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Sprout's Attack/ Return of Magic

*Akari's POV*

The battle with Sprout was drawing near.

I spoke "Pegasi! Unicorns! Now is not the time to be fighting with each other! We should be living in harmony with each other and the earth ponies!"

Sunny spoke "But first, we need to stop Sprout!"

Danyelle spoke "I agree with Twilight's granddaughter on that matter. That colt is gonna be a problem if we don't stop him!"

Sonic sighs "Man… Why do I feel like we’re fighting a pony Eggman here?"

Danyelle wingslaps Sonic on the back of the head.

Sonic spoke "Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "It's been about 220 some odd years though so it's likely that Eggman is dead now."

A voice spoke "My body, yes. But not my soul."

We turned around and saw a hedgehog Eggman.

A flash of pink light and a flash of reddish purple light appear suddenly before fading away, revealing Annabelle and Belladonna.

Annabelle spoke "Hello again Alpha-Queen Danyelle and Prince Sonic."

But then we noticed Belladonna’s belly being as big as a skull.

Danyelle spoke "Guess you two were trapped as well."

Annabelle spoke "I had to figure out how get out on my own but I brought a familiar face with me."

I was in tears when I saw who it was.

I stammer "M-momma...."

Twilight groans "Wha-what happened?"

I couldn’t help it as I hugged my mom with all of my might while crying.

A voice spoke "Gyah gyagyagyah!"

Firebrand showed up, much to most of the others’ worry.

Twilight tickles me.

Annabelle spoke "Behave yourself Firebrand, the ponies of this era aren't used to creatures like you yet."

Firebrand asks "Gyah gyah? {You think I don’t know that?}"

Twilight snarls at Firebrand.

Firebrand spoke "Gyah, gyagyah. {Besides, I’m like a dragon.}"

Twilight growls "Hothead..."

Twiliterasu leapt out of Twilight's shadow.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {I may look like an alicorn but I'm a solar goddess.}"

Danyelle spoke "Let's stop that troublesome colt!"

Twilight snarls loudly as Twiliterasu and Annabelle growl.

Caesar spoke "Let's do this!"

Twilight growls "Till Equestria ends..."

Danyelle, Sonic and Rarity spoke "Pony and Mobian Guard defend!"

Nyx spoke "I haven't heard that in years...."

I giggle "Heehee! You're telling me."

Honey leads the Pegasi and Unicorns to Maretime Bay, much to the shock of the earth ponies there.

Honey roars "SPROUT! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!"

But then a giant machine showed up, with a mad Sprout piloting it.

Honey scrapes a hoof against the ground, igniting her dormant firebending powers since she and Sunny had inherited it from me.


Fire swirls around Sunny's hooves as well.

Caesar spoke "Such a pity, to think you'd act like Kars."

But then Sprout's eyes glowed magenta as he and the machine he was in gained a dark-silver aura.

The Starscout sisters took flight on their flames to fight Sprout.

I spoke "You got this girls!"

But then a wind barrier formed around Sprout as the Starscout sisters were pushed away.

Caesar spoke "Bubble Cutter!"

Caesar flapped his wings, launching spinning bladed bubbles, passing through the wind barrier as they damaged the machine.

Honey shot fire from her mouth at the mech's wheels, melting them.

Izzy focused as she controlled the water from the nearby ocean before shooting it at the mech, shorting it out.

Zipp spoke "AIR BLADE!!"

Zipp flapped her wings hard, sending a blade of air at the mech, slicing the top off.

But the mech goes out of control and was heading for the lighthouse!

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss!!!!"

The Starscout sisters flew past the mech before Honey roared loud, pushing it back.

But then a geyser erupted from the ground.

Honey spoke "What the..."

Sunny asks "Cuss was that?"

A roar was heard as the geyser attacked the mech before a pegasus mare erupted from the geyser as Zipp recognized her.

Zipp spoke "Pipp!"

Twilight spoke "Guess the Roar had manifested in two ponies this time...."

But the five soon got knocked out.

I spoke "Sunny! Honey!"

Jato spoke "Zipp! Pipp!"

Sweetie spoke "Izzy!"

Sprout spoke "You're through!"

Caesar snaps "Not so fast, Sprout! Stop and look around."

All of us looked into the air and saw the bubble cutters spinning harmlessly in the air.

Caesar spoke "My Bubble Cutters are now Bubble Lenses, and are floating in the air all around you. And I can tell that machine of yours is sensitive to focused rays of sunlight, so the sun in the sky is just like the open shutter of a camera on a bright summer day. *As sunlight beamed and redirected from the Bubble Lenses* Those lenses, they focus the sunlight, into the area!"

The focused sunlight then beamed from the bubble lenses onto Sprout's mech, making it freeze.

Caesar spoke "Your machine can't move, you're like film, a frozen image! You're totally exposed, Sprout!"

Wind started swirling around Sprout's mech.

Caesar spoke "Trying your wind barrier again?! Not this time! *Jumps into the air* Now Sprout, I'm going to destroy your mech with a direct Hamon blast!"

Nyx shouts "Caesar, DOWN BOY!!!"

But when Caesar stopped, he found it hard to breathe thus cutting his Hamon short of power.

Sonic spoke "Cuss it! Somepony get a doctor NOW!!"

Caesar gasps "The wind… it struck my throat!"

Nyx uses her waterbending to heal Caesar's throat.

Caesar spoke "*Breathe-in then out* Lungs and throats are vital to Hamon users. Without them, our Hamon would disappear."

Nyx spoke "Good thing my element is water or you would have had a lot more trouble."

Seeing what the black alicorn had done to help the troubled Pegasus, the others started working together instead of fighting.

