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Jotaro's Memories

*Haru's POV*

I spoke "We should deal with the memory disc first before it's too late."

Yuki spoke "I agree."

We soon entered the room where Jotaro was unconscious.

Renaldo spoke "You should put the disc back then Jolyne."

Jolyne spoke "Alright."

Yuki and I were on full alert in case Pale Snake attacked.

Jolyne inserted the memory disc into Jotaro, who groaned as he started coming to.

Danyterama spoke "Hey Jotaro."

Jotaro groans "Ugh… That was a nightmare."

Renaldo spoke "A lot has happened though but it's good that you're back to normal now."

Jotaro asks "You’re Muta, aren’t you?"

Renaldo spoke "That's more of a nickname, my actual name is Renaldo Moon."

Danyterama spoke "Renaldo kept Jolyne safe the entire time you were in a coma."

Jotaro asks "Really?"

Renaldo couldn’t really tell what was going through Jotaro’s head, but suddenly he found himself in a cold sweat after making eye contact with the Joestar.

Danyterama spoke "Knock it off Jotaro, you're scaring the lardball."

Jotaro spoke "Tch. Good grief."

To Jotaro's surprise, Danyterama didn't look like the nekomata Mobian he remembers.

Jotaro asks "What happened?"

Danyterama spoke "My Forme Change disc was cracked.... Jolyne said it'd take 3 to 4 weeks to fix..."

Jotaro asks "I’m guessing Pale Snake did that?"

Danyterama spoke "Yeah... And his user was identified."

Jotaro asks "It was that priest, wasn’t it?"

Danyterama's ears flatten, confirming the question Jotaro had just asked.

Twilight spoke "That damn stand of his nearly stole Kurama and Matatabi from me."

Jotaro spoke "His presence reminded me too much of Dio."

Danny's spirit barks in annoyance since it was Dio's fault he had died.

Danyterama spoke "The spirit of your second great grandfather's pet dog said that the Green Baby is a reincarnation of Dio... And now that Pucci has it, it'll be harder to kill Pucci before Maiden Heaven is activated."

But then we heard a HUGE boom and felt an earthquake-like rumble!

Danyterama yells "HITCH! WHAT IN FAUST'S NAME WAS THAT???"

An exhausted Hitch spoke "Bright light… crashed like a meteor… but left a small crater…"

Danyterama teleports to where Hitch was.

Danyterama asks "What do we got here?"

Danyterama looked at the crater to see… a male Leptocyon Diamond Dog?!

Mrs Sparkle was wary of the Diamond Dog since she was the only known pony Joestar without a Stand.

Danyterama spoke "I thought the Leptocyons went extinct a long time ago!"

Trident spoke "*Showing up* Slash. I am not surprised that you caused that aftershock.

Slash groans "*Dizzy* Ugh…"

Danyterama looks at a book she had worked on that kept records of all time travelers.

Danyterama spoke "Leptocyon cavefox, 50 thousand B.C.E., cause of death, beaten with heavy rocks by tribe."

But seriously though, this guy, Slash, had caveman clothes, and even a wooden club with a tooth spike on it or two.

Danyterama spoke "I might as well cross out Katie's name, Snowfire's name and the names of the Tri-Pies since they aren't time travelers anymore."

The 13-tailed wolftaur erased the five names from the book since the five in question were not time travelers anymore.

Slash asks "W-What happened? Where am I? I get sent to future again?"

Danyterama explains what happened to Slash slowly so he'd understand.

Slash spoke "Oh… Okay."

Danyterama spoke "I have problems with number of tails I have... Most common is two..."

Ben spoke "Babe, calm down. You’ll get your tails back in the Forme Change DISC."

Danyterama suddenly sat down on her hindquarters.

Danyterama groans "Great Faust.... Not now...."

Ben spoke "Uh… If you’ll excuse us."

Ben threw a warp ring before leading Danyterama to the Chuddle Hotel.

Sonic spoke "Well, that's going to be a new problem... If Danyelle was in taur form if she got pregnant, that would mean she'd be locked in that form until after she gave birth."

*At the Chuddle Hotel*

Danyterama spoke "Long time now see Arcana."

