• Published 27th Nov 2023
  • 124 Views, 0 Comments

Gusty - a Ciderfest App Story - Snowday_Pegasus

A magical page has become embedded in a book about Gusty the Great. There's something different about this book now.

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Chaos: Discord has a little fun

Grogar and Gusty both power up and prepare to do battle.

“Oh, this should be good,” Grogar says.

“Bring it on,” Gusty replies.

Both Gusty and Grogar’s horns glow with arcane magic.

And just as they’re about to unleash havoc on one another, the spirit of Chaos, Discord descends upon them!

Both Gusty and Grogar’s horns stop glowing, and you could swear you just heard the sound of car brakes. They look towards you, and ask in unison, “Who?”

A pair of “hands” suddenly reach around from behind the picture. One is the paw of a lion, the other is the claw of a bird of prey.

“Oh, that would be me,” Discord says joyfully, as the entire picture is flipped over.

Grogar and Gusty suddenly find themselves standing upside down with the sky below them. They look down, look at you, and then look at each other, and then scream. A moment later they begin falling. The picture follows them as they cling to one another in a panic. Then coming into the frame from above is the familiar draconequus. He’s dressed in a white spandex skydiving suit with a World War 1 pilot’s scarf and flight goggles.

“Sorry to drop in on you like this. I’ve broken the fourth wall before, but this is almost ridiculous even for me.”

Grogar and Gusty keep screaming.

“Will the both of you quiet down, you’ve already reached terminal velocity, it can’t get any worse than this.”

Suddenly the blue sky is replaced with stars. Discord looks at you and shrugs. “I stand corrected. Maybe it can get worse.”

The moon hurdles past and both of them scream even louder.

Discord assures them, “Oh, relax, Princess Luna is just going through a phase.”

“Wait, if we’re in space, how are we breathing?” Gusty screams.

“Don’t question it, just enjoy it; you’re under absolutely no pressure at all,” Discord says. “Well, you should at least dress the part, I suppose.” Discord grabs a tiny space shuttle from off frame and opens its cargo doors, pulling out a pair of fish bowls. He closes the doors on the shuttle and tosses it away like a paper airplane. He then slams a fishbowl over each of their heads, which muffles their screaming.

Discord looks at you. “Well thank you, [USERNAME], for the unexpected invite. I hope I made it worth your while. “And don’t worry about these two, I’ll make sure the story doesn’t become an… orbituary.” He giggles. Discord reaches out of the picture, grabs the book and slams it shut. His claw then grabs the golden page, tears it out, and somehow folds it into an origami image of himself which dances along the book cover for a moment, before disappearing in a flash of white light.

Looking at the book cover, you realize the title has changed to, “Gusty and Grogar’s Far Out Adventure.”

The two fillies stare at you wide eyed and barely blinking.

“What just happened?” Coconut Cream asks.

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