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Disaster in Maretime Bay!

*Zipp’s POV (still)*

Okay, I can tell Ermes is definitely furious about something. It’s time I find out what.

Pipp spoke "This concerns everyone though, regardless if they have a Stand or not."

“Pipp, I don’t think Ermes is mad about just Pale Snake. I think it’s something else entirely.” I noted.

Yuki's sword was rattling, as were the swords that Inuyasha, Clarity, Yuri, Anzu and Danyelle have. Even Zoey's keyblades were rattling as well.

Yuki spoke "Whatever the case may be, we can figure it out!"

Ermes suddenly ran off.

“Jolyne, Vivian, Yuki, follow me.” I urged as we silently followed Ermes.

Clarity, Yuri, Inuyasha, Anzu, Zoey and Danyelle follow as well.

Unknown to us, Ermes mentally thought to herself, “For the past few days, I’ve been watching your every move closely and carefully, just biding my sweet time. Then, in a surprising turn of events, I saw you hanging around a cemetery, cleaning. You left some flowers there. Is it the grave of some fellow gang members that died by electric chair? I also saw you skulking around in a workshop, making stuffed birds and alligators, of all things. How’d a thug like you suddenly take an interest in crafts like taxidermy? I mean, it doesn’t really matter. The only thing I actually care about and want to know for sure is…Wait for me, Gloria. I’ll get revenge on him with my own hands.” before my eyes suddenly was blinded as I saw Ermes as a young girl next to a teenage echidna Mobian girl.

The female spoke "Ermes, dear. From now on, even though I’m your big sister, I’ll be your foster mother. It will be okay."

But then I heard Ermes’ thoughts as I saw a bit into the future of that past, Ever since that day, Gloria, no matter what, you would always put our family first, before anything else.

Gloria spoke "Ermes, we could really use your help around this place, at least a little. Dad’s leaving us the restaurant. I can’t do this by myself. I want us to do this together."

Past Ermes spoke "I don’t care about this place. I’m getting outta here. I’m gonna go to college on a track and field scholarship. Now butt out of my life and stop acting like my mother."

Gloria asks "Ermes, wait! *As Past Ermes ran out* Where are you going?"

I saw Gloria give chase, looking for Ermes before she stopped, seeing a butterfly Mobian looking down on a captured Mobian. Gloria hid behind a rock, concealing herself.

Male Mobian spoke "Please, help me!"

The female spoke "I want you to hold that chunk of wood there in your mouth. Not like a dog chews a bone, but the way a baby sucks on a binky."

The male innocent Mobian did as he was ordered, only to Gloria’s horror and mine, the butterfly Mobian stepped on his head, killing the innocent Mobian as the wood pierced through the back of his throat before as heard Ermes’ thoughts again. “She had no plans to look around the corner, nor would she have reported them, anyway. Leave the ones that move in darkness to those in darkness. Otherwise, there’s no way you could operate a functioning restaurant in that trashy city. But that night…” Gloria and I saw Past Ermes run, having saw what happened as we looked back at the butterfly Mobian. I heard Ermes remember, “Gloria, while more than aware of the dangers, had no choice but to report them in order to protect me. But…” before I found myself in a courtroom as the judge said, “Defendant Sports Maximum, sentenced to five years of rehabilitation in Equestria for tax evasion and grievous bodily injury.”

Past Ermes thought in shock, “Only five years? And rehabilitation? That’s all he freaking gets?!” before I saw her pin the prosecutor against the wall as the male prosecuting Mobian said, “If the witness is like that, we can’t catch him by the tail. A felony charge wouldn’t stick.”

Past Ermes spoke "*As her father grieved over Gloria’s dead body* He told those goons to kill her."

Prosecutor spoke "All the evidence has been destroyed."

I saw Sports getting cuffed by cops.

Past Ermes spoke "Hey, you prick. I’m not finished with you!"

A cop spoke *As he and another cop restrained Past Ermes* Hold down, miss!"

Past Ermes spoke "You piece of dirt!"

I then found myself back in the present before I fell to my knees in shock of what I saw.

Danyelle whispers in Zoey's ear. "I feel sorry for Ermes..."

Zoey whispers back "Same here..."

“You saw that too?” I asked.

Zoey spoke "Danyelle's dimensional scream kicked in when we all had that vision... I nearly threw up..."

Jolyne spoke "So Ermes wants to avenge her big sister."

