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Disaster Strikes

*Danyelle's POV*

I spoke "The final battle with Pale Snake is drawing near!"

Kurama and Matatabi roar loud.

But the words from that flashback with DIO still rang inside my mind.

Kurama spoke "Since Twilight still can't fight back because of her young foals, that might throw a wrench into the whole Danyterama fusion thing..."

Matatabi spoke "That may be so but Danyelle's smart."

“Thanks, Matatabi.” I said in gratitude.

Kurama spoke "Regardless, what Dio had said in that flashback worries me."

Zoey spoke "We should talk to Melira, Capper, Shady and Chummer about this too."

Yuki spoke "Spell... Family... Revival..."

“I know that sounded strange for all of us, but we should get going.” I say.

But then a light appeared before vanishing, leaving a crater behind.

Yuki hisses, alerting me.

We looked at the crater before we saw a green male hippogriff with golden armor, a trident for a right hand, fin-shaped feathers on his legs and ears, with a spherical ruby on the forehead of his golden helmet.

Ears pin back, I ask "Who are you?"

The hippogriff spoke "Ugh… I should be asking you that."

Yuki spoke "That's Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, user of Celestial Gods which is a 19 piece Stand."

The hippogriff spoke "Strange… I’ve never heard of you."

I spoke "Alpha-Queen, Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Defender of Legendary Pokemon, Keen Cat, Tamer of Fenrir and Slime, Hero of Equestria."

The hippogriff spoke "Sorry, but none of those sound familiar."

I spoke "Hmmm... Maybe Eternal knows something..."

Larcen showed up. “Been quite a while, Trident.”

Trident asks "Larcen Tyler. I should’ve known. I was sent forward through time, wasn’t I?"

I spoke "Yeah... You're in Maretime Bay, 2240 A.D."

Trident spoke "I guess Atlantis and my race are long gone then, after I was defeated by those treacherous Romans in 110 B.C."

I spoke "But the Atlantean spirit lives on in the descendants of those long gone."

Trident spoke "No, my race died out because they were banished into the sea by the Romans when we lost."

I spoke "Yikes...."

Ben asks "Wait… Trident? Why does that vaguely ring a bell?"

Lan spoke "Maybe one of our ancestors was an Atlantean that had escaped..."

Trident asks "What was that Atlantean’s name?"

Ears droop down, Lan spoke "The name was lost to history but she was a fox though."

Ben gasps "Gah!"

Lan groans "Ugh!"

Ben spoke "Something's... happening to me and Lan!"

Soon enough, the affects got to Ethan, Lyra, Irene, Ralph, Stella and Geo since they were related to Lan and Ben.

That made me start panicking before we saw the eight of them gaining fins on their lower arms and legs, fins on the left and right sides of their heads as they gained a few green fish scales on some of the parts of them that didn't have fur on them.

I spoke "ME LIKEY!!!"

I pounce on Ben before snuggling him.

Ben asks "Th-Thanks, Dany. But how did this happen?"

Bridget spoke "Maybe your long since dormant Atlantean blood is starting to surface."

Ben spoke "You make it sound like you know this stuff really well."

Bridget spoke "I may not look it but I am also of Atlantean descent."

The other four of the Tokyo Five were caught completely off guard by that.

Bridget spoke "It's true... but the Atlantean blood is extremely dilute now since it's been over 5000 some odd years."

Trident spoke "Wait... I'm sensing a faint connection between myself and the one you call Bridget."

Bridget spoke "I'm a descendant of your wife."

Trident really was shocked as he fell onto his flank with his left claw on his head, before three more lights appeared.

Zoey asks "More Atlanteans?"

When the lights faded, there were two female hippogriffs with fin-like feathers on their legs and ears, while there was a male fox Mobian.

Zoey asks "What the...?"

Trident however was shocked.

Bridget faints.

Kayla sighs "Jeeze..."

Trident gasps "Lanecea? Tadrann?"

Irene was carrying Reuben in her arms.

Geo spazzes out and faints.

Jolyne spoke "Jeez, and here I thought things couldn’t get anymore bizarre."

Muta spoke "Look Jolyne, I know we don't get along that well but I really like you."

A loud yowl was heard from Haru.

“That can’t be good!” I dreaded as we headed towards Haru, but she was gone, before I realized… “SHE’S BEEN TAKEN TO THE PRISON!”

