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Battle to Survive! Celestial Gods Versus Pale Snake!

*Danyelle’s POV*

Jolyne told us that Savage Guardian was coming soon, and that we need to meet up with it at Zephyr Heights, before Emporio said that he wanted to show us something that can help as we followed him into Burn Down the House.

I was soon sitting down on the floor since I couldn't sit on the couch.

I ask "Okay Emporio, what is it?"

Emporio spoke "I think you might need help in case trouble finds you."

We saw a male coyote Mobian with a white furry hat with golden horns on it, sitting in a piano and a male giant otter Mobian with pink fur and a heart-shaped hat.

Jolyne asks "Hey, Emporio, who are those guys?"

Emporio spoke "Oh, don’t worry. They’re not enemies. He’s prefer to sleep in a bed of course, but unfortunately for him, there simply isn’t one to be found in this room. So, naturally, he’s got no other choice but to sleep in the grand piano."

The otter Mobian then walked away and opened a door, leaving the room into another.

As the coyote Mobian came out of the piano, Emporio spoke "He wants to tag along with you two. It’d be a good idea to let him. He’ll be a great help. I forgot to mention. His name is Weather Forecast."

Soon, Jolyne, Weather Forecast and I were out of the ghost room as we made our way to Zephyr Heights.

I spoke "I'm Emporio's adopted mother by the way."

Midnight and Muta soon catch up with Jolyne and I.

Emporio: You can let your guard down with Weather Forecast. The reason why he doesn’t talk much is because he lost his memories.

Jolyne asks "Memories?"

Emporio spoke &He doesn’t have any memory of his childhood or even how he ended up in Equestria. He likes to stretch out and walk on his toes. He loves reading TV guides, but he doesn’t watch TV. Whenever he does speak, he doesn’t open his mouth very wide, so he tends to talk right in front of your face. Oh, and his nose breath is warm."

Jolyne asks "Wait, so does this mean Pale Snake stole Weather Forecast’s memories?"

Emporio spoke "Probably. So because of this, he wants to find out who he really is. Also, Weather Forecast wants to help figure out why your father’s memory disc was stolen from him."

Weather Forecast whispered something to Emporio.

Emporio spoke "He said, he isn’t the sort of Stand User who has been made one created with a DISC, so it sounds like Weather Forecast was born a Stand User."

That surprised us.

Muta spoke "Regardless, one of us doesn't have a Stand though but the others do. Not to mention, Celestial Gods is the most strongest Stand we have on our side. Which means that Pale Snake monster will likely target Danyelle first."

Emporio spoke "Yes, but I should tell you that Weather Forecast’s power…"

Small clouds started appearing near Weather’s head.

Emporio spoke "…is to alter and control weather phenomena. It’s named…"

The clouds got bigger and took form of a humanoid being.

Emporio spoke "Weather Forecast!"

As we arrived at Zephyr Heights, Weather Forecast’s rain tipped a mug of pens and markers on a nearby piano and played an impressive tune, before falling with the rain.

Muta spoke "If I had a Stand, it would be kinda cat-like in appearance."

Weather spoke "Just act like you didn’t notice. Pretend."

But then we noticed something.

Weather spoke "Well, seems someone was surprised by the sound and decided to look around the area. I was able to confirm this. It would appear that there’s somebody who knows you’re making a move, and they’ve come here to check up on you. And now, I’ve seen the enemy’s face."

We saw a male jackalope Mobian before we decided to run as the strange Mobian started following us.

Jolyne spoke "Oh, crap. I had no idea he was already this close to us all. But if that guy is a Stand User, then we’re going to have take care of it right now this instant!"

Emporio spoke "Don’t do it, guys! It’s better to hide from him."

Jolyne asks "Huh?"

Emporio spoke "Keep on running! He doesn’t know that you’re trying to make your way to the castle’s top! Think about it. He only came to find us because he must not know what you talked about on the phone! If he knew what your plan was, then he would’ve headed directly to the castle. That’s why he’s chasing after us right now instead of trying to beat us there!"