Inuyasha spoke "But we can't mess with the dead. Besides, that gryphon with the shield mark on the flanks might have been an echidna in a past life...."

Vivian spoke "But we don’t know for sure…"

Gloria crashed into a tree since she had gotten a cussload of memories from a previous life.

Gloria squawks "Son of a...!"

I realized immediately who that was before I flew off to find Ermes, when I did, I saw that butterfly Mobian from before as he looked to the left and saw Gloria’s echidna Mobian picture on a pipe before he took it off.

Ermes spoke "I see your memory’s intact. Works for me!"

Ermes revealed herself.

Ermes spoke "Gloria would be so pleased."

But then another flashback hit me as I saw a dead drowned body as the police recovered her with Past Ermes screaming her sister’s name before I was back in the present. But I soon realized that picture was a sticker from Smack as a pipe hit Sports Maximum, trapping him.

Ermes spoke "I’ve been waiting years for this chance. A place where I could get you alone, and nobody will hear your screams but me. *As Sports was starting to becoming trapped in the merging pipes* That’s the one thing I couldn’t stop thinking about this whole time. What this ordeal must have been like for Gloria. So, Sports Maximum, *Summoning Smack* this is gonna be burned into your memory forever."

Sports snaps "What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t keep me trapped in here!"

Ermes spoke "Well, I know your “rehabilitation” term ends in about a year or so. Once you’re back on Mobius, you’ll always have a bodyguard on point. But here, you’re my prisoner!"

Sports suddenly fell deeper down the pipe.

Ermes asks Well, look at that! Like a glove. Now, the rusty pipes in this place aren’t big enough for a creature to fit comfortably inside. But see! It does make a nice improv coffin, don’t you think? *Hearing something* Was that the sound of him falling down?"

Sports shouts "Hey, help me! Just who the hell do you think you are? Let me out of here right now! I’m serious!"

Ermes spoke "You still don’t know who I am? Try harder!"

Sports asks "Huh?"

Ermes spoke "Come on, now! Use your last moments to think! You threw Gloria to the sewage, you bastard."

I then heard Ermes thoughts, “Because of that, dad got depressed and it made him sick. I’ve lost everything I had.

Ermes growls "So, apologize to them when you get to hell, Sports Maximum. If you can apologize with that sphincter you call a mouth."

Sports got his fingers through a crack as he looked through.

Ermes spoke "Oh, just so you know, I put one more sticker on the pipe. Consider it the last nail in your coffin."

Ermes took the sticker off, completely repairing the pipe by merging it as Sports was completely sealed in.

Ermes spoke ""All right! It’s totally sealed. Now fee free to scream your lungs out, and don’t stop."

Sports spoke "You jerk!"

Ermes spoke "Try calling for help! Though I bet the only ones who’d even be listening are just the roaches and the rats."

Ermes turned a knob as sewer water started flowing in the pipes.

Ermes spoke "Now, you’re in the sewage, too, cusshead! Scream, Sports Maximum! Scream for me!"

But then Sports Maximum said something strange, “Those resurrecting from darkness, Limp Viscuit, rise and come with me. With the darkness, share the joy, Limp Viscuit…” before we heard a sudden shatter as we saw a stuffed bird on a branch fallen out of a shatter glass case and on the table.

A gryphon hen grabs Ermes by the wrist before she was about to hit Sports.

Gloria spoke "That is far enough sister."

Ermes asks "Wait, what?"

But then canisters suddenly flew off the table on their own before we saw a bird-shaped footprint appear on a puddle of water.

Gloria growls at the stand as the sword wielders and keybladers got their weapons ready.

Danyelle spoke "Careful guys, this one is tricky since it's invisible!"

Ermes spoke "What…"

But then lights around us shattered.

Ermes spoke "What is that? The hell! Something’s happening!"

We heard wings flapping as Ermes caught something before her right hand’s thumb were torn off and then bleeding holes appeared on her right cheek.

Ermes asks "What? What the hell? Could it be Sports Maximum?"

But then a trail of wounds came the top hole and went for Ermes’ right eye before Smack appeared and punched, saving her before we heard wings flapping again as Ermes and her stand started kicking and punching before they stopped at hearing the silence.

Ermes spoke "Cuss! My finger, it hurts! Ugh, this is definitely a Stand. I don’t get why I didn’t freaking see it before. But it was definitely an object with weight and mass. Maybe a bird."

But then something tore into the left of Ermes’ neck as it dragged her carotid artery, trying to tear it off so it could kill her.

