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Maretime Bay Day 2.0/ Mega Friends!

*Rarity’s POV*

Ah! Maretime Bay Day! Such a fine day indeed.

Blizzardstar chuckles "And with Hearts and Hooves Day being 12 days away, I can imagine all of the couples are going to be busy."

Snowfire spoke "Hi momma!"

Mythic and River were play-fighting over a stick.

“Indeed, although there will be those competing for others.” I noted.

Blizzardstar chuckles "And I plan to treat you to a fancy dinner that day."

I giggled, “Oh you!”

Blizzardstar chuckles "You're the only one for me Rarity, wings and all."

“Now all this love-talk is making me quite feisty.” I purred.

Blizzardstar spoke "I aim to please."

Akari groans "And Auntie Cadence is spazzing out...."

Twilight giggled.

Midnight was in his true size as he carried Danyelle and a few others back to Maretime Bay since they had a nasty run-in with Pale Snake.

“Oh dear…” I dreaded.

A unicorn stallion and male owl gryphon was accompanying them.

Twilight gasps "Midnight, what happened?!"

Danyelle growls "Pale Snake happened..."

“Did you manage to meet up with Savage Guardian?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "We did but we ran into a few dozen Nobodies as well... They're as stupid as Ein."

“No doubt about that.” I snickered in agreement.

Light Breeze then showed up. “And you wouldn’t have believed what Weather did to help us out! He made it literally rain poison dart frogs!”

“Who?” Blizzardstar, Twilight and I asked in confusion.

Jolyne spoke "A new ally of ours, and a natural-born Stand User."

Midnight spoke "Not to mention.... This black sheep of the Sparkle family has a Stand now."

Twilight gasps "*Shocked* …Wait, what?"

Midnight spoke "Well, it's my first official stand since Star Platinum was borrowed."

Twilight’s eye was certainly twitching.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight....."

Midnight showed his stand and demonstrated its power, making Twilight faint.

Danyelle called forth all 19 pieces of her Stand, freaking Lillian and Tempest out.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that."

Lillian spoke "You're the most CRAZIEST cat I have ever known!"

Danyelle spoke "I’ll take that as a compliment."

X spoke "Hey guys."

X then showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey X."

X spoke "It’s been a while, Danyelle."

Megaman.EXE spoke "That reminds me! My sister's been working on a little project since the start of the new year."

Roll spoke "Yeah."

Then we saw Zipp.

Danyelle teleported with the robot and the two NetNavi-Mobian hybrids to her place.

Roll spoke "I'll go get the project then."

The hedgefox-NetNavi heads off before returning while pushing a trolley that was covered.

“Oookay…?” I said in confusion before I asked Zipp, “Is everything alright?”

Zipp nervously asks "Uh… Yeah?"

Polished was carrying a foxpony colt by the scruff with his mouth.

Polished spoke "*ahem*"

I sighed as I had a certain feeling about something. “Something’s wrong with Pipp?”

Hitch spoke "PIPP'S GONE MISSING! As has Wind Whisper!"

Izzy spoke "I said I was sorry!"

Zoey spoke "Anzu's gone too!"

Amy and Renee both spoke "Same with Estelle and Yuri!"

Midnight face-pawed.

Holo spoke "Even Myuri is missing!"

A loud howl followed by a dying scream was heard.

Jolyne spoke "That is not good!"

Myuri shows up with the missing Mobians and ponies while carrying a decapitated jackal body in her mouth but it wasn't any of the jackals that made up the Canterlot branch of the Mobian Guard.

“What… happened?” I asked in utter shock.

Myuri drops the body of a white jackal on the ground.

Myuri spoke "I heard a Latias scream in pain so I went to look and there she was... Being strangled by a white male jackal with black stripes."

But then the body suddenly faded, revealed as an illusion.

Myuri spoke "Nothing can fool a wise wolf. My ma and I can't be fooled by illusions."

Pale Snake spoke "You truly are unique."

We looked up and saw Pale Snake on the roof, not wounded at all.

Pale Snake spoke "It wasn’t an illusion, but a vision. You saw what you wanted to see."

Pale Snake then suddenly vanished.

But just as Pale Snake was about to vanish, a sudden Luster Purge hits him hard.


Pale Snake didn’t show any reaction as he completely faded.

But the damage was already done.

Pipp was holding her dead filly close while crying.

Zipp punched a wall in anger.

Latios gave up his life force to bring Wind Whisper back to life.

A Soul Dew was fused to Whisper's chest since she was now a Pegasus-Latias hybrid.

Whisper spoke "M-momma...."

Pipp spoke "Wind Whisper! *Sobbing!* It’s okay, mommy’s here and won’t let you get hurt ever again."

Whisper spoke "Ias..."

The young hybrid cries.

Danyelle had comforted Latias since she was crying.