Louise yowls "MOM!!!!!"

Baron spoke "HARU!!!"

The two Mobian cats suddenly have Stands.

Louise spoke "Heart of Gold!"

A familiar rat was on my head but it wasn't Bug-Eaten since I had killed it long ago.

“Remy?” I asked in surprise.

Remy squeaks loud, causing a gold frying pan to whack Enrico on the head without him knowing that it happened.

But then Enrico suddenly vanished.

"Damn it! A vision! That means Pale Snake's definitely at the prison. We need to head there ASAP!" I urged as Banjo and Kazooie appeared.

And to my surprise, the rest of the Smashers show up too!

I spoke "Mario! Link! Zelda! Samus! Cereza! I'm sure glad you and the others showed up!"

Twiliterasu howls.

A portal opened towards the inside of the prison, where a strange bone was shown there.

I growl "Dio's bone..."

We went through there, only the gates suddenly opened as we saw a Heartless responsible for that while water Heartless got every single part of the floor wet before more than 36 convicts came out of the cells as there suddenly started fighting each other to the death. But then... "Louise! Those Heartless aren't gonna make it easy for us, so could you at least keep me and the others calm so we won't get affected by the stand that's making the convicts angry?"

Louise spoke "Given that my Stand is the polar opposite of the one causing this, I can do that!"

Louise activates Heart of Gold's ability, Calming Aura to keep the Smashers and I calm.

Soon, we started fighting the Heartless with clear heads.

Muta whacks a heartless with a baseball bat, sending it flying far.

Muta laughs "And it's out of here!!"

A Heartless appeared behind Jolyne and was about to attack her, before an arm emerged from the ground, destroying it with a punch.

A male spoke "I won't let an enemy lay a hand on Jolyne."

I looked and saw that giant otter mobian from that music room in Burn the House Down.

Showing up, Vivian spoke "I managed to get some help, but you seriously wouldn't believe this guy."

I yowl loud, getting the attention of the first generation Pony Guard.

Twilight flew in throw an open window before breathing fire on the Heartless, incinerating them.

Rarity and Blizzardstar freeze a few Heartless in ice as Applejack and Crosswind rip some apart with earthbending while Pinkie and the Tri-Pies annoy the cuss out of a large Heartless.

We fought the heartless for a while now, before a convict showed up behind me, only for him to suddenly bloat up with water and fall onto his face, dead, much to Jolyne's and my shock.

Jolyne asks "Wait! What the... No! Please don't tell me this didn't already happen. Please! The battle between the convicts is already over! They're all disfigured and bloated. Every last body in this prison is dead. It's a Stand power. How many Stand Users are in this place?"

I counted 35 waterbed-bloated convicts, including the one that died before he could attack us from behind.

A sonic yowl was heard as Haru sent someone flying through several walls.


I spoke "Good thing Remy wasn't affected by that strange Stand, he's on my head."

We looked and saw a short, skinny, old male Red-Faced Cormorant Mobian.

The male spoke "How can you stand with gaping wounds? *Stretching* Your stands are intriguing, my dears. A Stand of string! And a Stand who can neutralize Survivor’s conductive battle instinct! Who would’ve thought? I also find it interesting that all of your combat moves are completely unpredictable. Most interesting of all, however, is your dogged determination. It’s obvious you could’ve been gravely wounded, but I can tell you can grown much from those brutal fights. When Pale Snake sent three Stand Users here, including me, I was taken aback because I’m sure you can imagine. Well, I thought “Are that many necessary to accomplish this?” But now, the reason why is totally obvious, heh, if he wants to eliminate you all for good, which he clearly does. By the way, I am Kenzou, a spritely 78 years old. The key to good health is eight hours of deep sleep, and of course, urine therapy every day without fail. It’s important to maintain good habits. Are you familiar with it? Urine therapy! *Giggle*"

That last piece of info really grossed me out.

I growl "Well Pale Snake's got another thing coming!"

All 19 pieces of Celestial Gods surround me and my comrades, startling Kenzou.

Amaterasu and Chibiterasu growl.

Jolyne spoke "If you wanna play, I’ll gladly take you on. I can do an American style. Or how about French style? Japanese style work? And of course Italian Naples style."

Kenzou spoke "I’ll get straight to the point, dears. All the dead you see didn’t just die, they were drowned. I drowned them, that’s why their bodies are bloated and look like giant ticks about to explode. *Vivian approaching Kenzou* And regrettably, it seems my first opponent is not either of you, or it is not yet."

