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Trouble in the Yo-Kai World

Author's Note:

Happy 20th anniversary to the first Warrior Cats book

*Kikyo’s POV*

My friends and I were on our way to the Yo-Kai world.

Smith barks "The others can't help us so it's up to the five of us to figure it out."

Tex meows "We should speak to King Enma first."

Rocky meows "Agreed! Oh, hey Appletank!"

Appletank, Komasan, Rainbow Dasiro, Usapyon, Jibanyan, Whisper and Hovernyan showed up.

I meow "Danyelle can't help in this situation since she's not a yo-kai."

Whisper spoke "Oh dear."

A budgie yo-kai was perched on my back.

I meow "It's bad enough Danyelle knows a cat-alicorn hybrid that happens to be afraid of ghosts... Which is kinda what we are."

Tex meows "Yo-kai or not, I'm still blind..."

Dasiro spoke "Oh, right."

I ask "Mind leading us to Enma?"

Komasan spoke "Sure thing."

The two Sianyan, the two dogs and I follow Komasan to Enma's castle.

Smith barks "Talk about swanky! Twilight's castle was just as impressive."

Whisper chuckles "Would you expect anything less from Lord Enma?"

I meow "But something is different about Komasan...."

Tex meows "I can't see anything though..."

But then another Jibanyan showed up, but he looked bigger.

I meow-gasp "Oh my swirls...."

I end up fainting.

Smith facepaws before barking "Ragnyan down..."

Rocky asks "Ya okay Appletank?"

Appletank fainted with a huge nosebleed from her nose and tank nose cannon.

Danny bark-laughs "Oh my gosh! In all my years as a Yo-Kai, I have never seen a halfling behave like that!!"

Dasiro asks "Uh… What’re we gonna do about Appletank?

Danny hoisted Appletank onto his back.

Dasiro spoke "Let’s just hope there isn’t a Usapyon like that, otherwise-*Blood squirts out of her nose, but then covers it, still retaining consciousness*"

Tex meows "Rocky and I are unique yo-kai, same with Kikyo though. Meaning we don't have a Lightside or Shadowside. So I don't think USApyon has it either."

Dasiro spoke "Right. He does have his Invader and Emperor Modes, but those are his levels of anger."

Rocky meows "I heard rumors that Lord Enma loves candy."

Dasiro spoke "Hehehe. No doubt."

Rocky pulls a bag of candied strawberries out from somewhere.

Tex meows "Smart thinking bro!"

Hovernyan spoke "I see."

Tex meows "Uh. I don't smell him."

Rocky spoke "Something's not right...."

Whisper spoke "You don’t think something happened, did you?! Oh, the horror!"

A mottled pale brown tabby cat yokai with amber eyes, white paws and swirls of air around the neck meows "Lord Enma has gone missing!"

Dasiro facepalmed.

The tabby spoke "Fire and Sand are out looking for him right now though."

Both dog yokai were growling since there was something off about Zazel.

A dark silver aura was emanating from him as he opened his eyes, revealed to be glowing magenta.

Danny growls "Where is Enma?"

Dashiro spoke "Wait a sec! Something’s not right."

The budgie yokai was squawking like crazy since he knew something was off about Zazel.

Zazel brought out his staff as its eye glowed magenta as well before it forced us into an open space before he reappeared, as it looked like a battle was about to start.

BGM - What I'm Made Of

Danny, Onestar and Smith took the frontal assault.

Onestar hisses "WIND BLADE!"

Zazel swatted the attack away.

Danny growls "BLAZING INFERNO!!!"

Smith launched rocks at Zazel.

Zazel dodged both attacks effortlessly.

Smith growls "Fast little bugger...."

Suddenly, the ground under Zazel turned to quicksand since Mistystar caused it with her River Drench.

Zazel quickly jumped out of the quicksand.

A fire blast hits Zazel, knocking him back into the quicksand.

Smith growls "You've GONE TOO FAR ZAZEL!!!"

Zazel was still silent before he transformed into a giant monster.

Dashiro spoke "Hold on! I think Zazel’s being controlled!"

Firestar spoke "We have to combine our attacks together!"

Firestar, Onestar and Mistystar all launch their attacks at the same time thus knocking Zazel backwards.

But then Zazel’s eye started glowing brighter before he transformed into Zazelmare.

All three cat yo-kai spoke "This is bad!"

Out of nowhere, a Divine Reflector hits Zazelmare.

Chibiterasu appeared as Zazelmare gained a dark silver aura and glowing magenta eyes.

Chibi's brush god allies appear as well before they all gang up on Zazelmare.

One of the younger Tachigami went right into Zazelmare's ear, making the man scream.

But that started making Zazelmare start going on a rampage, fortunately dropping his guard.

