My life as a Sonic OC Season 10

by Kitsulestia

First published

Book 10 of My life as a Sonic OC

Follow Akari and her friends as they take up the mantles of Pony Guard and Mobian Guard

When One Book Closes, Another Opens

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*Akari's POV*

You know the story of how my mom and her five friends along with a group of special Mobians fought against countless enemies but now that their story has ended, it's time for the next generation to take the stage.

I was wandering about when I bumped into Azure.

I spoke "Oh sorry Azure! I wasn't paying attention!"

Azure asks "It’s okay, Akari. No biggie. Wait… Where are we?"

I spoke "This doesn't look like Ponyville...."

A male spoke "That’s because I thought it was the right time to bring you out of that limbo."

We looked behind us to see Fu.

I ask "But what happened to my parents, brothers, sister and sibling?"

Fu spoke "Don’t worry, they’re perfectly fine. But due to the lack of magic here, I can’t bring everyone back from the limbo. The only creatures left in Equestria are Pegasi, earth ponies and unicorns, but like before Hearth’s Warming, they’re split into different tribes. But there’s still one earth pony left who still believes in friendship between the three tribes and all other creatures. She’s the only hope in this new generation."

I spoke "I don't think she's born yet... It's been about 195 years since everycreature disappeared...."

Fu spoke "Well, I’m not sure it would do anyone any good if either of you acted now. So please try to blend in and observe until the earth pony’s been born and grown into adulthood."

I spoke "I can't hide my wings and horn though... *gasp* That stallion's hurt!"

Hiding my wings with a cloak, I tend to the earth stallion's injuries.

I ask "You okay sir?"

The earth stallion spoke "Yes, I think so. Thank you."

From the stallion's point of view, I looked like a normal unicorn since my wings were hidden by the cloak.

Knowing I couldn't reveal my actual last name, I spoke "I'm Akari Starscout."

Argyle spoke "My name is Argyle Starshine."

But then I heard Azure give a mischievous giggle.

I tailslap Azure.

I spoke "Sorry about her, she and I aren't from around here."

Argyle spoke "Normally, I’d invite you two to stay for the night, but I don’t want to get you in trouble since the tribes separated."

I ask "How did that all happen?"

Argyle spoke "To be honest, I don’t know how this even started. But all I wish is to help reunite the tribes in peace and harmony, like back in ancient Equestria."

A small foxlike muzzle pokes out from my saddlebag.

I spoke "I've got a pair of hungry foals though since I don't know where their parents are right now. The colt is Polished Stone, the filly is Cherry Blossom."

Azure spoke "But perhaps we could help you find a way."

I spoke "This nitwit is Azure Sky, she's one of my best friends."

Azure spoke "Heehee! Says the nerd."

I spoke "Well, your mother was a speed junkie!"

Azure spoke "Your mom’s a total bookworm!"

The two of us glared and butted heads against each other, but we couldn’t stop ourselves from smiling as we fell onto our backs in laughter.

My wings were accidentally exposed to Argyle.

Argyle spoke "Just as I thought. You’re actually an alicorn."

I spoke "I think we should keep the fact that I'm an alicorn and Azure being a Pegasus a secret... Plus Polished is also a Pegasus..."

Azure spoke "As you can tell by the partial rainbow in my mane, I'm the daughter of Rainbow Dash. Akari is Twilight's daughter."

“Azure!” I panicked while needless to say, Argyle was speechless.

Argyle spoke "Incredible… I had no idea…"

I spoke "But my mother's been missing for years."

With a quick burst of what magic I had left, I had disguised myself as an earth pony.

But then I felt Azure become an earth pony as well before I felt something strange.

Polished whimpers since he was hungry.

“Do you have any food?” I asked.

Argyle spoke "I'm afraid not but with the colt at that age, solid food isn't an option."

Azure spoke "Yeah. Milk might probably be the best for him."

I spoke "Regular milk isn't a good idea though so it has to come from a nursing mare..."

*One year later*

I had woken up in the middle of the night since Sunny was crying due to being hungry.

I yawn "I'm coming Sunny..."

Picking the foal up with a fore leg, I lay down on a mattress in the nursery before placing Sunny near my hind legs so she could nurse.

Argyle asks "Honey? Is everything alright?"

I spoke "Hungry foals..."

Soon enough, the foxpony twins were getting their fill once Sunny was done.

I giggle "Raising three kids isn't easy though. Even to this day, I still don't know how Nyx's mother was able to handle nine kids..."

Argyle spoke "I’m still surprised at that."

I spoke "From what my mom told me, Alpha-Queen Danyelle had adopted nine kids."

I sing to the trio of foals, lulling them to sleep.

Argyle spoke "I love you, Akari."

I nuzzle Argyle.

“I love you too, Argyle.” I cooed before the two of us kissed before making out in silence.

A sleepy Azure softly spoke "Sunny's destined for great things, I just know it."

*Azure’s POV*

But then I found myself outside the house as Fu showed up.

Fu spoke "You’re exactly right about that, Azure, since Sunny Starscout’s the mare I told you about."

I spoke "Last time I saw her, I was just a foal though but I barely remember."

Fu spoke "Yet here you are as an adult, seeing an infant Sunny Starscout."

I spoke "One perk of being immortal but Argyle doesn't know that though."

Fu spoke "Yes, but that does make me wonder about my theory of immortality. Still, it’s a 50-50 chance, might be lower."

I spoke "Either way, we shouldn't tell Argyle."

*Back in the house*

Akari spoke "Argyle, I was thinking about giving Sunny a sibling."

Argyle asks "Really, Akari?"

Akari spoke "I've got three brothers, a sister and a hermaphrodite sibling though. My younger brother, Astral Flare inherited something from my mom though but it's been lost for years. So yeah."

Argyle suddenly gave Akari a look of pure lust before sweetly whispering into her ear, “Then let’s take real good care of each other and have some real fun.” Hearing that alone made Akari putty in his hooves as she gained the same look on her face as Argyle’s.

Akari spoke "Then let’s make this night one that neither of us will ever forget."

The two gave each other daring lust-filled glances before kissing each other and making out with pure passion and love.

Sunny shifts in her sleep as Polished and Cherry curl their tails around the foal, keeping her warm.

*Another year later*

Akari had another filly named Honey Charm.

Akari spoke "Love you Argyle."

Argyle spoke "I love you too, Akari."

Akari nuzzles her husband as Honey squeaked.


8 Years Later

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*8 years later*

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Hurry, friends!”

Pinkie Pie gasps.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Time for another adventure!”

Rainbow Dash spoke “Adventure?! I'm in!”

Applejack spoke “Yee-haw! Let's go, ponies and Mobians!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Earth ponies and chakats, take the lead!”

Pinkie Pie cheerfully spoke “Whoo-hoo!”

Twilight Sparkle spoke “Pegasi and gryphons, fly beside me! Unicorns, horns at the ready!”

Mane Six, chakats and Mobians exclaim “For Equestria!”

Rarity asks “What fantastical foe awaits us, princess?”

Fluttershy asks “Is it something... scary?”

Rainbow Dash asks “Or is it something awesome?!”

Danyelle exclaims “No matter what it is, we'll face it together. For we are the Guardians of Friendship! With the power of our friendship and magic, we will...”

Pinkie Pie spoke “Spread love!”

Fluttershy spoke “Give hugs!”

Rarity laughs "[Sprout's voice] Fry brains!"

Fluttershy asks “Huh?"

Twilight Sparkle asks “Wait, what?”

Rarity laughs “[Sprout's voice] Yeah! I'm a unicorn, and we're evil! I'm gonna zap everypony with my horn lasers!”

The others all gasp and scream as they ran away from Rarity.

Rarity laughs.

Twilight Sparkle spoke “What?! No! No, no no, it's all...”

A three-tailed Pegasus foxpony colt was playing with his friends and twin sister as they talked about the heroes of Ancient Equestria. His name is Polished Stone but his adopted sisters call him Tails since he was part fox due to being the grandson of the fox of legend. Many of the ponies forgot who the Mobians were since they had suddenly disappeared back during Princess Light Breeze’s rule. Nevertheless, Polished Stone knew that someday, he, Cherry, Honey and Sunny would find the Mobians and bring them back. Plus Polished had to keep his wings hidden due to all the hatred.

Young Sunny Starscout spoke "—wrong! The ponies are all supposed to get along, remember?"

Young Sprout spoke "Booooring!"

Young Polished retorts “No it's not!”

Young Honey Charm spoke “It's like in the olden times when all three pony kinds as well as all Mobians and chakats were friends."

Young Sprout spoke “Ugh! Here we go again.”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke “And they never used their magic against each other.”

Young Sprout spoke “You're wrong!”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “No, I'm not! And don't you dare hit Cherry!”

Young Sprout spoke “My mom says the Pegasi and unicorns tried to eat up all the Earth ponies by zapping 'em with lasers and frying 'em to a crisp.”

Young Honey Charm spoke “They wouldn't do that!”

Young Sprout spoke “So the Earth ponies kicked their butts in an epic battle, and if they ever try to come back to Maretime Bay, we'll kick their butts again!”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Those are lies! Hitch, tell him!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Well, uh, that is kinda what our teacher said in history class. But...”

Young Sunny Starscout, Young Honey Charm, Young Cherry Blossom and Young Polished Stone scoff.

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “But, hey, oh, we can play the game your way if you want, Sunny. I don't mind.”

Young Sprout spoke “Well, I do. It's a boring game. Ooh! Let's play "Pegasus Barbecue" instead!”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke “Sprout, stop it!”

Young Sprout spoke “Earth pony burgers!"

Young Sunny Starscout and Young Honey Charm spoke “We're gonna tell our parents!”

Young Sprout laughs evilly but he was soon hit in the back of the head by Young Polished Stone.

A clock was ticking.

Young Sprout spoke “Horn fight!”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke “You're going to break them!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Take that, Earth pony! Pew-pew!”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Dad, tell them that's not what they do!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “How does that feel? Pew-pew!”

Argyle Starshine spoke "Time to head on home, don't you think, colts?”

Young Sprout spoke “Ugh! Fine! Pew-pew! Pew!”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Oh, no! My brains are melting!”

The door opens.

Young Hitch Trailblazer and Young Sprout gasp.

Young Sprout asks “Mom?”

Young Hitch Trailblazer spoke “Hello, Mrs. Cloverleaf.”

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “How many times have I told you? You cannot just go trotting off without my permission. Especially not here."

Akari asks “And why is that again, Phyllis?"

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “Because you are brainwashing their minds with all of your... uh, nonsense.”

Argyle Starshine spoke “It's called research, Phyllis. And by the way, I leave all the brainwashing in Maretime Bay to you. Unicorn cupcake?”

Young Honey Charm spoke “[singsong] Freshly baked!”

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “[groans] You know, you're an Earth pony, Argyle. As is your wife. You should really start acting like one. At least for their sake.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Mmm! [giggles]”

The door creaks.

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “Who does he think he is, talking to me like that? That pony is trouble.”

Young Sprout spoke “Don't worry, Mommy. When I become sheriff, I'll keep everypony in line.”

Phyllis Cloverleaf spoke “Hmmm... "Sheriff Sprout". [chuckles] It does have a certain ring to it.”

The door closes.

Young Sunny Starscout, Young Cherry Blossom and Young Polished Stone sigh.

Akari asks “What's the matter, kids?"

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Hitch and Sprout still don't believe Cherry, Polished, Honey and I.”

Young Polished Stone asks “Why do I have to wear this shirt?”

Young Cherry Blossom spoke "You know why bro, we can't risk having you getting run out if the others knew you were a Pegasus."

Argyle Starshine asks “Maybe one day they will. But the important thing is that you stand up for what you believe in, okay?”

Young Honey Charm spoke “Well, when I grow up, I'm going to show everypony that we are right.”

Akari asks “Oh?”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Yeah! And someday, the four of us will meet unicorns or another Pegasus, and we'll be best friends forever!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Well, maybe today is that day. Look! A unicorn!”

Young Honey Charm gasps "Where?! Where?!”

Akari spoke “Over here!”

Young Sunny Starscout, Young Honey Charm and Young Cherry Blossom giggle. Young Polished Stone chuckles at the sight.

Argyle Starshine laughs “Hold on!”

Young Honey Charm spoke “Wheeee! I'm soaring through the sky!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Whoo! Yee-haw!"

Akari smiles at how silly her husband and daughters were being.

Young Sunny Starscout spoke "Wait! Dad! I have an idea!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “[clears throat] Dear unicorns and Pegasi, you have friends in Maretime Bay. Come visit us."

Young Honey Charm asks “Can we send it?”

Argyle Starshine spoke “I think it's our duty.”

Akari spoke "I agree."

So the six send the floating lantern into the sky with the letter.

Young Sunny Starscout and Young Honey Charm giggle "Can you tell us the story?”

Argyle Starshine asks “Again?”

Young Polished Stone and Young Cherry Blossom ask “Pleeeeease?”

Akari chuckles "Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, in ancient Equestria, there lived a very special...”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Unicorn!”

Argyle Starshine chuckles "The unicorn was very bright...”

Young Honey Charm spoke “As bright as the sun.”

Akari spoke “One day, the princess summoned her to the castle for an important assignment.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “To learn about friendship!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Mm-hmm. She soon made many new friends.”

Young Honey Charm spoke “Earth ponies, Pegasi, unicorns and Mobians of all sorts!”

Akari spoke “Together, they showed every creature the Magic of Friendship and how to live in harmony.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke "Wow! You finished it!”

Argyle Starshine spoke “Pretty neat, huh? Earth ponies watched in wonder as Pegasi painted rainbows across the sky. The nights were lit up by a hundred unicorn horns.”

All four spoke “It's beautiful.”

Argyle Starshine chuckles while Akari giggles.

Young Sunny Starscout asks “I wish I had a friend who could fly around or float things. [yawns] Why can't we be friends anymore?”

Argyle Starshine spoke “[sighs] That, my darling, is a big question. And maybe one day, we'll figure it out. Together. We'll do our part...”

Argyle Starshine, Akari, Young Polished Stone, Young Cherry Blossom, Young Honey Charm and Young Sunny Starscout spoke “...hoof to heart.”

Young Sunny Starscout spoke “Goodnight, Daddy. Good night, Mommy.”

Young Polished Stone, Young Honey Charm and Young Cherry Blossom spoke “Night."

Argyle Starshine and Akari spoke “Goodnight, our little ponies.”

Argyle closes the door.

Young Honey Charm spoke “Goodnight, friends."

And so, the four drifted off to sleep.


Izzy's Arrival/ Sunny on the Run

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*Honey's POV*

*13 years later*

Sunny Starscout was snoring in bed.

I groan as the alarm went off.

I yawn "Ugh... Sunny, turn that off...."

Sunny jolted up with a smile as she turned off the alarm clock. “Today’s a new day!”

Polished Stone groans as the noise woke him up.

Cherry had rolled off the top bunk and landing on her back.

Cherry yelps "Ouch!"

Akari was in the kitchen while finishing breakfast preparation.

Akari spoke "Kids! Breakfast time!"

I spoke "Coming mom!"

We went down to see our mom making us breakfast.

Argyle spoke "Morning kids."

Sunny happily spoke "Morning mom!"

Akari asks "Wasn't there a thing going on at CanterLogic today?"

Sunny spoke "Yep! And I know I’m gonna do great today!"

I spoke "Sunny.... you know that Polished, Cherry, you and I were banned from there though."

Sunny spoke "That won’t stop me from trying!"

But mom just giggled at that. “You certainly are special, Sunny.”

I groan "{No wonder my missing grandma got snout down on the ground a lot...}"

Polished spoke "I hate wearing a shirt...."

Cherry spoke "Sorry Poli nii-san but you know you can't take the shirt off."

Akari spoke "I’m sure the right time will come eventually."

Polished spoke "Well, my wings are getting chaffed..."

Akari spoke "Okay, maybe you should let them stretch for a few minutes before putting it back on."

Sunny asks "Hey mom, have you been to the Canterlogic building before?"

Akari spoke "Afraid not Sunny, Phyllis doesn't seem to like me that much since I'm just as much an outsider as Argyle is."

Sunny asks "Maybe you could come to this one?"

Akari spoke "Sorry kiddo."

I spoke "Hurry up Sunny! Polished and Cherry already went on ahead of us!"

Sunny spoke "Uh-oh!"

Akari giggles while thinking "{Those two are just as impatient as Scootaloo.}"

Sunny and I went off, before encountering a purple earth pony stallion with yellow glasses, white mane and tail.

“Who are you?” I asked.

The stallion spoke "I’m just a friend. And I have a feeling that the lives of your family may change today."

Sunny spoke "Oh hi Caesar."

the stallion asks "I’m guessing you already met Caesar, did you?"

I spoke "Sunny nee-chan did though."

Fu spoke "Actually, the name’s Fu. But if you wanna catch up with the others, better do it quickly."

All of a sudden, a rather messy shadow loomed over every earth pony.

Fu spoke "Wow! Guess she came in earlier than expected. Looks like your journey’s about to start. Byeeee!"

Fu then suddenly vanished in purple smoke.

Polished spoke "Don't you dare push that button Hitch!"

But Hitch pressed it anyway.

Cherry groans "Hitch-san no baka..."

Sunny gasps "A real live unicorn?! This is so awesome!"

I spoke "But this is also bad! Every earth pony is freaking out!"

Cherry spoke "Sunny-chan! We have to get her out of here!"

Sunny spoke "Oh! Right!"

I spoke "Unicorn! Follow me!"

The foxpony twins, Sunny and I got Izzy back to the lighthouse.

Argyle asks "Oh, who's your new friend?"

But then mom noticed something. “Wait… why does she look so familiar?”

I spoke "I don't know what you're talking about mom."

The unicorn asks "Remember a unicorn-sphinx hybrid named Sweetie Belle?"

I spoke "Never met her... In fact, I never met my grandparents either."

Akari gasps "Wait... Izzy?!"

Izzy spoke "That's right, Akari!"

Polished and Cherry spoke "Now we remember! Our mother was best friends with your mother!"

Izzy spoke "Yep! And they were also best friends with an Apple farmer."

Akari asks "You talking about Princess Applebloom?"

My ears perk up suddenly before a faint growl came out of my throat.

"We're surrounded!" I noticed.

Polished spoke "I only smell Hitch and Sprout..."

"Yeah, but we better scram now." I added.

Akari spoke "Be careful kids."

Akari passes a map of Zephyr Heights to Sunny.

Akari spoke "You five should head to Zephyr Heights. Find a Pegasus named Jato, he might be able to help."

A disguised Pegasus spoke "Now hold on just a second! I'm coming along too!"

We turned around and saw Azure.

Azure spoke "Besides, it's not every day I get to visit my half brother."

Akari spoke "Azure... you know as well as I do that if you go out of range of my illusion spell, your disguise will cancel out."

Azure spoke "So? It's about time I stretch my wings."

Akari spoke "You're staying put."

Azure spoke "I’m seeing my brother, one way or another."

Akari spoke "You're just like your mother."

Azure spoke "Heh! Don’t ya know it!"

Argyle spoke "If that's the case, Akari and I are coming too."

So Sunny and I along with our parents, adopted siblings, Azure and Izzy made our way out of Maretime Bay. But what we didn't know, Hitch decided to follow us.

*Fu’s POV*

Heeheehee! Oh man! Sunny may know Caesar Zeppeli, but Joseph knows him better, since he has something that runs on his breathing! This adventure of theirs is gonna be so much fun!


Zephyr Heights/ Truths Revealed

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*Sunny's POV*

I ask "Are we going the right way mom?"

Akari spoke "I’m sure of it, sweetie."

Honey asks "So Izzy, what happened to your magic?"

Izzy spoke "Huh. It all just went poof!"

Polished spoke "But we will bring it back, along with the missing Mobians."

Akari spoke "And all of the other creatures too."

Izzy asks "What's a Mobian?"

Akari facehoofed.

Cherry had reared up onto her hind hooves since she was half Mobian fox.

Cherry spoke "Put simply, a Mobian is something that walks on two legs. Males don't wear much clothing except for gloves, socks, shoes and the occasional vest. Females have to wear dresses though. I'm half Mobian fox since my missing father's a Mobian."

Izzy spoke "Oh!"

Cherry spoke "But they disappeared about 200 years ago."

I spoke "I hear something."

Soon enough, we saw a Pegasus mare land in front of us.

Since Polished wasn't wearing his shirt, the young adult's wings were visible.

Azure asks "Are you my half brother's daughter?"

Zipp asks "Wait, what?"

Azure spoke "My name is Azure Sky, Jato's my half brother since he and I have the same father. Cookie Dough's my daughter."

A pale cream colored Pegasus mare with the same magenta eyes as Rainbow Dash was with the group.

Cookie spoke "We're heading to Zephyr Heights to find out what happened to the magic."

Zipp spoke "An alicorn, earth ponies, unicorns, pegasi, and family members I didn’t know about? Well this just got a lot more interesting."

Cherry spoke "Polished nii-san and I are half fox though."

But then Zipp heard something. “Don’t tell them I was here!”

Zipp jumped away before Pegasus guards showed up.

Akari cloaks her horn with an invisibility spell, disguising herself as a Pegasus.

Akari spoke with authority in her tone. "Pegasus guards, stand down. My family and the unicorn are looking for answers and we wish to speak with Jato Stormcloud."

Zoom gasps "What?! His majesty?!"

Azure spoke "I'm Jato's half sister, Azure Sky. The others are Sunny Starscout, Honey Charm, Argyle Starshine, Polished Stone Prower, Cherry Blossom Prower, Izzy Moonbow, Cookie Dough and Princess Akari Sparkle-Starshine."

Akari shouts "AZURE!!!"

Needless to say, the guards were just shocked.

Argyle spoke "Akari honey, relax."

Akari calms back down.

Soon, we found ourselves in an elevator to Zephyr Heights.

But Izzy had a tennis ball on her horn.

Cherry bopped Polished on the head with one of her tails.

Cherry spoke "Baka."

I spoke "Zephyr Heights is amazing but..."

Honey asks "How come no Pegasus is flying?"

Akari spoke "I’m guess it’s because there’s no magic."

Argyle spoke "Either way, we have to bring it back. I'd hate having to see my wife in disguise all the time."

Akari giggles "Argy...."

Argyle chuckles "Kari..."

Both Honey and I gag.

Izzy spoke "Aww!"

I spoke "Eww..."

*Some time later,*

Azure was talking to her half brother.

Azure spoke "Jato, we need to speak with your wife."

Jato asks "It’s about the magic and the crown jewel, isn’t it?"

Azure spoke "Yeah plus we of the old era know that the Pony Guard and Mobian Guard still exist... Akari wants to see her mother again and I know you want to see dad again."

Jato spoke "You can’t be anymore right about that. But it might be best if we get Caesar’s help."

Azure spoke "We're got one alicorn plus two nascents as well. But no, we have to unite the tribes. Just as it was 220 years ago."

Jato spoke "It's not going to be easy to take the Pegasus crystal from Haven.... She never takes her crown off."

A Pegasus spoke "I see you’re planning to bring the magic back."

The two turned around to see a Pegasus stallion with purple marks under his eyes, while wearing on his head a purple and yellow bandana with wings on them.

Azure spoke "Not just magic, the missing Mobians too."

Jato asks "Caesar, will you help us?"

Zipp showed up.

Caesar spoke "Your majesty. I’m sorry but, not a chance. I found myself reborn in this world, in a new era, so I researched the history of this world, and found out about the friendship. My family always try to help their comrades, we are proud of that tradition. It is everything to us! That’s something Haven and her daughters will never understand! In fact, you told me that she didn’t know about the rest of her family until just recently. A true being knows their history!"

Zipp started getting angry, making Azure and Jato worried. “Oh yeah? Then tell me this, ‘True being,’ is your whole family this dumb?!”

Jato spoke "You know that’s not fair, Caesar. Neither Zipp nor Pipp knew anything about the rest of their family because of all of the hate towards other creatures."

Caesar spoke "*Sigh* I don’t think that’s any excuse. I heard and read about the Elements of Harmony and their bearers, along with the Pony and Mobian Guards, and I was impressed that Zipp was the step granddaughter of the fastest of the Pony Guard, but I wanted to see for myself how good she was, so I secretly challenged her to a race. And I’m disappointed to say that her speed leaves much to be desired. Her wings are weak, they’re worthless! Her being able to be in the air with only her wings for a few seconds nothing but blind luck!"

Jato spoke "Caesar! Please calm down-!"

Zipp pushed Jato aside.

Zipp spoke "Dad, auntie, I’ll take care of this guy. I’ll just have to show him my skills in battle."

Honey roars loud at Caesar, sending him skidding backwards.

Cookie spoke "How dare you insult my cousin like that? I'm the granddaughter of the Pony Guard's fastest!"

Caesar then suddenly jumped into the air as his front hoofs started to crackle with something. “Like to see my maneuver in battle? It’s a clean technique!”

Caesar then clapped his front hooves together, before spreading them, revealing a giant bubble with many other bubbles in it. “Behold! My Hamon Bubble Launcher!”

Cookie and Zipp were confused.

Caesar spoke "It’s important to keep oneself clean. I myself have a thin layer of soap on my clothes at all times. The two of you are looking a little dirty yourselves there!"

Caesar threw the bubbles as they impacted Zipp and Cookie, while they felt like they were punched by the bubbles before they became trapped in a giant bubble, breathing hard.

Caesar spoke "Well, I am impressed that you both are still conscious, but your weak skills couldn’t even pop a bubble. Just look at you both, your breaths are already all over the place."

But then Zipp and Cookie bucked with their hind legs in unison, popping the bubble with a great amount of force that caught Caesar off guard before he accidentally fell onto his back.

Zipp taunts "*Smirk* Well? How was that?"

Cookie spoke "You don't mess with the granddaughters of famous Wonderbolts!"

Honey growls "Or the granddaughters of the legendary Nine Tailed Terror..."

Caesar scoffs "Hmph!"

Zipp and Cookie laughed as Azure and Jato sighed.

Jato spoke "What a day."

Azure spoke "You’re telling me."

Polished snarls at Caesar.

Cherry spoke "Caesar no baka."

Haven asks "Jato? What's going on?"

Jato spoke "Haven, stay back. This could be dangerous."

Thunder shouts "PRINCESS PIPP IS MISSING!!!"

Zipp gasps "Wait, what?!"

Thunder spoke "She wasn't in her room."

Jato spoke "That can’t be good!"

Thunder spoke "I found a tuft of green mane though."

I can’t believe it as I facehoofed. “Hitch…”

Honey spoke "Look again sis... That's blonde mane hair..."

Haven removes the Pegasus crystal from her crown before passing it to me.

Haven spoke "I haven't been too honest with the other Pegasi. I can't fly either."

Caesar spoke "I suspected as much, but your daughter and step-niece’s quick thinking have earned my respect. They certainly remind me of Jojo."

Akari spoke "I knew that Sprout was a bad apple... I'm ashamed to call him my nephew..."

Caesar spoke "We still need to find the last jewel, and if what I’ve read is true, it should be in Izzy’s home village."

Izzy spoke "Alphabittle has it though but getting it from him won't be easy."

Akari spoke "Good thing I took dancing lessons when I was younger."

Izzy gasps "Are you gonna…?!"

Akari spoke "Yes, I am but I have a feeling that there's a fourth crystal..."

Azure gasps "You don't mean..."

Akari spoke "Yep but it's currently missing."

Fu then showed up. “I can tell you these, the Elemental Crystals are guarded by illusions of past foes that represent those elements.”

A black alicorn stumbled out of an alleyway with a blue crystal on a chain around the neck but her glasses and vest were gone.

Akari asks "N-Nyx? Is that you?"

Nyx spoke "Hey squirt..."

Akari asks "Nyx, what happened?!"

Nyx spoke "That brat happened... I overheard him talking about destroying the elemental crystals... So I grabbed the water crystal and bolted... I fear the earth and air crystals are next... And to make things worse, he's rallied a mob together to DESTROY the unicorns and Pegasi!"

Caesar spoke "Tch. That colt has gone completely mad."

I spoke "Queen Haven... As much as I hate to say this but even though we're different species, we're all ponies!"

Akari spoke "I agree, Sisi ni Sawa. We're the same."

It was clear as day that Queen Haven was conflicted with herself. “I… need time to think.”

Jato spoke "We should tell every Pegasus the truth as well."

Haven stammers "J-Jato…"

Jato spoke "I was raised on the notion that lying will never get any pony anywhere in life."

Haven looked like she was on the edge of sadness.

Jato spoke "If not for the other Pegasi, then at least do it for me and our family."

Haven spoke "*Voice breaking* Jato… I-"

Jato stopped Haven as he kissed her on the lips, making Haven’s eyes widen in shock before she closed them and kissed back with tears flowing freely, as the two of them embraced, while Zipp looked a bit embarrassed.

Zipp spoke "I’m right here."

Polished spoke "We will convince Alphabittle to hand over the unicorn crystal as well as spread the word about Sprout's plan."

Cherry spoke "Polished nii-san is right Zipp-chan, we will get your sister back as well as magic."

Zipp spoke "Thanks, guys."

Akari spoke "As my mother once said, Friendship is magic."

*That evening*

Every Pegasus was gathered for the concert.

Haven spoke "I... can't do this...."

Jato spoke "We can do this, together."

Akari spoke "I'll be there for support."

Azure spoke "Same here."

Since she had the mark of the Pony Guard, Honey spoke "Same here."

“Me too.” I agreed.

Hitch spoke "Not so fast Sunny and Honey!"

“Now’s not a good time, Hitch. We have a big problem.” I responded.

Hitch spoke "You two broke so many laws that I can't keep track of them all!"

Caesar spoke "How rude. Arresting a pair of mares who were trying to save the world and bring back magic."

Hitch asks "Wait what?"

Caesar spoke "That spoiled colt back in Maretime Bay has gone completely mad and is out to destroy all pegasi and unicorns."

Nyx spoke "And any alicorn that's in hiding..."

Hitch asks "Wait, what?!"

Akari spoke "Hitch, you've always seen me as an earth pony but I'm not an earth pony. I'm an alicorn."

Needless to say, Hitch was speechless.

Even Haven was speechless.

Haven sighs "Let's get this dealt with..."

Jato spoke "Remember, honey… your friends and family are always with you."

Zipp spoke "Dad's right mom."

Haven spoke "Jato… Zipp… Thank you."

With a swipe of a hoof, Akari revealed her horn.

Akari spoke "I hate hiding who I really am."

Haven steps out onto the stage with Jato on her left and Zipp on her right.

Haven spoke "Pegasi! for the past 21 years, I have constantly lied to you all! My husband, daughters and I can't fly at all. And before you all start a riot, I call Akari Starscout to the stage."

Akari trots out onto the stage, fully exposed as an alicorn thus surprising all of the Pegasi.

Jato spoke "The alicorns are what represent all three tribes! They've got the wings of a Pegasus, the horn of a unicorn and the strength of an earth pony."

The Pegasi murmur among themselves.

Zipp asks "That means that all three tribes can co-exist with each other! So will all of you help us find the other crystals and reunite ponykind in peace and harmony?"

The Pegasi murmur among themselves.

Akari spoke "We can bring magic back so that you can all fly again!"

That got the Pegasi’s attention.

Akari spoke "If we bring back magic, the unicorns can be able to use their horns again. and as for earth ponies, the magic is in their hooves!"

But the Pegasi started throwing things at the royal family for lying to them.

Honey roars loud, stopping the riot from getting worse.

Azure spoke "You all hear that? That's the Roar of the Elders!"

One Pegasus stammers "B-but how?! It's been lost for years!"


Into Bridlewood/ Return of the Keenest and a Crusader

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*Nyx's POV*

After getting run out of Zephyr Heights, I knew things weren't going to be easy.

Haven groans "That went terrible...."

Akari spoke "I just hope we run into friendly faces there."

Izzy spoke "I should warn you, there are a few words you must never say.... those words are magic, wing, feather and mayonnaise... Plus non unicorns aren't exactly welcome in Bridlewood."

“So we need disguises?” I assumed.

Izzy spoke "I can hide the wings with capes though but for those without a horn.. I can make some fake ones."

Izzy opens the door to her home.

Izzy spoke "Mom! Dad! I'm home and I brought friends!"

Akari was flabbergasted when she saw Dusk.

Dusk spoke "Akari?! You’re here!"

A mare gasps "Akari?!"

A beautiful unicorn-sphinx mare showed up.

Akari spoke "Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie Belle spoke "Akari!"

Sunny gasps "Wait... WHAT???? My mom's adopted brother is Izzy's dad?!?"

Sunny ends up fainting.

Polished spoke "You might not know me but Cherry Blossom and I are Scootaloo's kids."

Sweetie Belle trotted over and hugged Polished and Cherry. “The Crusaders, Dusk and I were like family. So you can call me auntie if you want.”

Izzy asks "Do either of you know a black mare named Nyx Dreemurr?"

Dusk spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "It's been too long... Remember our theme song? We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, on a quest to find out who we are...."

Sweetie Belle spoke "And we will never stop the journey, not until we have our cutie marks…"

I hug Sweetie Belle.

I spoke "It's been 220 years since I saw you last."

Sweetie hugs me back.

Sweetie Belle spoke "Really? That long? Wow, time flies when you’re with friends and family."

I spoke "Especially for us immortals."

Dusk spoke "Don’t worry, we still have the Earth Crystal."

Akari spoke "And I've got the earth pony unity crystal."

Jato spoke "I've got the air crystal."

I spoke "I've got the water crystal but the fire crystal is still missing."

Sweetie Belle spoke "I have a feeling that it’s with Danyelle."

I spoke "My mom's still trapped though..."

Fu showed up. “Like I said, thanks to Magic being gone, I can’t free anyone else of that place.”

Izzy spoke "Sir, you can't be spouting the forbidden words so freely. Not counting my parents and I, every unicorn in Bridlewood doesn't like those words."

I spoke "She's right Fu."

Fu spoke "Sorry, just saying that seems so much fun."

Dusk spoke "I have to hide my wings because I don't want the others to know that I'm an alicorn."

Fu spoke "But saying Mana is just as fun! Oops! Slip of the tongue."

Honey growls "Don't make me use the Roar on you."

Fu spoke "Well, see ya later. Byeeee!"

Fu disappeared in a puff of purple smoke.

I giggle "He's just like Pinkie."

Akari spoke "Actually, he’s also just like mom, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy."

Argyle asks "So, where is this Alphabittle guy?"

Izzy spoke "He should be at the tea house."

Izzy and the others headed off to the tea house after those without a horn were disguised as unicorns.

Akari trips over something blue and spiky.

Akari spoke "Wait… it couldn’t be…"

Sonic groans "ugh...."

Akari gasps "Sonic?!"

Sonic groans as he got up.

Sonic asks "'zat you Akari?"

Sonic suddenly found himself in a bear-hug from Akari, who cried tears.

Even Sweetie Belle, Dusk Shine and Jato hug Sonic.

Sonic spoke "Gah! G-Guys! I can’t… breathe!"

Honey spoke "Okay mom, off."

Polished asks "Wait… Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "You look almost like Rusty...."

Polished and Cherry rushed over and hugged Sonic.

Polished and Cherry spoke "Granduncle!"

Sonic was soon on his back just as Alphabittle exited the tea house.

Akari stutters "Uh.... Meow?"

Sonic groans "Really Akari?"

Haven spoke "*Ahem* Alphabittle, we really need that crystal though."

Alphabittle scoffs "And why should I hand it over to a Pegasus like you?"

Haven facehoofed.

Alphabittle spoke "As if I'd let a bunch of non unicorns walk away with the...."

Honey cuts Alphabittle off with a sharp snarl.

Akari pulled off the cape she was wearing, revealing her wings to the gray unicorn.

Alphabittle gasps "S-she's an alicorn! There hasn't been sightings of one in years!"

Sweetie Belle spoke "Well, it’s kinda a long story."

Izzy spoke "Long story short, we're bringing the tribes back together as it was 220 years ago."

Honey asks "Right mom?"

Akari giggles "Heehee. That’s right, sweetie."

Haven spoke "I just hope the other unicorns don't have the same reaction the Pegasi did..."

Izzy spoke "Don’t jinx it!"

Honey spoke "Chill Izzy, we're not going to jinx it."

Sonic spoke "You sound like Pinkie, Izzy."

Honey spoke "Izzy's mine and Sunny's cousin actually."

Sonic spoke "Whoa! Did NOT see that coming. With a personality like that, you’d have think Izzy was related to Pinkie."

Sweetie asks "But what happened to Snowfire, Mythic Fashion and Riversong?"

Sonic spoke "Something’s telling me they’re still in the limbo."

Izzy asks "Who now?"

Sweetie spoke "My older sister's children, Snowfire and Riversong are ponykat hybrids whereas Mythic Fashion's a sphinx. But all three of them are your cousins."

At first, there was silence, but then Izzy smiled the biggest smile that Pinkie could ever pull off.

Sonic groans "Now you've done it Sweetie... We got a Pinkie 2.0..."

Dusk spoke "Come on, Sonic. Izzy’s been a Pinkie 2.0 all of her life. It’s not THAT bad."

Akari spoke "Remember the Tri-Pies? They're just as hyper as Pinkie..."

“Lil’ Cheese too.” Azure added.

Sweetie Belle spoke "Come on, if we can handle six hyper ponies, we can handle anything."

Sonic spoke "You were just as hyper when you were younger. And I hear something....."

A crash was heard not far from Izzy's house.

A pseudo alicorn mare groans "Danyelle... Get your tails off my face..."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, Rarity."

Fu then fell onto the ground on his back in complete exhaustion. “Man… that used up all of my time rift energy to bring back those two.”

Sweetie and I were soon in tears.

I spoke "Mom!"

Sweetie spoke "Rarity!"

Danyelle groans "Was that...?"

Rarity spoke "It was!"

Izzy spoke "Auntie!"

Danyelle giggles "Well Rares, congrats... You're an aunt now."

But then Izzy rushed over to Rarity and gave her a bear-hug that greatly reminded the pseudo-alicorn of Pinkie Pie.

Danyelle was on her back because of me.

Danyelle spoke "Nyx! It’s good to see you!"

Sweetie Belle soon joined Izzy on hugging Rarity.

Honey asks "Dad, is that the legendary Nekomata of Redemption?"

Argyle spoke "Yes, indeed."

Polished and Cherry spoke "Grand-auntie!"

Danyelle asks "Do I know you?"

An immortal Pegasus mare groans. "Ugh.... That's the last time I jump on someone's back...."

Danyelle spoke "Oh hey Scootaloo."

Polished and Cherry spoke "Mom!"

Scootaloo spoke "Kids!"

Scootaloo hugs her twins while crying.

Scootaloo cries "I’m so sorry that I left you two all alone like that!"

Akari spoke "I looked after them though."

Sweetie Belle asks "What happened with the tough girl attitude?"

Scootaloo retorts "Can't a mother who hasn't seen her kids in years bawl her eyes out?"

Scootaloo then notices Azure.

Scootaloo spoke "Long time no see Azure."

Azure spoke "Same here, auntie."

Jato spoke "Hey Scootaloo."

Honey was growling since she sensed that Sprout and a mob was heading towards Bridlewood.

Caesar asks "You sense them coming as well?"

Soon enough, Danyelle was growling.

Honey spoke "Yeah."

Caesar spoke "Then it seems like a strong wind is blowing in. *Closing wings* But some bubbles go right through wind."

Caesar opened his wings and the wind blew up some small bubbles on the back of his wings.

Caesar spoke "If needed, I’ll use my Bubble Cutter."

Danyelle growls "We need the Nine Tailed Terror... But since she's still trapped...."

I spoke "It's up to us to stop Sprout and unite everypony!"


Sprout's Attack/ Return of Magic

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*Akari's POV*

The battle with Sprout was drawing near.

I spoke "Pegasi! Unicorns! Now is not the time to be fighting with each other! We should be living in harmony with each other and the earth ponies!"

Sunny spoke "But first, we need to stop Sprout!"

Danyelle spoke "I agree with Twilight's granddaughter on that matter. That colt is gonna be a problem if we don't stop him!"

Sonic sighs "Man… Why do I feel like we’re fighting a pony Eggman here?"

Danyelle wingslaps Sonic on the back of the head.

Sonic spoke "Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "It's been about 220 some odd years though so it's likely that Eggman is dead now."

A voice spoke "My body, yes. But not my soul."

We turned around and saw a hedgehog Eggman.

A flash of pink light and a flash of reddish purple light appear suddenly before fading away, revealing Annabelle and Belladonna.

Annabelle spoke "Hello again Alpha-Queen Danyelle and Prince Sonic."

But then we noticed Belladonna’s belly being as big as a skull.

Danyelle spoke "Guess you two were trapped as well."

Annabelle spoke "I had to figure out how get out on my own but I brought a familiar face with me."

I was in tears when I saw who it was.

I stammer "M-momma...."

Twilight groans "Wha-what happened?"

I couldn’t help it as I hugged my mom with all of my might while crying.

A voice spoke "Gyah gyagyagyah!"

Firebrand showed up, much to most of the others’ worry.

Twilight tickles me.

Annabelle spoke "Behave yourself Firebrand, the ponies of this era aren't used to creatures like you yet."

Firebrand asks "Gyah gyah? {You think I don’t know that?}"

Twilight snarls at Firebrand.

Firebrand spoke "Gyah, gyagyah. {Besides, I’m like a dragon.}"

Twilight growls "Hothead..."

Twiliterasu leapt out of Twilight's shadow.

Twiliterasu spoke "Bark bark {I may look like an alicorn but I'm a solar goddess.}"

Danyelle spoke "Let's stop that troublesome colt!"

Twilight snarls loudly as Twiliterasu and Annabelle growl.

Caesar spoke "Let's do this!"

Twilight growls "Till Equestria ends..."

Danyelle, Sonic and Rarity spoke "Pony and Mobian Guard defend!"

Nyx spoke "I haven't heard that in years...."

I giggle "Heehee! You're telling me."

Honey leads the Pegasi and Unicorns to Maretime Bay, much to the shock of the earth ponies there.

Honey roars "SPROUT! SHOW YOURSELF!!!!"

But then a giant machine showed up, with a mad Sprout piloting it.

Honey scrapes a hoof against the ground, igniting her dormant firebending powers since she and Sunny had inherited it from me.


Fire swirls around Sunny's hooves as well.

Caesar spoke "Such a pity, to think you'd act like Kars."

But then Sprout's eyes glowed magenta as he and the machine he was in gained a dark-silver aura.

The Starscout sisters took flight on their flames to fight Sprout.

I spoke "You got this girls!"

But then a wind barrier formed around Sprout as the Starscout sisters were pushed away.

Caesar spoke "Bubble Cutter!"

Caesar flapped his wings, launching spinning bladed bubbles, passing through the wind barrier as they damaged the machine.

Honey shot fire from her mouth at the mech's wheels, melting them.

Izzy focused as she controlled the water from the nearby ocean before shooting it at the mech, shorting it out.

Zipp spoke "AIR BLADE!!"

Zipp flapped her wings hard, sending a blade of air at the mech, slicing the top off.

But the mech goes out of control and was heading for the lighthouse!

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss!!!!"

The Starscout sisters flew past the mech before Honey roared loud, pushing it back.

But then a geyser erupted from the ground.

Honey spoke "What the..."

Sunny asks "Cuss was that?"

A roar was heard as the geyser attacked the mech before a pegasus mare erupted from the geyser as Zipp recognized her.

Zipp spoke "Pipp!"

Twilight spoke "Guess the Roar had manifested in two ponies this time...."

But the five soon got knocked out.

I spoke "Sunny! Honey!"

Jato spoke "Zipp! Pipp!"

Sweetie spoke "Izzy!"

Sprout spoke "You're through!"

Caesar snaps "Not so fast, Sprout! Stop and look around."

All of us looked into the air and saw the bubble cutters spinning harmlessly in the air.

Caesar spoke "My Bubble Cutters are now Bubble Lenses, and are floating in the air all around you. And I can tell that machine of yours is sensitive to focused rays of sunlight, so the sun in the sky is just like the open shutter of a camera on a bright summer day. *As sunlight beamed and redirected from the Bubble Lenses* Those lenses, they focus the sunlight, into the area!"

The focused sunlight then beamed from the bubble lenses onto Sprout's mech, making it freeze.

Caesar spoke "Your machine can't move, you're like film, a frozen image! You're totally exposed, Sprout!"

Wind started swirling around Sprout's mech.

Caesar spoke "Trying your wind barrier again?! Not this time! *Jumps into the air* Now Sprout, I'm going to destroy your mech with a direct Hamon blast!"

Nyx shouts "Caesar, DOWN BOY!!!"

But when Caesar stopped, he found it hard to breathe thus cutting his Hamon short of power.

Sonic spoke "Cuss it! Somepony get a doctor NOW!!"

Caesar gasps "The wind… it struck my throat!"

Nyx uses her waterbending to heal Caesar's throat.

Caesar spoke "*Breathe-in then out* Lungs and throats are vital to Hamon users. Without them, our Hamon would disappear."

Nyx spoke "Good thing my element is water or you would have had a lot more trouble."

Seeing what the black alicorn had done to help the troubled Pegasus, the others started working together instead of fighting.

The three unity crystals glow brightly before floating around Sunny and Honey, triggering their ascension to alicornhood as well as bring magic back to everypony.

Flying though the air, Danyelle spoke "Aw yeah! I'm flying again! And I can use magic again!"

Sunny and Honey started floating.

Sunny gasps "W-Whoa! What’s going on?"

The two sisters vanish in a burst of light.

Izzy gasps "Where did they go?"

*unknown location*

*Sunny's POV*

Honey asks "Where are we sis?"

I spoke "I don't know but there's... an alicorn coming our way..."

The mystery mare spoke "Granddaughters of Princess Twilight, I'm happy to meet you at last."

Honey asks "Wait… you know us?"

I gasp "Are you…?!"

Celestia spoke "I was your grandmother's mentor, I'm also Sonic's grandaunt since my younger sister is his grandmother."

This was… the greatest day of my life! Not only did I found out that Twilight Sparkle was my grandma and met her, I’m also meeting Celestia herself!!! I couldn’t help but squeal in pure excitement.

Celestia giggles "You two have proven that you're ready."

Honey and I ask "Ready? Ready for what?"

Celestia leads the two as she sang, showcasing the events of the Starscout sisters' lives.

A burst of magic shot out from the two's chests as it floated around them, engulfing them in light.

The two soon reappear in front of everypony.

Hitch asks "Sunny? Honey? Is that you?"

The duo got up as they flared out their new wings.

Izzy spoke "Oh cool! They've become alicorns!"

Zipp spoke "Awesome!"

Danyelle teases "It's just like when you became an alicorn, eh Sparkle Butt?"

Twilight taunts "Oh yeah? What about you when you became part alicorn, ember pussycat?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up and sit."

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Nyx giggles "That never gets old!"

A voice spoke "Danyelle, sit girl."

Danyelle found herself in the same position as Twilight.

Nyx gasps "Dad!"

Nyx had pounced on the calico nekomata, hugging him.

Danyelle spoke "Ben..."

Ben chuckles "Heh. Sorry, sweetie. Couldn’t help myself."

Danyelle spoke "It's been 220 years since you said that though."

Iris, Irene, Ralph, Stella, Bluestar, Thunder, Gallus and Guinevere dogpile their parents.

An adult Ember and Ringo showed up, with their kids being grown as well.

Twilight spoke "Dragon Lord Ember, it's good to see you again."

Natsu, Lucy, Spyro and Cynder arrive with their grown up children.

Twilight spoke "Spike!"

Spike spoke "Twilight!"

The adoptive siblings hugged as Shigechi and Buttercream showed up.

Wendy and Skyla pounce on Spike.

Spike chuckles "Hahahaha! Take it easy, you two!"

Buttercream giggles "Heehee! Think you can handle me in the mix, cousin?"

Spyro spoke "I don't have any siblings though."

Cynder spoke "Me neither."

Twilight spoke "Heehee! That’s not what Buttercream meant. She’s the adoptive little sister of my cousin, Nightwatch, so that would technically make her and Spike cousins as well."

Buttercream soon joined Wendy and Skyla on hugging Spike, all three of them giving him a bear hug.

Skyla giggles "Silly Twilight!"

Akari spoke "I don't have to hide who I really am anymore!"

Honey growls at Sprout, making him confess.

Sprout spoke "I was a bad pony..."

Hitch spoke "Well, I’m sorry, Sprout. But it looks like you’ll have to do some time for a while."

Sprout spoke "I understand Sheriff, lock me up then."

Danyelle soon notices Shadow and Maria with their two children.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Shads."

But then we saw someone crash, revealed to be Silver.

Twilight, Danyelle and Sonic spoke "Silver!"

Akari asks "What happened to you dude?"

Silver spoke "Gah… Chaos if I know."

Nyx darted over to heal Silver's injuries.

Lillian spoke "I think we might be in for another fight...."

But then a blue sphere appeared, leaving some marks on the ground from its appearance as it disappeared, revealing a Pinkie Pie, but she wielded a shotgun.

Twilight and Honey both growl at the newcomer.

Pinkie Pie? spoke "It seems you see me as a threat. If needed, I will mark you for termination."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, SIT GIRL!!"

Twilight was face down on the ground again.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but Twilight's a bit on edge since magic just came back."

Pinkie Pie? spoke "Understandable. You may call me Pinkinator, since I am…"

Pinkinator tore the skin off her right hoof, revealed to be an endoskeleton. “A Terminator.”

Danyelle asks "Did you attack Silver?"

Pinkinator spoke "Negative. That event is not in my memory profiles."

Sonic spoke "Oh cuss... I have a feeling that it was her..."

Twilight spoke "I’m seriously agreeing with that."

Danyelle spoke "But she doesn't know that the Pony Guard is back."

Nicolo and Cozy Glow showed up, with the Pegasus mare looking sad.

Lillian asks "Cozy, what's wrong?"

Cozy Glow sighs "Why… Why would she do this… I don’t understand… Why…?"

Danyelle spoke "We have to stop her before she can attack."

Jotaro showed up. “Heh, no argument here.”

Danyelle spoke "But those of the old era still need time to recover strength before stopping Opaline."

A voice spoke "Can’t argue with that."

Caesar spoke "Wait! I know that voice!"

Caesar turned around to see a rejuvenated Joseph with a rejuvenated Suzie Q.

Caesar spoke "Jojo!"

Joseph asks "Caesar? That you?

Caesar spoke "Of course it’s me you idiot!"

Joseph spoke "Heh. Good to know you haven’t changed one bit."

Caesar scoffs "Hmph. I could say the same for you."

Fluttershy asks "Anyone seen Discord?"

Danyelle spoke "I haven't seen him in 200 years though."


One Journey ends and another begins

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A unicorn kid spoke "Glowin' up!"

An earth pony kid spoke "Kind of love!"

A Pippsqueak fan spoke "We say "hi"! You say..."

All three spoke "What! [laugh]"

The Pippsqueak fan spoke "Race you to the bridge!"

The unicorn kid spoke "Oh, it's on!"

The earth pony kid spoke "No using your magic this time!"

The Pippsqueak fan spoke "Last one there's a rotten sardine!"

The unicorn kid spoke "I'm gonna win!"

The earth pony kid spoke "Me first!"

All three children laugh.

[shimmering sounds]

Writing in his journal, Polished spoke “Our adventure may be over but more will happen. Will we bring back the rest of the missing alicorns? Only time will tell. The silver wolf, Myuri, is out there somewhere with the other Mobians.”

Sunny spoke "Hey Polished! Race you to the smoothie stand!"

Polished laughs "Oh it is on Sunny!"

Little did Polished, Cherry and their friends know, an ancient alicorn was planning to take back what rightfully hers.

But one thing was sure, the first generation of the Pony Guard was around to help in any way possible.

A teenage female hedgehog Mobian showed up with a smile, while holding a baseball in her hand, before Jotaro appeared behind her.

Jotaro spoke "Just try to get along with them."

Jolyne spoke "*Sigh* Sure, dad."

Rusty spoke "Hey Jolyne! Race you to the smoothie stand!"

Jolyne giggles "Tch! Good freaking grief. You’re on!"

Rusty zooms off with Scootaloo on his back.

Jolyne ran after the two as Shigechi and Buttercream flew by, but the female’s belly was bigger than normal, signaling that she’s having eggs.

Skyla asks "You okay Butter?"

Buttercream spoke "Yep, I just can’t help but feel excited!"

Shigechi spoke "Heeheehee! Same here."

Skyla giggles "My parents were the same way."

But then there was the sound of crying.

Zipp flew over to the crying.

Zipp asks "You okay?"

The one crying was revealed to be an 11-year old husky Mobian in baseball clothing. “My parents… they’re dead.”

Zipp calls Danyelle over.

Zipp spoke "I know somecat that can take you in, she's got nine kids of her own. Three blood related and six adopted."

Kneeling down in front of the child, Danyelle asks "What's your name young one?"

The boy spoke "It’s Emporio Alniño."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari."

But then they noticed a small crack on the ground, it was like a portal to Mobius, except it was to a music room.

Emporio whimpers "I-It’s here too?"

Danyelle growls "I've got a bad feeling about this...."

Emporio spoke "W-Wait! It’s not what you think. That place in the crack, it’s actually on Mobius, connected to a place called Green Dolphin Street Prison. It’s a part of my stand, Burn the House Down. That place is a house that’s actually a ghost itself."

Megaman spoke from within Danyelle's 2DS. "And here I thought that repulsive stand, Where Evil Grows, was bad enough...."

Emporio spoke "H-Hold on! That room became a ghost after it was burned down in a fire at that prison. And… believe it or not, only I can touch the stuff that came from that room."

Emporio tossed a baseball to Danyelle as she grabbed it, only for the baseball to phase through her hands.

Emporio spoke "I can even bring out stuff like this."

Emporio reached into his pocket before bringing out a green trash can, much to Danyelle and Zipp’s shock.

Danyelle stammers "A-are you a g-ghost?"

Emporio spoke "N-No. I’m really alive."

Danyelle spoke "Oh good... Last thing anyone needs is a freaked out cat-alicorn hybrid..."

Sumarda showed up, with a female teenage draconequus-crocodile hybrid. “Hey, Dany!”

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see Sumarda!"

Sumarda went into her 1,000 pound form as she and Danyelle hugged each other, who didn’t really care about the Draconequus’ appearance before noticing the hybrid.

Danyelle spoke "Yer squishing me....."

Sumarda asks "But doesn’t all that flab feel all nice, soft and cozy?"

Danyelle asks "Honestly… yeah. But can you please let me go?"

Sumarda spoke "Okay, Dany."

Sumarda put Danyelle down before the Mobian decided to ask about the hybrid next to Sumarda.

A 12 year old pink Mobian wolfdog female was hiding behind a tree.

Danyelle asks "Huh? Wait… Sakura? Is that you?"

Sakura spoke "I'm n-not the same Sakura you remember...."

Danyelle stammers "W-What do you… *Gasp!* You mean… you’re her…?"

Sakura spoke "Fragment of her magic..."

Danyelle fell to her hands and knees in shock. “Th-That means… the Sakura I know is… *Whimpering with tears falling to the ground* G-Gone…”

Twilight comforts Danyelle.

But then they heard an enraged grieving fire-dragon roar from Natsu. “NO!!! They can’t be gone! They just can’t!”

Luke spoke "Calm down dad! Though the folks you knew are gone, the guild will never be destroyed!"

Lucy spoke "As long as we're around, the guild will never truly fade away."

Natsu growled as flames flared out of his mouth and nostrils, before calming down.

Annabelle and Belladonna approached the grieving Danyelle.

Lucy nuzzles Natsu.

Twilight asks "What is it?"

Annabelle spoke "Belladonna and I have been making these medallions in case Danyelle ever goes into grief like that."

Belladonna spoke "Basically, they’re summoning medallions, but they can only be used three times a day, and they last for three and a half hours."

Keicho and Spitfire landed, with the mare carrying a foal.

Twilight spoke "But Natsu may need them more...."

Annabelle spoke "Actually, we thought that might happened, so we made another pair just in case."

Belladonna spoke "Yeah. Besides, I owed Danyelle big-time for what she did for me."

Okuyasu spoke "Big bro!"

Keicho spoke "Heh. It’s good to see you again, Okuyasu."

Gemina showed up with an infant bearded dragon Mobian in her arms.

Sonic asks "Didn't she scare the cuss out of you one time in Las Pegasus?"

Lucy spoke "I have an idea Natsu, one that might cheer you up."

Belladonna spoke "That’s not what I meant, hedgehog! She helped me change!"

