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8 Years Later

*8 years later*

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Hurry, friends!”

Pinkie Pie gasps.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Time for another adventure!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Adventure?! I'm in!”

Applejack spoke “Yee-haw! Let's go, ponies and Mobians!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Earth ponies and chakats, take the lead!”

Pinkie Pie cheerfully spoke “Whoo-hoo!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Pegasi and gryphons, fly beside me! Unicorns, horns at the ready!”

Mane Six, chakats and Mobians exclaim “For Equestria!”

Rarity asks “What fantastical foe awaits us, princess?”

Fluttershy asks “Is it something... scary?”

Rainbow Dash asks “Or is it something awesome?!”

Danyelle exclaims “No matter what it is, we'll face it together. For we are the Guardians of Friendship! With the power of our friendship and magic, we will...”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Spread love!”

Fluttershy spoke “Give hugs!”

Rarity laughs "[Sprout's voice] Fry brains!"

Fluttershy asks “Huh?"

Twilight Sparkle asks “Wait, what?”

Rarity laughs “[Sprout's voice] Yeah! I'm a unicorn, and we're evil! I'm gonna zap everypony with my horn lasers!”

The others all gasp and scream as they ran away from Rarity.

Rarity laughs.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “What?! No! No, no no, it's all...”

A three-tailed Pegasus foxpony colt was playing with his friends and twin sister as they talked about the heroes of Ancient Equestria. His name is Polished Stone but his adopted sisters call him Tails since he was part fox due to being the grandson of the fox of legend. Many of the ponies forgot who the Mobians were since they had suddenly disappeared back during Princess Light Breeze’s rule. Nevertheless, Polished Stone knew that someday, he, Cherry, Honey and Sunny would find the Mobians and bring them back. Plus Polished had to keep his wings hidden due to all the hatred.

Young Sunny Starscout spoke "—wrong! The ponies are all supposed to get along, remember?"

Young Sprout spoke "Booooring!"

Young Polished retorts “No it's not!”

Young Honey Charm spoke “It's like in the olden times when all three pony kinds as well as all Mobians and chakats were friends."

Young Sprout spoke “Ugh! Here we go again.”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke “And they never used their magic against each other.”

Young Sprout spoke “You're wrong!”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “No, I'm not! And don't you dare hit Cherry!”

Young Sprout spoke “My mom says the Pegasi and unicorns tried to eat up all the Earth ponies by zapping 'em with lasers and frying 'em to a crisp.”

Young Honey Charm spoke “They wouldn't do that!”

Young Sprout spoke “So the Earth ponies kicked their butts in an epic battle, and if they ever try to come back to Maretime Bay, we'll kick their butts again!”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Those are lies! Hitch, tell him!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Well, uh, that is kinda what our teacher said in history class. But...”

Young Sunny Starscout, Young Honey Charm, Young Cherry Blossom and Young Polished Stone scoff.

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “But, hey, oh, we can play the game your way if you want, Sunny. I don't mind.”

Young Sprout spoke “Well, I do. It's a boring game. Ooh! Let's play "Pegasus Barbecue" instead!”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke “Sprout, stop it!”

Young Sprout spoke “Earth pony burgers!"

Young Sunny Starscout and Young Honey Charm spoke “We're gonna tell our parents!”

Young Sprout laughs evilly but he was soon hit in the back of the head by Young Polished Stone.

A clock was ticking.

Young Sprout spoke “Horn fight!”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke “You're going to break them!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Take that, Earth pony! Pew-pew!”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Dad, tell them that's not what they do!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “How does that feel? Pew-pew!”

Argyle Starshine spoke "Time to head on home, don't you think, colts?”

Young Sprout spoke “Ugh! Fine! Pew-pew! Pew!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Oh, no! My brains are melting!”

The door opens.

Young Hitch Trailblazer and Young Sprout gasp.

Young Sprout asks “Mom?”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Hello, Mrs. Cloverleaf.”

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “How many times have I told you? You cannot just go trotting off without my permission. Especially not here."

Akari asks “And why is that again, Phyllis?"

