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Tailed Beast Villages/ Family Reunion

*Kurama's POV*

I realized I had to speak with my village's elder about what Keiko had done.

Twilight asks "You wanna tell her the truth?"

I spoke "The elder is male but he was also Keiko's father... So I fear he might get mad at me..."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Holo spoke "It's best if I don't go with you, I was the one that killed Keiko back on Hearth's Warming though so the Elder might lash out at me."

Midnight spoke "R-right."

Opaline was resting on Midnight's back since the eleven tailed foxcat was his true size.

Other Sonic spoke "Well I'm still surprised that your Eggman became a good guy."

Danyelle spoke "Maria, Twilight, Prince Sonic and I saved Eggman from dying roundabout 224 years ago. Plus many people call me the Nekomata of Redemption."

Other Sonic spoke "That's new."

Moeru spoke "Impressive."

Danyelle spoke "Heehee. Thanks."

Moeru spoke "Our zone's Danyelle is just a normal human though."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Moeru spoke "Regardless, Soni and I are coming with you to that village."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, guys. Really appreciate it."

Moeru giggles "Walking GPS."

Soni spoke "That’s because I somehow got the same energy as the prism."

Moeru giggles "As do I for some odd reason..."

Moeru demonstrated with her flames as they slowly burned brighter as we got closer to the Nine-Tailed Village.

Twilight spoke "Maybe the village had been moved."

What do you mean?” I asked.

Matatabi spoke "Maybe there's too many kids."

I led the group to my old village.

Come to think of it, I feel like Twilight when she tried to reunite with her friends in Canterlot.” I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I encouraged Twilight to deal with that."

I just hope my friends there are still alive after all this time.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "Keiko was bonkers though..."

Twilight spoke "Definitely."

Prince Sonic spoke "Last thing we need is a fight breaking out."

Opaline spoke "Agreed."

Twilight spoke "I was a bit surprised when Trixie and Card showed up."

Much to Danyelle's surprise, the wolfdog from earlier was on her back.

Danyelle asks "What the...?"

Sakura whimpers "My parents are gone...."

Danyelle gasps "What?! Who did that?!"

Sakura whimpers "P-Pale Snake…"

Out of nowhere, a sudden Adamant Barrage had hit Pale Snake.

A silver-white dog Mobian with a red outfit and a rather big sword spoke "Damn snake!"

Danyelle gasps "Inuyasha?!"

But then Pale Snake faded, revealed to have been only an illusion.

Clarity flew at her cousin, clashing swords with him.

Clarity spoke "Long time no see mutt."

Inuyasha scoffs "Really, Clarity?!"

A black she-cat Mobian spoke "SIT BOY!!!"

A dark gray furred dog Mobian spoke "My dad's a moron..."

Clarity giggles "Heehee! Hi, Kagome."

Kagome spoke "Stupid is as stupid does..."

Twilight spoke "That’s what Aph says."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Kagome spoke "Didn't see that coming."

Prince Sonic spoke "That happens to Danyelle when Ben says it."

Moroha's ears twitch since she heard a violin being played.

Moroha spoke "Guys, that sounds like…"

Danyelle's ears twitch.

Danyelle asks "A violin?"

Moroha spoke "No. It’s not just that."

Blue foxfire had surrounded the group although Inuyasha and Kagome knew who it was caused by.

Clarity spoke "Shippo!"

An adult Shippo soon appears.

Shippo gasps "Mom? That you?"

A teary eyed Clarity spoke "It's been over 700 years..."

Clarity's nose twitches when Celestia appeared.

Clarity spoke "Your scent is so familiar.... But I can't put my hoof on it..."

I bop Celestia on the head with a tail.

Celestia asks "Was that necessary?"

Twilight spoke "Clearly, you've been hiding a rather big secret from Pyre."

Celestia started getting nervous.

Clarity asks "Well?"

But then to Clarity's surprise, Celestia hugged her while crying tears.

Danyelle spoke "I did say that Clarity had a major sweet tooth and a fondness for cake though."

Clarity asks "Uh... What's going on?"