Annabelle and Belladonna tossed the second pair to Lucy, who passed it to Natsu.

Koichi and Yukako showed up as the female Mobian held a pangolin/ocelot hybrid infant in her hands.

Danyelle growls "Watch it missy, you're talking to the Prince of the Wind."

Belladonna scoffs "Tch!"

Annabelle and Belladonna have the first pair of medallions as Zecora and Avdol showed up with a zebra-lamia/hippogriff hybrid in the female’s hooves.

Twilight gasps "Zecora?!? But I thought...."

Lillian showed up. “Don’t you remember, Twilight? The Joestar family and their friends were made immortal too, and that included Zecora.”

Sonic spoke "I never asked Shenron to make the Joestars immortal! I specifically said my family, Tails's family, Knuckles's family, the Babylon Rogues and their families, the Tokyo Five and their families, Twilight's family, Rainbow's family, Pinkie's family, Rarity's family, Applejack's ENTIRE family, Fluttershy's family, Danyelle's family and hive-pack, Michiru's family, Blu's family, Korra's family, Finn's family and Ash's family!"

Lillian spoke "We know, Sonic. But none of us knew how that happened."

Quicksilver spoke "Regardless, it shouldn't have happened..."

But then a portal opened, revealing Chameleo as he was wearing a Mizukage hat. “Well, no point dwelling in the past, right? Run from it, or learn from it.”

Gilda spoke "That's the exact same thing Danyelle told me long ago. The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it."

Ocellus and Beetlo showed up, with a changeling-Beetley hybrid in her hooves.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Ocellus."

Ocellus spoke "Hi Danyelle."

Beetlo spoke "Yo."

An older Lan and Maylu soon arrive with twins, a boy named Ethan and a girl named Lyra.

Lan spoke "Hey guys!"

Danyelle spoke "Hi."

Katherine and Esidisi appeared, with the Princess having a baby pup in her arms.

Sunny asks "is that a dog?"

Breakfang spoke "Close though, Katherina and I are Diamond Dogs."

Danyelle finally decided to ask about the hybrid next to Sumarda. “Who’s she?”

Sumarda spoke "Oh! This is my daughter, Sobeka."

Sobeka spoke "Hi."

Soon enough, a rather grumpy male Draconequus arrives.

Twilight spoke "Uh Sumarda... Your cousin's here..."

Sumarda spoke "Huh? *Wince!* Man. You look like you could use a trim, Dissy."

Discord spoke "Not funny Sumarda...."

Sumarda spoke "I’m just trying to be suggestive."

Sumarda smelled something before everyone heard a foghorn sound.

Sumarda asks "Yuck!!!! When was the last time you took a bath?! What happened?!"

Danyelle and Rarity both fainted.

Sunny spoke "Okay mister, you need a bath! Izzy, drench him!"

Izzy giggles "Heehee! Okie-dokie-lokie!"

Pinkie giggles "Hey! That's my line!"

Discord spoke "Wait… that sounded like…"

Sonic spoke "It's been 200 years since you last saw any of us though Discord."

Twilight spoke "Exactly."

Discord asks "D-Does that mean Fluttershy’s…?"

The group splits in half, revealing Fluttershy and Flowerstep.

Discord rushed over and grabbed the two with all his might while leaking tears of joy.

Flowerstep pushed Discord away with a wind barrier.

Flowerstep spoke "You need a bath big time Discord."

Fluttershy asks "What would your mother say?"

Hawkbreeze spoke "I agree."

Pandora appeared. “Sorry. Dissy hasn’t been himself since, you know.”

Maria spoke "200 years can do that to an immortal..."

Pandora spoke "That and without dear friends."

Shadow spoke "Case in point... I went mad with grief when I thought I had lost Maria but Danyelle brought her back to me."

Sobeka spoke "But man, Uncle Discord really let himself go."

Yui spoke "Yeah dad, you need a shower big time..."

Caesar spoke "Bubble Launcher!"

Discord found himself bombarded by Hamon-filled bubbles before they covered him in a bubble before they popped, with Discord smelling like new.

Twiliterasu pounces on Discord before giving him a mane cut, making it look as it had 200 years ago.

Sumarda spoke "That ear and horn could use a fix."

Nova spoke "Dad, you might want to run...."

Wave spoke "Mad mare alert..."

Bruno spoke "I see."

Bruno opened a zipper on the ground and went into it before the zipper disappeared when a furious Applejack showed up.

Crosswind growled "Where did that apple hater go?"

Mista asks "Is this what I was like when I panicked about the number 4?"

Trish spoke "Yeah, and you still panic about that number."

Twilight groans "I still hate ladybugs and quesadillas..."

Rainbow Dash, Soarin and Fleetfoot showed up.

Azure spoke "Mom!"

Jato spoke "Mom!"

The half siblings tackle hug their mothers.

The Tri-Pies showed up with Pound Cake, a gryphon-hippogriff hybrid, and a kirin-Pegasus hybrid.

Sunny gasps "So many new friends!!!"

Pumpkin Cake showed up. “Heehee! No doubt about that!”

Twilight spoke "If that's so the case, I think it's time to reopen the School of Friendship!"

Chameleo asks "Hold on. What about the Lighthouse?"

Sunny spoke "It can be rebuilt."

Chameleo spoke "Good, and it’s better that I have the picture of the rebuilt lighthouse."

Chameleo showed everyone the picture of the Crystal Lighthouse, surprising everyone.

All of a sudden, the ground shook thus causing a new house to erupt from the ground and it looked just like what Chameleo had showed everycreature.

Chameleo spoke "Well, that’s new."

Twilight spoke "Maybe it's just the Tree of Harmony saying that though it's destroyed, it's still with us."


Reopening the School of Friendship

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*Lillian's POV*

*One month later*

A rebuilt School of Friendship had just opened in Maretime Bay.

Twilight spoke "I'm glad things are peaceful again, everyone's getting along with each other. As it was 200 years ago."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah! And the Wonderbolts are back!"

Zipp asks "Could I be a Wonderbolt?"

Rainbow Dash asks "You kidding, Zipp? Of course you can! Besides, wanna race?"

Zipp laughs "You're gonna lose!"

Zipp flew off fast.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh… IT’S ON!!!"

Rainbow Dash flew off after Zipp with a competitive smirk on her face.

Cookie flew after her grandmother.

Cookie laughs "Eat my dust grandma!"

Azure laughs "Ah. What the hay. See ya later, slowpokes!"

Azure flew off, before Bold and Jato went after them.

Sonic flew past the speedsters.

Sonic laughs "Later Skittles!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, you’re going down!"

Rainbow Dash sped up to Sonic as Zipp caught up with the two of them.

Sonic flew even faster since he had alicorn speed as well as his own natural speed.

But then Rainbow Dash and Zipp broke past their limits and caught up with Sonic.

Those on the ground saw a Rainboom, a Windboom and a Stormboom.

Twilight spoke "Holy cuss!"

“You’re telling me!” I awed in agreement before we heard giggling. “Was that the Tri-Pies?”

Yui spoke "I wonder what they're up to."

Sumarda showed up. “Heehee! That Sobeka.”

We went to the Tri-Pies, who were playfully wrestling each other in an arena that Sobeka made while they were each 10,000 pounds fat, but still moving like healthy creatures, being as big as a medium-sized house each. But Blueberry was looking more blue, Raspberry looking more pinkish-red, and Cherry looking more cerise than before.

Danyelle spoke "Like mother, like daughter."

But then the Tri-Pies blasted each other by shooting something from their mouths, which looked like blueberry juice from Blueberry, raspberry juice from Raspberry, and cherry juice from Cherry. The trio laughed as well heard sloshing from them.

Korra groans "For the love of.... They only should have one elemental power...."

Sumarda spoke "Actually, it’s the juices in them. They used their airbending abilities to build up wind geysers in them and they brought in juices from their current juicy state into the mix."

Sobeka spoke "Yeah! They’re a blueberry, a raspberry and a cherry!"

Korra growls "Do I need to call Cronile?"

Sumarda spoke "No. I was only explaining. They normally don’t use fruit juice as a weapon unless they had those lemon combo smoothies."

Sobeka spoke "They looked thirsty, and I thought I could give them some smoothies."

Korra spoke "Being trapped in limbo can do that to anyone."

Sumarda spoke "Well, that form of theirs is more of a power-up."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, causing three Trunkton oranges to appear in her hands as she fed them to the Tri-Pies, restoring them to normal with only their airbending.

Danyelle asks "Anyone seen my slimes?"

The rest of us just shrugged.

Danyelle spoke "I'm worried about them... But there's nothing I can do about it..."


Rainbow Dash laughs "OH YEAH?! WELL EAT MY VAPOR TRAILS, SLOTHIC!!!!!"

A triple Windboom knocks the two Pegasi back.

Rainbow Dash spoke "You won’t beat me that easily!"

The rainbow-maned mare somehow pulled off a triple Rainboom, catching up with Sonic, before Zipp pulled off a triple Stormboom, catching up with them.

Out of nowhere, a sudden Plasmaboom zipped past the trio.

An unknown Pokemon laughs "Plas! {Eat MY dust you three!}"

Sonic, Rainbow Dash and Zipp gasp "WHAT THE?!"

Danyelle spoke "I've never seen a Pokemon like that before... But it seems to be a Fire-Electric type..."

Twilight spoke "Wait… that looks like the combo of a Flareon and a Jolteon!"

Danyelle spoke "Mixing Fire and Electric often results in plasma so... We should call it a Plasmeon!"

Pipp was carrying a Pokemon that appeared to be a mix of Sylveon and Espeon in her forelegs.

Pipp spoke "And look what I found!"

Danyelle spoke "Whoa! This is new too!"

Twilight spoke "I think these are all new hybrids."

Danyelle spoke "Whoa… This generation is getting more and more interesting."

Flarerudamon popped out of its ball.

Flarerudamon spoke "*groan* For Arceus's sake... being in a ball then trapped in limbo was the worst...."

Espewomon giggles "He's twitterpated..."

But Flarerudamon didn’t hear that as his entire head got caught on fire from being twitterpatted.

GlaceAngemon chuckles "Hehe. No doubt about that."

Enkai was chuckling.

Danyelle spoke "Heehee! About time."

UmbreDevimon spoke "Although it took him 220 years to find love... blech... I hate saying that word..."

Danyelle spoke "Who knows. *Smug* Maybe you’ll find love."

UmbreDevimon spoke "Blech!"

Danyelle spoke "Hey, ya never know."

Hitch spoke "Pipp, there's something I want to ask you."

Pipp asks "Huh? Yeah?"

Hitch asks "W-will you be my m-marefriend?"

Pipp immediately blushed.

Zipp spoke "You better treat her properly Sheriff."

Hitch spoke "R-Right."

Twilight giggles "Older siblings tend to be protective of their younger siblings."

Zipp chuckles "You're alright Hitch, I'm just joshin' you."

Hitch spoke "H-Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "She was testing you."

Hitch spoke "Oh..."

Twilight spoke "My older brother got mad when I had let slip about Akari's father. But I told him off."

Danyelle spoke "Cadence! Over here!"

Cadence showed up with Shining Armor and Flurry Heart.

Twilight spoke "Shiny!"

Twilight hugged her family with joy.

Astral and Midnight spoke "Mom!"

A howl was heard.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Michiru spoke "That wasn't Shirou...."

Nazuna was in Mobian fox form since she didn't want to risk revealing her siren form yet.

Sonic spoke "That sounded like Holo!"

Holo soon showed up with a Pokémon hybrid.

Holo spoke "Guys, I found something you should see."

Danyelle spoke "Another hybrid."

But then we all heard a sudden thud as we looked and saw UmbreDevimon unconscious with a complete blush.

Lugia chuckles "And she's down...."

Danyelle spoke "Just as I thought."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Sonic asks "What happened to that pouch of wheat you always carried with you Holo?"

Holo giggles "Heehee! I have you to thank for that, Sonic."

Sonic spoke "Cussbuckets...."

Myuri was soon heard howling.

Soon enough, Shirou was heard howling.

Michiru spoke "Okay. That one was Shirou."

Alto spoke "True there mother."

Nazuna asks "Michiru?"

Michiru asks "Yeah, Nazu?"

Nazuna asks "Have you thought about having another child?"

Michiru froze with a blush as Vetur appeared.

Nazuna asks "Michi?"

Vetur spoke "I think you broke her. But I think also that’s a yes."

Nazuna spoke "Oh..."

Michiru suddenly threw a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel. “Well, Nazu? What’re you waiting for?”

Nazuna pounces on Michiru, causing the two to tumble through the warp ring before it closed.

Sumarda spoke "My double, Helia just informed me that the two just went into a room reserved for them. She’ll be there if they call room service."

Alto spoke "But having a sibling that's 220 years younger is weird...."

Sumarda asks "Hey, from everything that’s happened, wouldn’t weird be considered normal?"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Alto spoke "I'm half siren half earth pony that can take on a Mobian tanuki form, my moms are weird... Princess Twilight's face down on the ground every other hour... Sonic's the grandson of Princess Luna for pony's sake..."

Sumarda asks "So I’m guessing that’s a yes?"

Alto chuckles "Let's just say the Guards and their families are a big batch of crazy."

Sumarda giggles "Heehee! Don’t let them hear you say that."

Fizzlepop was on Finn's back while tickling him.

Cadence giggles "We're crazy in our own way."

Katherina appeared with the young pup in her arms. “Hee. You can say that’s the same for everycreature.”

Cadence noticed the young pup and couldn’t help but find it adorable.

Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Twilight asks "So… who’s the pup?"

Katherina spoke "This is the daughter of me and Esidisi, Martha."

Twiliterasu spoke "Woof {She's so cute.}"

But then Twiliterasu saw a barely noticeable horn on Martha’s forehead.

Sonic spoke "Seems she's a Pillar Diamond Dog."

Katherina spoke "Heehee. Yeah she is. She’s also a firebender."

Sonic spoke "But I thought Diamond Dogs were earthbenders by default..."

Katherina spoke "Well, due to Esidisi’s abilities of the inferno, he’s a firebender."

Sonic spoke "I meant Equestrian born Diamond Dogs..."

Katherina spoke "That’s true, but Martha is half Pillar Diamond Dog, inheriting that half from Esidisi, who is completely a Pillar Diamond Dog."

Sonic spoke "Much like how I'm half alicorn."

Sonic unfurls a wing to show Katherina.

Katherina gasps "Wait-what?!"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, my dad is Prince Lightning Flash. He's the son of Princess Luna Oogami."

A male asks "That makes you the grandson of Shirou Ogami, does it not?"

Esidisi appeared.

Sonic spoke "Yes sir, I'm also called the Prince of the Wind since I'm faster than most Mobians. Only Tails, Shadow and Danyelle can keep up with me."

Esidisi spoke "Well, I’ve met Shirou Ogami before, hundreds of years ago. I’m sure surprised that a mortal beastman became an immortal one and a silver wolf by 99 other beastmen lending their power to him in death."

Sonic spoke "It was rather funny how he met my grandma though."

Esidisi spoke "Really? How interesting. I’ve met Sun Tzu, who wrote “The Art of War.” To fight is to delude, victory is decided before the battle, which means you must lay out plans while your opponent is unaware."

Celestia spoke "It started about 1272 years ago. My younger sister had gone on a rampage when her son went missing. I had no choice but to seal her away on the moon. When Lillian arrived on Equis 220 years ago, I thought that was going to bring Lightning Flash back but it didn't. After Michiru and Nazuna arrived, Luna had gotten her hopes up for when Shirou came back. Thanks to the tanuki, Shirou had arrived. Then Evening Tide and Moonlight Shine were born. Then Sonic's dormant alicorn form kicked in. Manic and Sonia got their wings soon after."

A portal opened before Raptor came out of it, wearing a Wonderbolt outfit. “Man… That’s a LOT to take in.”

Danyelle giggles "First Pokemon Wonderbolt huh?"

Raptor chuckles "You bet! And that’s at the same time RD became a Wonderbolt! But I’m actually… *Transforms into Zoroark* a Zoroark!"

Raptor transformed back into a Garchomp before RD emerged from the portal with a smile on her face.

RD spoke "Alright. Take it easy, you hot fox."

Rainbow spoke "Long time no see Crash."

RD giggles "Hahaha. Same to you."

Then AJ came out of a portal with a familiar Plant-Dragon hybrid, Camo.

AJ spoke "Howdy."

Camo spoke "Hello."

To everyone's surprise, Queen Amy soon showed up with Thorax and the rest of the hive.

Twilight spoke "Guys! You came back!"

Amy giggles "Of course, it was Danyelle that inspired the Changelings to change their ways. Basically, they're immortal now. As am I."

A pair of golden yellow hooves cover Twilight's eyes.

A voice chuckles "Guess who Sparkles?"

Twilight gasped before giving a knowing smile. “I know who.”

Twilight turned around and kissed Flash Sentry right on the lips as he kissed back before they started making out with each other.

An adult Silverstorm flew over to the large group with Gabby and Leafheart following.

Silverstorm spoke "Hey guys!"

Lucy spoke "I have an idea!"

Natsu asks "Huh? What?"

Danyelle spoke "We can rebuild the Fairy Tail guildhall!"

Natsu asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle spoke "Though the others may be gone, the spirit will never die as long as there's at least one Fairy tail wizard!"

Ben spoke "Heh, she’s right ya know."

Pipp giggles "Heehee! My big sis is like a royal detective at times."

But then we saw red thunder before seeing a silhouette on a rooftop with green glowing eyes.

Zipp spoke "You're one to talk Pipp, you're as addicted to your phone as Alpha-Queen Danyelle is to her games!"

Tails was clinging to Inari in fear.

Danyelle teleported before roundhouse kicking the being off the roof.

Pinning the person down with a paw, Midnight growls "Who are you?"

But then the cape on the person grabbed Midnight’s paw before forcing him off as the person got up, revealed to be a familiar earth pony mare.

Twilight engulfs herself in fire before slamming a paw down on the Applejack lookalike.


Applejack? spoke "Is that fire supposed to hurt me, Twi? Besides, the kid’s fine."

Twirama growls "I'm not the Twilight you know. I'm the Prime Zone's Twilight."

Applejack? asks "Ah had a feelin’ it was that. Would ya get off me?"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, SIT GIRL!!!"

Twirama was soon face down on the ground.

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

Applejack? spoke "Ah used to be called Applejack, but Ah made decisions Ah ain’t proud of, even though it helped mah friends and family. After we defeated Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, someone killed me."

Danyelle spoke "Yikes.... The prime zone Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy were reformed though."

Applejack? spoke "Guess not all o’ us were lucky. Someone gave me a deal; He’d bring me back to life, but I’d have to work fer him fer eternity. Wanting to see mah friends and family again, I agreed to the deal, before he revealed himself ta be a demon called Malebolgia and turned me into a Hellspawn. Ah was never the same again, and a demon called the Violator made himself mah mentor ta train mah new powers. Ah eventually found out who killed me, but Ah didn’t kill her. She was an assassin by the name of Snipe Core, who Ah thought was one o’ mah friends, but eventually she went crazy, thinkin’ everycreature she killed came back from the dead."

Danyelle spoke "Many call me the Nekomata of Redemption."

Applejack? spoke "Well, y’all can call me Applespawn if ya want. But makin’ a deal wit’ that guy made me beyond redemption. But even the damned can do some good."

Danyelle spoke "If I can reform someone like Robo-Eggman, then it's not too hard to reform you. My magic yowl can purify corrupted souls. Plus I can tell you miss your family."

Applespawn spoke "Honestly, Ah appreciate the help, but it won’t be easy to pull off on me."

Danyelle spoke "I'm not that kind of cat to give up on a friend."

Muta was arguing with Toto for some weird reason.

Danyelle "Don't mind the lardball, he and Toto don't get along that well."

Applespawn spoke "Ah can see that."

Danyelle spoke "Their fights are funny."

The large crow had pecked Muta on the head.


A Home to Share

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*Sunny’s POV*

OOH!!! This is so exciting! We’re going to decorate the new Brighthouse!

Honey spoke "I'm so excited!"

“Me too!” I agreed enthusiastically!

Honey giggles "Grandma's funny though... Every time she loses her temper... Boom! Snout down on the ground."

“Yeah! But I think it’s because of that necklace she has and the spirits in her.” I noticed.

Honey asks "But doesn't Uncle Astral have that roar?"

I spoke "I never asked him though."

Then Izzy, Hitch, Zipp, Pipp and the others showed up to help us with the Brighthouse.

Myuri was in her pony form since construction was her talent.

Myuri spoke "Ah'll help y'all out since Ah'm good with building."

Izzy spoke "YAY! And a new place where we can be with each other for the rest of our lives!"

Zipp asks "Uh… What?"

Pipp spoke "It’s gonna be ~ICONICA~!"

Honey spoke "Hold it girls. Sunny and I also have our parents, aunt, uncles, auncle and grandparents too though. There might not be enough space since our uncle Midnight's the largest in the family."

Cherry spoke "She's right though."

Hitch spoke "That means we’ll probably have to make it bigger."

Polished spoke "Especially for any upcoming foals."

Both Pipp and Zipp were blushing.

Hitch teases "Come on, dude! Not cool! What about you and Zipp? Huh, Polished?!"

A pomf was heard as Polished's tails and wings had gone stiff.

Polished spoke "Hitch-san no baka!"

Honey spoke "You might want to run Hitch... before he tickles you."

Hitch took that as a challenge as he tackled Polished before tickling him.

But since he was a Prower, Polished retaliated by using his wings and tails to tickle Hitch.

Hitch tried to hold it in while his eyes leaked tears of laughter as he kept ticking Polished.

One of Polished's tails was aimed at Hitch's stomach, making the stallion yield.

Polished spoke "You can never best a Prower in a tickle fight."

Hitch suddenly smirked. “Even if it was your own sister?”

Polished spoke "She doesn't like being tickled."

Cherry growls "Don't even think about it Hitch-san."

Hitch spoke "R-Right."

Cherry spoke "My adopted great aunt doesn't like her feet being touched though but you want to know something funny? My grandpa made the mistake of grabbing Danyelle's feet once and she kicked him through a wall!"

Hitch spoke "Oh."

Darrel was carrying a pile of books when he tripped over a box.

Darrell spoke "Ow.... Who put that box there? *opening the box thus finding a young Mobian cat about three months old inside* MOM!!!!"

Yuki asks "Yes, sweetie?"

Darrell spoke "I found a Mobian kitten in a box... Three months old by the looks of it."

Yuki gasps "What happened?!"

Darrell spoke "Maybe the parents had one too many mouths to feed or they died..."

Lune asks "What do you think Yuki?"

Yuki spoke "We need to care for the young kitten."

Kara spoke "I'll talk with Aunt Blaze if she knows anything."

Lune spoke "That’s good."

Darrell spoke "But a kitten that young won't survive the winter on its own..."

Yuki spoke "That’s why the young one’s living with us."

Kara spoke "But we don't know if the kitten's a boy or girl though..."

Yuki spoke "A doctor can find that out."

Kara spoke "Yeah."

Haruka spoke "Hey there."

Haruka glanced at the kitten's fur.

Haruka asks "Grandson, where did you find this kitten?"

Darrel spoke "In a lone box."

Haruka spoke "That's no normal kitten, that's a werecat! I only heard rumors but if a werecat that isn't affected by Dark Gaia's curse appears.... It'll bring calamity for all."

Lance spoke "Grandma, you're being paranoid... I'm half were-hedgecat though since my dad's a werehog."

Haruka spoke "But this is different!"

Kara spoke "But Lance is right though Grandma. It's just a kitten though."

Darrell spoke "Werecat or not, it's just a defenseless kitten."

Yuki spoke "Indeed."

Lune asks "Mother, need I remind you of the time that Haru beat the tar out of father?"

Yuki spoke "She went ballistic on his sorry tail, he never went near her again."

Haruka giggles "Nobody messes with a Yoshioka and gets away with it."

Yuki giggles "Or a rampaging Sparkle."

Lune laughs “Or an angry Nekomata.”

Yuki spoke "Or worse, all three!"

Lance spoke "But even after 220 years, Danyelle still can't swim..."

Yuki spoke "If only we could help her with that."

Lance spoke "Sorry Aunt Yuki but you can't change genetics..."

Yuki sighs "I know."

Lance spoke "It is what it is... And I hear screaming...."

Yuki spoke "I hear it too!"

Lune spoke "That cannot be good!"

Baron ran past the group of cats towards the sound.

Lance asks "Should we go check?"

Yuki spoke "Definitely."

Haruka spoke "That sounded like Haru!"

Lune spoke "That can’t be good!"


Lune spoke "Oh no...."

Yuki spoke "You gotta be kidding me…"

Like a blur, Haru was soon behind Phoebus and grabbing the old cat by the tail before spinning around fast.

Lune and Yuki simply facepalmed.

Phoebus was soon sent flying far out over the ocean.

Haru spoke "I hate that cat..."

Lune and Yuki spoke "Good freaking grief."

Haruka spoke "I didn't expect her to become that fast...."

*back with the ponies*

I spoke "This place looks amazing!"

Honey spoke "Hay yeah it is!"

Twilight spoke "Yeah but we worked together on it, as a family should."

Flurry spoke "Exactly."

Flash spoke "Hey, Twistar…"

Twilight asks "Yes, Flashbolt?"

Flash spoke "I love you, very very much."

Twilight spoke "And I have a surprise too."

Kurama groans "Just kill me...."

Matatabi spoke "Oh hush, Kurama."

Kurama spoke "If I had my own body, I wouldn't have to listen to Sparkle Butt's conversations on a daily basis...."

Twilight asks "Flash?"

Flash asks "Yes?"

Twilight spoke "I'm expecting another foal."

All of us gasped.

Shining sighs "Why am I not surprised?"

Flash spoke "I actually have a surprise for you as well, Twilight."

Twilight asks "Oh?"

Flash spoke "It’s been a long time since we went on our honeymoon. So I got us a room at hotel run by a certain friend of ours."

Twilight simply smiled before kissing Flash Sentry with on the lips, as he kissed right back on Twilight’s lips before they started making out.

Twilight spoke "Oh right, happy 220th anniversary Flashy."

Flash spoke "Happy 220th anniversary Twily."

Twilight asks "Remember when we first met?"

Flash chuckles "Felts just like yesterday. I remember it like the back of my hoof."

Twilight giggles "I still blame Danyelle for that...."

I ask "How did you two meet though?"

Twilight spoke "Funny story really... It was before I had started the Pony Guard though. Danyelle was in a pranking mood that day, she had invited Flash down to Ponyville for a while... My estrus had kicked in that day too.. One thing led to another and then just before the Crystal Empire returned, I had an alicorn foal. Needless to say, Cadence was giddy but Shining was pissed off..."

Shining spoke "He was my commanding officer."

Twilight spoke "If it wasn't for Danyelle, Akari wouldn't have been born."

I spoke "And I would have had a different mother."

Twilight asks *Lustfully* So, smokin’ hot stallion, shall we go to the Chuddle Hotel?"

Flash chuckles "*Lustfully* With great and absolute pleasure, you sweet beautiful mare."

Honey asks "But what about that necklace?"

Twilight spoke "That's a story for another time."


Zipp's Flying Lessons

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*Zipp’s POV*

Man! Being able to fly for real is so awesome!

Rainbow spoke "So true!"

“Gah! How did you know I was thinking that?!” I asked my step-grandma in shock.

Rainbow spoke "I was the fastest Pegasus of my era."

“Oh.” I remembered.

Rainbow spoke "Besides, I can tell you have it bad for Polished."

Polished had sneezed, causing him to be knocked backwards and crashing into me since his element was air.

Rainbow giggles "Hehe! And speak of the hybrid."

Polished spoke "Oh shut up Skittles..."

Rainbow Dash just laughed. “I’m still surprised you're one of my little sister-figure’s kids.”

Polished spoke "And an airbender as well since both of my parents are."

Cherry soon had a black eye since she got punched by Posey.

Cherry whimpers "Nii-san..."

Polished gasps "Cherry?! What happened?!"

Cherry spoke "Posey hit me since I was well... different..."

Sunny spoke "Let me go talk to her, before something bad happens."

Polished asks "Uh… Are you sure?"

Sunny spoke "I'm the Alicorn of Unity, it's kinda my job to make sure everycreature gets along."

Alto was tussling with Melody.

Alto chuckles "Heehee! You can’t beat me!"

The half hedgehog half siren female catches Alto off guard by kissing him on the lips.

Alto was surprised but then closed his eyes, kissing Melody back as the two started making out.

Harmony giggles "Sneaky girl."

The two hybrids disappear through a warp ring.

I spoke "Well, that was weird..."

Sumarda showed up. “They used a Warp Ring and booked a room in the Chuddle Hotel. More specifically, they booked the Tropical Suite, it has shades, cool drinks, warm rays, palm trees, comfy luau beds and a pool that’s like the ocean itself.”

I spoke "Cool."

Sumarda spoke "Trust me, the kinds of rooms you’ll find at the Chuddle Hotel would blow your mind."

Twilight spoke "I suppose it varies with species too."

Sumarda spoke "I gotta be honest with you about that, it does sometimes. We just don’t want our guests to be in danger or anything."

Twilight spoke "I agree but with that mare still a threat to our peace, we have to be careful."

Sumarda spoke "Definitely."

Danyelle spoke "But if she got her hooves on dragonfire magic, who knows what could happen..."

But then we heard the sound of a jet, before somepony flew it. Somepony familiar.

The robotic mare asks "Where am I?"

Rainbow spoke "Woah... You sound like me but with a robotic tone..."

Danyelle spoke "I'm kinda familiar with the Robocop movie though..."

Robodash spoke "I am known as Robodash, the future of awesomeness and law enforcement."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, Nekomata of Redemption."

Twilight spoke "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, Alicorn of Magic and Friendship."

Pinkinator showed up.

Robodash asks *To Pinkinator* Haven’t we done this before?"

Pinkinator spoke "My memory banks do not hold a previous encounter."

Robodash spoke "We have met. I am sure of it."

Tails spoke "I'm starting to think something is wrong with her memories."

A stallion asks "Hey, guys. What’s up?"

We turned around and saw an adult Nightwatch here.

Danyelle gasps "Oh my cuss! You're an alicorn!"

Nightwatch chuckles "Yeah. Who knew?"

Danyelle spoke "So far, we've got four alicorn stallions though one is half eleven tailed fox...."

A butter yellow dragoness spoke "Big bro!"

Buttercream flew in and gave Nightwatch a bear hug.

Nightwatch spoke "Heh. Good to see you too, Buttercream."

Midnight was chuckling.

Nightwatch asks "Thinking of something, Midnight?"

Midnight spoke "I'm not telling."

Nightwatch just smirked as he lifted an eyebrow.

Midnight spoke "It's not like I have a crush on a certain dark alicorn or anything."

That caught all of our attention at what Midnight said.

Midnight asks "What?"

Nightwatch chuckles "You slipped your tongue."

Midnight groans "It's bad enough her father was once an evil unicorn...."

Nightwatch spoke "And yet, you fell for her."

Midnight spoke "Yeah but she sees me as a monster..."

Nightwatch spoke "Well something tells me she’s not in her right mind."

Akari spoke "I think she went mad after her parents and older sister disappeared..."

Sonic gasps "What?!"

Danyelle spoke "I wasn't that close with Radiant though."

Midnight spoke "Regardless, stopping her isn't going to be easy."

Appletank showed up with a Granny Smith whose front legs were longer than normal, being a bit smaller too.

Appletank spoke "Howdy, y’all."

Danyelle spoke "Howdy Appletank, long time no see."

Appletank spoke "Yep. Although Ah can’t really die since Ah’m half dead, or half Yo-Kai for that matter."

Danyelle spoke "Immortal but I can still get killed.... Same for the other immortals."

Applejack spoke "Since ya look a lot like me, we could easily pass fer identical twins."

Appletank spoke "Anyway, this is the Granny Smith of mah world, Grannell Smith. Just don’t let her grab onto yer face or the truth comes out."

We were confused by that.

Danyelle spoke "Aside from my family, I don't like anyone touching me. I punted Ein through a wall five times since he never learned...."

Appletank spoke "We’ll let’s just hope Grannell Smith doesn’t get into any-"

We looked and saw that Grannell Smith was gone.

Appletank sighs "Trouble."

“Wow. For an old mare, she moves fast.” I noted.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I know tracking spells, I tagged her with one when you weren't looking."

Appletank spoke "Well, we better find her quick before Maretime Bay becomes a hotpot o' exposed secrets and uncovered truths. Trust me on this when Ah say that such secrets can be devastatin' to say the least."

Danyelle spoke "Rarity, Pipp, Bella and I will search from the sky since we're the keenest. The others will look everywhere. Sonic can check Zephyr Heights. Last thing we need is magic failing AGAIN!"

Appletank spoke "Yeah, some secrets are best kept secret. So let’s get goin’!"

Once Danyelle gave the yowl, everyone scattered to find Grannell.

We looked and found Grannell Smith as she silently grabbed a barber's head who didn't notice.

Grannell Smith spoke "Tell tell, sweetie."

The barber spoke "Whoops, I really butchered this colt's mane."

A colt gasps "W-What?"

Appletank spoke "Grannell Smith!"

Grannell Smith giggled as she trotted off.

The barber stammers "Uh... *Nervously* W-Wow. It looks great."

The colt spoke "Don't even!"

Danyelle threw a Mystery type magic net on Grannell Smith, catching her while staying out of reach.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I played those Yokai Watch games despite not finishing them, I know what kind of net to use on each tribe of Yokai."

Appletank spoke "Real sorry about that. Grannell Smith has her mischief streaks every now and then. Yo-Kai have to inspirit the same way every creature have to sleep at that. It's kinda in their nature."

Grannell Smith spoke "Mighty sorry 'bout that. Tattletell instincts got the best o' me again."

Danyelle spoke "No worries, I may not be able to see actual Yokai since I lack the right kind of watch but my inner tenko makes up for that."

Appletank spoke "Well count yerself lucky that we're half Yo-Kai, that way anyone can see us if we wanna show ourselves."

Danyelle spoke "I've always had this aura that attracted powerful allies, it's pretty much how I ended up with Bass and Tsuki though. And I suppose Sunbold's also half Yokai too."

Appletank spoke "Yep. She's half Beelzebold. Those she inspirits turns into complete and total scaredy-cats. But who knows? Ya might even become friends with Lord Enma himself. *Whispers to Danyelle* And that's mah Celestia's husband, who's called Celestiapir, being a combo of Celestia and a Whapir."

Danyelle spoke "I'm one strange cat though. To you, I look like a winged version of Jibanyan though."

Appletank spoke "Yep. And he's still a fan o' that girl band."

To Appletank's surprise, three ghostly cats were spotted on Danyelle's head and shoulders.

Appletank gasps "W-What in tarnation?!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, I've had these three since their spirits made their way back to me when I was 27. The two Siamese toms are Tex and Rocky, the Ragdoll is Kikyo. But only I can see them since they were originally my pet cats."

Appletank spoke "...OH MAH SWIRLS!!!!!"

Kikyo facepaws before meowing "I swear... You remind me of Komasan..."

Appletank spoke "Oh. Sorry. Komasan and Komajiro are kinda livin' with me and mah family. *Blush*"

Grannell Smith giggled.

The Sianyan on Danyelle's left shoulder snickers "Somethin' tells me y'all have it bad fer Komajiro."

That caught Appletank off guard.

Grannell spoke "Heeheehee! Yer close, but Appletank actually has it real bad fer Komasan."

Appletank shouts "*Blushing more* GRANNELL!!!"

The other Sianyan snickers "Oh wow, I wonder how Koma Kaachan will react to that!"

Kikyo meows "Not to myention, Komami..."

Appletank was blushing so much that steam was coming out of her ears and the tank gun on her chest.

Danyelle spoke "Tex! Rocky! Kikyo! That wasn't very nice of you!"

All three meow "Sorry Alpha-Queen Danyelle..."

Grannell Smith spoke "Oh, don't mind them none, Danyelle. Yokai are prone to make mischief once in a while."

Danyelle spoke "They were the first three to join my hive-pack before I had even started it up. But Kikyo's been a Yokai a bit longer than the two toms."

But then a Rainbow Dash showed up with her Rainbow mane flowing upward a bit, having a bit of white in her mane and tail, her front hooves being paws, being able to stand upright, and had sky-blue flames in her eyes.

Appletank spoke "Rainbow Dasiro."

Rainbow Dasiro spoke "'Sup, Appletank."

Danyelle spoke "Now I've seen everything!"

Rainbow Dasiro spoke "Hey, guys! If ya don’t know already, I’m a fusion of Rainbow Dash and Siro. And I can bring the best out of any kind of creature or Yo-Kai."

Danyelle spoke "least these three cats don't cause trouble for others."


Sisters Take Flight/ Nightmare Roommate

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*Jato’s POV*

Well, today was finally the day.

Haven spoke "I was a bit surprised when I found out about their boyfriends."

“Hehe. Like how your parents were when they found out you were dating me?” I asked with a smile.

Haven spoke "They had no idea what a Wonderbolt was though."

“Yeah. Makes sense since it’s been THAT long.” I noted.

Haven spoke "But with some of the alicorns back, there's no point of me being queen now."

Zipp spoke "Hey mom and dad."

“Hey, Zipp.” I greeted with a smile. “You and Pipp ready yet?”

Zipp spoke "Yeah, we asked that eleven tailed hybrid to help move our things to Maretime Bay since he's quite strong."

“Not surprised since he’s half the size of his fox and cat parents.” I agreed.

Zipp spoke "I heard rumor that his alicorn surrogate was afraid of losing her life back then."

I spoke "My parents and stepmom mentioned that one time."

Zipp spoke "Oh."

A loud roar was heard all the way from Maretime Bay since a bratty alicorn had the gall to go near there.

I couldn’t help but facehoof at that.

Haven asks "Was that the Nine Tailed Terror that you told me about one time?"

Pipp was confused.

Pipp asks "What?"

I spoke "Basically, the Nine Tailed Terror was what some of the bad guys from long ago had called Princess Twilight due to the nine tailed fox that resides in her."

Pipp gasps "Whoa! You serious?!"

I chuckle "Yep plus my stepmom pulled off a Sonic Rainboom when Rarity was in danger."

Zipp laughs "Yeah! I saw the Rainboom myself! And guess what?"

Pipp spoke "Let me guess, you're able to pull off the Stormboom."

Zipp giggles "Heeheehee! Yep!"

Pipp spoke "I don't have the wings for that though."

Zipp spoke "Come on, Sis. I know you can do something like that. You have the Roar."

Pipp spoke "That's in the Sparkle family...."

Zipp spoke "Sorry, forgot about that."

Pipp spoke "Anyways, we should get going."

Zipp spoke "Right."

Haven spoke "Good luck girls."

"Do your best out there." I encouraged.

Zipp spoke "Thanks mom. Thanks dad."

Pipp spoke "Thank you both so much."

Our daughters hugged us as we hugged back.

Haven asks "Write to us often okay?"

Zipp spoke "Sure."

I chuckle "Bye girls."

*Back in Maretime Bay*

Danyelle exclaims "I have an idea Twilight! We can revive the Equestria Games!"

Twilight asks "Uh... Is that really a good idea?"

Danyelle spoke "It's been 220 years since the last Games happened though."

Twilight spoke "Good point."

Danyelle spoke "Plus it'll be good for the ponies of this era to learn about our era's customs."

Twilight spoke "Okay. But we also have to adapt to their era."

Danyelle spoke "We and the other immortals from our era are basically temporal fish out of water though... Plus the sirens have to hide their true forms since we don't know how the others will react."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Operetta was in hedgehog form since she couldn't reveal her true form.

Operetta groans "I don't like being in this form..."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, Operetta. But you can’t show your true self yet since we don’t know how the others would think."

Operetta spoke "Least the siren hybrids have it easier..."

Adagio was covered in tomato sauce for some reason.

Adagio spoke "I hate tomatoes now...."

Danyelle and Twilight both ask "What happened?"

Adagio spoke "Somepony saw the reflection of my true form in a window...."

Danyelle spoke "Drat…"

Twilight spoke "Ponyfeathers…"

Daylight asks "But what about Dusk and I?"

*That night*

Dusk was asleep in his room.

Midnight was snoring loudly.

All of the loud snoring woke Dusk up. “Ugh…”

Sweetie Belle groans "For such a big guy... His snoring's like a loud tractor...."

Dusk spoke "You’re telling me…"

Sweetie spoke "Better yet, a noisy dragon...."

Shigechi and Buttercream were snoring like foghorns on a freighter.

Spyro was on his back while snoring as one of his back feet twitched in a doglike manner.

Cynder snickered in her sleep since Spyro was being funny.

Dusk spoke "Still… I love you Sweetie Belle."

Izzy was sleep-flying.

Sweetie Belle spoke "I love you too Dusk. And Izzy’s sleep-flying again."

The alicorn teen soon had her horn stuck in the wall.

Dusk sighs "One of these days, I'm gonna stick a tennis ball on that kid's horn...."

Sweetie Belle spoke "Oh shush, Dusky."

Dusk nibbles on his wife's ear.

Sweetie Belle giggles "*Lustful purr* Now don't do that, darling. You might make me hungry for you."

Dusk chuckles "Since Izzy is pretty much immortal, we could give her a sibling."

Sweetie Belle spoke "*Lustful growl* Now you're making me eager to book us an elegant room in the Chuddle Hotel, darling."

Dusk spoke "But I don't have any warp rings on hoof."

Sweetie Belle asks "Now… I’m sure we could get a warp ring. Right… Darling?"

Dusk spoke "Sonic doesn't know how to make more of them.... Unless there was a way to build a stable portal to Sumarda's dimension..."

Sweetie Belle lunged on Dusk, pinning him. “Now, Dusky-Wusky darling… All this waiting is making me absolutely ravenous for you.”

Dusk chuckles "Oh I'll give it to you alright."

*The next morning*

*Honey's POV*

I was yawning since uncle Midnight's snoring had kept me up all night.

I spoke "Woah... *yawn* You look like a mess Sunny..."

Sunny spoke "Heehee… *Yawn* So do you, Honey…"

I yawn "Let me guess... Between Izzy's sleep-flying and Uncle Midnight's snoring... Nobody got much sleep?"

The others nodded, confirming that no one got sleep except Izzy, Spyro, Cynder, Midnight, Buttercream and Shigechi.

Danyelle yawns "I hate loud noise..."

Ben yawns "We really need to do something…"

Danyelle yawns "Sound proof room..."

Sonic yawns "Yeah…"

Megaman spoke "Least I didn't have that problem."

Roll groans "I did..."

But then Midnight woke up with a sneeze.

Roll yelps since her tail got burnt.

Midnight asks "Oh, sorry about that. Wait, anyone seen Dusk or Sweetie Belle?"

Danyelle spoke "You don't want to know...."

Twilight spoke "But you seriously need to work on that snoring problem..."

Midnight spoke "Sorry, mom."

Sumarda showed up. “Man… Now I know why Sobeka brought them to the Hotel.”

Danyelle giggles "Immortals, what can I say?"

Sumarda spoke "And I saw how Sweetie Belle and Dusk were acting. Needless and safe to say, they may be staying at the hotel for a few days, maybe a week. And they booked the Open-Air Suite."

Danyelle spoke "Guess that's for winged folks."

Sumarda spoke "Or anyone that can fly, by wings or by magic."

Starlight spoke "True."

Sumarda spoke "The Open-Air Suite has a hot spring too. Besides, Buttercream and Shigechi are regulars at the hotel, they’ve practically went to every suite and room they could book for dragons, except for the Infinite Showtime Suite. It’s practically the most daring of them all. It’s best if you take my word for it."

Rainbow spoke "AWESOME!!!"

Sumarda spoke "Uh… What’s awesome? Just making sure here."

Danyelle groans "Now you've done it Sumarda... Rainbow's one of the most daring Pegasi I know..."

Applejack asks "What’re you up to now, Dash?"

Soarin spoke "I think I might know..."

Soarin drags his two mares through a warp ring to the hotel.

Crosswind asks "Jackie?"

Applejack sighs "Might as well bring hir along too."

Twilight spoke "By next year, we'll have a new batch of kids..."

Sumarda spoke "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, Applejack and their families will get new fans."

Twilight spoke "I may be 200 some odd years of age, but I look like a 25 year old."

Sumarda spoke "Yep. But still, out of concern, I hope they’re ready for what’s in the room."

Danyelle spoke "Something tells me that your clone bumped into an anthro opinicus..."

Sumarda asks "You mean Helia met someone? Who?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure."

*Meanwhile at the Chuddle Hotel*

An anthro male opinicus had bumped into Helia.

Xander spoke "Sorry."

Helia spoke "Don’t worry, it’s o- *Notices Xander* -kay…"

Xander's eyes flash pink.

Xander spoke "*blush* Pretty pony...."

Helia’s eyes flashed pink as well.

Helia giggles "*Blush* Hubba-hubba…."

Xander kisses Helia.

Helia kissed back before the two passionately started making out.

Zoey took a picture of the two before teleporting the camera to Sumarda.

Zoey giggles "{That'll surprise Sumarda.}"

*Back with me and the others*

A camera suddenly appeared in Sumarda’s paws, much to her confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Seems it's from Zoey, I know her magic anywhere."

Sumarda spoke "I wonder what it is."

Sumarda looked at the camera before her pupils shrank as she comically shattered into pieces like fragile glass.

Dren was laughing.

Twilight asks "What is it?"

Dren chuckles "Zoey got a pic of Helia and an opinicus male!"

That got all of our attention.

Danyelle asks "*Intrigued* And what happened?"

Dren spoke "According to Zoey, the two had zinged."

That left all of us surprised as Sumarda put herself back together.

Danyelle giggles "That baka strawberry cat."

Sumarda asks "Man… Even though Helia’s a Pegasus double of me that I created, she’s also practically a sister to me. So I’m guessing that I’ll have a bro in-law soon. Wait, did Rainbow Dash, Applejack and the others check in at the Chuddle Hotel for the Infinite Showtime Suite?"

Dren spoke "According to Zoey, Applejack and Crosswind took the Country West room since the two are farmers. The three Wonderbolts have the Showtime room."

Sumarda spoke "Oh boy, Helia and Xander are heading to the Infinite Showtime Suite next to the Wonderbolts' Infinite Showtime Suite. I forgot to mention that there are multiple rooms of some suites in case a pair want to book a suite that another pair already booked and are in."

Dren spoke "Oh wow."


Ponyville’s Rebirth

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*Lillian’s POV*

Well, it’s time to get started on the reconstruction of Ponyville.

Danyelle spoke "But Ponyville's completely covered by the Everfree Forest though."

Twilight asks "What if we teleported Ponyville to a clear area?"

Danyelle spoke "But we don't have enough working horns available though. Plus Redheart would yell if you overworked yourself Sparkle Butt."

Twilight taunts "Like you don’t overwork yourself, feline flank?"

Danyelle spoke "Least I'm not the one that's pregnant."

Twilight teases "*Smirk* So, when are you and Ben gonna have another kitten?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me use the word on you Sparkle Butt!"

Twilight giggles "Heehee! Sorry, Feline Flank. But Flash and I might catch up to you and Ben on the amount of kids we have, blood and adopted combined."

Danyelle spoke "I've got thrice the number of kids that Rarity has."

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Speaking of, you've got triplets on the way."

Twilight gasps "What?!?"

“Wow. Just like Pinkie.” I awed in surprise.

Katie was carrying a pair of unhatched eggs.

Katie spoke "Hey mom."

A howl was heard but it wasn't as loud as Holo's howl.

Danyelle asks "What was that?"

Ash spoke "That didn't sound like a regular Lycanroc... Or a Zoroark...."

“A Lycanroark?” I guessed.

Danyelle spoke "More like a Lycanark!"

Pipp spoke "There's so many undiscovered Pokemon!"

Ash spoke "Oh yeah!!!"

Liko giggles "Dad, you're crazy."

Serena spoke "Ash, I need to talk to you."

Ash spoke "Huh? Uh… Okay."

Serena spoke "Given that we don't have any pokeballs on hand, it might be harder to catch Pokemon now."

Ash froze at that.

Danyelle spoke "Oh cuss... I forgot about that too...."

A Latias popped out of her pokeball and much to Ash's surprise, it was the very same Latias from Altomare.

Latias immediately nuzzles Ash.

Serena asks "Do you know this Latias?"

Ash spoke "Yeah."

Latias licks Ash's cheek before taking his hat.

Ash laughed.

Danyelle giggles "She missed you."

Ash laughs "Hahaha! No doubt."

Danyelle giggles "Playful as ever."

“So we should probably find Ponyville in the Everfree Forest before trying to move it.” I suggested.

Danyelle spoke "Good thing I have a few Pokemon that know Cut and Steel Wing, they can help."

Twilight spoke "Smart."

I spoke "I think those of the old era should head to the ruins of Ponyville and clear out the extra trees."

Danyelle spoke "Definitely."

Natsu spoke "Maybe we can use the cut trees to rebuild the Fairy Tail guildhall!"

Lucy spoke "That's a great idea Natsu!"

Layla spoke "Plus the other dragons can carry the wood back once it's cut!"

Nashi spoke "This'll be awesome!"

So all of us started getting to work inside the Everfree Forest.

Cynder and the other dragons carried the cut trees back to Maretime Bay once a flock of Pidgeotto that Danyelle had asked to help got the trees cut.

But then we heard something snap.

Holo and Myuri snarl when they heard the noise.

Danyelle spoke "Holo and Myuri, stand down."

Both wolves back off.

Rarity asks "Who goes there? Are you friend or foe?"

But then Rarity suddenly found herself dragged up. But when we looked at where Rarity is, she was caught in a snare trap.

Wings flapping in fear, Rarity spoke "GET ME DOWN!!!"

But then we heard rustling.

Danyelle sliced the snare trap with Chaos Slash thus freeing Rarity.

Rarity whines "That's gonna leave a scar...."

But then an arrow flew at us, before we dodged it. But when it hit a nearby tree, it exploded.

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Barrier Trap!"

The attacker was soon trapped in an unbreakable and inescapable barrier.

The offender spoke "You made me lose a bit of blood there for me to get out of that."

Danyelle growls "But my Chaos Barrier Trap is inescapable, nothing can escape it!"

The offender spoke "Then I guess I’m just lucky."

We heard a stab before we saw a buttercream-yellow hoof holding a hunting knife that pierced an ordinary but then it raised to a mare’s muzzle before she took a bite out of it, much to Rarity’s disgust.

Danyelle snarls "Who the hell are you?"

The mare came out of the shadows, and much to our shock, it was a Fluttershy.

Twilight growls "You're not the Fluttershy I know..."

The Fluttershy lookalike spoke "Twilight. If I had known it was you, I wouldn’t have even bothered setting off those traps."

Rarity however was horrified and wanted to know why that Fluttershy was like this.

To the lookalike's shock, Twilight's right eye was scarred.

The Fluttershy lookalike asks "Have you’ve been forced into a war as well?"

Twilight spoke "Not counting the 200 years I was trapped in limbo, I've fought plenty of bad guys."

The Fluttershy lookalike asks "I see. Well what kind of creeps?"

Twilight spoke "Nightmare Moon, Discord, twice with Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, Starlight, three sirens, the Pony of Shadows, the Storm King, Grogar and Eggman... I fought Eggman more often though before he changed his ways."

Flutterambo spoke "...Buck."

Danyelle spoke "I'm also known as the Nekomata of Redemption since I help others change their ways. In fact, Gilda was the first one I had reached out to since I knew what it was like to lose a friend... I once had a friend when I was little but I lost all contact with that person... But I eventually made new friends."

Flutterambo spoke "...You can call me Flutterambo."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Flutterambo spoke "Just so you know, war’s hardened my heart."

Danyelle spoke "You won't find much war in the prime zone since it's peaceful now."

Flutterambo spoke "But I can tell something dark is coming."

Holo spoke "If it's that uppity alicorn brat, we can handle her."

Danyelle asks "One question though, why did you put all sorts of traps in the Everfree Forest?"

Flutterambo scoffs "Tch. You don’t know the kinds of monsters in there are more dangerous than before. Powerful enough to start a war. And to fight a war, you gotta become war."

Holo growls "The forest is MY domain, I'll deal with those monsters."

Flutterambo spoke "You shouldn’t fight them alone."

Holo spoke "Silence thou tongue young one, I've dealt with cockatrices and whatnot for years."

But then a spiky red needle flew by and all of us dodged it before it hit a tree, rotting it and turning it to mush.

Holo snarls "WHO GOES THERE????"

Flutterambo spoke "One of the monsters I encountered."

We then saw a machine floating in the air.

Maria pops up with Eggman it tow.

Maria asks "What is a robot doing here of all places?"

Eggman scanned the machine, only to realize something as the machine suddenly faded into thin air.

Eggman spoke "That’s no machine. It’s a stand."

Danyelle spoke "Someone obviously doesn't want us in the forest..."

But then we heard nibbling as we saw a rat eating a piece of meat.

Danyelle's feline instincts kick in before pouncing on the rat.

The rat jumped out of the way before it hissed as the same machine from before appeared behind it when its head tipped forward, revealing some kind of flintlock before it fired, shooting the same spiky needle from before as Danyelle dodged it.

Danyelle shot white fire from her mouth at the rat's Stand, melting it.

But then the rat melted as well.

Maria spoke "Impressive! Even with the strongest Stand in existence, Danyelle's a seasoned fighter!"

Danyelle spoke "It comes from experience."

But then we heard a hiss of pain as we looked behind and saw Twilight’s right front hoof rotting and becoming mush before Josuke showed up.

Josuke scoffs "Come on. Seriously? Those SOBs again?"

Josuke put his hands on Twilight’s rotting hoof and healed it completely.

Danyelle spoke "We should clear out any hostiles before we continue cutting trees down. I don't want anyone to get hurt again."

Josuke spoke "No. There’s another rat with that stand. But he’s smart, and keeping his distance."

Danyelle spoke "But you know.... Cats are a rat's natural enemy."

Josuke spoke "Yeah, but he’s not a normal rat, even with a stand."

Danyelle spoke "I may not look it but I also have a Stand, mine's called Celestial Gods."

A pair of white wolves leap out of Danyelle's shadow.

Danyelle spoke "Amaterasu, Chibiterasu, flush out that rat!"

The two wolves snarl before running off to find the rat.

Later, the two wolves came back, looking perturbed.

Amaterasu spoke "Woof woof. {I just don’t understand. We looked and followed the scent of a rat, but we found dead ends.}"

Josuke spoke "Oh man, Bug-Eaten must’ve back-tracked on you guys."

Moegami screeches in agreement with the two wolves.

Tachigami squeaks "Squeak squeak! {Even the other brush gods can't find it!}"

Gekigami chuffs.

Danyelle’s ears twitched, before lunging at Josuke, pushing him down. “Get down!”

The same pink spiky needle flew by, missing Danyelle as it melted another tree.

Gekigami shot lightning at the offender.

Sonic spoke "By stars, that's one annoying rat!"

Tachigami squeaks "Squeak squeak! {That was rude! Stupid hedgehog!}"

But then Danyelle noticed a quick glimmer of light before Josuke tossed her a live rifle bullet.

Josuke spoke "Use this to snipe out that stand-using rat."

Maria spoke "I'm out!"

Maria teleported away just as Shadow appears.

Shadow spoke "It would be wiser to let someone with gun experience to handle a rifle."

Danyelle tosses the rifle to Shadow while talking. "Good idea, I refuse to use guns though."

Josuke spoke "Okay. But make sure to dodge those needles, because they can even affect an android like you. But you know, no pressure."

Shadow spoke "I'm not an android..."

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, quiet please."

The others go quiet, none of the Pegasi were flapping their wings.

Danyelle's ears were twitching as she listened for sounds while Shadow got the rifle ready.

Danyelle's left ear twitches since something was approaching.

Danyelle spoke "It’s getting ready to fire!"

Shadow aimed the gun since he was the only gun expert in range.

Meanwhile in the distance, Bug-Eaten was actually aiming for Shadow when it saw the hedgehog pointing the gun in the rat’s direction.

Danyelle silently teleported to behind Bug-Eaten before pouncing on it, sinking her fangs into the rat's neck thus killing it.

The stand, Ratt, then disappeared.

Josuke spoke "Not bad. But I managed to kill Bug-Eaten before by using Shining Diamond to shoot that rifle round right through its stand and heart."

Danyelle rips the rat apart before eating it.

Danyelle spoke "Least Bug won't be harassing us anymore."

Flutterambo spoke "At least the worst has come past us."