But then a light appeared before fading, leaving a crater in its wake.

Raiju, Enkai and Sui surround Danyelle and Latias.

Serena asks "What is that?"

But then we heard a groan as we saw a Pegasus Stallion emerged from it, but he was half-pony and half-machine and looked like a kickboxer.

The Pegasus Stallion asks "Wait… What year is this?"

Danyelle spoke "2240 A.D."

The Pegasus Stallion spoke "So I was sent back in time again."

Latias was depressed since her brother had given up his life to save a young filly.

The Pegasus Stallion asks "Wait, did I interrupt something?"

Danyelle spoke "Long story short.... A violent Stand killed a defenseless foal... My Latios had given his life up to save the child, not realizing the effects it had on my Latias..."

Serena asks "Say Ash, didn't you once know a Latios that gave up its life to save a city?"

Ash spoke "Man… Talk about deja vu…"

Danyelle spoke "But even a halfbreed Latias such as Wind Whisper can be targeted by bad people like Team Rocket if we're not careful. That Soul Dew is part of her now and if it gets ripped out, she can never be revived a second time."

The Pegasus Stallion looked at himself at hearing that.

Danyelle spoke "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. I'm also known as the Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis, Keen Cat and Tamer of Fenrir and Slime."

The Pegasus Stallion spoke "My name is R.A.X. Coswell, a cyborg kickboxer from 2345 A.D. The first name stands for Robotic Artificial Exoskeleton, but you can call me RAX."

Danyelle spoke "Nice to meet you."

A Heartless appeared and jumped at RAX from behind before his metallic hoof was surging with electricity as he flipped around and punched the Heartless with the electrified hoof, electrocuting the Heartless and causing it to scream as it turned black and burned to ash.

Danyelle sliced five heartless to ribbons with her nichirin sword.

Zoey groans "What is it with Heartless and Maretime Bay?"

Danyelle pulled out a Pokemon themed keyblade and tossed it to Ash.

Ash asks "You sure?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't think Serena would be happy if you got killed in battle plus keyblades appear to those worthy of wielding them."

Ash spoke "Okay."

Yamato and Larcen showed up as they, Xavier and Hooter helped us fight the Heartless. Larcen grabbed a Heartless before bringing out a butterfly knife and stabbed it multiple times, defeating it. Yamato brought out a katana and diagonally sliced a Heartless before piercing it with a thrust, causing it to disappear in defeat. Xavier used his staff and shrunk a Heartless before he stomped on that enemy, squishing it as it was defeated.

Danyelle sliced hundreds of heartless to ribbons.

All of a sudden, three large Heartless explode because of a new keyblade.

Megaman spoke "They keep on coming!!!"

Geo spoke "Good thing I’m here to help!"

Anzu spoke "And me too! I left my daughter in Kayla's care."

Much to Danyelle's surprise, the Straw Hat gang arrive to help!

Luffy spoke "ALRIGHT!!! Let’s do this!"

Nami spoke "YEAH!!!!"

Zoro spoke "Heh. About time we get some action."

Danyelle spoke "TILL EQUESTRIA ENDS!!!"

Sonic, Ben, Knuckles and Yuki spoke "MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Zoey yowls as she flew into battle while singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRLZQhZrj5c thus boosting morale of the other fighters.

Icicles suddenly flew in, hitting Heartless as a familiar falcon/cheetah gryphon showed up.

Greta screeches as several blades of air slice many Heartless to pieces.

Bold spoke "Second Generation Pony Guard! ATTACK!!!"

Astral knocked back some heartless with his Roar.

Midnight rips a large Heartless's head off.

Pet Shop screeched as Horus appeared on his back and fired more icicles.

Gilda and Ezekiel flew into the fight.

Enkai, Raiju, Sui, Groudon, Zekrom and Reshiram rip several Heartless to pieces.

Kyogre blasts several Heartless with Hydro Pump, filling them up with water and causing them to explode.

Iggy showed up as he summoned The Fool, attacking the Heartless.

Quartz impaled several with her earthbending.

Danyelle spoke "Now I see what caused the Joestars to become immortal! It was all because of Iggy!"

Iggy chuckles "Heh, took ya long enough."

Danyelle spoke "Dumbass dog."

Iggy scoffs "Tch. Good grief."

Aphmau spoke "Focus mutt!"

Inuyasha snapped at the same time as Iggy. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?"

Danyelle face-palmed at that.

Kagome spoke "SIT BOY!!!"

Inuyasha was face down on the ground.

The command alone had scared Iggy.

Darrel had slashed the neck of a Heartless with his claws.

Ermes fought the Heartless.

At least three Chaos Blasts were seen.

Maylu grabs a Heartless by the neck and threw it far away.

Luna showed up and blasted a Heartless with her magic.