I grab Jolyne and Emporio with my magic as I airlift Muta, taking flight to the top of Haven's castle.

Wings flapping, Midnight spoke "But he can't fly though!"

But when that guy jumped, it was like he was suddenly in zero gravity before he spat twice, hitting a leg of mine and Jolyne.

Jolyne asks "Who… Who the hell is that freak?"

Emporio spoke "We gotta lose him! Hurry! Before he catches up to us!"

I spoke "Moegami, lead that jackalope away from us!"

But then the jackalope was suddenly gone.

Jolyne spoke "What the hell was going on with that guy, anyways? The way he ran on all fours was so strange. We were pretty lucky."

I spoke "Before I got my cutie mark, I once ran on all fours."

Jolyne spoke "That’s not what I really meant, Danyelle."

Soon, we landed, but we still had twenty minutes left, so we went inside.

Midnight spoke "to be honest with you Jolyne, I don't want to give up the disc but I have to...."

Jolyne spoke "Calm down, Midnight."

I sighed as I sat on a couch, but a minute later, for some reason, I couldn’t feel the floor.

Muta spoke "He's just stressed out, we all are... Wait... something's wrong with Danyelle!"

I looked around and saw that the couch I’m on is suddenly in zero gravity, causing me to panic and jumped off, only to realize that I was in zero-gravity too.

Jolyne gasps "What the hell?!"

Jolyne tried to step back, but slipped, before floating in zero gravity.

Jolyne asks "What? What is this? What the hell is all of this? Could it really be…?"

Jolyne tried to get somewhere, only to spin in zero gravity.

Jolyne asks "Wha-What the…?"

My blastia glowed brightly all of a suddenly, cancelling out the zero gravity effect on myself and Jolyne.

I spoke "That was bloody close.... Remind me to smack Jet the next time I see him."

Jolyne spoke "Wait! I don’t think Jet’s doing this!"

“Jolyne, what are you talking about?” Midnight asked before putting a paw on Jolyne’s shoulder when she and I suddenly found ourselves in zero-gravity again!

Jolyne asks "Every single thing we touch inexplicably becomes unmoored, suspended in the air. Like that couch you were sitting on. And even the two of us! But since when? Did all of this weird stuff begin when that strange guy started to chase after us? During his pursuit, he spit some sort of substance at the two of us, Danyelle. Is that why?"

Midnight started floating in zero-gravity too.

Jolyne spoke "Oh no! Midnight touched me, getting stuck in midair. Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean appeared as she shot a thread, but it went out of control.

Jolyne groans "Just my luck. Why can’t I control my thread? We don’t have any sense of direction, up or down. There’s no gravity here! We must be in a zero-gravity zone!"

I spoke "Wait... This is like the arks of the Cosmos! The power is the same!"

I pull out one of the arks of the Cosmos from my hammerspace and use it to cancel out the zero gravity effect.

But somehow, the cancel only lasted a few seconds as we were back floating in zero-gravity, same with the others in the room.

Weather spoke "Don’t panic. The enemy has to be somewhere in this room. He must be hiding."

But then Jolyne got a bit uncomfortable. “There’s… a little bit of a problem. It’s sort of hard to say it out loud. The thing is, it’s a personal matter. Although, I’m at a physical limit, so I’m troubled. Um… and…I don’t know why it became a problem so suddenly. Uh… well… but, um… I do think it happens to everyone sometimes."

Most of us were confused by that.

I spoke "Damn it! Blastias don't work, neither does the ark of the cosmos!"

I flung my keyblade at a certain spot, whacking something on the head hard and freeing the others.

A cloaked unicorn stallion with a magical staff showed up with a male owl gryphon.

Owl gryphon spoke "Now that hurts! Hoo!"

But then the others were back in zero-gravity.

Weather spoke I see. When you find yourself in zero-gravity, the blood in your body will suddenly collect at your head. That blood is usually down in the lower parts of the body because of gravity. Between your skin and bones is flesh that’s squishy and swollen with blood. It’s called moon face.”