Danyelle spoke "Keen ears really come in handy."

Shadow spoke "And a gun expert too."

Flutterambo spoke "No argument there."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but there's still bound to be more threats."

But then Flutterambo threw her hunting knife at Danyelle, only for it to fly by her, stabbing an enemy’s chest behind her as it walked back before unintentionally pulling a connected wire, setting off a trap covered by leaves as Flutterambo flew behind the enemy. The trap sprang up to reveal bamboo spikes which impaled the enemy and keeping it still as it coughed. After Flutterambo landed, she trotted up behind the enemy and jabbed her hoof into the enemy’s throat, before tearing its neck open, ripping out its windpipe and larynx, killing the enemy.

Danyelle spoke "Damn! Girl, you are savage!"

Flutterambo spoke "Like I said, to fight a war, you have to become war."

Shadow spoke "She may not look tough but she destroyed three of the worst enemies known to all Smashers."

Flutterambo spoke "Okay. But you better follow me since I practically filled the forest with traps, but I also hid some weapons too."

Holo growls "You did what to my forest?!?"

Flutterambo used her stare on Holo, making the wolf feel like she was staring the demon of death right in the eyes, causing her to back off with a whimper.

Applejack spoke "What did you do to mah cousin? She's the guardian of the Everfree forest for pony's sake!"

Flutterambo spoke "Tch. I was only calming her down."

Myuri spoke "Let me explain, my ma doesn't like folks setting traps in her forest."

Flutterambo spoke "Well I know where they are and how to avoid them."

Twilight spoke "Even in the old days, Holo didn't like traps in her forest."

Flutterambo brought out a remote with her wing and pressed the button with a feather before we heard all kinds of noises.

Rarity had kept her weight off her injured hoof.

Danyelle's nose soon picks up on the scent of orcs.

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, don't move..."

Flutterambo asks "Orcs?"

Danyelle spoke "Rimuru told me about them once... They're rather ravenous monsters... There was one time they had destroyed an ogre village...."

Flutterambo spoke "I’ll admit, this is new to me."

Danyelle spoke "I may have dealt with Changelings and Diamond Dogs but orcs are out of my range..."

A voice asks "Danyelle? That you?"

Danyelle asks "That you Shion?"

Shion revealed herself, with her hair being disheveled and clothes being torn up.

Danyelle gasps "Shion! What happened?"

But before Shion could answer, she fell unconscious. Then her stomach growled ferociously after that.

Danyelle hoisted the Wicked Oni up onto her back as Amaterasu and Chibiterasu go back into the cat's shadow.

Danyelle spoke "I'll get her to Maretime Bay and get some fish into her."

Rarity spoke "I might need this leg looked at by Redheart."

The two flew off back to Maretime Bay with Shion.

Twilight spoke "We better find Shuna and the others."

Applejack spoke "Ah agree, who knows what coulda happened to the lot."

But then a portal opened, revealing Rainbow Dashiro and an otter in a rabbit astronaut suit.

Rainbow Dashiro asks "Hey guys, had a strange feeling you might need help. Wait, what happened to Fluttershy?!"

Holo spoke "Dashiro, you got the wrong Fluttershy..."

Twilight spoke "We're looking for the rest of Shion's friends."

Dasiro spoke "Oh. And even though you might not see him, I brought some help."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle's able to see things the rest of us can't though."

Dasiro spoke "Maybe this can help. Gotta admit, I was lucky that I found this."

Dasiro tossed Twilight a mysterious marble, who caught it with magic and was confused.

Twilight used her magic to infuse the strange marble with her eyes, enabling her to see things that others can't see.

Twilight asks "What was that?"

Dashiro spoke "Oh, just one of the important pieces of a Yo-Kai Watch that I found in the woods. Besides, it should help you make some Yo-Kai friends."

Twilight spoke "Yet Danyelle can see them without the need for that sort of watch though.... But just one problem.... Princess Zoey is afraid of ghosts... Which also applies to yokai, unfortunately...."

Dashiro spoke "Better make sure Zoey doesn’t get that marble or the Yo-Kai Watch."

But then Twilight saw the Yo-Kai accompanying Rainbow Dashiro. “Uh… Is that some kind of alien?”

the creature spoke "No! Ah’m Usapyon! Ah ain’t no stinkin’ alien! Ah’m a Yo-Kai!"

Holo spoke "Either way, we have to find the other monsters."

Twilight calls out "Shuna! Can you hear me?!?"

Shuna calls back. "Yeah! I hear you!"

Twilight spoke "Shion's okay! Danyelle took her to a place called Maretime Bay!"

Shuna spoke "That’s great! Rimuru’s here with me. Some of the others, and I are guarding Ponyville’s remains."

Gabiru shouts "I GOT THORNS IN MY BUTT!!"

Dashiro spoke "Yeesh."

Twilight spoke "We're heading to your location now!"

Dashiro spoke "Let's go!"

Usapyon spoke "Darn tootin'!"

Twilight spoke "yeah!!!"

But then Twilight smirked mischievously at an idea. “So, Dashiro…”

Dashiro asks "Yeah?"

Twilight asks "You and Usapyon dating?"

That caught Dashiro and Usapyon off guard as their faces blushed bright red.

Twilight snickers.

Dashiro stutters "Uh... Well... Um..."

Usapyon groans "Not another Hailey..."

Twilight spoke "Don't deny it. You know it's true."

Dashiro spoke "I-It's true alright..."

Danyelle's voice was heard from a distance.

Danyelle spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight yelps "GAH!!!"

Twilight found herself face-first on the ground.

Dashiro spoke "At least you didn't make Usa angry enough to go into Invader Mode."

Applejack spoke "Ya don't wanna see how mad Twilight can get..."

Dashiro spoke "If it's as bad as I think Twilight's anger is, it's as scary as Usa's Emperor Mode."

Applejack spoke "Far as Ah know, Twilight's kyubi form is about triple the size of Holo's true form."

Dashiro spoke "It's more of the power I'm worried about, not the size."

Applejack spoke "But whenever Twilight combines forms wit Danyelle, the two form a rather powerful being called Divine Danyterama."

Dashiro spoke "Whoa… Like Jibanyan and Whisper fusing into Buchinyan."

Applejack spoke "Eyup..."

Holo's ears perk up.

Myuri spoke "I hear something..."

Usapyon readied his blaster.

Twilight spoke "Hold your fire, it could be Souei or one of the other monsters..."

Usapyon stilled his blaster.

Twilight spoke "Whoever is hiding might as well come out."

A familiar voice said, “I honestly wasn’t expecting a portal to open on me and bring me to this universe.”

A Twilight revealed herself, having nine foxlike tails, and her fur and mane had a combo of Twilight’s normal colors with grey and silver. Her front hooves were clawed hands with long and pointy nails.

Dashiro asks "Frostlight? That you?"

Frostlight spoke "Yeah, Dashiro. It’s me."

Twilight had shifted to partial kyubi form.

Twilight spoke "Guess I'm not the only half fox there is."

Frostlight asks "And I’m guessing your element’s fire?"

Twilight spoke "Yes, plus I have a nine tailed beast and a two tailed beast inside my body."

Frostlight spoke "That’s new. I fused with a Frostail, and hence the name, my element’s ice."

Twilight spoke "I've had Kurama since I was born."

Frostlight spoke "Mind… Blown."

Twilight asks "But isn't Frostail a dog yokai?"

Frostlight spoke "Yeah, but a bit more fox-like, due to appearances."

Kurama spoke "Still a dog!"


Welcome to Mane Melody

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*Sweetie Belle’s POV*

I was taking a nice walk through Maretime Bay when I heard some great singing.

Izzy spoke "Hey mom!"

“Hey, sweetie. Do you hear that?” I asked.

Izzy's ears perk up.

Izzy spoke "Yeah mom, I do hear it. I think that's Pipp."

“Something’s telling me she opened a mane salon. Heehee! She really is like Rarity.” I smiled.

Izzy giggles "Though she has Wonderbolt grandparents, she's more like auntie Rarity. Plus she's a lot like you when it comes to singing."

I couldn’t help but giggle in total agreement.

Dusk spoke "Hey Belle."

“Heehee! Hello, Dusky-Wusky.” I greeted with a kiss on my husband’s lips.

Izzy spoke "Eww...."

“Now what’s with that, Izzy?” I asked.

Izzy spoke "Not in front of everyone...."

A loud crash was heard since a reindeer doe had crashed into the side of Pipp's salon.

Dusk spoke "That can’t be good."

The doe groans "Ow..."

“You okay?” I asked in concern.

The doe spoke "I think my back left leg is broken.... Plus I have to guide Santa's sleigh this year...."

Dusk suddenly facehoofed himself in shock. “We need to help her!”

Flying over, Twilight spoke "With Hearth's Warming being next Saturday, we need to find a replacement in case that doe's leg doesn't heal in time."

Danyelle gasps "What?!"

Twilight spoke "Afraid so..."

Danyelle spoke "I need to get to work right away!!!"

Twilight spoke "But it's a long flight to the North Pole though plus you might freeze to death if you aren't careful."

Danyelle spoke "I know that Sparkle Butt."

Lillian asks "But what’re we gonna do?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure Lills but we'll think of something and..."

Danyelle burped up a scroll from Santa which hits Twilight in the face.

Twilight sighs "At least there’s no paper cut this time."

Danyelle asks "What does it say?"

Lillian spoke "Seems there's trouble at the North Pole..."

Danyelle spoke "That can’t be good."

But then a familiar unicorn stallion flew in with the winter wind.

The stallion spoke "No doubt about that."

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see Jack Frost."

Jack Frost asks "Yeah. But it’s kinda important. See?"

We looked up and saw the Northern Lights.

Jack Frost spoke The other guardians were called too."

Danyelle's cutie mark was glowing, as was Sunny's mark and Twilight's mark.

Jack Frost spoke "That’s new. Guess Man in Moon’s saying that we need extra help."

A brown gryphon male with amber eyes spoke "You can count me and Blue in as well."

Bluestar giggles.

Gallus showed up with Silverstream.

Bluestar spoke "Hey big bro."

Gallus spoke "Hey, Bluestar."

Silver Moon and Blueberry Pie showed up as Water Glider appeared as well.

Water Glider spoke "Hi Auntie."

Oakheart spoke "Uh hey."

Gallus just glared at Oakheart.

Bluestar spoke "Gallus, quit scaring him! You're just like Shining Armor back when Akari was a foal..."

Gallus sighs "Hey, I’m just worried about you, okay?"

Twilight spoke "She's right Gallus, you remind me of Shining."

Gallus asks "Come on! Is really wrong to be worried about family?"

Chrysalis was trying to get the mistletoe off her horn.

Chrysalis growls "Who's dumb idea was it to tie this crap to my horn?"

Twilight giggled before teleporting away as Sumarda showed up.

Sumarda giggles "Man, Twilight and Cadence pulled a fast one on you."

Chrysalis spoke "I'm gonna tickle her!"

Sumarda spoke "Something’s telling me this won’t end well."

Chrysalis shows Sumarda a picture of Twilight dressed up as Mrs Santa.

Sumarda spoke "Oh man… If Flash saw this, he’d faint with a nosebleed."

Chrysalis snickers "Well, I got another pic that would make that Garchomp and that pie lover both faint!"

Chameleo then showed up. “RD still remembers that color Raptor put on for the Christmas holidays.”

Chameleo showed a picture of a Garchomp, but it was a different color.

Chrysalis laughs "Oh my cuss! He should SO do that again this year!"

Chameleo spoke "Well… Heeheehee! I just remembered!"

Chrysalis asks "What?"

Chameleo spoke "Don’t worry, it’ll only last for a day. But I use a lot of power to use it."

Midnight spoke "Hey Chameleo, maybe I could help you out with that!"

Chameleo spoke "Really? This is only the second time I’m gonna pull it off. The first time was for the party after Magic was restored in my universe and my clone brought everything back from the Limbo, making my Equus whole again. So for the party, there was actually a huge performance, starting me, my friends, family, from my home dimension, Blaza’s home dimension and my EG dimension. Meaning I temporarily fused them to help celebrate."

Midnight spoke "I may not be as magically gifted as my alicorn surrogate but I've got strength."

Chameleo spoke "Okay, but it’ll still be hard. To temporarily fuse my universe with yours, it’ll take a lot of energy."

Nyx asks "But what if it took about ten alicorns to help you?"

Chameleo spoke "I… I don’t know…"

Nyx spoke "Maybe that would be a bad idea...."

Chameleo spoke "Sorry about that. It just caught me off guard. Normally it would be easier, but it’s never happened before. So I’m not sure what would happen. But let’s give it a shot."

Nyx spoke "Maybe building a portal would be easier."

Chameleo spoke "Well it’s easier done than said."

Chameleo put a crystal seed deep into the ground before it grew into a crystalline tree with an active portal gateway on it.

Nyx spoke "Cool!"

Chameleo spoke "But that being said, this’ll only lead into my castle. And people may be busy."

Nyx spoke "Especially this time of year."

Oakheart spoke "I agree but Hearth's Warming isn't just about presents, it's spending time with family and friends."

Chameleo spoke "Can't argue with that."

Bluestar giggles "If only a certain brother of mine would back off and let me do my own thing."

Chameleo asks "Heh. But you met Jolyne Cujoh, right?"

Bluestar spoke "Rusty did."

Chameleo spoke "Oh. But I should give you a warning; if you ever find time to be accelerating, do NOT die. Otherwise, you’ll be replaced by someone new in the rebirth of the universe. Dialga showed me THAT much."

Bluestar spoke "I've been exposed to Chaos energy since I was a cub though, I have some of my mom's attacks including Chaos Barrier. Besides, my mom is friends with a Dialga."

Chameleo spoke "I know. Just trying to give a warning."

Speaking of Dialga, the one that Danyelle had befriended was walking past the two.

Dialga spoke "Hello kids."

Chameleo spoke "Oh, hi Lord Dialga."

Dialga spoke "I'm not the Dialga thou knows."

Chameleo spoke "Sorry. You two look exactly the same. It’s hard to tell who’s who."

Nyx asks "But isn't your Dialga a shiny?"

Chameleo asks "Huh?"

Nyx spoke "My mom said that shinies are a different color than the normal colored Pokémon."

A shiny Eeveetaur female was chasing after a tiger chakat.

Nyx spoke "Most Eevee are brown colored right? So a shiny one has silver fur."

Chameleo spoke "Huh."

Dialgo then suddenly showed up, looking like a Shiny Dialga. “Sorry about that. Looks like if I visit any other universes, my normal disguise wears off.”

Nyx spoke "Some shinies are more noticeable though."

*At the mane salon*

A tiger chakat spoke "Hey Pipp."

Pipp asks "Hmm, yeah?"

The tiger chakat spoke "I would like a new hairstyle."

Pipp asks "Sure thing! What would you want it to be?"

The tiger chakat spoke "Hmm, surprise me."

Pipp excitedly spoke "Then let’s do this!"

Pipp started going to work on the tiger chakat’s hair.

The chakat asks "Do you know my sibling, Riverstride?"

Pipp spoke "*Surprised* Yeah."

Tigersplash spoke "I'm hir younger sibling, Tigersplash. My friends call me Tig."

Pipp spoke "Sorry but I've got a coltfriend already."

Tigersplash spoke "Oh, I didn't know."

Pipp spoke "It’s okay. No biggie."

Tigersplash spoke "I'll find the right one some day."

Pipp spoke "I’m sure you will, Tig."

Tigersplash spoke "I think I have but she's got someone already..."

Pipp asks "Who?"

Tigersplash blushes.

Pipp spoke "Come on, you can tell me."

Tigersplash spoke "All I know is that she's got an earth pony coltfriend... But she's a Pegasus though..."

Pipp spoke "Really? What’s she like?"

Tigersplash spoke "I heard rumors that she has Wonderbolt grandparents..."

Jazz spoke "For the love of... Shi's talking about you Pipp."

Pipp was frozen and speechless. “*Blush* W-What?”

Jazz spoke "A hedgefox never lies."

Tigersplash blushes.

Pipp sighs "Oh… How is Hitchy gonna take this…?"

Volt spoke "Just be honest with him."

Pipp stammers "B-But… How?"

Jazz darted off before returning while dragging Hitch by the tail.

Jazz spoke "Tell him."

Volt spoke "My mom said that chakats swing both ways when it comes to love."

Pipp started getting nervous.

Tigersplash spoke "She's right Pipp, my species swings both ways when it comes to love. Take Crosswind for example, shi's a ponykat yet shi has both a wife and a husband."

That left Pipp and Hitch surprised.

Tigersplash spoke "It's true, chakats can both sire and carry a kid to term."

Pipp asks "Guess I didn't know that... Did you Hitch?"

Hitch spoke "Not one bit."

Pipp spoke "Maybe we should have asked grandpa."

Danyelle had flown off towards the North Pole while carrying Twilight, Jack, Sunny and the doe in a magic built sleigh.

Dusk spoke "I wonder where those four are going."

I spoke "Maybe to the North Pole."

Izzy spoke "Probably."

Sweetie Belle’s nose twitched.

Dusk asks "What is it now?"

I suddenly smirked as I looked at Mane Melody. “I think some of Cadence’s talents rubbed off on me.”

Applebloom soon crashed into a tree, getting her new horn stuck in the wood.

Applebloom groans "Owe..."

But then they heard a crash as Lance was somehow flat on his back on the ground with a major nosebleed geyser.

Percival sighs "My brother is an idiot..."

Spice spoke "Eyup..."

But then a portal opened, revealing an adult Applebloom, and she looked like she was fused with a kind of food yo-kai, followed by an adult Apple Wasp/Waspeye who looked like he was fused with a red angry giant centipede yo-kai.

The Applebloom lookalike spoke "Howdy, y’all."

Looking at the Applebloom lookalike, Spice spoke "Ah've seen a lot of crazy things before but you kinda look like my ma."


Royals at the North Pole

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*Sunny’s POV*

I’m so excited! We’re going to the North Pole with THE Jack Frost!

Twilight giggles "You're an excitable mare, eh Sunny?"

Danyelle spoke "Hey, you were an excitable mare too, Twilight."

Twilight spoke "If you hadn't hooked Flash and I up, I wouldn't have had Akari and thus Sunny would've had a different mother."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah. But at least we know where Sunny gets her excitement."

I giggle "Least we know where I got my love of learning from."

Twilight giggled, not denying that.

Danyelle spoke "My wings are getting cold...."

Jack spoke "Means we’re getting close."

Danyelle coats her wings with fire to keep them warm.

Danyelle sighs "Ah… Much better."

Something hits Danyelle on the wing, causing her and the sleigh to careen towards the ground.

Twilight and I shield ourselves and the other three with magic before we landed in the snow.

Jack asks "Okay, what just happened?"

I spoke "Something had clipped Danyelle on the wing."

Jack spoke "That can’t be good."

Danyelle spoke "We're way off course..."

But then a hole appeared on the ground and grew.

Danyelle growls.

Jack Frost just smiled though. “Don’t worry, I know who it is.”

A giant anthro bunny jumped out of it. “*Australian Accent* Oh! It’s freezing!”

Twilight used a fire cloak spell on the rabbit, warming him up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey E.B."

Easter Bunny spoke "Alpha-Queen Danyelle. Haven’t seen you in quite some time, mate."

Danyelle spoke "It's been 220 years though."

Easter Bunny spoke "Well Holiday Spirits and other spirits don’t exactly age. Even though ol’ Saint Nick looks like an old geezer."

Danyelle spoke "I'm immortal because my idiotic adopted brother made a mistake."

Twilight spoke "Plus one of his reindeer ended up in a place called Maretime Bay."

Easter Bunny asks "Found Rudolph, eh?"

To E.B's surprise, Rudolph's injured leg was in a cast.

Easter Bunny asks "What in the world?!"

Danyelle spoke "She crashed into a wall..."

Easter Bunny just face-palmed.

Twilight spoke "Oof, I felt a kick..."

Danyelle spoke "Try to keep your kids warm, Twilight."

I spoke "Someone's coming our way."

But then we saw a blue shivering anthro puppy.

I spoke "I don't see anything..."

Though unheard by me, Kikyo meows "Hello Pupsicle."

Pupsicle spoke "*Shivering* H-H-H-Hi."

Easter Bunny asks "A Yo-Kai? Here of all places?"

Jack Frost asks "Another snow-maker, huh?"

Danyelle asks "You see them too?"

Easter Bunny spoke "Hey. Jack an’ I are spirits. People see us if they believe in us. So o’ course we can see Yo-Kai. There’s even a Yo-Kai Santa Claus."

Kikyo meows "Interesting...."

Jack spoke "Hehehe. It’s kinda fun, being able to see Yo-Kai."

Danyelle spoke "But I know a cat that's afraid of ghosts...."

Jack asks "Would she be scared of me?"

Twilight spoke "I don't know... plus Dany and I knew a pink wolf that was also afraid of ghosts..."

Danyelle asks "Where do we go from here?"

Easter Bunny spoke "Follow me."

Danyelle followed the large rabbit while pulling the sleigh she had brought.

The rest of us followed, and soon, we arrived at some kind of workshop.

Danyelle spoke "*whistle* Amazing!"

Jack spoke "Yep. Welcome to North’s Workshop. Santa Claus can be known by many names, North is one of them."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think he knows where Rudolph ended up."

Easter Bunny spoke "Yeah, none of us heard from her in years."

Rudolph groans "I'm right here you dumb rabbit..."

Easter Bunny just shrugged that off.

Danyelle spoke "Regardless... Twilight, Sunny and I were called up here because of a friendship problem."

Jack spoke "Hmm… It’s gotta be serious then."

I spoke "Yeah and with Hearth's Warming next weekend...."

Danyelle spoke "Pony version of Christmas..."

Jack spoke "Looks like you might need help."

I ask "How?"

Jack spoke "Well I’m sure I can answer until we find out the problem."

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "Should we head in?"

Easter Bunny spoke "Might as well, mate."

Danyelle spoke "Lead the way."

Easter Bunny spoke "‘Aight."

Danyelle followed while pulling the sleigh.

We made our way inside the workshop.

I was starry eyed at how many toys there were.

Jack spoke "Hehe. That’s right. This is where presents are made for Christmas."

Danyelle spoke "Cool!"

We saw a yeti painting an action toy.

Danyelle thinks "{I better refrain from using my flames and magic...}"

Pupsicle was still shivering.

Kikyo meows "What's his problem? I'm not cold at all."

Pupsicle stammers "S-S-S-S-Sorry. I always feel c-c-c-c-cold."

I was shivering.

“Well, at least we won’t be getting the ‘cold shoulder.’” I joked before I started feeling colder.

Pupsicle spoke "That was a really bad joke. Bad enough to make me freeze."

Twilight spoke "Not cool Sunny."

“Sorry. I-I didn’t know that would leave something cold like that.” I said, unintentionally saying a pun before we felt like we were freezing before the short blizzard went away, leaving no snow.

But I couldn't see Pupsicle since I lacked the ability to see yokai.

A jolly voice chuckles "Ah! There they are!"

We saw a giant white-bearded man.

Danyelle spoke "Hello Santa."

Santa chuckles "Good seeing you again, Danyelle."

Megaman's voice was heard from Danyelle's 2DS. "It's been a long time since we saw you and the others."

Santa chuckles "Long time indeed."

Roll spoke "220 years in fact."

Santa chuckles "My, how time flies!"

Roll spoke "Afraid so... Megaman, Trill, Patch, Volt, Jazz, Bass, Tsuki, Protoman, Hazel and I are what's left of the NetNavis...."

Santa spoke "Oh... Sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "They're the last ten NetNavis since many of the others got deleted over the past 220 years...."

Roll was leaning against Megaman while crying a bit.

Santa spoke "...Is lot to take in."

Danyelle spoke "A lot has changed..."

Robo-Eggman spoke "And it took a lot of work. But it left me exhausted at the end of every day for all those years."

Danyelle spoke "But that won't bring back all of the lost NetNavis."

Robo-Eggman spoke "I know."

A loud crash was heard outside.

a voice yelps "Ow!"

Santa spoke "Tooth, glad you're here."

Danyelle spoke "I don't think that was the Tooth Fairy...."

Santa asks "Oh?"

the voice groans "I hate you Omega-xis...."


Enter, Geo Stelar and Omega-Xis

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*Danyelle's POV*

I was wary of the stellar cat since he had crashed into the snow outside.

The stellar cat groans "Ow…"

Roll asks "You okay kid?"

The cat spoke "Ugh… Yeah… I think so."

A voice spoke "At least you weren’t too hurt, Geo."

Roll spoke "Glad to see neither of you got hurt."

From Geo's point of view, all he saw was a 270 year old hedgefox female.

Geo asks "What happened to you?"

Roll spoke "Long story short, I'm a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid."

Megaman spoke "I'm also a NetNavi-Mobian hybrid but my soul is human."

Omega-Xis spoke "Wait… NetNavi? But they’re extinct."

Roll spoke "Megaman, Trill, Patch, Jazz, Volt, Bass, Tsuki, Protoman, Hazel and I are the last ten NetNavis there are..."

Omega-Xis asks "But… how?"

I spoke "I'll answer that one since Megaman's my brother. The two of us plus a good handful of others were trapped in limbo for 200 years. Plus both of us are immortal since Sonic found out he's half alicorn..."

Omega-Xis spoke "…That’s seriously new to me."

Roll asks "Who are you two?"

Geo spoke "M-My name is Geo Stelar."

I spoke "Let me guess, your father went missing and you're looking for him."

Geo gasps "Yeah! How did you know?!"

Roll spoke "Dimensional Scream."

Omega-Xis spoke "That certainly is rare."

I spoke "I can see things that have happened or have yet to happen, I know a pony that has a similar ability."

Megaman spoke "But we'll help you find your father."

Geo asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah really, I'd never leave a friend behind. Alpha-Queen's honor."

Geo gasps "Alpha-Queen?! You’re…?!"

Roll spoke "Alpha-Queen, Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis, Keen Cat. My sister in-law's one of the most strongest Mobians there is."

Geo looked so star-struck, he fainted.

I bop Roll on the head.

“Was that seriously necessary to tell him?” I asked.

Roll spoke "But it's all true though."

Twilight spoke "We still need to find out what the Friendship Problem is."

I ask "Any ideas E.B?"

E.B just shrugged, not really knowing the answer.

My eyes flash white all of a sudden, seeing something that happened a week ago.

A howl was heard suddenly.

I spoke "I know that howl!"

I howl back in response.

Eggman spoke "It seems that she’s back."

A second howl followed by two yowls was soon heard.

I spoke "Aaron! Zane! Moeka!"

But then an explosion, followed by a familiar scream was heard.

I groan "And there's the dumbass hyena..."

But then we heard other voices as well.

An adult Anzu was invisible since she had pranked Ein.

Anzu laughs "Stupid hyena!"

"Stupid is as stupid does." I agreed.

Anzu giggles "So true auntie!"

I couldn't help but giggle.

Anzu spoke "Anyways..... *eyes flash pink as she turned to look at Geo* We should solve that problem...."

Geo stammers "*Eyes flash pink as he saw Anzu* H-Huh?"

I couldn't help but facepalm with a snickering smile.

Omega-Xis facepalmed, as did Roll.

Megaman spoke "That's new."

Roll spoke "Didn't see that coming.... But just one problem... She's immortal, he's not."

Fu appeared. "Something's telling me that not being immortal won't be for long."

I spoke "I think Dren's gonna blow a gasket...."

Roll asks "What about Zoey?"

I spoke "Freak out and faint...."

Megaman spoke "Makes sense. Hmm... I wonder how Jet and Corina are doing."

I spoke "Last I checked, they were busy preparing for Christmas."

Roll asks "And their kids? Are the eggs on their way?"

I spoke "Those kids are grown up now. I think one of the boys had fallen in love with Nova's daughter."

Megaman spoke "That’s gonna be a bit complicated."

I spoke "I was mistaken... Jet and Corina had a boy named Jerome. Jerome became smitten with Nova while Princess Kara developed feelings for Matias the Second."

Roll giggles "But it's kind of weird that Princess Anzu developed feelings for a guy that would be considered one of your descendants, eh Dany?"

That made me blush a bit in embarrassment.

Roll spoke "But the only problem is that he's mortal, she's immortal..."

Fu spoke "You know that can be fixed."

I gasp "Shenron! Of course!"

Fu spoke "Heads up though, Goku's world is in its GT state right now."

I spoke "I knew that."

Roll spoke "I hear something...."

Megaman asks "What is it?"

I was growling, as was Sunny.

Sunny growls "Whoever is hiding, better show themselves lest they get a triple dose of fire to the face."

Anzu was growling as well while protecting Geo.

A male spoke "Ah. So they have returned. It's still quite good that there is still fear, especially after 220 years."

A man creeped by before disappearing after walking behind a pillar.

Anzu shot fire at the pillar, forcing the male out of hiding.

Anzu growls "Who the hell are you?"

The male asks "Oh. You don't remember me? Do you?"

The man was suddenly at a different spot.

The male spoke "Still, I am tired, of hiding under beds!"

Anzu growls "You don't scare me anymore Kozmotis!"

The cat-alicorn hybrid grabs Kozmotis with magic and throws him out into the snow.

I snarl "You don't scare us anymore!"

But then he vanished completely with a laugh.

Twilight spoke "I sensed a bit of pain in his voice...."

I spoke "I'll have a word with Luna and Celestia after Hearth's Warming. I have an idea that might work."

Jack spoke "Just be careful guys."

I ask "You heard of a holiday called Nightmare Night?"

Jack spoke "Yeah."

I spoke "It might be his thing though."

Jack spoke "Okay."

Santa asks "You sure you know what you’re doing?"

I spoke "I'm not called the Nekomata of Redemption for nothing though."

Santa asks "Well, if alright, may I talk to Sunny Starscout, alone?"

Sunny spoke "Uh sure...."

Twilight bars Sunny's path with a wing.

Twilight spoke "This concerns me as well since I'm Sunny's grandmother."

Santa spoke "No argument about that."

Jack spoke "It’ll be fine. Trust me. This happened to me too."

Geo spoke "This pretty much concerns Zuzu and I as well."

I spoke "And me."

Santa spoke "Okay okay okay. But not all at once, please."

Twilight spoke "Fair enough."

Santa spoke "Good."

Soon, the six of us, including Santa, went into his office, before the Winter Spirit grabbed a dish of food.

Santa asks "Fruitcake?"

I spoke "Twilight and Sunny can't eat meat though."

Geo spoke "Thank you sir."

Omega-Xis spoke "I can't eat food though."

Roll asks "So, what did you want to ask us?"

Santa spoke "*Cracking knuckles* Now we get down to important question for Miss Starscout."

That left us confused before the door closed and locked on its own when Santa came up to Sunny Starscout.

Santa asks "Who ARE you, Sunny Starscout? What is your center?"

Sunny asks "*Confused* My center?

Santa spoke "If you really do have the power of your grandmother, you must have something very special inside. Hmm…"

Santa grabbed a Russian doll that was designed like him.

Santa spoke "Here. This is how you see me, no? Very big, intimidating. *Chuckle* But if you get to open me a little…"

Santa gave Sunny the doll.

Santa spoke "Well, go on."

Using her magic, Sunny opens the doll up.

Sunny asks "*Seeing a happy face inside the first doll* You’re downright jolly?"

Santa spoke "But not just jolly. *As Sunny opened the second doll, seeing a cloaked face* I am also mysterious. *As Sunny opened the third doll, seeing a roaring face* And fearless. *As Sunny opened the fourth doll, revealing a doll of Santa holding innocent creatures while crying a kind tear* And caring. And at my center…"

Sunny opened the final doll, revealing a doll of a wrapped up baby Santa.

Sunny spoke "Innocence..."

Santa asks "Look closer. What do you see?"

Sunny spoke "Uh… Big eyes."

Santa spoke "Yes! Big eyes! Very big! Because they are full of wonder. That is my center. It is what I was born with. Eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything. Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air. *As the door unlocked and opened with a plane toy flying out* This wonder is what I put into the world! *As we walked out of Santa’s office while seeing all of the wonderful toys* And what I protect in children, it is what makes me a guardian, or as you put it, an Element of Harmony. It is my center. What is yours?"

Sunny spoke "…I don’t know."

I was talking with Twilight.

“What should we do?” I asked Twilight as Santa let Sunny keep the center of the Santa Russian Doll with a warm and gentle smile.

Twilight spoke "I don't know Danyelle but this is something Sunny has to find out on her own."

“Good point.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Not to mention, I rose to Guardian status when I started the Pony Guard."

Jack asks "Really now? Guess Manny did choose you, but didn’t find the right time to tell us. Guess you’re the Guardian of Magic, huh?"

Jack Frost was right above us.

Kurama spoke "Sparkles is also known as the Nine Tailed Terror because of me."

I spoke "Actually, Twilight is one of six Guardians of Harmony."


Snow Time Fun!

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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

Jack spoke "Really? Now I wanna know."

I pull up the right sleeve of my shirt, revealing the mark of the Mobian Guard though half of it was that of Twilight's guard mark.

Jack spoke "Whoa. Remind me to visit you guys sometime."

I spoke "You can find the Pony Guard and the Mobian Guard in Maretime Bay since it's where we live now. Just as a few warnings... Never say no to Pinkie and the Tri-Pies if they throw you a party, never give Tarb and Twiliterasu any sugar... *sigh* As Sumarda found out the hard way once, Twiliterasu was far more hyper than normal due to a sugar allergy... And never call Katherina "Kat", it'll just piss her off."

Jack spoke "Got it. And besides, I never say no to parties since I can tell that the parties they throw will be fun. I am the Guardian of Fun after all."

I spoke "I bet you and Pinkie will get along great. She hadn't thrown a party since Nico and Pedro passed away years ago."

Jack chuckles "Huh. Maybe Pinkie could use some fun to get her party mojo back. And I just know how. Hehehe."

I spoke "And never, EVER, EVER grab my feet or sneak up behind me... I've kicked Ein in between the legs so many times. That stupid gold loving hyena never learns."

Jack spoke "Uh... Right. I think I'll take your word for it."

I spoke "I punted Tails through a wall once... Plus I kicked a lion between the legs once."

Jack spoke "Like I said, I'll take your word for it."

I giggle "Besides, both Pinkie and Rainbow love pulling pranks."

Jack chuckles "Hehe. Well I got a surprise for them."

Jack jumped up to an open window as the wind started blowing.

Jack spoke "Hey wind! Take me to Maretime Bay!"

The wind then blew, lifting Jack Frost as he flew to Maretime Bay while it started snowing there.

"I think we better catch up with him after telling Santa about Rudolph." I noted.

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

*Back in Maretime Bay*

*Lillian's POV*

Ponies were a little bit confused as to why it was snowing already.

But then the fillies and colts started playing in the snow as Jack Frost flew in.

Jack Frost chuckles "Whoo-hoo!!! Snow Day!"

The young ponies were having a lot of fun as Pinkie and Rainbow Dash joined in.

Rainbow pelts Pinkie with a snowball.

Pinkie giggles "What the?! *Playfully* Ooh, you’re in for it now!"

Pinkie pelted Rainbow Dash with a snow ball.

Jack Frost spoke "Heh. Why not join in on the fun."

Jack Frost made a snowball with his magic and blew onto it, before throwing it at the back of Pinkie’s head, as she started giggling.

Pinkie asks "*Eager* Okay, who threw that?"

Jack Frost chuckles "Well, it sure wasn’t Bighoof, Pinkie."

The Tri-Pies gang up on Jato and Haven, pelting them with snow.

Jato spoke "Oh… It is on now!"

Jack Frost spoke "Free-for-all!"

Jack Frost threw more snowballs, hitting other ponies and Mobians as they smiled and joined in on the fun.

Since she was in her true form, Holo threw a large snowball with her tail which had hit Jack.

But Jack just laughed it off as he threw a giant snowball at Holo, making her laugh as she was hit by it.

Holo spoke "Thou cheeky colt!"

Myuri threw a snowball at Pipp.

Myuri spoke "Hitch did it!"

Hitch gasps "Wait!"

Pipp spoke "Oh, you're gonna get it Hitchy!"

Pipp pounces on Hitch before tumbling down a snowy hill.

Pipp was soon on her back while blushing.

Holo spoke "Heh, cute."

Pipp kisses Hitch on the cheek.

Hitch blushed madly.

*back at the North Pole*

Sunny was giggling.

*Back in Maretime Bay*

A Pegasus with a snake bite scar on the right eye threw a snowball at Applejack.

The stallion laughs "Gotcha Applejack!"

Applejack gasps "Wait… Kion?!"

Kion chuckles "I'm not the lion you knew me as."

A familiar grey bison showed up. “Hey, guys.”

Kion spoke "Hey, Beshte."

A cheetah Abyssinian zips past.

Rainbow asks "Was that Fuli?"

The Abyssinian came back and leaned an elbow on Rainbow Dash’s head. “Who else could I be, Dash?”

Rainbow spoke "It's been TOO long since I saw you last!"

Applejack spoke "Okay... Ah know that fart wasn't Iggy's doing...."

A Mobian honey badger spoke "Zukazama!"

Pinkie gasps "Bunga!"

Rainbow asks "But the big question is, where's Ono and Anga?"

But then something flying in the air whooshed by on an Extreme Gear.

Fizzlepop spoke "That would answer your question Rainbow."

Ben spoke "Hey Anga."

Anga spoke "Hey guys. Long time no see."

A female Pegasus came up to Kion and nuzzled him.

Kion spoke "Hey, Rani."

Cookie sighs.

Jolyne was watching with a smile as she held a pendant from her parents.

Cookie sighs "I hate being single...."

Jolyne spoke "Come on. You’ll find someone."

Cookie spoke "I'm the third generation of the Pony Guard though but I don't know the others..."

Jolyne spoke "Seriously, I know you’ll find that someone in your life."

Cookie spoke "I heard rumors that Princess Anzu found her soulmate already."

Dren shouts "SHE WHAT???"

Jolyne spoke "Hehe. Now you’ve done it. Someone’s in overprotective mode."

Cookie spoke "No, that's Zoey's dad.... He's just as overprotective..."

Zoey stuffs some snow down Dren's shirt, making him squeal.

Jolyne laughed before her pointer finger stung a bit.

Cookie asks "You okay?"

Jolyne spoke "Y-Yeah. I think so-"

Jolyne then screamed in fright as she dropped the pendant while the pointer finger from the hand that held the pendant sprayed blood from multiple spots on it.

Honey was growling since she saw what happened.

Jolyne gasps "What the?!"

Jolyne accidentally opened the pendant, revealing the picture of Jotaro and his wife. But it had a fragment of the Stand Arrow in it.

Cookie asks "Is that what I think it is?"

Honey spoke "And just when I though things couldn’t get anymore bizarre."

Akari spoke "True there."

Sprout was pulling a sleigh while carrying a recently cut tree.

A familiar platinum blonde maned alicorn mare was singing as she flew through the sky, leaving trails of ice as she flapped her wings.

Jack asks "Huh?"

Akari spoke "That's Elsa, she's a winter spirit since her element is ice."

Jack asks "Was she trapped in a frozen lake like I was?"

Akari spoke "According to my mom, Elsa lost her parents due to rough waters. Plus others feared her because of her powers. She accidentally hurt her younger sister twice but she got over it. And she befriended four other elemental spirits. The fire salamander Bruni, the water horse Nokk, the wind spirit Gale and the earth golems"

Jack Frost spoke "Wow…"

Akari snickers "And she's single~!"

But it seems Jack Frost didn’t hear that.

Elsa crashed into a tree.

Elsa spoke "Ow...."

Akari throws Jack at Elsa, causing the two cyromancers to kiss.

Honey spoke "You’re still sneaky as ever mom."

Akari giggles "I'm just like my auntie Cadence."

Ben chuckles "Least it did the trick."

But then the bleeding on Jolyne’s finger suddenly stopped and there was only a scratch on the tip of her finger.

Elsa was blushing.

Jack Frost spoke "*Blush* Uh… Hi."

Elsa spoke "H-hi..."

Flurry Heart showed up and giggled at what was happening.

Akari spoke "Hey cousin."

Flurry Heart spoke "Hey Akari."

But Flurry Heart’s smile faded as she sighed.

Akari spoke "Okay Flurry, something is bugging you."

Flurry Heart just sighed as she looked up in the sky before seeing something fly by.

Arctic was flying through the sky via magic.

Arctic spoke "Oh? Hey Flurry!"

Flurry Heart spoke *Blush* Uh… Hi Arctic."

A younger alicorn was on her father's back.

Snowfall giggles "Momma!"

Flurry Heart giggles "Aww!!! How’s my cute little snowball of love?"

Arctic chuckles "She wanted to see you."

Flurry Heart giggles "Oh, you perfect stallion you! You always know how to make a mare feel loved, Arcty-poo!"

Argyle nuzzles Akari.

Akari giggles.

Flurry Heart and Arctic kissed each other on the lips before Akari noticed a sky-blue string flowing in the air, connected to something.

Argyle asks "What's that?"

Akari trailed the thread back, only to find it coming out of Jolyne’s cut on her pointer finger on her right hand.

Akari asks "You okay?"

Jolyne spoke "Am… Am I hearing things? Somehow this thread goes all the way to that house, and I can hear voices talking in there."

Akari spoke "We should check it out."


It’s a Small World after all

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*Akari’s POV*

Jolyne, Argyle and I decided to investigate the house that Kujo was hearing from.

Nyx spoke "I'll go with you three in case you get attacked."

“Thanks, Nyx.” I smiled as we approached the door.

Nyx spoke "It's my talent after all."

I couldn’t help but agree with that as Jolyne opened the door, before we saw a female chimp Mobian in the house alone, who seemed to be living in the house.

Nyx asks "You okay miss?"

The chimp spoke "Huh? Yeah, I’m fine."

Argyle spoke "I'm Argyle Starshine."

I spoke "I'm Akari Sparkle-Starshine."

Nyx spoke "And I'm Nyx Dreemurr."

Jolyne spoke "I'm Jolyne Kujo."

The chimp spoke "I’m Gwess."

Nyx asks "What happened to your family?"

Gwess spoke "Oh, I’m the only one left."

Nyx spoke "I know a husky that doesn't have any family either."

Gwess asks "Huh? Who?"

But then a parrot came out of one of Gwess’ pockets and chirps, “Chi! Chi!” Before Gwess put the parrot back in.

Nyx spoke "HIs name's Emporio Alniño."

Gwess spoke "But why are you here? Just asking."

I spoke "You answer that one Jolyne."

Jolyne spoke "I heard something weird going on."

Gwess spoke "Oh! Must’ve been my Copy-chan, he loves to talk to me. He’s so cute!"

Nyx spoke "My mom's befriended phoenixes though, eight in fact."

Gwess spoke "Really?! Wow! I hope we can be great friends!"

But I could tell that Jolyne was suspicious of Gwess.

Jolyne spoke "We’ll take a look around if anything happened to you or your house."

Nyx used an Artifact Scan spell on the entire house.

Looking at a magic screen in front of her, Nyx spoke "Jolyne, you might want to see this."

Jolyne asks "Huh?"

The four of us looked at the screen, seeing a pair of Mobian arms from inside the parrot pop off its head before grabbing some crumbs and putting the head back on.

“Something strange is going on.” I noted.

Argyle spoke "Uh… Girls? Look around."

Nyx, Jolyne and I looked around, only to find ourselves and Argyle shrunken to the size of a rat!

Two of Peewee's siblings flew in through a window thus smashing it before grabbing the four rat sized creatures with their talons but not hurting them.

The two phoenixes carried the four of us onto the rooftops before letting us go.

Nyx spoke "I knew something was off about that parrot...."

Jolyne spoke "Someone living was shrunk and put in that parrot’s emptied corpse."

I spoke "But my generation of the Pony Guard isn't completed though, neither is Sunny's generation of the Guard."

Argyle spoke "That's disgusting! If the first generation Pony Guard's keenest or medic found out, they'd throw up for sure!"

But then we heard something growl “G. G Dolls!”

We looked behind us and saw some kind of scary doll charging right at us.

Both phoenixes and I shot fire at the creepy Stand, forcing it to back off.

The strange Stand spoke "G. G. Dolls!"

Astral shot fire at the Stand, melting it.

Astral spoke "I got you sis!"

But then we heard a scream from inside the house.

I spoke "Figures that was her Stand..."

We started growing back to normal size as we went back into the house as Gwess was still conscious, but having serious burns.

Gwess spoke "Please! Don’t hurt my G. G. Dolls that badly!"

Astral growls "Why did you do it then? Stick someone inside the body of your dead parrot?"

Gwess spoke "The guy was just a guard fired for being too lazy. People thought he already went home. The parrot was already dead when I found it."

To Gwess's shock, the mark of the Pony Guard was seen on the right shoulder of Nyx and Astral.

Gwess spoke "W-What?! W-Wait! Hold on! Don’t hurt me!"

I spoke "Nyx, Astral, stand down. She's just a frightened girl."

The two alicorns back off.

I hug Gwess, calming her down.

But then a heartless appeared behind us before…

A voice spoke "ORA!!!"

A ocean sky-blue fist appeared, made out of a clump of threads, and punched the Heartless.

Jolyne spoke "Good frickin’ grief."

The clump of threads continued to solidify, forming a woman.

Jolyne spoke "Well, since Gwess named her ability, I’ll give mine a name too. Stone Ocean. You hear me, the name’s Stone Ocean, because I’ll free myself and my friends from this sea of stone."

Stone Ocean then delivered an entire flurry of punches. “ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA! Ora!!!”

Stone Ocean delivered the final blow to the Heartless, making it vanish in defeat.

Nyx was holding a Keyblade with her tail.

Nyx spoke "I sense more Heartless coming!"

Jolyne spoke "Just my luck. Well, I could use some time to burn off some steam."

Nyx spoke "How about a challenge then? Whoever can destroy more Heartless earns bragging rights for the rest of the month!"

Jolyne smiled. “Good frickin’ grief. Fine then, you’re on! I won’t lose when it comes to fight challenges!”

Nyx laughs "You'll regret picking a fight with a guardian alicorn!"

Nyx flew off while slashing dozens of Heartless.

Jolyne laughs "Well, don’t mess with a Joestar!"

Stone Ocean “Ora’d” as she delivered a storm of punches, obliterating dozens of Heartless.

Nyx used Chaos Spear Barrage on hundreds of Heartless, making them explode.

Jolyne summoned a thread and wrapped it around the necks of hundreds of Heartless before pulling the thread really tightly, tearing off their heads, defeating them.

Astral blasted hundreds of Heartless with his Roar, sending them flying.

But then a sudden beam of light hit one of the Heartless, defeating it.

Nyx spoke "Sora! Good timing!"

Sora spoke "You bet! And I brought help!"

A whole bunch of Sora’s friends appeared and helped us before some Heartless started shrinking.

Honey roars loud, sending some Heartless flying towards Mickey.

Mickey sliced the Heartless up with his Keyblade as Kairi helped.

Zoey yowls as she flew into battle, slicing up Heartless with her keyblades.

But then a few Heartless were sliced up by claws, revealed to have been done by… G. G. Dolls?!

Gwess spoke "Sorry about before."

Nyx spoke "As my mom once said, yesterday's enemy is today's ally!"

All of us fought the Heartless.

Blizzardstar yowls "ICICLE SPEAR BARRAGE!!!!"

Thousands of Heartless explode after getting impaled by ice.

Nyx spoke "Holy cuss...."

Jolyne spoke "I’ll admit, shi’s tough."

Nyx spoke "Chakats are hermaphrodites...."

Jolyne gasps "Whoa… Kinda jealous-Wait, what am I saying?!"

Blizzardstar spoke "Don't even think about it, I'm married."

Jolyne spoke "I wasn’t saying anything like that!"

Blizzardstar growls "Cuss! They keep coming!!"

Nyx screams for Luna.

But then-

A male spoke "Star Platinum: The World!"

Time itself froze, as I and the other alicorns can only see through the frozen time, spotting Jotaro.

Jotaro spoke "Tch. Only have five seconds. Better make it count."


Star Platinum delivered an entire tsunami of fists and punches on all of the Heartless surrounding us.

Jotaro spoke "That’s enough, time end."

Time resumed as every single Heartless suddenly exploded.

Argyle gasps "Holy...."

I gasp "...floppa...."

Jolyne asks "What the cuss was that?!"

Nyx spoke "It's kinda like Chaos Control in the sense of things..."

I spoke "Pretty much..."

I looked around, not seeing any Heartless left.

Nyx spoke "I sense a large one near Sunny's place!"

Honey shouts "WHAT?!?!"

But the Heartless was soon ripped to shreds by Midnight.

Midnight spoke "That's the last one."


Sharp Winds and The Unboxing of Izzy

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*Rainbow’s POV*

It was a great day, hanging out with all of my friends and family here.

Sonic asks "Hey Skittles, you seen Tails anywhere?"

“Hmm… Not really, but I’m sure he’s fine.” I responded.

A loud explosion was heard from Tails's lab.

Sonic groans "That idiot fox..."

Jotaro asks "Good grief, what now?"

Jotaro and Jolyne showed up.

Sonic spoke "Sorry about that Jotaro, Tails was being an idiot again."

A half alicorn half fox female was coughing as the dust cleared out.

“Huh?” I noticed.

The hybrid hissed at me.

“Whoa whoa! Calm down!” I said.

The hybrid asks "Watashi wa doko ni iru no?"

I didn’t understand a single thing she said. “Huh?”

Jotaro spoke "She wants to know where she is."

The hybrid spoke "Anata wa watashi ni denwa suru koto ga dekimasu Kaze-hime."

Jotaro spoke "She said her name’s Kaze-hime."

Sonic spoke "Hime means Princess..."

Kaze asks "Watashi no okāsan wa dokodesu ka?"

Sonic spoke "She's asking where her mom is."

“But who’s that?” I asked.

Kaze unfurled her wings, revealing a light gray tint to the tips of the feathers.

Jotaro and Jolyne spoke "Good frickin’ grief."

Sonic spoke "Oh cuss... *shouting* GRANDMA LUNA!!!!!!!"

Luna showed up. “Yes, Sonic?”

Kaze hugs her grandaunt while crying.

Luna asks "Huh?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, Kaze's your grandniece..."

Luna’s eyes started twitching, and that’s never a good sign.

Shirou spoke "Luna...."

Luna asks "Yes Shirou?"

Meanwhile, with Light Breeze, she froze suddenly.

Celestia asks "Light?"

But then Light Breeze started hugging Celestia with tears. “I can’t believe it… She’s finally back!”

A gray blur tackles Light Breeze into a pile of snow.

Kaze spoke "Kaa-san...."

Light Breeze spoke "Kaze…"

The hybrid bawled her eyes out while crying.

Light Breeze hugged the hybrid while crying her eyes out just like Kaze.

Ivory asks "Sis?"

Kaze asks "Kaa-san?"

Ivory joined in on the hug and started crying too.

And so did Celestia.

*Back at the North Pole*

*Twilight's POV*

I ask "do you need any help with work?"

Santa spoke "Well, we helped Bunny with Easter one time. Okay, since we’re in slight need of assistance, you can help."

A portal opened up before the Tokyo Five and their families step out.

Zoey spoke "Twilight alerted me via telepathy."

But then someone flew in. “Sorry I’m late, guys!”

Santa spoke "You’re right on time, Toothy."

I spoke "Okay guys and gals, we've got less than five days to get everything done and the sleigh loaded up!"

But then a short yellow man showed up, willing to help as well.

Santa spoke "Ah! Sandy! Good to see you again!"

Lucy, Natsu, Nashi, Layla and Luke arrive as well via warp ring.

Danyelle spoke "Given that there's hundreds of houses, we may need two teams to get them all tackled in one night."

Tooth spoke "Whoa whoa whoa! We’re talking about going around two worlds and millions of kids-"

Santa sighs "Give me a break. Do you know how many presents I deliver in one night?"

Bunny asks "And eggs I hide in one day?"

Lucy spoke "Not just Equis and Mobius, there's countless zones too."

Sandman nodded that it was true.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, it'll take all of us to get all the zones covered in one night..."

Then a giant Santa yo-Kai showed up.

Giant Santa spoke "Perhaps I can help."

Lucy was wearing a dragon sized harness, as was her family though Natsu had to wear a fire-proof one.

Danyelle spoke "We need all the help we can get."

*Back in Maretime Bay*

*Rarity's POV*

I soon got trapped in a box, as did Izzy.

Pipp spoke "Hitch, I thought you disabled all of the traps."

Hitch spoke "I-I thought I disabled them too."

Zipp spoke "Least it wasn't that hothead of a fire dragon."

Pipp spoke "We should try to get them out though."

Polished spoke "Yeah."

Jolyne and Jotaro showed up.

Polished spoke "Something is off about the wind...."

Elsa spoke "I feel it too, same with Gale. It's trying to tell me something..."

Jotaro spoke "We’re looking for something. His name is Johngalli A the yeti crab. We don’t know where he is. But we know he’s on Equis."

We were confused on who that was.

Elsa spoke "I think I knew a guy that fought a giant crab once."

A male asks "Did someone call me?"

An eagle flew in before it glowed blue, turning into an Earth Pony stallion as big as Big Mac.

Elsa spoke "Long time no see Maui."

Maui chuckles "Haha! You bet!"

Jotaro spoke "Anyway, Johngalli A is blind, but he’s a follower of Dio and a stand user."

I spoke "I knew a guy named N'Doul, he was also blind."

But then a familiar liquid hand emerged from the ground as a familiar female Abyssinian showed up.

I spoke "Mariah!"

A cream-white Pegasus mare with rose pink eyes and a golden blonde mane as well as a cutie mark similar to Celestia's cutie mark asks "Is something wrong?"

Izzy was a bit confused.

But then a teenage female hippogriff/Abyssinian hybrid with white eyes showed up next to Mariah.

Sonic was hiding in a tree while teasing Pinkie with a laser pointer, making her chase the red dot.

Sonic chuckles "Hehehe! I’m way too good at this."

Pipp asks "Who's that?"

Mariah spoke "This is a daughter of mine and N’Doul’s, Tira. Tira’s Arabic for “Terra” if you were going to ask."

The Pegasus mare spoke "I'm Sunshade."

An alicorn mare spoke "Sis! Wait up!"

Nightfall soon showed up.

Sunshade spoke "Wow sis, you got tall."

Nightfall snicker "It’s kinda funny. You’re my big sister, but I’m taller than you."

Sunshade spoke "I'm only 39..."

Nightfall facehoofed. “Oh. Right. It’s like we’re the age-reversed versions of Celestia and Luna.”

Sunshade spoke "Yeah but I was created by Celestia's magic though."

Nightfall spoke "Yeah."

But then Zipp jumped left, dodging a bullet that came straight out of nowhere.

Sunshade asks "What in the stars was that?"

Jotaro spoke "Guys, stay still and look up."

All of us looked up and saw something floating in the air.

Honey growls.

Sunshade fired a stream of fire at the object, only for it to weave with the wind, dodging the blast. But then a bullet from out of nowhere ricocheted off the stand and went for Jotaro, only for him to dodge it.

Jotaro spoke "Guys! Don't move!"

Sunshade spoke "Good luck trying to tell Sonic to stay put, he hates waiting in one spot for more than a minute."

Jotaro spoke "And be sure not to raise your voice. It will keep scouting our location. Johngalli A. is able to read the flow of the air with that thing. It could even be able to react to mild changes in our breathing. And that stand is a satellite. His sniping satellite, where he aims his rifle at the Stand, which then redirects the bullet. He must be shooting from an incredibly far distance. There's no way we can attack him from here, so instead we have to smash his satellite Stand. Because any damage inflicted on the Stand is passed through the User as well. But... the problem is, when we move to strike it, the change in the air current will give him our locations, and he'll attack us immediately."

Sunshade spoke "Basically, we're sitting ducks right now..."

Izzy spoke "We really need Danyelle's help...."

But then heavy rain started falling as the Stand, Downtown Transfer, started moving frantically before Rainbow Dash came here.

Rainbow spoke "Thought a little rain might help."

Jotaro spoke "I see..."

Jolyne spoke "You said we needed to take this thing out, is that right. Watch it. The raindrops are making it move erratically because it can't detect the air flow! Now! Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean appeared as she was about to attack the enemy Stand.

Jotaro spoke "Wait! Look closer!"

Stone Ocean stopped as everyone saw what Downtown Transfer was doing.

Jotaro spoke "It's dodging the drops of rain one by one. It's reading the shifts in the air current caused by the rain."

A loud bang was heard since Shadow had used one of the Ark's lasers to blow up Johngalli's stand, causing immense pain to the person.