Moonlight, Evening and Lightning aid their mother in battle.

A sudden Windboom sends several Heartless flying as Sonic went into a flying spindash, clonking Pale Snake hard on the head.

Pale Snake then faded completely.

Wings flapping, Sonic spoke "That should get rid of him for good."

Eggman showed up as something was going through his head.

Rita asks "Is it over?"

The rest of the Heartless were soon defeated.

Danyelle spoke "That should be the last of them since Sonic had clonked Pale Snake hard on the head. But that was too easy..."

Eggman spoke "Indeed."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Guys! Come on! We won! Might as well enjoy it!"

Danyelle spoke "We may have won this fight..."

Gilda spoke "But the war isn't over."

Jolyne spoke "Yeah, a lot of guys might be working for Pale Snake."

Chrysalis spoke "And a lot of them will likely target Danyelle since she's got a powerful Stand."

Iggy spoke "Come on, it’ll take a long while for them to get here.

Danyelle spoke "But as for the young children, we have to protect them."

Gilda spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle spoke "But if we can get rid of the source of the problem, our young ones can grow up safely!"

Twilight spoke "Hold on! The battle’s worn everyone out."

Chrysalis spoke "Don't be such a stick in the mud Sparkles, I got energy to spare!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm not tired out either."

Twilight spoke "I know, but we really shouldn’t push ourselves."

Iris spoke "Not all of us were fighting though. I could have sworn I saw Birchtooth rip one of those things to shreds!"

Celestia appeared. “Everyone, calm down!”

Light Breeze spoke "Mother!"

A grown up Ivory Dawn was beside Celestia.

Celestia spoke "*Warm smile* It’s wonderful to see you too, my daughter."

Light giggles "And Ivory's gotten so big too, she was just a tiny little filly the last time I saw her. And I heard from Honey that you had been the one to trigger her and Sunny's ascension to alicornhood."

An adult Nightfall was heard arguing with a Mobian jackal.

Nightfall spoke "For the last time, he’s dead!"

The jackal then calmed down and walked away without argument.

Nyx asks "What's his problem?"

Nightfall groans "Ugh… He’s been raving about his dead best friend. But he’s calmed down now, so I guess that’s a win."

Nyx asks "Was it a white jackal with black stripes on the back?"

Nightfall spoke "Not in the slightest."

Nyx spoke "It's bad enough many of the frontline fighters are exhausted though."

Nightfall spoke "Yeah."

Nyx spoke "Yeah but we still haven't found a way to get the Sinsverse version of me back to her world..."

Showing up, Starlight spoke "And we got time-displaced revived champions in case anyone forgot."

Danyelle spoke "Most of the Mobians are no strangers to time travel... And you might want to watch out Nightfall, some hedgehog has a crush on you."

Nightfall asks "And that is?"

Danyelle pulls Silver out from his hiding spot by an ear with her magic.

Nyx was on her back while laughing.

Nightfall asks "Wait, you mean future boy?"

Danyelle spoke "You forget, immortals don't age. I spat my strawberry juice in Cadence's face when I found out that Geo was my grandson. On top of him falling for Anzu of all Mobians."

Nyx spoke "If I remember correctly, Nightfall had the look of a 12 year old back then when we first met Silver..."

Nightfall asks "Meaning?"

Getting back up, Nyx whispers in Nightfall's ear which caused the mare's wings to shoot up.

Nyx giggles "I still remember that time when Silverstorm teased me about Asriel."

Nightfall growls "*Glaring* What are you getting at?"

Lillian reached up and grabbed Nightfall by the ear.

Lillian spoke "Just because you're an adult pony now, it doesn't mean I can still spank you on the rear."

Nightfall gasps "Don’t you even…!"

Lillian spoke "Don't give me that tone missy."

Nightfall and Lillian glared into each other’s eyes, before they started snickering, then bursted out laughing into their backs.

Danyelle's right ear twitches just as another vision kicks in.

*Danyelle's POV*

Okay, this vision was from the past, but for some reason, I saw DIO, but I couldn't see who he was talking to as I only heard three faint words; "spell," "family," and "revived," before I was sent back to the present.

I ask "Where's Josuke?"

Josuke showed up. "Yo."

I explained to Josuke about what I had seen in my vision.

Josuke spoke "Huh... That's weird."

I spoke "I have a really bad feeling...Dio might come back...."

Joseph showed up. "No, I seriously doubt that's the case. What did you hear in that vision?"

I spoke "Spell... Family... Revived...."

Joseph spoke "Hmm... That definitely doesn't sound like it has anything to do with DIO, maybe it's one of his followers."

I spoke "Spell could mean magic... family might be his illegitimate sons... Revived might mean he could come back to life..."

Joseph spoke "Still, I think there is more to it than that."

I spoke "Regardless, we have to be careful."


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