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Ponyville’s Rebirth

*Lillian’s POV*

Well, it’s time to get started on the reconstruction of Ponyville.

Danyelle spoke "But Ponyville's completely covered by the Everfree Forest though."

Twilight asks "What if we teleported Ponyville to a clear area?"

Danyelle spoke "But we don't have enough working horns available though. Plus Redheart would yell if you overworked yourself Sparkle Butt."

Twilight taunts "Like you don’t overwork yourself, feline flank?"

Danyelle spoke "Least I'm not the one that's pregnant."

Twilight teases "*Smirk* So, when are you and Ben gonna have another kitten?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me use the word on you Sparkle Butt!"

Twilight giggles "Heehee! Sorry, Feline Flank. But Flash and I might catch up to you and Ben on the amount of kids we have, blood and adopted combined."

Danyelle spoke "I've got thrice the number of kids that Rarity has."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Speaking of, you've got triplets on the way."

Twilight gasps "What?!?"

“Wow. Just like Pinkie.” I awed in surprise.

Katie was carrying a pair of unhatched eggs.

Katie spoke "Hey mom."

A howl was heard but it wasn't as loud as Holo's howl.

Danyelle asks "What was that?"

Ash spoke "That didn't sound like a regular Lycanroc... Or a Zoroark...."

“A Lycanroark?” I guessed.

Danyelle spoke "More like a Lycanark!"

Pipp spoke "There's so many undiscovered Pokemon!"

Ash spoke "Oh yeah!!!"

Liko giggles "Dad, you're crazy."

Serena spoke "Ash, I need to talk to you."

Ash spoke "Huh? Uh… Okay."

Serena spoke "Given that we don't have any pokeballs on hand, it might be harder to catch Pokemon now."

Ash froze at that.

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss... I forgot about that too...."

A Latias popped out of her pokeball and much to Ash's surprise, it was the very same Latias from Altomare.

Latias immediately nuzzles Ash.

Serena asks "Do you know this Latias?"

Ash spoke "Yeah."

Latias licks Ash's cheek before taking his hat.

Ash laughed.

Danyelle giggles "She missed you."

Ash laughs "Hahaha! No doubt."

Danyelle giggles "Playful as ever."

“So we should probably find Ponyville in the Everfree Forest before trying to move it.” I suggested.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I have a few Pokemon that know Cut and Steel Wing, they can help."

Twilight spoke "Smart."

I spoke "I think those of the old era should head to the ruins of Ponyville and clear out the extra trees."

Danyelle spoke "Definitely."

Natsu spoke "Maybe we can use the cut trees to rebuild the Fairy Tail guildhall!"

Lucy spoke "That's a great idea Natsu!"

Layla spoke "Plus the other dragons can carry the wood back once it's cut!"

Nashi spoke "This'll be awesome!"

So all of us started getting to work inside the Everfree Forest.

Cynder and the other dragons carried the cut trees back to Maretime Bay once a flock of Pidgeotto that Danyelle had asked to help got the trees cut.

But then we heard something snap.

Holo and Myuri snarl when they heard the noise.

Danyelle spoke "Holo and Myuri, stand down."

Both wolves back off.

Rarity asks "Who goes there? Are you friend or foe?"

But then Rarity suddenly found herself dragged up. But when we looked at where Rarity is, she was caught in a snare trap.

Wings flapping in fear, Rarity spoke "GET ME DOWN!!!"

But then we heard rustling.

Danyelle sliced the snare trap with Chaos Slash thus freeing Rarity.

Rarity whines "That's gonna leave a scar...."

But then an arrow flew at us, before we dodged it. But when it hit a nearby tree, it exploded.

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Barrier Trap!"

The attacker was soon trapped in an unbreakable and inescapable barrier.

The offender spoke "You made me lose a bit of blood there for me to get out of that."

Danyelle growls "But my Chaos Barrier Trap is inescapable, nothing can escape it!"

The offender spoke "Then I guess I’m just lucky."

We heard a stab before we saw a buttercream-yellow hoof holding a hunting knife that pierced an ordinary but then it raised to a mare’s muzzle before she took a bite out of it, much to Rarity’s disgust.

Danyelle snarls "Who the hell are you?"

The mare came out of the shadows, and much to our shock, it was a Fluttershy.

Twilight growls "You're not the Fluttershy I know..."

The Fluttershy lookalike spoke "Twilight. If I had known it was you, I wouldn’t have even bothered setting off those traps."

Rarity however was horrified and wanted to know why that Fluttershy was like this.