But then everything started melting, before Jolyne and Rainbow Dash woke up, realizing that what they saw was an illusion, seeing strange goop flowing, followed by the others in the area, but all of them felt weak for some reason.

Honey groans "Ugh.... I feel like I have to throw up..."

Jotaro spoke "We need to move away from this area. This should help."

Star Platinum appeared and punched some of the others and the box me and Izzy were in out of the affected zone.

Jolyne spoke "This irritation I'm feeling! There's no way this can be a hallucination!"

Those who were out of the affected area got the others out of there and regained their strength.

Honey growls "It was as though I had the urge to maul Sprout..."

Jotaro asks "Wait… The enemy’s not here. Must’ve retreated. But why?"

Honey spoke "They must have severely underestimated the Pony Guard..."

Jolyne scoffs "Tch. Bunch of cowards."

Pipp's ears twitch.

Pipp spoke "Watch out!"

Pipp tackles Hitch to the ground as an arrow flew past.

Then Nobodies appeared with snipers responsible for the arrow in their ranks.

Honey snarls "YOU!!!!"

But then a peanut hit one of the nobodies, as a female chimpanzee/spider monkey hybrid with yellow-blonde hair wielding peanut pistols and a jet-pack flew in.

I spoke "Dixie Kong! Good timing!"

The other Equians, chakats and Mobians gang up on the Nobodies and attack them.

The hybrid asks "You know my mom?"

I spoke "Danyelle knew all of the Kongs. Heck, she knew DK and Diddy since the two are Smashers."

The hybrid spoke "Diddy and Dixie are my parents!"

Sonic sliced a sniper in half, killing it.

Sonic asks "Did your dad know that I was half alicorn?"

The hybrid spoke "Yeah! The name’s Digvi Kong."

Sonic spoke "Uh... I hadn't gotten my wings during the Smash tournament..."

Digvi asks "Huh?"

Rainbow spoke "What Prince Sonic meant was that he was a normal Mobian hedgehog the last time Diddy saw him."

Digvi spoke "Oh!"

Sonic spoke "Yeah but I'm not one for formalities though."

But then some of the nobodies suddenly froze, and the one responsible for it was a female koopaling/smash piranha plant hybrid.

Honey roars loud, sending ten nobodies flying.

Midnight howls as he charged into battle, ripping nobodies apart.

Digvi asks "Frostine?! What’re you doing here?"

Frostine sighs "*Emotionlessly* What does it look like I’m doing? I’m getting rid of those nobody pests."

Akari spoke "They reek of dark magic."

But then a spiky winged shell flew in, causing a fiery explosion that wiped out a group of nobodies, before a Koopaling/Spiny Koopa hybrid emerged from the shell. “Now THAT’S how you make an entrance! Ka-boom!”

But more nobodies kept appearing.

Midnight spoke "Cussbuckets! They keep coming!"

Digvi spoke "Torcha!"

But then there was a sudden explosion of light in the sky, followed by a familiar symbol.

Danyelle yowls loud as she flew out of a warp ring before crossfusing with Megaman.EXE to become MegaDanyelle.

Then suddenly, all of the known Smashers showed up and started fighting the Nobodies as well.

MegaDanyelle sent out all of her Pokemon to help fight.

All of Jotaro’s stand user allies helped out too.

Sonic shouts "WIND BLADE!!!"

Several Nobodies fall in battle but more kept coming.

But then Anga noticed a very small portal-like nobody.

Anga spoke "Guys! I think I found the source of those endless Nobodies!"

Kion spoke "Kill it Anga! We can't have more of them coming!"

Anga spoke "On it! Anga lenga!"

Anga swooped down on the portal-like nobody and destroyed it, cutting off the endless reinforcements.

MegaDanyelle blasted a large Nobody with a Giga Buster.

MegaDanyelle asks "Is that the last one?"

Anga spoke "Definitely."

Kion spoke "Thank Asra..."

Peach showed up, looking like she always had before. “It’s good to see you again, Danyelle.”

MegaDanyelle spoke "220 years but yeah."

An adult Wiona showed up.

Wiona spoke "Even though my rival here hasn't changed one bit, I'll admit that it's good to be back."

Spike soon had a nosebleed before fainting.

Skyla growls "What did you do to my dad?"

The dragon Wendy showed up before growling at Wiona. "What do you think you're doing?"

Skyla spoke "Mom, cool your jets. She didn't mean to cause dad to have a nosebleed."


Pre-Hearth's Warming Disasters

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*Sunny’s POV*

Ooh! Hearth’s Warming is just about here!

Twilight spoke "I missed 200 years worth of Hearth's Warming since I had been stuck in limbo."

“Then let’s make this Hearth’s Warming the best. One! EVER!!!” I declared!

Twilight spoke "YEAH!!!!!"

Kurama asks "What's Hearth's Warming?"

That made grandma and I comically fall into our backs in complete disbelief of what Kurama said.

Kurama spoke "Cut me some slack will you? I never gotten a single gift once."

That caught our attention.

Danyelle asks "You thinking what I'm thinking Santa?"

Santa spoke "Of course. But it will not be easy."

Twilight asks "Wasn't there a Storm Dragon that gained his own body because of Rimuru?"

Danyelle spoke "That just might be the craziest idea you ever had Sparkles but it could work! I'll talk to Rimuru about it."

Twilight spoke "I'll go with you since it's my idea."

The two royals head off through a warp ring to the Tensura world.

*In Rimuru's world*

*Shuna's POV*

Twilight had taken on an anthro form while the clothes matched her EG form.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Shuna."

“Hello, do you need something?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "I want to learn that body double skill."

Danyelle spoke "Let's just say a certain nine tailed fox has never gotten a Christmas present once in his long life."

That made me a bit nervous. “Are you sure about that? That could strip Twilight of her Twirama form.”

Twilight spoke "It's only for when I'm not in combat."

“Oh! Okay.” I said in relief.

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle spoke "Oh! Shion!"

Rimuru was running from Shion since she had made yet another Mystery Food X.

Danyelle groans "Seriously?"

Shion spoke "Lord Rimuru looked hungry."

Kurama was heard gagging.

Kurama groans "No offence Shion but even I wouldn't eat that...."

Danyelle threw up since she couldn't stand the smell.

A portal opened, revealing Usapyon and Rainbow Dashiro.

Usapyon spoke "We understand how y’all feel. Hailey’s no cookin’ expert neither."

Dashiro spoke "Tasting that chocolate was torture. And what’s worse, she mailed the chocolate she made to animated characters on Valentines Day, which is also Hearts and Hooves Day."

Twilight spoke "Talk about lethal...."

Usapyon spoke "Besides, that chocolate belongs in the incinerator."

Twilight spoke "Too bad Clarity can't eat chocolate... It's a dog thing you know."

Dashiro spoke "Right. That."

Danyelle spoke "I once had a dog that had gotten sick from eating chocolate...."

Danyelle's ears twitch since she heard something before darting off.

Benimaru asks "What's with her?"

Dashiro spoke "Hmm… From the way her ears were a-twitchin’, she musta heard somethin’!"

Danyelle soon returns with a large haul of chime motes.

Danyelle spoke "Look at these!"

Twilight asks "What are these?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't know but maybe Sweetie Belle can make use of them since they make noise."

Dashiro spoke "Makes sense."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle soon notices a black haired female spirit with a blue flame on both sides of the head.

Danyelle asks "Isn't that Shizue?"

"Shizue?" I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, most folks can't see spirits."

Dashiro exclaims "Hold on, I'm revealing myself here, and they can't see Yo-Kai?"

Twilight spoke "Dashiro, you're only half spirit though..."

Dashiro asks "But Gargaros is an oni yo-kai, so why wouldn't the oni here see him?"

Danyelle spoke "Not counting dryads since they are spirits themselves, all the monsters of the Jura Tempest Federation can't see spirits..."

Danyelle and Twilight both growl since they were able to see Gargaros while all of the monsters couldn't.

Danyelle growls "What do you want Gargaros?"

Gargaros spoke "Uh..."

Usapyon spoke "Clearly he fell through a portal here coincidentally."

Twilight asks "But doesn't he usually appear when kids misbehave?"

Dashiro spoke "Yeah but a stray portal might've gotten him and sent him here. So no big deal to worry about."

Danyelle spoke "As long as he doesn't cause trouble for the others here."

Usapyon spoke "Well we'll bring him back when Dashie and I head home."

Kikyo yowls "We got trouble!!!"

"What is it?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke for Kikyo since I was unable to hear yokai voices. "We got man-eating demons!"

"What?!" I gasped before one of our soldiers ran in filled with fear.

The soldier stammers "T-That demon's mutated! How many had he already eaten?!"

Danyelle ran over to the soldier in concern.

Twilight spoke "Cuss, I can't fight! *Roaring loud* SUMARDA!!!!"

Sumarda showed up. "Yeah? Something wrong?"

Twilight spoke "Man-eating demons! I can't fight in my state right now and I haven't learned the body double skill yet so Kurama can fight on his own!"

Sumarda was about to act when something made her freeze. "Oh man... Those kinds of man-eating demons? And of course it's night right now. I can't do anything to them. But I can still help out."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, summoning a katana before she tossed it to Danyelle, who caught it, before the blade of the katana's color changed to the color of her fur.

A howl rings clear before Clarity shows up, slashing away at the demons.

But then a giant hand demon showed up, looking incredibly powerful.

The demon then fused its arms and stretched them out, grabbing one of our soldiers as he lifted two arms apart form each other, revealing a mouth prepared to swallow him whole.

Sumarda spoke "Cut off the arm!"

Clarity howls "PYRO SLASH!!!!"

Clarity slashed through the arm, cutting it off and freeing the soldier.

The Hand Demon spoke "Well look at that, I'm back from the dead, Clarity."

Clarity growls "I remember you!"

The Hand Demon asks "Say, fox pony, the year, are we still in Taishō?"

Twilight growls "I AM NOT NARUTO!!!!"

Clarity growls "That name still grinds my gears. He was talking to me."

But due to the effects of the new moon, Clarity was as weak as a normal alicorn thus her attack was also weak.

Hand Demon asks "*As his arm completely regenerated* Tell me Clarity, what year is it? Are we still in the Taishō period?"

Clarity growls "As if I'd tell a jerk like you and don't you dare attack my friends!"

The Hand Demon spoke "Wait a minute…"

The Hand Demon gasped in realization before roaring in anger.

Hand Demon shouts "Already?! We passed into a new generation?! And still, I’m stuck on this world and not Mobius!"

But then the hand demon calmed down.

The Hand Demon spoke "Still, to think that I survived for hundreds of years in this world. I must admit, I am quite surprised. Yet… Heeheeheehee! I’m quite eager to eat some little foxes! 11… 12… 13… that means you and that pony with the demon spirits in her are number 14 and 15, Clarity!"

We were confused of why he counted that.

A Chaos Spear hits the demon.

Shadow spoke "Don't you dare touch the dog and pony!"

The spear disappeared as the wound instantly healed.

The Hand Demon laughs "Wondering why I counted? Heeheeheehee! That’s how many of Urokodaki’s students I’ve eaten! I promised I’d kill every single one of them, even those who are like foxes. But you know, of all of the students, two stood out the most. One had hair that was an unusual shade of pink, and there was a scar by the right of his mouth. He was the strongest of the students I killed. The other wore a flowery kimono, small and not very strong, but awfully agile. However, the newest one, who had hair and eyes of a reddish hue, and a scar on the left of his forehead, he managed to kill me."

Twilight spoke "I don't know what the crap you're talking about!"

The Hand Demon spoke "Of course you wouldn’t, since you weren’t even born yet when I died!"

Kurama snarls "You're a MONSTER!!! More so than I was!"

Danyelle spoke "Let me help."

Sumarda spoke "If you plan on finishing the demon off with the Nichirin Sword, you need to slice off its neck with that. Sunlight is also its weakness."

Danyelle spoke "Amaterasu! Lend me your light!"

When Danyelle sharply breathed, fire of the sun flowed out of her mouth through her teeth as sun-flames danced around her sword.

Danyelle flew fast, pulling off a Fireboom before tearing through the hand demon as she had gone into a solar flare spindash thus killing it.

As the demon’s neck was cut off, causing the head and body to burn away in ashes, Danyelle saw glimpses of the past, battles from the Taishō Era between Man-Eating demons and swordsmen known as demon slayers. But what stood out to her the most was a demon slayer fighting alongside a demon against enemy demons, before she saw herself back in the present.

Danyelle thinks "That can't have been Sango... She died of old age some time before the Sengoku era ended...According to Clarity..."

Danyelle remembered the Hanafuda Earrings on the demon slayer she saw fighting alongside the female demon, before realizing that the description the hand demon gave of him matched. But the demon didn’t notice the Hanafuda Earrings back then.

Danyelle groans "{Ugh... I never got into that anime....}"

Dashiro spoke "Well, I’m glad that’s over with."

Danyelle asks "But did I just pull off a spindash?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah, you did."

Danyelle spoke "Given that I grew up with Sonic, I picked up on his tricks and whatnot."


Hearth's Warming is here Once Again!

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*Twilight's POV*

*Back at the North pole*

After Danyelle and I got back to the North Pole with the Northern Lights fox Mobian, preparations were well under way.

Danyelle spoke "I just hope we get this done on time."

Zoey spoke "Yeah, we've only got tonight and tomorrow night to finish making all of the toys!"

Natsu groans "Man… this is hard."

Spyro spoke "You're one to talk flame brain, you've melted a few dozen toys already thus putting us behind schedule!"

Natsu flinched at that.

Lucy spoke "Natsu...."

Natsu spoke "Oh yeah, horn head? You accidentally knocked your horns into a few piles, knocking them down."

I growl at the insult.

Spyro spoke "Choose your words carefully Flame Brain, you just insulted Twilight and Sunny..."

Natsu nervously spoke "Uh… Oops."

Lucy spoke "SIT BOY!!!"

Natsu was soon face down on the ground.

Spyro spoke "Try coming up with something else, flame brain."

Cynder tailslaps her husband upside the back of the head.

Cynder spoke "Spyro…"

Spyro nervously asks "Y-yes Cynder?"

I giggle "He gonna get it!"

Cynder’s tail wrapped around Spyro.

Cynder spoke "You know how I can get at times when you act like this."

Danyelle spoke "Hold it you lovedrakes, you might to hold off with making more eggs until after Christmas."

Cynder giggles "Believe me Danyelle, I’m planning on the wait. I’ll only tease Spyro until after the holidays, and he’ll be all mine when that happens. Oh, how’s our daughter Viola doing?"

Danyelle spoke "I heard rumors that she married a gryphon."

Cynder spoke "Really? Who?"

Danyelle spoke "I think the guy's name is Ajax, he's Ezee and Gilda's youngest."

Cynder suddenly giggled mischievously.

Danyelle poked Cynder in the snout, making the black dragoness go cross-eyed.

Spyro asks "Was that really necessary?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me get that sprig of dragon sneeze tree out of my hammerspace."

Spyro spoke "No! Please don’t!"

Danyelle spoke "Gotcha! I burned it years ago!"

Zoey asks "Can someone get me out from this pile of toys before I snap and burn them all?"

“I gotcha.” I responded as I got Zoey out of that collapsed pile.


Tarb bolted as Zoey chased after him.

Danyelle and I sighed and said, “Some things never change.”

Renee spoke "This is why we shouldn't give Tarb sugar...."

*December 23rd*

Tomorrow was the big day!

Natsu and the other dragons were busy loading up the sleighs so that they were ready.

Danyelle spoke "Alright! Let’s get ready!"

The Tokyo Five spoke "YEAH!!!!"

And with that, everyone got right to work. Although... Corina was lazy as usual.

Zoey spoke "Gosh dang it Jet, tell your wife to get off her lazy tailfeathers and help out or I clip her wings!"

Jet sighs "Hey, I’ll try, alright?"

Corina spoke "I don't want to...."

Zoey groans "Lazy bird..."

Corina spoke "Scaredy-cat..."

Zoey hisses "Don't make me turn you into roast lorikeet."

Corina spoke "Don’t make me blow you away in a catnado."

Zoey spoke "you never pulled your own weight when we worked at Café Mew Mew!"

Corina spoke "You were always scared of things you thought were supernatural like ghosts!"

But then Danyelle bonked their heads together, having had enough of the silly argument.

Zoey hisses "Dead beat bird!"

Corina spoke "Featherweight cat!"

Zoey hisses "pecker face!"

Danyelle spoke "uh oh...."

Corina and Zoey were soon in a fight cloud as the two females fought.

Sumarda appeared. “Need help?”

I spoke "Not really..."

Anzu groans "Mom, you're embarrassing me..."

Soon enough, the rest of the Tokyo Five had gotten dragged into the tussle between Zoey and Corina.

Sumarda faced palm. “Okay… I’ll be Dr. Delicate Touch.”

Sumarda took of one of her antlers and called someone, or five other people and thanked them for some reason before she snapped her fingers, causing Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie and Xena in their 1,000 pound forms to appeared ten feet above the fight dust cloud before they fell flat on their flanks on top of the Tokyo Five, pinning them down while sending quite a rumble throughout the building.

But the five were in too foul a mood to deal with interruptions so Zoey threw the intruders away with magic.


The five females all froze in fear at the tone of Danyelle's voice.

Danyelle spoke "You five shouldn't be fighting right now! Not when it's so close to Christmas!"

Zoey sighs "Sorry Corina...."

Corina spoke "Sorry Zoey…. I’ll try to work harder."

Zoey spoke "And I'm sorry for calling you pecker face..."

Corina spoke "And I’m sorry for calling you scaredy-cat."

Renee groans "Was that fight necessary?"

Kiki spoke "My tail hurts..."

Bridget spoke "Please don’t fight again."

Corina and Zoey spoke "Fine...."

Sumarda spoke "Good."

Danyelle spoke "I hate raising my voice."

Sumarda asks "Still… *Going into 1,000 pound form* It’s good to see friends again, right?"

Sunny spoke "And family members too."

Christ spoke "I’m actually excited for what’s happening after the holidays and New Year!"

Silena spoke "Same here!"

Ana spoke "Indeed, the same’s said for me as well."

Xena spoke "M-Me too."

Valerie spoke "Hehehe! I just hope Rainbow and Sonic are ready after Kurama and Sumarda’s duel!"

Thanks to the body double skill I had picked up, Kurama had his own body yet he was still tethered to my soul.

Kurama spoke "That blue pincushion is gonna lose his lunch once he sees me!"

Sumarda spoke "Well, bring it in you guys!"

The next thing all of us here knew was that we were caught in a group hug between Sumarda, Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie and Xena in their 1,000 pounds forms.

I spoke "Careful Sumarda... Any damage that's inflicted on Kurama, I get too."

Sumarda spoke "I got it, Twilight."

The group hug we were caught in with all of us in between Sumarda and her friends was somehow really tight, yet soft and comforting to all of us.

Kurama spoke "I don't do hugs..."

“Come on, Kurama. It’s cozy.” I told him.

Looking outside, Kurama spoke "Uh guys? We got a right nasty storm outside...."

Sumarda and her friends let us and each other go after hearing that, seeing that Kurama was right.

Danyelle spoke "This is bad..."

I ask "Any ideas Santa?"

Santa asks "How’s Rudolph doing?"

Kurama spoke "I was able to snap her broken leg back into place but she's unable to guide the sleigh tomorrow night."

Santa spoke "Not good."

I spoke "But maybe... there is a way! Kurama has the same powers I have, he can guide the sleigh. But I have to go with your group."

Kurama shouts "WHAT?!"

I spoke "You heard me foxbrain, you're tethered to my soul though."

Kurama spoke "Don't make me attack you Sparkle Butt."

I spoke "SIT BOY!!!"

Kurama was face down on the floor.

Matatabi spoke "You baka fox! Any harm you do to Twilight will harm myself and you as well!"

Dren spoke "What goes around, comes around."

Zoey spoke "Drenny!"

Dren spoke "Kitty Cat."

The two hugged and kissed each other before started making out.

Anzu spoke "I’m right here."

Geo spoke "Your parents are weird..."

Anzu blushed in a bit of embarrassment before Geo hugged her.

I spoke "Good thing Zoey's dad isn't here to see this."

*December 24th*

Hearth's Warming had finally arrived and the two sleigh teams were gearing up for the big night.

I spoke "Okay everyone! Tonight's the big night!"

Kurama groans "I still can’t believe you talked me into this. Naruto will never let me live it down."

I spoke "SIT!"

Kurama yelps "GAH!"

I spoke "I warned you not to test my patience fox boy."

Kurama spoke "I hate you Sparkles..."

"Heehee! Love ya too, Kurama." I quipped with a smile.

The annoyed foxpony had a harness on plus his tails were taped together.

Kurama asks "Why the tape?"

Danyelle spoke "It's so you don't hit somedeer with your tails, they are rather long."

The Dragneel family along with Spyro and Cynder were hooked up to one loaded sleigh while Kurama and the eight does were hooked up to the main sleigh.

The Tokyo Five and their families were on the spare sleigh while Danyelle and I were on the main sleigh.

Santa spoke "Alright! Let’s do it! Haha!"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah!"

Sunny climbed into the main sleigh.

Zoey spoke "meet you back here tomorrow!"

Zoey cracks the reins, causing the seven dragons to gallop out into the snow as they take flight.

Santa spoke "Come on, Bunny."

Bunny spoke "Uh… I think tunnels might be faster, and uh… safer."

Santa spoke "Ah, get in!"

Santa grabbed E.B. by the ears and brought him on board as Sandman and Toothiana joined us.

Santa spoke "Buckle up!"

Easter Bunny asks "Whoa whoa wait! Where’s the bunny seatbelts?"

Santa chuckles "Ha! That was just an expression!"

I spoke "Let's go!"

Santa cracked the reins as Kurama and the reindeer started moving with the sleigh.

Kurama's claws soon glow with light magic as he flapped his wings.

I ask "So where's the first stop?"

Santa spoke "Hmm… Ah! What surprise! Hope the royal family at Canterlot like it."

I spoke "Canterlot fell 200 years ago, Celestia and her family live in Zephyr Heights now."

Santa spoke "Oops! Forgot. My mistake."

Danyelle spoke "No creature is perfect."

Santa chuckles "Hahahaha! Too true, Danyelle."

I spoke "Even though she's a 250 year old cat, she's got a smart mouth."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight....."

I spoke "Don't you dare!"

I could tell that Kurama was trying to hold in his laughter.

Kurama snickers "I heard on the grapevine that Jack fell in love with an alicorn mare."

Toothiana excitedly gasps "Wait! Really?!"

Kurama spoke "Yeah, I heard about it from my son. He said the mare's name was Elsa."

Needless to say, Danyelle and I were surprised by that, but were also really happy about that.

Sunny spoke "Lucky guy."

Kurama chuckles "She has ice magic too so it worked out. Plus I think Akari had thrown Jack at Elsa."

I couldn’t help but giggle at that. “Heehee! It’s like Cadence’s ability has rubbed off on me, my friends and family.”

Kurama scoffs "Heart Butt didn't help me though."

“Remember Matatabi?” I pointed out, making Kurama blush.

Kurama spoke "Oh shut up Sparkle Butt."

I giggled as I heard Matatabi giggle with a blush, knowing it was true.

Kurama spoke "I'd rather not run into my crazy ex though... She scares me."

Matatabi and I ask “…Ex??”

Kurama spoke "Her name is Keiko but don't let the name fool you. She may seem sweet but she's a total yandere..."

Then I felt shivers shoot down Matatabi’s spine.

Kurama spoke "last girlfriend I had got her tails ripped off... I'd rather not have that happen to Matatabi."

Without realizing it, at the same time, Matatabi and I hid our tails between our legs in fear.

I shudder in fear.

Matatabi gave out a very high-pitched and scarce meow.

Kurama spoke "I'm not going back there. But if she makes her way to Maretime Bay, I don't want to know what could happen..."

I spoke "If I got killed, then Kurama and Matatabi die as well..."

Danyelle spoke "That puts Keiko at a big disadvantage if she's that nuts for Kurama."

I spoke "She might mistake Midnight for Kurama though..."

Danyelle facepalmed at that.

Much to Danyelle's surprise, a white furred six tailed vixen with red paws climbed out of the nekomata's shadow.

Mira spoke "Hey Danyelle."

Danyelle gasps "MIRA?! Is that really you?!"

Mira giggles "Yeppers!"

Danyelle excitedly spoke "Oh man, Natsu, Lucy and Wendy are really gonna lose it when they find out! Mostly Natsu!"

Mira spoke "Erza's alive too but I don't know where she is."

Danyelle asks "Nice! Wait... What about Jellal? And the others?"

Mira's ears droop down.

*December 25th*

After all the presents had been delivered, Mira had hidden herself in Danyelle's shadow since she wanted to surprise Natsu and Lucy.

I spoke "Well, we should be going now."

Danyelle spoke "Okay. I just hope they're ready for the surprise in store."

Kurama had disappeared into my shadow.

I spoke "But it's best if we keep it quiet until then."

Danyelle spoke "Yep."

My left ear twitches when I heard a voice.

I ask "Was that Pibby?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah I think so."

Soon enough, a trio of sky blue mares tackle me into a pile of snow.

Danyelle spoke "Woah!"

Pibby, Libby and Daisy tickle me.

"*Laughter!* Girls! Stop!" I laughed as I was caught in the tickle torture.

The trio back off before Libby pounces on Daisy and tickled the mare.

Pibby just giggled. "Long time, no see."

Sam throws a snowball at her mom.

Pibby giggles "Heehee! Oh you!"

Pibby then threw a snowball back at Sam as the two laughed.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Natsu, I got a surprise for you!"

Natsu asks "Huh? And what’s that?"

Lucy, Spike and Wendy soon showed up as well.

Danyelle spoke "Not what but who."

Danyelle stomped her left foot twice before a familiar white vixen leapt out of her shadow.

Mira spoke "Hello Natsu, Wendy and Lucy."

Needless to say, Natsu, Lucy and Wendy were completely speechless with jaws dropped.

Nashi asks "Mom? Dad?"

Danyelle and I counted down, “3… 2… 1…”

And right on cue, Natsu fainted while Lucy and Wendy hugged Mira while crying rivers.

Layla facepalmed, as did Skyla.

Danyelle spoke "Christmas isn't just about presents, it's spending time with friends and family. Nothing is more priceless than the love one has for family."

Spike chuckles "No doubt about that!"

A familiar trio of unicorns soon appear.

Danyelle gasps "Radiant! Obsidian! Pearl!"

“You’re back!” I smiled with amazement.

Radiant spoke "Yeah and you would NOT believe the amount of traffic we had hit on our way here!"

Annabelle showed up. “Hey guys. Normally I don’t do this, but it’s Christmas, so I bended the rules just a little.”

Obsidian asks "Do I need to zap a dog?"

Annabelle spoke "N-No!"

Shadow showed up. “Guess you forgot about their stasis."

Annabelle blushed in embarrassment, confirming that.

I spoke "I guess even angels can make mistakes."

Annabelle spoke "Yeah. Not everyone’s perfect."

Sugar Belle spoke "Eyup."

But then Belladonna and Firebrand showed up, with the female carrying a female infant demon dog Mobian/Red Arremer Gargoyle hybrid in her arms.

Akari giggles "I still remember the times when Sunny and Honey were that little."

Sunny and Honey spoke "*Blush* Mom!"

I giggle "Akari was a little trouble maker when she was five."

Akari spoke "MOM!!!"

Sunny and Honey giggled at hearing that.

Shining chuckles "I remember the amount of times Twilight got into trouble when she was little."

Cadence giggles "Heeheehee! Me too."

“Shiny! Cadence!” I pouted with a blush.

Leaping out of Danyelle's shadow, Tina spoke "Danyelle was accident prone as a kid but it didn't help that Sonic and Tails had gotten into trouble a lot... And when Knuckles came into the picture, Danyelle had headslapped him so many times that it wasn't funny anymore."

Shining asks "Say Cadence, remember that one time Twilight got stuck in the cookie jar?"

Cadence giggles "Heeheehee! How could I forget?"

I groan "How embarrassing...."

Kurama chuckles "I found Sparkle Butt's antics funny."

“Kurama…” I growled.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight... Don't make me use the word on you."

I spoke "Shutting up!"

Danyelle spoke "Good mare."

Kurama still snickered at that.

Midnight was heard roaring at a silver nine tailed fox.

Kurama spoke "Oh no..."

I growl "Was that Keiko?"

Kurama spoke "Y-Yes."

I spoke "Better hide in my shadow then, I don't want her to see you."

Kurama spoke "No need to tell me twice!"

Kurama faded into my shadow without even a second's thought.

Midnight growls "For the last time... I AM NOT MY FATHER!!!! I'm an eleven tailed foxcat hybrid!"

Keiko asks "Wait... father?"

I spoke with Matatabi's voice. "Well, if it isn't the spoiled brat... Keiko..."

Keiko growls "Who are you?!"

I spoke "My name is Matatabi of the Two-Tailed Beast Village and I am Midnight Storm's mother."

Keiko’s eye twitched. “And who’s Midnight Storm?”

Midnight snarls "That would be me you old hag!"

Keiko looked like she was about to snap before she said to me. “Consider yourself lucky that you’re a pony.”

I snarl "I may be a pony but I can kick your sorry ass in a magic fight!"

Keiko growls "You picking a fight with me?!"

I roar loud with all of Matatabi's rage, pushing Keiko back.

Keiko growls "Grrr…!!! Why you dirty…!!!"

Astral, Ben, Finn, Sunny, Kion and Ralph roar loud at Keiko causing her to fall onto her back.

Keiko snarls "You’re making me angry here!"

Kurama snaps from inside my shadow. "ENOUGH KEIKO!!!"

Several angry Equians and Mobians soon surround Keiko.

Holo and Myuri snarl at Keiko.

Keiko asks "Kurama?! Where are you?!"

Kurama snarls "As if I'd tell a yandere like you where I am!"

Holo growls "You ruined our party... you insulted Matatabi AND Twilight..."

Keiko spoke "Kurama is mine! And no one else’s!"

Holo growls "And there's the yandere side..."

Holo slaps Keiko across the face, clawing the vixen's face.

Keiko spoke "You’re dead meat you damn wolf!"

Keiko hit Holo with a flaming tail-slap, burning her face.

But Holo blocked with an earth barrier.

Keiko roars "I’ll kill you!!!"

Keiko started delivering an entire storm of flaming claw swipes.

Holo slams her tail on the ground, causing an earth spike to go right through Keiko's stomach.

Keiko spoke "*Cough!* You little…!"

A male scoffs "Tch. How sad."

A male diamond dog in a 1900’s New York gangster leader outfit arrived while flipping a double-headed coin.

Holo spoke "You're blinded by anger which leads to your downfall."

But then Firebrand and Annabelle grew nervous at the Diamond Dog’s presence.

The male spoke "The wolf goirl’s right, fox dame. Can’t believe I was brought out of Brawlhalla for dis."

Kurama spoke "You never left me alone for a minute... You ripped the tails off Naomi.... You nearly killed my host.... You insulted MY son and MY wife..."

Black fire started burning around Keiko…

Keiko spoke "B-But Kurama…"

Kurama leapt out of my shadow in his true form.

Kurama spoke "Shut up! You've harassed me for years on end! That was why I went berserk on Naruto's village all those years ago!"

Tears started leaking from Keiko’s eyes. “B-But Kurama-senpai…”

Matatabi growls "You killed my sister!"

Keiko gasps "S-Sister…?"

Matatabi spoke "Naomi was my sister... Yet you ripped her tails off and she bled to death!"

The impaled fox soon dies from blood loss.

Holo spoke "Good riddance... We won't be harassed by her again."

The male scoffs "Tch. That dame’ll either be headin’ to the Wrath Ring or the Lust Ring."

Belladonna spoke "Uh… It’s quite rare to see you here, Mr. Cross, sir."

Cross asks "Belladonna, how’s the little goirl comin’ along? You an’ Firebrand still happy?"

Annabelle spoke "That they are sir. Oh, I'm Belladonna's cousin, Annabelle."

Cross spoke "Heh. Whaddya know, opposites can be family. Not that I have a problem with dat."

The rest of us though were confused.

Danyelle spoke "I scared Belladonna once."

After throwing Keiko's body into the freezing ocean, the party was soon back under way and it lasted for the rest of the night.


Free For All Brawl!

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*Lillian's POV*

Wow. That rematch is happening. I was honestly really surprised.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but... Kurama and I share damage though... If he got burned, I'd feel the effects too."

Kurama spoke "I'll be able to handle it!"

Twilight spoke "Stupid battle bond..."

Sumarda then showed up. "So just to be sure, you want to fight me at my full strength?"

Kurama spoke "If it wasn't for the battle bond I have with Sparkle Butt, I'd fight you at my full strength too."

Sumarda's five friends showed up to watch the battle before Tira showed up.

Natsu spoke "I want to challenge Sumarda!"

Kurama spoke "Hey!"

Sumarda spoke "Hmm…"

We noticed Tira.

Natsu spoke "baka fox, you do realize that any damage you take will affect Twilight too."

Kurama spoke "But this is my battle!"

Danyelle spoke "I’m not sure what’s gonna happen when people see this battle unfold."

Tira spoke "Come on! I’m blind!"

Matatabi spoke "Kurama...."

Kurama asks "What?"

I realized something about Tira. “Hey, doesn’t Tira remind you of Toph?”

Matatabi spoke "SIT BOY!"

Korra spoke "Yeah, you're right."

Kurama was face down on the ground.

Tira spoke "Even though I met Toph, who’s in Brawlhalla right now, you could say I’m like a reincarnation of her."

Korra spoke "but it's been 220 years! Toph's dead by now."

Tira facepalmed. “If she’s in Asgard’s Brawlhalla, then she’s already dead.”

Korra spoke "besides, I'm about 240 years old thus making me the oldest Avatar. Which means Kyoshi isn't the oldest known Avatar anymore."

Tira spoke "When news of that got to Asgard, Toph told me that Twinkle-Toes fell flat on his back in surprise."

Danyelle giggles "Aang was a goofball though."

Tira giggles "Heehee! No doubt about that."

Natsu spoke "I’m ready to fight with all I’ve got!"

Sumarda asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "We don't know when Opaline will strike next so we should be prepared for when it happens."

Sumarda asks "And you want me to fight you at full strength, Natsu?"

Natsu spoke "Cuss yeah I am!"

Sumarda asks "*Concern* Are you really sure about that?"

Nashi spoke "My dad is a hothead.... He hasn't tussled since Gray and many of the other Fairy Tail guild members died off."

Sumarda spoke "Okay, if you wanna let off some steam. But before careful what you wish for. For my full strength, we’ll need the Infinite Arena."

Sumarda snapped her fingers, and all of us spectators with Natsu found ourselves in an infinite space as Sumarda was getting ready to fight Natsu.

Natsu spoke "I'm not going to hold back!"

Yue sighs "Stupid dragon..."

Sumarda spoke "Okay. Here we go."

The next thing we knew, Sumarda became as big as a two universes, weighing at 18 octodecillion pounds! But then Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie and Xena in the spectator stands purposefully became just as big, heavy and fat as Sumarda, yet it was like they were still at the same distance before they transformed.

Vetur snaps "Sumarda! What did I say about using your unbound form against someone who doesn't have one?"

Sumarda spoke "I asked Natsu if he really wanted me at full strength."

Vetur snaps "Does he have an unbound form?"

Sumarda spoke "No."

Natsu spoke "ALRIGHT!!! Now THIS is a fight!"

Lucy groans "My husband is an idiot...."

A bead of sweat dripped down Sumarda’s head as she was just baffled at Natsu wanting to fight her like that.

Vetur spoke "From here out, Sumarda is not allowed to fight someone in her unbound form if the other person doesn't have an unbound form as well."

Natsu spoke "WHAT?! Oh come on! That’s not fair! How am I get some steam out if my opponent doesn’t go all-out?!"

Danyelle asks "Do I need to whoop your sorry ass Natsu?"

Natsu roars "GRAAAAGH!!! Just this one time, let me fight Sumarda at her full strength!!!!!"

A draconic howl was heard before a scarlet furred dragon-wolf hybrid flew at Natsu and punched him hard, sending him tumbling head over tail backwards.

The dragon-wolf hybrid spoke "Still hotheaded as ever Natsu."

Mira popped out of Danyelle’s shadow and gasped, “Erza?!”

Erza spoke "Long time no see Mira, Wendy and Lucy."

The Fairy Tail girls hugged Erza and started crying waterfalls.

Nashi, Layla, Luke and Skyla were confused.

Danyelle spoke "Freaked out fire dragon in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Natsu gasps "ERZA?!?!?!?!?!"

Erza spoke "Long time no see fire breathing idiot."

Danyelle taunts "What's the matter Flamebrain? Too chicken to fight with a keen cat?"

Natsu spoke "Oh… IT’S ON!!!"

Danyelle spoke "You'll regret picking a fight with me flamebrain!"

Erza spoke "Hmm… Although…"

Mira asks "What?"

Erza spoke "I am honestly eager to battle to battle Sumarda at her full strength. If it is allowed this once, of course."

Danyelle shot Natsu in the butt with Chaos Bullet.

Natsu responded with a Fire Dragon Roar.

Vetur spoke "Hmm…"

Danyelle countered with a Fire Neko Yowl, pushing Natsu's attack back.

Lucy spoke "Some things never change."

Mira spoke "Heehee! Agreed."

Vetur sighs "Alright. But just this one time."

Sumarda asks "R-Really?"

Danyelle laughs "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!"

Natsu spoke "THAT’S IT!!!"

Nashi shouts "FREE FOR ALL BRAWL!!!!"

Soon enough, everyone else was fighting with each other.

Pearl was stuck in a tree because of Luke.

Sumarda and her five friends were at their full strength, but their opponents were putting up quite a fight before I found myself facing Vetur.

Vetur sighs "What the hay."

Vetur soon became as big, heavy and fat as Sumarda and her five other friends.

“I won’t go down easily!” I declared as Vetur and I started our battle.

Blaze was on Sonic's back as the two pelted snowballs at the others.

All of us battled at our best and hardest, but we were all having so much fun as well, even against huge odds.

Danyelle yowls as she pelted Jet and Corina with snow.

Lucy whacked a tree with her tail, causing the snow to fall on Pipp.

Sumarda, Vetur, Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie and Xena then threw giant bouncy snowballs at us as we all kept having fun.

The hedgehog-Changeling hybrid, Estelle, was pelting her parents and uncle with snowballs.

A female diamond dog/earth pony hybrid, a female changeling/earth pony hybrid, and a female bland-face earth pony joined in on the fun.

Estelle pelts her cousin with snow.

Estelle laughs "Gotcha Lilypad!"

Lilypad laughs "*Smirk!* Oh you’re gonna get it now!"

Estelle laughs "I don't think so cuz!"

Lilypad and Estelle started tussling and wrestling in the snow with smiles are their faces.

Amy sighs "Estellise.... What am I gonna do with you?"

Limestone spoke "Come on, Amy. You gotta admit, they’re tough."

Amy spoke "I'm tougher than you are Lime!"

Nashi sets Knuckles's favorite hat on fire.

Limestone taunts "*Butting heads with Amy* Oh yeah?!"

Knuckles spoke "Huh? My hat’s on fire! Help!"

The echidna ran around while his favorite hat was on fire.

Danyelle was on her back while laughing.

Amy spoke "*Butting heads with Limestone* Yeah!"

Amy and Limestone started tussling and wrestling in the snow.

The two Changeling brothers spoke "Talk about being dense...."

A portal opened, revealing Chameleo. “Hey guys. What’s going on?”

Crosswind threw a snowball at Chameleo.

Blizzardstar spoke "Free for all brawl!"

Chameleo wiped the snow off his face with a serious expression. “Oh, it’s on now!”

Articuno wings sprouted on Chameleo’s back as Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style claws grew on his hands from the two spirits sealed in him, before he started delivering an entire flurry of snowballs at all of us as we took cover before we decided to team up and defeat him.

But then Crosswind was buried in a huge pile of snowballs before popping hir head out of the pile.

Blizzardstar pelts Chameleo with snowballs.

Kurama scooped up a large pile of snow with a wing and stuffed it down Chameleo's outfit.

Chameleo spoke "Nice try!"

Chameleo turned to Kurama, while the Inteleon somehow had a gas mask on him as he turned into a Serperior and held a yellow snowball before throwing it at Kurama as it hit him, causing a nasty odor.

Chameleo spoke "Snowball Stink Bomb!"

Rusty shouts "GROSS!!!! Was that Skuntank spray?"

Chameleo spoke "Yep."

Danyelle, Rarity and Bella all fainted from the smell.

Zoey passed out as well.

Chameleo spoke "Oops. Something tells me that was a bit much."

Blaze scoffs "You think?!? Danyelle can't stand skunk spray... and Clarity has her head in the ground..."

Even Natsu and Wendy had their heads in the ground since dragon slayer wizards had keen noses.

Chameleo spoke "Maybe this can help."

Chameleo first drenched Kurama in water before shooting a non-harmful gentle bubble beam, covering him in soap bubbles before a zipped all around him with a brush before all the bubbles vanished, Kurama looking good as new and smelling minty fresh.

But due to the cold weather, Kurama ended up frozen.

Lucy wingslaps Chameleo.

Lucy spoke "Watch it waterbrain, water plus cold weather means ice..."

Chameleo asks "Sorry, forgot about that. At least Kurama smells better, right?"

Twilight was shivering since she was cold.

Twilight stutters "Y-you b-better r-run w-waterbrain...."

Chameleo already ran back into the portal as it closed.

Twilight shot a lightning bolt at Chameleo before the portal closed, causing him to scream.

Sumarda asks "Was that really necessary?"

Sumarda, Christ, Silena, Ana, Valerie, Xena and Vetur went into their 1,000 pound forms as they arrived back at Maretime Bay, only to see someone from Zoey’s past arrive.

Twilight spoke "Battle Bond... Anything that happens to Kurama, I feel it too..."

Lucy growls at the black wolf.

Dren growls "You again Deep Blue? I thought Zoey killed you!"


Allied Forces Versus Deep Blue!/ A Family Restored

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*Twilight's POV*

I was snarling at the black wolf.

Deep Blue spoke "I… Don’t know who brought me back, but if it gives me another chance to destroy all of you, then I will do it as he ordered!"

Renee snarls "Zoey beat you last time, she can do it again!"

Anzu growls "STRAWBERRY BLADE!!!"

A sword appears in Anzu's left hand and the blade was a bright pink while the cloth on the handle was red.

Sumarda gasps "A nichirin sword?!"

Anzu's tail thrashes as she sent sparks of fire flying.

Anzu breathed sharply as fiery air was seen hissing out of her mouth through her teeth.

Dren spoke "You picked the wrong group to anger."

Anzu spoke "Flame Breathing… First Form…"

Anzu suddenly flashed forward and slashed at Deep Blue with a burning blade.

Anzu spoke "Unknowing Fire!"

Estelle's ears twitch when she heard a different voice cry out in pain.

A dark purple wolf with gray eyes was chained up in a cage within Deep Blue's body.

The wolf whimpers "h-help...."

Zoey gasps "M-Mark?"

Estelle spoke "That's not Mark! He died long ago!"

Estelle shapeshifted her wings to Pegasus wings before taking flight.

Estelle thinks "{Okay, he's controlling the body of another... so a holy based attack should work!}"

Estelle glows brightly.

Estelle spoke "Divine judgement for an evil soul! SACRED PENNANCE!!!!"

A blast of holy light hits Deep Blue, causing him to scream as he fades away thus freeing the wolf trapped inside.

The wolf spoke "T-Thank you."

Estelle spoke "Glad to see you're okay Yuri."

Yuri asks "E-Estelle? Is that really you?"

Estelle spoke "Yeah..."

Zoey asks "But how are you here?"

Yuri spoke "S-Some really pale guy appeared right in front of me, but it's all a blank after that."

Lucy spoke "That was a rather short fight...."

Estelle was hiding her face with her wings since she was flustered.

Yuri asks "Estelle? You alright?"

Amy giggles "Twitterpated..."

Much to Yuri's pain, a 24 year old yet immortal Repede bites the wolf on the tail.

Yuri yelps "GAH!!! Repede!"

Danyelle giggles "He's been my pet for years though since I lost Smith in an accident 210 years ago."

Estelle stammers "Uh Y-Yuri?"

Yuri asks "Yeah, Estelle?"

Danyelle spoke "For the love of.... What Estellise is trying to say is that she like you Yuri."

Yuri asks "*Blush* Say what now?"

Estelle spoke "The furball's right...."

Yuri was a stuttering blushing mess after that before we heard crunching as we saw Ein finish eating a diamond before Aphmau showed up.

Ein spoke "Ha! Gotcha, Aph!"

Aphmau asks "Wait, did you just eat an edible diamond?"

Danyelle whispered in Aphmau's ear. "That one was fused with a creeper diamond..."

Aphmau spoke "That's usually how most edible diamonds are, Dany."

Ein asks "Tch! What's gonna happen? Am I gonna blow up?"

Aphmau spoke "No, worse! It'll go right to your thighs!"

Ein gasps "Wait... My thighs?"

All of us, including Ein, saw the hyena's lower half alone being big, fat and blubbery.

Aphmau spoke "And then you'll blow up."

Emma spoke "Dumb hyena."

Ein blew up with a scream.

Aaron asks "Uh Aph, you do realize that he just killed himself right?"

Aphmau spoke "And in 3... 2... 1..."

Ein crashed onto the ground face first straight from the sky.

Danyelle wingslaps Aphmau.

Danyelle spoke "This isn't a game anymore you know? Once you die, you don't come back to life..."

A voice gasps "WHAT?! I'm a slime?!"

But then we saw Ein's upper half before it regrew his lower half.

Danyelle spoke "Uh... He lost his hyena form completely..."

But then Ein melted and became a blob of slime.

A drunk Shion spoke "Hehehe, you *hic* look like Lord Rimuru..."

Ein asks "Wait, really?"

Danyelle asks "Who's dumbass idea was it to give Shion a carton of eggnog?"

Pierce spoke "Uh... Oops."

Danyelle blasted Pierce with a Fire Neko Yowl, sending him flying.

Ein sighs "*As Pierce screamed with a Goofy yell* Phew!"

Danyelle spoke "I don't attack those smaller than me, no offense Aphmau."

Aphmau spoke "None taken, least I wasn't called a stupid potato."

Valerie spoke "Well, I better get ready for the race soon."

Rainbow spoke "Same and I have a feeling that Fuli's wanting to race too."

Moeka spoke "Zane! I heard Pierce call Aph a stupid potato!"

Sonic spoke "I better get ready too."

Valerie spoke "Well, she's welcome to race too."

Zane spoke "PIERCE!!!"

Aaron looked as though he wanted to rip Pierce apart.

Pierce spoke "Eep!"

Twilight’s fur turned creamy-white as her mane, wings and horn lit on fire in anger.

Danyelle spoke "At least I can get away with calling Aph a stupid potato since Zane knows he can't beat me up. And Twilight...."

Twilight froze before she turned back to normal, calming down.

Aphmau giggles "Talk about whipped..."

Holo spoke "Stupid potato..."

Moeka spoke "Don't provoke the large wolf though Zane."

Zane instead just went off after Pierce.

Ein asks "Wait, how long am I gonna be like this?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't know."

“Maybe you should ask Rimuru about that.” I noted.

Shuna spoke "It'll be a few months before we hear from him since he went into hibernation."

Danyelle and I both spoke "Oh."

Shuna spoke "Most of the non sentient monsters have gone into hibernation for the winter."

Moeka spoke "Typical Zane..."

Danyelle spoke "Yep."

Holo spoke "Eyup."

Pinkie giggles "Heeheehee! You know what this calls for?"

Renee spoke "A party, we know that by now Pinkie."

Lucy growls suddenly since Deep Blue was back.

Zoey groans "Oh come on!"

Danyelle growls "He's like a cockroach!"

Renee's fur was fluffed up in fear.

Renee spoke "Sh-shut up Danyelle!"

Twilight was growling at Tempest since the brown hawk had gone quiet.

“Tempest?” I asked in concern.

The brown hawk's calm amber eyes had changed to an icy blue since he had been possessed.

Estelle growls "That's not your husband!"

Deep Blue taking control of my husband… that really grinds my gears!

Danyelle yowls as she fired a Chaos Bullet Barrage on Deep Blue.

Deep Blue spoke "I won’t be easy to defeat this time. Thanks to him, I have been made stronger!"

Estelle growls "Evil be gone! SACRED PENNANCE!!!"

Another blast of holy light hits Deep Blue, forcing him out of Tempest's body.

But then heartless that were deep blue instead of black appeared.

Zoey slices up all of the heartless with her keyblades.

But then something shined within the sliced Heartless before they regenerated.

Zoey yowls "SORA!!!!!!"

A gummy ship then appeared.

Zoey spoke "Bout time you got here Sora!"

Sora spoke "Yeah."

But then Celaeno, her husband Jose, and her other Element of Harmony bearers showed up to help.

Jenn and her sisters poke their heads up out of tunnels that they had made.

Capper and the Abyssinian Elements soon arrive on tamed rocs.

Danyelle happily spoke "Guys!"

Amber spoke "We were surprised that we ended up immortal though."

Shady spoke "Yeah."

Blaze was on Millie's back as the immortal Beast-lord flew into battle.

Sonic showed up. “Alright! Let’s do this!"

Muta spoke "Aw what the heck!"

Baron sliced a heartless with a sword.

Baron spoke "This may be tough."

Twilight roasted three heartless with fire.

Twilight spoke "They're not like what we fought before!"

But then something shined in the damaged heartless before they regenerated. Fortunately, Twilight, Danyelle and I noticed it as the three of us point out, “Destroy the core!”

Haru yowls loud as she ran as fast as she could go before curling into a ball, pulling off a spindash but it was different.


A loud crack was heard since Haru sank her fangs into the core of a heartless.

The heartless that had its core destroyed suddenly disintegrated.

Danyelle spoke "Holy cuss..."

But then Danyelle’s nose and ears twitched at something.

Hiromi hissed loudly.

Then somehow, blood-red strings erupted from the ground as it sliced all of the Heartless right up the middle, splitting all of their cores in half, destroying them.

Haru asks "What in the Sol Dimension was that?"

A voice spoke "To be honest, I was really moved by how all of you fought alongside and defended each other as a family. No amount of words could express what I felt after witnessing that. Even though I have the celestial sisters to thank for helping me feel the sunbeams once more, I knew that there was still something missing."

A young pale-white untransformed changeling wearing a kimono of the same color with black spiderwebs on it, with some of his mane covering his left eye showed up. But what was odd was the red circle-markings on his face as his blood-red eyes that had silver-white irises and 3 black pupils in each of the irises from left to right.

Danyelle spoke "That's what a herd does, we look out for each other."

The Changeling colt asks "I see. But could you really accept someone like me?"

Chrysalis spoke "If the Nekomata of Redemption can accept someone like me into her hive-pack, she'd accept you as well."

Various Changelings and Diamond Dogs of the Crystal Stars hive-pack nod.

The colt spoke "Really? Even if I’m…"

The young changeling moved his hair away from his left eye, before Danyelle saw the boy from the last flashback again, but he was fighting against the changeling, who was a spider Mobian and had the Japanese kanji of Lower Five on his left eye before she saw him in the present as a changeling, with the number on his left eye no more.

the colt asks "A man-eating demon?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't judge someone based on their past."

the colt asks "Truly?"

Danyelle spoke "Yes."

The changeling gently smiled at that. “Thank you.”

A paralyzed Changeling teen spoke "I barely got my brother out of that mess but at the cost of my back legs no longer working...."

Danyelle asks "And you are?"

The teen spoke "I'm Quasi and this little devil is my brother, Rui."

Rui spoke "*Seeing someone else in Danyelle’s place before he saw her again* You… You remind me of him. That Tanuki boy who was with his rabbit little sister who was turned into a demon."

Michiru spoke "Alto and I are the only tanukis that Dany knows."

Nazuna was hiding in a pile of snow.

Michiru asks "Nazu?"

The pink siren pounces on her wife and tumbles into another pile of snow.

Michiru spoke "*Smirk* Oh, it’s on!"

Lugia was chuckling at the two.

Nazuna blows a raspberry on Michiru's stomach, making the tanuki-pony squeal.

Zoey spoke "Well, at least Tempest is freed and Deep Blue’s gone for good this time."

Renee spoke "Yeah bus there's something about that dark purple wolf that rubs my fur a certain way...."

Danyelle spoke "You mean Yuri? Psh! Come on! He’s a good friend to have."

Renee spoke "Prior to the whole limbo thing... My son had gone missing and I couldn't find him... Gadget and I were worried..."

Danyelle starting thinking about it before she had a sudden revelation with a gasp.

Irene asks "What is it mom?"

Danyelle gasps "No way... After all this time..."

Renee asks "What you getting at hairball?"

Danyelle asks "Uh... Yuri? What were your parents like?"

Yuri spoke "Many of my memories are fuzzy because of that jerk but I remember my mom's fur and my dad's eyes...."

Danyelle asks "What color were they?"

Yuri spoke "If I can recall correctly... My mother had purple fur and my dad had gray eyes..."

Danyelle gasped.

Zoey spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Danyelle spoke "Renee, I think Yuri's your son."

Renee scream-howls "WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!"

Zoey spoke "Called it."

Bridget asks "But the question is, where the cuss is Gadget?"

But then we heard a thud.

Renee asks "Gadget?"

Gadget groans "Ugh... Renee? That you?"

A teary eyed Renee tackle hugged Gadget into a pile of snow.

Gadget gently hugged Renee back.

Renee spoke "I missed you..."

Gadget spoke "I missed you too, sweetie."

The two wolves gazed into each other's eyes before they kissed for a few minutes.

Renee asks "Do you know what happened to our son?"

Gadget spoke "It’s honestly a blur… *Notices Yuri* But he looks like… that… Wait a minute."

Zoey spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Gadget scream-howls "WHAT?!?!?!?!"

Zoey's ears pin back.

Zoey spoke "That’s twice that’s happened this minute."

Danyelle's ears were also pinned back.

Danyelle spoke "Tell me about it."

Rarity had her ears plugged since she hated loud noise.

Rarity sighs "Why must these wolves be so loud?"

Sweetie Belle spoke "*Casual shrug* Beats me, sis."

Estelle pushes Yuri over to the two older wolf Mobians.

Estelle spoke "Just tell them."

Yuri spoke "*Blush* R-Right."

Renee asks "Huh?"

Yuri spoke "H-Hi… Mom and dad."

Both Renee and Gadget hug their long lost son while crying.

Sonic asks "Amy, are you... Crying?"

Amy spoke "*While crying tears* Honestly… Yes I am, Sonic."


Speeding into the New Year

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*Danyelle’s POV*

Tonight’s the beginning of the New Year and it’s also gonna be the race! I can barely hold in my excitement for this!

Irene spoke "Maybe you should join too mom. I really want to see that fireboom of yours."

“Are you sure, sweetie?” I asked.

Irene spoke "Dad told me that you pulled it off when Soarin, Spitfire, Misty Fly and Rarity were in danger."

I couldn’t help but giggle at the memory. “True.”

Rainbow spoke "That was pretty awesome though."

“No doubt about that.” I agreed.

Rainbow spoke "Plus you've gotten faster too."

“Heehee, yeah I did.” I smiled.

Rainbow spoke "Not to mention, Haru and Zoey have gotten faster too."

“Are they planning on joining the race?” I wondered out loud.

Both cats spoke "Obviously!"

"Ah, what the hey! I'm in too!" I volunteered with a shrug before Shadow showed up.

Shadow spoke "I'll be participating as well."

Sonic spoke "I doubt you can keep up with me Faker."

Shadow just scoffed.

Maria spoke "He's got a point Shadow, he's a lot faster than before since he's got alicorn strength."

Shadow spoke "But it won't stop me from participating."

Megaman spoke "I'm racing too!"

"So, going for a sibling competition, are you, little bro?" I smirked at Megaman, who smirked back at me.

Roll spoke "Don't forget! Volt, Jazz and I are taking part too."

Sumarda and Valerie showed, having heard all of the competitors.

Valerie spoke "*Excited squeal!* This is getting me pumped up!"

Soon, a male anthro sailfish showed up next to Valerie.

Valerie spoke "Swifty!"

A male spoke "Speedy!"

The two fast creatures hugged each other before they kissed and started making out.

Sonic asks "Who's that?"

The two disconnected before they smiled.