The three unity crystals glow brightly before floating around Sunny and Honey, triggering their ascension to alicornhood as well as bring magic back to everypony.

Flying though the air, Danyelle spoke "Aw yeah! I'm flying again! And I can use magic again!"

Sunny and Honey started floating.

Sunny gasps "W-Whoa! What’s going on?"

The two sisters vanish in a burst of light.

Izzy gasps "Where did they go?"

*unknown location*

*Sunny's POV*

Honey asks "Where are we sis?"

I spoke "I don't know but there's... an alicorn coming our way..."

The mystery mare spoke "Granddaughters of Princess Twilight, I'm happy to meet you at last."

Honey asks "Wait… you know us?"

I gasp "Are you…?!"

Celestia spoke "I was your grandmother's mentor, I'm also Sonic's grandaunt since my younger sister is his grandmother."

This was… the greatest day of my life! Not only did I found out that Twilight Sparkle was my grandma and met her, I’m also meeting Celestia herself!!! I couldn’t help but squeal in pure excitement.

Celestia giggles "You two have proven that you're ready."

Honey and I ask "Ready? Ready for what?"

Celestia leads the two as she sang https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH6Phaz3exo, showcasing the events of the Starscout sisters' lives.

A burst of magic shot out from the two's chests as it floated around them, engulfing them in light.

The two soon reappear in front of everypony.

Hitch asks "Sunny? Honey? Is that you?"

The duo got up as they flared out their new wings.

Izzy spoke "Oh cool! They've become alicorns!"

Zipp spoke "Awesome!"

Danyelle teases "It's just like when you became an alicorn, eh Sparkle Butt?"

Twilight taunts "Oh yeah? What about you when you became part alicorn, ember pussycat?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up and sit."

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Nyx giggles "That never gets old!"

A voice spoke "Danyelle, sit girl."

Danyelle found herself in the same position as Twilight.

Nyx gasps "Dad!"

Nyx had pounced on the calico nekomata, hugging him.

Danyelle spoke "Ben..."

Ben chuckles "Heh. Sorry, sweetie. Couldn’t help myself."

Danyelle spoke "It's been 220 years since you said that though."

Iris, Irene, Ralph, Stella, Bluestar, Thunder, Gallus and Guinevere dogpile their parents.

An adult Ember and Ringo showed up, with their kids being grown as well.

Twilight spoke "Dragon Lord Ember, it's good to see you again."

Natsu, Lucy, Spyro and Cynder arrive with their grown up children.

Twilight spoke "Spike!"

Spike spoke "Twilight!"

The adoptive siblings hugged as Shigechi and Buttercream showed up.

Wendy and Skyla pounce on Spike.

Spike chuckles "Hahahaha! Take it easy, you two!"

Buttercream giggles "Heehee! Think you can handle me in the mix, cousin?"

Spyro spoke "I don't have any siblings though."

Cynder spoke "Me neither."

Twilight spoke "Heehee! That’s not what Buttercream meant. She’s the adoptive little sister of my cousin, Nightwatch, so that would technically make her and Spike cousins as well."

Buttercream soon joined Wendy and Skyla on hugging Spike, all three of them giving him a bear hug.

Skyla giggles "Silly Twilight!"

Akari spoke "I don't have to hide who I really am anymore!"

Honey growls at Sprout, making him confess.

Sprout spoke "I was a bad pony..."

Hitch spoke "Well, I’m sorry, Sprout. But it looks like you’ll have to do some time for a while."

Sprout spoke "I understand Sheriff, lock me up then."

Danyelle soon notices Shadow and Maria with their two children.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Shads."

But then we saw someone crash, revealed to be Silver.

Twilight, Danyelle and Sonic spoke "Silver!"

Akari asks "What happened to you dude?"

Silver spoke "Gah… Chaos if I know."

Nyx darted over to heal Silver's injuries.

Lillian spoke "I think we might be in for another fight...."

But then a blue sphere appeared, leaving some marks on the ground from its appearance as it disappeared, revealing a Pinkie Pie, but she wielded a shotgun.

Twilight and Honey both growl at the newcomer.

Pinkie Pie? spoke "It seems you see me as a threat. If needed, I will mark you for termination."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, SIT GIRL!!"

Twilight was face down on the ground again.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but Twilight's a bit on edge since magic just came back."

Pinkie Pie? spoke "Understandable. You may call me Pinkinator, since I am…"

Pinkinator tore the skin off her right hoof, revealed to be an endoskeleton. “A Terminator.”

Danyelle asks "Did you attack Silver?"

Pinkinator spoke "Negative. That event is not in my memory profiles."

Sonic spoke "Oh cuss... I have a feeling that it was her..."

Twilight spoke "I’m seriously agreeing with that."

Danyelle spoke "But she doesn't know that the Pony Guard is back."

Nicolo and Cozy Glow showed up, with the Pegasus mare looking sad.

Lillian asks "Cozy, what's wrong?"

Cozy Glow sighs "Why… Why would she do this… I don’t understand… Why…?"

Danyelle spoke "We have to stop her before she can attack."

Jotaro showed up. “Heh, no argument here.”

Danyelle spoke "But those of the old era still need time to recover strength before stopping Opaline."

A voice spoke "Can’t argue with that."

Caesar spoke "Wait! I know that voice!"

Caesar turned around to see a rejuvenated Joseph with a rejuvenated Suzie Q.

Caesar spoke "Jojo!"

Joseph asks "Caesar? That you?

Caesar spoke "Of course it’s me you idiot!"

Joseph spoke "Heh. Good to know you haven’t changed one bit."

Caesar scoffs "Hmph. I could say the same for you."

Fluttershy asks "Anyone seen Discord?"

Danyelle spoke "I haven't seen him in 200 years though."


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