Onestar yowls "WIND BLADE!!!!"

The young Gekigami shot a lightning arrow at the Wind Blade, electrifying it as it hits Zazelmare hard.

He was weakened, but not out yet.

Mistystar hisses "RIVER DRENCH!!!"

Firestar yowls "FIRE BLAST!!!"

Onestar yowls "WIND BLADE!!!"

The combined attack put Zazelmare on his last leg.

Another dose of River Drench, Fire Blast and Wind Blade knocks Zazelmare out cold.

The aura faded as the eyes went back to normal and stopped glowing before he turned back to Zazel.

A black cat yo-kai with a patch of white on the chest spoke "That was scary..."

Firestar poked Zazel with a stick.

Zazel groaned, still unconscious.

Onestar chuckle-meows "Do that again Firestar, his reactions are funny."

Firestar chuckle-meows while poking Zazel with the stick again.

Zazel groaned again, still unconscious.

Firestar whacks Zazel on the head with the stick.

Zazel growled, started coming to.

Mistystar was on her back while laughing, which had set the others into a fit of giggles and whatnot.

Danny growls "Out with it mister, where is Lord Enma?"

Zazel spoke "Lord Enma? I should be asking you that."

I hiss "You shut up! We're asking the questions here!"

Rocky hisses "Tex, Kikyo and I along with the two dogs were called here since something was wrong. And there CLEARLY IS!!!"

A male spoke "Come on, everyone. Calm down."

Lord Enma showed up.

Firestar meows "Enma sir, Zazel had gone berserk so Onestar, Mistystar and I had to knock some sense back into him."

Lord Enma spoke "Come on, you guys. You think I don’t know that? I was somehow trapped in a barrier when something took over Zazel. But getting out of that barrier was child’s play."

Mistystar giggle-meows "It was funny when Firestar whacked Zazel with a stick."

Lord Enma chuckles "Hehehe! Can’t argue with that."

I giggle-meow "It reminded me of my leader's favorite movie."

Danny barks "I don't get it...."

“Well you were from over 300 years ago.” I noted.

Rocky meows "Make that about 700 some odd though."

I ask "But what caused Zazel to go bonkers like that?"

Fu suddenly showed up. “To be honest, I know it wasn’t me.”

My eyes flash white since I was seeing a vision of the past.

A strange dark figure summoned a barrier around Past Lord Enma before it shot a beam through Zazel’s mind as he gained that dark silver aura and glowing magenta eyes.

I think "{Strange dark figure? It might have been a dark tabby....}"

I snap back to my senses.

I ask "Lord Enma, have you spotted any dark tabby cat yo-kai around your castle?"

Zazel spoke "I am afraid not."

Lord Enma spoke "Nope. Not one hide or fur."

Ravenpaw asks "But what about black cats other than me?"

I meow "It was hard to tell but the creature in my vision didn't look like a cat though..."

Fu spoke "Well, hopefully it won’t cause trouble here again."

I meow "I smell demonic energy but it's not from the demons that Danyelle knows of..."

Fu spoke "*Shiver!* Whoo! That sure sent shivers down my spine."

Smith barks "Wait, I've seen that one cat before.... That white one with the ribbon on the headfur!"

Fu spoke "Hmm… Then someone might’ve been corrupted. I’ll look into it for you guys. Byeeee!"

Fu vanished in purple mist.

I meow "We should be careful... We don't know who is friend or foe."

Firestar and Onestar dart off before dragging something back.

It was some kind of dark crystal.

Mistystar hisses "I have bad feelings about that thing..."

Fu suddenly showed up again. “Whoa! Is that what I think it is?”

Mistystar meows "Firestar and Onestar found it though..."

Fu spoke "I’ve seen that crystal before. It’s from the Demon Realm in my world."

Danny asks "Can it be destroyed?"

Fu spoke "Yeah, but you can’t destroy without some side effects. That crystal has energy to strengthen anyone, but they can get a little wild if you catch my drift."

Pointing my tail at Zazel, I meow "Case in point..."

Fu spoke "Yeah. Normally I hold onto them for safe keeping."

Onestar meows "Last thing we need is some power hungry idiot taking that thing."

Fu spoke "But there’s something I know, if someone has enough willpower to control that demon realm energy and make it their own, they won’t go crazy."

Firestar meows "But we spirits can be easily corrupted."

Fu spoke "Yeah. Which is why I’ll keep that crystal for safekeeping."

My bell rattles once again, indicating that the problem was solved.

I meow "Well, that's the end of this mission."

Grabbing the crystal, Fu spoke "Nice! Glad things are settled. Byeee!"

Fu vanished in purple mist again.

With that, the males and I headed back to Maretime Bay.


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