Celestia spoke "I'm so sorry...."

Clarity asks "Huh?"

Celestia spoke "I'm just glad that you're still alive... my daughter."

I spoke "And Clarity's gonna lose her mind in three... two... one."

Danyelle flattens her ears, as did Twilight and the others.

I flatten my ears as Clarity screamed out in absolute shock. "WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT?!"

Prince Sonic gasps "SOLAR ALICORN SAY WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"You heard her, Sonic. You have a half-demon relative." I responded.

Prince Sonic's right ear was bleeding due to the screaming.

Prince Sonic spoke "Gah! My ear!"

Moeru sighs "You have alicorn healing, don't you?"

Prince Sonic spoke "Oh. Right."

Danyelle sighs "Sonic, you're an idiot."

Twilight spoke "Like a certain blue alien experiment we knew."

Danyelle whistles loud in a tone that only Stitch could hear.

A portal opened, before Stitch jumped out and hugged onto Danyelle.

Stitch spoke "Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggles "Long time no see Stitch."

Stitch spoke "Ih!"

Irene crashes into a tree near the group.

Irene growls "*incoherent words*!"

Stitch asks "*Confused* Gaba?"

Danyelle spoke "That's my eldest daughter by blood, Irene Hikari."

Stitch asks "Oh. New friend?"

Danyelle spoke "last time you saw her, she was about your height. Now, she's about my height."

Irene got her head out of the tree trunk before shaking the leaves off.

Irene spoke "Sorry mom, I was kinda worried about you."

Danyelle asks "Say Irene, do you remember Stitch?"

Irene spoke "A bit."

Danyelle spoke "Well, he and all 625 of his cousins are part of the Crystal Stars hive-pack now."

Irene gasps "...What?! That's a lot!!!"

Danyelle lets out a whistle tone that only Angel could hear.

Another portal appeared as Angel exited it.

Stitch spoke "Boojiboo!"

Angel giggles "Boojiboo!"

The two experiments hugged and affectionately nuzzled each other.

Pulling out a freshly made triple decker bacon and cheese sandwich from her hammerspace, Danyelle spoke "I don't think I can finish this sandwich, if only there was someone who could finish it."

But then the sandwich vanished before we saw Reuben eating it.

Danyelle spoke "I got you good Reuben."

Reuben asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't have a whistle tone for you so I had to think of something else. Then I realized, you love sandwiches. So I decided to use that as a call word."

Reuben chuckles "Hahaha! You did get me good."

Danyelle giggles "It comes from hanging around two of the best pranksters I know. Heck, I got my mark because of Rainbow Dash."

Reuben spoke "Nice."

Irene picks Reuben up.

Irene spoke "You are the cutest alien I've ever seen!"

Reuben asks "Whoa! Who’s this?"

Danyelle spoke "Eldest daughter by blood."

Irene spoke "I'm Irene Hikari."

Danyelle giggles "And she's really good at making all kinds of sandwich based meals."

Reuben spoke "Alright!"

Irene spoke "*blush* Shut up mom!"

Danyelle just winked at Irene.

Ben's voice was soon heard.


Danyelle found herself lying down, face-first hard.

Inuyasha spoke "She's worse than Miroku... But less perverted...."

We arrived at the Nine-Tail village, seeing dragons, nine-tailed foxes and a few hybrids.

Danyelle spoke "I feel tiny compared to the foxes...."

Opaline spoke "Oh my…"

Prince Sonic spoke "Oh my Chaos...."

Opaline spoke "Eep!"

One of the nine tailed beasts sneezes after sniffing at Opaline.

The beast spoke "A good bath should clean that up."

Midnight growls "Excuse me? That's my marefriend!"

the beast asks "Wait? Marefriend? That’s your girlfriend?"

Midnight growls "Yes, she is."

The nine-tailed fox said nothing at first, but then fell onto his back, rolling around in howling laughter. “Are you kidding me!? That’s the best joke I’ve heard in years!!!”

I spoke "Watch it Ginji, that's MY son you're talking about!"