Some kind of weapon formed on Vivian’s right hand as she fired F.F. bullets at the old man before a bloated dead body rolled by and took the attack for him, before passing by.

Vivian spoke "Damn! I thought I had him. So much for my grand finisher. And conveniently, a bloated corpse somehow rolled by and took F.F.‘s bullets."

Kenzou spoke "Heeheehee. Yes, it was close, indeed."

Vivian spoke "Everyone, let me handle the old man."

I flew up after drawing my nichirin sword, scaring Kenzou.

I spoke "Sun Breathing.... WHITE FLAME BLAST!!!"

The attack hits Kenzou from above since none of the corpses were Pegasi.

But then Kenzou suddenly dodged it effortlessly.

Vivian spoke "We don’t know what this guy can do! *More Heartless started appearing* Let me take care of him!"

I switched to the Cosmic Star keyblade before yowling loud, calling in the KH Sonic and KH Twilight.

Vivian spoke "Guys! If we all rush at him, he could wipe us all out! Let me take care of this creepy old geezer."

I spoke "Show that creep the strength of a Prower!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "We’ll take care of the Heartless!"

I call in Sora to help fight the Heartless.

Blizzardstar uses hir cyrokinesis to create a thin yet flexible layer of ice on Vivian so that she doesn't dehydrate.

Blizzardstar spoke "That will keep you from drying out!"

Vivian spoke "Thanks, Blizzard. Now I’m gonna take this creepy old geezer out, and I’m gonna like it."

Blizzardstar spoke "It may be thin but it's strong enough to prevent you from getting killed. I'd rather not get an earful from Serenity if you got killed a second time."

Anzu tossed her Nichirin sword to Vivian.

Anzu spoke "Show that old bastard the strength of the Ikisatashi clan!"

Vivian spoke "Hehe… Damn straight!"

Kenzou opened his right palm as some kind of compass appeared on it before it pointed in a direction.

Kenzou taunts "Direction facing southeast, 127 degrees, 30 minutes, 20 seconds. Sweat. It’s dripping down. Are you going to open your mouth?"

Kenzou stopped as Vivian shot more F.F. bullets, only for them to miss without fazing him.

Kenzou taunts "Or would you prefer to drown? Is that it?"

Vivian spoke "What do you mean “drown?” I have no idea what you’re planning, but thanks to my stand, water is my jam. If you think you can-"

Kenzou suddenly thrust his hand into Vivian’s mouth before water started coming out of the vixen’s mouth.

Kenzou spoke "For a trained creature to drown under these circumstances, it usually takes anywhere between five to seven minutes. But only if they draw breath deep enough to leave oxygen in the lungs, that’s what buys them that precious time. If all the oxygen in both lungs are exhaled, that would have a far less enjoyable outcome. You see, with only a few drops of water, a creature will just drown and then die instantly. Siphoned directly from your filthy mouth, I damaged your fourth cervical spine vertebrae. There’s a large nerve that connects right to your kidney! When one is under duress, the adrenal gland secretes bodily fluid into the respiratory mucosa like a lubricant. So these few drops of water should evoke a feeling of being suffocated by a giant wave. Huh, lovely!"

Vivian thinks "Oh my god! I can’t breathe. F.F., I’m losing! This is bad, my body can’t take it!"

Vivian suddenly fell as her throat was bloated.

Kenzou spoke "Do any of you want to drown, too? I’m glad to help out. Heeheehee!"

Vivian then stabbed her right hand into her neck, causing a hole-shaped wound as the water escaped from her, reverting her neck back to normal.

Kenzou asks "Huh?"

Kenzou brought out his compass again as it pointed behind him as Vivian fired more F.F. bullets before Kenzou jumped, while two bullets grazed the front and back sides of his right ankle.

Kenzou spoke "Grr… Hiyah!"

Kenzou kicked before Vivian moved back, slipping through the bars and dodging the attack.

I yowl loud, casting a speed boost spell on Vivian as Tachigami sliced Kenzou's legs.

But somehow Kenzou dodged that attack. “What are you? Identify yourself.”