Valerie spoke "This is my husband, Davilfin the Sailfish."

Davilfin spoke "‘Sup!"

Sonic spoke "I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, hedgehog-alicorn hybrid."

I spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari, nekomata-gryphon-alicorn tribrid. I'm also known as Alpha-Queen, Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis and Keen Cat. Slime Tamer was one of my former titles."

Davilfin spoke "Nice! I heard about this race, and there was no way I could not participate in it!"

I spoke "True, we got quite a turnout too."

Davilfin spoke "I'm getting pumped up!"

Sonic spoke "Just as a warning, I do turn into a werehog at night which costs me my speed."

Valerie spoke "Hmm... Maybe we should do the race while the sun's still up."

I spoke "Good idea."

Sumarda asks "I'm guessing the racers will give it their all?"

Me and all the other participants in the race nodded, confirming that.

Sonic spoke "No tricks either Sumarda."

Sumarda spoke "Hmm... But Valerie and Davilfin will use their full strength. Hmm... I GOT IT!"

Sumarda snapped her fingers, creating a spectacular race course before Valerie and Davilfin turned into matching, moving holograms.

Sumarda spoke "There's an exact duplicate of this course in the Infinite Raceway, which is where Valerie and Davilfin are with holograms of the other racers matching their every movement for every second, same said for this racetrack as you can see two holograms."

A screen appeared, showing the real Valerie and Davilfin while me the other contestants there were holograms. The two speedsters there smiled before they became as big, fat and heavy as two universes, weighing at 18 octodecillion pounds with the race track and holograms there becoming as big as them, but the holograms' appearances didn't change one bit, was the two holograms on our race track looked as fat as the real deals were, but they didn't grow any bigger.

Sumarda spoke "That way everyone can give this race everything they got, and everything's on the up-and-up."

Arcana grabs Sumarda by the ear, dragging the female away.

Vetur spoke "Sheesh... Mother is rather strict with many things..."

Estelle spoke "I'd hate to get on her bad side..."

"But at least she made things fair, right?" I asked.

Vetur spoke "Not everyone has an unbound form though."

Sonic spoke "At least this isn't a battle."

Turning invisible, I pelted Shadow with a snowball.

Shadow spoke "Hey!"

Vetur asks "Well... Are all contestants ready?"

From the screen, Valerie and Davilfin answered, "Ready!"

The contestants and I nodded on our side.

Maria scritches behind Shadow's left ear, making him purr.

Vetur spoke "3… 2… 1… GO!!!"

And we were off, but all of us contestants were neck-and-neck right from the start before we saw turns coming up.

Sonic, Zoey and I were ahead of the pack since we were part alicorn.

The others started picking up the pace, catching up to us as we all turned hard right at the tight right turn.

I laugh "Too bad nobody told Riptorn about the race!"

But then a crack appeared in the sky before it opened as a portal before a flash zipped by us from the portal. "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!"

I spoke "WHY YOU LITTLE!!!!"

I pull off a triple fireboom, flying past Raptor.

But then electricity and pebbles sparked around Raptor before he soon went to godlike speed, catching up with me while causing a triple Drakoom as the two of us were neck-and-neck!

I poured all of my magic into my speed, breaking the sound barrier ten times over.

But then Raptor poured all of his, Zygarde and Zapdos' powers into his speed, breaking the sound barrier ten times over as well, bring us neck-and-neck again.

My body crackled with static and sparks of fire as I shot a Fusion Flarebolt at Raptor, knocking him back.

But then Raptor crackled with dragon energy and static before he shot a Thunder Core Enforcer, knocking me back to him as we were neck-and-neck again.

I roar "PLASMA BLAST!!!"

100% Galarian Zapgarde mode Raptor spoke "THUNDEROUS CORE!!!"

Our attacks collided and caused an explosion between us as we crossed the finish line, but neither of us knew who won.

Once the dust cleared, both Raptor and I were shocked since Zoey had come in second place and Sonic in first.

Raptor asks "Did Zoey just pull a Twilight on us?"

Twilight shouted "I HEARD THAT RIPTORN!!!"

But Raptor was to shocked by what Zoey did to get angry at that.

Twilight immediately called RD in before Raptor lost his temper.

RD spoke "Calm down, babe. Just think of it like that one Running of the Leaves race."

Raptor immediately calmed down after that.

Zoey spoke "Sorry to get on your bad side there but you two were fighting for first place."

Raptor spoke "Yeah. No biggie. That’s happened to me before."

Sonic spoke "Good thing I didn't become a full Wonderbolt since alicorns are naturally faster than Pegasi and gryphons."

Raptor and RD soon brought out their Multitrixes as activated them on a transformation, turning into alicorns themselves.

Raptor spoke "It wouldn’t have been fair so I didn’t use it."

I spoke "I'm one third alicorn though but I'm about as fast as Spitfire."

RD spoke "Yeah, we noticed."

The two detransformed as they went back to a Pegasus and a Garchomp.

Sonic spoke "That reminds me! Pinkie and her family are planning a big New Year's Party tonight."

Raptor spoke "Same for the Pinkie and her family back in our universe!"

I ask "How many kids did your world's Pinkie have?"

Raptor and RD snickered, concerning me.

Sonic asks "huh?"

I glared at Raptor.

Raptor and RD spoke "Quadrillions."

Me and my friends, especially Pinkie and her family, gasped in shock "WHAT?!?!?!"

Raptor and RD spoke "GOTCHA!!!"

The two started laughing.

Raptor laughs "Pinkie actually has three triplet daughters and one younger son!"

Rainbow Dash laughs "You should’ve seen your face!"

Naturally, Pinkie and the other elements of Laughter started laughing at the little prank those two pulled.

Bold spoke "Too bad there isn't another me though."

Raptor and RD smirked though before a portal opened, revealing a male teenage Garchomp/Pegasus hybrid. “Hey Mom! Hi Dad!”

Bold switched to his dragon form since it was in his genetics.

A hybrid spoke "Whoa! Nice!"

The hybrid then shifted into a Zoroark/Pegasus hybrid.

Raptor spoke "This is one of our kids. His name’s Bold Lightning."

RD spoke "But we all call him Bolt Drake."

Bolt asks "So you’re me from this universe?"

Bold spoke "Yeah, I'm the Prime zone version."

Azure spoke "Hey."

Bolt asks "So, Bold… Think you can beat me in a race?"

Bold spoke "Don't make me laugh. I'm no alicorn though but I have the speed of one!"

Bolt spoke "Same here! I can beat you!"

Bold spoke "In your dreams! Both of my parents are Wonderbolts!"

Bolt spoke "So are mine! My Aunt Scootaloo and Uncle Inferno are Wonderbolts too!"

Polished was racing Zipp through the sky.

Bold and Bolt started butting heads against each other as their parents sighed at that.

Both Rainbow Dashes spoke "They really are the same."

I spoke "Just like their mothers."

Lillian showed up. “Hey guys! How was the race?”

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and Raptor tied for last place due to their bickering."

Raptor and RD heard that and facepalmed/facehoofed. “Just like that Running of the Leaves race!”

I wingslap Jet for the heck of it since Sonic was a lot faster.

Lillian spoke "Well, the fireworks are going off tonight."

I spoke "Courtesy of the Dragneel family, they're handling the fireworks."

Sonic spoke "Yep."

I spoke "Last thing we need is a pair of boneheads messing things up... Yeah, I'm talking about Storm and Knuckles."

The others all laugh at what I had said.

Raptor spoke "Well, my family and I gotta head back to my universe for tonight."

Twilight spoke "Oh and Raptor? I challenge you to a battle in the new year."

Raptor asks "*Smirk* Are ya sure about that?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah! It'll be a good way to start the new year off."

Raptor chuckles "Heh. Can’t really argue with that."

I spoke "Yeah!"

Raptor spoke "Just so you know, I won’t be easy to beat."

Twilight laughs "I'm at least level 300 if I was a Pokemon!"

Raptor chuckles "Heh. If that’s true, then my level’s too strong be learned by a scanner."

I spoke "But you're still just a Pokemon though."

Raptor asks "*Ahem!* Sealed spirits and hidden potential in me, remember?"

Twilight spoke "Nine tailed and two tailed beasts in my body."

Raptor spoke "Still, I won’t be easy to beat."

Twilight growls "I'm going all out!"

Raptor spoke "Same here."

Twilight spoke "Good thing I have a few skills that aren't tied to my firebending!"

My ears twitch suddenly.

“Something’s off.” I noted.

Kurama spoke "I sense it too...."

Using sight sharing with Latias as she flew around Maretime Bay, I saw what she saw.

I spoke "I see something..."

Lillian asks "What is it?"

I growl "FOREST FIRE!!!!"

Vetur spoke "That’s not good!"

I spoke "Everyone! Follow me! We might be dealing with a hostile dragon!"

Everyone else nodded as we went to the forest fire.

I spoke "Waterbenders and water type Pokemon, see if you can put the fires out! Any Pokemon that knows Sand Attack, use it to douse the fires! Psychic and Fairy types, heal anyone that is injured! I'm going to deal with that dragon!"

But what we saw was strange, the fire was light blue instead of red.

I put a hand into the light blue flames but it didn't hurt at all since I had fire resistance.

But then I heard a skeletal roar.

I unsheath the nichirin sword I carried on my back with magic before holding it with my right hand.

I spoke vie telepathy with Latias "{Be careful Latias, this might get ugly.}"

Latias spoke "{Right!}"

I spoke "Okay guys, it seems a skeletal dragon is near!"

But then a bright green-tinged white male dragon with thick-blue lines on him and bright pink spines was sent flying into me as I caught him.

I gasp "what the floppa?"

But then something emerged from the flames, revealed to be Dry Bowser, having gone into his Giga Form and gained some dragon features.

I hiss as flames swirl around the sword.

I hiss loudly at Dry-Giga Bowser, inadvertedly using the Menace skill I picked up from Ranga.

But then the dragon I caught earlier stood back up and took a fighting stance.

I ask "You sure bout this?"

Akaza spoke "Of course I am."

But then I saw flashbacks of the Taisho period, seeing battles of that dragon, who was once a komodo dragon demon, against a lion Mobian flame hashira demon slayer, and against the tanuki Mobian from the last flashbacks before I saw myself back in the present.

I groan "What is with all these memories?"

But then I snapped myself out of it as I prepared to fight Dry-Giga Bowser.

The Cosmic Star Keyblade suddenly appeared in my left hand as if to warn me of a powerful Heartless nearby, one that Sora couldn't beat.

"That can't be good." I dreaded.

Zoey asks "You sensed it too huh?"

"Yeah." I answered.

Both of Zoey's keyblades were rattling.

Zoey spoke "Even my Neko Blades sense it..."

I growl "Let's end Dry-Giga Bowser and that damned Heartless!"

Then Zoey and I felt great power from the dragon as he prepared to attack the enemy.

I shot white fire at Dry-Giga Bowser.

Akaza spoke "Blood Demon Art: Destructive Death…"

The dragon delivered a powerful attack on Dry-Giga Bowser, causing a blue-fiery explosion.

Akaza spoke "Annihilation Type!"

Zoey spoke "Neko Blades! PYRO BLAST!!!"

Bright pink flames hit Dry-Giga Bowser, inflicting pain.

I breathed sharply as flames hissed out of my mouth through my teeth. “Sun-Breathing…” I started off as I performed a singular slash utilizing a spiraling motion which extended in front of myself to defend from imminent frontal fire-breath attacks from Dry-Giga Bowser. “Burning Bones, Summer Sun!”

Zoey spoke "Nice try you literal bonehead! Danyelle's got fire resistance!"

After I attacked, Dry-Giga Bowser’s arms were separated before they reconnected.

But due to a hellfire bomb spell I attached to Dry-Giga Bowser’s arms, those arms had got blown to bits.

Dry-Giga Bowser roared in pain.

I growl "I'm gonna enjoy ripping you to bits!"

Zoey, the dragon and I dealt a typhoon of attacks on Dry-Giga Bowser, dealing him great damage.


A tornado of white hot fire engulfed Dry-Giga Bowser, causing massive pain.

“Technique Development.” The dragon said as he stomped the ground and readied himself while a snowflake-like symbol appeared on the ground below and around him. “Destructive Death: Compass Needle.” The dragon added before rushing to his target and delivering a multitude of powerful shockwave-enhanced punches and kicks on Dry-Giga Bowser. “Destructive Death.” The dragon said as he charged an attack and charged at Dry-Giga Bowser with the same attack from before, but it was more powerful. “Annihilation Type, Punish!” The dragon roared as his attack caused a more powerful blue-fiery explosion, shattering the ground around the two.

Zoey and I combined our attacks and destroyed Dry-Giga Bowser.

Zoey and I spoke in unison "HELLFIRE INFERNO OVERDRIVE!!!!!"

Dry-Giga Bowser roared before he was absolutely destroyed.

I spoke "And that's all she wrote."

Zoey spoke "For sure."

Akaza spoke "That was a good fight. Hahahaha, that felt incredible!"

I spoke "True there given that I happen to be a Smasher."

Zoey asks "Wait, who are you?"

Azaka spoke "My name is Akaza."

I burped up a scroll from Master Hand, stating that four new Smashers had been chosen.

“This is new!” I said in surprise!

Zoey spoke "Seems two new tag teams were announced... one team consists of Sunny Starscout and Honey Charm, the other is Zipp Storm and Polished Stone!"

I couldn’t help but giggle at that. “Of course those two lovebirds would be a team.”

Polished spoke "Great auntie! That was uncool!"

Zipp on the other hand, facehoofed from what I said.

Zoey asks "But since these are actually duos, meaning two for ones, are there any other fighters?"

Mythic's nose twitches.

Mythic spoke "I don't think Zipp Storm should take part..."

“Why?” I asked.

Mythic spoke "As the keenest of the second generation Pony Guard, I can sense that Zipp is expecting a foal."

Zipp asks "Wait, what?"

Rarity spoke "Keen noses never lie."

Zipp gasps "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

Polished shouts "WHAT?!"

Mythic spoke "Chakat noses don't lie either."

Polished spoke "M-Maybe I should sit this one out too. I mean, after hearing about Zipp having a kid on the way, I feel like I need to stay by her."

I spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Haven was heard screaming.

Zipp sighs "Of course mom’s out cold."

Zoey spoke "Rainbow Dash is gonna flip when she hears this."

My left ear twitched.

I spoke "Hold the line everyone! I hear a voice I don't know!"

Zoey asks "What?"

I spoke "Whoever is hiding, come out right now!"

a female voice spoke "I’m surprised you noticed me."

Rachnera showed up, looking as young as ever.

I spoke "I never forget a face or scent."

Twilight was holding onto Renee with magic so that the purple wolf Mobian wouldn't bolt.

Rachnera spoke "I can see that."

Twilight spoke "It's been a while Rachnera. I do apologize for having to restrain Renee, she doesn't like large bugs."

Rachnera saw that as clear as day.

Renee spoke "I really d-dislike bugs...."

Rachnera was about to retort before she noticed something. “Who’s that?”

I turned to where she was pointing and saw Rui helping out the others with the forest.

I spoke "New member of my hive-pack. He may look like a Changeling but he's also a demon, he's not going to hurt anyone."

Rachnera spoke "Hmm…"

I spoke "His older sister's crippled but it doesn't bother her."

Rachnera spoke "I see."

Polished spoke "My cousin had the same problem but I think he had his back legs turned robotic..."

“I wonder how Relay’s doing anyway.” I wondered.

Since she was sterile, Babs soon shows up with Relay and an adopted gryphon child.

Babs spoke "Hey Scoots!"

Scootaloo spoke "Babs! Relay! It’s so good to see you two again!"

Feather giggles "Forgetting somegriff?"

A pink gryphon cub with green eyes was hiding behind Babs.

I spoke "She kinda looks like a gryphon version of Amy..."

The small cub shrinked, hiding behind Babs more.

I ask "Shy too... Hey Fluttershy, could you come here?"

Fluttershy showed up. “Yes, Danyelle?”

Relay asks "I remember you! You're the first generation Pony Guard's medic right?"

Fluttershy spoke "Uh-huh."

Relay spoke "I heard about you from the keen cat."

Fluttershy asks "Do you need me for something?"

Babs spoke "It's about Roseclaw's shyness..."

Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear."

Soon enough, the party was under way!

I met up with Evan and Anna. “Hey guys! How’s it going?”

Evan spoke "Hahaha. Doing well."

Anna spoke "Yes. It’s so good that another year is starting."

I spoke "Yeah, here's to 2240!"

Rainbow, Applejack and Shion had gotten drunk on cider overdose.

Evan spoke "Those three."

Anna spoke "And I thought Rainbow could handle it."

A pair of strong teenage earth pony mare twins tumbled by, wrestling as a young earth pony colt walked up.

Anna spoke "Angela… Hera…"

Evan asks "Is something wrong, Eric?"

Eric spoke "I’m just glad to be with my family."

I spoke "Shion can't hold her liquor that well but she can't cook that good either.... Basically... Mystery Food X... *blech*"

Evan spoke "We’re gonna take your word on that."

Sonata was asleep in her true form since she was also drunk.

Aria spoke "Sheesh. Sonata’s out too."

Adagio was tipsy.

Adagio spoke "Y-you're one to *hic* talk knucklehead..."

Aria asks "*Facepalm!* How much did you drink, Adagio?"

Adagio spoke "One *hic* barrel..."

Aria spoke "*Deadpan* You’re drunk if you actually drank a whole barrel."

Adagio spoke "Don't make me *hic* set you on fire..."

Sonia showed up.

Kelly spoke "Hey."

Sonia spoke "Hi."

Adagio giggles "Hey sugar-hog..."

Sonia sighed with a smile. “Dagi, what am I gonna do with you?”

Sonic spoke "I have a crazy family."

Manic asks "*Eyebrow raise* And you marrying Blaze, who’s a alternate version of you, isn’t crazy?"

Sonic spoke "You're one to talk Manic. Marrying two taco loving sirens is also crazy."

Manic spoke "*Smirk* Heh, lucky for me."

Soon enough, the fireworks were shot off.

I spoke "Happy New Year everyone!!"

Twilight spoke "Happy New Year~!"

Sunny and the others sing

Celestia spoke "What a way to end a year."

Luna spoke "Agreed."

Cadence spoke "It’s so good to be with friends and family."

Akari spoke "If only somepony would let go of her anger..."

Midnight spoke "We know it won’t be that easy."

A pink female flicky flew onto Amy’s shoulder as she gently petted her on the head.

Holo was carrying a mad Opaline by the tail with her mouth.

Opaline spoke "Put me down you stupid mutt!"

A mare spoke "Let her go!"

A Unicorn mare appeared, tackling Holo.

But since Holo was in her true form, the mare's tackle had no effect.

Honey growls "Well, if it isn't Misty..."

Misty froze in fear.

Both the first and third generation Pony Guard had Misty surrounded.

But then Obsidian showed up in shock.

I spoke "Abusive parents are no laughing matter..."

The first and third generation Pony Guard kept an eye on Misty as I walked up to her before giving her a motherly hug, one that she desperately wanted.

Obsidian stammers "O-Opaline?"

Opaline spoke "*Noticing Obsidian* What?! No! It can’t be! He told me if I got rid of the Joestars for him, he’d help me be with my family again!"

Twilight growls "Well, whoever told you that was lying."

Pearl spoke "Long time no see sister..."

“W-What?! No! It’s lies! It’s lies! It’s all lies! PARANOID!!!” Opaline roared before something emerged from her, causing the alicorn mare to phase out of Holo’s jaw and vanish with the being like ghosts.

But Holo's magic had negated Opaline's magic.

But then the being struck Holo, causing her to let Opaline go before the alicorn and being vanished.

Jolyne gasps "What the?! A stand?!"

I spoke "That was no normal stand..."

Jotaro scoffs "Tch. Looks like we’ll have to beat her unconscious."

I spoke "I can't tag her with a tracking spell though. Only an alicorn can remove another alicorn's tracking spell. And for Misty's sake, I'm not letting her near Opaline again. We don't need a repeat of the Konoe and Cozy incidents again."


Tracking Opaline/ A new Threat Approaches

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*Sunset's POV*

I was invisible as I flew after that alicorn brat.

I heard Opaline mumbling to herself, “There’s no way it could’ve been them! They had to be fakes! He told me that if I eliminate the Joestar line, he’d help me reunite with my family! I just couldn’t refuse! *Whimpering* Please… I just want my family back…”

When I followed her into her throne room, she started sobbing in grief and sorrow.

My left eye was blue since Danyelle was using sight sharing so that she could see what I saw.

I think "{Who's he?}"

Danyelle spoke via telepathy "{Hell if I know. But try to find out what’s going on.}"

I spoke "{All I know is that it's someone that wants the Joestars all dead...}"

Danyelle asks "{But who?}"

But then I heard Opaline singing something to herself, and I recognized that it was the song that Radiant Hope used to sing for her children to help them sleep before I saw Opaline fall asleep with grieving tears.

I creep closer to Opaline on silent feet so I could look into her memories.

But when I touched her, something strange happened. Two strange disks ejected from her head like a CD player.

I quickly teleported the discs to Danyelle.

But then I noticed that something was off with Opaline, she wasn’t moving!

I immediately called Obsidian and his wife in.

Soon enough, I got one of the discs back from Danyelle after she scanned it.

I soon saw something in the Disc, like a memory.

A stranger asks "Pardon me, you are Opaline, are you not?"

Opaline (Memory) sighs "*Saddened* Yeah, so what?"

But then I found the disc sticking into me.

The stranger spoke "You yearn for the love and revival of all your family, and is willing to do anything at any cost. You truly are evil, but that makes me say that I am quite fond of you, Opaline. If the Joestars ever return, you will dispose of them like a true friend. Isn’t that right, Opaline? Do so, and I will see to it that you reunite with them in Heaven."

I got the disc out of my head without a single wound, but I realized that we might have a new enemy on our hands and hooves.

I spoke "{Danyelle, we have a new threat on our hands and hooves.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Definitely, and it seems to be a devout follower of Dio.}"

I spoke "{Rally the guards, all of them! This is gonna get nasty!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Right!}"

Danyelle alerted all of the Pony and Mobian Guard as well as the Joestars of an oncoming threat.

Soon, Obsidian, Radiance and I got Opaline back to Maretime Bay hospital, who was starting to come to.

Opaline groans "Ugh… What?"

Danyelle asks "Any ideas N'Doul?"

N’Doul spoke "Sadly, I’m afraid not."

Opaline asks "W-What happened? Where am I? What year is it?"

Danyelle spoke "You used to work for Dio though..."

Pearl spoke "2240...."

N’Doul spoke "That said, I realized that even though that Pet Shop, Mariah and I were three of DIO’s strongest, he told no one of his past or what other allies he made, because he trusted none of us."

Opaline gasps "That long?!"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic mentioned Anya one time."

Pearl spoke "Yes but as you can see, creatures of all sorts are stronger when they work together."

Opaline spoke "W-What have I been doing all this time? I can’t remember a thing after grieving my family’s death!"

Pearl spoke "Our parents and I weren't dead, we were in stasis for 200 years."

Opaline asks "Wait… Pearl?"

Pearl spoke "Yeah, it's me alright."

Opaline started sobbing as she hugged her big sister. “I’m so sorry for being really jealous of your looks and attention! I really didn’t want to hurt anyone! *Bawling* Please forgive me!” Opaline cried as she was having an emotional meltdown.

Pearl comforts her sister.

Pearl spoke "*Hugging Opaline back with a gentle smile* It’s okay, Opal. The past’s behind us."

Danyelle spoke "The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or... learn from it."

Opaline asks "*Sniff!* Where’s mom and dad?"

Radiant spoke "We're here."

Opaline gasped as she saw her parents before she flew over to them and hugged them while crying tears. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean for any of you or anyone else to get hurt!”

Obsidian spoke "I've done some rather stupid things when the Crystal Empire came back... I wasn't in the right mind then but Radiant saved me..."

Radiant spoke "Frozen in ice for a long time, thawed out by a creature I never seen before, journeyed to my home to set it free, saved my childhood friend..."

Obsidian spoke "We’re just sorry to have been in stasis and left you alone like that. It must’ve been torture for you."

Opaline bawled her eyes out while crying.

Huntverse Twilight soon appears but she was in a panic.

Huntverse Twilight spoke "We got a problem!"

I ask "What is it?"

Prime Twilight was growling since something was approaching.

A voice yelps "GAH!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Twilight....."

The Prime zone Twilight immediately shuts up.

The stallion spoke "Ow…"

Huntverse Twilight spoke "Wait… that sounded like…!"

The stallion spoke "Hey Twi."

Another alicorn was with the stallion.

Huntverse Twilight gasps "Flashy! Akari!"

But then Prime Twilight fainted with a blushing nosebleed.

Prime Akari spoke "Now I've seen everything...."

Opaline suddenly gasped before she blushed. “Uh… what about him?”

Prime Akari spoke "Midnight, get your furry butt over here!"

Midnight poked his head through the window. “What is it sis? Wait… Opaline?”

Opaline stammers "*Blushing madly* Uh… Hi."

Prime Akari giggles "Knew it..."

Midnight spoke "*Blush* Cut it out, Akari!"

Prime Akari giggles "Can't I tease my brothers once in a while? I know you have it bad for her."

Midnight spoke "*Blushing madly* AKARI!!!"

Prime Akari teleported someplace.

Pearl was on her back while giggling.

Opaline asks "*Blushing madly* Um… Midnight?"

Midnight asks "Yeah?"

Opaline spoke "*Softly crying tears* I’m sorry, for everything that’s happened after my family went into stasis. It’s like someone else took my place and I was caged in my heart with no way out. I just hope you can forgive me."

Midnight reaches over and gives Opaline a gentle lick on the cheek.

Midnight spoke "As Danyelle once said... Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is a gift, that is why it is called the present."

Opaline blushed even more and gave Midnight a gentle nuzzle on the cheek.

Prime Twilight spoke "Well, this is awkward..."

Danyelle spoke "At least Astral hasn't noticed the Huntverse Akari yet..."

Prime Twilight spoke "Danyelle, that was uncalled for!"

Danyelle simply giggled.

Ben warns "Danyelle, don't make me use the word on you."

Danyelle giggles "Heehee. Sorry sweetie."

Danyelle gave a loving kiss on Ben’s cheek, relaxing him so much, he practically turned putty.

Huntverse Twilight spoke "I fear a new enemy is drawing near."

"Yeah. And it's the one who was responsible for Opaline acting like before." I added.

Danyelle spoke "Unfortunately, we have no clue who it is."

Prime Twilight spoke "Whatever it is, we can handle it!"

Jolyne and Jotaro showed up.

For some strange reason, Zipp was wearing socks on all four of her legs which caused Polished to faint.

Pipp smirked as she was wearing socks on all four of her legs as well, putting Hitch in the same position as Polished.

Sunny spoke "Real smooth girls."

Pipp posed attractively with her tongue sticking out while Zipp was just standing there in embarrassment.

Cherry Blossom had a kimono on since she was half Mobian fox.

But then someone came in, wielding a pistol and revealed himself.

Jolyne spoke "Johngalli A.!"

Jotaro spoke "I'll face off against him!"

But then Danyelle, Jotaro and I noticed his stand right to our left.

Johngalli A. spoke "Die!"

Johngalli A. fired six bullets at his stand, which ricocheted off of it right at Jolyne!

Jotaro spoke "Time stop!"

Star Platinum appeared and froze time.

Jotaro spoke "The enemy... There was two of them!"

Jotaro, I, Danyelle and others who could see through frozen time saw a slimy masculine figure on the wall.

Jotaro spoke "That one conjured visions for me, Jolyne and the others. And even went so far to put Johngalli A.'s actual stand inside of those dreams. Everything had been a set up... to lead to this. Set up precisely for this moment where I'd have no other options to stop time to keep my daughter safe! Their target... was always me!"

Jotaro jumped toward Jolyne. "Time is about to start! Jolyne!"

Jotaro shoved Jolyne out of the way before time started flowing again, as Star Platinum appeared to punch away the bullets and the strange enemy.

A voice spoke "Looks like you were one step too late. Jotaro Kujo, how I've waited for this. Wish I could take my time."

The enemy was suddenly behind Jotaro as he turned around before it struck Jotaro's face, causing two discs to eject from his head.

the person spoke "It seems they were already done. Perfect. Even the invincible Joestar couldn't stop me from obtaining that which I wanted!"

The enemy stand grabbed the discs.

Pale spoke "You were no match for the power of Pale Snake!"

Johngalli A. kept shooting bullets and ricochetting them with his stand while Jolyne deflected them with Stone Ocean's punches when I noticed that Pale Snake and Jotaro's memory and stand discs were gone completely as Jotaro leaned against the wall.

But Huntverse Rainbow had gotten in the way thus saving Jotaro, crashing into a wall right after.

Jotaro spoke "Listen, there can only be one stand per person. So then, there were two enemies from the beginning. Johngalli A.'s one. The mushy guy, the second..."

Johngalli A. started approaching us.

Jotaro spoke "Listen, a transmitter has been fitted inside this pendant, so the Speedwagon Foundation of Equis is on their way here. The submarine they're in has been programmed to find and follow this signal automatically. It hones in like a beacon. Do you understand what I'm saying? Just go to the shore, and the submarine will come to you guys. Easy as that."

But then Jotaro suddenly gained bullet wounds as they started bleeding.

Jotaro spoke "Go. I'm only bleeding a little."

But then six bullets flew at Jolyne, only to curve away from her and crash into the walls.

Johngalli A. spoke "No way!"

Johngalli A. checked the front of the gun and felt threads.

Johngalli A. growls "Hey! What is this? This thread is... When did it-?"

Johngalli A. ripped the thread from his gun and aimed at Jolyne again.

Johngalli A. spoke "I've got you!"

Johngalli A. fired, only to miss as he found himself spinning around because of the thread wrapped around his legs.

Jolyne spoke "Be quiet."

Johngalli A. spoke "Alright. I'll drop the gun."

But Johngalli A. smirked as he actually aimed the gun upward toward his stand before Stone Ocean grabbed him and started punching him.

Jolyne spoke "Idiot. Simon didn't say "Drop it." I was just checking out the angles. I wanted to make sure to line up the easiest one to hit you from. See, I'd prefer if your jaw were facing a little further to the right."

Stone Ocean then delivered a storm of punches on Johngalli A.

Stone Ocean spoke "Ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!"

But as Johngalli A. was knocked off his feet, Jotaro suddenly went limp on the floor against the wall.

Huntverse Rainbow groans "What the cuss happened?"

"No idea, but it can't be good." I answered

Soon, all of us left the beaten-up Johngalli A. as we when to the shore, awaiting the submarine, before we saw the hatch surface.

Jolyne spoke "The submarine was already here and waiting for us!"

But when we looked at the limp Jotaro, we saw his wound bleeding into the water.

Jolyne cries "No way! It... It can't be... No, there's no way! Even if he got shot, the wound is shallow. None of his vitals were hit! It's not supposed to be a fatal wound. But... But, why are you... Why the hell did your heart stop beating, Dad?!"

Twiliterasu was soon heard howling, rewinding time on Jotaro thus saving him.

But Jotaro coughed out blood before members of the Speedwagon Foundation came out and got Jotaro, bringing him to a hospital that’ll help his condition stay stable.

Huntverse Rainbow spoke "Talk about cutting it close..."

“Definitely.” I agreed.

We went back to the last place we were at, only to see Johngalli A. dead, bleeding with a bullet wound and holding a gun in his right hand.

Midnight spoke "Suicide...."

“I’m not sure… But it looks like there was no other way he could be dead.” I wondered.

Midnight asks "What about memory recall?"

"Okay. But it'll be hard to pull off." I responded.

Midnight spoke "He tried to shoot Opal but I scared him to the point of where he couldn't think straight."


Clip Trot/ Stickers

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*Zipp’s POV*

Pipp was watching something and was really excited about it, but what?

Midnight was chuckling at something Opaline had said.

“So how’s she doing?” I asked the nurse.

Nurse Redheart spoke "She’s doing fine. She should be alright by now."

Gingerheart spoke "Red, I can't find Cloudbreeze."

I ask "But what is my sister going on about?"

Polished came in. “Something about bunnies.”

I was blushing since Polished was wearing a nice outfit.

“Uh… I-I think I should check on the patient.” I stammered as I went off to check the patient that nurse Redheart mentioned from earlier.

Gingerheart spoke "Oh no you don't missy, you have a foal on the way and I'd rather not have my fur burned off by Rainbow if you got hurt."

“We’ll be fine. Don’t worry.” I insisted.

The hybrid foal had kicked hard.

“Thanks, kid.” I said in gratitude to my unborn child. “My kid said that it’s okay to check up on the patient.”

Gingerheart sighs "Okay. But be careful."

Polished spoke "Hey Zippster."

“Heh, hey Poli.” I greet with a smirk and a kiss on his cheek.

Polished chuckles "How's our little Fire Cracker doing?"

“Heehee. Great. He even agreed to check on the patient.” I answered with a smile as I nuzzled my awesome Polished.

Polished chuckles "He's a lot like my mom, feisty."

“Then why don’t we check on the patient together, Poli-Woli?” I asked with a flirty look.

Polished chuckles "Sure babe."

The both of us walked into the room to see a female echidna Mobian.

The female groans "Damn it. That rotten janitor. Made off with what little I‘d saved. God damn it!"

Polished asks "You okay miss?"

the female asks "Hm? Yeah, I’m fine. Who’re you?"

Polished spoke "I'm Polished Stone Prower, son of Rusty and Scootaloo Prower."

I spoke "And I'm Zephryina Storm Prower but I go by Zipp."

the female asks "The name’s Ermes Costello. But why are you two here?"

I spoke "I'm a detective."

Polished spoke "Same as my wife."

“Do you know what happened?” I asked.

Ermes spoke "Now I remember. I hurt my hand on something, and got a fever."

Ermes took off some kind of sticker from the palm of her right hand.

Ermes spoke "But the wound has practically disappeared. Could I have been dreaming? Wait, can’t get ahead of myself. I remember. It’s coming back to me now."

I spoke "Midnight did mention something about memory recall...."

Ermes asks "Listen, I picked up some kind of pendant out in the fields one day. I saw it just sitting there. But knowing my luck, I cut my hand pretty bad on it, which totally pissed me off. That night… I somehow passed out, and now… here I am. Have I really been sleeping here since then?"

I spoke "I would have to talk to Applejack about that."

Ermes spoke "About what? Besides, my wound is mostly healed."

But then we saw another sticker in Ermes’ right palm as she took it off before another appeared in its place.

Ermes asks "Hmm? Hey, what’s the deal with this sticker?"

Ermes took it off, only for another to take its place.

Ermes asks "Huh? I already peeled off the sticker that was on the palm of my hand. Am I remembering this correctly?"

Polished was growling since he smelled someone hiding.

But then Polished stopped growling as he smelled that someone running away.

Ermes spoke "Wait… In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue! Bugs Bunny’s birthday is July 27th, 1940! I’m certain of it."

Polished: Whoa…

Ermes: What the-?! I thought I’d already thrown it away!

There was something strange going on.

Ermes: Huh? My shoes… Something seems different. But what… is it…? There’s one, two…

Ermes noticed her left hand.

Ermes spoke "There’s three, four, five, and si-"

The three of us froze as we screamed in shock of seeing six fingers on Ermes’ left hand as she peeled it off, causing the two pointer fingers to collide and merge back into one, causing a bit of blood to spray out.

Ermes spoke "Ouch! Hold on, now there are five again! It went back to normal! Did… Did the high fever cause astigmatism in my eyes? But there’s that sticker…"

The three of us soon noticed two liquid containers, with one of them having that sticker from before on it.

Ermes spoke "That’s the sticker that I just took off."

The sticker started peeling off.

Ermes spoke "Don’t you dare."

The sticker fell off, causing the two glass containers to merge back into one, but broke the back and spilling some of the liquid on us.

Ermes spoke "That’s nasty!"

A triple thud was heard since Danyelle, Rarity and Snowfire fainted.

Ermes asks "What just happened out there?"

I spoke "Whatever it was, it's knocked out the keenest."

Ermes spoke *Sniff! Sniff!* Yuck! It reeks! But this is… definitely not an astigmatism from having a high fever!"

Ermes grabbed the shoe with the sticker on it.

Ermes spoke "I’m definitely touching it. I feel the weight. This sticker! Wherever I place it, it creates an exact duplicate of the object! But peel it off…"

Ermes did so before letting the shoe go when its duplicate flew straight towards it before merging back into one.

Ermes spoke "It causes damage as the two merge back into one! And this sticker."

The stickers on Ermes’ hand vanished.

Ermes spoke "It sounds insane, but I’m certain. It emerged from inside of my body, from the cut on my hand!"

I spoke "And the only way to stop it is...."

Ermes spoke "No. It’s fine. I’m okay with this. You can leave now."

An Applejack trotted into the room.

Ermes asks "Huh? Who’s she?"

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Ya don' know me but Ah'm Applejack, alicorn of honesty. But Ah'm not the prime zone version, as it were."

Ermes spoke "Okay, ya lost me."

I spoke "Different Applejack, I can tell by the wings and horn."

Ermes spoke "Oh."

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Much like the prime version, Ah can tell if someone's lyin'."

Ermes asks "Heh. Then would you believe me if I was a former con?"

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Mah element would bug the ire out of me if Ah didn't git the full story."

Ermes scoffs "Tch. My past is none of your business."

“Shouldn’t we check on Pipp?” I asked in concern.

Huntverse Applejack spoke "Fair enough..."

Polished spoke "Yeah."

Polished and I went off to find my sister, who was asking her co-workers to help record some kind of video.

Jazz spoke "Oh hey Zipp."

"What's going on?" I asked.

Volt spoke "There's been talk of reopening up borders for other species to attend the reopened School of Friendship."

Jazz spoke "That plus there have been somewhat familiar faces lurking around Maretime Bay."

Polished asks "What do you mean?"

"You alright, Pipp?" I asked my little sister.

Jazz spoke "One kinda looks like Trixie..."

Polished asks "Kinda?"

Jazz spoke "if she were an alicorn though..."

"You need help from me, Hitch, Sunny, Honey and Izzy to help you make a video?" I asked Pipp.

Pipp spoke "Yeah."

Polished spoke "Must be from the Huntverse."

"Please tell me we can dance the way we want to though." I said.

Pipp spoke "*Smile* Of course."

Jazz spoke "Given that the Trixie I know is dead now."

Polished asks "Wait, what?"

Jazz spoke "My aunt wasn't that close with Trixie though..."

Volt spoke "But it's weird seeing alicorn versions of ponies that aren't around anymore."

Polished spoke "But I heard that Starlight didn’t take it well."

Jazz spoke "I was rather surprised when Luster ascended..."

Polished asks "And Luster Dawn’s Trixie’s daughter, right?"

Jazz spoke "Yeah, I was really good friends with her though."

A loud crash was heard outside since Rainbow had pranked a familiar brilliant azure unicorn mare.

Trixie groans "Ouch..."

Polished: *Deadpan* Seriously?

Jazz spoke "No matter the universe, Rainbow's still a prankster."

Polished spoke "And would you believe it, Trixie and her family’s immortal too."

Jazz spoke "Huh, guess anyone that's been influenced by the Hikari and Doucet families became immortal..."

Polished spoke "Yep."

Soon, Sunny, Honey, Izzy, Hitch and I helped Pipp perform in the video, and my sister’s ratings went through the roof.

Honey spoke "Hey guys."

“Hey, Honey.” I greeted before I saw Ermes running somewhere. “Think you could come with me for something?”

Honey spoke "Sure but we'll need Izzy though, she's got her aunt's keen sight."

Izzy popped up behind us, spooking the two of us a bit. “Help with what?”

Sunny was up on the ceiling in her partial kyubi form since she got it from Akari.

Izzy spoke "Oopsie."

Sunny spoke "I'm just as jumpy as my grandma is though..."

“Well Honey and Izzy, let’s go.” I said before the three of us followed Ermes to a place where is looked like it would be cleaned often.

Honey uses an invisibility spell and silent hoof spell to hide herself, Izzy and I so that Ermes doesn't notice or hear our hooves.

But then we saw Ermes bring out a disc.

Ermes spoke "It looks like a CD. It’s some kind of disc based on its shape and the way it shines. But I’ve never seen a disc that was squishy and elastic like this. And then… There was another one of these sticking out of his face. That makes two discs in total!"

But as we were behind Ermes, she and the three of us saw something playing in the disc.

Ermes gasps "What the? I can see something inside of it!"

A voice spoke "Now the money that I took from that sick echidna is all mine."

Ermes asks "What?"

A voice spoke "I’ve hidden 5000 bucks, and nobody has a clue."

Ermes asks "Wha-What am I watching?"

But then the disc started going into Ermes as she tried to get it out.

Pale Snake asks "McQueen, my child. Do you think you could lend me a hand with something? A little something between friends. So, what do you say?"

Ermes got the disc out as it fell into the water.

Ermes spoke "What the hell did that thing just show me? It was like I was watching someone’s memory."

Opaline threw Pale Snake against a tree.

A voice spoke "So…"

Ermes asks "Huh?"

A voice spoke "Word’s gotten ‘round."

All of us turned towards the voice, seeing a male rat Mobian as janitor sweeping the floor. It was Thunder McQueen.

McQueen spoke "You’ve been asking people all about me, huh? I have prior experience in stalking, but I’ve gotta say I’ve never been stalked by a woman before. Yeah, this is a first."

Ermes asks "Who the hell do you think you are? Answer me! Didn’t you eject some discs out of your face?"

McQueen asks "Sorry, discs?"

But then McQueen started whimpering as tears started flowing from his eyes and boogers started flowing from his nose.

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen spoke "*Sobbing* I can’t remember. What’s going on? I’m so pathetic. I can’t remember."

Ermes spoke "Hm? Hey, why’d you bust out crying all of a sudden? You took money from me while I was unconscious in the hospital this morning, stupid ass!"

McQueen spoke "Money? That sounds right. I had thousands of dollars stashed away in a safe place. But now… *Sobbing* I have no memory of where is was."

Ermes spoke "Damn, are you sure you’re all right there, man? You better not be messing with me!"

Honey was growling but neither of the two saw her since she was invisible.

McQueen spoke "Did you just ask me if I’m all right? I… I… You’re so kind. It’s been forever since the last time I spoke with a woman."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen spoke "Well, it’s my first time. My first time to have a heart-to-heart conversation with a woman as staggeringly beautiful as you are. I’m very happy, honestly. Someday, I hope to meet a girl like you and get the chance to live happily together with her."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen sighs *Depressed* Of course… That won’t happen because I’m a pathetic loser. And why would you want someone like that? *Taking off belt* It’s all so pointless. I feel like dying."

Thunder soon made the belt into a noose and hanged himself, much to our shock and horror as he started choking.

Ermes gasps "Wait! What the hell do you think you’re doing?!"

But then the four of us found ourselves up in the air and hard to breathe as four purple stems with propellers grew on each of our necks!

Ermes gasps "Oh god! Who is this guy?"

Honey spoke "CHAOS BARRIER!!!!"

Five bubbles of Chaos energy surround the five of us, preventing us from passing out.

Ermes spoke "Belt is around his neck… and this around mine!"

Ermes coughed out blood.

Ermes spoke "Help me! Please, somebody! Maybe if I can bring him down, this power will release me as well! Sticker!"

Ermes tossed a sticker onto the belt, causing a double to emerge before she took the sticker off, causing the two belts back into one and snap, saving McQueen as the propellers on me, Honey, Izzy and Ermes vanished.

Ermes spoke "He has a strange ability like mine. That means I wasn’t the only one."

But since the non-flyers were high in the sky, the two realized it and fell.

Honey shouts “Oh crap! Pigeon into the pavement! Come on Izzy, Zipp! We got a few sparrows ª to save!”

I spoke "Right behind you Honey!"

Honey flew fast alongside me and Izzy as the three of us push ourselves past our limits thus pulling off a Starboom, Stormboom and Moonboom at the same time and saving Ermes and McQueen.

Soon we landed on the ground with them.

Ermes asks *To McQueen* Damn it! What the hell's wrong with you? Why'd you hang yourself like that? *To me, Honey and Izzy* And when did you three get here?"

Honey spoke "Izzy, Zipp and I followed you."

McQueen spoke "Did you four really just follow me? Thank you. You're a real livesaver."

Ermes spoke "Who the hell do you think you are, asshole? And why the hell do you keep dragging us into your problems? You have some power too, right? Don't lie to me!"

McQueen spoke "My power? I don't know what you're talking about, but that'll be okay. I won't ever do that again. I'm fully awake now. I really owe you four everything for saving my life. I swear I'll repay you all for your kindness one day."

Ermes spoke "Oh, we couldn't just sit back and let you do it. You don't have to worry about-"

But then the four of us saw McQueen drowning himself in a sink filled to the brim with water.

Ermes growls "What the hell are you doing now?!"

But then purple water came out of our mouths and noses and covered around our heads horizontally from the nose to the lower lip as stems with propellers emerged from the water and started spinning.

Ermes asks "Now what?"

The four of us tried to get the water off of us, even with Izzy's waterbending, but it was no use! But then we noticed cuts on McQueen's wrist.

Ermes spoke "Those scars on his wrist. He's tried to commit suicide before. And I don't think he's realized his ability affects those around him yet. He's bad news."

We tried to run, but found ourselves floating in the air upside down.

Ermes spoke "*To me, Izzy and Honey* Our postures' even the same as his! Oh god, we drifted even further away from him. *To McQueen* You dumb jerk!"

Ermes put a stickers on our noses, making another nose on each of us, allowing us to breathe.

Ermes snaps "You... asshole!"

Izzy used her magic and levitated McQueen out of the sink, making the purple water disappear from us as the stickers were torn off of us, causing a little pain as our noses merged back into one as we coughed.

Ermes spoke "The disc. I have no idea what any of this is about, but it must have something to do with that disc!"

McQueen coughed.

I spoke "Idiot! You nearly got the fiercest and keenest of the third generation Pony Guard killed!"

Ermes grabbed the disc from the water.

McQueen spoke "Please let me die! *Sobbing* I said I would pay you back, but a piece of trash like me can't do... anything."

Ermes spoke "The last thing I want to do is be your friend! I'll never save your life again! In fact, you come near me again, I'll kill you myself!

McQueen cries "*Bawling* Just kill me already! If I was going to be murdered, I'd want it to be someone like you."

The four of us girls just ran far away from him.

Honey spoke "That guy was a real nutcase!"

Izzy spoke "Real loco in the coco!"

I spoke "What a jerk!"

Ermes spoke "Damn it. We have to get as far away from that guy as we possibly can."

But then we heard a baseball bouncing before we saw Emporio playing catch with himself using the wall.

Emporio spoke "I was right. Your power has awakened, Ermes. I can help you. I can explain these new abilities to you. What you have is called a Stand. Stand Wielders are drawn to each other like magnets. It's just a part of the whole phenomenon. No one's sure why... But that's why you met him. That sad janitor."

Ermes asks "Wait, what's a kid doing here?"

Honey spoke "He's one of Danyelle's adopted children. I think his stand's called Burn the House Down. But only he can touch the items within."

Emporio spoke "Jolyne asked me to keep an eye on you, Ermes, in case anything suspicious happened."

Ermes asks "Jolyne, huh? Did she get mixed up in all of this too?"

Emporio spoke "The villain who steals people's hearts. He's an enemy to myself, Jolyne and the others. We're searching for the hearts he's stolen."

Ermes asks "Stolen heart?"

Emporio spoke "The one responsible for this is Pale Snake! If you know anything about it, I ask you to help us!"

Ermes asks "These stolen hearts... *Bringing out disc* Is this disc what you're talking about?"

Emporio asks "*Gasp!* Is that...?"

Emporio came towards us.

Ermes spoke "It came out of that janitor. Maybe you should start with what this thing is."

Emporio asks "Hold on, didn't he have two discs?"

Ermes spoke "Another one? Oh, yeah. You're right."

Emporio spoke "Memory DISC and Stand DISC. It comes in a set of two. Two discs make a single soul. If we can track down the second one, we might be able to find out who's behind Pale Snake."

I spoke "Regardless, we should be careful."

But then Ermes' left arm, the left front legs of me, Izzy and Honey started bleed in a strange pattern.

Ermes gasps "It can't be. There's no way."

Emporio asks "Huh?"

Ermes growls "Is that jerk still trying to be with us?"

Honey spoke This is nuts! We're so far away from him!"

But then our affected arm/legs started gushing out blood.

Emporio asks "No! What's happening?"

There were holes and bleeding scars on Ermes' left arm, and the front left legs of me, Honey and Izzy while electricity buzzed around those parts, shocking us there.

Ermes spoke "It's electricity! That rotten bastard janitor must be electrocuting himself!"

But then the electricity stopped and faded.

But due to the chaos energy that Honey had in her body, she wasn't as injured.

"It stopped." I noted.

Emporio spoke "I don't think he's done. You can't kill a being just by sending a hundred volts of electricity onto their exposed skin. That's not how it works. It's all due to electrical resistance. That's why it stopped. He failed to kill himself. However... if he's still planning to try electrocuting himself again, then I'm thinking he's probably looking for salt water. With salt water, the current conductivity will be almost 100 percent. Electricity can pierce and burn the heart completely at those levels."

Honey spoke "Salt Water can be used in hospitals! We gotta hurry!"

Honey spits out a bit of fire in annoyance.

I groan "Doesn't he know that alicorns and Pegasi have a higher shock resistance than other ponies?"

Emporio spoke "Maybe, but he doesn't know about his powers or its affects."

The four of us girls ran to the hospital to find McQueen.

Ermes spoke "We gotta beat his ass unconscious and take out the other disc when it ejects! It's our only chance!"

"Right!" Izzy, Honey and I agreed as we soon found McQueen, wrapped in electrical cables, holding a switch and a jar of salt water before he noticed us walking towards him, when he just poured the water all over him.

Ermes exclaims "Whoa! Hold on! Just listen! Take a look. You see what's happened to my left arm and their front left legs?"

McQueen saw what we'd shown him.

Ermes spoke "It's burnt and cut, just like your arm! Are you starting to get the picture? I don't know how, but you have a strange ability, where whatever injuries you sustain while trying to off yourself, the same injuries happen to us too. So stop thinking about suicide! I'm sure things will turn around, with good times waiting for you."

McQueen tossed the empty jar away.

Honey spoke "And I don't think you want an angry kyubi-alicorn on your tail if I got killed."

McQueen spoke "I'm not killing anyone. You think so? Four years ago... I was just doing some cleaning."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

McQueen cries "I was in my apartment, cleaning and oiling my shotgun. Somehow, a shell had gotten itself stuck in the gun's barrel. It was an accident! My room was on the tenth floor. That's when a woman jumped up from the 11th floor in an attempt to kill herself. It's a matter of luck. People win millions in the lottery, so obviously the opposite has to happen, right? She was supposed to hit the ground and die from suicide. But instead, everyone assumed that I shot and killed that woman up on the 11th floor. The judge even called me cold-hearted before he threw the book at me. *Sobbing* That's the man you're seeing before you!"

McQueen was about the flip the switch!

Ermes asks "Wait! You like undies, right? Has anyone ever given you a pair!? If a cute girl were to give you undies, you'd feel lucky, right?"

McQueen asks "Huh?"

Izzy, Honey and I however were just shocked by what Ermes was saying.

Honey was soon behind Ermes before kicking her in the butt, causing her to trip over Izzy's tail and onto McQueen thus kissing him.

Ermes got off in absolute fury. "What the hell was that?!"

Honey growls "I was only trying to help!"

Ermes spoke "*To Honey* Well it made things a whole lot more worse! *To McQueen* Listen, everybody hates when the weekend is over, and Monday's right around the corner. But we all think, "A fun Saturday is waiting for me at the other end of this tunnel," and live our lives, because we know it's not always going to be a Monday."

McQueen spoke "The day I got arrested was a Saturday."

Ermes asks "Hm?"

McQueen asks "It's strange. You're saying something good that gives me courage, and your friend tried to help us connect, which I appreciate, but maybe you're using all those fine-sounding words because you're trying to save yourself and your friends, right?"

Ermes spoke "Well, that's part of it."

McQueen spoke "So you're acting like you care, but you're actually just trying to calm me down for the moment. The words you speak are not sincere, are they? So that's how you treat me. I should've known from the very start. No one wants to be with trash. But I'm worse than trash. My presence is invisible! You couldn't even find me to do me away properly!"

Ermes spoke "Whoa! Hold the brakes, man. Okay, I'll admit that the only reason I talked to you is because my friends and I wanna survive this. Right, we have to make you see. This "Pale Snake" son of a mare is only using you. He's taking advantage of your broken heart! But if you stop thinking about suicide, nothing will happen. He won't have power over you anymore. Maybe then, you'll stop thinking only about your damn self, which is exactly what you need, you cusshead!"

McQueen froze before tears started gently flowing from his eyes.

McQueen spoke "Jeez, you're so great. I mean it. Your heart spoke to me. You have me feeling so inspired now. It really shows a guy just how lucky he is. I'm getting the chance to meet an amazing person such as yourself right before the end."

The four of us gasped at what McQueen said, realizing this guy was a lost cause!

McQueen laughs "*Insanely* And for that I'd like to thank you! If I can make sure to die with you, then we can be together forever. I never realized I could be so happy!"

Ermes spoke "Grr! That evil little prick. He really has to be the most loathsome, corrupt son of a mare I've ever met!"

McQueen laughs "*Insanely* I never have to be lonely anymore!"

Ermes spoke "Jerk!!"

We leapt toward McQueen.

Ermes spoke "Don't even think about hitting that button!"

But McQueen pressed the button, electrocuting himself along with the four of us as propellers emerged all over the bodies on me and the girls with us screaming.

Ermes spoke "That was too close. That damned idiot. I was able to put a sticker on him."

We saw that McQueen had two heads.

Ermes spoke "The sparks from the electricity should burn it off. And when the sticker is burned off, then the object that the sticker split in two is gonna..."

The sticker fell off as it burned away.

Ermes spoke "Merge back together!"

The two heads merged back into one, cutting a cable, stopping the electricity as the stand disc ejected right out of McQueen's burnt unconscious head.

Ermes spoke "Damn it. The shock made me remember. This moron hid a bunch of money somewhere. Five grand. I'll take that money as payment, you jerk!"

A stand appeared beside Ermes.

Ermes spoke "And as for you... Pale Snake. I suffered a lot because of you. What the hell are you scheming? This power of mine will be called Smack. Besides, I need to see her. I've got questions, Jolyne Kujo."

A steel broom handle was aimed at the back of McQueen's head.

Desti spoke "Jerk."

Ermes groaned in annoyance as Smack withdrew.

Ermes spoke "Now I have to wash my mouth with mud."

The four mares all stare at Ermes with a disgusted look on their faces.

Ermes spoke "What? It’s to wash away that little stunt Honey pulled on me."

I spoke "That jerkwad nearly killed my unborn foal!"

Ermes spoke "You’re pregnant? Man. Talk about being lucky."

Six unicorn guards drag the unconscious McQueen away.

Desti spoke "That guy has serious problems."


Rainbooms All Grown Up!

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*EG Sunset's POV*

Even though 20 years had passed by for my friends and I, 220 years had passed by for Princess Twilight and her friends. But little did I know, Princess Twilight was now a grandmother.

A lot has happened over the years. My friends and I managed to make a school of friendship like the one in Equestria for all humans, even beastmen.

EG Rainbow asks "Hey Sunset, have you heard from Princess Twilight?"

“Sorry, Dash. But somehow there hasn’t been a response.” I answered.

EG Rainbow spoke "Perhaps you could write a letter to her with that book Danyelle gave you!"

The boy, now a man, Kabuto showed up. “Dash is right about that.”

Then a woman with a deep blue officer’s cap and a deep blue bag showed up and hugged Kabuto.

Kabuto spoke "Heh. Hey Marie."

Marie spoke "Hi, Kabuto."

The two of them shared a loving kiss.

A portal shimmers before a new girl I had never seen before steps out.

“Who’s that?” I wondered.

The girl spoke "I'm Princess Sunny Starscout, granddaughter of Princess Twilight."

*EG Rainbow Dash’s POV*

Whoa! Did NOT see that coming! But I know that Sunset will flip in three… two… one.


Covering her ears, Sunny groans "Can you not? You're as loud as Alpha-Queen Danyelle used to be..."

But then Sunset fainted from the shock.

Soon enough, Princess Twilight stepped out from the portal but she had a different outfit on than the one I was familiar with.

Princess Twilight spoke "Hello again Rainbow."

