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Sunny-Day Dinners/A Dangerous Gamble!

*Sunny’s POV*

Ah… Another great morning after waking up from a good-night’s sleep.

Yuki yawns "Good morning Princess Sunny..."

It was clear to me that the white furred she-cat was sleep deprived but as to why, I don't know.

But then I decided to help all of my friends and family living with me cheer up with a breakfast we can all share!

Midnight was yawning loudly since he had a bad dream last night.

“What happened, uncle?” I asked.

Midnight yawns "Tantabus.... I thought Luna had gotten rid of it..."

“Strange.” I noted. “I’ll check on the others.”

Opaline was a cranky mess, as was the Belle family.

“Oh boy… I think they’ll need that breakfast.” I worried.

Midnight spoke "I should talk to Luna about it..."

Twilight was a frazzled mess.

I looked outside and saw Jolyne and Ermes doing some catch.

Muta had pelted Jolyne with a snowball, blaming Haru for it.

Jolyne saw right threw that and punched, Muta in the face, sending him flying back a bit while Vivian was drinking some water. I noticed that ever since F.F. became a part of Vivian’s body, she’s been drinking more water than usual.

Muta spoke "That hurt...."

Jolyne yawns "Sorry, couldn’t sleep last night. That masked grim reaper almost killed me."

Lune yawns "A lot of us are on edge because of that monster..."

Then we saw Kakyoin show up.

Lune yawns "Hey..."

Kakyoin asks "What happened?"

Lune yawns "Many of the Mobians and some of the Equians are on edge because of a grim reaper..."

Kakyoin asks "Grim Reaper? Why does that sound familiar?"

Lune yawned again, “And it was all because we saw that thing in our dreams.”

Kakyoin froze at that.

Danyelle yawns "But I thought Shadow killed Freddy Kreuger 220 years ago...."

Kakyoin asks "No… It’s not Freddy Krueger… Jotaro, myself and the others fought that enemy before. But how did you manage to survive it?"

Luna yawns "Most of us were in limbo, remember?"

Kakyoin spoke "R-Right. But we must be on guard tonight."

Vivian asks "Hey Jolyne, Ermes, mind if I try?"

Ermes spoke "Sure."

Ermes tagged out with Vivian as she started playing catch with Jolyne.

Midnight yawns "Whoever it is, they're targeting immortals..."

We started preparing as I made breakfast for all of us at the lighthouse.

Vivian spoke "W-Wow! We’ve gone back and forth 86 times, without even dropping the ball!"

A loud crash was heard at the sheriff's office since Wind Whisper had knocked something over with her wings.

Flurry asks "*sweatdrop*: Was I that troublesome as a foal auntie Twilight?"

Cozy Glow, having become a alicorn, showed up with a sweat-drop in agreement.

Showing up, Spike spoke "You don’t know the half of it."

Twilight asks "Cozy? When did you become an alicorn?!?"

Cozy giggles "*Nervous blush* It’s kind of a long story. Nicolo and I did some traveling around the world to help others, but when I put my life on the line for all of my friends and family at really tough situation, not caring what would happen to me, I saved them, but found myself having a horn."

Flurry Heart playfully elbowed Cozy Glow. “Guess you really are my rival you claimed to be.”

Cozy Glow giggles "Heehee! Come here you!"

Flurry and Cozy started playfully wrestling with each other.

Akari pounces on her cousin and started tickling Flurry.

Twilight giggled with a smile, happy that everyone is getting along.

Vivian asks "Can we really get to a hundred, Jolyne?"

A weasel spoke "A hundred dollars says you won’t."

Jolyne asks Huh?"

We looked at the source of a voice, revealed to be a female weasel Mobian none of us know.

The weasel asks "Will you take that bet?"

Jolyne asks "Sorry, but who are you? And what are you saying?"

The weasel spoke "My name is Miraschon the Weasel. I’m saying you won’t catch the ball. I’m willing to bet a hundred dollars that your little game of catch will end before you reach a hundred."

Jolyne: Don’t you think this is coming out of nowhere? What do you really want?"

Miraschon: Just trying to kill time."

Ermes noticed something in Miraschon’s left sock.

Vivian spoke "It’s only thirteen more passes, right? I think we can do that."

Jolyne spoke "Don’t jump the gun, Vivian! Regardless, I don’t have anywhere near that amount of money on me, so it won’t be much of a bet."

Miraschon spoke "Well, it doesn’t have to be money, you know? I’ll take drugs, cigarettes, chewing gum, some phone time, hell, even some gender things… anything with a bit of value will do."