Ermes spoke "St-Sticker!"

Ermes put a sticker on her jacket, creating another one as she caught the bird before Smack punched the invisible bird on the jacket, before we heard a shatter as we looked at the stuffed bird, only to see it broken and shattered.

Ermes scoffs "Crap! Did we kill it? Did it get demolished? I didn’t count on that guy becoming a Stand User. *To Sports* What’s wrong? You got real quiet, prick! Speak up! Rat got your tongue? Did you get crushed in the pipe? Do dreams come try? *Kicking pipe, receiving hollow thuds* Or maybe, you’re literally up in sewage to you eyeballs, and you ate so much you drowned in it?"

But then we heard a crash as we looked to our right, seeing a wreck before noticing a moving car-shaped keychain.

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Barrier!"

Barriers of chaos energy shield Ermes and the others.

Danyelle spoke "This ain't no normal stand! it's invisible so we have to use our ears to pinpoint it!"

When we looked at the keychain, we saw a stuffed alligator on its back with that keychain attached to it before the car keychain and chain were chomped by something as they were completely devoured.

Ermes asks "What is this thing?"

A footprint appeared and crushed a water bottle before a steel table was flipped.

Ermes growls "Sports Maximum’s still alive? The power of this invisible thing means that punk’s still in the pipe. And he didn’t die?"

We then heard footsteps.

Ermes spoke "This one’s even bigger, crap!"

We ran as the invisible being chased us.

Ermes spoke "So fast!"

We jumped onto the ceiling as the invisible being thrashed around and dented the pipe Sports was in.

Ermes spoke "This power… Could it possibly be the stuffed alligator from the workshop? The first one was the birds. Does it mean that the corpses are moving? Can the power of the invisible corpses actually shift and attack? *As a leak was opened on the pipe* Damn it, bastard! He’s trying to get out of the pipe by breaking it."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes."

Ermes asks "Huh?

Jolyne and Vivian soon showed up.

Jolyne asks "What the hell are you guys doing up there?"

Vivian asks "Guys, is something wro-"

Ermes spoke "Jolyne, Vivian, no! Don’t come this way!"

The invisible alligator corpse rushed and chomped off Vivian’s left leg as she fell onto her back.

Ermes spoke "No!"

Jolyne spoke "No, Vivian."

Ermes spoke "There’s an enemy, Jolyne. It’s an alligator. A demonic spirit is waiting on the floor. Watch out!"

Vivian’s chomped-off leg started being devoured by the alligator.

Vivian spoke "Oh man! There goes my leg."

Jolyne asks "Guys! What’s going on, for real? Is this a Stand attack?"

Inuyasha launched a Wind Scar at the alligator, shredding it.

Ermes spoke "Yes, exactly. It’s Sports Maximum’s tool. While I was looking for him, he became a Stand User."

Vivian regenerated her leg with F.F.’s plankton black liquid as we got down and Ermes got a bucket of water.

Ermes spoke "Here, Vivian. You’ll need this."

Vivian spoke "Yeah, I sure do. Thanks, Ermes. Wait a sec."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

Vivian traced plankton black liquid on her wounds and on Ermes’ pointer finger, healing the wounds and reconnecting Ermes’ right hand with her pointer finger.

Vivian asks "Ermes, was that really an alligator ghost controlled by Sports Maximum?"

Ermes asks "Uh-uh! I don’t think so. It’s too insane! Remember? Not a ghost, but an invisible corpse. The living dead whose primary instinct is hunting for blood. But his terrible power is creating invisible zombies. Huh?"

We looked and saw the pipe torn open.

Ermes spoke "Crap! Not good!"

Jolyne asks "What’s wrong, Ermes? What happened to Sports Maximum? Did he finally drown there?"

Ermes spoke "*Looking into pipe* It’s too dark, so I can’t be sure. Maybe he’s stuck deeper down in the pipe. Or… *Notices black handprints on pipe* These sure as hell look like handprints."

But then we heard a female scream of pain from Maretime Bay.

Danyelle spoke "CHAOS CONTROL!!"

Danyelle teleports with the group back to Maretime Bay.

Ermes spoke "Crap! Where did Sports Maximum go? We gotta find him!"

Jolyne spoke "Maybe when that zombie-ass alligator was trying to kill us, he worked his way out of the pipe. Or maybe, he somehow transformed into an invisible corpse himself. *Gasp!* Guys! Look!"

We saw everyone shocked at the sudden death of an unknown mare.

