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The Game Is a Hoof/ New Gear Obtained!

*Zipp’s POV*

I can’t believe this is happening!

Polished spoke "I'm just as surprised as you are since Princess Twilight announced the revival of the Equestria Games."

“Not just that! My sunglasses are missing!” I panicked.

Polished shook his middle tail a bit, causing the sunglasses to fall out.

“Babe, you’re the best!” I eagerly said as I kissed him on the lips a lot. “How were they there anyway?”

Polished chuckles "Izzy tried to prank me."

“Wait, Izzy’s been taking measurements of my head for some reason.” I remembered.

Polished chuckles "And mine as well, maybe she's making something."

“But what?” I asked.

Fire Cracker was on my head.

Polished chuckles "There's our little Fire Cracker."

“Ya know…” I started to wonder.

Cracker asks "Momma?"

“Yeah, Cracker?” I asked my kid.

Cracker asks "What happened to cousin Whisper?"

My ears perk up since I had heard Danyelle playing her ocarina.

Polished asks "Huh?"

Nimbus flew overhead.

Nimbus spoke "Oh, there's one of my favorite nieces!"

Cracker asks "Who that?"

“Your grand-uncle, Cracker.” I answered.

The young hybrid fainted.

Perci was sitting at a cafe by herself while eating some cheesecake.

"Ya know what would be crazy though?" I asked.

Polished asks "What is it baby bird?"

"If something strange happened at the Equestria Games." I answered.

Polished chuckles "Great Auntie Danyelle would get mad if someone told her that she wasn't allowed to have her blastia..."

Danyelle was growling since she smelled aliens.

Ace then showed up with his map glowing.

Danyelle asks "Let me guess... Bugs sensed it too?"

Coloratura's ears were pinned back in fear as she fled from one of the Monstars.

Coloratura spoke "JI-JI!!!!"

The Mobian lynx held onto Coloratura. “You alright, baby?”

A flying Spindash rams into the alien's stomach hard, sending it flying into a random building.

Sonic asks "She okay?"

Ji-Woon spoke "Yeah. Thanks Sonic."

Sonic spoke "I'd rather not get an earth spike through the stomach by Applejack if Coloratura got hurt."

Soon, Nurse Sally and Doctor Herman showed up.

Dr. Herman asks "What’s going on here?"

Sonic spoke "The Monstars are back and they're MEANER than ever!"

Philip and Rin then showed up as well.

Philip spoke "Hmm… They must be entering the Equestrian Games."

Rin asks "But why?"

Sonic growls "I don't think so... Last time they showed up, they wanted to destroy Acme Acres."

Dr. Herman chuckles "Well, if they want to cause trouble, they’ll surely be in for real en-lightning shock therapy."

Nurse Sally giggles "Heehee! Oh Doctor, you’re too much."

The floating gryphon hen then hugged the electric dragon, who hugged back.

Sonic teases "So, when are you two going to have kids?"

Dr. Herman chuckles "Hoho! Don’t make me go real crazy now."

Nurse Sally giggles "Oh, I’m sure we will."

Max and Charlotte then showed up, with a grown Victor out of her with the chest wound closed.

Charlotte spoke "Well I hope my brother can find amour soon."

Sonic chuckles "Well Hearts and Hooves day is coming up."

Max spoke "That honestly sounds, mighty fine."

Victor asks "Hey! Wanna know what my sister and I found out we can do?"

Sonic spoke "Sure."

Though unseen by many others, the original Sakura decided to stay by Danyelle.

Victor managed to shrink himself back to when he was a young diamond dog before Charlotte’s chest wound opened as Victor crawled into it.

Victor spoke "And don’t worry, if I somehow get killed, I’ll just respawn like this from where I used to be conjoined with my sister."

Charlotte spoke "Oui, it is true."

Max chuckles "*As Victor moved out of the Charlotte’s chest wound, which was actually where he used to be conjoined with her* Heh, yer still a natural beauty, Charlotte."

Charlotte spoke in French "Aw, Monsieur Thompson, beau fermier, vous savez toujours comment faire en sorte qu'une femme se sente aimée, surtout si c'est votre femme."

Charlotte kissed Max, who kissed back.

Sonic spoke "That sounded like French..."

Blaze showed up and slapped Sonic at the back of the head. “That’s because it was French.”

Sonic yelps "Augh, what that for Blaze?"

Blaze smiled before kissing Sonic on the lips, making him putty in her hands. “Because I felt like it, you goofy hedgehog.”

Sonic picks Blaze up before darting off through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

Frank and Julie then showed up.

Frank spoke "Huh. Wonder what Sonic and Blaze are gonna do."

Lance spoke "Knowing them, it's probably something personal. Oh, I'm Prince Lance Ogami, heir to the Sol Kingdom throne."

Joey and Susie showed up.

Joey asks "Hold on, where’d that Ogami part come from?"

Lance spoke "My paternal grandfather's dad is Shirou Ogami. So yeah, I'm 25% wolf beastman. Same with my cousins Melody, Harmony and Kelly. But Melody's last name is Kagetashi since her husband's mothers had combined their last names together."

Susie spoke "Oh dear. That sounds complicated."

Lance spoke "My adopted aunt's last name was Doucet before she got married."

Julie spoke "Man, talk about a huge family."

Lance chuckles "If you thought the Ogami family was big, my wife's family is a lot bigger!"

Danny then showed up. “Indeed. The Apple Family may be the biggest family ever in existence.”

Lance was soon face down on the ground since Applebloom was on his back.

Applebloom spoke "Ah'm Applebloom Ogami, Lance's wife."

*Meanwhile in the Chuddle Hotel*

Nat was busy cleaning up a mess that a visitor had made.

Nat sighed in boredom at that.

Xavier asks "What's the matter kiddo?"

Nat spoke "I’m just feel so… lonely."

Xavier spoke "You'll find the right guy soon."

Nat asks "Really?"

A male Renamon-raccoon hybrid trips on something, tumbling head over tail and crashes into Nat.

The hybrid spoke "Sorry... I'm kinda clumsy..."

Nat spoke "Gah!!! Why don’t you watch-"

The two suddenly froze as they eyes suddenly glimmered pink.

Nat spoke "S-Sorry, I was the one standing in your way."

The hybrid spoke "*utter gibberish*"

Grabbing the hybrid, Nat asks "Hey, you alright?"

The Renacoon kisses Nat on the lips.

Nat was surprised at first, but then closed her eyes and kissed back.

The Renacoon spoke "I'm Kyle Cooper."

Kyle's tail wags a bit.

Tail wagging, Nat giggles "My name’s Nat."

Kyle chuckles "You're cute."

Nat giggles "Wanna come with me to my room? On the house."

Kyle chuckles "Sure."

Nat spoke "You know, I think your parents have came here before."

A gray furred Renamon was in a wheelchair since her legs weren't as strong as they used to be.

Renamon spoke "Hey kids... *Cough*"

Kyle spoke "That's my mom, she's not as young as she used to be but she's not immortal... She had to move into this dimension once she was in a wheelchair..."

Renamon spoke "*cough* These old bones of mine can barely keep me going."

Nat asks "Oh… And your dad?"

Kyle spoke "he... Died years ago..."

Xavier winced at that while Nat was just devastated.

Kyle spoke "But he died a hero."

Nat hugged Kyle while silently sobbing tears.

Renamon spoke "He died while protecting me.... Some bad Digimon wanted to get rid of me and my son... I never remarried after losing my husband..."


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