Anastasia scoffs "What kind of stand user is that old geezer, anyway? We should be evaluating his strengths. Wouldn’t you say? The main problem here, you see, is not the old man’s ability to drown other creatures, but the fact that he dodged bullets. Perhaps it’s trite, but why aren’t any of those well-aimed shots hitting him? That’s a far more dangerous detail."

Jolyne asks "Why’d you come here? And what’s your name again? Anastasia or… something prissy?"

Anastasia spoke "Because I love you, and I’ve been dying to see your face again."

Muta was beyond shocked while Jolyne was confused.

Jolyne scoffs "Hah? What did you just say?"

Muta hisses "Back off! Jolyne's my friend!"

I spoke "He's fast for an old fart.... So I should be thrice as fast! TRIPLE ACCELLERO!!!"

I was as fast as the speed of light while flying right at Kenzou as I curled into a ball, using a spindash and shredding the guy's neck bad.

But then Kenzou suddenly dodged me effortlessly again.

Anastasia spoke "Mrs. Danyelle, let Vivian handle this herself. That old man has been locked up here a while. He’s served forty years at this prison. He’s a lunatic who enjoys drinking his own urine. It had been ages since I’d seen him before. It turned out he was here all along. And now this decaying freak show is a Stand User. In the fall forty-two years ago, he killed 34 young men and women. He was sentenced to 280 years in prison, equivalent of several lifetimes. That grinning gray carcass was only 37 back then. He claimed to be the guru of a secret cult. And he was so successful that he even had Hollywood stars in his bizarre little fringe group. But their activities led to issues between his rabid followers and outside society, so the police and FBI started to get involved. He knew he was fully cornered, so he and 34 of his followers holed up in a Florida villa, and planned out a mass suicide. But it wasn’t quite that simple. Kenzou drugged his followers so they would pass out, then he set the building on fire. You see, all the believers burnt to death, except for one sole survivor who just happened to be the cult leader. It was just dumb luck, really. Strangely, it seems the wall of the building nearest him collapsed in such a way that partly shielded him from the smoke and flames. There is no doubt, though, that he was willing to die, since he was near death when they found him. What’s my point in telling you all this? I’m sorry. I’ve digressed a bit. But the fact is only he survived. He’ll never get released from this prison, but he wasn’t sentenced to death, either. This is the reality behind him."

Kenzou spoke "I’ve never seen you before and I don’t know who you are. But I can see your point of strength as though you’re made of glass, the secret of the power that lies within you. It’s patently clear that what flows through every artery in your body is very much something other than blood. Am I seeing the source of your stand in action? Or is it a different organism entirely? Either way, it will not affect how I’m gonna finish you off. In terms of vital points and body composition, you’re essentially no different than a normal being. In the end, you will shed blood, just the same. *As Vivian got up and readied herself for battle while Kenzou summoned his compass again* I assumed by your stance, you’re ready to drown once again. Just be aware, you won’t survive this time. West-southeast, 225 degrees, 0 minutes."

Kenzou started moving, confusing us.

Vivian growls "Yeah, that’s it. He put something on his hands again. What the hell is that? And what’s with the creepy side-crab walk?"

Kenzou spoke "Oh, how utterly fascinating. It seems your dragon’s direction is…"

The compass then disappeared before a dragon revealed itself, pointing at a spot on the back of Vivian’s head.

Jolyne spoke "Hey, Vivian. He’s right behind you!"

Vivian then fired at the stand, only for the bullets to pass through the stand.

The dragon spoke "No! Don’t attack me! You’re just wasting your time, truly!"

Vivian shot another bullet, only for it to pass through the stand again.

The dragon spoke "I’m telling you, your real enemy is that insane old man, so stop shooting at me. Don’t you get it yet? I’m impervious. An illusion. Your attacks will only pass through me. Eyes forward! Danger approaches. He’s coming right at you! I have no right to interfere. It’s only that old man. He’s your enemy. Destroy him!"

Vivian asks "What… what is this? The reason that old sack can dodge bullets is because of him?"

The dragon spoke "Here he comes."

Kenzou spoke "Hiyah!"

Vivian attacked as Kenzou blocked every single one of them.

Jolyne groans "This guy is 78? How does the walking dead kick and punch so fast?"

Kenzou spoke "To put a phrase, I can now enter the dragon. Hiyah!"

Kenzou jumped off of Vivian as his left arm enter the bubble before the stand grabbed it with its maw. Kenzou chuckled as his left arm was torn off without shedding any blood, leaving us in shock.