Jolyne spoke "Everyone, keep your eyes open. I knew that bastard got out of the pipe."

Ermes asks "What did he do to that poor mare? Did-Did he bite her? What’s happening? She’s just a pile of bloody flesh. Can normal teeth really do that much damage?"

Jolyne spoke "He’s clearly not normal anymore, in mind or morals. But I’d be willing to bet he must have his disc on him right now."

Ermes spoke "Excellent! I’m gonna go get them from him, then. So guys, I want you to wait here."

Inuyasha spoke "Not a chance in hell missy, we go together. Safety in numbers."

Jolyne then surrounded us and everyone else, including herself, with Stone Ocean’s threads.

Jolyne spoke "Stay close, guys! The enemy’s got intelligence, like any of us! And keep your distance from any walls. I have a feeling they’re not constrained to the floor. I’ll track his location in the third dimension."

A thread was pulled before Stone Ocean appeared as the Stand and Jolyne kicked.

Jolyne spoke "Found you, prick! Hanging from the trees and roofs, real clever. Then you must have had a bone broken, huh."

But then something invisible that Jolyne kicked grabbed her leg and lifted her.

Jolyne spoke "What? Damn! Even with a broken arm! Right, I forgot. He’s just a rotten corpse now. Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean unleashed its thread and constrained the invisible enemy.

Jolyne spoke "I got him!"

Stone Ocean attacked the enemy before we heard a squirt and looked behind us, seeing the unknown mare’s corpse spraying out blood.

Ermes spoke "No! Jolyne, wait! That isn’t Sports Maximum under there. He was moving the dead mare’s corpse as a decoy and you bought it."

Jolyne brought up her guard before her shoulder was chomped as a part of it was ripped off.

Ermes spoke "Jolyne!"

Smack appeared and attacked rapidly, not hitting anything.

Ermes spoke "Where is he? Come on, out! Hey, guys, stop moving and stay put. This is not your battle to fight, you know. Sports Maximum is my problem, not yours."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, we’ve leveled up. This goes way beyond just revenge or what you consider your own personal problem."

Ermes asks "What?"

Jolyne spoke "And it’s not even just that. We don’t have the time or the room to even think. Do you understand that? Now, look!"

We did as Jolyne said as we saw something unbelievable.

Ermes groans "Ugh, no, it can’t be."

Jolyne spoke "Oh, yes, it can. We didn’t catch it, then. But he already backed us all into a corner a long time ago."

The graveyard not far from us had its graves erupt as rotting invisible corpses rose from them.

Jolyne spoke "Every one of the invisible corpses had already been resurrected! I have no idea how many or where they are. We’re surrounded, everyone."

A freaked out male lion Mobian with a tri-color mane in dark red, dark indigo and rust-yellow was clinging to a tree while screaming.

The lion spoke "I think I need some help here!"

Danyelle spoke "Help's on the way Yugi!"

Danyelle transforms into Danydonna before using Chaos Blast, knocking away all of the corpses.

Danydonna's ears twitch.

Jolyne spoke "You can get your revenge later. Right now, we need to keep everyone safe!"

Danydonna looked back and saw Ermes stepping into the fray.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

Ermes spoke "Right! Revenge! And that’s the important part, Jolyne! And I know what has to be equally important to Sports Maximum, who’s hiding somewhere around here. He wants vengeance for having drowned in the pipe. His mind must’ve flooded with thoughts of how to retaliate. He wants to chew my head to pulp, and drain the blood spewing from it until he’s sure I’m dead."

Jolyne spoke "What are you-"

Ermes spoke "The one who’ll eventually end me is definitely the bastard himself, with his own foul teeth."

Jolyne spoke "Don’t say that!"

Ermes spoke "Listen to me, guys. There’s tons of people who’d say, “Getting revenge won’t bring your sister back!” as if they understand what I’m trying to do. And others who would tell me forgiveness is important. I don’t care! There’s no way I force myself to forget that my own blood relative was thrown into a sewer, and just go on about my life. This is all I’ve been preparing for. Revenge is waiting, so I can decide my own destiny and finally satisfy it."

Jolyne spoke "Ugh, Ermes, can you tell me this isn’t a standoff, right? *As threads started snapping* You can’t! Get back! Don’t do this! There’s five, no, wait, seven corpses breaking through the thread and moving in on you. Ermes, stop! Get out of there!"

Ermes screamed in pain as she was bitten by three corpses.