The fox froze stone-cold. “K-K-Kurama? That you?”

I spoke "Yeah, it's me you idiot."

Matatabi spoke "Idiot fox..."

I scoff "Tch."

Midnight growls "And now you know who my parents are."

Twilight retorts "Forgetting somepony?"

Midnight spoke "Not at all, mom."

Ginji gasps "WHAT???"

I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, knowing how he would respond.

Matatabi spoke "Kurama...sit boy!!!"

I was soon snout down in the ground.

Midnight stifled a snicker.

Opaline ruffles Midnight's short mane up with her magic.

Midnight chuckles "Jeez Opaline."

Opaline flew up and gave Midnight a peck on the cheek.

Midnight chuckles "Just you wait missy, I got plans for you."

I ask "How is Elder Satoru doing?"

Ginji spoke "E-Even he doesn’t know why, but he’s been down in the dumps lately."

A beautiful nine tailed vixen spoke "It's because Keiko never came back..."

Pulling my snout out of the ground, I spoke " It's been a long time since I saw you last Misaki, you're looking as beautiful as always."

Matatabi scoffs "Kurama..."

I spoke "Don't give me that look Matatabi, you're the only one for me."

Matatabi spoke "You silly tod."

Misaki asks "You mated with a two-tailed fire cat?"

I spoke "Yes, I did. And I can tell that you have a crush on Ginji."

Matatabi spoke "That yandere killed my sister, Naomi..."

But then Misaki turned away, but I can tell she was blushing madly at that.

Danyelle exclaims "She's got it bad!!!"

I chuckle "For sure."

A tod asks "Kurama? Is that you, buddy?"

I ask "Who are you?"

The tod asks "Kurama, don’t you recognize your old friend?"

A male nine-tailed fox appeared, one that looked familiar.

I spoke "It's been a long time but I kinda forgot... Someone wouldn't let me have any friends..."

The tod chuckles "It’s okay. It has been a very long time."

Matatabi spoke "It's been a long time Ryo."

Ryo chuckles "Indeed it has, Matatabi. So, you mated with the strongest of the Two-Tailed Village, Kurama? That’s quite a surprise. I’m betting your child or children are quite strong too."

I chuckle "Factoring in alicorn genetics, my son is rather powerful."

Ryo asks "Alicorn genetics? Now how did that happen?"

Twilight spoke "That'd be my fault...."

Ryo asks "Oh, I see. You both are sealed in the alicorn mare, right?"

I spoke "Yeah though I didn't have a choice, my original body is gone."

Ryo asks "Oh. Sorry about that, my friend. But at least you’re still alive, right?"

I chuckle "So, what happened to that one bimbo?"

Ryo spoke "Kimiko? Whew! You don’t wanna get on her bad side since you tore half of a tail off her."

Matatabi growls "If she comes near me, I'll rip the half tail off her."

Ryo spoke "That’d only leave her with two tails then."

I spoke "Correction, it'd leave her with 8 tails."

Midnight pulls Opaline close before growling at Kimiko.

Ryo spoke "Sorry, I get my numbers wrong sometimes. And speak of the devil."

Twilight was growling as well.

A familiar dragon emerged from the water and growled at Kimiko too.

Kimiko growls "So, the wuss comes crawling back after 5000 years... And with a freak of an offspring no less."

Midnight scoffs "Tch! Come on, I can beat you easily."


Kimiko scoffs "A useless nekomata and a stupid little horse? How the mighty have fallen."

Misaki spoke "Shut up Kimiko! You have no right to speak to Kurama's wife OR friends like that!"

But then I noticed a flamingo-like parrot that was of Celaeno’s species walk by before he left my line of sight, but I didn’t hear anything from him, not a footstep, breath or heartbeat.

Kura was whimpering.

I growl "Get lost Kimiko, I don't have time to deal with your crap!"

Kimiko scoffs "Oh yeah?! And who’s gonna make me?"

I fade back into Twilight's soul before she engulfed herself in fire, transforming to Twirama.

Twirama snarls "I WILL!!"