“Whoa! You really are a princess!” I awed in surprise.

Princess Twilight spoke "Been one for 220 years."

“Whoa! That long?! It’s only been 20 years for us!” I gasped in surprise.

Princess Twilight spoke "I was stuck in limbo for 200 years."

A male asks "Twilight? That you?"

Sunny spoke "Careful sir, that's my grandma you're trying to flirt with."

Then we saw Sci-Twi and Flash show up.

Princess Twilight spoke "It's been a long time."

EG Flash spoke "Wow. You’ve changed a lot."

Princess Twilight asks "Mind introducing your children?"

Sci-Twi spoke "These are our daughters, Velvet Sentry and Galaxy Swirls."

Princess Twilight spoke "Adopted children aside, I have three children. Their names are Akari, Astral and Midnight."

“Whoa! What’re they like?” I asked.

Sunny spoke "Uncle Astral's a lot like grandma in terms of fierceness, my mom's kind of an egghead as Azure Sky puts it and Uncle Midnight's a big eleven tailed fluffball."

We were confused though.

Velvet Sentry asks "Uh… How big?"

Sunny shows Velvet a photo of Midnight.

Velvet spoke "Whoa! I’m actually a bit nervous to think how big he’d be if he was here."

Princess Twilight spoke "Midnight was an accident though."

EG Flash asks "How?"

Princess Twilight spoke "That was my doing..."

Sunny spoke "Don’t forget Matatabi’s as well."

Sci-Twi spoke "That wasn’t my voice."

Princess Twilight spoke "Sorry about that... Stupid nine-tailed brat can't keep his mouth shut..."

All of a sudden, Princess Twilight's water had broken.

Princess Twilight gasps "What the?! Not again!"

I shout Fluttershy's name.

But as Fluttershy came over, someone jumped out of the portal, revealed to be… another Flash Sentry?!

EG Flash spoke "Woah... Freaky..."

But to the surprise of the group, a blue-orange colored male with eleven fox tails sticking out from the pants and fox ears hidden by the hair steps out from the portal.

Midnight spoke "Mother!"

Prince Flash gasps "Twilight! Are you okay?!"

Sunny spoke "She's in labor but nobody else knows how to deal with this sort of problem!"

Looking at Sci-Twi, Midnight asks "Is there a nurse's office somewhere?"

Sci-Twi spoke "Y-Yes there is!"

Midnight carefully scoops his surrogate mother up and followed Sci-Twi to the nurse's office, dragging Prince Flash along after grabbing the male with two of his tails.

“Can this day get anymore surprising?” I asked.

Sunny spoke "Well, I'm also an alicorn."

A lot of screaming was heard from the nurse's office but thankfully a girl with cat ears and two fiery tails was handling the delivery.

Prince Flash spoke "Come on, Twi. You can do it. Deep, calm and slow breaths. Easy now."

Matatabi spoke "There's a boy in the way so I fear a C-section is needed if the twins are to survive."

Princess Twilight spoke "S-so be it..."

EG Fluttershy spoke "Oh dear!"

Matatabi spoke "If you're too squeamish, I recommend you leave."

EG Fluttershy spoke "No. I want to help, so I can handle this."

Matatabi spoke "Four hands are faster than two."

EG Fluttershy spoke "Thank you for letting me help."

Matatabi spoke "Last time I heard, you wanted to be a vet though. And since Princess Twilight is technically a horse in human skin, it should be okay."

Fluttershy spoke "I am a veterinarian. But I also want to help my friends."

Matatabi spoke "I wasn't aware and you probably saw that eleven tailed foxboy already, he's my son but Princess Twilight acted as the surrogate."

EG Fluttershy gasps "Oh my! Then who’s the father?"

Kurama spoke "That would be me."

EG Fluttershy gasps "Oh! This is a surprise."

Princess Twilight spoke "A friend of mine taught me how to use body double."

*three hours later*

Princess Twilight was holding the twins in her arms. The girl was named Peppermint Spice but she hadn't thought of a name for the boy yet.

Then Prince Flash came in. “*Happily* Twilight…”

Princess Twilight spoke "Flash-bolt..."

Prince Flash gently hugged Princess Twilight and the newborn twins will happy tears.

Princess Twilight spoke "The filly is Peppermint Spice, the colt is Rocky Road."

Prince Flash spoke "Those are great names, Twily. Just like the mare I married."

Princess Twilight giggles "Danyelle mentioned that her favorite ice cream after strawberry was rocky road, plus the colt's got that chocolate brown color."

The two parents shared a loving kiss as the baby twins cooed.

The Rainbooms and their kids were huddled around the doorway.

Blitz asks "Mom, what’s going on in there?"

Midnight spoke "My surrogate had twins."

I spoke "Yeah, what he said."

Blitz asks "Say what now? Surrogate?"

Midnight spoke "Long story short, I was an accident."

Blitz asks "Uh… Okay?"

Matatabi spoke "I'll answer that one. Kurama and I didn't realize that my pregnancy had affected Princess Twilight roundabout 224 years ago but in the end, she accepted Midnight as one of her own."

Blitz spoke "Whoa. That’s actually kinda awesome."

“Heh, I thought that too, squirt.” I agreed as I rubbed my daughter’s head, ruffling her hair.

Blitz spoke "*Blush* Mom!"

Midnight chuckles "Not to mention, Danyelle pulled a prank on a black cat 220 years ago. She even beat the tar out of a Mewtwo when it was being controlled by a madman and she incinerated another."

Blitz and I spoke "Whoa! That’s totally awesome!"

Midnight spoke "Not to mention, my world's Rainbow teased me back when I was a young pup. She thought I had developed a crush on my cousin Flurry but Danyelle told her off. Her exact words were "You have five seconds to run before I go Danydonna on your tail." That was priceless!"

“Not sure how I’m supposed to feel about that.” I honestly said.

Kurama spoke "And the lardball threw a dipwad wolf into a thorn bush last week. Gilda would NOT stop laughing! The furball was covered in thorns!"

The Rainbooms minus EG Fluttershy burst out laughing.

“My sides!” I laughed.

EG Applejack laughs "Oh mah god! That's too funny!"

EG Pinkie was laughing literally like a hyena.

A soft snicker was heard from EG Fluttershy.

Princess Twilight spoke "I wanna go home."

EG Sunset asks "Wait, after just coming back?"

Princess Twilight spoke "I can't stay away from Maretime Bay too long... I'm the leader of the Pony Guard though."

Sunset asks "Can’t we at least have visits every now and then?"

Princess Twilight spoke "We do get visits from alternate counterparts once in a while. Sometimes from the Legend-verse, sometimes from the Huntverse... We had a visitor from the Boomverse one time."

Prince Flash spoke "Don’t forget the Multiheartsverse, which is Chameleo’s Universe."

Princess Twilight spoke "As well as various folks from across the Smashverse."

Prince Flash spoke "Yep. I just realized something funny. Our new kids are like Josuke. They're younger than Sunny, yet they're her uncle and aunt."

Midnight chuckles "True."

Princess Twilight giggles "Heehee. I wonder if one of the two may have a personality like him."

Midnight warns "Don't make me call Danyelle..."

Princess Twilight asks "Just saying, Midnight. Sheesh, don't you care about your mother?"

The foxboy chuckles as he bops Princess Twilight on the head with a tail.

Princess Twilight spoke "Oh, you did not just do that to me."

Holding a voice recorder in one hand, Midnight spoke "I should warn you mom, this has Danyelle's voice saved."

Princess Twilight asks "Huh?"

Due to the recording, Princess Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Princess Twilight groans "No fair... Even a recording?"

Midnight spoke "Eyup."

After that rather embarrassing moment, Princess Twilight and her family head back home through the portal.


Foal Me Once/ New Unicorn in Town/ Prime Time

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*Hitch’s POV*

Ah, another day of duty, protecting Maretime Bay as its sheriff.

Pipp spoke "Hey Hitch."

“Hey, Pipp.” I greeted back before she nuzzled me.

Pipp spoke "I got a letter from your grandmother."

“Really?” I asked.

Pipp spoke "She wants to meet the mare that you're so smitten with."

“Are you sure?” I asked in concern.

Pipp spoke "Yes."

I soon notice a few dragon scales mixed in with the fur on Pipp's body.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

Pipp spoke "Do I have to spell it out for you? I was talking about myself."

“What happened?” I asked in concern.

Pipp spoke "As it turns out... I'm one third dragon... My dad's a dragon shifter."

“Dragon Shifter?” I asked in confusion.

Pipp spoke "Yeah... I think he got it from his dad."

“Man…” I awed with my mind being blown.

Honey and Izzy were having bit of a horn fight.

Pipp spoke "Not to mention... I feel sick...."

“Why?” I asked in confusion.

Pipp giggles "Well, I'm expecting a foal and it's yours."

I… I was speechless… Pipp and I were gonna be parents…

An earth mare trotted over.

The mare spoke "There's my awesome son!"

“Mom!” I said in excitement as my mom and I hugged each other.

Apple Butter spoke "I heard on the grapevine that I'm going to be a grandma soon."

“You heard right.” I smiled before I felt something strange on me.

Pipp asks "Hitch?"

“My back’s aching all of a sudden.” I groaned.

Apple Butter spoke "Oh, that must be your dragon blood surfacing."

“Wait-what?” I asked in confusion before dragon wings suddenly appeared on my mom’s back.

Spyro had crashed into a tree when he noticed Apple Butter's wings.

Apple Butter gasps "Spyro! Are you alright?"

Spyro spoke "Yeah, I'm tougher than I look since dragons are naturally thick headed."

A pink unicorn mare with a tail similar to Rarity's tail and a very curly mane was singing as she trotted along the streets.

“Who’s that?” I asked.

Pipp spoke "Never seen her before but she's got a great singing voice."

The new mare spoke "Kon'nichiwa!"

Spyro spoke "Someone better go get Zoey or Danyelle..."

Danyelle spoke "Already here."

Danyelle showed up.

Pipp spoke "Guess you haven't heard the news about Twilight's new foals yet..."

Danyelle exclaims "Wait, really?"

Pipp spoke "I heard it from Sunny though, Twilight had a filly named Peppermint Spice and a colt named Rocky Road. According to Twilight herself, she picked the colt's name because of the fact that you had mentioned that the rocky road ice cream was one of your favorite types of ice cream."

Danyelle spoke "*Blush* R-Really? Gee..."

Carrying the twins in her saddle bags, Twilight spoke "It's true Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Aww! Look at those cute little ponies! They're so adorable!"

Danyelle soon notices that Rocky had a chocolate brown body color.

The unicorn mare spoke "Kawaii!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh! Kon'nichiwa!"

The mare spoke "Watashinonamaeha Cyan."

Danyelle spoke "Watashinonamaeha Danyelle."

Cyan asks "Koko wa doko?"

Pipp, Spyro and I were rather confused at what the mare was saying.

Cyan spoke "Gomen, tabun watashi wa hokanohito to onaji gengo de hanasu hitsuyō ga arimasu."

Danyelle glances over towards Pipp and I.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, I'm self taught Neighponese."

Pipp and I spoke "Oh."

Switching to English, Cyan spoke "Sorry about that, my English not that good yet."

Pipp spoke "It’s okay."

Cyan spoke "I new in town, not know what to do."

Cyan's ears twitch just before she got tackle hugged by a female Golden Retriever Diamond dog into a pile of snow.

Cyan happily spoke "Retoree!"

Retoree's tail was wagging happily.

Retoree spoke "I missed you!"

Cyan spoke "Me too!"

Retoree catches Cyan off guard by kissing the mare on the cheek.

Nazuna giggles "Cute, right Michiru?"

Michiru giggles "Heehee! Yeah."

But then a strange yellow prism appeared.

Nazuna asks "What in the multiverse is that?"

But then a Sonic and Shadow appeared, but the blue hedgehog’s gloves and shoes looked more tech-advanced and they were rainbow-colored.

Prince Sonic asks "What the cuss?"

Maria was hiding behind her Shadow.

Other Sonic spoke "Shadow! Calm down!"

Other Shadow snaps "Calm down?! Our home doesn’t exist anymore! All because of your actions, trying to stop Eggman from getting that prism!"

Prince Sonic shouts "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?!?"

“Wait… Is that me?” Other Sonic asked before he ran over to Prince Sonic and started looking over him. “Whoa! I look awesome! Do I look good or do I look good?”

Prince Sonic's wings flare out, surprising the Other Sonic.

Other Sonic spoke "Whoa! This just took awesome to a whole new level!"

But then a thud was heard as we saw Other Shadow unconscious.

Other Sonic asks "Shadow? You okay?"

Maria spoke "H-he saw me..."

Noticing the Prime Zone Shadow, Other Sonic spoke "Wait, another Shadow? Oh man, I think I’m starting to hallucinate."

Danyelle flew over with her nine kids following.

Danyelle spoke "Talk about seeing double..."

Other Sonic notices his gloves and shoes. “Whoa! Real colorful! Wait! My kicks are already lighting up! A fragment’s gotta be close!”

Danyelle growls "Out with it, what are these fragments?"

Other Sonic asks "Wait, am I in another universe? Not another reality?"

Danyelle spoke "Yes plus I've dealt with folks that had come from collapsed worlds a few times. Such as the Boomverse Knuckles for example."

Other Sonic spoke "Guess this place will be okay and still be here when I get the fragment back. *Grabs giant leaf* But I can’t touch it, otherwise poof! Back into the Shatterverse."

Nazuna was confused by what the other Sonic said.

Prince Sonic asks "Shatterverse?"

Other Sonic spoke "That’s what Nine called it. Tails Nine, but he’s also not Tails, and he has seven robotic tails he designed himself. Besides, these new gloves and shoes upgrades were also made by Nine."

Danyelle spoke "So a pseudo nine-tailed fox..."

Megaman spoke "We can help you find the last shard."

Prince Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Other Sonic spoke "Really?! That would be so awesome!"

Then Tails showed up.

Other Sonic spoke "Tails! Man! Am I glad to see you! Without you around, everything’s all… *babbles*"

Prince Sonic chuckles "Haha. Believe me, I know how you feel."

Other Sonic asks "Wait. Is it just me or do you look older?"

Tails spoke "Immortal actually, I blame my world's Sonic for that mess."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, immortality?"

Prince Sonic "Long story short, my dad's parents are immortal... Plus I'm one third wolf."

Other Sonic was so amazed and shocked, he fainted.

Maria drenches the other Sonic with water.

Other Sonic yelps "GAH!!! Thanks. But was that really necessary?"

Maria spoke "Yes, it was."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, is there an Amy around here?"

Danyelle spoke "You talking about Queen Amy? She's around somewhere."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, “Queen” Amy?"

Other Sonic looked at Prince Sonic.

Estelle hisses at Other Sonic.

Estelle spoke "That's my mom you're talking about."

Other Sonic asks "But who’s the dad?"

Thorax spoke "That would be me, I'm King Thorax."

Other Sonic asks "Uh, what are you?"

Danyelle spoke "He's a Changeling."

Other Sonic asks "Wait, don’t I know you from somewhere?"

Danyelle spoke "I think you have me mistaken for a different Danyelle."

Other Sonic spoke "Oh right! Danyelle the Winged Nekomata!"

But then I spotted something small and shadowy scurry by.

Danyelle spoke "In this world, I'm an Alpha-Queen."

Other Sonic spoke "Alpha-Queen, huh? Sounds like a big deal."

I followed after the small figures.

A burst of fiery light appeared before fading away, revealing a different version of Blaze.

Other Sonic gasps "Wha?! Moeru?!"

Moeru groans "Wh-where am I?"

The other Sonic hugged Moeru with tears. “I’m so glad you managed to escape like Shadow did…”

Moeru giggles "You baka.... I went looking for you..."

Moeru kissed the Other Sonic on the lips, surprising him.

Prince Sonic snickered at that.

Blaze pulled her husband's tail.

Prince Sonic spoke "Gah! Blaze, cut it out."

Blaze spoke "But Sonic...."

Prince Sonic asks "Yeah?"

Lance pelts his dad with a snowball.

Lance spoke "Perci did it!"

Prince Sonic spoke "Oh… It’s on now, you two!"

Perci spoke "Uh oh..."

The two hedgecats run away fast.

Prince Sonic started using his spin attack, becoming a giant snowball before he rolled over Lance and Perci.

The two had split off in different directions before Prince Sonic used the spindash.

But then Prince Sonic split kicked, sending two halves at the two hedgecats.

Perci teleported to dodge, causing the pile of snow to hit Jack instead.

Elsa giggles "Oh it is on!"

Jack chuckles "Hehe! Free for all!"

Meanwhile, I was still following the small shadowy figures.

I spot a yellow alicorn mare with a red mane and tail that was carrying baskets of apples with her magic.

“What the?” I gasped.

Applebloom spoke "Oh howdy Cousin Hitch."

“What the?” I gasped.

Applebloom spoke "Apple Peel was mah pa's younger twin sister but she went missing long ago.. Ah was just a foal back then... When Spike's parents showed up, they had a newborn foal with them but Cynder had no idea what ta do with her but thankfully... Mrs Cake helped out with Apple Butter since she had Pound and Pumpkin Cake."

“Wait… Wouldn’t that make you my aunt?” I noticed.

Applebloom spoke "Apple Butter and I are first cousins, you and Apple Spice are second cousins. But Braeburn and the others are all cousins too. Plus there's a buffalo or two in the clan."

“Really?” I asked.

Apple Bloom spoke "Yeah. Braeburn married Chief Thunderhooves’ daughter, Strongheart."

Lance chuckles "It came as a rather big shocker during the Apple Family Reunion."

Apple Bloom giggles "Hehe. Yeah. But Ah ain’t never seen Braeburn so happy, so we were happy with that."

Lance chuckles "She ain't so little now though."

“How big are we talking here?” I asked in confusion.

Applebloom spoke "Bout the size of an adult buffalo."

A grown up Strongheart was heard laughing at her husband since he had gotten covered in a pile of snow.

Lance spoke "Howdy Strongheart!"

Applebloom asks "Ya okay Braeburn?"

Braeburn chuckles "Hahaha! Ya bet Ah am!"

Much to Braeburn's surprise, Applebloom was an alicorn.

Braeburn gasps "Whoa nelly! When did ya become an alicorn?!"

Applebloom spoke "Just before the New Year."

Braeburn spoke "Hoowee! That's a bit of a doozy!"

Applebloom spoke "Ah heard a rumor that the Huntverse version of me beat up a Draconequus with twittermites."

Strongheart snickers "Really?"

Applebloom spoke "Yeah! And another version o' me beat up Thanatos, the Spirit of Death, who was her Discord's brother."

Lance spoke "Don't forget about Waspeye."

Applebloom spoke "Right! He's also known as Apple Wasp in Chameleo's universe, plus he's actually married to the counterpart of me in that universe."

Apple Spice spoke "Not ta mention, great grandmother freaked out when I was born."

But then a familiar unicorn mare showed up. "'Sup, guys!"

Applebloom spoke "Howdy, Bayonetta!"

Prince Sonic spoke "It's been a while Bayo."

Bayonetta spoke "Come on, Sonic! You're talking about my mom. I'm just supposed to use the family name."

Prince Sonic spoke "My bad."

Bayonetta spoke "Besides, I'm letting you call me Bayonetta so no one confuses me for Spike's little sis."

Danyelle spoke "Vio! It's great to see you again!"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Hehe! I'm back! It's showtime, baby!"

Danyelle asks "How are your parents?"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "They're doing great."

Twilight spoke "A lot has happened over the years. From being stuck in limbo for 200 years to gaining three adorable granddaughters, having two more children, mastering the body double skill so that I don't get another headache if Matatabi uses the word on Kurama..."

Sunny, Honey and Izzy blush at what Twilight said.

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Dang."

But then the doll on the handle of Bayonetta's sword started wiggling on its own.

Twilight spoke "On top of being immortal as well..."

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Whoa…"

Twilight spoke "Yeah, a lot has changed since."

The doll shook again.

Bayonetta (Viola) asks "Huh? What is it, Cheshire?"

The doll shook once more.

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "A sword that’s actually a demon? That’s new."

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Cheshire can sense demons. If you don’t take my word for it…"

Bayonetta (Viola) drew her katana and stabbed in in the ground before the doll on the handle transformed into a giant cat demon.

Zoey spoke "There's no demons in my ancestry."

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "I dunno. Maybe an ancestor of yours was turned into a demon and changed back to a Mobian."

Zoey spoke "All of my ancestors on my dad's side were Mobian cats, my mom's a Pegasus though."

Danyelle spoke "That hand demon said that it had killed foxes...."

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Cheshire said that’s what the hand demon called them because of the fox-shaped warding masks they wore."

Zoey spoke "Oh."

MIchiru spoke "My parents were human, same with all of my ancestors but I think my tenth great grandmother was a tanuki..."

Danyelle asks "That aside, do you know anything about a Paradox Prism?"

Bayonetta (Viola) spoke "Sorry, but can’t say that I have."

Danyelle spoke "Maybe I could ask the other Smashers about it..."

But then the small shadowy figures ran by me again!

Zoey asks "What the cuss were those?!?"

“I don’t know. But I’m gonna find out.” I declared as I started following them again.

Zoey spoke "I'll go with you, my Neko Blades are rattling again..."

“You sure?” I asked in concern.

Zoey spoke "Yes, those things could be Heartless though and only a person with a keyblade can destroy them. Although... Haru destroyed one despite not having a keyblade."

I ask "Heartless?"

Zoey sighs "Sora! Get your butt over here and explain what a heartless is!"

But then a Pegasus stallion crashed on the ground before a beautiful alicorn mare showed up with him.

Zoey asks "Uh...?"

Sora asks "Zoey? Don’t you remember us?"

Zoey spoke "Course I remember you Sora."

Zoey's ears twitch before she started growling.

Danyelle growls "Shatterverse Eggman, SHOW YOURSELF!!!"

A giant battleship appeared before something jumped off of it, much to Danyelle’s horror.

A portal opened up before a battle scarred Danyelle rams head first into Rust Rose.

New Yoke City Danyelle hisses "I got you now Rusty Rose!"

Alpha-Queen Danyelle gasps "What the?!"

But then Rust head-butted New Yoke City Danyelle before she punched her away.

Rust Rose spoke "Resistance is futile. Doomed to failure."

New Yoke Danyelle fired metallic feathers at Rusty since the battle scarred nekomata's wings were both robotic.

But Rust just swatted them away.

Alpha-Queen Danyelle asks "What is going on here?!"

Tails Nine soon showed up.

Nine spoke "My sister and I have been fighting against the Chaos Council for five years but we barely made a dent in their plans. Rust ripped Dany's wings off in a fight though so I had to work fast to save her flight."

Danyelle spoke "W-What?! But that’s Amy! She wouldn’t hurt you guys!"

Rust spoke "Birdie would disagree."

Rust tapped her chest, opening up to reveal a weak Flicky, much to Danyelle’s horror.

New Yoke Danyelle hisses "That's not the Amy I remember!"

Rust spoke "Survival required adaption. So the only logical choice was cybernetic enhancement."

A loud screech was heard as a hawk-like Flicky attacks Rust.

To the surprise of Nine and Dany, Thorn shows up with the Scavengers and the Angel's Voyage pirate crew.

No Place Danyelle's wings were the same color as a parrot.

Alpha-Queen Danyelle’s jaw dropped in shock.

A blast of magic hits Rust since a one-winged version of Twilight was seen beside Dread.

Nine spoke "I put a call out to a few other worlds, asking for help."

Dany spoke "And trust me, they were surprised to meet us, especially Mangey and Furry."

Kurama leaps out of Twilight's shadow before growling at Rust.

But then Rust’s red eye went out as she somehow shut down.

When we looked up, the airship was gone completely.

Alpha-Queen Danyelle growls "Something's not right...."

Our Shadow, Maria and Eggman showed up, but the robot was suddenly a flesh and blood Mobian now.

New Yoke Thorax soon shows up.

Rax gasps "Rust!"

Eggman spoke "Hmm… If Rust’s anything like the Cyber Lin-Kuei I was told about, she can turn on the Council."

Eggman opened up Rust’s back and started working on her.

Eggman spoke "I’m going to disable the behavior inhibitors controlling her."

Prince Sonic spoke "Last thing we need is an AWOL cyborg."

Rust’s eyes started glowing as Eggman closed her back.

Eggman spoke "It will take some time before she wakes up."

Rax spoke "Then she'll probably want a familiar face to wake up to."

But then Rust groaned as she held her head in a bit of pain.

Rax asks "Rust?"

Rust stammers "R-Rax? Is that you?"

Rax hugs Rust while crying.

Rust asks "Rax? What’s going on?"

Rax spoke "You turned against the rebels... and nearly broke my heart...."

Rusty spoke "What do you mean, Rax? I wouldn’t-"

Rusty noticed her new body and looked at herself.

Rusty spoke "No. I remember now. They ripped out my heart, replacing that with Birdie. Made me a machine. And brainwashed me."

Rax spoke "They killed our child as well..."

A gray furred Mobian she-wolf with blue eyes was heard screaming since she had been grabbed by a robot.

Renee screams "RITA!!!!"

Out of nowhere, an auburn blur rams into the robot thus saving Rita in the process.

Prince Sonic spoke "*impressed whistle* I didn't see that coming!"

Blaze spoke "Especially from him."

Prince Sonic spoke "Guess it must have been from all those times I had chased after him."

Moeru spoke "Any Sonic would say the same thing."

Rita was clinging to the auburn blur since she was afraid.

Renee growls "That Chaos Council has gone TOO FAR!!!"

Gadget spoke "Babe, calm down."

Renee growls "They nearly killed my sister..."

Zoey was growling as well since she was mad at the Chaos Council.

Anzu soon showed up to help.

Even Yuri, Estelle and Geo arrive.

Much to Alpha-Queen Danyelle's surprise, Sakura Showron's spirit shows up.

OG Sakura spoke "Long time no see Danyelle."

Alpha-Queen Danyelle stammers "S-Sakura? Is that… Really you?"

OG Sakura spoke "Yeah, I may be dead but I had reincarnated."

Danyelle was silent for a few seconds, before she started crying oceans, which was a lot!

OG Sakura was also crying.

Kurama snarls since he heard something coming.

But when we prepared ourselves for another attack, we only saw the little animal that are fans of me.

OG Sakura giggles "He reminds me of Fluttershy."

Danyelle agreed with happy tears. “I know, right?”

Kurama spoke "But that Chaos Council is dangerous... If they attack a Tailed Beast village..."

Anzu spoke "That’s bad news for everyone."

Midnight growls "Cuss yeah it is!"

But then Anzu’s nichirin sword started shaking.

Omega-Xis spoke "Something's not right...."

Zoey's keyblades as well as Danyelle's keyblade and nichirin sword were rattling.

Anzu asks "What’s going on?"

Zoey spoke "I don't know Anzu but something bad is about to happen..."

Danyelle and Twilight's cutie marks along with Sonic's guard mark were glowing as Zoey's fur heated up.

Kurama spoke "Talk about timing..."

Alpha-Queen Danyelle asks "But what's the mission?"

Prince Sonic spoke "It seems that fourth shard has been found... It's in the Nine Tailed Beast Village."


Tailed Beast Villages/ Family Reunion

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*Kurama's POV*

I realized I had to speak with my village's elder about what Keiko had done.

Twilight asks "You wanna tell her the truth?"

I spoke "The elder is male but he was also Keiko's father... So I fear he might get mad at me..."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Holo spoke "It's best if I don't go with you, I was the one that killed Keiko back on Hearth's Warming though so the Elder might lash out at me."

Midnight spoke "R-right."

Opaline was resting on Midnight's back since the eleven tailed foxcat was his true size.

Other Sonic spoke "Well I'm still surprised that your Eggman became a good guy."

Danyelle spoke "Maria, Twilight, Prince Sonic and I saved Eggman from dying roundabout 224 years ago. Plus many people call me the Nekomata of Redemption."

Other Sonic spoke "That's new."

Moeru spoke "Impressive."

Danyelle spoke "Heehee. Thanks."

Moeru spoke "Our zone's Danyelle is just a normal human though."

Danyelle spoke "Oh."

Moeru spoke "Regardless, Soni and I are coming with you to that village."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, guys. Really appreciate it."

Moeru giggles "Walking GPS."

Soni spoke "That’s because I somehow got the same energy as the prism."

Moeru giggles "As do I for some odd reason..."

Moeru demonstrated with her flames as they slowly burned brighter as we got closer to the Nine-Tailed Village.

Twilight spoke "Maybe the village had been moved."

What do you mean?” I asked.

Matatabi spoke "Maybe there's too many kids."

I led the group to my old village.

Come to think of it, I feel like Twilight when she tried to reunite with her friends in Canterlot.” I noticed.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I encouraged Twilight to deal with that."

I just hope my friends there are still alive after all this time.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "Keiko was bonkers though..."

Twilight spoke "Definitely."

Prince Sonic spoke "Last thing we need is a fight breaking out."

Opaline spoke "Agreed."

Twilight spoke "I was a bit surprised when Trixie and Card showed up."

Much to Danyelle's surprise, the wolfdog from earlier was on her back.

Danyelle asks "What the...?"

Sakura whimpers "My parents are gone...."

Danyelle gasps "What?! Who did that?!"

Sakura whimpers "P-Pale Snake…"

Out of nowhere, a sudden Adamant Barrage had hit Pale Snake.

A silver-white dog Mobian with a red outfit and a rather big sword spoke "Damn snake!"

Danyelle gasps "Inuyasha?!"

But then Pale Snake faded, revealed to have been only an illusion.

Clarity flew at her cousin, clashing swords with him.

Clarity spoke "Long time no see mutt."

Inuyasha scoffs "Really, Clarity?!"

A black she-cat Mobian spoke "SIT BOY!!!"

A dark gray furred dog Mobian spoke "My dad's a moron..."

Clarity giggles "Heehee! Hi, Kagome."

Kagome spoke "Stupid is as stupid does..."

Twilight spoke "That’s what Aph says."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight, SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight was soon face down on the ground.

Kagome spoke "Didn't see that coming."

Prince Sonic spoke "That happens to Danyelle when Ben says it."

Moroha's ears twitch since she heard a violin being played.

Moroha spoke "Guys, that sounds like…"

Danyelle's ears twitch.

Danyelle asks "A violin?"

Moroha spoke "No. It’s not just that."

Blue foxfire had surrounded the group although Inuyasha and Kagome knew who it was caused by.

Clarity spoke "Shippo!"

An adult Shippo soon appears.

Shippo gasps "Mom? That you?"

A teary eyed Clarity spoke "It's been over 700 years..."

Clarity's nose twitches when Celestia appeared.

Clarity spoke "Your scent is so familiar.... But I can't put my hoof on it..."

I bop Celestia on the head with a tail.

Celestia asks "Was that necessary?"

Twilight spoke "Clearly, you've been hiding a rather big secret from Pyre."

Celestia started getting nervous.

Clarity asks "Well?"

But then to Clarity's surprise, Celestia hugged her while crying tears.

Danyelle spoke "I did say that Clarity had a major sweet tooth and a fondness for cake though."

Clarity asks "Uh... What's going on?"

Celestia spoke "I'm so sorry...."

Clarity asks "Huh?"

Celestia spoke "I'm just glad that you're still alive... my daughter."

I spoke "And Clarity's gonna lose her mind in three... two... one."

Danyelle flattens her ears, as did Twilight and the others.

I flatten my ears as Clarity screamed out in absolute shock. "WHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTT?!"

Prince Sonic gasps "SOLAR ALICORN SAY WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"You heard her, Sonic. You have a half-demon relative." I responded.

Prince Sonic's right ear was bleeding due to the screaming.

Prince Sonic spoke "Gah! My ear!"

Moeru sighs "You have alicorn healing, don't you?"

Prince Sonic spoke "Oh. Right."

Danyelle sighs "Sonic, you're an idiot."

Twilight spoke "Like a certain blue alien experiment we knew."

Danyelle whistles loud in a tone that only Stitch could hear.

A portal opened, before Stitch jumped out and hugged onto Danyelle.

Stitch spoke "Danyelle!"

Danyelle giggles "Long time no see Stitch."

Stitch spoke "Ih!"

Irene crashes into a tree near the group.

Irene growls "*incoherent words*!"

Stitch asks "*Confused* Gaba?"

Danyelle spoke "That's my eldest daughter by blood, Irene Hikari."

Stitch asks "Oh. New friend?"

Danyelle spoke "last time you saw her, she was about your height. Now, she's about my height."

Irene got her head out of the tree trunk before shaking the leaves off.

Irene spoke "Sorry mom, I was kinda worried about you."

Danyelle asks "Say Irene, do you remember Stitch?"

Irene spoke "A bit."

Danyelle spoke "Well, he and all 625 of his cousins are part of the Crystal Stars hive-pack now."

Irene gasps "...What?! That's a lot!!!"

Danyelle lets out a whistle tone that only Angel could hear.

Another portal appeared as Angel exited it.

Stitch spoke "Boojiboo!"

Angel giggles "Boojiboo!"

The two experiments hugged and affectionately nuzzled each other.

Pulling out a freshly made triple decker bacon and cheese sandwich from her hammerspace, Danyelle spoke "I don't think I can finish this sandwich, if only there was someone who could finish it."

But then the sandwich vanished before we saw Reuben eating it.

Danyelle spoke "I got you good Reuben."

Reuben asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't have a whistle tone for you so I had to think of something else. Then I realized, you love sandwiches. So I decided to use that as a call word."

Reuben chuckles "Hahaha! You did get me good."

Danyelle giggles "It comes from hanging around two of the best pranksters I know. Heck, I got my mark because of Rainbow Dash."

Reuben spoke "Nice."

Irene picks Reuben up.

Irene spoke "You are the cutest alien I've ever seen!"

Reuben asks "Whoa! Who’s this?"

Danyelle spoke "Eldest daughter by blood."

Irene spoke "I'm Irene Hikari."

Danyelle giggles "And she's really good at making all kinds of sandwich based meals."

Reuben spoke "Alright!"

Irene spoke "*blush* Shut up mom!"

Danyelle just winked at Irene.

Ben's voice was soon heard.


Danyelle found herself lying down, face-first hard.

Inuyasha spoke "She's worse than Miroku... But less perverted...."

We arrived at the Nine-Tail village, seeing dragons, nine-tailed foxes and a few hybrids.

Danyelle spoke "I feel tiny compared to the foxes...."

Opaline spoke "Oh my…"

Prince Sonic spoke "Oh my Chaos...."

Opaline spoke "Eep!"

One of the nine tailed beasts sneezes after sniffing at Opaline.

The beast spoke "A good bath should clean that up."

Midnight growls "Excuse me? That's my marefriend!"

the beast asks "Wait? Marefriend? That’s your girlfriend?"

Midnight growls "Yes, she is."

The nine-tailed fox said nothing at first, but then fell onto his back, rolling around in howling laughter. “Are you kidding me!? That’s the best joke I’ve heard in years!!!”

I spoke "Watch it Ginji, that's MY son you're talking about!"

The fox froze stone-cold. “K-K-Kurama? That you?”

I spoke "Yeah, it's me you idiot."

Matatabi spoke "Idiot fox..."

I scoff "Tch."

Midnight growls "And now you know who my parents are."

Twilight retorts "Forgetting somepony?"

Midnight spoke "Not at all, mom."

Ginji gasps "WHAT???"

I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction, knowing how he would respond.

Matatabi spoke "Kurama...sit boy!!!"

I was soon snout down in the ground.

Midnight stifled a snicker.

Opaline ruffles Midnight's short mane up with her magic.

Midnight chuckles "Jeez Opaline."

Opaline flew up and gave Midnight a peck on the cheek.

Midnight chuckles "Just you wait missy, I got plans for you."

I ask "How is Elder Satoru doing?"

Ginji spoke "E-Even he doesn’t know why, but he’s been down in the dumps lately."

A beautiful nine tailed vixen spoke "It's because Keiko never came back..."

Pulling my snout out of the ground, I spoke " It's been a long time since I saw you last Misaki, you're looking as beautiful as always."

Matatabi scoffs "Kurama..."

I spoke "Don't give me that look Matatabi, you're the only one for me."

Matatabi spoke "You silly tod."

Misaki asks "You mated with a two-tailed fire cat?"

I spoke "Yes, I did. And I can tell that you have a crush on Ginji."

Matatabi spoke "That yandere killed my sister, Naomi..."

But then Misaki turned away, but I can tell she was blushing madly at that.

Danyelle exclaims "She's got it bad!!!"

I chuckle "For sure."

A tod asks "Kurama? Is that you, buddy?"

I ask "Who are you?"

The tod asks "Kurama, don’t you recognize your old friend?"

A male nine-tailed fox appeared, one that looked familiar.

I spoke "It's been a long time but I kinda forgot... Someone wouldn't let me have any friends..."

The tod chuckles "It’s okay. It has been a very long time."

Matatabi spoke "It's been a long time Ryo."

Ryo chuckles "Indeed it has, Matatabi. So, you mated with the strongest of the Two-Tailed Village, Kurama? That’s quite a surprise. I’m betting your child or children are quite strong too."

I chuckle "Factoring in alicorn genetics, my son is rather powerful."

Ryo asks "Alicorn genetics? Now how did that happen?"

Twilight spoke "That'd be my fault...."

Ryo asks "Oh, I see. You both are sealed in the alicorn mare, right?"

I spoke "Yeah though I didn't have a choice, my original body is gone."

Ryo asks "Oh. Sorry about that, my friend. But at least you’re still alive, right?"

I chuckle "So, what happened to that one bimbo?"

Ryo spoke "Kimiko? Whew! You don’t wanna get on her bad side since you tore half of a tail off her."

Matatabi growls "If she comes near me, I'll rip the half tail off her."

Ryo spoke "That’d only leave her with two tails then."

I spoke "Correction, it'd leave her with 8 tails."

Midnight pulls Opaline close before growling at Kimiko.

Ryo spoke "Sorry, I get my numbers wrong sometimes. And speak of the devil."

Twilight was growling as well.

A familiar dragon emerged from the water and growled at Kimiko too.

Kimiko growls "So, the wuss comes crawling back after 5000 years... And with a freak of an offspring no less."

Midnight scoffs "Tch! Come on, I can beat you easily."


Kimiko scoffs "A useless nekomata and a stupid little horse? How the mighty have fallen."

Misaki spoke "Shut up Kimiko! You have no right to speak to Kurama's wife OR friends like that!"

But then I noticed a flamingo-like parrot that was of Celaeno’s species walk by before he left my line of sight, but I didn’t hear anything from him, not a footstep, breath or heartbeat.

Kura was whimpering.

I growl "Get lost Kimiko, I don't have time to deal with your crap!"

Kimiko scoffs "Oh yeah?! And who’s gonna make me?"

I fade back into Twilight's soul before she engulfed herself in fire, transforming to Twirama.

Twirama snarls "I WILL!!"

Kimiko wasn't intimidated in the least. "Really? Is that supposed to scare me?"

Passing Kura to Irene, Danyelle engulfs herself in fire as she transformed to Danyterasu.

Danyterasu spoke "If THIS doesn't scare you, maybe MY NEXT FORM WILL!!"

Danyterasu and Twirama fuse together, forming Divine Danyterama before roaring loud.

But for some strange reason, Kimiko just yawned.

Next thing every fox saw, Kimiko was stuck in a rock wall.

Divine Danyterama growls "Don't mess with me you dumb vixen!"

Kimiko suddenly growled in anger.

Divine Danyterama grabs Kimiko by the half tail and two other tails.

Divine Danyterama spoke "I wonder how much it would take before you squeal like the little pig you are."

Divine Danyterama started pulling on the half tail.

Kimiko stammers "W-Wait! Stop! Not my tail! Anything but my tail!"

Divine Danyterama spoke "You made Kurama's life a living nightmare.... And Keiko's behavior didn't help either!"

Kimiko cries "Please! Just don’t tear off anymore of my tails! Keiko threatened to tear all of them off if I didn’t do as she told me to! *Sobbing* Please! I don’t wanna feel helpless again!"

Divine Danyterama spoke "Keiko... is dead."

Kimiko asks "W-What?"

Divine Danyterama spoke "She had it coming though."

Kimiko asks "I-Is she really gone?"

Divine Danyterama spoke "Cause of death was an earth spike through the stomach."

Divine Danyterama splits back into Twirama and Danyterasu.

Twirama reverts back to Twilight as I reappeared.

I spoke "She had it coming since she wouldn't leave me alone."

Kimiko spoke "I honestly tried to convince her to stop, but she was a lost cause from the start."

I spoke "Oh, hello elder Satoru."

Elder Satoru asks "What happened here?"

I spoke "Kimiko had the gall to insult my current host though but we straightened things out."

Elder Satoru spoke "Do not worry about her. She’s just been cranky over the last few years. I was thinking a change of scenery could help calm her down."

Bowing in respect, Twilight spoke "Elder Satoru, I am Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria. I'm the current host of Kurama and also the surrogate mother of Midnight Storm, I'm also the leader of the first generation Pony Guard. I bring news about your daughter, Keiko. She travelled all the way to Maretime Bay in pursuit of Kurama but she didn't know he had a mate already. She agitated one of the wolves that live in Maretime Bay which had costed her to lose her life. I am truly sorry for your loss."

Elder Satoru was definitely surprised, it was a lot to take in for him. But he took a deep breath and calmed himself. “It is alright, Princess Twilight. My daughter’s path and fate was her own doing. Sometimes, consequences can happen to those who make ruinous choices.”

I spoke "She insulted my son as well."

Elder Satoru just sighed at that. “Again, that was my daughter’s own doing.”

I spoke "Oh right! I never introduced the others yet! The hedgehog-alicorn is Prince Sonic Ogami, grandson of Prince Shirou and Princess Luna Ogami. The winged nekomata is Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. The other winged nekomata is Irene Hikari. The two otherworlders are Soni and Moeru, they came here looking for a prism shard so that they can restore their world. The dark purple alicorn is my son's marefriend, Opaline. And the fiery nekomata is my wife, Matatabi."

Elder Satoru smiled, “Hehehe. An impressively strong family. You’ve changed so much since you went away, Kurama.”

I chuckle "Alpha-Queen Danyelle may seem weak but if she feels that her friends or her family or even her hive-pack which now consists of 1000 some-odd members are threatened, she will go Danydonna on that attacker's butt."

Satoru asks "A leader and a mother, huh?"

Danyterasu spoke "Yes sir, I was originally the fiercest of the first generation Mobian Guard but I had to let go of my gift when I was pregnant with Irene. That was around the time my eyes and ears became more keener. I have 10 kids total, 7 adopted and three blood related. There's Nyx, Iris, Bluestar, Irene, Ralph, Guinevere, Thunder, Stella, Gallus and the recent addition, Kura."

Twilight spoke "Don’t forget Emporio."

Danyterasu spoke "I know that but you're one to talk Sparkle Butt, your chakat kid married Gabby. Which means you and your family are part of my hive-pack."

Twilight spoke "Hey, I don’t have a problem with that at all, and besides, the Apple Family’s a part of that hive-pack too."

Danyterasu giggles "It still came as a big shocker when Applebloom became an alicorn."

Prince Sonic spoke "Definitely. And I thought a family of 101 Dalmatians was crazy."

Danyterasu spoke "You're one to talk Sonic, Luna freaked out when your wings came in."

Prince Sonic spoke "Hey! I was as freaked as anyone!"

Inuyasha scoffs.

Clarity asks "What is it, cousin?"

Inuyasha scoffs "I'm itching for a fight but there aren't any demons around here for me to vent my anger on!"

Clarity taunts "Oh? Then why don’t you try me on for size?"

All of a sudden, a four tailed wolf arrives with a panicked look on his face.

The wolf spoke "Elder Satoru, we got major trouble! Demons are attacked the four tailed Beast village!"

Danyterasu's nichirin sword was rattling like crazy, as was the Tessaiga and Clarity's sword.

A Phoenix showed up beside the wolf. “It’s true!”

Kagome spoke "Wait... that sounded like... Yume! It's been a long time since I saw you!"

Yume giggles "Indeed! Wait… Is that Kurama and Matatabi, Son Goku the Four-Tailed Monkey’s allies?"

Matatabi spoke "That we are!"

I ask "Has something happened?"

Yume spoke "It’s terrible!"

Clarity spoke "My sword's rattling like mad, as is the Tessaiga..."

Yume spoke "That’s the thing! There are only two demons attacking, but they’re incredibly powerful!"

Danyterasu asks "How powerful we talking here?"

Yume spoke "I-uh… I dunno!"

Danyterasu spoke "I've fought god-level threats before, a pair of demons is nothing compared to that."

But then four balls of lights shined.

Danyterasu growls.

But in their places, a dragon with flashy jewel accessories, and a pair of nunchuck-like swords, and three dragonesses with kunai appeared.

The Dragon asks "Huh? What happened?"

Danyterasu growls "Who the cuss are you four?"

The Dragon spoke "Who am I? Who am I?! I am Tengen Uzui! And these are my three wives; Hinatsuru, Makio and Suma!"

The lavender dragoness bowed in politeness and greeting, while the red dragoness with a few yellow spine looked brash and ready to fight, and the blue dragoness looked timid and scared out of her mind.

Danyterasu spoke "I am Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari. I'm also known as Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis and Keen Cat."

Tengen spoke "*impressed whistle* My, that's quite a lot of flashy titles. I'm impressed."

Danyterasu giggles "The whole Nekomata of Redemption thing started back when I helped Gilda."

Tengen spoke "Well, I can see you have a lot of flair."

Yume spoke "Guys! The demons!"

Danyterasu giggles "I happen to know a certain Zoroark that goes ballistic if someone calls him Riptorn."

Tengen spoke "I'm afraid the time for chitchat will have to come later. I heard that demons were nearby just now."

Danyterasu roars loud as she charges into battle.

Tengen spoke "Hehe. Let's go!"

Soon enough, we arrived at the Four-Tailed village.

I spoke "It's all in ruin!"

Danyterasu spoke "I'm not sensing anyone dead, so they must've escaped.

Twilight spoke "Regardless, we should check for injured folks."

Danyterasu spoke "Agreed."

Moeru asks "I don't get it... How is she able to maintain that form and not lose rings because of it?"

Prince Sonic spoke "She didn’t use the Chaos Emeralds."

Twilight spoke "Forme Change as she calls it is a bit different than a super form."

Other Sonic asks "Really?"

A pillar of fire engulfs Danyterasu as she shifted back to her normal form.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I've got a few forms though. That wolftaur form you saw me in was my Danyterasu form."

Other Sonic spoke "Nice!"

But then strange Japanese Oiran belts started surrounding us.

Danyelle engulfs herself in fire again, taking on her Danydonna form since it was for close combat.

Danydonna growls "What the crud are these?"

Tengen spoke "The design, I’ve faced the demon before."

Danydonna spoke "My guess would be that it had followed you."

Tengen spoke "Well that’s a bit unflashy."

Danydonna wingslaps the back of Tengen's head.

Moeru asks "What was that?"

Danydonna spoke "That was a headslap. Like I always say... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head's a wake up call."

Tengen spoke "Gotta say, that slap was rather flashy!"

Twilight spoke "Dany uses it on Knuckles and Storm a lot since they're a couple of boneheads."

Tengen spoke "That so? But still, that hit reminded me of one of his headbutts."

I chuckle "I have never gotten a headslap once."

Danydonna spoke "Don’t tempt me!"

Ben spoke "Danyelle..."

Danydonna spoke "Sorry."

Ben chuckles "Inuyasha was it? When are you and your wife going to have more kids?"

Inuyasha and Kagome blushed in embarrassment while their tails stiffened straight.

Shippo was on his back while laughing.

Anzu suddenly showed up.

Ben spoke "Hey Anzu."

Anzu spoke "Hi. For some reason, my nichirin sword told me to come here."

Danydonna's nose twitches, as did Moroha's nose.

Danydonna giggles "Something tells me that Dren is about to freak out in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."


Danydonna spoke "Called it."

Tengen spoke "My! That shout was quite flashy!"

Danydonna spoke "Kurama, if you please."

I tailslap Tengen with a tail, sending him crashing into a tree and getting his head stuck.

I chuckle "Reminds me of the times that ice brained stripper got his head stuck in a wall."

But then Suma and Makio started swarming me in anger.

Makio spoke "You did not just do that to Lord Tengen!"

Suma spoke "You big mean jerk!"

Danydonna spoke "ENOUGH!!!!!!"

Makio and Suma froze at that.

Danydonna spoke "Now ISN'T the time to fighting with somefox bigger than you!"

Hinatsuru spoke "Please forgive them, they can be protective of our husband at times."

Danydonna spoke "I see."

Tengen got his head unstuck.

Tengen spoke "Gotta say, that had some flair in it. But I have a feeling that the enemy is nearby."

A sudden Chaos Spear kills one of the two demons.

Stella spoke "Hope I ain't too late!"

But that demon was somehow still alive as it was revealed to be a female Abyssinian with snow-white fur and Oiran belts as her weapons.

The she-cat spoke "What do you think you're doing to me?!"

Danydonna spoke "TILL EQUESTRIA ENDS!"

The rest of the Mobian Guard AND the Pony Guard spoke "Mobian and Pony Guard defend!"

Anzu growls "Who the *yay* are you?"

The she-cat spoke "I am Ume, one of the strongest demons!"

But then Anzu cut off Ume's head, but what was strange was that she wasn't burning away.

Anzu spoke "Guess you're not that strong when you're boasting."

Tengen spoke "Guys, get ready."

But then the Abyssinian demon started wailing with tears while her decapitated head was in her hands.

Yuki's claws were as cold as ice as she leapt at Ume, aiming the ice claws at the she-cat's chest.

Ume cries "*Wailing* They cut my head off! They cut my head off! Help me... BROTHEEEEEERRRR!!!"

A male Abyssinian started emerging from Ume before the two was suddenly at a different spot, causing Yuki to miss.

Yuki hisses "Everyone, hold your attacks!"

The others all back off.

Yuki asks "Who are you really?"

Ume was still crying.

The tom asks "*Sweetly* Come on, now. There's no use crying about it, you know. Can't you even manage to reattach your head by yourself? Well, you haven't always been the sharpest tool in the shed, have you?"

The male abyssinian had coal-black fur with bits of green on the hair on his head, but what was strange was that he was incredibly skinny, you could see his ribs and pelvis, and the strange markings on his face.

The tom spoke "*Sweetly* Aww, is that a scar on your face? *As the scar on Ume's face regenerated* You need to learn how to take care of your face, you know? After all, you were born with such a pretty face compared to mine."

Yuki spoke "Am I chopped liver? I'm standing right here ya know!"

The brother Abyssinian turned toward Yuki. "So... you're half-demon."

Yuki spoke "I don't smell half demon... My biological mother was a normal Mobian cat but she went missing when I was 8...."

But then veins popped up on Yuki's face, arms and legs, as her claws started to sharpen and lengthen.


The tom asks "I have no idea how or why, but it seems half of her blood is becoming demon. There must be some kind of connection... But what?"

Lune spoke "For Chaos' sake.... Yuki's a Felis by marriage..."

The tom asks "Felis... Why does that name sound familiar...?"

Lune spoke "I am Prince Lune Felis, second born child of Queen Haruka Felis and ex-King Phoebus Felis. My older sister is Princess Blaze Ogami."

The tom growls "Phoebus...? I remember now... That bastard was real pain in the ass... You have no idea what the torture I had because of him!"

Lune spoke "My father has been dead for 220 years."

Ume spoke "Gyutaro! Please help me!"

Gyutaro spoke "The only thing I remember about that was that my sweet little sister did."

Danydonna spoke "Not to brag, but Yuki's a part of my family and hive-pack, which is over 600."

Gyutaro spoke "Am I going deaf? It sounded like you said you have a family over 600 members! *Growls*"

Danydonna spoke "I have eleven children, eight adopted and three blood related. I got a brother that's also one of my NetNavis and through him, I have two nephews and a niece. I've also got a few grandchildren too. One's half alicorn half goat, another's a stellar cat, I think Bluestar's got a few eggs on the way. The hive-pack totals about 800 some-odd members, ranging from Changelings and Diamond Dogs to ponies of varying species. I also discovered the dragogriff species myself since Thunder is one, he's half dragon half hippogriff. And because of Anzu, her mother's friends are part of that hive-pack too. Plus there's 626 aliens as well since they all joined up round the same time. Yuki on the other hand, she's the bravest of the first generation Mobian Guard."

But that only seemed to make Gyutaro more angry. "Grrr!!!!! Unforgivable!!!!!"

Gyutaro charged at Yuki but then suddenly stopped stone cold and Yuki didn't do anything.

Bellona manifested on her own before glaring at the scrawny tom.

Gyutaro asks "Wait... Yuki?"

Yuki gasps "U-uncle Yami?"

Ume stopped crying.

Gyutaro spoke "I haven't heard that nickname in a long time..."

Lune spoke "232 years to be exact."

Yuki cries "All this time... I never stopped looking for my real mother..."

Ume spoke "I... I had a daughter..."

Gyutaro then dropped the two sickles in his hands.

Yuki mewls "M-momma...."

Ume spoke "Yuki... How... could I have forgotten..."

Yuki mewls "All this time... I never gave up looking for you..."

Yuki ran towards Ume while crying, hugging the older cat.

Ume started leaking tears as she hugged her daughter back.

I wipe a stray tear from my eyes.

Twilight asks "You okay, Kurama?"

I spoke "Shut up Sparkle Butt..."

Gyutaro then turned around, wondering what to do.

I spoke "Guess we should head back to Maretime Bay."

Lune chuckles "My mom is going to freak the cuss out."

Tengen spoke "Well, I’ll admit this surprised me."

Fizzlepop spoke "None of us saw it coming."

Other Sonic asks "Wait! What about the shard?"

Danydonna spoke "I grabbed it with my magic."

Other Sonic spoke "Oh. Good. Hopefully Nine doesn’t mind us using his ship to get to that maze and No Place."

Lune asks "I just realized something... Since Yuki's half demon.. would that put Darrell and Kara as quarter demon?"

Danydonna facepalmed at that. “I never thought of that.”

Moroha spoke "And here I thought I was the only quarter demon...."

Inuyasha scoffs "No daughter of mine is going to be seen with a cat!"

Moroha spoke "Trample off dad! I'm 75% cat though since mom is full cat!"

Makio spoke "Heh, not bad, squirt."

Clarity was by herself while looking at the sky.

Clarity sighs "What happened to you Ifrit?"


A New Love Blossoms?/ Gadget's Parents

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*Moroha's POV*

I was sitting in a tree while talking with Darrell.

I groan "My dad can be such a moron at times! I'm not a baby anymore! I can make my own choices in life!"

Darrell spoke "My paternal grandfather was a jerk..."

“Really?” I asked.

Darrell spoke "I was just a young kitten back then but Cousin Haru hated his guts..."

I laugh "That must have been funny!"

Darrell chuckles "Hehehe! It is funny."

I spoke "My dad's overprotective..."

Darrell spoke "I can understand how that feels."

I laugh "that green cat freaked the hell out when someone mentioned that his daughter was expecting kittens."

Darrell laughed as well.

I curled my tail around Darrell's tail.

I spoke "Though I may look 14 but I'm actually over 500 years of age since that one nekomata had interacted with Cousin Clarity a lot."

Darrell spoke "I'm around 225 years of age."

A sudden "SIT BOY!" was heard since Inuyasha had noticed.

Kagome spoke "You need to take a chill pill!"

“See what I mean, Darrell?” I asked.

Darrell chuckles "Your dad has serious anger issues."

“Heehee! You’re telling me.” I giggled in agreement.

Darrell chuckles "It could have been much worse if I was a wolf."

I spoke "I know what you mean..."

I don’t know why, but I started blushing.

Darrell blushes as well.

I ask "Darrell?"

Darrell stammers "Y-Yes, Moroha?"

I ask "D-do you have a girlfriend?"

Darrell spoke "U-Um… No."

I spoke "I don't have a boyfriend though."

Kara groans "For the love of... JUST KISS ALREADY!!!"

Kara kicked Darrell, causing him to fall into me, causing us to kiss, much to our shock and surprise.

Kagome shouted "SIT BOY!!!" at least 20 times to stop Inuyasha from lashing out.

I… I couldn’t describe the emotion I was truly feeling to Darrell… But it felt… so… good…

Danyelle slapped her right cheek, squishing a demonic flea Mobian.

Danyelle spoke "If it's not normal fleas, it's demonic ones...."

Kagome giggles "Pestering non demonic nekomatas now Myoga?"