Jolyne spoke "Leave her alone, you pricks!"

Ermes spoke "Which way are you coming from? I’m ready for you. *Still getting attacked* Crap! I’m fading fast…"

But then something bit Ermes’ head as it tore off a piece of her head.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

We soon saw that Ermes used a sticker to split her head in two!

Ermes spoke "Here’s my official license for revenge. Smack! *Smack appearing* There you are, Sports Maximum!"

Smack swung her arm, only to miss.

Sports spoke "Hmm, how predictable you are. I knew you’d do that. Remember you did the same thing when you trapped me in that pipe before. You used that silly sticker that splits anything in two. Ha-ha! But you can see, I won’t fall for that power anymore. Because I, too… am a corpse. You can’t kill me."

Ermes growls "Damn it! It didn’t work! Where the hell is he hiding?"

Sports spoke "You’re a smart girl, follow my voice? What the hell, I’ll tell you! It’s your sister’s fault she witnessed an average night, and it cost her everything she had."

An invisible corpse bit Ermes’ left shoulder, causing her to scream in pain, angering Gloria.

Gloria screeches "ERMES!!!!!"

A gust of air so powerful kicked up, knocking away all of the corpses.

A draconic gryphon shot blades of air at Sports, slicing his arms and legs off.


Another draconic roar was heard as a white dragon with blue eyes shot lightning at the corpses, incinerating them to ashes.

A green furred Mobian tiger with blue eyes and brown stripes scoffs "What a sore loser."

Sports spoke "Heh, nice try. But you missed. But due to that little incident… *As more corpses rose from the ground* …now after being defeated by you, Ermes Costello, this is what I’ve become. And unfortunately, my feelings will never dissolve."

Ermes spoke "*Smack attacking corpses* Not this one. Nor this one."

Sports spoke "*Putting head back on his shoulders* Listen to me. Even if I would have sucked up your brain like jelly right now, and filled that empty skull that’s left with the crap that’s in your stomach, my feelings of hatred towards you will still exist throughout all of eternity, you jerk. *Takes off sticker, causing Ermes’ head to merge back together* It’s time to say good night! The one that finishes you off is me!"

But then blood started spewing out of Sports’ chest as a piece of Ermes’ head that he bit off earlier.

Jolyne spoke "The moment she’s been waiting for. It’s happening now! The moment he rips off the sticker and attempts to maul her real head. If you peel off the sticker, the two halves will reconjoin. Even the piece that Sports Maximum bit off and swallowed will fuse back in."

Ermes spoke "The jig is up. I’ve ID’d your exact location. I’m aiming right above that. The median line of your face, from chin to skull."

After the piece merged back with Ermes, she and Smack kicked Sports right in the face, breaking some of his teeth.

Jolyne spoke "She… she did it!"

Ermes spoke "One more thing, this last parting gift is for Gloria. You got it? There must have been a bone in your ugly face that got crushed before. And I think the way that happened was Gloria fought back hard against you. And this… is also for Gloria!"

Ermes and Smack punched Sports in the face, sending him flying.

Sports spoke "Rip that woman to shreds! Do it now!"

Ermes spoke "What? Are you gonna try to hide again? You can’t do that anymore, because I just put a sticker on your ugly head and split that thing in two."

Ermes showed her right hand holding an invisible copy of Sports’ head that had a sticker on it.

Ermes spoke "If I peel this, you’ll merge back into one. This next one is for Gloria, too."

Ermes peeled the sticker off as Sports suddenly flew towards her copy head before Smack punched him in the face.

Ermes spoke "Oh, yeah! And the one after that as well."

Sports came back and got punched in the face by Smack again before flying back to her once more.

Ermes spoke "Not to mention the next one after that, and so on, forever. They’re all for my big sister Gloria! *As Smack punched Sports’ face* This one *Another punch* And this one! *And another punch* And this one! *And another punch* Take this one! *Smack delivering a flurry of punches on Sports Maximum* And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! All for Gloria!"

As Ermes let the copy head go, Smack punched Sports right into the air before the copy head flew right at his head, causing to discs to eject from him and a bright light to shine from him as Sports’ invisible corpse and the other invisible corpses faded away in the light. Gloria came up behind Ermes and hugged her before the echidna turned around.

Ermes spoke "*As the two discs landed on the floor* How about that? Look. *Showing her face as tears fell from her eyes* I’m finally crying. All I want right now… is to sob my eyes out by your side, sis. But I don’t have time, or even a speck of energy left to do it."

