• Member Since 2nd Oct, 2023
  • offline last seen January 24th



On top of the Marewaukee Convention Center is the Minotaurnado Airship, home of the Creature Wrestling Federation arena. Stampede Smash and the Legion of Darkness are about to square off in a tag team match, and it's up to you to decide the outcome.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 2 )

Cozy Glow and Tirek I can understand, but why is Angel Bunny there? He’s not a villain.

Before it turned out there was a tighter word constraint on the app stories, there was a prologue to the match where Iron Will was looking for applicants (while pointing out that he is DEFINITELY not responsible for any injuries, including possible limb loss). Tirek and Cozyglow have been mostly unimpressed with the lineup so far, and then along comes this massive bear (Harry). Tirek is excited. "This is more like it!" Then Harry points down and both Tirek and Cozy cast their eyes to the ground to see this tiny bunny. The villains roll their eyes until Angel demonstrates his prowess by easily overpowering Harry. Angel was quickly welcomed. As for the Hero vs. Villain issue, Angel may not be evil, but he definitely has a bit of a roguish mercenary streak. In this case, he wasn't particularly concerned about who he aligned with. He just wanted a chance to fight in the ring.

In the Chaos ending of the story, Angel's true nature is forced to take action.

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