Kimiko wasn't intimidated in the least. "Really? Is that supposed to scare me?"

Passing Kura to Irene, Danyelle engulfs herself in fire as she transformed to Danyterasu.

Danyterasu spoke "If THIS doesn't scare you, maybe MY NEXT FORM WILL!!"

Danyterasu and Twirama fuse together, forming Divine Danyterama before roaring loud.

But for some strange reason, Kimiko just yawned.

Next thing every fox saw, Kimiko was stuck in a rock wall.

Divine Danyterama growls "Don't mess with me you dumb vixen!"

Kimiko suddenly growled in anger.

Divine Danyterama grabs Kimiko by the half tail and two other tails.

Divine Danyterama spoke "I wonder how much it would take before you squeal like the little pig you are."

Divine Danyterama started pulling on the half tail.

Kimiko stammers "W-Wait! Stop! Not my tail! Anything but my tail!"

Divine Danyterama spoke "You made Kurama's life a living nightmare.... And Keiko's behavior didn't help either!"

Kimiko cries "Please! Just don’t tear off anymore of my tails! Keiko threatened to tear all of them off if I didn’t do as she told me to! *Sobbing* Please! I don’t wanna feel helpless again!"

Divine Danyterama spoke "Keiko... is dead."

Kimiko asks "W-What?"

Divine Danyterama spoke "She had it coming though."

Kimiko asks "I-Is she really gone?"

Divine Danyterama spoke "Cause of death was an earth spike through the stomach."

Divine Danyterama splits back into Twirama and Danyterasu.

Twirama reverts back to Twilight as I reappeared.

I spoke "She had it coming since she wouldn't leave me alone."

Kimiko spoke "I honestly tried to convince her to stop, but she was a lost cause from the start."

I spoke "Oh, hello elder Satoru."

Elder Satoru asks "What happened here?"

I spoke "Kimiko had the gall to insult my current host though but we straightened things out."

Elder Satoru spoke "Do not worry about her. She’s just been cranky over the last few years. I was thinking a change of scenery could help calm her down."

Bowing in respect, Twilight spoke "Elder Satoru, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. I'm the current host of Kurama and also the surrogate mother of Midnight Storm, I'm also the leader of the first generation Pony Guard. I bring news about your daughter, Keiko. She travelled all the way to Maretime Bay in pursuit of Kurama but she didn't know he had a mate already. She agitated one of the wolves that live in Maretime Bay which had costed her to lose her life. I am truly sorry for your loss."

Elder Satoru was definitely surprised, it was a lot to take in for him. But he took a deep breath and calmed himself. “It is alright, Princess Twilight. My daughter’s path and fate was her own doing. Sometimes, consequences can happen to those who make ruinous choices.”

I spoke "She insulted my son as well."

Elder Satoru just sighed at that. “Again, that was my daughter’s own doing.”

I spoke "Oh right! I never introduced the others yet! The hedgehog-alicorn is Prince Sonic Ogami, grandson of Prince Shirou and Princess Luna Ogami. The winged nekomata is Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. The other winged nekomata is Irene Hikari. The two otherworlders are Soni and Moeru, they came here looking for a prism shard so that they can restore their world. The dark purple alicorn is my son's marefriend, Opaline. And the fiery nekomata is my wife, Matatabi."

Elder Satoru smiled, “Hehehe. An impressively strong family. You’ve changed so much since you went away, Kurama.”

I chuckle "Alpha-Queen Danyelle may seem weak but if she feels that her friends or her family or even her hive-pack which now consists of 1000 some-odd members are threatened, she will go Danydonna on that attacker's butt."

Satoru asks "A leader and a mother, huh?"

Danyterasu spoke "Yes sir, I was originally the fiercest of the first generation Mobian Guard but I had to let go of my gift when I was pregnant with Irene. That was around the time my eyes and ears became more keener. I have 10 kids total, 7 adopted and three blood related. There's Nyx, Iris, Bluestar, Irene, Ralph, Guinevere, Thunder, Stella, Gallus and the recent addition, Kura."

Twilight spoke "Don’t forget Emporio."

