• Published 7th Oct 2012
  • 2,261 Views, 140 Comments

Maledictum Insania: The Creation - Nero Darkard

Comments ( 31 )

And so... Begins the epic tale that we have all come to know as, Maledictum Insania.


Yep. Just to make it clear again, the story is now complete.
Im very close to a massive deadline, so I won't be able to start with MI2 right away.
But I certainly will get to it as soon as I got time again.

To be continued...in Maledictum Insania

And so ends Part One in the Maledictum Insania trilogy!! Amazing work, Nero!!! :pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:


I actually plan to make this more than a trilogy.
The story wont end with MI2. There will also be MI3.
By the way, Im surprised i didnt see a comment from you on the last chapter, since you had been commenting every single one until then

2307655 I was going to leave a comment, but it would've been a "At first I was like..., but then I was like..." joke and I doubt many people find those very funny anymore. Plus, with life getting in the way, was not able to get to the last chapter until recently. :applejackunsure:

The story wont end with MI2. There will also be MI3.

Awesome!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

2307001 Dude, you've given our sick and twisted minds more than we have expected.

Take a break.

We've earned it.

Great as always. Can't wait for more of your work.


Thank you very much.
One of my pre-readers wasnt so happy about the sudden end, though.
What do you think?

2317375 Well compared to what we got in the original it at first seems sudden. Though after thinking about it you covered everything I expected and even gave us a glimpse into how the cake and pie family's met. I'm not a writer but I'm satisfied with the prequel. We have future unexplored content coming. Go take a well deserved break.


Alright. Thank you very much.
Do you perhaps have any wishes or expectations what should happen in MI2?

That question is to everyone else, too.

2328082 I enjoy your style. Grimdark but not without a little hope. I'm interested in witch MI1 ending you wish to make cannon. Though in the good ending I was honestly contemplating how obsidian shards would handle having emotions after hundreds of years of seeing the worst atrocities the demons could come up with. I study psychology though so what do you expect. I'm no writer though ill leave you to decide what,When and why in you world of demons, psychotics, zombies, and reapers.


Sorry to disappoint you, but the story will be based on "Ringing Bells"
I had a fan vote on it and the sad ending won with a majority.
I personally had concepts for both "Letter of Destiny" and "Ringing Bells", but i too prefered ringing bells and the concept for that ending is much more advanced anyway.
While I'm not directly doing a job in pychology, I still know a lot about this topic so I think I'll be able to create something good.

Anyway, I recommend everyone who would like to stay up-to-date with all the things i do to watch me. This way, you also get all the blog updates.


If you like this story, you should also consider reading the original this prequel is based on.
It is a far bigger story.

2328082 Me haveing a diffrent view than the majority. Totally used to that now. Well on with the show may reaper fluttershy show the red darkness whos the boss. :flutterrage:

Jesus, hate to be the buzzkill here
Nero you know (personally-ish) that I love you but to be honest I just didn't think this was a very good ending.
If anything it just left me with quite a bit more questions than I would have liked (and the abrupt ending was just like...so...unexpected. It just seemed like right when things were picking up for it to end wasn't too great.
Even though I mostly know what happens afterwards, it left me with;
more questions (than answers)
ended on such a..."low/weak" note

Personally to me, it's like the Mass Effect 3 ending (I have no problem with EA, I wasn't one of those crazies who went out petitioning and spoiling the ending for everyone and basing the game off the last 5 minutes, just thought it could have been so much more [Today I am perfectly happy with the ending])

Still a good story (not nearly as good as the original)
I could have passed reading it, but quite frankly, I am glad I did


I suppose you forgot that this is supposed to be an independant story leading up to the first book. Of course I need to create questions that are not answered here to make them be explained in the first book. And of course I never expected this prequel to hold up with the original. It was all just about exploring the background and the sudden end was made to cut a precise line to prevent the reader from getting too much information to the events that follow then. This would have been a spoiler, considering someone reads my books chronologically.


Damnit Nero, once again you have done what you do best - made sense
Just for old fuddy-duddy's like me who have already read the first MI, it seems weird to see random questions pop up that never get resolved (until later on of course)
Though I do still think you could have added a bit more to that sequence than just suddenly ending it there without it being too spoiler-ish
Still though
Good job

Oh, finally finished. I suppose I should read it then (I hate reading unfinished stuff :P

How have you been Nero? :)


Ecce latinista quidam! Si velis paulum colloqui nobiscum mitte ad me epistulam electronicam (vel hic in situ vel littera electronica) ut te advocare possim in canale nostro (spero te IRC novisse ;P)

EDIT: oh, nunc reminiscor nos locuti iam fuisse... Beh, tum perge :D Gaudeo enim te adhuc latinae studiosum esse.


Im doing quite nicely.
Lately, it seems like everything I touch is bound to become instant win.
Very good for the ego :derpytongue2:
Well I just wished my stories would get more acknowledgement :ajsleepy:


Blood covered nightmare moon staring at you with sharp fangs is not horrifying enough? :derpytongue2:

At least that is how i visualize him.
All my fans are welcome to come up with their own interpretations, though.


Ecce latinista quidam! Si velis paulum colloqui nobiscum mitte ad me epistulam electronicam (vel hic in situ vel littera electronica) ut te advocare possim in canale nostro (spero te IRC novisse ;P)
EDIT: oh, nunc reminiscor nos locuti iam fuisse... Beh, tum perge :D Gaudeo enim te adhuc latinae studiosum esse.

I kind of want to learn Latin now... pero, después de completo mi corso español en mi colegio. ¡Yo voy a aprender latín!

How foolish of me.

I don't think there is one program on the internet that can translate things properly into latin. I myself had a latin student to help me with the latin in my books.

I introduced Slendermane as a demon in the original, the sequel to this story. So I figured I might as well show how he came to be.

Oh my gosh. The 5h time? Really?
And I was convinced nobody gives a damn about my work anymore. Thank you so much!

Well, this is dark as fuck... and strangely intriguing. Good job on that count. And here I thought that Stories in Stone Lunar guard's second half was as dark as it gets.

So I just finished this fic, and was putting the dishes away. I picked up a measuring cup, thought for a second, and realized that the last bit in the last chapter of this fic made Cupcakes cannon in this universe. Pinkie Pie is from a long lineage of cannibal earth ponies named pie, isn't she?

This book was actually written as a prequel after the original Maledictum Insania book.
I dont want to spoil anything what is happening in there, so I recommend you continue with that book.
I also really love seeing your comments to my work and hope you will keep following.

It would seem so. After all, she made the excavators and the crystal miners come to a compromise.

Cindanella Julie Pie and Jaffa Cake, pie and cake family OK cupcakes origins found :rainbowderp: ok i'm running away *runs away*

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