I touched my forehead and it did feel squishy.

Weather spoke "However, it can be dangerous when too much blood goes into your head, and thus your kidneys automatically begin working to lessen the amount of blood in you. That’s why there’s a severe diuretic effect. It removes sodium content through you-know-what, and thins out the blood."

We then realized what Weather was talking about.

My magic flares up, coating myself and the others in a gravity bubble.

I hiss "What gives you jerks?"

But the gravity bubble suddenly vanished, being negated.

Unicorn Stallion spoke "Calm yourselves, we do not want to fight you. We want to help you. My name is Xavier Pendragon, and this is my companion, Hooter. We are both from the year of 1692 A.D. as we realized that we were sent forward through time."

But then blood from a wound on Jolyne and her nose started being sucked into in the wall’s seam.

Jolyne spoke "Guys! Something’s wrong with my blood!"

Weather spoke "Mine too. It’s coming out of my wound from earlier."

Jolyne: My nose won’t stop bleeding either! It’s gushing!"

Weather spoke "It’s so… so painful. Slowly. Could this be… how I die? *Noticing nuts and bolts flying towards Jolyne* Jolyne!"

Jolyne summoned Stone Ocean as she punched the projectiles away, but got a cut on her right arm as the blood from it started getting sucked up too, before Xavier and Hooter were suddenly flying towards us as Midnight caught them.

Midnight spoke "Gotcha!"

Jolyne spoke "Wait a minute, everything Danyelle and I touch enters zero-gravity. We touched the doors, floors and walls. That means this room itself has become zero-gravity! Air! Air doesn’t stay put within a zero-gravity zone! It’ll get pulled by surrounding gravity and then escape! We need to fill the gaps in the walls! Or at this rate, we’ll suffocate if we don’t seal them quickly!"

Weather spoke "No, Jolyne. What we actually need is to worry about is not suffocation, but the fact that our blood will boil, and we’ll die from that before we even run out of air. While within a vacuum, a creature’s blood will boil right up like water. A vacuum with zero-gravity makes one’s blood boil dry up in 20 seconds. It’s quite a long time before the individual would ever suffocate."

Nuts and bolts suddenly flew at us again as I teleported the projectiles to the ground.

Weather spoke "We’re gonna get shot. So we need to hide somewhere."

Jolyne spoke "What are you talking about? My nose is still bleeding way too much! We gotta stop the air flow!"

Weather spoke "Weather Forecast!"

Clouds suddenly surrounded me, Jolyne, Weather and the others in zero-gravity before we hid somewhere as the vacuum stopped while we wore some kind of astronaut suits made of clouds as we breathed normally and stopped bleeding.

Muta spoke "That was bloody terrifying!!!!"

I spoke "Blastia, ark of the cosmos, magic, chaos barrier... Nothing will work against that kind of stand... Unless... Amaterasu, Chilbiterasu! Flush out the one behind this!"

Weather spoke "Take good care not to breathe too heavily. I collected what remaining air was left within this room and covered our bodies with clouds in order to trap it."

Jolyne asks "So this… is a cloud suit?"

Weather spoke "You could put it like that, yeah."

Tachigami knocked a wall down with Power Slash, creating a large gap so the others and I could breathe easier.

Jolyne spoke "Wait a second. Look over there."

We looked at a part of the room in the distance and saw that the stuff there was affected by normal gravity.

Jolyne spoke "Danyelle and I touched the floor, walls, doors, and even shutters of this room. That’s why the whole place entered into zero-gravity, and now everything’s floating. But then why are the stuff there not floating too? They’re attached to the floor instead. Also, our strange foe. How is the enemy possibly breathing inside of this vacuum? Given the circumstances, shouldn’t the blood of that freak be boiling up? I see! That’s his attack range distance! His zero-gravity’s got a distance range, and it doesn’t extend through the whole room!"

Muta spoke "Now we need a plan to stop him!"