Jolyne gasps "What is he? He tore his own arm off, but… why would he?"

The stand shot the arm as it flew past Vivian before it turned towards the back of her head.

Jolyne spoke "No way! Now, his arm is flying right to the back of Vivian’s head."

Vivian blocked it, but got wounded from the impact.

Jolyne spoke "Man! That was close. But still, Vivian blocked it. That was so badass!"

I growl as I transformed straight to Danyterama for some odd reason.

I gasp "What the cuss? How in Faust's name did I attain this without fusing with Twirama?"

I punt the old bird hard with a lightning fast kick from my front left leg, sending him flying backwards.

But he suddenly dodged it again!

Anastasia spoke "I noticed as soon as Kenzou touched that dragon stand, his arm disappeared at that same moment. A smoke screen so we won’t see his attack coming."

Kenzou reattached his left arm and readied himself to fight.

Vivian spoke "Oh, crap! What’s that dragon behind him now? When you touch it, does your other arm tear off? It’s just like the user, the attack was weak."

The Stand spoke "No, Vivian! This battle’s result is already decided. But it’s not like anyone can actually predict what happens, though."

Kenzou growls "Hiyah! And you, pipe down! You talked too much. Why would you give away everything? You’re supposed to be neutral! Remember that?"

The Stand spoke "You’re operating in bad faith, though. You must share your secret with her."

Rats suddenly scurried on the walls, while one of them coincidentally flipped a switch, causing the prison doors to close as one of them pincered a head of a convict, shattering his glasses and causing them to fly, piercing Vivian’s mouth and causing it to bleed.

Kenzou spoke "Oh dear! You opened your mouth. Hiyah!"

Kenzou started attacking Vivian as she dodged them.

Jolyne asks "Vivian! Look out! There is no freaking way that was a coincidence. That inmate’s glasses flew straight at Vivian and lodged themselves in her face?"

Anastasia spoke "Unfortunate direction. I’m starting to understand. It’s feng shui in action."

That got us confused.

My left ear twitches before I kick the bird with a back hoof, breaking his skull.

I groan "I hate it when people attack me from behind!"

But then Kenzou dodged it again! It’s starting to get on my nerves!

Anastasia spoke "Feng Shui is geomancy for the East Asians. Watch Kenzou’s movements as if he’s adjusting to a certain direction. Attacks coming from there, one direction as if pre-determined, and that Stand on his hand, it just works. The only conclusion is, with that dragon stand, Kenzou can perfectly control the direction of his attacks."

Jolyne: "Feng Shui? What is that? And what do you mean by direction?"

Anastasia spoke "I’ll explain. It’s as famous as astrology and tarot card reading, maybe more, but it’s not fortune telling. East Asian philosophy highlights the idea that there are natural paths of energy in the natural world such as the flow of wind and water. By knowing the direction, in which nature is flowing, it helps creatures choose similar paths for their lives. Here’s an example; Feng Shui is used to determine the good and bad areas of the land, house, and room. If the direction of the land or house is bad, it will affect the resident’s health, fortune and even the whole family’s well-being negatively. In times of war, it is said that they checked the Feng Shui of the castle and thus could determine the most advantageous area of the fortress they could attack from to being down the enemy. On the other hand, if you build a shrine in the weak zone of the castle, it can calm the evil energy. The castle with gain furthermore solidified defense. And of course, this same theory of Feng Shui can also be applied to creature's bodies. There’s even an attack called Feng Shui assassination. If you can control the direction from which to attack your enemy, you’re almost guaranteed a victory over them. *As Vivian took the glasses out of her face and spat out some blood* No matter how alert and prepared the target is, you’ll be able to approach them without being noticed, leaving them completely vulnerable, and you can easily assassinate them. That means… unlucky direction. I think we’ve now established the secret of Kenzou’s stand. The unlucky course pointing toward Vivian. That dragon stand is pointing out the precise direction for Kenzou to kill them fast and easy. And at some point very soon, his attack will merge with that floating dragon. I’m afraid Vivian’s fate has already been decided. I can’t believe Kenzou. He’s spent the last 40 years in prison mastering the Feng Shui assassination, and that skill developed as his stand power."

Jolyne spoke "*As Kenzou moved around Vivian* Feng Shui! The direction to proceed! Then that means when he was on defense, that would explain it. That’s why not one of the bullets hit the old man, either."

