumine said in worry

"Hmm, you don't seem too into it Lumine..." Paimon said in confusion

"Yeah, that's a title I'm willing to get" Rainbow reminded

"True but maybe I'll have changed my mind once I have found them, right Twilight?" Lumine asked

"Of course, I may be a princess back home but being one of the Four Winds... That's new to me" Twilight answered

Paimon then thought of something as she turned to Venti

"Hey Tone-Deaf Bard... If being one of the Four Winds means free food you can consider Paimon!" Paimon suggested

"Hahaha..." Venti chuckled before shaking the thought off "Is that everything?" Venti asked

"Yes, that was it" Twilight said

"Well then, I'd best be going back to Mondstadt to finish the last few handwritings I'm about to get, if the handwriting I fail to tally, then another year I must dally" Venti explained

"Alright, have fun" Twilight waved

Venti then ran off as Lumine turned to her friends

"Wow! We've had a ton of fun didn't we?!" Lumine asked

"Yeah we did but remember, we stated we'd be here for another 2 months so let's make the last few months the best before we run off!" Rainbow said

"Good idea and girls, if you want to talk to your friends make sure to let Paimon know cuz Paimon wants the loving memories to never end!" Paimon called out

And with that the group left, happy that the Dvalin threat has been resolved but now they had another problem on their hands, Venti's Gnosis is done and Starlight and the guy were working for the Abyss Order but will they be able to be stopped, well, let's find out next time

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