“We gotta move!” I urged as we started moving before nuts and bolts were fired at us again while Jolyne and I deflected them, unfortunately one of them hit Weather’s cloud suit as we saw that jackalope mobian floating forward while out of the zero-gravity area. I think I heard of him, his name was Lang Rangler.

Lang spoke "No way in hell you can get out of my attack range, you fools!"

A stand appeared beside him.

Jolyne spoke "He’ll try to shoot us down, specially Weather Forecast. But we won’t let him! We’ll do everything we can to guard Weather Forecast!"

Lang spoke "Now! Jumpin’ Jack Spark!"

Lang fired more nuts and bolts as we deflected them right back, but Lang dodged them, before firing again as we deflected them once more, but the deflected projectiles missed.

I spoke "Itegami! Whip up THE WORST BLIZZARD YOU CAN CREATE!!! Kyokugami! MAGNETIZE HIM!!!"

Itegami blinds Lang with a blizzard as Kyokugami magnetized the ground under the jackalope, stopping him from moving.

But the spinning balls on his stand’s wrist couldn’t stop moving as they shot nuts and bolts at an large empty water bottle, ricocheting off it before Stone Ocean stretched out her arm with a thread attached and deflected the shots.

Jolyne spoke "Weather Forecast is going to reach the oxygen in a few feet. As soon as our ally gets to that supply of fresh air, he’s going to corner you!"

Lang spoke "If you want it that badly, then have some air. You don’t even have to leave the area. Just a moment ago I finished my attack and hit my true target."

We then heard a crinkle as we saw that water bottle from he shot earlier, floating in Z-gravity and dented.

Lang spoke "I was not attempting to direct the bullets to hit the Mobian you call Weather Forecast. I meant to hit that giant empty bottle to damage it!"

The bottle then became crushed and started to inflate.

Lang spoke "There’s air in the empty water bottle, correct? If I’m right, the air inside of that bottle is on the brink of bursting from being pressurized in a vacuum."

The giant empty water bottle soon sprung a leak as it rocketed towards Weather.

Jolyne: Weather Forecast!

It was too late though as the bottle slammed into Weather, cracking his could suit’s helmet as he was sent flying further away from the exit.

Lang: He’s been pushed back into the zero-gravity. He’s finished now! Done for! Your pathetic friend probably can’t obtain enough air power to stop that momentum anymore.

“This is bad!” I dread as my panic caused Itegami and Kyokugami to vanish and withdraw as Weather’s skin started swelling with blood.

Jolyne suddenly punched her cloud suit, making a hole on the left shoulder and causing her to move toward Weather as I followed her.

Weather spoke "Jo-Jolyne! Danyelle! The heck are you two doing? Go… go back! He’s going to shoot you! On top of that, you’ll lose oxygen just from the moving force!"

Lang spoke "*Unblinded and free to move* They make decisions so quickly. You’re trying to stop the cloud guy’s movement with your bodies, and this push him out away from the zero-gravity zone again. Any yet… Neither of you won’t be able to get away from me like that!"

Jumpin’ Jack Spark shot nuts and bolts at Jolyne and me as we deflected them.

Lang spoke" I’m already well aware. Your Stands are extremely powerful. The high speed of my rotation bullets would easily be flicked away as you defended yourselves. *As Jolyne and I kept deflecting projectiles* I prepared this for that reason. I looked over for them everywhere! I captured them and hid them away."

Two projectiles came at Jolyne and I, and to our shot, it was live rats!

Lang laughs "There’s a lot of them."

Jolyne spoke "Rodents! And they’re alive! *As the rats started swelling up* Could it possible be…? This is… Stone Ocean! Flick those dirty rodents away from us!"

Stone Ocean punched the two rats, causing them to explode and spraying blood onto our helmet visors, blinding us.

Jolyne spoke "I… I can’t see!"

Lang laughs "There we go. I didn’t think you two would be able to push through my zero-gravity power this much. But you two are defenseless now! It’s over! Final blow, Jolyne Kujo and Alpha-Queen Danyelle!"

Lang fired nuts and bolts, and hit our cloud suits dead on.