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “Because you are brainwashing their minds with all of your... uh, nonsense.”

Argyle Starshine spoke “It's called research, Phyllis. And by the way, I leave all the brainwashing in Maretime Bay to you. Unicorn cupcake?”

Young Honey Charm spoke “[singsong] Freshly baked!”

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “[groans] You know, you're an Earth pony, Argyle. As is your wife. You should really start acting like one. At least for their sake.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Mmm! [giggles]”

The door creaks.

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “Who does he think he is, talking to me like that? That pony is trouble.”

Young Sprout spoke “Don't worry, Mommy. When I become sheriff, I'll keep everypony in line.”

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “Hmmm... "Sheriff Sprout". [chuckles] It does have a certain ring to it.”

The door closes.

Young Sunny Starscout, Young Cherry Blossom and Young Polished Stone sigh.

Akari asks “What's the matter, kids?"

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Hitch and Sprout still don't believe Cherry, Polished, Honey and I.”

Young Polished Stone asks “Why do I have to wear this shirt?”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke "You know why bro, we can't risk having you getting run out if the others knew you were a Pegasus."

Argyle Starshine asks “Maybe one day they will. But the important thing is that you stand up for what you believe in, okay?”

Young Honey Charm spoke “Well, when I grow up, I'm going to show everypony that we are right.”

Akari asks “Oh?”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Yeah! And someday, the four of us will meet unicorns or another Pegasus, and we'll be best friends forever!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Well, maybe today is that day. Look! A unicorn!”

Young Honey Charm gasps "Where?! Where?!”

Akari spoke “Over here!”

Young Sunny Starscout, Young Honey Charm and Young Cherry Blossom giggle. Young Polished Stone chuckles at the sight.

Argyle Starshine laughs “Hold on!”

Young Honey Charm spoke “Wheeee! I'm soaring through the sky!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Whoo! Yee-haw!"

Akari smiles at how silly her husband and daughters were being.

Young Sunny Starscout spoke "Wait! Dad! I have an idea!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “[clears throat] Dear unicorns and Pegasi, you have friends in Maretime Bay. Come visit us."

Young Honey Charm asks “Can we send it?”

Argyle Starshine spoke “I think it's our duty.”

Akari spoke "I agree."

So the six send the floating lantern into the sky with the letter.

Young Sunny Starscout and Young Honey Charm giggle "Can you tell us the story?”

Argyle Starshine asks “Again?”

Young Polished Stone and Young Cherry Blossom ask “Pleeeeease?”

Akari chuckles "Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, in ancient Equestria, there lived a very special...”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Unicorn!”

Argyle Starshine chuckles "The unicorn was very bright...”

Young Honey Charm spoke “As bright as the sun.”

Akari spoke “One day, the princess summoned her to the castle for an important assignment.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “To learn about friendship!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Mm-hmm. She soon made many new friends.”

Young Honey Charm spoke “Earth ponies, Pegasi, unicorns and Mobians of all sorts!”

Akari spoke “Together, they showed every creature the Magic of Friendship and how to live in harmony.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke "Wow! You finished it!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Pretty neat, huh? Earth ponies watched in wonder as Pegasi painted rainbows across the sky. The nights were lit up by a hundred unicorn horns.”

All four spoke “It's beautiful.”

Argyle Starshine chuckles while Akari giggles.

Young Sunny Starscout asks “I wish I had a friend who could fly around or float things. [yawns] Why can't we be friends anymore?”

Argyle Starshine spoke “[sighs] That, my darling, is a big question. And maybe one day, we'll figure it out. Together. We'll do our part...”

Argyle Starshine, Akari, Young Polished Stone, Young Cherry Blossom, Young Honey Charm and Young Sunny Starscout spoke “...hoof to heart.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Goodnight, Daddy. Good night, Mommy.”

Young Polished Stone, Young Honey Charm and Young Cherry Blossom spoke “Night."

Argyle Starshine and Akari spoke “Goodnight, our little ponies.”

Argyle closes the door.

Young Honey Charm spoke “Goodnight, friends."

And so, the four drifted off to sleep.


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