Jolyne spoke "I’ll be frank with you. I don’t really do bets, so get lost."

Ermes spoke "Wait just a second. Come on, Jolyne. You should go along with this. We’ve got some crazy luck. And whatever you don’t have, I’ll lend you. Vivian kinda sucks at throwing, but she managed to do it 87 times. We can win."

Jolyne spoke "There’s more to it than that!"

Ermes spoke "Yeah. It might be a trap set by Pale Snake, right? But I know that Miraschon. We’ve met each other before. She’s a stupid gambler that ruined her life committing small robberies. Think about it for a sec. There may be some inside help she pays and knows to help get her out of messes. Some people aren’t as good as you think they seem."

Miraschon scoffs "Hey. Are you in, or are you not?"

Vivian spoke "S-Sure. I’m sure we can do it. I’m sure we can win this."

Miraschon scoffs "Okay! But do you even have a hundred dollars on you?"

Jolyne threw the ball past Miraschon’s head as Vivian caught it.

Jolyne scoffs "We’ll play, but conditions are if you raise your voice or move one step from that spot, the bet is called off. Got it?"

Miraschon spoke "So the game has already begun then, huh? But it won’t be fair if the distance is too close or if you hold the ball for too long."

Jolyne spoke "More than three meters apart. Within ten seconds."

Miraschon spoke "Okay."

Miraschon moved out of the way of the baseball’s path as she stood next to a nearby bench.

Vivian spoke "Alright then, here we go!"

Ermes spoke "Just calm down before you throw! You’ve got ten seconds, so take your time!"

Midnight switched to his true size before growling at Miraschon.

Miraschon however wasn’t fazed in the slightest as she continued watching the game.

Vivian spoke "89! Eleven throws left! Huh? *Notices Miraschon on bench* You little…! Get those sticky fingers the hell away from my water!"

“Hey!” Jolyne called out as she threw the ball, before Vivian caught it in the nick of time.

Ermes spoke "Way too close. Concentrate, Vivian!"

Vivian angrily asks "That’s not it! She’s the problem here! What is she doing near my water?"

Miraschon spoke "I’m just spectating quietly."

Vivian snaps "Well, do it away from my cup, or else!"

Miraschon spoke "Fine. Whatever. Clock’s ticking."

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Throw the ball!"

Vivian growls "Screw this girl! She’s bugging me!"

Ermes spoke "Here! *Holding Vivian’s cup of water* I’ll hold your water. Now throw the ball!"

Miraschon spoke "One second."

Jolyne spoke "*As Miraschon walked away from the bench* Throw it!"

Vivian growled as she threw the ball, only for her and the rest of us to notice that she actually threw it at the bench out of anger.

Ermes spoke "Idiot!"

Jolyne jumped toward the bench and caught the ball.

Ermes spoke "Jolyne! That was close, but you pulled through."

Vivian spoke "S-Sorry. I kinda need more water than usual, and I guess F.F. is rubbing off on me a bit."

Ermes spoke "*As Jolyne and Vivian continued* Be more carefree next time, Vivian."

Vivian spoke "Okay, I will."

A few seconds later, the two made it to one hundred.

Vivian spoke "We… We did it! A hundred times!"

Miraschon spoke "Okay."

Vivian spoke "Actually, I feel like a hundred more times would be really easy too."

Ermes spoke "It was an easy win like I thought. Now fork over the hundred dollars."

Jolyne spoke "No. You were betting with Vivian earlier too, weren’t you? So doesn’t that mean it should be two hundred?"

Ermes spoke "Yeah, true! It definitely should be two hundred. Hurry up and give it to me."

Miraschon spoke "*Showing money* I’ve got a grand on you not being able to do it again."

The amount of money that weasel had surprised all of us.

Miraschon spoke "What, did you not hear me? I’m telling you my bet is one thousand dollars."

We found that kinda hard to believe.

Ermes gasps "Are you for real? Do you even have that kind of cash?"

Miraschon spoke "Of course."

Midnight snarls "Fork it all over then!"

Miraschon asks "Like I said earlier though, anything with value will do the trick just the same. The rules remain unchanged as well. Sound good?"

Jolyne spoke "No, we're done with your games. *Tossing away baseball glove* We might've just won, but honestly, I don't like you one bit. So if you wanna bet, take it somewhere else."

Ermes spoke "I'll go instead of Jolyne."

Jolyne spoke "Wh-"

Miraschon spoke "Well, okay."

Ermes spoke "Vivian, here! Give me the ball and glove!"