Ermes fell unconscious in Gloria’s arms.

Gloria screeches "ERMES!!!! NO!!!!!!"

Gloria started to sing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnl5TFkZ138 as she cried.

Danyelle yowls in sadness, causing the others to cry as well.

Matatabi had her head underneath Kurama's chin while crying.

Aphmau and Aaron howl in sadness.

Vivian healed Ermes’ wounds before Nurse Sally showed up.

Nurse Sally spoke "Every, please calm down."

Gloria cries "What good am I if I can't protect the only family I have left?"

Nurse Sally asks "Herman, could you?"

“Of course. I did train my abilities after all, so this’ll only wake her up.” Herman said as he then rubbed his claws together before they were sparking electricity. “Alright, everycreature. Stand back.” Herman ordered as all of us around Ermes, including Gloria did that. “Clear!” Herman shouted as he thrusted his palms onto Ermes’ chest, shocking her wide awake with a scream before she stopped and wince from the pain she had.

Gloria spoke "Ermes, you idiot... Don't scare me like that again!"

Ermes asks "Wait, that really you, Gloria?"

Gloria washed the dye out of her mane and tail tuft, revealing the blonde coloring.

Gloria spoke "Yeah, it's me. I remember the song I always sang to you when were were kids."

Ermes spoke "Heh. I was only a little baby back then, since I was six years younger than you."

Gloria hugged Ermes.

Gloria gives Ermes a noogie.

Ermes suddenly punched Gloria’s elbow, making the griffon wince a bit.

Ermes spoke "That was for scaring the hell outta me."

Gloria beans Ermes in the back of the head with a wingslap.

Gloria spoke "That's for scaring the cuss out of me! I thought you had died!"

Hugging Gloria, Ermes spoke "Then I guess we’re even."

Ermes soon notices a Stand beside Gloria.

The green tiger was growling since his Stand sensed trouble.

The green tiger spoke "I’m sensing a large prison with strange trouble happening there, but it’s a far distance."

Yugi spoke "You sure Seto? It could be a trap as far as we know!"

Seto spoke "It may be a trap, but we’ll need to spring it."

Ears flatten, Yugi spoke "You're a bigger idiot than Joey and Tristan combined..."

Joey spoke "Hey! I dunno if I should feel relieved or insulted by that!"

Téa whacks Joey with a book.

Téa scoffs "Remember that one time Duke made you wear that dog costume?"

Joey spoke "Don’t bring that up!"

Danyelle glares at Joey, making him shut up.

Yugi was now on his back while laughing since Joey got scared by a cat.

Tristan laughs "Hahaha! Real smooth, Joey."

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me beat you up foxboy."

Yugi spoke "Shut up Tristan or you'll get set on fire."

Tristan spoke "I think I’ll take your word on that, little bud."

Zoey spoke "It doesn't help that Danyelle has a temper as explosive as Donald Duck..."

Danyelle spoke "Hehe. At least I don’t have a messed-up voice like *Imitating Donald* Why you…! *Blah-like quacks*"

Zoey was on her stomach while giggling.

Ben chuckles "Hehe. That was funny, babe."

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "Remember that one time when we were on the run from Glitter Drops? You used the word on me... I couldn't get the taste of sand out of my mouth..."

Ben spoke "Yeah, sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "I had snapped at Yakko which in turn made you say the word thus making me eat sand...."

Danyelle's right ear twitches before growling.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, now I have a really bad feeling about this."

Even the Jackal Guard were growling since they were on edge.

Danyelle spoke "Now we definitely need to get to that prison."

Fizzlepop spoke "Last thing any of us needs is a reset..."

Danyelle spoke "Was that supposed to be a joke? Because it’s NOT funny."

Ben spoke "Danyelle...."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… reset? Okay, that word’s starting to bug me."

Inuyasha spoke "It annoys me as well!"

Jolyne spoke "Calm down, everyone."

Danyelle's ears flatten as her tails fluff up due to a rather nasty vision of the future.

But then Danyelle suddenly threw up from what she saw in the foresight.

Zoey asks "You okay Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Chameleo... What I saw in that vision, it's happened to him before..."

Zoey asks "That bad huh?"

Danyelle spoke "But if he managed to stop that... we can too!"

Zoey spoke "We've got the most strongest Stand on our side. We also got Twiliterasu, Arceus and even Faust on our side too!"

Danyelle spoke "We got this together!"

The others cheer loudly.


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