Danyterasu spoke "I know that but you're one to talk Sparkle Butt, your chakat kid married Gabby. Which means you and your family are part of my hive-pack."

Twilight spoke "Hey, I don’t have a problem with that at all, and besides, the Apple Family’s a part of that hive-pack too."

Danyterasu giggles "It still came as a big shocker when Applebloom became an alicorn."

Prince Sonic spoke "Definitely. And I thought a family of 101 Dalmatians was crazy."

Danyterasu spoke "You're one to talk Sonic, Luna freaked out when your wings came in."

Prince Sonic spoke "Hey! I was as freaked as anyone!"

Inuyasha scoffs.

Clarity asks "What is it, cousin?"

Inuyasha scoffs "I'm itching for a fight but there aren't any demons around here for me to vent my anger on!"

Clarity taunts "Oh? Then why don’t you try me on for size?"

All of a sudden, a four tailed wolf arrives with a panicked look on his face.

The wolf spoke "Elder Satoru, we got major trouble! Demons are attacked the four tailed Beast village!"

Danyterasu's nichirin sword was rattling like crazy, as was the Tessaiga and Clarity's sword.

A Phoenix showed up beside the wolf. “It’s true!”

Kagome spoke "Wait... that sounded like... Yume! It's been a long time since I saw you!"

Yume giggles "Indeed! Wait… Is that Kurama and Matatabi, Son Goku the Four-Tailed Monkey’s allies?"

Matatabi spoke "That we are!"

I ask "Has something happened?"

Yume spoke "It’s terrible!"

Clarity spoke "My sword's rattling like mad, as is the Tessaiga..."

Yume spoke "That’s the thing! There are only two demons attacking, but they’re incredibly powerful!"

Danyterasu asks "How powerful we talking here?"

Yume spoke "I-uh… I dunno!"

Danyterasu spoke "I've fought god-level threats before, a pair of demons is nothing compared to that."

But then four balls of lights shined.

Danyterasu growls.

But in their places, a dragon with flashy jewel accessories, and a pair of nunchuck-like swords, and three dragonesses with kunai appeared.

The Dragon asks "Huh? What happened?"

Danyterasu growls "Who the cuss are you four?"

The Dragon spoke "Who am I? Who am I?! I am Tengen Uzui! And these are my three wives; Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma!"

The lavender dragoness bowed in politeness and greeting, while the red dragoness with a few yellow spine looked brash and ready to fight, and the blue dragoness looked timid and scared out of her mind.

Danyterasu spoke "I am Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari. I'm also known as Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis and Keen Cat."

Tengen spoke "*impressed whistle* My, that's quite a lot of flashy titles. I'm impressed."

Danyterasu giggles "The whole Nekomata of Redemption thing started back when I helped Gilda."

Tengen spoke "Well, I can see you have a lot of flair."

Yume spoke "Guys! The demons!"

Danyterasu giggles "I happen to know a certain Zoroark that goes ballistic if someone calls him Riptorn."

Tengen spoke "I'm afraid the time for chitchat will have to come later. I heard that demons were nearby just now."

Danyterasu roars loud as she charges into battle.

Tengen spoke "Hehe. Let's go!"

Soon enough, we arrived at the Four-Tailed village.

I spoke "It's all in ruin!"

Danyterasu spoke "I'm not sensing anyone dead, so they must've escaped.

Twilight spoke "Regardless, we should check for injured folks."

Danyterasu spoke "Agreed."

Moeru asks "I don't get it... How is she able to maintain that form and not lose rings because of it?"

Prince Sonic spoke "She didn’t use the Chaos Emeralds."

Twilight spoke "Forme Change as she calls it is a bit different than a super form."

Other Sonic asks "Really?"

A pillar of fire engulfs Danyterasu as she shifted back to her normal form.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I've got a few forms though. That wolftaur form you saw me in was my Danyterasu form."

Other Sonic spoke "Nice!"

But then strange Japanese Oiran belts started surrounding us.

Danyelle engulfs herself in fire again, taking on her Danydonna form since it was for close combat.