Vivian spoke "Okay."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

Ermes spoke "*Given ball and glove by Vivian* Jolyne, I don't like this chick all that much either. Or the way she's oddly fixated on betting. But still... *Taking out some gum* If it's gonna be twelve hundred dollars including the earlier bet, there's no way we can pass this up."

Miraschon spoke "You might wanna be careful. Like the rules of the last game, this one began the moment you decided to play. You've less than ten seconds."

Jolyne spoke "Throw it!"

Ermes spoke "Coming your way!"

Ermes threw the ball as VIvian caught it.

Vivian spoke "This might be easy too."

Some time passed as we all had breakfast.

Vivian spoke "Thirty. Thirty one. Thirty two. Thirty three's up next."

Midnight spoke "Jolyne, I don't like that weasel..."

Jolyne spoke "Me neither."

Something’s bugging me, but what?” Ermes thought.

Miraschon spoke "Five seconds."

Ermes spoke "Vivian, catch!"

Ermes threw the ball as Vivian caught it.

Vivian spoke "Thirty three!"

But then we noticed it was starting to get windy.

Jolyne: Hey, you! We’re calling this bet off! It’s done!"

Miraschon taunts "Okay, here’s a thought for you. Let’s suppose for a moment now, that a meteorite fell from the heavens out of nowhere. Sure it’s wild, but you’d probably think that the game should be called off, like it’s just over. You’d say it’s the meteor’s fault. And not to convince me, mind you, but yourselves. But are you sure that’s okay? Don’t you think you all might have noticed the strong wind, because you were taking your sweet time and deliberately throwing the ball slowly? Take a good look into your heart and you’ll see. If it’s telling you you didn’t break any rules, there’s no need to worry. By all means, if you’re innocent you can stop the game at any time."

Ermes spoke "*To Miraschon* Screw you. *To Vivian* Vivian, now! Hurry up!"

But then a sudden strong wind flew by, causing the glove to fly off of Ermes’ hand.

Ermes spoke "What?! *Jumping towards the ball* Damn it!"

Ermes landed on the ground and tried to catch the ball, causing it to fly up before falling down as she tried to catch it again.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, no!"

Ermes raised her hand, revealing the baseball in it and showing that she caught it. But Ermes had shadows over her eyes for some reason.

Vivian spoke "That was close!"

Midnight had curled a tail around Jolyne in case the wind picked up again, strong enough to send a Mobian flying.

Ermes spoke "Let’s keep going."

Miraschon spoke "*As Ermes tossed the ball to Vivian, who caught it* I’m merely a spectator here."

Midnight and Jolyne ask "Huh?"

Miraschon spoke "I won’t move a muscle or even think. But still, though I can’t prove what she just did… *As Ermes caught the ball that Vivian threw at her* On the inside, Ermes knows exactly what happened. There’s no denying it, Jolyne. Your bestie just broke one of the rules. I know because…"

All of us saw a shadow looming over us from the right as we looked in that direction, seeing a humanoid machine.

Miraschon spoke "The debt collector, Marilyn Manson has appeared before us."

Jolyne asks "What the?!"

Midnight growls.

The red visor on the machine spun like a slot machine until it showed $1000 before it charged towards Ermes.

Jolyne shouts "Ermes, hey! Watch yourself! She’s a Stand User!"

Ermes tried to defend herself, but the Stand pierced its hands into the sides of her chest, grabbing money, much to our shock as she screamed.

Miraschon spoke "No matter where you hide it away or what the item is, it takes absolutely everything and leaves nothing behind."

The red visor now showed $590.

Mary Lynn Manson scoffs "This is still not enough."

Ermes coughs "Sticker…"

Ermes was about to summon her stand when Mary Lynn Manson’s right claw pierced into her.

Miraschon scoffs "Game over."

The Stand’s claw then pierced through Ermes, holding a liver, much to our horror.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

The Stand withdrew its arm as Ermes was on her knees, covering her bleeding wound while breathing heavily.

Midnight growls "What did you do?!"

Mary Lynn Manson: If you sold this liver I’m holding on the black market… *Red Visor now showing $0* it would make up for the remaining 590 dollars that you owe.

Vivian spoke "Back off!"

Vivian shot strange liquid bullets at the stand, only to pass through it harmlessly, much to our shock.

Midnight shot black fire at Miraschon, hitting her.

Miraschon growled at that.

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "I am the shadow that lies deep within Ermes’ heart. All of you cannot possibly land an attack on me. Ermes has broken the rules you established, and has therefore lost the bet on her own. I came to collect the debt weighing on her shoulders. Or are there any other precious items she may have? If so, I can exchange this liver for something of equal value."