To the lookalike's shock, Twilight's right eye was scarred.

The Fluttershy lookalike asks "Have you’ve been forced into a war as well?"

Twilight spoke "Not counting the 200 years I was trapped in limbo, I've fought plenty of bad guys."

The Fluttershy lookalike asks "I see. Well what kind of creeps?"

Twilight spoke "Nightmare Moon, Discord, twice with Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, Starlight, three sirens, the Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, Grogar and Eggman... I fought Eggman more often though before he changed his ways."

Flutterambo spoke "...Buck."

Danyelle spoke "I'm also known as the Nekomata of Redemption since I help others change their ways. In fact, Gilda was the first one I had reached out to since I knew what it was like to lose a friend... I once had a friend when I was little but I lost all contact with that person... But I eventually made new friends."

Flutterambo spoke "...You can call me Flutterambo."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Flutterambo spoke "Just so you know, war’s hardened my heart."

Danyelle spoke "You won't find much war in the prime zone since it's peaceful now."

Flutterambo spoke "But I can tell something dark is coming."

Holo spoke "If it's that uppity alicorn brat, we can handle her."

Danyelle asks "One question though, why did you put all sorts of traps in the Everfree Forest?"

Flutterambo scoffs "Tch. You don’t know the kinds of monsters in there are more dangerous than before. Powerful enough to start a war. And to fight a war, you gotta become war."

Holo growls "The forest is MY domain, I'll deal with those monsters."

Flutterambo spoke "You shouldn’t fight them alone."

Holo spoke "Silence thou tongue young one, I've dealt with cockatrices and whatnot for years."

But then a spiky red needle flew by and all of us dodged it before it hit a tree, rotting it and turning it to mush.

Holo snarls "WHO GOES THERE????"

Flutterambo spoke "One of the monsters I encountered."

We then saw a machine floating in the air.

Maria pops up with Eggman it tow.

Maria asks "What is a robot doing here of all places?"

Eggman scanned the machine, only to realize something as the machine suddenly faded into thin air.

Eggman spoke "That’s no machine. It’s a stand."

Danyelle spoke "Someone obviously doesn't want us in the forest..."

But then we heard nibbling as we saw a rat eating a piece of meat.

Danyelle's feline instincts kick in before pouncing on the rat.

The rat jumped out of the way before it hissed as the same machine from before appeared behind it when its head tipped forward, revealing some kind of flintlock before it fired, shooting the same spiky needle from before as Danyelle dodged it.

Danyelle shot white fire from her mouth at the rat's Stand, melting it.

But then the rat melted as well.

Maria spoke "Impressive! Even with the strongest Stand in existence, Danyelle's a seasoned fighter!"

Danyelle spoke "It comes from experience."

But then we heard a hiss of pain as we looked behind and saw Twilight’s right front hoof rotting and becoming mush before Josuke showed up.

Josuke scoffs "Come on. Seriously? Those SOBs again?"

Josuke put his hands on Twilight’s rotting hoof and healed it completely.

Danyelle spoke "We should clear out any hostiles before we continue cutting trees down. I don't want anyone to get hurt again."

Josuke spoke "No. There’s another rat with that stand. But he’s smart, and keeping his distance."

Danyelle spoke "But you know.... Cats are a rat's natural enemy."

Josuke spoke "Yeah, but he’s not a normal rat, even with a stand."

Danyelle spoke "I may not look it but I also have a Stand, mine's called Celestial Gods."

A pair of white wolves leap out of Danyelle's shadow.

Danyelle spoke "Amaterasu, Chibiterasu, flush out that rat!"

The two wolves snarl before running off to find the rat.

Later, the two wolves came back, looking perturbed.

Amaterasu spoke "Woof woof. {I just don’t understand. We looked and followed the scent of a rat, but we found dead ends.}"

Josuke spoke "Oh man, Bug-Eaten must’ve back-tracked on you guys."

Moegami screeches in agreement with the two wolves.

Tachigami squeaks "Squeak squeak! {Even the other brush gods can't find it!}"

Gekigami chuffs.

Danyelle’s ears twitched, before lunging at Josuke, pushing him down. “Get down!”

The same pink spiky needle flew by, missing Danyelle as it melted another tree.

Gekigami shot lightning at the offender.

Sonic spoke "By stars, that's one annoying rat!"

Tachigami squeaks "Squeak squeak! {That was rude! Stupid hedgehog!}"

But then Danyelle noticed a quick glimmer of light before Josuke tossed her a live rifle bullet.