Arcana asks "Okay, what happened to you, Dany?"

Danyterama spoke "Cracked forme change... I'm locked in taur form for a month at most until it's fixed. And no, it can't be fixed with alicorn or draconequus magic."

Arcana spoke "I see."

Danyterama spoke "And to make matters worse... I'm 220 years overdue on my heat cycle... so I need to work it off."

Arcana spoke "Oh dear… Knowing that long, you might be with Ben for one week straight at best."

To Arcana's surprise, Danyterama's cutie mark was fully visible.

Danyterama looks at the mark which was a fiery lightning bolt behind a five pointed purple star.

Danyterama spoke "Okay, that star was not there before..."

Arcana spoke "Oh my Faust…"

Vetur spoke "I think she's the reincarnation of Jonathan Joestar... How else can you explain the Joestar mark and the spirit of a dead dog from 520 years ago? Something tells me that all of the existing Joestars are going to freak the cuss out."

*Back at the Speedwagon Foundation*

Twilight spoke "Jotaro, I saw a purple star on Danyterama's cutie mark...."

Even though his face didn’t show it, Twilight could tell that Jotaro was shocked.

Soon enough, word about the purple star on Danyterama's cutie mark got out thus shocking the other Joestars as well as the entire Crystal Stars hive-pack.

Josuke, while having a drink on the edge of an open window in a high building, leaned backwards and started to fall off before panicking as he used his stand to grab back onto the ledge.

Irene spoke "Stella, tell me it's not true!"

Stella spoke "Afraid so sister, mom has the mark... Hence why the others are spazzing out."

Nova screeches "DAD!!!!"

Bruno asks "Hmm? What is it, Nova?"

Nova spoke "There's a lot of talk going on in town about Alpha-Queen Danyelle! She's got the Joestar mark!"

Bruno: I see. Just like Giorno.

Nova spoke "But her Stand came second though, Forme Change was the first although... I heard from the dumbass cyro that Alpha-Queen Danyelle's Forme Change disc got cracked in battle, locking the nekomata in a wolftaur form for a month..."

Bruno spoke "Oh."

Wave spoke "I heard about it from Tails though."

Bruno asks "Is something troubling you, Wave?"

Wave spoke "Not really but being immortal kinda sucks though."

Bruno asks "Why is that?"

Wave spoke "Ask Sonic.... He's the cause of the whole immortal thing."

Bruno sighs "He truly is a strange one."

Wave spoke "Given who his paternal grandfather is...."

Bruno spoke "Indeed."

Some time later, Danyterama returns to Maretime Bay with Ben.

Danyterama spoke "Even after my Forme Change disc is fixed, I'm locked in this form for nine months... Oh hey Josuke."

Josuke shouts "I’m trying to stay calm about this but… WHAT THE HELL, DANYELLE?!"

Ears flatten, Danyterama spoke "Can you not yell at me? I don't like being yelled at... And call me Danyterama, I'm stuck like this for the next nine months."

Josuke exclaims "Sorry, but you’re kidding me, right? You’re a Joestar?!"

Though unheard by Josuke, Danny barks "Not just that, the 13-tailed wolftaur's also the reincarnation of my original owner Jonathan Joestar."

Danyterama called Appletank over so that she could relay what Danny had said.

Appletank spoke "Danny said that Danyelle’s also Jonathan Joestar’s reincarnation."

Josuke spoke "Sssssshhhhhhhut the front door!"

Danny barks "It's bad enough that jerkwad Dio killed me but if that Pucci jerk calls forth Maiden Heaven, then we're ALL SCREWED!!"

Appletank spoke "Bottom line, if Pucci manages to summon Maiden Heaven, we’re in boiling water."

Josuke spoke "I think I’ll take your word for that since I think it’ll be worse than Killer Queen."

Danyterama spoke "None of us can live in peace with that bastard around. And with Téa missing, we have to prepare for war one more time!"

Luna spoke "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I don't just see subjects. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of your princesses, your friend and as a sister in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For Equestria and for the multiverse!!!"

Various Mobians and Equians spoke "FOR EQUESTRIA! AND OUR FUTURE!!!!"


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