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Free For All Brawl!

*Lillian's POV*

Wow. That rematch is happening. I was honestly really surprised.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but... Kurama and I share damage though... If he got burned, I'd feel the effects too."

Kurama spoke "I'll be able to handle it!"

Twilight spoke "Stupid battle bond..."

Sumarda then showed up. "So just to be sure, you want to fight me at my full strength?"

Kurama spoke "If it wasn't for the battle bond I have with Sparkle Butt, I'd fight you at my full strength too."

Sumarda's five friends showed up to watch the battle before Tira showed up.

Natsu spoke "I want to challenge Sumarda!"

Kurama spoke "Hey!"

Sumarda spoke "Hmm…"

We noticed Tira.

Natsu spoke "baka fox, you do realize that any damage you take will affect Twilight too."

Kurama spoke "But this is my battle!"

Danyelle spoke "I’m not sure what’s gonna happen when people see this battle unfold."

Tira spoke "Come on! I’m blind!"

Matatabi spoke "Kurama...."

Kurama asks "What?"

I realized something about Tira. “Hey, doesn’t Tira remind you of Toph?”

Matatabi spoke "SIT BOY!"

Korra spoke "Yeah, you're right."

Kurama was face down on the ground.

Tira spoke "Even though I met Toph, who’s in Brawlhalla right now, you could say I’m like a reincarnation of her."

Korra spoke "but it's been 220 years! Toph's dead by now."

Tira facepalmed. “If she’s in Asgard’s Brawlhalla, then she’s already dead.”

Korra spoke "besides, I'm about 240 years old thus making me the oldest Avatar. Which means Kyoshi isn't the oldest known Avatar anymore."

Tira spoke "When news of that got to Asgard, Toph told me that Twinkle-Toes fell flat on his back in surprise."

Danyelle giggles "Aang was a goofball though."

Tira giggles "Heehee! No doubt about that."

Natsu spoke "I’m ready to fight with all I’ve got!"

Sumarda asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "We don't know when Opaline will strike next so we should be prepared for when it happens."

Sumarda asks "And you want me to fight you at full strength, Natsu?"

Natsu spoke "Cuss yeah I am!"

Sumarda asks "*Concern* Are you really sure about that?"

Nashi spoke "My dad is a hothead.... He hasn't tussled since Gray and many of the other Fairy Tail guild members died off."

Sumarda spoke "Okay, if you wanna let off some steam. But before careful what you wish for. For my full strength, we’ll need the Infinite Arena."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, and all of us spectators with Natsu found ourselves in an infinite space as Sumarda was getting ready to fight Natsu.

Natsu spoke "I'm not going to hold back!"

Yue sighs "Stupid dragon..."

Sumarda spoke "Okay. Here we go."

The next thing we knew, Sumarda became as big as a two universes, weighing at 18 octodecillion pounds! But then Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie and Xena in the spectator stands purposefully became just as big, heavy and fat as Sumarda, yet it was like they were still at the same distance before they transformed.

Vetur snaps "Sumarda! What did I say about using your unbound form against someone who doesn't have one?"

Sumarda spoke "I asked Natsu if he really wanted me at full strength."

Vetur snaps "Does he have an unbound form?"

Sumarda spoke "No."

Natsu spoke "ALRIGHT!!! Now THIS is a fight!"

Lucy groans "My husband is an idiot...."

A bead of sweat dripped down Sumarda’s head as she was just baffled at Natsu wanting to fight her like that.

Vetur spoke "From here out, Sumarda is not allowed to fight someone in her unbound form if the other person doesn't have an unbound form as well."

Natsu spoke "WHAT?! Oh come on! That’s not fair! How am I get some steam out if my opponent doesn’t go all-out?!"

Danyelle asks "Do I need to whoop your sorry ass Natsu?"

Natsu roars "GRAAAAGH!!! Just this one time, let me fight Sumarda at her full strength!!!!!"

A draconic howl was heard before a scarlet furred dragon-wolf hybrid flew at Natsu and punched him hard, sending him tumbling head over tail backwards.

The dragon-wolf hybrid spoke "Still hotheaded as ever Natsu."

Mira popped out of Danyelle’s shadow and gasped, “Erza?!”

Erza spoke "Long time no see Mira, Wendy and Lucy."

The Fairy Tail girls hugged Erza and started crying waterfalls.

Nashi, Layla, Luke and Skyla were confused.

Danyelle spoke "Freaked out fire dragon in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Natsu gasps "ERZA?!?!?!?!?!"

Erza spoke "Long time no see fire breathing idiot."

Danyelle taunts "What's the matter Flamebrain? Too chicken to fight with a keen cat?"

Natsu spoke "Oh… IT’S ON!!!"

Danyelle spoke "You'll regret picking a fight with me flamebrain!"

Erza spoke "Hmm… Although…"

Mira asks "What?"

Erza spoke "I am honestly eager to battle to battle Sumarda at her full strength. If it is allowed this once, of course."

Danyelle shot Natsu in the butt with Chaos Bullet.