“You gotta be kidding me!” I dreaded.

Jolyne asks "You’re saying the Feng Shui also protected him as well as helped him try to kill them?"

Anastasia spoke "Yes, I am. When he holds that dragon stand in his hands, he reads which direction is the best to take. And while moving in that direction, he simultaneously launches his attack. The dragon is trying to show the direct line to kill again.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Wait! Those glasses were deliberately made to shoot right into your face. Hold the old man off. Don’t let him get too close to that dragon."

I had to warn Vivian too.

I warn Vivian via telepathy "{Watch your back kiddo!}"

Kenzou snaps "Let’s go! Nicely done, Drake’s Dream. Thank you! They figured it out because you had to go and flap your scaly jaws."

Drake’s Dream: Shut up, you rotting mummy. I’m not your henchmen or your underling. The art of Feng Shui belongs to everyone, not just you. But it’s true that you can utilize my power to the fullest. Vivian, next unlucky spot is here! Right above your left ear. Feel it? This direction has the utmost critical emergency alert ringing. Your lucky charm is yellow, and your charm is a picture of a goldfish, if you have ‘em."

Jolyne spoke "Hey, look! He’s going around behind you, Vivian!"

Vivian attacked behind her, only for Kenzou to dodge it and grab on to her left leg.

Kenzou spoke "Time for a knife hand strike. I don’t even need to touch the dragon’s direction for it."

Vivian was about to attack Kenzou, but he struck first, landing a jab on the front right of her neck.

Anastasia spoke "The movement of his defending arm is also working as an attack. Must be tai chi training.

Kenzou spoke "How’s your mouth? I’ve got you now!"

Kenzou thrusted his right hand into Vivian’s mouth, but she chomped down her jaws, biting his hand as Kenzou yelled in pain.

Drake’s Dream spoke "Wow! If your defense works as an attack, then the reverse applies, too. Turnabout is fair play, old man!"

I stomp my left hind hoof twice on the ground, alerting Vivian to another attack.

Kenzou spoke "Hiyah! *Knocking Vivian away* I’ve grown tired of this, you brat. I guess now I need to utilize the dragon’s direction to finish you off completely."

Kenzou kicked Vivian towards Drake’s Dream before her front left leg was in the dragon stand’s maw.

Kenzou spoke "I forced your leg to merge with the dragon. How do you like that? Just so you know, that’s the same move I employed in my attack before. You’re about to get beaten senseless by your very own leg.

Drake’s Dream grabbed the leg as it was torn off of Vivian before it shot the arm past her, knocking up a dead inmates body into the air before it flew back to her, reattaching to Vivian’s body.

Kenzou spoke "Yes, that did just happen. My Stand attack has merged with the course of your death."

Vivian snaps "You asshole! What the hell was that nightmare? I lost my leg just then. Are you responsible for that?"

Drake’s Dream spoke "I told you there’s an unlucky direct. I’m very sorry! That’s caused by the direction’s certain power. I have no way of knowing what’s gonna happen in the next moment. But if I were you, young vixen, I would try my best to prevent or minimize the inevitable damage."

I looked and saw two flies buzzing upwards, before seeing the loose fan up there before a bird flew in and ate the flies and flew upwards, only to get sliced to pieces by the fan above it, causing parts of the fan to fall apart and off it.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Hurry and get out of there! The fan’s gonna fall on you!"

Vivian readied to shoot the fan while a corner piece of it bounced of the ground and started flying like a boomerang, ricocheting off the walls and ground and flying back.

Drake’s Dream spoke "Actually, what you have to worry about is not the fan. It’s the metal boomerang heading towards you."

Vivian was too late as the boomerang tore through her scalp, with it only hanging a bit on the right side while very little blood spilled from that.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian!"

Vivian spoke "Ugh… I’m glad none of the blood spilled. But still, that was definitely bad luck."

Kenzou asks "Huh?"

Vivian aimed her right front hoof at Kenzou as she shot more F.F. bullets.

Kenzou growls "What? Come back here, dragon! How dare you?"

Three of the bullets hit Kenzou’s right shoulder and arm.

Kenzou spoke "Son of a…!"

Kenzou then dodged the other three bullets.

Drake’s Dream spoke "You’re losing your touch, old man!"

I bodyslam Kenzou into the floor.