Lang gasps "With this, my mission is officially complete! Jumpin’ Jack Spark is the best stand in the world. I don’t think I could ever lose to anybody. I’m glad to have gotten into Equestria. I’ve obtained enormous power here. There may be nothing I can’t do in this world. My future’s the color of an invincible rose! I’m gonna extract the disc from Prince Midnight and hand it over to Pale Snake, and then defeat him too if I deem it necessary. I’ll do it with my own hands! Huh?"

Lang noticed threads attacked to his nuts and bolts, connected through his spinning wrist gauntlets to the projectiles stuck on our cloud suits, as Jolyne and I were unharmed.

Lang: Wha-?"

“That was real risky, Jolyne.” I quipped.

Jolyne spoke "Oh, we knew it. We were so certain you would do it. How predictable. We were just waiting for you to reload. While you were reloading your screw bullets, I was hiding my time with my threads flying. And then you foolishly shot those and us."

Lang gasps "This thread! When in the hell did you…?"

“Now! Amaterasu! Chibiterasu!” I urged!

Jolyne spoke "Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean, Chibiterasu and Amaterasu appeared as the stands pulled the threads, pulling Lang into the zero-gravity zone as he started to swell.

Lang screams "Hey! *Screams of pain*"

Midnight howls "STAR PLATINUM!!!"

As Star Platinum appeared,Jolyne spoke "Looks like you were the one who got completely affected by the vacuum. Also, since you don’t have a cloud suit of your own, your blood will boil up and explode even faster than ours will. We’ve beaten you! If you don’t wanna die, then you’ve got to dismiss this zero-gravity immediately!"

But then we noticed Lang holding a glass bottle of something as he mentally thought, “That crime I committed, which got me into Equestria in the first place. How many times did I stab that woman? When I killed my college professor, the prosecutor said I stabbed the lady precisely 69 times. This is the same feeling as then. I feel it again, after so long! I won’t forgive them for looking down on me!” before we saw the murder in his eyes. “You little…! *Adding something into the bottle, causing the gas inside it to expand* Add peroxide to manganese dioxide, and a chemical reaction occurs, and oxygen is produced. Exactly like the oxygen in this bottle, it keeps on spewing outwards! *As the glass bottle cracked* After such a long time, that feeling of wanting to murder somebody has come back! You’re dead! I’ll carve an epitaph into the flesh of your corpse with shards of glass and make it reek of urine!” Lang growled as he threw the glass bottle at us before it exploded, shooting glass shards at Jolyne, Midnight and I, shredding our cloud suits to pieces and cutting us a lot. “With those fresh cuts on your bodies, your blood will explode before mine does! This is how your lives end, Jolyne Kujo, Alpha-Queen Danyelle and Prince Midnight! I got sent to Equestria for stabbing someone, and I’ll kill you three and your friends by carving you up so you’ll all burst, then leave this place having become invincible!”

But then clouds surrounded me, Jolyne and Midnight, forming new cloud suits as Weather sacrificed his oxygen to make those suits to save us.

Weather asks "I’ll give mine to the three of you. It should be enough to defeat him. Jolyne, Danyelle, Midnight, it’s enough, right?"

Weather gagged as he kept swelling and fell unconscious.

“Weather Forecast!” Jolyne, Midnight and I gasped.

“What in the hell?!” Lang said in shock as he mentally thought, “This… This is bad. My body is also at its limit. If I release the zero-gravity, air will flow it. I might get away if I use that air flow! Releasing zero-gravity! Jumpin’ Jack Spark!” Lang shouted as his stand appeared and canceled out the zero-gravity zone, allowing air to rush in as Jolyne, Midnight and I punched him with our stands as he flew away but then back to their fists.

Jolyne spoke "You should’ve just released zero-gravity from the start. You could’ve escaped from our wrath using the wind pressure. If you’d released it while you still had distance between our stands. Instead, because of your arrogance, you waited. Now the sudden air is blowing you back to us!"

Our stands delivered a storm of attacks on Lang, as our final blow sent him flying into a trash can while we landed safely on the ground.