Natsu responded with a Fire Dragon Roar.

Vetur spoke "Hmm…"

Danyelle countered with a Fire Neko Yowl, pushing Natsu's attack back.

Lucy spoke "Some things never change."

Mira spoke "Heehee! Agreed."

Vetur sighs "Alright. But just this one time."

Sumarda asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle laughs "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!"

Natsu spoke "THAT’S IT!!!"

Nashi shouts "FREE FOR ALL BRAWL!!!!"

Soon enough, everyone else was fighting with each other.

Pearl was stuck in a tree because of Luke.

Sumarda and her five friends were at their full strength, but their opponents were putting up quite a fight before I found myself facing Vetur.

Vetur sighs "What the hay."

Vetur soon became as big, heavy and fat as Sumarda and her five other friends.

“I won’t go down easily!” I declared as Vetur and I started our battle.

Blaze was on Sonic's back as the two pelted snowballs at the others.

All of us battled at our best and hardest, but we were all having so much fun as well, even against huge odds.

Danyelle yowls as she pelted Jet and Corina with snow.

Lucy whacked a tree with her tail, causing the snow to fall on Pipp.

Sumarda, Vetur, Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie and Xena then threw giant bouncy snowballs at us as we all kept having fun.

The hedgehog-Changeling hybrid, Estelle, was pelting her parents and uncle with snowballs.

A female diamond dog/earth pony hybrid, a female changeling/earth pony hybrid, and a female bland-face earth pony joined in on the fun.

Estelle pelts her cousin with snow.

Estelle laughs "Gotcha Lilypad!"

Lilypad laughs "*Smirk!* Oh you’re gonna get it now!"

Estelle laughs "I don't think so cuz!"

Lilypad and Estelle started tussling and wrestling in the snow with smiles are their faces.

Amy sighs "Estellise.... What am I gonna do with you?"

Limestone spoke "Come on, Amy. You gotta admit, they’re tough."

Amy spoke "I'm tougher than you are Lime!"

Nashi sets Knuckles's favorite hat on fire.

Limestone taunts "*Butting heads with Amy* Oh yeah?!"

Knuckles spoke "Huh? My hat’s on fire! Help!"

The echidna ran around while his favorite hat was on fire.

Danyelle was on her back while laughing.

Amy spoke "*Butting heads with Limestone* Yeah!"

Amy and Limestone started tussling and wrestling in the snow.

The two Changeling brothers spoke "Talk about being dense...."

A portal opened, revealing Chameleo. “Hey guys. What’s going on?”

Crosswind threw a snowball at Chameleo.

Blizzardstar spoke "Free for all brawl!"

Chameleo wiped the snow off his face with a serious expression. “Oh, it’s on now!”

Articuno wings sprouted on Chameleo’s back as Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style claws grew on his hands from the two spirits sealed in him, before he started delivering an entire flurry of snowballs at all of us as we took cover before we decided to team up and defeat him.

But then Crosswind was buried in a huge pile of snowballs before popping hir head out of the pile.

Blizzardstar pelts Chameleo with snowballs.

Kurama scooped up a large pile of snow with a wing and stuffed it down Chameleo's outfit.

Chameleo spoke "Nice try!"

Chameleo turned to Kurama, while the Inteleon somehow had a gas mask on him as he turned into a Serperior and held a yellow snowball before throwing it at Kurama as it hit him, causing a nasty odor.

Chameleo spoke "Snowball Stink Bomb!"

Rusty shouts "GROSS!!!! Was that Skuntank spray?"

Chameleo spoke "Yep."

Danyelle, Rarity and Bella all fainted from the smell.

Zoey passed out as well.

Chameleo spoke "Oops. Something tells me that was a bit much."

Blaze scoffs "You think?!? Danyelle can't stand skunk spray... and Clarity has her head in the ground..."

Even Natsu and Wendy had their heads in the ground since dragon slayer wizards had keen noses.

Chameleo spoke "Maybe this can help."

Chameleo first drenched Kurama in water before shooting a non-harmful gentle bubble beam, covering him in soap bubbles before a zipped all around him with a brush before all the bubbles vanished, Kurama looking good as new and smelling minty fresh.

But due to the cold weather, Kurama ended up frozen.

Lucy wingslaps Chameleo.

Lucy spoke "Watch it waterbrain, water plus cold weather means ice..."

Chameleo asks "Sorry, forgot about that. At least Kurama smells better, right?"

Twilight was shivering since she was cold.

Twilight stutters "Y-you b-better r-run w-waterbrain...."

Chameleo already ran back into the portal as it closed.

Twilight shot a lightning bolt at Chameleo before the portal closed, causing him to scream.

Sumarda asks "Was that really necessary?"

Sumarda, Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie, Xena and Vetur went into their 1,000 pound forms as they arrived back at Maretime Bay, only to see someone from Zoey’s past arrive.

Twilight spoke "Battle Bond... Anything that happens to Kurama, I feel it too..."

Lucy growls at the black wolf.

Dren growls "You again Deep Blue? I thought Zoey killed you!"


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