Out of nowhere, Evil Grows Requiem grabs Kenzou and turns him into a robot.

Eggman spoke "You so did not take MY Stand into account!"

But then a dark silver aura surrounded Kenzou as he reverted back to normal.

Kenzou spoke "Never again! I’ll never be careless and step away from the safe direction again. I knew better than that, and I am better than that."

A impenetrable barrier suddenly pushed me and Eggman away, leaving only Kenzou, Vivian and their stands as Kenzou’s eyes glowed magenta.

Vivian thinks "Speaking of directions, I’m learning something important here, how I can best get them. A mirror! I need a mirror right now! If F.F. and I can create a mirror midair, I can beam the dragon’s reflection off its surface, and fool Kenzou into moving away from his safe space. That’ll give me the perfect window to beat up that rotting bag of skin. But I need water. Even though I’m not dehydrated, the amount I have isn’t enough. I can use water to make a mirror, but I obviously need to heal my wounds too. But the only way I can possibly make a mirror midair is if I can get some water."

Kenzou spoke "In the not-so-distant past, some 30,000 loyal disciples of mine worshipped me, eagerly learned my teachings and rapidly following in my footsteps. But not now! Ever since being incarcerated here, their love and loyalty has turned into pure disgust. Everyone looked down on me, laughed and turned away. Even degenerates that abducted children and did unspeakable things to them saw me as beneath them. Forty years… forty long hard years! Honor! It was true honor, I tell you. Forty years ago, I was at the top of the world, a shining star. And my former glory will return. I swear! My wisdom on Feng Shui which rendered me the only survivor of that fire appeared in the form of a stand. As soon as I am floating here, glaring at you, people will soon call me Founder once again. And they will follow me, even if I never see outside this prison again. *Jumps up towards Vivian* The only thing I have left to do now is finish you off. For the last time, you show me. I command you now, Drake’s Dream. You will show me the precise direction of my finishing attack."

Kenzou kicked as Vivian dodged, jumping back.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Look over there, on the other side of the stairs! There’s a fire hose! Run and grab it, hurry!"

Vivian did that as she ran toward the fire hose before Kenzou chased after her.

Anastasia spoke "Remember, Vivian and F.F. said themselves not to step in for them. Let them finish this battle."

Vivian growls "*Having gotten to the hose* Where is it? I gotta get the water running now. Where the hell is the faucet?"

Vivian found the faucet and tried to get there, only to see Drake’s Dream to her left.

Drake’s Dream spoke "Be careful what you touch. This is your unlucky direction. You must protect it fiercely. Otherwise, it’s definite attack will head your way. There’s no time to be doing something silly like drinking water."

Kenzou was right above Vivian before she swung her left front hoof at Drake’s Dream, tearing it off into its bubble. “At their own will!” Drake’s Dream gasped in surprise as Vivian swung her other hand at it, tearing it off into the stand’s bubble as well.

Jolyne screams "Vivian! No! What are you doing? Please, stop! An attack has already been decided, get it? This is not going to end well for you."

Kenzou kicked Vivian’s head and the hose with his right leg, but then Vivian was suddenly gone.

Kenzou asks "Hm?"

But then we noticed a hole on the hose and something moving in it, including Kenzou.

Anastasia: Rather than a decided attack or being led into bad luck, it looks like more than anything else. What Vivian really needs is water."

Jolyne: She purposely removed her arms to fit her body into the hose."

Vivian then kicked the faucet, causing it to gush out water.

Jolyne: Oh, they did it! They managed to get-"

But then Vivian was punched out of the hose with her own two arms.

Drake’s Dream spoke "This is your leg. Feng Shui Assassination has now begun."

Kenzou spoke "Ah, it’s obvious you wanted to get some water and clearly you need it, but I’m delighted to inform you that nothing will go your way anymore. My attacks will continue to become your bad fortune from here on out. That’s Feng Shui Assassination. Drake’s Dream! It’s all pre-determined. You cannot stop destiny."

Vivian fell down the staircase with both arms attached to her.

Jolyne asks "She almost got water, but then couldn’t. He won’t even let her touch it. What’s gonna happen now?"

Anastasia spoke "Directly beneath the Discipline Cell here is the execution room. There is electrocution in the chair down in the basement, and it uses 2,800 volts."

Vivian soon fell as the hose bounced into the control room and turned on the countdown for electrocution. There was 1 minute and thirty seconds on the clock.

