You grin at the two figures in the book and you speak in a darker tone.
Grogar’s eyes flash with fire as he stares down his opponent.
“Oh, now we’re talking,” Grogar says.
The horns of the ancient and powerful ram spark with electric fury.
“Wait, what’s going on?” Gusty asks.
He unleashes a beam of wild magic far more powerful than the combined strength of the spell that the unicorns had used.
“Oh, no,” Gusty says.
“Oh, yes,” Grogar replies as he fires the beam at Gusty, who screams in pain as she’s thrown back out of the frame. The other unicorns scatter in all directions.
Grogar was too powerful for the Ponies. It was a dark day for Equestria. Their last hope for salvation was gone.
You see Gusty enter the frame again. “Wait, can we please talk about this?” Her flank is smoking, as Grogar gives chase, firing more blasts at her and narrowly missing.
“Come back here and get what’s coming to you,” Grogar yells with manic laughter in his voice.
The golden page now shimmers and the words you spoke are somehow written on it as if by a skilled calligraphist. It then tears itself out of the book and flies away like a hawk before combusting in a burst of crimson flames and pitch black smoke.
You flip through the rest of the pages before offering it back to the frightened fillies. “I don’t think this book will give you trouble anymore,” you say to them.
The fear is apparent in their eyes and they look like they might cry. “Umm, I don’t want it anymore,” Toola Roola says. “Coconut, we’d better go.” The two of them run away, nearly tripping over themselves before they turn a corner and disappear.
You look at the book one last time. The cover has changed to one with evil red eyes on a field of black. The title: “Grogar’s Revenge.”