Josuke spoke "Use this to snipe out that stand-using rat."

Maria spoke "I'm out!"

Maria teleported away just as Shadow appears.

Shadow spoke "It would be wiser to let someone with gun experience to handle a rifle."

Danyelle tosses the rifle to Shadow while talking. "Good idea, I refuse to use guns though."

Josuke spoke "Okay. But make sure to dodge those needles, because they can even affect an android like you. But you know, no pressure."

Shadow spoke "I'm not an android..."

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, quiet please."

The others go quiet, none of the Pegasi were flapping their wings.

Danyelle's ears were twitching as she listened for sounds while Shadow got the rifle ready.

Danyelle's left ear twitches since something was approaching.

Danyelle spoke "It’s getting ready to fire!"

Shadow aimed the gun since he was the only gun expert in range.

Meanwhile in the distance, Bug-Eaten was actually aiming for Shadow when it saw the hedgehog pointing the gun in the rat’s direction.

Danyelle silently teleported to behind Bug-Eaten before pouncing on it, sinking her fangs into the rat's neck thus killing it.

The stand, Ratt, then disappeared.

Josuke spoke "Not bad. But I managed to kill Bug-Eaten before by using Shining Diamond to shoot that rifle round right through its stand and heart."

Danyelle rips the rat apart before eating it.

Danyelle spoke "Least Bug won't be harassing us anymore."

Flutterambo spoke "At least the worst has come past us."

Danyelle spoke "Keen ears really come in handy."

Shadow spoke "And a gun expert too."

Flutterambo spoke "No argument there."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but there's still bound to be more threats."

But then Flutterambo threw her hunting knife at Danyelle, only for it to fly by her, stabbing an enemy’s chest behind her as it walked back before unintentionally pulling a connected wire, setting off a trap covered by leaves as Flutterambo flew behind the enemy. The trap sprang up to reveal bamboo spikes which impaled the enemy and keeping it still as it coughed. After Flutterambo landed, she trotted up behind the enemy and jabbed her hoof into the enemy’s throat, before tearing its neck open, ripping out its windpipe and larynx, killing the enemy.

Danyelle spoke "Damn! Girl, you are savage!"

Flutterambo spoke "Like I said, to fight a war, you have to become war."

Shadow spoke "She may not look tough but she destroyed three of the worst enemies known to all Smashers."

Flutterambo spoke "Okay. But you better follow me since I practically filled the forest with traps, but I also hid some weapons too."

Holo growls "You did what to my forest?!?"

Flutterambo used her stare on Holo, making the wolf feel like she was staring the demon of death right in the eyes, causing her to back off with a whimper.

Applejack spoke "What did you do to mah cousin? She's the guardian of the Everfree forest for pony's sake!"

Flutterambo spoke "Tch. I was only calming her down."

Myuri spoke "Let me explain, my ma doesn't like folks setting traps in her forest."

Flutterambo spoke "Well I know where they are and how to avoid them."

Twilight spoke "Even in the old days, Holo didn't like traps in her forest."

Flutterambo brought out a remote with her wing and pressed the button with a feather before we heard all kinds of noises.

Rarity had kept her weight off her injured hoof.

Danyelle's nose soon picks up on the scent of orcs.

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, don't move..."

Flutterambo asks "Orcs?"

Danyelle spoke "Rimuru told me about them once... They're rather ravenous monsters... There was one time they had destroyed an ogre village...."

Flutterambo spoke "I’ll admit, this is new to me."

Danyelle spoke "I may have dealt with Changelings and Diamond Dogs but orcs are out of my range..."

A voice asks "Danyelle? That you?"

Danyelle asks "That you Shion?"

Shion revealed herself, with her hair being disheveled and clothes being torn up.

Danyelle gasps "Shion! What happened?"

But before Shion could answer, she fell unconscious. Then her stomach growled ferociously after that.

Danyelle hoisted the Wicked Oni up onto her back as Amaterasu and Chibiterasu go back into the cat's shadow.

Danyelle spoke "I'll get her to Maretime Bay and get some fish into her."

Rarity spoke "I might need this leg looked at by Redheart."

The two flew off back to Maretime Bay with Shion.

Twilight spoke "We better find Shuna and the others."

Applejack spoke "Ah agree, who knows what coulda happened to the lot."

But then a portal opened, revealing Rainbow Dashiro and an otter in a rabbit astronaut suit.

Rainbow Dashiro asks "Hey guys, had a strange feeling you might need help. Wait, what happened to Fluttershy?!"