Vivian spoke "Ugh! This stinks! I was so close to the water, I can’t believe I missed it! At least I broke the faucet off. I just need to get water from up there then. If things don’t change… Wait a minute…"

Vivian looked at what she landed against, and it was an electric chair!

Anastasia spoke "The planktons and Vivian would certainly be annihilated in less than a second."

Vivian gasps "Oh no! Is that what I think it is?!"

Vivian tried to run, but found her tail caught on a restraint before being sent onto the chair as she saw the timer.

Vivian spoke "What the hell? It’s counting down. Is it already live? Or does that mean it turns on when it hits zero? *Tearing off restraints* Not of I can help it, it won’t!"

Vivian tried to move, but found her right leg shackled to the chair.

Kenzou spoke "*Arriving in execution room* I was curious. After I unleashed my attacks, what’s the end going to look like for you? That situation, anyone could perfectly predict what was going to happen."

Vivian fired bullets as they went past Kenzou as she ran past him, before one of the shots shattered his necklace and one of the beads on the ground caused her to slip right back onto the chair as the headpiece fell onto her head. Ten seconds was left!

Drake’s Dream spoke "Looks like it’s already been decided. You’re supposed to be sitting in that chair. Don’t fight it!"

Vivian tried to escaped, but was attacked by Kenzou.

Kenzou laughs "Hiyah! You’ll never get your water, so give up! And the timing’s absolutely perfect. The precise time, I’ll be finishing you."

Kenzou forced Vivian back into the chair as the headpiece went onto her head before the timer reached zero, with the chair starting to electrocute Vivian.

Jolyne spoke "Oh, god! Vivian!"

Kenzou spoke "Yes, the definitive direction of attack and a perfect direction of protection. Feng Shui Assassination. It took 40 years to achieve, but this only mean that I finally master it. The Founder has been resurrected at last! With this, I’ll go down in history as a Buddha equivalent in power and glory to Shakyamuni."

Drake’s Dream spoke "I’m neutral, old man. So it’s not like I’m gonna help you out or anything. But you see, Vivian did manage to obtain water mere moments ago, in fact, when you kicked her, wanna know how? Because a 78-year-old like you ran around hysterically, you perspired abundantly because Vivian made you run around. *Water appearing around it* Your sweat’s the water she and her stand used, and you missed it."

Drake’s Dream was actually at a different location, reflected off the water mirror Kenzou had in his hands.

Kenzou asks "Huh?"

Drake’s Dream spoke "It appears that Vivian can use F.F. to create mirrors using sweat. All it takes is about a third of a glass to make a functional one. You provided more than enough for them. In other words, if you’re looking at a reflection of me, that’s not at all your safe direction. In fact, quite the opposite."

Vivian grabbed Kenzou’s right arm.

Drake’s Dream spoke "It’s an official tie. The only thing that has sealed the perfect Feng Shui Assassination is a tie. Vivian and F.F. made their resolve specifically for this."

Kenzou started getting electrocuted as well.

Vivian spoke "Take this and choke on it! If I can share some bad luck with you…"

Kenzou spoke "My safe direction!"

Vivian then grabbed Kenzou by the neck as they were both being electrocuted before the chair died down as the barrier disappeared.

Anastasia asks "Well, that’s over. What’s going to happen next?"

“We gotta make sure Vivian’s okay!” I urged as Jolyne agreed before we and the others rushed down the stairs.

Muta spoke "Let's go!"

We went downstairs and saw Vivian and Kenzou, unconscious, but alive.

Eggman spoke "Let me handle this."

Eggman touched Kenzou and a pulled out some kind of capsule that he used to capture wisps with.

Eggman spoke "I think we should hold onto Drake’s Dream for safe keeping."

Due to my rather large size, I was stuck in the doorway.

Rarity drenches Vivian with water magic, jolting the green furred Mobian vixen awake.

Vivian spoke "*Gasp!* Thanks, guys. I know, it was a big risk."

I managed to back off and got myself unstuck.

Gloria spoke "Don't ever scare us like that again!"

Vivian spoke "I’ll try."

“Okay, guys. Let’s try to get that bone.” I said.

Muta spoke "But uh Danyelle, you can barely fit though doorways at that size...."

“Don’t worry, the bone’s on the floor I’m at anyway.” I responded.


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