I shot white-hot fire from my mouth at the trash can as well as Lang, incinerating him.

Jolyne asks "How long until Speedwagon gets here? What’s left? Minutes? Seconds?"

My ears twitch at the sound of wings flapping but something was wrong.

“We should check outside.” I suggested.

Muta spoke "Yeah."

Jolyne spoke "Wait, Weather should stay here."

I carry the coyote with my magic.

I spoke "He's hurt so he needs treatment. We don't have a doctor on hand or paw in Midnight's case."

Xavier spoke "Indeed, we must find him medical assistance."

Hooter spoke "Agreed. Hoo!"

I spoke "Last thing we need is Pale Snake attacking us when our guard is down."

We went outside, only to find ourselves surrounded by Nobodies!

I yowl loudly "ZOEY!!!! SORA!!! KAIRI!!!"

A sudden sonic strawberryboom was seen as several nobodies get sent flying and set on fire as Zoey flew past them.

Two blasts of blue magic hits a few Nobodies, destroying them.

Two Chrysalises flew into battle but only one was the real deal.

“What the?!” I gasped in shock.

The real Chrysalis smirked at me before grabbing a Nobody by the neck with her magic and yeets it far away, clonking Pierce on the head when he was about to prank Moeka.

“Nice!” I smiled as more melted coming before the copy Chrysalis suddenly turned into… The World?!

Minus Kabegami and Michigami, the other 17 pieces of my Stand appear and attack the Nobodies.

But then we dodged gunshots as we saw some Nobodies wielding live gun firearms!

Midnight roars loud as he shot fire from his mouth in a widespread wave, incinerating the gunslinging Nobodies!

Weather asks "Is there… Anyone outside in Zephyr Heights?"

I checked and double-checked, and every inhabitant in the city were inside the buildings. “No.”

A white alicorn mare with rose-magenta eyes and a mane in sea green and fiery red was blasting the Nobodies with fire magic.

Light Breeze spoke "Prince Midnight! Alpha-Queen Danyelle! It's so good to see you again!!!"

Midnight chuckles "Heh! Same thing, Princess Light Breeze!"

“Been a long time, buddy!” I smiled.

Using Weather Forecast, Weather spoke "Then I’m afraid this is all I can offer at this point."

Weather went unconscious as a Nobody was about to strike me from behind, but something went splat on its hand, revealed to be a blue frog with black dots, leaking green ooze. Wait a minute… blue with black dots? A poison dart frog?! Then another poison dart frog splattered on its head!

All of us were majorly confused.

Chrysalis spoke "Now isn't the best time for idle chitchat! I just saw a bunch of those things heading to the castle!"

Midnight spoke "Guys… It’s worse than that! Look up!"

We looked up and saw the clouds literally raining poison dart frogs all over Zephyr Heights! And we were caught in the storm, but we also saw the Nobodies taking damage from the poison from the frogs’ fatal impacts. But then I remembered a story that was between the years of 1887 and 1974, in the state of Florida alone, there were more than 50 reported cases of fish, frogs, snakes and sheep falling from the sky in unbelievable numbers. They said it was caused by a tornado. We kept fighting the Nobodies as we kept the poison dart frogs away from impacting on us by catching them as we knew that if they survive their fall, their poison wouldn’t splatter or hurt us.

Moegami shot fire from his beak though it was a lot stronger than normal since my element was fire.

I put poison proof shields over myself and the others, causing the frogs to bounce off the shields instead.

But the battle pretty much left us exhausted as the skies then cleared as we decided to play dead with Stone Ocean covering us with live poison dart frogs in its thread form before Pale Snake showed up.

Pale Snake scoffs "The rain has stopped. But where… are Jolyne Kujo, Danyelle, Midnight and their allies’ lifeless bodies? If I find them, I should find the disc. Huh? *Notices us under live frog pile* “The soul of a deceased criminal returns to Earth in the form of a frog, in the name of trying to bring its companion to the land of the dead.” I have heard that in the East there are stories of a similar nature, but this horror is truly the personification of that proverb. Nonetheless, the disc I seek must be in Midnight.