Myoga spoke "K-K-Kagome!!!"

Kagome spoke "Long time no see."

But Darrell and I paid no attention to what was going on around us at as we kept kissing and started making out.

Darrell and I snuck off through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel I had heard rumors about.

We then saw Sumarda at the receptionist’s table. “Whoa! A newly-formed couple just from a few seconds ago!”

Darrell spoke "A couple that are both quarter demons no less."

Sumarda gasps "Whoa! In that case, maybe you can try a special suite?"

Darrell asks "What do you got in store?"

Sumarda spoke "Well-"

“Give us the best room you’ve got!” I said, surprising Sumarda.

Sumarda asks "Really? You’re that eager?"

Darrell chuckles "You remind me of Rainbow Dash."

“I’m a bit daring like my dad at times.” I noted.

Darrell pounces on me and started tickling me.

Sumarda spoke "Best special suite for the new couple, coming right up!"

Xander spoke "Hey Marda!"

Xander and Helia showed up.

Sumarda spoke "Hey guys!"

A fluffier Pegasus girl was with the two.

Sumarda asks "Who’s this?"

Xander spoke "This is Natalie, Helia and I call her Nat."

Sumarda spoke "Aww! She looks so cute and fluffy!"

Atem had tumbled out of a portal, crashing head first into a wall.

Xander chuckles "Opinici tend to be rather fluffy."

Sumarda asks Nice! So how was it, Helia?"

Darrell spoke "Uh... there's a sphinx..."

Sumarda asks "Oh! What happened?"

Atem groans "My sister pranked me...."

Darrell carried me off to a room.

The both of us gasped in awe, “Whoa!”

This room… was definitely the best! It’s perfect even!

Darrell spoke "We could take a bath together, if you want."

I couldn't help but purr at that as I slid a finger up and off Darrell's neck. "In that case, why don't we have a bath and a meal in it together? And I don't really care what food is brought in here at all, or what that can do."

Darrell purred as well. "Hehehe... Yeah, I don't really care about that either, as long as I'm with you."

Darrell nibbles at the side of my neck.

"*Purrs lustfully* Come here you!" I smiled as grabbed onto him and nibbled on a side of his neck.

*Some time later*

I was a sweaty mess.

Darrell chuckles "And to think, I waited a long time to find the right girl for me."

"And to think I waited my whole life to find the perfect man." I giggled.

Darrell chuckles "Despite your dad's rather short temper..."

I giggled, "yeah. and those meals were delicious."

Darrell chuckles "yeah though it was funny when Ben had embarrassed your parents."

"Besides, I think Sumarda didn't actually use that strange magic in those meals at all if our metabolism worked normally." I giggled.

Darrell spoke "I never knew I was quarter demon until recently."

"Yeah. And if Sumarda did put that magic into the food, our metabolism would've been nullified until we checked out. Not that I'd have a problem with that as long as I'm with you." I purred.

Darrell chuckles "*Lustful purr* That goes ditto for me, sweetie demon-kitty."

I spoke "God, I'm so hyper right now..."

Darrell chuckles "Me too, babe..."

I nibble on my boyfriend's ears.

Darrell then nibbled one of my ears.

"Oh... I can't wait any more." I moaned.

Darrell sighs "Me neither..."

*A few more hours later*

I spoke "Sheesh, I really need that bath now."

Darrell spoke "Man, me too."

I giggle "At this rate, I'm likely going to have twins or maybe even triplets!"

Darrell chuckled, "Or, quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, septuplets, octuplets, nonuplets? Who knows, maybe even decuplets!"

That... That put me into overdrive excitement!

I spoke "I don't think I'd be able to carry that many to term... Let alone the amount of diapers..."

But then I smiled daringly as Darrell smiled back, just as daring as I am. "But I'm willing to give it a go!" I declared.

Darrell spoke "Ditto!"

I spoke "Only problem is... My parents are Japanese... Thus I am as well... So the limit of kids I could have is two..."

"Well..." Darrell started off as he gently placed his hand on my cheek. "If that's the case, let's make this a night we'll always remember for all eternity."

I spoke "My maternal uncle has one child, my half-uncle has two daughters. I'm an only child."

But then Darrell gently and lovingly kissed me on the lips, as I kissed back, telling me that words were no longer needed.

But our moment of bliss soon got interrupted by my dad.

Yuki dropkicks Inuyasha through a wall before he got mad.

Sumarda sighs "Oh jeez... I knew that Inuyasha would be the first to do this. *Annoyed sigh*"

Yuki hisses "stupid mutt..."

Kagome spoke "Don't worry. Sumarda, Helia, Pandora and I will deal with him."

Sumarda and Helia mischievously giggled in agreement.

Yuki hisses "I swear to Chaos.... Inuyasha is way more dense than a sack of bricks."

Sumarda pushed a button as Pandora showed up before an elevator took the two, Kagome, Helia and Inuyasha down to somewhere unknown.

I groan "it's enough that I was raised by wolves..."

*Meanwhile with Renee*

Renee bumps into a red furred Mobian wolf with a flower tucked into the fur by the right ear.

Renee spoke "Sorry!"

Renee bolted while screaming Gadget's name.

The scarlet wolf spoke "that was weird... Oh hey Kagome."

Kagome spoke "Hi Ayame. *Mischievous giggle*"

Ayame spoke "Let me guess, Inuyasha got dropkicked by a half demon cat through a wall..."

Kagome spoke "That before-*Giggling!*"

Ayame asks "Did you see a red furred male wolf anywhere?"

Kagome spoke "I'm afraid not but maybe that purple she-wolf might know."

Ayame spoke "I see..."

Renee asks "Gadget, where are you?"

Gadget spoke "I'm here Renee."

Hugging Gadget, Renee spoke Oh, how I missed you!"

Gadget spoke "Same."

Renee spoke "I saw a red she-wolf...."

Gadget asks "What was she like?"

Renee spoke "Like a female version of you... There was a flower weaved into the fur below the right ear..."

Gadget groans "Ugh… Why… Does that sound so familiar…? GAH!"

Renee asks "Gadget?"

Claws started ripping out of Gadget’s gloves and shoes. “Something’s happening!”

A black furred wolf Mobian spoke "Seems you've been a demon all along, son."

Ears pinning back, Kagome spoke "5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."


Kagome spoke "Called it..."

Ayame asks "Brother?"

Kagome spoke "*sigh* I think you should ask that pink cat..."

Yuri spoke "I think my dad freaked out..."

But then a black pothole suddenly appeared.

Yuri growls as he pulled Estelle behind him.

But then a male bunny in a black and yellow suit jumped out of it. “What’s up, doc?”

Zoey spoke "That line sounds so damn familiar..."

Zoey yowls loud, getting Danyelle's attention.

Danyelle asks "That you Bugs?"

But then some kind of map slipped out of the bunny’s suit and unraveled, before Bugs emerged from it. “Nah, that’s my descendant, Ace Bunny, Leader of the Loonatics.”

Yuri's fur was bristling since he sensed a great threat coming.

Bugs groans "Oh brother…"

Ace sighs "These clowns just don’t quit, do they?"

Looking at Ace, Danyelle asks "Did your parents mention anything about the Nekomata of Redemption to you?"

Ace spoke "Hmm… Come to think of it, yeah."

Danyelle spoke "Well, she's real because I am the Nekomata of Redemption."

Zoey spoke "And I'm the leader of the original Tokyo Five."


A New Threat Approaches

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*Ace's POV*

Danyelle asks "So what kind of baddie we dealing with?"

“Professor Zane’s on one of his animal crimes again.” I answered.

Moeka spoke "Can't be the Zane I know though, he's a good guy."

Tech then showed up. “Of course not. We’re talking about Professor Frederick Zane.”

Danyelle spoke "Th-that JERK!!!!"

Tech asks "Huh?"

But then Zane showed up. “What’s going on?”

Moeka asks "Are you the Zane I know?"

Zane spoke "What? Of course I am, Moeka!"

Moeka spoke "I was worried about you."

Zane asks "Wait, you were… worried about me?"

Moeka spoke "Of course you dummy!"

Zane’s eye comically turned into a heart as he fainted with giddy laughter.

Danyelle threw a creeper at Pierce.

Ein asks "Guys? A little help?"

A loud boom followed by a goofy yell was heard as Pierce got sent flying.

Ein spoke "Guys? I’m still a slime."

Danyelle spoke "I warned you not to eat that diamond... You brought it upon yourself though."

Ein whines "But when can I shapeshift?!"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me kick you Ein."

A glint of gold was seen on Danyelle's right ankle.

Ein asks "Ooh! What's that?"

Like a blur, Danyelle sends Ein flying into a wall with a kick.

Danyelle spoke "That's MY Blastia! No touchy!"

Bugs spoke "You sounded like that aztec emperor llama guy for a sec there."

Danyelle spoke "Blame Sonic, I've travelled through a book on Incan kingdoms... But uh... Kuzco was Incan, not Aztec..."

Bugs spoke "Oh. Right. Should've taken that left turn back at Albuquerque for that one."

Danyelle wingslaps Bugs, rattling the rabbit's head quite a bit.

But then Bugs grabbed his head, stopping it from shaking. "Strong as ever, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "My strength tripled because of this thing."

Lexi then came out.

Lexi asks "Are you alright, sweetie?"

"I'm fine, babe." I answered as the two of us shared a little nose nuzzle.

Danyelle asks "Say Bugs, didn't you marry Lola?"

Bugs spoke "Yeah."

Danyelle asks "Since Ace is your descendant while Lexi is Lola's descendant, wouldn't that make them... You know, distant cousins?"

Bugs whispers "Yeah, but they're just like me and Lola. So no point butting in on it."

Danyelle spoke "The blood relation is very dilute so it doesn't matter to them. My mom and dad were cousins though, nine times removed roughly."

Bugs spoke "Nice."

Danyelle spoke "It is what it is."

But then we heard heavy breathing.

A pink Pegasus mare with a blue mane and a double lightning bolt cutie mark suddenly shows up because of a temporal break.

The mare asks "Where am I?"

Danyelle spoke "Fanfilly alert in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Rainbow exclaims "FIREFLY?!"

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Rainbow, before I kick you through a wall."

Rainbow Dash immediately showed up as her eyes were comical sparkling stars.

Danyelle pinched Rainbow's right ear with magic.

Rainbow Dash whines "Ow! Ow! Ow! Owowowowowowowowow!"

Danyelle spoke "Hyper fanfilly."

Firefly asks "Wait, why does she look familiar?"

Danyelle asks "You talking about me?"

Firefly spoke "No. I mean the Pegasus mare with the rainbow mane and tail."

Danyelle spoke "Well... She's a speedster."

Firefly suddenly gasped as if she had a realization.

Danyelle spoke "Oh Chaos no...."

Bugs asks "Huh. Now who could’ve seen that coming?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't look at me!"

Danyelle's nose twitches.

Danyelle spoke "I smell trouble..."

Firefly spoke "Actually… the thing is…"

Danyelle spoke "Now's not the time to talk about it! Someone crazy is heading to Maretime Bay and I fear he's targeting the alicorns!"

A confused Firefly asks "What's an alicorn?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh, right. You’re from a generation that doesn't have alicorns."

Rainbow spoke "It's hard to explain but they're all three pony species in one."

Firefly asks "Wait, really?"

Danyelle spoke "Earth pony strength, unicorn magic and Pegasus flight."

Firefly spoke "Whoa…"

Danyelle spoke "As for me, I may look like a winged two tailed cat but I used to be human."

Firefly asks "Wait, human? Why does that sound familiar?"

Danyelle used her magic to take on her human form, surprising Ace and Lexi in the process.

Danyelle spoke "This was what I used to look like before I ended up in Equestria."

Firefly spoke "W-What?! But they became extinct in Equestria!"

Danyelle spoke "There are a few humans though but they took on different forms. I took on the form of a nekomata-gryphon hybrid, Lillian and Tempest became hawks, my brother's a rare case though, my mom took the form of a Fenrir. Both Sunset Shimmers took on different forms, one's an alicorn and the other's a human."

Firefly was simply speechless.

Danyelle cancels out her magic, retaking her Mobian form.

Danyelle spoke "I'm rather tall for an anthropomorphic cat though."

A roar was heard from Twilight which had sent Frederick flying far away.

Danyelle spoke "And that... Was the Roar."

“Roar? Why does that sound familiar?” I wondered.

Rainbow spoke "That's a rather long story...."

Danyelle spoke "Moeka, go warn Aph!"

Moeka spoke "Got it!"

The pink cat darts off, dragging Zane with her.

Soon, Danger, Rev and Slam showed up too.

Danyelle growls in an alpha manner. "Let's stop that jerk!"

A glint of silver was seen on Danyelle's head since she had to wear her crown more often due to her rank.

Rev spoke very quickly "Alright!Let’sgetgoing!!!"

Danyelle spoke "Slow down will you? I can't understand fast talkers."

Rev: *Quickly* Sorry,buteversinceIgotmypowersI’vebeentalkingawholelotfaster,yaknow.

Danyelle groans "At least your ancestor was limited to one word...."

Danger scoffs "Rev was already a fast-talker and runner before he got his powers, while I was already a hero."

“You mean being a pool boy?” I reminded, making Danger blush in embarrassment.

Danyelle teases "Not to mention... Ace's crush on Lexi."

That got me there.

Rainbow spoke "And yes, Danyelle does love her video games."

Danyelle spoke "Shut up Skittles!"

Lexi exclaims "Really?! That’s totally awesome!"

Danyelle sighs "Yeah, I do like my video games."

Then Lexi hugged Danyelle.

Lexi spoke "Me too!"

Danyelle gives the rabbit a noogie.

Danyelle giggles "I can tell."


Danyelle spoke "Sounds serious. Better hurry."

Rainbow spoke "Right!"

Danyelle yowls as she charged into the fray, kicking away whoever lunged at her.

Bugs spoke "Whoa! Not bad!"

Yuri spoke "I've never seen anyone use a blastia like that before!"

A portal opened, revealing a familiar Inteleon. “Black Leg techniques? Not bad.”

Estelle spoke "Don't think so."

Chameleo spoke Sorry. They just remind me of a certain swirly-eyebrow cook."

Lillian asks "You mean Sanji?"

Chameleo asks "Yeah. You know him?"

Danyelle spoke "I sparred with him a few times when I had gotten called to the One Piece world. Heck, he taught me a lot about cooking too. So did another."

But then a portal opened, and I could tell it was from our universe, before some kind of skeleton fell from it.

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see Brook!"

Brook gasps "Oh! Danyelle! Does that mean I’m in your world now?"

Danyelle spoke "If you're here, Luffy and the others can't be too far behind."

But then the portal started moving towards above the water as it grew bigger.

Danyelle spoke "Ahoy Luffy!"

But then a ship landed with the head of a sun-lion hybrid.

Luffy laughs "Hahahaha! Danyelle!"

Danyelle took flight over to the ship, landing on the deck.

Danyelle spoke "Luffy, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Zoro, Chopper! It's been so long!"

A blonde unicorn stallion’s left eye turned into a heart as hearts flew around him while coming over to Danyelle.

Sanji spoke "Danyelle-swan!!!"

Danyelle bonks Sanji on the head with her keyblade.

Danyelle spoke "Cool your jets Sanji, I'm a married woman. Plus I know for a fact you have a major crush on Nami."

Brook spoke "Really Danyelle? You don’t know? Then again, it has been two years."

Danyelle spoke "Uh, I'm 250 years old...."

Brook gasps "WHAT?! But how?!"

Rainbow spoke "Immortal.... then trapped in limbo for 200 years."

Brook exclaims "WHAT?!?!"

Luffy gasps "Ooh! You met up with Goku?"

Danyelle spoke "yep! I even sparred with him as well."

Rainbow spoke "Danyelle's one of the only two non Saiyans to pull off the kamehameha attack."

A rabbit-like mare asks "Whoa! Are you-teia friends with her?"

A white earth pony mare came out, but her muzzle, ears and tail were those of a rabbit.

A wolfish stallion spoke "You-gara bet, Carrot."

An icy water-blue earth pony stallion showed up, but his muzzle, ears and tail were those of a wolf.

Danyelle asks "Wolflood?"

Wolflood spoke "Been quite some time, Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "220 years in fact but Rainbow's the reason why I'm a little different than other Mobians."

Then a dragon-whale shark hybrid showed up. “So this is your friend you told me about, Luffy?”

Luffy spoke "Hehehe! You bet, Jimbei!"

Rainbow spoke "Danyelle's no normal Mobian, she's an alpha class Mobian which explains her height. And she's also an Alpha-Queen."

Danyelle taunts "Sanji, I challenge you to a Cook-Off!"

Sanji scoffs "Really now?"

But then a wanted poster flew into Danyelle’s hands, revealing to be Sanji’s, but it had read, “Vinsmoke Sanji.”

A portal opens up before a tan unicorn stallion with a spiky red mane steps out.

The stallion spoke "A food war huh? Count me in!"

Danyelle taunts "What's it gonna be SanjI?"

Sanji spoke "I accept the challenge."

Nami was off in a corner while sulking.


Food War! Danyelle vs. Sanji vs. Soma!

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*Danyelle's POV*

I ask "What's her problem?"

A Pegasus pony stallion/crow hybrid flew down before he transformed back into a Pegasus as he hugged Nami, who hugged back. “Oh, Nami's still upset about how reckless Luffy can be.”

I ask "And you are…?"

the stallion spoke "The name’s Croven, and I ate the Bird-Bird Fruit Model: Crow."

Soma scoffs "Erina's just as reckless at times... But I've gotten used to it."

I spoke "But I thought Sanji had a crush on Nami..."

Croven sighs "Sanji acts like that with all beautiful lady he sees. Besides, Sanji nosebleeds geysers if he sees mermaids."

I spoke "No wonder why he tried to hit on me... I retaliated by hitting him with a keyblade."

Croven spoke "Besides he turned to stone sometimes when he saw Hancock and the Mermaid Princess."

I groan "He's like that one monk I know...."

A male great white shark soon showed up. “Still can’t believe my wife’s beauty was that much for him.”

Jimbei spoke "Hehehe. You’re still strong as ever, Trenbon."

Rainbow spoke "Tch..."

I spoke "Well, let’s get started."

Soma spoke "Yeah!"

Sanji asks "So, what’s on the menu?"

Soma spoke "Given that we're dealing with a herd of hungry ponies, we'll need something that isn't meat related."

Sanji spoke "That’ll be a vacation for me, since the captain always eats meat."

I scoff "Well, he's got the wrong teeth for meat now."

Sanji chuckles "Hehehe. Guess Luffy’s gonna think he’s in a nightmare now."

I giggle "Eyup."

Brook asks "Oh, Danyelle. Do you think I could see your-"

I kicked Brook in the head before he could finish that question. “I wouldn’t let you see that before, why would I now?!”

Nami spoke "Stupid skele."

Brook laughs "Whoa! That hit shook me down to the bone! And I’m only bones, because I’m a skeleton! Yohohohohohohohohoho!!!"

I snap "Don't make me set you on fire!"

Chopper showed up, having definitely grown.

I spoke "You've grown into a strong buck."

Chopper started doing his fluttering dance again with a smile and blush. “Saying that doesn’t make me happy at all, you jerk face. Hehehehe.”

Usopp spoke "Sure looks happy."

I couldn’t help but giggle.

I spoke "Freaked out Luffy in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

Luffy screams "NO MEAAAAAAT?!?!?!"

Nami spoke "We don't have the right teeth for meat now you idiot."

Luffy fainted from the shock and horror.

Nami sighs "I'm surrounded by idiots..."

Then a yellow earth pony mare, whose muzzle, ears and tail was that of a fox, appeared with a blonde earth pony mare, whose muzzle, ears and tail of a reindeer while having reindeer antlers.

The foxlike mare spoke "Chopper!"

The doe-mare asks "Are you-teia alright?"

I spoke "You might want to put that back Rouge."

Rouge asks "Oh? Why?"

Nami growls "THAT'S MINE!!"

Nami charges at Rouge, fighting with the batpony as a fight cloud appeared.

Zoro stifled a snicker.

I grab the two mares with magic and clonked their heads together, stopping the fight.

I spoke "You two should be ashamed of yourselves."

Both mares spoke "Sorry...."

I spoke "As I was about to say... LET'S GET COOKING!!!!"

Soma spoke "YEAH!!!"

Sanji spoke "Heh. So the challenge already started."

Cadence soon arrives.

I spoke "Oh hi Cadence."

Cadence giggles "Hey Dany."

I notice that Sanji was awestruck by Cadence's beauty.

I spoke "Down boy! She's a married mare!"

But Sanji didn’t listen.

Nami whacks Sanji with a book.

Sanji only smiled with his left eye turned into a heart and a nosebleed.

Cadence spoke "Sorry to break it to you but I'm a married mare."

Sanji froze but turned around, seemingly taking it well.

Nami ran off to a room since she wanted to be alone.

I grab Sanji by the ear and drag him along while following Nami.

I spoke "By the gods, you can be SO dense at times!"

Sanji asks "Wait, what do you mean?"

I spoke "Do Cadence and I have to spell it out to you? Nami's got a crush on you!"

Sanji just froze.

A loud crash was heard.

Usopp gasps "GAH!!! WHAT WAS THAT?!?!"

Nyx pops up suddenly.

Nyx asks "What in the world is.... going on here?"

Nyx soon spots a younger version of herself.

Sins-verse Nyx spoke "Whoa!"

OC-verse Nyx spoke "This is so weird...."

Sins-verse Nyx whimpers "I want my mom...."

I called out to Twilight as she showed up.

The younger Nyx shivers with fear.

Twilight asks "What's wrong Danyelle?"

“We got another Nyx here.” I informed.

Twilight spoke "And by the looks of things, she's from a collapsed world... But since there's already a Nyx in this world... The newcomer will need an alias..."

The Sins-verse Nyx latches onto Twilight while shaking.

OC-verse Nyx spoke "I was never that clingy..."

Twilight spoke "Something must’ve happened to the other me."

I spoke "Maybe the Sins-verse Twilight had died in that battle against Singularity..."

OC-verse Nyx asks "What should we do with her?"

Twilight spoke "…I think we should take care of her, in her Twilight’s honor."

OC-verse Nyx spoke "If that's so the case, YOU look after her Sparkle Butt."

Twilight spoke "Why me? And don't call me Sparkle Butt!"

The Sins-verse Nyx started giggling.

I spoke "She thinks your nickname is funny."

Twilight whines "Danyelle!"

I spoke "Don't make me use the word on you."

Twilight spoke "You wouldn't!"

I spoke around the same time as Kagome. "SIT!!!"

Both Twilight and Inuyasha were face down on the ground.

Kagome and I smiled as we shared a fist bump.

But soon enough, I was face down on the ground.

Ben sighs "Danyelle… What am I going to do with you?"

I spoke "*lusty voice* Come here you!"

I pounce on Ben before tickling him.

Ben started laughing. “Regardless of the outcome of this competition, I have a special surprise for you, but I can’t tell you.”

I purr "Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to it."

Ben chuckles *Lustful purring* Consider it a gift to my one and only."

I purr "Benny-boo...."

Ben chuckles "*Lustful purring* Dany-cakes…"

Curtains suddenly surrounded us, but neither of us minded that one bit as we kissed and started making out.

OC-verse Nyx sighs "My parents are weird..."

Twilight spoke "This could take a while."

Meanwhile, in the curtains surrounding us, Ben and I started getting more lost in our love as we started feeling each other as our tongues danced with one another with both of us moaning lustfully accompanied by wet smacks.

I purr "You certainly know how to please a girl like me."

Ben chuckles "*Lustful purr* I try my best."

I slid my finger up and off Ben’s neck as I purred lustfully, “Why don’t we save this for the surprise you have in store for me?”

“That was the plan, baby.” Ben answered with a lusty tiger growl.

A crash followed by Pipp screaming was heard.

I asks "Was that Pipp?"

Ben spoke "We better get going and check up on that."

Stella flew past Ben and I while Anzu followed since she was carrying Geo on her back.

I spoke "Yeah."

The curtains surrounding us then vanished.

I spoke "We'll have the cook off later."

Sanji spoke "Well, I can wait."

Nami asks "Sanji?"

Sanji asks "Huh? Yes, Nami?"

Nami spoke "Well uh..."

Nami grabs Sanji's face with her front hooves and kissed him.

Sanji froze as hard as a rock.

Nami asks "You okay?"

Zoro spoke "Heh. I think you broke swirly-eyebrow."

Sanji spoke "SHUT UP!"

Despite having zero experience with magic, Sanji blasted Zoro thus knocking the Pegasus into the water.

Zoro splutters "GAK!!! What the hell?!"

Cadence spoke "Magic surge... It's a common thing with young unicorns and alicorns since they can't control their horns that well, adult unicorn in this case."


I spoke "Wait up Stella!"

Stella spoke "Sorry, mom. But something’s up."

Geo spoke "I felt it too!"

At that very moment, my cutie mark was glowing.

I groan "OH COME ON!!!"

Stella asks "Another mission?"

I spoke "Yeah but it seems like a Hikari family mission this time... Your fur's glowing..."


Back into the EG World

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*Anzu's POV*

I spoke "My fur feels hot!"

Danyelle spoke "That sounds like you’re needed on a Friendship Mission."

Gallus asks "What about Nyx, Guinevere, Iris, Bluestar, Sakura, Emporio and I?"

I ask "What do you think Danyelle?"

Bluestar was digging in the snow when she found a gryphon egg.

Bluestar spoke "MOM!!!"

Danyelle asks "Yeah, Bluestar?"

Bluestar spoke "I found a gryphon egg but I fear the cub inside is dead..."

Danyelle gasps "What?! Let me check!"

Bluestar hands the cold egg over to Danyelle.

Danyelle used all of her powers to sense something in the egg, and only felt an extremely faint heartbeat.

Danyelle spoke "It's faint but it's alive, barely. I have to warm it back up."

Danyelle used her firebending to slowly warm the egg up, enticing the cold chickub to move about inside the shell.

Soon enough, the shell started to crack as the chickub broke free.

Danyelle spoke "Thank goodness! Welcome to the world, little one."

Bluestar spoke "By the gods above, she looks like a Spottedleaf to me because of that fur coat!"

The young hatchling looked around before staring at Bluestar.

Bluestar spoke "I uh... I better on check on my unhatched eggs!"

Bluestar flew off to her house.

Danyelle spoke "Guess she’s nervous."

The hatchling looked at Danyelle before tilting its head in confusion.

I spoke "She's so cute."

Danyelle giggles "Heehee, she is."

I spoke "Tortoiseshell gryphons aren't that common though."

A blind gray tabby gryphon bumped into Sunny.

The blind gryphon scoffs "Move out of my way."

Sunny spoke "That was rude..."

Danyelle spoke "He hasn’t changed."

Oakheart spoke "Still snarky as he was in a past life..."

Danyelle conks Oakheart on the head.

Danyelle spoke "Not the same cat from the book series I used to read."

“What about the friendship mission?” I asked.

Danyelle asks "Oh right! But is it a wise idea to travel to the EG world while pregnant?"

“My kid’s tough, I’m sure we can handle it.” I assured.

Danyelle spoke "It's got the Ikisatashi attitude."

“I’m still sure we can take it.” I insisted.

Dren spoke "Absolutely not Anzu!"

“Come on, dad!” I pouted.

Dren spoke "You know your mom would shave your tail fur if you got hurt."

I spoke "I'm not a little girl anymore dad...."

A bubble of silence surrounded me and my dad.

I shout "I can make my OWN CHOICES!!!"

Dren spoke "But you have an UNBORN kid inside you!"

I spoke "I KNOW THAT DAD!!!"

Zoey asks "What's going on here?"

Talk about bad timing.

I spoke "H-hey mom..."

Zoey growls "Dren... What did you say to Anzu?"

Dren spoke "N-Nothing to hurt her!"

Zoey spoke "I don't believe you."

A black foxcat Mobian girl was sneaking up on her dad from behind.

Serena spoke "Hey Ash."

Ash asks "Yeah, Serena?"

Serena spoke "I can't find our daughter anywhere."

Ash spoke "That’s weird."

But then something blocked Ash’s view.

Liko giggles "Got you dad!"

Serena giggles "There you are, you little trickster!"

Liko giggles "Mommy!"

Danyelle spoke "We should get this mission dealt with."

“Right.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Better take the Dreamers and Dazzlings too, just in case a new band is causing trouble."

Sonata showed up. “You called?”

The rest of the sirens arrive as well.

A slight bump was on Melody's belly due to the developing child.

Alto spoke "Sirens have to stick together."

Melody spoke "Agreed."

Kelly spoke "Aye! We sirens may be few in number but we love singing!"

*After the group arrives in the EG world*

Alto spoke "I look like a male version of my tanuki mother...."

Melody was flustered.

Melody spoke "Hot damn..."

I giggled at Melody’s reaction, and I can tell she was getting real hot and bothered.

Kelly spoke "I just realized something.... Harmony, Melody and I can't hide our ears and tails...."

Alto spoke "Same... But we could pass for beastmen at least...."

Danyelle spoke "Hey Sunset!"

Sunset spoke "Hey guys! You won’t believe what’s going on."

Alto spoke "Let me guess, a new band is causing trouble and thus you had to get in touch with the Hikari family."

Sunset spoke "Smart kid."

Nazuna spoke "That he is."

Sunset spoke "But I feel like I’ve seen them before."

Nazuna spoke "You got the wrong kitsune, I'm Nazuna Kagetashi."

Sunset notices the group around Danyelle.

Sunset asks "Who are they?"

Danyelle spoke "There's Nyx, Iris, Bluestar, Irene, Ralph, Guinevere, Thunder, Stella, Gallus, Sakura, Emporio and Apple Butter."

Alto's left ear twitches since he heard Blitz's voice.

Danyelle giggles "And there's Skittles Jr now..."

Blitz whines "HEY! Not cool!"

Guinevere giggles "It's your hair color though..."

Danyelle spoke "I call my world's Rainbow "Skittles" all the time."

Blitz pouted.

Ralph spoke "I find it rather cute though... But given that I'm an Equestrian-born Mobian, I don't think it'd work out if I had fallen in love with a girl I barely know. Plus my wife would beat the tar out of me if I cheated on her."

Danyelle pulled Ralph's ear, causing him to yowl in pain but that ended up triggering the Roar.

Danyelle spoke "Whoops!"

Sunset spoke "Here comes Fluttershy now..."

EG Fluttershy shouts "WHAT HAPPENED?!"

Covering her ears since they were sensitive, Danyelle spoke "Long story short, one of my sons inherited the Roar from my husband."

Megaman sighs "My sister is an idiot..."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that, my brother is a pain in the tail at times."

EG Fluttershy spoke "I-I thought there was a tiger here."

Ben spoke "It's a rather long story though."

Kelly spoke "Th-that was my fault! I yawned a little too loudly!"

Danyelle spoke "That aside, I heard from Princess Twilight that you guys were having trouble with a new band."

EG Rainbow Dash showed up. “Okay, but first things first… WHAT’RE THEY DOING HERE?!”

Danyelle snarls at EG Rainbow, making her back off.

Melody growls "My mom and aunts aren't evil anymore! Alpha-Queen Danyelle saw to that!"

Fluttershy and Sunset sighed in relief at that.

Apple Butter asks "So, where's that band yer havin' trouble with?"

EG Applejack asks "Wait, why does she look familiar?"

Apple Butter spoke "Beg yer pardon? Ah don' know ya."

EG Applejack spoke "Sorry. It’s just ya look like Babs Seed, but I don’t know ya either."

Danyelle was snickering.

EG Applejack asks "What’s so funny?"

Danyelle spoke "My world's Babs married a Pegasus named Brace Relay."

Applejack spoke "Hey! My Babs married to a guy named Brace Relay too! He’s got some kind of prosthetic legs."

Danyelle spoke "Too bad there isn't another me in this world."

Irene growls "I smell fox.... and it's not Rusty..."

To the surprise of the Rainbooms and the Hikari clan, there were four females on the roof of CHS.

The foxgirl spoke "Well, this is a surprise. To think we left Runeterra, only to find people from another world as well."

Danyelle spoke "Well, if it isn't the famous K-pop band... K/DA..."

the girl with a can of spray paint in one hand spoke "So you’ve heard of us. News must spread fast around here."

Danyelle spoke "I know who you four are too. Akali, Kai'sa, Arhi and Evelynn."

Arhi asks "You even know our names. Are you a fan?"

Danyelle spoke "You could say that since I do like the Pop/Stars song."

Arhi spoke "I’m flattered, really."

Kai'sa conks Arhi on the head.

Evelynn spoke "I heard rumors about that one.... Many called her the Nekomata of Redemption...."

Danyelle spoke "So you heard of me then but I challenge you four to a singing competition!"

Akali spoke "Heh. You sure about that? You might be biting off more than you can chew."

Danyelle spoke "I've gone toe to toe against enemies you never even heard of!"

Arhi spoke "Very well, challenge accepted."

Danyelle spoke "Bring it!"

A stage suddenly appeared.

Danyelle's cat ears appear as well as the wings and tails.

Danyelle spoke "The songs we're using is from the League of Legends game."

Danyelle sang

Danyelle: What are you willing to lose?
You cover your wounds, but underneath them
A million voices in your head that whisper, "Stop, now"
Another twist of the knife, turn of the screws
It's all in your mind and it's fighting you
Arm yourself, a storm is coming
Well, kid, what you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly
And now you're playing with matches
Come out of the ashes underneath you
A million voices in the crowd they're screaming, "Stop, now"
We'll let 'em swallow their pride, you're turning the tide to true believers
Got them in the palm of your hand, you're playing God now
What you gonna do now?
It's your reflection looking back to pull you down
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly
So are you gonna die today or make it out alive?
You gotta conquer the monster in your head and then you'll fly
Fly, phoenix, fly
It's time for a new empire
Go bury your demons then tear down the ceiling
Phoenix, fly

Arhi spoke "I’ll admit, that was impressive. But now it’s our turn."

Danyelle spoke "Very well!"

K/DA went onto the stage and performed their most popular song, Pop/Stars.

Danyelle spoke "Not bad."

Arhi spoke "Thank you. But it’s up for the judges to decide now."

I sing Legends never Die alongside Geo.

After that, K/DA suddenly transformed and took on a new style before singing and performing Drum Go Dum.

The Dazzlings and their daughters sang "I'll Show You".

K/DA then sang “Villain".

All of a sudden, a loud explosion was heard.

Arhi spoke "Something’s wrong."

Danyelle flew up before her eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "You're not going to believe this but that Rillaboom Beastman has gone berserk!"

But then we heard someone coughing and found… a Sonata from this world?!

Danyelle engulfed herself in fire, transforming into Danydonna.

Danydonna spoke "GORTRUM!! SNAP OUT OF IT!!!"

Danydonna punched Gortrum, before something fell out of him as he reverted back to normal.

Stella spoke "Nice one mom!"

Danydonna spoke "Thanks Stella."

Two of the pokeballs on Danydonna's belt started rattling.

Danydonna spoke "It seems a dark synergy stone is nearby.... Both Reshiram and Zekrom can sense it."

I spoke "I have a bad feeling about this...."

Apple Butter spoke "Ah do too..."

Gortrum groans "Ugh..."

EG Sonata asks "Trummy! You okay?"

Gortrum spoke "Yeah... I think so, babe."

A teenage girl rushed over to the two of them. "Mom! Dad!"

Melody and Harmony were confused.

A girl a bit older than the other one showed up and hugged Sonata and Gortrum. "We're so glad you're both okay!"

Danydonna spoke "Last thing we need is an out of control Kommo-o..."

Pinkie went up to Danydonna and closed her mouth. "Don't jinx it!"

Arceus suddenly showed up but it was injured.

Danydonna growls "Beastman or not, he's still a Pokemon."

"Yeah." I agreed.

Danydonna spoke "I'll have to fight dragon type with dragon type."

Reshiram and Zekrom pop out of their pokeballs before roaring.

As if on cue, a giant berserk Kommo-o appeared.

Danydonna spoke "Reshiram, Fusion Flare! Zekrom, Fusion Bolt!"

The two attacks hit the Kommo-o.

But he didn’t look very shaken.

A voice spoke "Ice Time Capsule!"

But then a wave of ice reached the Kommo-o’s legs and froze them in place.

But a timed Fusion Flare hits the man, incinerating him thus saving the Kommo-o.

Danydonna flew at the Kommo-o before punching him in the face and knocking off a strange stone.

The man spoke "Now don’t be so hasty, I was only stopping his movement."

We turned around to see that man behind us as he somehow regenerated completely.

Danydonna snarls "I heard about you from Robin.... You froze a friend of hers completely in ice!"

The man sighs "Didn’t she tell you? I quit the marines, so I’m not an admiral anymore."

Danydonna shot white fire from her mouth at the man.

Danydonna spoke "Cut the crap Kuzan!"

Kuzan dodged it as he sighed. “Listen, I don’t wanna cause trouble. Besides, I was forced to freeze Saul, he was a good friend of mine.”

Danydonna growls "But Robin thinks he's dead!"

Kuzan sighs "And fortunately, he isn’t. I honestly didn’t want to do it, but the marines left me no choice they used that Buster Call. Besides, I did Saul a favor by helping Robin escape. I figured he’d want me to do that so Robin could find some real friends someday.

Reshiram tilted its head in confusion.

Danydonna asks "Buster Call?"

Kuzan spoke "It calls warships from the marines that are powerful enough to wipe an island right off the map. I was starting to question my job after that happened."

Danydonna spoke "If it's THAT powerful, it could easily wipe out Maretime Bay in an instant!"

Kuzan spoke "Exactly. And that isn’t justice, not in the least."

Danydonna spoke "Real justice is doing what's right. It's why I started the Mobian Guard in the first place. Sonic, Knuckles, Ben, Yuki and I protect those that need help."

Kuzan smiled. “That, I’m glad to hear.”

Danydonna spoke "I'm the keenest, formerly the fiercest."

Danydonna's left ear twitches before growling.

A giant berserk Toxtricity appeared.

Danydonna shot lightning at the Toxtricity, knocking it down.

Something started emerging from the male Pokémon.

Danydonna spoke "Chaos Bullet!"

A beam of Chaos energy struck the item, shattering it after it appeared.

The Kommo-o and Toxtricity shrunk back to normal size.

Danydonna asks "You two okay?"

Then EG versions of Adagio and Aria arrived, with the eldest sister running over to the Kommo-o and the middle sister running over to the Toxtricity.

Adagio asks "Scaly! You alright?"

Scale-o spoke "Yeah, I think so, sweetie."

Aria asks "Poisy! You’re okay, right?"

Poishock spoke "Yep, definitely fine, babe."

Danydonna's cutie mark glowed once again, indicating that the mission was finished.

Danydonna spoke "Well, that solves that problem."

Arhi asks "Think we’ll see each other again?"

Danydonna spoke "I'd have to talk to Princess Twilight about it first."

Arhi spoke "Okay."

But then we saw Kuzan looking at the setting Sun.

Danydonna spoke "Well, I believe it's time that my family and I headed off."

“Right.” I agreed before we heard Kuzan starting to sing.

Kuzan: The sea watches us quietly,
guiding us through our death and our birth.

From humble hometown waters,
to the waves at the end of the earth.

The sea carries us carefully,
through the dark of night and light of day,
to the world that's just and peaceful,
so that we never lose our way.

All our pain and suffering,
it swallows up in its warm embrace,
so knowingly and gently,
washes them all away.

The sea watches us quietly,
guiding us through our death and our birth.

From humble hometown waters,
to the waves at the end of the earth.

All our pain and suffering,
it swallows up in its warm embrace,
so knowingly and gently,
washes them all away.

There will come a day, I'm sure,
when I must heed its solemn call,
and walk side by side with my old friends,
resting in its foamy waters.

Danydonna leads the Hikari clan back through the portal, returning to Maretime Bay.


Let the Food War Begin!/ New Ponies

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*Lillian's POV*

*Some time after the Hikari family returned to Maretime Bay*

Danyelle spoke "Hey Luffy!"

Luffy spoke "Hey guys! I was starting to get bored!"

Danyelle spoke "I can't ignore a map summon though... Plus something came up in the EG world that I couldn't overlook. Oh, where's Robin? I have news for her."

Luffy asks "Wait, is it Aokiji? The lazy ice guy?"

Danyelle spoke "Saul is still alive."

Robin froze at hearing that.

Danyelle used memory recall to play back what Kuzan had told her.

Flashback Kuzan spoke "Fortunately, he isn’t."

Flashback Danydonna spoke "Robin will spit her bridle once she finds out..."

*End memory*

Danyelle spoke "So yeah... The big guy's out there somewhere."

Robin suddenly fell onto her knees as tears started falling from her eyes.

To the surprise of many, there was a silver band around Nami's left foreleg.

Tails wagging excitedly, Danyelle spoke "Forget the food war! Let's make this into a party!"

Luffy spoke "ALRIGHT!!!!! MEAL TIME!!!"

Many of the omnivores cheer loudly.

Holo howls loud, somehow getting the attention of a rather large earth stallion.

Danyelle wrote a message to Arhi about the party stating that the K/DA band was invited.

A portal then suddenly appeared.

Out from the portal steps a unicorn, a crystal-horn, a crystal-wing and an earth pony.

Danyelle spoke "Arhi, Akali, Evelynn, Kai'sa! Welcome to Maretime Bay!"

Twilight spoke "Hello there, I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Arhi spoke "Hi, my name is Arhi."

Twilight spoke "Crystal-horns aren't a common sight though since their horns are merely decoration."

Danyelle spoke "Yo, Pinkie! Let's get this party started!!!"

Much to Danyelle's surprise, Novo and her family showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Woah!"

Novo spoke "Tigersplash told me about a big party going on so here we are!"

Blizzardstar, Gingerheart and a few other immortal chakats were preparing all sorts of food ranging from salads for the herbivores to meat for the carnivores.

Sanji was cooking up great meals for all kinds of species.

Even Soma helped out.

Holo was in her true form as she caught all kinds of fish while Myuri caught a few bulldeer from the Forest of Jura.

Surprisingly enough, some of the folks from the Jura Tempest Federation showed up as well.

Rimuru spoke "Hi guys!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm surprised to see you out of hibernation this early Rimuru."

Rimuru spoke "I get excited sometimes, too excited I just wake up."

Danyelle laughs "That reminds me of the one time where Goku, Luffy and I took part in a race against this guy named Toriko for really rare meat! Remember that race Luffy?"

Luffy chuckles "Hehehehehe! How could I forget?"

Danyelle spoke "I had to use my Extreme Gear during that race since I was rather slow back then."

Danyelle's ears perk up since she heard Goku's voice.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Goku! Over here!"

Goku then arrived.

Danyelle spoke "Luffy and I were just talking about that race we had been in against Toriko that one time."

Shion asks "A race?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but Goku should explain it."

Goku asks "Wait, me?"

Danyelle spoke "I got knocked off course by that idiot Vegeta though..."

Goku spoke "Oh, right."

Danyelle spoke "Next time a race like that happens, I'm going to enter it!"

Rainbow spoke "A race huh? Count me in!"

Sonic spoke "Same!"

Danyelle spoke "I hate to break it to you two but no flying is allowed in a gourmet race."

Sonic and Rainbow spoke "We could run on foot/hoof instead."

Danyelle spoke "But if Kirby and Dedede heard of it, they'd join the race in a heartbeat."

Sonic spoke "And since Kirby's a literal black hole when it comes to food...."

Various folks laugh at what Sonic said.

Danyelle spoke "But I don't know when that will happen though."

Sonic spoke "Yeah. Me neither."

Nami spoke "Whenever it happens, I'm looking forward to it!"

Sunny spoke "A race huh? I'm curious as to what that's like."

Danyelle spoke "If it's like the Running of the Leaves, then I bet Applejack and Crosswind are likely to enter as well..."

Zoro asks "A race, huh?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm still mad at Vegeta because the last time I was in the gourmet race... He broke my Extreme Gear... I gave him quite a verbal thrashing for it. Tails was rather pissed off about it too."

Goku spoke "Man, Vegeta was real mad and was training really hard after that."

Tails spoke "I broke so many wrenches on that guy when I found out what happened."

Goku spoke "And it didn't hurt him one bit."

I giggle "There's a bonehead or two in every world."

Nami spoke "Three in my case..."

Nami snuggles up to Sanji, causing him to get a nosebleed and faint.

Usopp spoke "Man. I'm still surprised."

Cadence spoke "Let's just say a mare's wrath shouldn't be underestimated."

Many of the females nod in agreement.

Franky for some reason brought his hind legs together, not doubting that in the least.

Blaze spoke "It is what it is."

Sunset spoke "True there."

Hitch asks "You okay Pipp?"

Pipp was breathing heavily all of a sudden.

As was Zipp.

Danyelle carefully moves the two onto a few clouds before pulling the clouds to the hospital with magic.

Danyelle spoke "Redheart! We got a pair of mares in labor!"

Redheart spoke "Oh dear!"

Danyelle spoke "It was just timing though since Zipp's ten months in... Her father in law is a Mobian after all."

Gingerheart moves the two onto stretchers and wheeled them to the delivery room.

Cloudbreeze spoke "I'll get the guys."

The calico ponykat gallops off to get Hitch and Polished.

Rainbow Dash showed up. “What’s going on?”

Danyelle spoke "Pipp and Zipp both went into labor..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "That’s new."

A yowl was heard from a different room since Anzu was also in labor.

Danyelle spoke "Three deliveries in one day."

Bold spoke "Hey mom."

Rainbow Dash giggles "Hey, Bold. *Ruffling Bold’s mane* How’s my little daredevil doing?"

Bold spoke "*chuckle* I'm doing good."

Cloudbreeze spoke "I got Hitch and Polished!"

Danyelle spoke "Good timing!"

Polished spoke "I'd better check on Zipp..."

Hitch spoke "I better do the same with Pipp…"

With that, the two stallions went to check on their mares.

Rainbow Dash spoke "To think I’m about to be a great grand-aunt."

Danyelle spoke "Same since Rusty's sort of my nephew."

Rainbow Dash spoke "That would make you a grand-aunt. Wait… yeah, you’re right."

Danyelle ruffles Rainbow's mane.

Rainbow Dash playfully spoke "Ohohoho! Why you!"

Rainbow Dash and Danyelle smiled before tussling with each other.

Danyelle tickles Rainbow on the base of the hooves, making the mare squeal.

Rainbow Dash laughs "Nohohohohoho! Stop! Okay! Okay! I yield!"

Danyelle chuckles as she walked away.

Rainbow Dash asks "Up for a contest sometime?"

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me laugh Skittles, I could beat you in that gourmet race with my wings tied!"

Rainbow Dash taunts "Oh yeah, kitty?! I could beat you with my eyes closed!"

Danyelle pounces on Rainbow, pinning the Pegasus down.

Danyelle spoke "You forget, I'm faster than you because of the blastia I wear."

Rainbow Dash asks "You think I don’t know that?"

Danyelle spoke "I'll win that race!"

Michiru spoke "If that's so the case, then Nazuna and I are entering too!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "I’m entering this race because I wanna go past my limits and get better, faster and stronger!"

Danyelle spoke "But with the number of non flyers entering, those with wings can't fly at all. And that means the Dazzlings and Dreamers have to be in Mobian form the entire time."

Rainbow Dash spoke "So? I’m willing to do improve my speed on the ground!"

Danyelle spoke "Although... the harpies have a major disadvantage since they aren't used to running... Same with the sirens that don't have a secondary form..."

Michiru spoke "Taurs are bulkier so they'd need a time delay... Harpies can't take part... Lamias would also have a time delay... Pegasi, alicorns, Changelings, dragons, hippogriffs, kiringriffs, dragogriffs, sphinxes and gryphons would have their wings bound... Same with Danyelle and Maria... Sirens without a secondary form might have trouble... Rimuru would have to take on a Mobian form to take part..."

Danyelle spoke "Tanuki and kitsunes can't shapeshift their arms into wings..."


The Race Has Begun!

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*Michiru's POV*

Some time after the festival, a race had been announced and many of the speedsters were riled up about it.

“I’m really excited.” I admitted.

Nazuna was in fox Mobian form.

Nazuna spoke "Same here."

Danyelle spoke "This oughta be interesting to say the least since the finish line is in Zephyr Heights."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Now that’ll be a real hike."

Danyelle spoke "All forms of bending is off limits since it can cause problems for others."

Estelle spoke "I wanna race too!"

Danyelle spoke "If the Starscout sisters and their parents were able to handle it, then so can the others!"

Valerie and Davilfin showed up.

And to my surprise, the two whippet cousins showed up as well.

Annabelle spoke "No flying huh? That might be hard for some of us though..."

Nazuna spoke "Especially the harpies though."

I spoke "Yeah, they'll have the hardest time since they rarely walk."

Fuli showed up.

Twilight was writing up a list of the participants since the idea had been Sunny's in the first place.

Twilight spoke "The ones that are taking part are Tails, Sonic, Jet, Shadow, Maria, Danyelle, Sunny, Honey, Izzy, Cherry Blossom, the Straw Hat Pirates, Shion, Benimaru, Souka, Souei, Michiru, Nazuna, Cadence, Korra, Flurry, Akari, Argyle, Rainbow Dash, Azure, Cookie, Bold, Soarin, Spitfire, Cyan, Retoree, Fleetfoot, Jato, Haven, Rarity, Blizzardstar, Applejack, Crosswind, Fluttershy, Flowerstep, Blaze, Lan, Maylu, Ethan, Lyra, Roll, Megaman, Estelle, Yuri and myself. Normally Zecora and Miia would take part but since they don't do well in cold weather, they're currently hibernating so Cerea and Doppio will take their places in the race."

Danyelle spoke "That’s a LOT."

Estelle spoke "Yeah, it is."

Twilight spoke "Though Sunny and Honey know the route, they will have a three minute delay."

Danyelle spoke "Fair enough."

Twilight spoke "Although... With Roll and Megaman, they can't stray too far from Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, it's because of my 2DS."

I spoke "I'll tag team with Nazuna though."

Nazuna asks "*excited gasp* Really?"

I spoke "We're a team after all Nazuna."

Nazuna hugged me.

Twilight spoke "Alright contestants, listen up! There are a few rules in place so that nobody is caught cheating. Rule #1, no flying. Rule #2, no magic. Rule #3, no bending. As for rule #4, I don't think Danyelle would be too happy if I said that no blastia were allowed since she has one. Rule #5, be fair to others. Rule #6, no Extreme Gear. I now hand the reins to Clarity since she is overseeing the race."

Clarity spoke "The point of this race is to run so as Twilight just said, no flying is allowed. Sunny Starscout and Honey Charm know the route so they, Izzy and Cherry will be having a three minute delay. Racers! On your marks, get set.... GO!!!!"

And with that, all but four of the racers take off running.

Music then started playing.

I carried Nazuna on my back as I galloped along the route.

Sunny, Honey, Izzy and Cherry soon dart off to catch up.

I looked ahead and saw Valerie and Davilfin running with the others in their restraint forms.

Glancing back, Twilight spoke "Uh, you two were not in the roster!"

Running on all fours, Danyelle spoke "Twilight never called their names though... Nor yours!"

Sumarda spoke "I’m only spectating. Don’t you see me floating? I’m not in the race if I’m just spectating."

Danyelle spoke "Twilight never called out Valerie's name though. The roster has about 60 people."

Sumarda asks "Don’t worry. Valerie and Davilfin told me that they were trying out the race and they’ll drop out after the first checkpoint. There is a checkpoint, right?"

A loud "Oh Crap!" was heard from Retoree.

Sumarda asks "What was that?"

Twilight spoke "That was a Diamond Dog, Golden Retriever breed..."

Sumarda asks "What happened back there?"

Danyelle's eyes shimmer.

Danyelle spoke "15 tree lengths ahead, there's been a cave in! 10 racers are trapped!"

Sumarda gasps "What?!"

Catching up, Izzy spoke "We should help them out!"

Sumarda asks "Should I take care of things?"

Twilight spoke "We can manage on our own."

Sumarda asks "You sure?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Sumarda spoke "Okay."

After the mess was cleaned up, the race was back under way.

Danyelle soon took the lead, leaping over fallen trees and swerving around large rocks.

Sumarda exclaims "Whoa! Talk about using the field to your advantage."

Danyelle spoke "I was second place in the Running of the Leaves race long ago."

Sumarda asks "Oh. Is there any checkpoints up ahead?"

Izzy spoke "Yeah, 5 tree lengths ahead."

Sumarda spoke "Cool."

Cadence spoke "I'm so not used to this...."

The group rests for a while as Danyelle and Sanji whipped up some light meals for everyone.

Sumarda spoke "Talk about good timing."

Sunny spoke "No point of running on an empty stomach."

Roll spoke "Mega and I aren't even tired one bit."

Although, there were some that had huge appetites.

Twilight chows down on a large salad.

Goku and Luffy were eating truckloads, same with Valerie and Davilfin.

Danyelle tore into a large tuna she had stored in her hammerspace since food doesn't spoil in it.

The herbivores were in a separate group since they didn't like watching the carnivores eat.

Danyelle asks "How you holding up Luffy?"

Luffy just belched.

Danyelle and the others chuckle.

Cadence spoke "A princess doesn't burp though."

Sumarda asks "Uh, remember Princess Fiona in Shrek 2?"

Danyelle burped louder than Luffy did.

Cadence spoke "I don't know that movie, sorry."

Sumarda spoke "And Danyelle just belched."

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, tuna is rather bad for cats...."

Soon, the race was back on!

Crosswind had the lead with Danyelle right behind hir.

But as Sumarda said, after eating their huge meal, Valerie and Davilfin willingly and voluntarily dropped out of the race, saying they were only checking out the race.

A loud roar was soon heard.

I spoke "That wasn't me!"

Nazuna spoke "Sounds like trouble..."

Danyelle and Sonic veer off to deal with the dragon before rejoining the race.

“Having fun?” I asked Nazuna.

Nazuna spoke "Yeah! It's almost like horse racing back home!"

Nazuna held onto my mane as I gallop faster, passing by Cadence and Flurry.

Flurry spoke "Hey!"

Cadence spoke "That method is strange though..."

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, horseback riding is a foreign concept to ponies..."

Cadence and Flurry dropped a bead of sweat at that.

Danyelle spoke "Later!"

Danyelle zooms off.

Danyelle zips past Rainbow.

Danyelle spoke "EAT MY DUST SKITTLES!!!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh, it’s on!"

Rainbow Dash started running faster, catching up to Danyelle.

This had also prompted Applejack and Crosswind to speed up.

Cherry Blossom was suddenly ahead of the four.

Danyelle and Rainbow Dash gasp "What the?!"

Cherry spoke "Eat my dust Rainbow!"

But that only made Danyelle and Rainbow Dash more motivated as they started going faster.

Twilight spoke "Slow down you two! Mach cones are starting to form!"

But the two didn’t listen as they started going faster.

Bold's body crackles with static as he galloped full speed, pulling off the sonic staticboom in the process thus passing by his mother.

Bold spoke "See you at the finish line mom!"

That made Danyelle and Rainbow Dash more confident as they pulled off a Fireboom and Rainboom, catching up with Bold.

A triple windboom was seen since Sonic zoomed past the five.

Sonic spoke "Later Crash!"

The five soon broke the sound barrier two more times as they caught up with Sonic.

Twilight spoke "If that's how they want it....."

Drawing on Kurama's strong muscles, Twilight shot past the six thus pulling off a Sparkleboom.

I spoke "Damn, I'll never keep up with those seven!"

Nazuna spoke "Maybe you can’t, but we can, together!"

I spoke "The racers are forbidden to use their wings and magic."

Nazuna spoke "Drat! I forgot!"

But then Jet zoomed past us.

I spoke "Guess Twilight forgot to mention that Extreme Gear were not allowed either...."

But then Jet was suddenly teleported out of the race path.

I spoke "Serves him right!"

But then the two of us ran past a fight cloud, and we could guess who was in it.

Shadow suddenly got teleported out of the race path since his shoes were Extreme Gear.

Shadow attacked Jet in a fit of anger, kicking up a fight cloud.

The finish line was in sight, but no other racers were there.

I spoke "I bet they got caught up in that fight cloud..."

A yowl was heard as Danyelle broke free of the fight cloud as she caught up to me and Nazuna.

Nazuna spoke "Step on it Michi!"

“On it!” I responded as the duo of me and Nazuna, and Danyelle were neck and neck as we crossed the finish line, but no one had any idea who won.

As soon as the clouds cleared, it was a shocker that I had leapt further than Danyelle thus nabbing first and second place since I had teamed up with Nazuna.