Holo spoke "Dashiro, you got the wrong Fluttershy..."

Twilight spoke "We're looking for the rest of Shion's friends."

Dasiro spoke "Oh. And even though you might not see him, I brought some help."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle's able to see things the rest of us can't though."

Dasiro spoke "Maybe this can help. Gotta admit, I was lucky that I found this."

Dasiro tossed Twilight a mysterious marble, who caught it with magic and was confused.

Twilight used her magic to infuse the strange marble with her eyes, enabling her to see things that others can't see.

Twilight asks "What was that?"

Dashiro spoke "Oh, just one of the important pieces of a Yo-Kai Watch that I found in the woods. Besides, it should help you make some Yo-Kai friends."

Twilight spoke "Yet Danyelle can see them without the need for that sort of watch though.... But just one problem.... Princess Zoey is afraid of ghosts... Which also applies to yokai, unfortunately...."

Dashiro spoke "Better make sure Zoey doesn’t get that marble or the Yo-Kai Watch."

But then Twilight saw the Yo-Kai accompanying Rainbow Dashiro. “Uh… Is that some kind of alien?”

the creature spoke "No! Ah’m Usapyon! Ah ain’t no stinkin’ alien! Ah’m a Yo-Kai!"

Holo spoke "Either way, we have to find the other monsters."

Twilight calls out "Shuna! Can you hear me?!?"

Shuna calls back. "Yeah! I hear you!"

Twilight spoke "Shion's okay! Danyelle took her to a place called Maretime Bay!"

Shuna spoke "That’s great! Rimuru’s here with me. Some of the others, and I are guarding Ponyville’s remains."

Gabiru shouts "I GOT THORNS IN MY BUTT!!"

Dashiro spoke "Yeesh."

Twilight spoke "We're heading to your location now!"

Dashiro spoke "Let's go!"

Usapyon spoke "Darn tootin'!"

Twilight spoke "yeah!!!"

But then Twilight smirked mischievously at an idea. “So, Dashiro…”

Dashiro asks "Yeah?"

Twilight asks "You and Usapyon dating?"

That caught Dashiro and Usapyon off guard as their faces blushed bright red.

Twilight snickers.

Dashiro stutters "Uh... Well... Um..."

Usapyon groans "Not another Hailey..."

Twilight spoke "Don't deny it. You know it's true."

Dashiro spoke "I-It's true alright..."

Danyelle's voice was heard from a distance.

Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight yelps "GAH!!!"

Twilight found herself face-first on the ground.

Dashiro spoke "At least you didn't make Usa angry enough to go into Invader Mode."

Applejack spoke "Ya don't wanna see how mad Twilight can get..."

Dashiro spoke "If it's as bad as I think Twilight's anger is, it's as scary as Usa's Emperor Mode."

Applejack spoke "Far as Ah know, Twilight's kyubi form is about triple the size of Holo's true form."

Dashiro spoke "It's more of the power I'm worried about, not the size."

Applejack spoke "But whenever Twilight combines forms wit Danyelle, the two form a rather powerful being called Divine Danyterama."

Dashiro spoke "Whoa… Like Jibanyan and Whisper fusing into Buchinyan."

Applejack spoke "Eyup..."

Holo's ears perk up.

Myuri spoke "I hear something..."

Usapyon readied his blaster.

Twilight spoke "Hold your fire, it could be Souei or one of the other monsters..."

Usapyon stilled his blaster.

Twilight spoke "Whoever is hiding might as well come out."

A familiar voice said, “I honestly wasn’t expecting a portal to open on me and bring me to this universe.”

A Twilight revealed herself, having nine foxlike tails, and her fur and mane had a combo of Twilight’s normal colors with grey and silver. Her front hooves were clawed hands with long and pointy nails.

Dashiro asks "Frostlight? That you?"

Frostlight spoke "Yeah, Dashiro. It’s me."

Twilight had shifted to partial kyubi form.

Twilight spoke "Guess I'm not the only half fox there is."

Frostlight asks "And I’m guessing your element’s fire?"

Twilight spoke "Yes, plus I have a nine tailed beast and a two tailed beast inside my body."

Frostlight spoke "That’s new. I fused with a Frostail, and hence the name, my element’s ice."

Twilight spoke "I've had Kurama since I was born."

Frostlight spoke "Mind… Blown."

Twilight asks "But isn't Frostail a dog yokai?"

Frostlight spoke "Yeah, but a bit more fox-like, due to appearances."

Kurama spoke "Still a dog!"


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