Pale Snake touched Midnight as Star Platinum’s disc ejected from him before the stand grabbed it.

Pale Snake laughs "I have retrieved the DISC."

*Midnight’s POV*

That risk… It took a lot outta me, but then I felt a new power from within as my flames felt stronger as Luna showed up before stands emerged from me and her.

“That doesn’t belong to you!” I shouted as my new stand and I struck the disc out of Pale Snake’s hand and into the sky with the others revealing themselves from the frog piles.

Jolyne spoke "Yuck! This is so gross. They’re all over my face. Makes me wanna throw up. The poison only comes out when the frogs splatter on impact, so if they don’t explode, they’re harmless. That’s why I made a large net using live frogs, in order to lessen the impact of the frogs still falling. Which allowed us to lay in wait for you to drop your guard."

Pale Snake spoke "It doesn’t matter! You lost! Accept your fate and die!"

Pale Snake was about to strike us when we heard a shackle, looking up and saw Star Platinum’s disc cuffed to a pigeon’s leg as it flew off with the cargo.

Jolyne spoke "Actually, it… was already here. The Speedwagon Foundation’s messenger wasn’t Mobian, Equestrian, or any other mythical creature. You just didn’t even see that it was here right on time. Swerving through the deadly rain of frogs like an angel, it made it to this castle. Savage Guardian is the name of that pigeon. And like all trained carrier pigeons, it will bring the disc to its rightful place."

Pale Snake grabbed a gun and aimed it at the pigeon, only for us to hear a click, realized that it was out of ammo.

Pale Snake angrily spoke "Ugh, idiotic Nobodies! They completely emptied the clips of bullets. Damn it!"

Jolyne spoke "We won."

Pale Snake spoke "Don’t underestimate me, you insolent brats! This changes nothing! Even with Star Platinum returned, your father will be nothing more than a broken puppet! He will never be able to recognize you as his own daughter again! This little game is over!"

He was about to strike, but stopped as we all heard voices, realizing that ponies were arriving, before Pale Snake fled. We kept holding onto our consciousness, but ultimately failed as all of us here, even Danyelle, have fainted.

One hour later, we found ourselves in the hospital.

Danyelle's left eye was yellow due to sight sharing since her Latias was following Pale Snake while invisible.

Danyelle groans "that jerk..."

Weather sighs "I’m sorry… I couldn’t help you more."

Danyelle spoke "I got my Latias following Pale Snake while invisible, I don't want her to get hurt or worse. I can also see what she sees, it's a little something called sight sharing."

Xavier spoke "I admit, it is impressive. But after having a glance at this Pale Snake, I could already tell he will be extremely difficult to track down, even with sight-sharing. But it is not impossible."

Light Breeze spoke "Even with the most powerful Stand in existence on our side, that Pale Snake jerk is slippery."

Zipp showed up. “I would’ve said ‘As slippery as an eel.’ but I thought at would’ve been insulting.”

Danyelle's right eye flashed white, triggering a vision.

*Danyelle's POV*

I was looking through the eyes of an imprisoned Jolyne when I saw Enrico walking past while something floated beside him.

What the hell?” I mentally thought before my vision ended, returning me back to the hospital. I was suspicious of Pucci before, but now I’m more suspicious of him. I still can’t jump the gun yet though.

Muta asks "What happened?"

“No idea, but I’m have more suspicions now.” I answered.

Chibiterasu had his head resting on my lap.

Light Breeze spoke "I don't trust that Pucci guy... He gives me the creeps..."

“Still, we can’t jump the gun until we have all the info.” I pointed out.

Muta spoke "Agreed... But we should be careful. That Pale Snake is dangerous."

Xavier asks "Hmm… Have you already met Yamato and Larcen?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Xavier spoke "I feel like I’ve met them before."

I spoke "We'll deal with that after we get rid of Pale Snake."

Chrysalis spoke "We will stop that jerk!"


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