• Published 27th Nov 2023
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Gusty - a Ciderfest App Story - Snowday_Pegasus

A magical page has become embedded in a book about Gusty the Great. There's something different about this book now.

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Hero: Gusty and the Unicorns run to Cloudsdale for help

Gusty and the Unicorn Warriors knew they weren’t strong enough to defeat Grogar.

Grogar smirks at Gusty. “There, see?”

So they made a hasty retreat.

“As cowardly unicorns should,” he commented.

A hasty tactical retreat. “Full gallop to Cloudsdale, we need more help,” Gusty commanded.

“Wait, what?” Grogar looks at you with concern.

Gusty says, “You heard the reader. Full gallop to Cloudsdale, we need more help!”

The Ponies rush off into the distance, and Grogar stands there dumbfounded before rushing after them. “Get back here!” He runs to give chase, but stops briefly and looks back at you with fury. “I’ll deal with you later… if I ever get out of this mess that you caused.”

Grogar disappears from view, leaving a cloud of dust in his wake, and suddenly you realize you can turn the page. The golden page now shimmers and the words you spoke are somehow written on it as if by a skilled calligraphist. It then tears itself out of the book and flutters away like a butterfly, before disappearing in a flash of golden light.

You flip through the rest of the pages before handing it back to the bewildered fillies. “I don’t think this book will give you trouble anymore,” you say to them.

“Aww, that won’t happen again? That was kind of fun. I want to see it again,” Coconut Cream said.

“Yeah,” Toola Roola replied.

“Let’s go read some more. Maybe we’ll make up our own story.”

“Where Toola Roola and Coconut Cream come to the rescue of Gusty the Great!”