Jolyne spoke "*Grabbing the baseball* This bet still isn’t over yet."

Mary Lynn Manson asks "*Absorbing liver* What?"

Jolyne spoke "We’ll catch the ball a thousand times, and if we succeed, you’ll give back everything you took from Ermes. And then just leave us the hell alone."

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "Okay. However, I’m sure you’re aware of how this goes. You must offer something if equal value."

Jolyne spoke "Yeah, I know."

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "Excellent. *Withdrawing into the ground’s shadows* With the rules set, the game has begun. See you later."

The stand then vanished.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian, here!"

Jolyne threw the ball to Vivian, who caught it.

Ermes spoke "J-Jolyne…"

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, you’re not the one at fault here. *Catching the ball* Since Miraschon is a Stand User, there’s a high chance that Pale Snake is involved. If that’s the case, then they’re aiming for my dad’s disc! That’s what the collector is for."

Ermes spoke "There you go. Another reason not to take this bet."

Midnight spoke "If Pale Snake got its hands on Danyelle... She'd lose three discs instead of two!"

Jolyne spoke "You guys got dragged into this mess because of my family drama. I can’t let you die for me, Ermes."

Vivian gasps "But a thousand throws in a row? How are we gonna do that? That Stand was invincible!"

Jolyne spoke "Yeah, that’s exactly why we’re gonna chase down Miraschon and attack her directly! That greedy Stand of hers may be invincible, but her body is fair game! That’s why she’s putting distance between us!"

Miraschon then walked away, vanishing from sight.

Jolyne spoke "Let’s go!"

Midnight spoke "And as long as I'm still kicking, Star Platinum will be safe."

Midnight lowers his head so his horn was near Ermes's injured spot before using a healing spell on it, searing the wound shut.

Ermes spoke "I can’t live long without a liver though…"

After some time passed, Midnight and I were watching Vivian and Jolyne catching the ball with each other in a shower room as lookouts for Miraschon.

Jolyne spoke "You see her? I’m sure I saw her come in here."

Vivian spoke "That door on the other side of the room. She might’ve gotten out from there."

Jolyne spoke "Passing to you!"

Jolyne was about to throw the ball to Vivian when Midnight and I saw Miraschon move towards the light switch.

“Jolyne! Don’t throw the ball!” I called out, but I did it too late as Jolyne threw the ball to Vivian before Miraschon turned off the lights.

Vivian scoffs "Seriously?!

Jolyne spoke "Oh no, Vivian! I threw the ball!"

Vivian spoke "But where did you throw it, because I can't see a thing!"

Jolyne spoke "Don’t move! It’ll probably hit your body!"

Vivian did that as the ball did hit her, but bounced off before the black liquid from before came out of her left eye and grabbed the ball before she grabbed it.

Vivian spoke "Thanks, F.F.! Jolyne! I got the ball!"

Jolyne spoke "That’s great, you two! Now let’s just stay calm and keep the ball moving. Over here!"

Vivian asks "Here where?"

Jolyne spoke "Hurry!"

Miraschon spoke "Heh. It’s already over."

Jolyne spoke "I’m right here!"

Vivian spoke "Now I’m mad!"

Vivian shot the liquid bullets from before at the darkness, before a scream of pain rang out as the door opened, revealing Miraschon with a wounded right arm as she left the room.

Vivian spoke "We’re fighting a fool. I heard a voice come from somewhere over there, so F.F. and I fired randomly in that specific direction."

The four of us started chasing Miraschon again as Jolyne and Vivian kept passing the ball to each other.

Midnight fired a Roar at Miraschon, sending her crashing into a wall.

Jolyne and I caught up with Miraschon.

Jolyne spoke "How unfortunate for you. There’s nowhere left to run. And now that I know you’re a fellow stand user, I won’t need to hold back."

Miraschon spoke "Hey, wait a second! Take the money! And the liver. Here, it’s all yours!"

Jolyne spoke "That’s not the only things I want. For starters, I wanna know who gave you Stand Power."

Miraschon asks "*As Jolyne tossed the ball to Vivian, who tossed the ball back* Huh?"

Jolyne spoke "It was Pale Snake, right? Don’t lie. Tell me who they really are."

Miraschon stammers "Wha-What are you talking about?"

Jolyne asks "You sure you’ve got time to be playing dumb?"

Miraschon spoke "You gotta believe me! I don’t know who that is! All I wanted to do was go on parole!"

Miraschon suddenly smirked as Jolyne tossed the ball to Vivian before Miraschon pressed a button, closing a door and separating me and Jolyne from Vivian and Midnight as Vivian caught the ball.