Danydonna growls "What the crud are these?"

Tengen spoke "The design, I’ve faced the demon before."

Danydonna spoke "My guess would be that it had followed you."

Tengen spoke "Well that’s a bit unflashy."

Danydonna wingslaps the back of Tengen's head.

Moeru asks "What was that?"

Danydonna spoke "That was a headslap. Like I always say... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake up call."

Tengen spoke "Gotta say, that slap was rather flashy!"

Twilight spoke "Dany uses it on Knuckles and Storm a lot since they're a couple of boneheads."

Tengen spoke "That so? But still, that hit reminded me of one of his headbutts."

I chuckle "I have never gotten a headslap once."

Danydonna spoke "Don’t tempt me!"

Ben spoke "Danyelle..."

Danydonna spoke "Sorry."

Ben chuckles "Inuyasha was it? When are you and your wife going to have more kids?"

Inuyasha and Kagome blushed in embarrassment while their tails stiffened straight.

Shippo was on his back while laughing.

Anzu suddenly showed up.

Ben spoke "Hey Anzu."

Anzu spoke "Hi. For some reason, my nichirin sword told me to come here."

Danydonna's nose twitches, as did Moroha's nose.

Danydonna giggles "Something tells me that Dren is about to freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."


Danydonna spoke "Called it."

Tengen spoke "My! That shout was quite flashy!"

Danydonna spoke "Kurama, if you please."

I tailslap Tengen with a tail, sending him crashing into a tree and getting his head stuck.

I chuckle "Reminds me of the times that ice brained stripper got his head stuck in a wall."

But then Suma and Makio started swarming me in anger.

Makio spoke "You did not just do that to Lord Tengen!"

Suma spoke "You big mean jerk!"

Danydonna spoke "ENOUGH!!!!!!"

Makio and Suma froze at that.

Danydonna spoke "Now ISN'T the time to fighting with somefox bigger than you!"

Hinatsuru spoke "Please forgive them, they can be protective of our husband at times."

Danydonna spoke "I see."

Tengen got his head unstuck.

Tengen spoke "Gotta say, that had some flair in it. But I have a feeling that the enemy is nearby."

A sudden Chaos Spear kills one of the two demons.

Stella spoke "Hope I ain't too late!"

But that demon was somehow still alive as it was revealed to be a female Abyssinian with snow-white fur and Oiran belts as her weapons.

The she-cat spoke "What do you think you're doing to me?!"

Danydonna spoke "TILL EQUESTRIA ENDS!"

The rest of the Mobian Guard AND the Pony Guard spoke "Mobian and Pony Guard defend!"

Anzu growls "Who the *yay* are you?"

The she-cat spoke "I am Ume, one of the strongest demons!"

But then Anzu cut off Ume's head, but what was strange was that she wasn't burning away.

Anzu spoke "Guess you're not that strong when you're boasting."

Tengen spoke "Guys, get ready."

But then the Abyssinian demon started wailing with tears while her decapitated head was in her hands.

Yuki's claws were as cold as ice as she leapt at Ume, aiming the ice claws at the she-cat's chest.

Ume cries "*Wailing* They cut my head off! They cut my head off! Help me... BROTHEEEEEERRRR!!!"

A male Abyssinian started emerging from Ume before the two was suddenly at a different spot, causing Yuki to miss.

Yuki hisses "Everyone, hold your attacks!"

The others all back off.

Yuki asks "Who are you really?"

Ume was still crying.

The tom asks "*Sweetly* Come on, now. There's no use crying about it, you know. Can't you even manage to reattach your head by yourself? Well, you haven't always been the sharpest tool in the shed, have you?"

The male abyssinian had coal-black fur with bits of green on the hair on his head, but what was strange was that he was incredibly skinny, you could see his ribs and pelvis, and the strange markings on his face.

The tom spoke "*Sweetly* Aww, is that a scar on your face? *As the scar on Ume's face regenerated* You need to learn how to take care of your face, you know? After all, you were born with such a pretty face compared to mine."