“This is…” Jolyne and I realized.

Miraschon spoke "An elevator. One that transports meals. How much longer now? Six seconds? Or is it five?"

Jolyne spoke "No!"

Vivian spoke "Jolyne! Sunny!"

Vivian used F.F.’s liquid as she and Midnight grabbed the elevator door and forced it open, only to see the elevator we were in already moving up.

Miraschon spoke "Two more…"

“Vivian! The ball!” I called out as Midnight held the door open.

Jolyne spoke "Come on, Vivian! Throw it here!"

Vivian did that as Jolyne caught the ball throw the door closes on the elevator.

Vivian spoke "We gotta move, Midnight! To the next floor upstairs!"

Midnight teleported up a floor with Ermes on his back.

Miraschon spoke "Nice jump."

Jolyne "Now what are you gonna do? You’ve got eight more seconds. *As Vivian ran to the next floor* Seven… Six…"

The door open as Vivian showed up.

Jolyne spoke "Catch, Vivian!"

Jolyne threw the ball to Vivian, before the ball was suddenly grabbed by something invisible.

Midnight growls "I teleported, you idiot."

But then that something invisible threw the ball away, revealed to be a Stealth Sneak Heartless as Jolyne kneeled down while the elevator door closed before she punched the door in frustration.

Miraschon laughs "Try catching the ball now! Oh, you can’t anymore, can you? This game of catch is over! You’re dead, Jolyne Kujo!"

Mary Lynn Manson emerged from the wall in the elevator and pierced its right claw threw Jolyne.

Miraschon spoke "Mary Lynn Manson will always come to collect what is owed! No matter where they may be hidden. Even if you are unaware, Mary Lynn will know!"

Vivian spoke "Jolyne!"

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "First, I’ll take your most expensive organ. And to cover the remainder, I’ll take your most precious possession. Your father’s Stand Disc! As for where to find it…"

As the stand was searching through Jolyne, it dove its right arm into the flow and emerged it from outside the elevator.

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "That clever hybrid, Midnight, has had it inside his soul since the very beginning!"

Miraschon spoke "I won! Now I’ve got your organ and your disc!"

The arm pierced into Midnight.

Miraschon spoke "It all belongs to me!"

But then Miraschon’s face was hit by the baseball, which was connected by Stone Ocean’s threads as she coughed blood and spat out a tooth.

Miraschon asks "Huh?"

Jolyne spoke "This little game of catch is far from over."

Jolyne pulled the thread back and caught the ball.

Miraschon spoke "Huh? But how? The ball…"

The five of us except Miraschon knew what happened. Jolyne used Stone Ocean’s thread form to catch the ball in midair and pull it towards her hand before the door closed a few seconds ago.

Miraschon spoke "Impossible… You cheater…"

Jolyne spoke "No. I never specified the creature I’d be playing catch with. The Heartless counts too."

Miraschon gasped at the realization as the stand’s right arm put the disc back into Midnight and healing the wound on his back, before putting Ermes’ liver back in her, healing her wounds as well as Jolyne was fully healed too.

Jolyne spoke "Seems like the collector also approves. Now then, did we have 800 more balls to catch? Or was it 900? You know what? Screw it. Take a thousand!"

Stone Ocean appeared and threw the baseball 1000 times, dealing 1000 blows to Miraschon while shouting “Ora!” multiple times. “Ora!” Stone Ocean shouted as she threw the ball for the final and 1000th time, hitting Miraschon right on the nose as she fainted, causing Mary Lynn Manson faded, causing money to shower the inside of the elevator as the door opened.

Vivian spoke "We did it! Yay!"

Ermes smiled as she got off Midnight’s back before two discs ejected from Miraschon’s head.

Jolyne spoke "We’re gonna get my dad’s disc to the Speedwagon Foundation. And that includes the one Pale Snake’s holding on to. Just watch."

Grabbing the Stand Disc, Midnight spoke "I’ll take her to the sheriff’s place in jail. She’ll have to be in there a little longer before going on parole."

I spoke "Good idea Uncle Midnight."

Midnight spoke "Thanks, Sunny."

Midnight picked up Miraschon and went off to Hitch’s sheriff apartment.

“Besides, we should get ready for tonight when we go to sleep.” I reminded.

Vivian spoke "Your uncle's pretty awesome though Sunny."

I couldn’t help but giggle in agreement. “Yeah. He is pretty awesome. Probably the best uncle there is.”

But then we heard a crash.

Bluestar shouts "Faust damn it Oakheart! That was my favorite set of plates!"


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