Yuki spoke "Am I chopped liver? I'm standing right here ya know!"

The brother Abyssinian turned toward Yuki. "So... you're half-demon."

Yuki spoke "I don't smell half demon... My biological mother was a normal Mobian cat but she went missing when I was 8...."

But then veins popped up on Yuki's face, arms and legs, as her claws started to sharpen and lengthen.


The tom asks "I have no idea how or why, but it seems half of her blood is becoming demon. There must be some kind of connection... But what?"

Lune spoke "For Chaos' sake.... Yuki's a Felis by marriage..."

The tom asks "Felis... Why does that name sound familiar...?"

Lune spoke "I am Prince Lune Felis, second born child of Queen Haruka Felis and ex-King Phoebus Felis. My older sister is Princess Blaze Ogami."

The tom growls "Phoebus...? I remember now... That bastard was real pain in the ass... You have no idea what the torture I had because of him!"

Lune spoke "My father has been dead for 220 years."

Ume spoke "Gyutaro! Please help me!"

Gyutaro spoke "The only thing I remember about that was that my sweet little sister did."

Danydonna spoke "Not to brag, but Yuki's a part of my family and hive-pack, which is over 600."

Gyutaro spoke "Am I going deaf? It sounded like you said you have a family over 600 members! *Growls*"

Danydonna spoke "I have eleven children, eight adopted and three blood related. I got a brother that's also one of my NetNavis and through him, I have two nephews and a niece. I've also got a few grandchildren too. One's half alicorn half goat, another's a stellar cat, I think Bluestar's got a few eggs on the way. The hive-pack totals about 800 some-odd members, ranging from Changelings and Diamond Dogs to ponies of varying species. I also discovered the dragogriff species myself since Thunder is one, he's half dragon half hippogriff. And because of Anzu, her mother's friends are part of that hive-pack too. Plus there's 626 aliens as well since they all joined up round the same time. Yuki on the other hand, she's the bravest of the first generation Mobian Guard."

But that only seemed to make Gyutaro more angry. "Grrr!!!!! Unforgivable!!!!!"

Gyutaro charged at Yuki but then suddenly stopped stone cold and Yuki didn't do anything.

Bellona manifested on her own before glaring at the scrawny tom.

Gyutaro asks "Wait... Yuki?"

Yuki gasps "U-uncle Yami?"

Ume stopped crying.

Gyutaro spoke "I haven't heard that nickname in a long time..."

Lune spoke "232 years to be exact."

Yuki cries "All this time... I never stopped looking for my real mother..."

Ume spoke "I... I had a daughter..."

Gyutaro then dropped the two sickles in his hands.

Yuki mewls "M-momma...."

Ume spoke "Yuki... How... could I have forgotten..."

Yuki mewls "All this time... I never gave up looking for you..."

Yuki ran towards Ume while crying, hugging the older cat.

Ume started leaking tears as she hugged her daughter back.

I wipe a stray tear from my eyes.

Twilight asks "You okay, Kurama?"

I spoke "Shut up Sparkle Butt..."

Gyutaro then turned around, wondering what to do.

I spoke "Guess we should head back to Maretime Bay."

Lune chuckles "My mom is going to freak the cuss out."

Tengen spoke "Well, I’ll admit this surprised me."

Fizzlepop spoke "None of us saw it coming."

Other Sonic asks "Wait! What about the shard?"

Danydonna spoke "I grabbed it with my magic."

Other Sonic spoke "Oh. Good. Hopefully Nine doesn’t mind us using his ship to get to that maze and No Place."

Lune asks "I just realized something... Since Yuki's half demon.. would that put Darrell and Kara as quarter demon?"

Danydonna facepalmed at that. “I never thought of that.”

Moroha spoke "And here I thought I was the only quarter demon...."

Inuyasha scoffs "No daughter of mine is going to be seen with a cat!"

Moroha spoke "Trample off dad! I'm 75% cat though since mom is full cat!"

Makio spoke "Heh, not bad, squirt."

Clarity was by herself while looking at the sky.

Clarity sighs "What happened to you Ifrit?"


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