Danyelle spoke "Wow… Nice job, girls."

A bruised Crosswind limped across the finish line at the same time as Blizzardstar.

Medals were handed out to the nine.

Annabelle spoke "Guess the emohog and the green featherduster broke rule #6 which got them eliminated."

Belladonna scoffs "I’m surprised and not surprised."

Firebrand showed up with the baby hybrid. “Gyaa!”

Annabelle spoke "She looks like a little Valkyrie, brave and strong. Just like her dad."

Belladonna spoke "Valkyrie? A bit on the light side, but it’s good. Still, Firebrand and I have decided that our daughter’s nickname is Val."

Firebrand spoke "Gyaa!"

The baby chirped/yipped, liking it.

Annabelle spoke "I bet she'll be a tough girl once she grows up."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Yeah, but she looks so cute, she doesn’t even look scary."

Rainbow Dash tries to tickle Val with her wing as she started to giggle a bit, before the Pegasus mare found herself lifted up into the air.

I spoke "Looks like telekinesis..."

Nazuna spoke "Uh… I think you wanna look again."

I looked at Val, only to be shocked to see that the baby hybrid was actually lifting Rainbow Dash, before Val let go as the Pegasus flew down, seeing the grabbed feather really roughed up.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Ouch… powerful little tyke."

I spoke "She's just like her dad, a real powerhouse."

Val then chirped, breathing out a bit of fire before she flapped her wings.

Korra spoke "And there's a new problem... Only those that are descended from me can have multiple elements...."

Firebrand dropped a bead of sweat.

Annabelle spoke "Two firebenders usually results in firebender children..."

A winged foxcat boy was chasing his twin sister.

Ralph was leaning against Yue while napping as their two children chase each other about.

Val then cutely winked, before all of us around her except Firebrand, Belladonna and Annabelle couldn’t stop gushing about how cute she looked.

Firebrand chuckles "Gyaa gya gya, gyaa gygygya. {And just like her mother, she’s a real charmer.}"

Danyelle giggles "I bet that she'll be quite the looker once she's grown up."

A female Mobian Barn Owl crashed into a glass window.

The female groans "Ouch...."

Danyelle gasped at the sight as if she remembers her.

The female asks "D-Danyelle Doucet?"

Danyelle suddenly started crying tears of joy as she hugged the owl.

Reshay returned the hug.

Reshay spoke "You ninny."


It's T.U.E.S Day/ A New Intelligence?!/ A broken Family, healed

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*Izzy's POV*

YAY!!! It's T.U.E.S Day! It's T.U.E.S Day! It's T.U.E.S Day!

Twilight asks "What's that?"

“Heehee! Since you and most of the others were in limbo, it’s no surprise you don’t know about Bridlewoods’ culture.” I giggled. “It’s The Unicorn Expression of Sparkle Day!”

Sweetie Belle spoke "I had to wear a shirt to hide my wings back when I had moved to Bridlewood since I'm half sphinx."

Dusk chuckles "Alphabittle freaked the hay out when Izzy was born."

Sweetie Belle giggles "Heehee! Yeah. And we were so happy to have her. Right, Dusky-colt? *Lustful purr!*"

Twilight spoke "There's got to be at least 15 alicorns in the prime zone by now.... Including pseudo and half alicorns, that's about 25 some odd."

Dusk spoke "Though mares still outnumber stallions..."

Mom nuzzled dad, who nuzzled back.

I spoke "Hmm... I should ask for flying lessons... I have wings but I don't know how to use them."

Sweetie Belle spoke "I can help, Izzy."

I ask "Really mom?"

Sweetie Belle spoke "Of course, sweetie. I was new at it too. But I’ve gotten a whole lot better since then."

Dusk spoke "I was a lot like auntie Cadence, I had to learn how to use magic."

Twilight was resting while Peppemint and Rocky were sleeping by her belly.

I hugged my mom and dad. “Thank you!”

Rocky squeaked since his tail got stepped on.

Twilight nuzzles her foals.

Sweetie giggles "I remember when you were that small, you got into a lot of trouble back then."

*18 years ago, when Izzy was a two year old foal*

*Sweetie Belle’s POV*

Dusk was carrying Izzy by the tail since the silly little foal was stuck in a cookie jar.

I couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh Izzy, what are we gonna do with you?”

Little did I know, my sister in law had the same problem with her two daughters.

Dusk chuckles "Foals, what can I say?"

“Izzy has so much energy.” I said before a thought crossed my mind.

Dusk spoke "She doesn't have any friends that can handle her hyperness."

“Dusk?” I asked.

Dusk asks "Mmm, yeah baby bird?"

“Should we… give Izzy a sibling?” I asked.

Dusk spoke "Well, I think Akari had two girls though. I don't know about Daylight though. Silverstorm had one child, Leafheart."

“Then maybe we could give Izzy a sibling… someday.” I said as Dusk nodded in agreement.

Dusk spoke "Why wait though? We could give her one."

“I know.” I said before nuzzling my one and only husband. “But why not enjoy the moment?”

Dusk spoke "True."

*Two years later,*

A newborn Misty Brightdawn was snuggled up by my belly.

“You’re so cute and precious, Misty…” I cooed my little one.

Dusk spoke "She sure is."

Dusk and I shared a loving kiss as a four year old Izzy showed up in excitement.

Izzy gasps "Wow! A baby sister?! So awesomazing!"

I spoke "Her name is Misty Brightdawn."

Izzy squealed in excitement as Dusk and I gently smiled.

That night when Dusk, Izzy and I were asleep, a tragedy had struck. Misty was nowhere to be found when I had gotten up to feed her.

I spoke "DUSK!!!! WAKE UP!!!"

Dusk tiredly asks "Huh? What is it, Sweetie Belle?"

I spoke with panic in my voice. "Misty's gone!"

Dusk asks "…WHAT?!"

I spoke "I'll have to report this to Alphabittle tomorrow..."

But then we heard crying from Izzy’s room.

I gallop to Izzy's room to comfort her.

*4 years after Misty's disappearance*

We had gotten a letter that travelled all the way from Maretime Bay.

Dusk spoke "I know this hoof writing, it's Akari's hoof writing!"

“Really?!” I asked.

Dusk spoke "It says we have friends in Maretime Bay. But I don't think Alphabittle would let an eight year old wander off, not after what happened to our other daughter..."

*end flashback*

*Izzy's POV*

I showed the letter I had held onto to Sunny.

Sunny spoke "Whoa…"

I spoke "I got this about 4 years after my sister went missing... I still haven't found her..."

Danyelle and Twilight showed up.

Danyelle asks "What was your sister’s name?"

I spoke "I was only four when she went missing..."

Twilight asks "Ouch. But the name?"

Sweetie Belle spoke "It was Misty Brightdawn..."

Danyelle and Twilight suddenly froze.

I spoke "Uh mom, I think you broke them and aunt Rarity...."

Danyelle suddenly smacked her cheeks with both hands. “Actually…”

Finn had sent a male jackal Mobian flying with the Roar, causing the male to crash into a tree.


But then the jackal suddenly vanished, revealed as only an illusion.

Finn asks "Huh? Was I seeing things?"

The jackal returned, revealed to have a priest’s outfit. “Why are you so quick to violence, my friend? I was only giving a simple greeting.”

Fizzlepop was hiding behind Finn since she was told about Whitesnake's powers.

The male spoke "Hmm? I see. Then I’ll leave and give two some peace."

The jackal walked away, leaving the married couple confused.

Fizzlepop spoke "I don't trust him...."

Finn spoke "Me neither, even if he’s a priest of a church."

The two came up to us as Jolyne and Ermes showed up.

Twilight spoke "I think we know where your sister’s at, Izzy."

I ask "WHERE?!?"

The unicorn mare that was with Opaline earlier showed up. “W-What’s going on?”

Sweetie asks "M-Misty Brightdawn?"

Misty asks "W-Why do you look and smell familiar?"

Sweetie spoke "I'm y-your mom...."

Misty stammers "W-What?"

But then memories flashed through Misty’s mind, showing her life as a foal before Opaline took her.

Misty gasps "M-M-Mom…?"

A teary eyed Sweetie Belle nods.

But then Misty hugged her real mom with every strength she had while wailing oceans.

Snowfire wipes a few tears from hir eyes.

I couldn’t help but leak a few tears myself.

Many of the others were shedding tears.

Rainbow asks "Okay, who's cutting onions?"

Jolyne punched Rainbow Dash at the back of the head.

Jolyne snaps "You moron! Don’t you know that Sweetie Belle just found her second daughter?"

Fizzlepop spoke "Jolyne... I saw him.... Whitesnake's user...."

Ermes asks "Huh? What’re you talking about. Did you see his stand?"

Fizzlepop spoke "N-No."

Ermes spoke "Then don’t jump to conclusions. That means the guy you ran into wasn’t a stand user."

Finn spoke "But that jackal's kinda fishy though..."

Ermes spoke "Last I heard, he’s head priest of a church at Green Dolphin Street Prison. No way he’d be the stand user. Heck, I don’t think he’s a stand user at all."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, remember why we’re here."

Ermes spoke "Oh, right. The location of the DISCs."

Opaline spoke "Whitesnake's a self aware Stand though so we have to be careful."

Opaline looked at me, Misty and our parents, then walked over to us. “Sweetie Belle, Dusk, Izzy Moonbow… I’m really sorry for taking Misty away like that! I had absolutely no idea what I was doing! I was too heartbroken to even know what was around me. So please, forgive me!”

Since he was a bit taller than Opaline thanks to a size change medallion, Midnight spoke "I blame Whitesnake for that mess...."

Sweetie spoke "As Danyelle said, yesterday is history so I forgive you."

Opaline hugged mom while sobbing tears of relief and happiness.

Toto was in his larger form as he patrolled the skies, watching out for any sign of Whitesnake.

Applejack spoke "Well, somethin’ strange has been goin' on at Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe y’all should start there."

Yuki spoke "Toto!"

The large crow swoops down as Yuki jumps onto his back.

Yuki spoke "I'll go check!"

Toto flew off to Sweet Apple Acres.

Jolyne spoke "Now hold on, we’re coming along too."

Ermes asks "Yeah, that’s right. Who else wants to come with us?"

Muta spoke "Might as well count me in, no point of letting a pretty hedgehog girl go alone and end up getting hurt in the process."

Baron spoke "Strength in numbers."

Lune spoke "Yeah."

Jolyne kicked Muta in the face. “Just don’t look at me weird, perv.“

But Muta blocked the kick since he was once a criminal.

Muta spoke "Guess you don't know who I really am then. I was once known as Renaldo Moon, a rather notorious criminal back in the Sol Dimension. I changed my ways because of Baron and Haru."

Jolyne asks "What?"

Renaldo spoke "It's all true. After I ate all of the fish in a lake, I had to flee and take on a different name. Baron came up with the cover story that I was his new bodyguard."

“I-I think I should come along too.” I volunteered.

Lune spoke "You got a lot of catching up to do with your sister though."

“B-But, Misty should catch up with mom and dad first.” I nervously said.

Sweetie pulled my ear with magic.

Sweetie Belle spoke "I know you still blame yourself for letting Misty being kidnapped that day, but you need to move on and make up for lost time."

Danyelle spoke "Exactly but a smaller group is faster."

Sunny spoke "Maybe I should come along."

Lune spoke "Sorry kiddo, I'd rather not have my fur shaved if you got hurt."

Sunny spoke "I’m still coming with you."

Jolyne spoke "Heh, mare’s got guts. Alright, she can tag along."

Renaldo spoke "I'd rather not have the Nine Tailed Terror on my tail if Sunny got hurt or worse..."

Lune spoke "She's only got one disc though."

Ermes asks "Come on, are you boys scared of letting her coming along?"

Twilight spoke "If that's the case, Akari is going too. I can't since Pepper and Rocky need me."

Akari asks "You sure, mom?"

Twilight spoke "Yeah."

Akari spoke "Okay."

Yuki spoke "Sorry Sunny but Whitesnake could take your disc and given that you only have one, you could die."

Sunny spoke "So? If it means protecting my friends, I’d put my life on the line."

The blind gryphon from before spoke "Absolutely not!"

Sunny asks "Huh?"

Jay spoke "There's no way I'm letting the bravest of the third generation Pony Guard get hurt."

Sunny spoke "So? I need to help my friends."

Twilight giggles "And to think... the fiercest, keenest and bravest of the third gen Pony Guard are my granddaughters."

Honey and Izzy were snickering.

Akari spoke "Well, we better check it out."

Jay spoke "I'm going too."

Danyelle lets out a howl that only a Zoroark could hear.

A strange Hisuian Zoroark with glasses suddenly appeared. “Hmm? What is it, Danyelle?”

Danyelle asks "Could you go with Yuki and the others?"

Dimensio asks "Uh… Are you sure about that?"

Danyelle spoke "I could easily sic Reshiram on you."

Dimensio spoke "I could easily handle myself against him, but that would be a problem for all of us."

Danyelle spoke "I also have Palkia, Dialga AND Arceus on my side."

Dimensio sighs "Like I said, I have enough strength to hand all of them, but it would be a problem for every single one of us, so let’s not fight."

Danyelle spoke "Against them, maybe... But not against her!"

A female Zoroark with a nurse's outfit on walked past Dimensio.

But then Dimensio snapped his fingers, as the female Zoroark faded, revealed as an illusion. “That may work on other male Zoroark, but not me. I’ll help the others, but please stop trying to force me.”

But the Zoroark nurse whacked Dimensio with a Shadow Ball, scolding him.

A shiny male Hisiuan Zoroark spoke "Good thing I did some editing and made a clone of me to live in your universe where that Zoroark is from."

We looked behind us to see… another Dimensio?!

Danyelle spoke "All Unovan Zoroark look the same, as with Hisuian Zoroark."

Dimensio spoke "Well, I’ll leave Rei in your hands."

The Zoroark nurse had hidden her face with her long mane.

Rei (Formerly Dimensio Clone) stammers "Uh… *Nervous Chuckle* Right."

The Zoroark Nurse spoke "Roark...."

Rei asks "Uh… Yeah?"

Danyelle giggles "I think she likes you Rei."

Rei stammers "*Blush* R-Really?"

The Zoroark nurse nods.

Rei suddenly grabbed the Zoroark nurse’s face and kissed her, much to her surprise before she felt Rei ramming his tongue down her throat, making her putty in his hands as she kissed back.

Danyelle spoke "And just like that... She's pregnant..."

The two love-Zoroarks’ lips parted as the Zoroark nurse gasped. “Oh my! Wait… I can talk?!”

Rei spoke "I… Helped you with that."

Danyelle spoke "All that's left is a name..."

Zoey spoke "How about... Kohaku? It means amber in Japanese."

Kohaku spoke "Hmm… Okay."

Zoey spoke "I smell Fenrir... Four of them!"

Tina leapt out of Danyelle's shadow before growling.

Zoey spoke "I don’t know why, but they’re at Sweet Apple Acres!"

Danyelle spoke "Holo!"

Holo ran past Danyelle while in true form as the nekomata grabs onto the wolf's fur.

Danyelle spoke "I'll chase them off!"

So Sunny, Jolyne, Akari and the others went off to Sweet Apple Acres.

*Sunny’s POV*

When we arrived at the farm, we saw the four fenrirs fighting three unknown ponies near a barn house with an open door.

Holo howls loud, causing the four fenrirs to freeze up.

A black Fenrir spoke "I-I know that howl…"

The white fenrir spoke "That was Lady Holo!"

A brown Fenrir spoke "After all these years, she’s back!"

Myuri had followed after her mother before howling.

A silver Fenrir spoke "Myuri’s back too!"

Danyelle yowls loud, catching the four Fenrirs off guard.

The white fenrir spoke "Danyelle, the one who found us has returned as well!"

Holo glares at the four.

Myuri was wide eyed at the sight of the silver furred Fenrir.

Holo spoke "That silver Fenrir reminds me of Apple Cider..."

Holo approaches the silver Fenrir before sniffing him.

Holo spoke "You smell like spices..."

The Silver Fenrir spoke "Uh… Well…"

Holo bops the silver Fenrir on the head a few times.

Holo spoke "Thou idiot! Thou kept me waiting for 800 years!"

The Silver Fenrir spoke "Sorry about that, Holo."

Holo spoke "You're such an idiot, Lawrence..."

Jolyne asks "You know this guy?"

Holo spoke "Yeah.... He was originally known as Apple Spice..."

Myuri spoke "Daddy...."

Myuri tackle hugged Lawrence while crying.

Lawrence spoke "Easy there, daddy won’t leave you again."

Holo nuzzled Lawrence while crying.

But then Ermes saw a nearby bucket close to a nearby lake move. “Get outta there and show yourself!” Ermes ordered as she kicked the bucket over, only got it to spill water.


More then five seconds have passed, and there was only us, the Fenrirs and the three pony mares we saw when we arrived.

Ermes spoke "Huh. Guess it was just my head playing tricks."

Yuki spoke "Something's not right..."

Renaldo was quiet all of a sudden.

Jolyne asks "Ermes, did you see something?"

“No.” Ermes answered as she checked the bucket. “But still, I won’t go into that lake ever again since it gives me the creeps. Stay close guys. The last thing we need is to get separated from each other, especially since we have no idea who the potential enemy is.”

Jolyne spoke "You’re right."

Yuki spoke "Something's wrong with Muta!"

Some black goop was covering Renaldo’s eyes before we saw that Ermes and the bucket were gone!

“I’ll take a look!” A familiar voice said as we saw Silverstream show up and dive into the water.

Jay and I dove in after Silverstream after being pulled through the seapony transformation.

We then saw Ermes being dragged down with the bucket over her head.

"What the cuss was in that bucket? Grabbed my face out of nowhere!" Ermes thought as we got the bucket off of her head before we saw some kind of plankton like creature as Silverstream helped Ermes turn into a sea-echidna.

"What is that thing? Some kind of demented flea?" Ermes asked before the plankton became two. "Wha?! It split in two!" Ermes gasped before the two planktons became four. "No, now there's four of them! What are they? Huh?" Ermes noticed as we saw a huge clump of those plankton-like beings. "It was stupid to think that there was anything in that bucket. If I'd taken a second to look more carefully, I'd seen that there were countless little bastards swimming in the water!"

Jay fired blades of air at the plankton-like creatures, ripping them to shreds.

But the creatures regenerated and merged into a humanoid creature.

"We need to get outta here!" I urged as Ermes spawned one of her signature stickers.

Ermes spoke "Smack!"

As we surfaced, Ermes threw the sticker before she was grabbed by the creature.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes! You're-"

Ermes spoke "Guys! Stay away! This water is a death trap, and it's getting deadlier by the second! I-I don't know how, but this Stand multiplies in the water! Get out of here! You can't catch up! This is all part of this Stand's plan!"

Jolyne spoke "Stone Ocean!"

Threads emerged from the fingertips of Jolyne's right hand as they formed a bridge before she got onto it.

Jolyne spoke "Don't worry, I'll save you."

Jolyne then started running on the bridge, catching up to the stand as we followed her in the water.

Ermes s[poke "Guys..."

Some of Jolyne's skin faded, showing threads inside as we kept moving forward.

Ermes spoke "Jolyne's walking on woven threads? If you're using that much thread, doesn't that mean you're losing body mass every time you take a step over here? Guys, just get outta the water! Save yourselves! I can take care of this!"

Jolyne then jumped and punched the stand, only to grab her fist with one of its hands and punch right through her stomach with its other one.

"Impossible!" The others and I dreaded.

"Yes... That's right." Jolyne said before she grabbed the stand's arm with both hands. "It definitely feels impossible. Good freakin' grief... If I hadn't taken all of that thread from my body, I'd be dead right now." Jolyne added as we saw a hole in her stomach, seeing threads. "This thing's power..."

Ermes spoke "Her guts are completely hollow. She let that thing hit her, so she could grab its hand!"


A bird as black as night flew out of Jay's shadow before attacking the Stand with lightning fast pecks.

Stone Ocean assisted Gale with a flurry of punches. "ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!!!"


Ermes, Silverstream and I noticed one of the unknown mares falter a bit.

Stone Ocean and Gale spoke "Ora!/Pekku!"

The Stand was thrown back into the water.

Ermes spoke "Guys! We have to hurry and get out of the water!"

Jolyne spoke "Don't stand up just yet, Ermes!"

Ermes spoke "That parasitic cusshead is really just a bunch of tiny Stands clustered together! They were hiding in the water of the bucket I kicked. Then when I turned around, they dragged me in!"

Jolyne spoke "I understand that! That's why I'm asking you and the others not to stand up. You gotta grab onto it under the water. The thread that I'm releasing!"

The Stand screamed as all of us grabbed onto Jolyne's thread before we found ourselves being pulled towards the shore, only for the Stand to give chase.

I fired a Chaos Spear from my horn at the Stand, making it back off.

Jay spoke "We have to identify it before it kills one of us!"

Jolyne spoke "It's quick. Powerful too, but it's speed's crazy. What the hell is that thing? As the Stand moves farther away from its user, it should become weaker and slower."

The Stand grabbed onto Ermes' leg.

Jolyne spoke "Son of a-!"

Ermes spoke "Calm down, Jolyne. I gave our pursuer here a sticker. I managed to slap one on it when I was caught in its arms. This is what my Stand can do! I'll rip it off now!"

The sticker flew off the Stand's arm that was grabbing Ermes' leg as another arm revealed itself before merging itself back with the grabbing arm, shattering it and letting Ermes go as the Stand screamed before we got out of the water and got onto land as Silverstream turned us back to normal.

I spoke "Wait! It doesn't have a user because it's its own user!"

Ermes asks "Wait-what?!"

Jolyne spoke "I thought so."

Akari spoke "We got a problem!"

Yuki spoke "It's a self-aware Stand but unlike Anubis, it doesn't control others!"

Baron spoke "I've seen that Stand once.... It's Foo Fighters!"

But strange black goop started coming out of two unknown mares, turning them into dried out husks and the liquid going into the third one.

The Unknown mare spoke "No wonder you looked so familiar. But now my plan’s ruined. I wanted to kill you separately. I was gonna get you into the water and tear you to shreds. But your little trick surprised me. I really didn’t think you could get out of that situation, but that thread power of yours is a pain in the tail. Stand powers are special. Each individual only gets one. The two mares with the black mane and the shaved head decided to go into the barn house and got too curious for their own good, so I decided to kill them and take over their bodies and intellect. On the other hand, this body of mine is…"

The third mare shedded away, revealing the Stand, Foo Fighters, with two discs on both sides of its head.

F.F. spoke "The body I created from the scraps of flesh leftover from the beasts attacking from the Everfree Forest! *As the DISCs went into it* My once divided body is now whole again. If it is to protect the “power” and “memory” that Whitesnake’s discs most graciously bestowed upon me, I am willing to do anything it takes. To repay the great debt I owe him, it’s my mission to get rid of anyone who approaches the discs in the barn house."

Ermes spoke "Come on, Sunny! Tell me you’re joking and tell me where the crap is the actual Stand User hiding!"

I spoke "For the love of.... Foo Fighters is its OWN Stand User!"

Jolyne spoke "Sunny’s right about that, Ermes. The User is that Stand itself."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

Jolyne spoke "It’s alive. See, this thing is a living organism born in the water, and from the discs, it gained power. And the one guarding those discs was never Mobian, Pony, or any creature to begin with."

Ermes asks "A… a living organism? Are you talking about all those tiny killer plankton things?"

Jolyne spoke "Since the barn house doesn’t have a constant supply of water, it’s probably moving by consuming water from the bodies of its victims to protect the discs. It exists on land by multiplying itself. But there’s a catch. Just like gas for a car, it needs to replenish its water supply when it runs out. If we want to get the discs back from this creature, we have to make sure it doesn’t get close to the water, and then defeat it quickly."

Ermes asks "Hold up, guys! Even if all that crap is true, how can that walking parasite with a face talk to us?"

F.F. spoke "I am F.F., also known as Foo Fighters! You will call me by those names, or not at all! A famous astronomer by the name of Fred Hoyle once said, “It is wrong to assume, even probabilistically speaking, that living organisms were spontaneously born on this Earth. The power of intellect was already a pre-existing force in this universe, and it is that intellect which created the origin of life.” To put it another way, it can be said intellect preceded even the Big Bang, and that all organisms and matter itself already possessed that intellect."

Ermes asks "Huh? What in the actual hell is it going on about all of a sudden?"

I facehoof before sighing "Ask Faust or Arceus..."

Akari spoke "We have to lure it away from the water!"

Jolyne: I think it seeks to prove that mobians, ponies or any other creature are not the only ones capable of having intellect. Even planktons like it can have memories.

F.F. snaps "I said my name is F.F.! Didn’t you hear me? It’s painfully obvious I’m more intelligent that you!"

F.F. started running towards the barn house.

“This is bad!” I dreaded.

Jolyne spoke "It’s going to hide the discs somewhere new before we can get to them! If it manages to bury them underground, they’ll be gone forever!"

Ermes spoke "G-Guys… There’s something else. Look behind us. The one that attacked us in the water earlier is back! We need to hold it off, but we can’t lose that thing!"

Holo spoke "Thou forget! I have earthbending!"

Holo stomps a paw, creating several spikes made of earth to slow Foo Fighters down while Danyelle and Akari shot fire at it.

A blue blur slams into Foo, knocking it back.

Sonic spoke "That's far enough freak!"

But then the stand from earlier grabbed Sonic and started dragging him into the water as F.F. went into the barn house before Jolyne, Akari, Danyelle and I followed it.

Jolyne spoke "While we’re running to the barn house, it’s up to you to protect Sonic! Got no choice!"

Ermes spoke "Hey, hold on a second!"

Baron spoke "Ermes, we need to help Sonic!"

Sonic had suddenly used Chaos Blast, knocking the other Stand far out of the water.

But that also got some water on us before the Stand split into pieces and got onto us, forming into the Stand again.

Ermes growls "Damn you, you filthy little maggot!"

The stand grabbed Ermes' throat as it screamed.

Ermes scoffs "That’s a victory scream? You think you’ve won, don’t you cusshead?"

The Stand asks "Huh?"

Ermes brought in a husk of the shaved-head mare as her upper half was doubled thanks to Smack’s sticker.

Ermes spoke "Take a good look. This is the corpse of that poor mare with the undercut that your other half sucked dry. She’s got no moisture left. And now thanks to my sticker, she’s been dividing into two. All I gotta do is pull it off."

Ermes did that and pulled off the sticker, causing them to merge back into one, exploding into dust and sand on the Stand, causing it to scream in pain as it was being absorbed by the dust and sand.

Ermes spoke "That ought to absorb whatever water is left over like a maxi pad. Or should I say it’ll dry up like a drop of water in the desert."

The Stand screamed again as it was still being absorbed.

Ermes s poke "Put a sock in it! You’re in our way! Get lost, would ya!"

Ermes kicked up the dirt, delivering the final blow to the Stand as it split into pieces and was absorbed by the earth.

Ermes spoke "The only way we’ll win is if we dry it out. In order to defeat that disgusting parasite, we’ve gotta dry its tank like it did those girls."

Soon, Jolyne, Akari, Danyelle and I reached the barn house.

Danyelle spoke "It doesn't have to be this way Foo! Whitesnake seeks to cause destruction of the magic which will cause the ponies to split into three tribes again and I know that won't be good for everyone! Be it Mobian, Equian, chakat, ponykat or liminal!"

We opened the door, seeing a hose turned on, soaking the entire floor as we saw F.F. Remove a tire with discs inside it.

F.F. asks "You actually made it. I was going to kill you all anyway. You’ve all just made it easier. My original plan was to hide the discs somewhere else, and then ask you some questions. But no matter. And let me tell you, even though Pale Snake never told me was his plan was to begin with, I do not think that is his end goal. For now, answer me this. *Breaking hose nozzle, spraying even more water across the floor* Are you going to step into this puddle I’ve made, or will you run for your lives? Which way would you like to die?"

Danyelle's body crackles with static.

Danyelle spoke "You forget, WATER CONDUCTS ELECTRICITY!!! EAT THUNDER!!!!"

The amount of static flew off Danyelle and through the water, electrocuting Foo.

But then F.F. didn’t look affected.

F.F. spoke "You morons! You think I wouldn’t know my own weakness?! Look again!"

We looked down and saw that F.F.’s feet were in rubber boots, nullifying the electricity as Danyelle stopped.

Stepping onto the puddle Jolyne asks "If we’re asking, I’ve got some too. Do you know who the one behind all this is? Who exactly is Pale Snake? Also, by gathering all the discs together, what are they really hoping to achieve?"

F.F. spoke "My, you’re an interesting one. I can understand the motive behind fighting to protect yourself. Or even, fighting to protect your friends. Well, that’s not something that I can relate to, but I can see why you’d do it. *Grabbing tire* However, what I don’t understand is why you’d willingly walk in here to die. Also, as for the one known as Pale Snake… *Putting tire on tractor* Unfortunately, I don’t know who they are."

Stone Ocean appeared and started delivering a flurry of punches while shouting Oras while Jolyne summing a thread as it flew towards the tractor.

F.F. spoke "Did you think I was distracted, you moronic child? *Black tendrils emerging from the water* The entirety of this puddle has already become a part of my body!"

The tendrils tore off the thread, causing some blood to spray out of Jolyne’s right arm before she was grabbed by a tendril as it turned into F.F.’s right arm.

F.F. scoffs "Were you trying to soak up the water with flour? I commend your effort, but you failed. And I know your friend wouldn’t electrocute the water with you in my hands. Well, it was futile. I have full understanding of my power, obtained protective gear and created an environment for myself where I have no weaknesses. *Black goop going into Jolyne* Your body seems to be a worthy vessel. Perhaps I could live inside of it comfortably for a while."

Jolyne spoke "Nah, because now you’ve already lost."

F.F. asks "Hm?"

Jolyne spoke "When you made this so-called perfect environment and gained the so-called protective gear for yourself, you had to splatter water all over the floor and get those rubber boots. Wrong move."

We then heard an engine as all of us looked outside, seeing the tractor from before moving outside on its own, before we saw a thread on it, telling us that the thread’s true target was the tractor controls.

Danyelle growls "It's OVER!!!"

Jolyne spoke "While you were pondering how to kill me, you didn’t hear me start the tractor with my thread. I guess the sound of the water masked the noise. So since you were preoccupied, I made my move. The tractor has left the barn house, and the discs you vowed to protect are gone."

“You… You cusshead!” F.F. roared as it let go of Jolyne before it gave chase to the tractor as the rubber boots flew off its feet. “I’ll never let you have them! Those discs are not yours to take! They stay with me!” But as F.F. kept running, the fields were absorbing the water in it, making it shorter and shorted.

Ermes spoke "Soil in the fields is a lot softer than the area near the wetlands. The more you run, the more water you lose. And where you’re going, there ain’t no water either!"

F.F. grabbed onto the tractor, only to be dragged on the fields, losing even more water. “You vile cur! I’ll never let you touch the discs!” F.F. declared before its arm broke off as it was absorbed, being reduced to a head.

Ermes spoke "Seems Jolyne, Sunny, Akari and Danyelle won this battle of wits. Your precious discs no longer belong to you. *Grabbing soil* This is it, cusshead! Dry up and spend the rest of your days in this field as fertilizer!"

Ermes was about to throw the soil, but Jolyne, Akari, Danyelle and I stopped her.

Ermes asks "Guys?"

Jolyne walked over to F.F. before wringing out her jacket over its head, causing water to fall into the Stand, much to its and Ermes’ surprise and shock.

Ermes asks "Jolyne, what do you think you’re doing?!"

Danyelle growls "We have to stop it or Pale Snake wins! What if that damned stand got its hands on me? I'd lose three discs instead of two!"

Jolyne spoke "I’m giving it water. Basically, I’m saving it."

Ermes and Danyelle ask "Huh?"

Jolyne spoke "This being, Foo Fighters, also called F.F.… It was never truly protecting the discs because it’s what Pale Snake wanted. I can see that clearly now."

“Same here.” I honestly agreed.

Jolyne spoke "Even though it knew its body would slowly diminish if it ran into the fields, it continued chasing the tractor. I think it was protecting the discs as a way of protecting its own identity. Because of the power and intellect given to it by the discs, it put its life on the line out of gratitude for being able to exist in this world as an intelligent life-form. Essentially, it doesn’t give a damn about Pale Snake or what they want."

Ermes asks "Wait, you guys are seriously helping it?"

Akari spoke "Of course we are."

Ermes spoke "It murdered two ponies and monsters from the Everfree Forest without a second thought! And in case you forgot, it literally isn’t any creature we know!"

Jolyne spoke "Exactly. Think about what you just said. If it’s not like any creature in existence at all, it probably isn’t guilty either. The one who’s at fault here is Pale Snake. That bastard only passed along enough information to allow them full control of the situation. Besides, that’s not the only reason that I wanna help it out."

Jolyne kneeled down to F.F.’s level.

Jolyne spoke "What do you say we make a deal? Protect the discs, continue to do what you’ve been doing this entire time. But instead, I want you to do it for us. To protect them from Pale Snake."

F.F., Ermes and Danyelle gasped at that.

Jolyne spoke "Let me be clear. We have no intention of trying to steal the discs from you. All we want is to get back the discs that were my father’s. Also, we wanna know every detail about Pale Snake’s agenda. So how about it? Will you help us out? It’s your choice, but there’ll be no more killing."

Ermes spoke "Crap, this is unbelievable."

Danyelle sighs "Man… Jolyne just did my job…"

F.F. spoke "Your strange sentiments… I don’t quite understand them very well, but I don’t feel like fighting anymore. And now, I’ve been defeated. Completely."

Danyelle slaps Ermes upside the head.

Danyelle spoke "Watch your language missy."

Amaterasu and Chibiterasu growl at Foo.

Later, we were looking throughout the discs that were in the tire, searching for Star Platinum.

Danyelle spoke "The discs all look the same!"

Jolyne grabbed a disc as a familiar figure appeared on it. “They really are here. We did it!” Jolyne said in relief as she insert the disc in her head. “All right! I finally found the disc that contains Star Platinum!” But then the disc flew out of Jolyne, sending her crashing into the tractor.

Renaldo spoke "Jojo!"

Jolyne kicked Renaldo in the face out of annoyance.

But a barrier of magic blocked the kick.

Danyelle spoke "Cool your jets Jolyne, he was only worried about you."

Jolyne just scoffed. “Besides, the disc rejected me, but it’s definitely Star Platinum’s disc! Now that we have this, we can heal my father, Jotaro Kujo!"

Ermes asks "Yeah, but… for some reason, we can’t find the one with his memories over here. Did we miss it somehow? Where could it be?"

Danyelle spoke "Ammy, sniff out Jotaro's memory disc!"

Amaterasu appeared and nodded before a female fox Mobian with lime-green fur and hair showed up. “Hey… If I were to jump off from that window up there, you’d think I’d die?”

Danyelle asks "Who are you?"

Foo spoke "Hey, no need to get hostile, guys. It’s me! It’s me! Your new friend, F.F., AKA Foo Fighters."

We then noticed her hand was black and gooey.

Danyelle was soon face down on the ground since Ben had used the word.

F.F. spoke "I’d like to be called F.F. or Foo if you don’t mind. This body was the only usable one, I found her in her, so I replaced her missing parts and she told me she didn’t mind. I took a liking to how it feels, so I decided to live in this body for a while. Though, it appears these fingers aren’t all that usable anymore."

Jolyne asks "Hold on, let me get this straight. When you say “live in her body”, does that mean you’re planning to go back to Maretime Bay pretending to be her?"

Akari spoke "Bad idea.... It might cause a mass panic though, especially for Mobians..."

F.F. spoke "Guys, my new mission is to protect you and your friends. And it’s no big deal. I have access to all of her memories. She’s Atroe and Vixen. Back when she was just a little kid, she always dreamed of being kidnapped. So… when she grew up, she kidnapped a child the way she wanted to be. She didn’t even do it for ransom money or anything. She sort of just did it."

I spoke "Kidnapping is wrong though."

F.F. spoke "Oh hey, it looks like some of you are bleeding. Sorry about that."

Jay spoke "Alicorns heal faster than non alicorns though, as do folks with Chaos energy in the veins."

A Goofy Yell was heard off in the distance.

F.F. asks "What was that?"

Danyelle giggles "That was the dumbass, Ein."

F.F. spoke "Oh. *Notices puddle* It’s water! Tasty water!"

F.F. started licking and sucking up the water on the floor, which was pretty gross.

Ermes spoke "Uh, you sure ain’t normal. Before you go to Maretime Bay, there’s some things you gotta learn. I’d say drinking with a cup would be a good place to start."

F.F. spoke "A cup? Why didn’t you say so? That’s easy! *Grabs nearby cup and scoops up water into it* Drinking water out of a cup is nothing!"

F.F. was definitely a new one.

Renaldo spoke "*sigh* you have a lot to learn..."

Jolyne asks "All right, about what I said earlier. I wanna ask you more about Pale Snake. Do they make a habit of coming out to this barn house?"

F.F. spoke "Nope. They rarely, if ever, come near the tractor, and I’ve never seen the User either. The pile of discs here are the ones that Pale Snake doesn’t need. You probably know this already, but no matter how strong a Stand is, if you don’t have the constitution for it, it’ll reject you. And that’s why this is the junk pile. To them, they’re completely useless. The important discs with all the memories must be stored somewhere else. That’s why you won’t be able to find the memory disc you’re looking for. The thing Pale Snake wanted to steal from your father wasn’t his ultimate Stand, but most likely, it was the memories inside his head. I don’t know what he has in there, but it’s gotta be a really important secret."

Danyelle spoke "Fizzle and Finn saw a male jackal earlier..."

F.F. spoke "Doesn’t really ring a bell."

But then F.F. gasped before a timid voice came out of it/her. “Wait… I’m… alive again?!”

Danyelle yowls, getting the attention of the Prowers.

I spoke "I think the guy's name was Enrico...."

Ermes spoke "Like I said, the guy’s head priest of a church. No way he’d be the user."

F.F. poked its head out of the body, like a symbiote. “Well this is surprising, Vivian come back to life.”

Vivian asks "W-Who are you?"

Serenity soon arrives.

Serenity gasps "V-Vivian?"

Vivian asks "M-Mom?"

Serenity nods with tears in her eyes.

Serenity spoke "After I lost my husband, I nearly gave up hope that you were alive..."

F.F. spoke "She was dead, but somehow me going into her body revived her."

Serenity spoke "*deadpan* My daughter's name was Vivian..."

F.F. spoke "Huh? Guess Atroe must’ve been a bad nickname."

Vivian spoke "I-It’s true."

Serenity spoke "My older brother used to call her Vivi."

F.F. asks "What?"

Vivian spoke "A-Actually, bullies used to call me Atroe when I was a kid."

Serenity spoke "Rusty got picked on a lot when he was little, mostly by Diamond Tiara."

Vivian asks "B-But didn’t you tell me she changed for the better?"

Serenity spoke "Her mother was bullying her... That was the reason why Diamond was a bully back then... Lance set Diamond's tail on fire once but that got him scolded."

*Back in Maretime Bay*

Moroha and Darrel were shouting at Enrico.

Protecting Moroha, Darrel spoke "For the last time... DIO IS DEAD!!!"

Seeing that there was no point in continuing the discussion, as Enrico decided to calm down and leave. “Very well. Apologies for the inconvenience.”

Moroha spoke "I h-heard rumors that Dio had k-killed Jonathan's pet dog...."

Darrell spoke "Yeah, but that was over 300 years ago."

So, we returned to Maretime Bay.

Danyelle noticed a white furred Great Dane dog yokai with black spots beside her along with her original pet, Smith.

Danyelle asks "What the…?"

Kikyo meows "Wasn't that your pet dog at one point?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

All of a sudden, Kikyo's collar bell as well as the bells on Tex and Rocky were rattling. Smith's flames were a bit brighter than normal, same with the Great Dane's fiery tail.

Kikyo meows "Looks like there's a problem in the Yo-Kai world that only Yo-kai can solve."


Trouble in the Yo-Kai World

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*Kikyo’s POV*

My friends and I were on our way to the Yo-Kai world.

Smith barks "The others can't help us so it's up to the five of us to figure it out."

Tex meows "We should speak to King Enma first."

Rocky meows "Agreed! Oh, hey Appletank!"

Appletank, Komasan, Rainbow Dasiro, Usapyon, Jibanyan, Whisper and Hovernyan showed up.

I meow "Danyelle can't help in this situation since she's not a yo-kai."

Whisper spoke "Oh dear."

A budgie yo-kai was perched on my back.

I meow "It's bad enough Danyelle knows a cat-alicorn hybrid that happens to be afraid of ghosts... Which is kinda what we are."

Tex meows "Yo-kai or not, I'm still blind..."

Dasiro spoke "Oh, right."

I ask "Mind leading us to Enma?"

Komasan spoke "Sure thing."

The two Sianyan, the two dogs and I follow Komasan to Enma's castle.

Smith barks "Talk about swanky! Twilight's castle was just as impressive."

Whisper chuckles "Would you expect anything less from Lord Enma?"

I meow "But something is different about Komasan...."

Tex meows "I can't see anything though..."

But then another Jibanyan showed up, but he looked bigger.

I meow-gasp "Oh my swirls...."

I end up fainting.

Smith facepaws before barking "Ragnyan down..."

Rocky asks "Ya okay Appletank?"

Appletank fainted with a huge nosebleed from her nose and tank nose cannon.

Danny bark-laughs "Oh my gosh! In all my years as a Yo-Kai, I have never seen a halfling behave like that!!"

Dasiro asks "Uh… What’re we gonna do about Appletank?

Danny hoisted Appletank onto his back.

Dasiro spoke "Let’s just hope there isn’t a Usapyon like that, otherwise-*Blood squirts out of her nose, but then covers it, still retaining consciousness*"

Tex meows "Rocky and I are unique yo-kai, same with Kikyo though. Meaning we don't have a Lightside or Shadowside. So I don't think USApyon has it either."

Dasiro spoke "Right. He does have his Invader and Emperor Modes, but those are his levels of anger."

Rocky meows "I heard rumors that Lord Enma loves candy."

Dasiro spoke "Hehehe. No doubt."

Rocky pulls a bag of candied strawberries out from somewhere.

Tex meows "Smart thinking bro!"

Hovernyan spoke "I see."

Tex meows "Uh. I don't smell him."

Rocky spoke "Something's not right...."

Whisper spoke "You don’t think something happened, did you?! Oh, the horror!"

A mottled pale brown tabby cat yokai with amber eyes, white paws and swirls of air around the neck meows "Lord Enma has gone missing!"

Dasiro facepalmed.

The tabby spoke "Fire and Sand are out looking for him right now though."

Both dog yokai were growling since there was something off about Zazel.

A dark silver aura was emanating from him as he opened his eyes, revealed to be glowing magenta.

Danny growls "Where is Enma?"

Dashiro spoke "Wait a sec! Something’s not right."

The budgie yokai was squawking like crazy since he knew something was off about Zazel.

Zazel brought out his staff as its eye glowed magenta as well before it forced us into an open space before he reappeared, as it looked like a battle was about to start.

BGM - What I'm Made Of

Danny, Onestar and Smith took the frontal assault.

Onestar hisses "WIND BLADE!"

Zazel swatted the attack away.

Danny growls "BLAZING INFERNO!!!"

Smith launched rocks at Zazel.

Zazel dodged both attacks effortlessly.

Smith growls "Fast little bugger...."

Suddenly, the ground under Zazel turned to quicksand since Mistystar caused it with her River Drench.

Zazel quickly jumped out of the quicksand.

A fire blast hits Zazel, knocking him back into the quicksand.

Smith growls "You've GONE TOO FAR ZAZEL!!!"

Zazel was still silent before he transformed into a giant monster.

Dashiro spoke "Hold on! I think Zazel’s being controlled!"

Firestar spoke "We have to combine our attacks together!"

Firestar, Onestar and Mistystar all launch their attacks at the same time thus knocking Zazel backwards.

But then Zazel’s eye started glowing brighter before he transformed into Zazelmare.

All three cat yo-kai spoke "This is bad!"

Out of nowhere, a Divine Reflector hits Zazelmare.

Chibiterasu appeared as Zazelmare gained a dark silver aura and glowing magenta eyes.

Chibi's brush god allies appear as well before they all gang up on Zazelmare.

One of the younger Tachigami went right into Zazelmare's ear, making the man scream.

But that started making Zazelmare start going on a rampage, fortunately dropping his guard.

Onestar yowls "WIND BLADE!!!!"

The young Gekigami shot a lightning arrow at the Wind Blade, electrifying it as it hits Zazelmare hard.

He was weakened, but not out yet.

Mistystar hisses "RIVER DRENCH!!!"

Firestar yowls "FIRE BLAST!!!"

Onestar yowls "WIND BLADE!!!"

The combined attack put Zazelmare on his last leg.

Another dose of River Drench, Fire Blast and Wind Blade knocks Zazelmare out cold.

The aura faded as the eyes went back to normal and stopped glowing before he turned back to Zazel.

A black cat yo-kai with a patch of white on the chest spoke "That was scary..."

Firestar poked Zazel with a stick.

Zazel groaned, still unconscious.

Onestar chuckle-meows "Do that again Firestar, his reactions are funny."

Firestar chuckle-meows while poking Zazel with the stick again.

Zazel groaned again, still unconscious.

Firestar whacks Zazel on the head with the stick.

Zazel growled, started coming to.

Mistystar was on her back while laughing, which had set the others into a fit of giggles and whatnot.

Danny growls "Out with it mister, where is Lord Enma?"

Zazel spoke "Lord Enma? I should be asking you that."

I hiss "You shut up! We're asking the questions here!"

Rocky hisses "Tex, Kikyo and I along with the two dogs were called here since something was wrong. And there CLEARLY IS!!!"

A male spoke "Come on, everyone. Calm down."

Lord Enma showed up.

Firestar meows "Enma sir, Zazel had gone berserk so Onestar, Mistystar and I had to knock some sense back into him."

Lord Enma spoke "Come on, you guys. You think I don’t know that? I was somehow trapped in a barrier when something took over Zazel. But getting out of that barrier was child’s play."

Mistystar giggle-meows "It was funny when Firestar whacked Zazel with a stick."

Lord Enma chuckles "Hehehe! Can’t argue with that."

I giggle-meow "It reminded me of my leader's favorite movie."

Danny barks "I don't get it...."

“Well you were from over 300 years ago.” I noted.

Rocky meows "Make that about 700 some odd though."

I ask "But what caused Zazel to go bonkers like that?"

Fu suddenly showed up. “To be honest, I know it wasn’t me.”

My eyes flash white since I was seeing a vision of the past.

A strange dark figure summoned a barrier around Past Lord Enma before it shot a beam through Zazel’s mind as he gained that dark silver aura and glowing magenta eyes.

I think "{Strange dark figure? It might have been a dark tabby....}"

I snap back to my senses.

I ask "Lord Enma, have you spotted any dark tabby cat yo-kai around your castle?"

Zazel spoke "I am afraid not."

Lord Enma spoke "Nope. Not one hide or fur."

Ravenpaw asks "But what about black cats other than me?"

I meow "It was hard to tell but the creature in my vision didn't look like a cat though..."

Fu spoke "Well, hopefully it won’t cause trouble here again."

I meow "I smell demonic energy but it's not from the demons that Danyelle knows of..."

Fu spoke "*Shiver!* Whoo! That sure sent shivers down my spine."

Smith barks "Wait, I've seen that one cat before.... That white one with the ribbon on the headfur!"

Fu spoke "Hmm… Then someone might’ve been corrupted. I’ll look into it for you guys. Byeeee!"

Fu vanished in purple mist.

I meow "We should be careful... We don't know who is friend or foe."

Firestar and Onestar dart off before dragging something back.

It was some kind of dark crystal.

Mistystar hisses "I have bad feelings about that thing..."

Fu suddenly showed up again. “Whoa! Is that what I think it is?”

Mistystar meows "Firestar and Onestar found it though..."

Fu spoke "I’ve seen that crystal before. It’s from the Demon Realm in my world."

Danny asks "Can it be destroyed?"

Fu spoke "Yeah, but you can’t destroy without some side effects. That crystal has energy to strengthen anyone, but they can get a little wild if you catch my drift."

Pointing my tail at Zazel, I meow "Case in point..."

Fu spoke "Yeah. Normally I hold onto them for safe keeping."

Onestar meows "Last thing we need is some power hungry idiot taking that thing."

Fu spoke "But there’s something I know, if someone has enough willpower to control that demon realm energy and make it their own, they won’t go crazy."

Firestar meows "But we spirits can be easily corrupted."

Fu spoke "Yeah. Which is why I’ll keep that crystal for safekeeping."

My bell rattles once again, indicating that the problem was solved.

I meow "Well, that's the end of this mission."

Grabbing the crystal, Fu spoke "Nice! Glad things are settled. Byeee!"

Fu vanished in purple mist again.

With that, the males and I headed back to Maretime Bay.


Twilight VS. Raptor!

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*Lillian’s POV*

This is gonna be amazing!

Danyelle spoke "Cuss yeah it is!"

A portal opened, revealing Chameleo, and all of his family and friends… Which were A LOT!!!

Danyelle had to remove the beads off Twilight so that she could battle freely and not get slowed down with a command.

Raptor spoke "Ooh! I’m getting pumped!!!"

Twilight growls "I'm not going easy on you Ripto!"

Raptor spoke "Heh! Don’t think I won’t go easy on you either, Twi-egghead!”

Twilight growls "I won't use the Roar either since that would be unfair."

Raptor scoffs.

Kurama growls "Mess with the alicorn, you get the nine tailed beast!"

Zygarde and Zapdos emerged, tethered to Raptor.

Zapdos spoke "Mess with the Sky King, you get the thunder!"

Zygarde spoke "Do not blame anyone on the outcome."

Matatabi spoke "Oh yeah? BRING IT ON!!!"

Fu showed up. “Wow wow wow! This fight is actually happening! Hahaha! This is gonna be so sweet!”

Then Master Hand showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Long time no see Master Hand."

Master Hand spoke "Indeed. And my counterpart from Raptor’s universe has told me that this one is a verified Smasher."

Master Hand snapped his fingers, showing many stages and battlefields.

Twilight spoke "I am a little rusty from not sparring for 220 years so this'll be a good warm up for me!"

Suddenly, Danyelle was dogpiled by a pile of slimes that were from the Far Far Range.

Danyelle laughs "A little help here?"

Rimuru showed up.

A lone fox slime stares at Rimuru.

Danyelle soon got up though she now had a tabby slime or four hanging off her wings.

Chameleo chuckles "Hehe. Don’t underestimate my little brother."

Shining chuckles "Don't underestimate my little sister either, she may seem docile but piss her off and she'll transform into a raging ball of claws and fangs."

Owleta spoke "Whoahoho! Tick Raptor off, and he’ll be the scariest and strongest dragon you’ve ever met, even though he’s a Zoroark."

Kurama spoke "I was the strongest in my glory days."

Zapdos spoke "Psh! I’m more focused on the now, and you don’t look that strong to me."

Kurama spoke "Don't make me turn you into Equestrian Fried Chicken."

Inferno spoke "Oh snap! He did not just say that!"

Matatabi spoke "Kurama...."

Kurama spoke "*gulp* Uh oh..."

Matatabi spoke "SIT BOY!!!!"

Kurama was face down on the ground.

Zapdos screeches "I’ll save my anger for the battle, but no one, and I mean NO ONE, calls a legendary bird Pokémon a chicken and gets away with it scot-free!"

A gryphon hen with a shield and gryphon talons cutie mark on the flanks spoke "That's also an insult to all birds though."

Owleta spoke "Agreed."

The gryphon spoke "Oh, I'm Gloria."

Twilight growls "We gonna fight or what?!?"

Raptor spoke "Bring it!!!"

Master Hand snapped his fingers, causing the two smashers to find themselves in a combined battlefield of Marineford, the Valley of the End, the Everfree Forest and Spear Pillar.

Twilight's hooves crackle with static since lightning manipulation was a subtype of firebending.

Steam started rising from Raptor’s scales as if he learned a technique from an adventure he had.

Twilight flew at Raptor with her fangs on fire, biting down hard.

Thunder then struck, hitting both Raptor and Twilight, but the Garchomp was unaffected.

Patches of black and orange fur were seen on Twilight since she was unaffected by the attack.

Twilight spun around fast while holding onto Raptor's tail before sending him flying far.

Raptor stopped as electricity, dragon energy and steam surged around him as his dark blue turned burning yellow. “Second Gear!”

Twilight hits Raptor with a Plasma Fang since she had combined Fire Fang and Thunder Fang together.

Raptor’s left arm turned metallic black as it crackled with black/red electricity before he punched Twilight, sending her flying far before he charged towards her with a lightning bolt following him before both the bolt and his arm were engulfed in flames. “Red Dragon… FIRE CLAW!!!” The attack landed, sending Twilight flying even farther.

Twilight teleports back onto the stage before firing a Plasma Blast at Raptor.

Raptor dodged the attack effortlessly as if he knew it was heading right for him.

But a Chaos Blast hits Raptor from behind since Twilight knew he'd dodge the Plasma Blast.

But then Raptor’s arms was surrounded by Zygarde Cells, making two giant versions of his arms, before they turned metallic black. “Third Gear… Grizzly Dragon Magnum Claw!” He attacked with both giant arms, hitting Twilight hard as she was sent flying.

An orange tail wraps around Raptor's neck, pulling him along too!

Raptor roared before electrified meteors started falling onto Twilight.

Raptor roars "Thor Draco Meteor!"

Twirama soon appears once the dust settled.

Twirama spoke "TAILED BEAST BOMB!!!"

The attack hit Raptor, before he transformed into a fusion of a Feraligatr and a Zapdos. “Fourth Gear… Thunderman!” Raptor soon did a combo dance of flying and dragon before he readied an attack. “Devastating Supersonic Drake Skystrike!”

Raptor fired dragon energy that took form of a Drake before it went high into the sky and dive-bombed on Twirama, causing a huge explosion.

A Chaos Barrier shields Twirama at the last second, nullifying the damage.

A glint was seen on Twirama's left ear since it was an unidentified Z-Crystal.


Raptor then changed to a Zoroark/100% Zygarde as he prepared a vicious attack. “Fourth Gear… Drakeman! Devastating Supersonic King Cobra!” A King Cobra-like dragon appeared as it flew right into the atmosphere and around him before it flew straight at Twirama past Raptor as Twirama fired her attack.

Twirama had clamped her jaws on the stage after the attack hit.

Twirama stuck the middle toe up at Raptor as she dangled on the edge.

Raptor asks "Huh?"

Twirama spoke via telepathy "{I hate you Raptor...}"

Raptor spoke "Heh. All’s fair in an all-out battle."

Climbing back up, Twirama roars loud before spinning around fast and whacking Raptor across the face nine times over!

Raptor flew back and landed on his feet, before steam started bursting all over his body.

Twirama charged up a Plasma Breath attack in her mouth.

Raptor suddenly smiled as he started floating into the air.

Twirama flew up close to Raptor before firing the Plasma breath at point-blank range.

An explosion occurred at that, causing a huge dust cloud as Twirama landed on the ground. But there was only silence, which was a bit unnerving.

Twirama looks around for Raptor.

But then laughter was heard as the dust cloud faded, revealing Raptor, but he was a combo of a Mega Garchomp, Feraligatr, Zoroark, Hisuian Zoroark, Zapdos, Galarian Zapdos and 100% Zygarde. Raptor was floating in the air on his back, roaring in joyful laughter with his left hand over his eyes and his right hand holding his stomach, which were both Feraligatr claws. On his Mega Garchomp head was a Zoroark’s mane, but it was the color of a Hisuian Zoroark, while a Mega Garchomp fin and Zapdos wings were on his back. Mega Garchomp fin-claws were on Raptor’s wrists as the chest mouth of 100% Zygarde was on Raptor’s chest. His legs were Galarian Zapdos legs as Raptor was just surging with power.

Twirama was panting since she was out of shape.

A loud fit of giggles was heard since Maria was tickling Shadow.

Sonic chuckles "Haha. Those two haven’t changed a bit."

Raptor chuckles "Man! It’s been a while! Fifth Gear!"

Blaze giggles "Oh yeah Sonic?"

Blaze pounces on Sonic before tickling him relentlessly.

Twirama pants "Not bad Raptor.... Not bad...."

Twirama roars loud as she charged up a Plasma Tailed Beast Bomb attack.

Raptor spoke "Sky Drake… Legendary Pokémon Bomb Whip!!!"

Raptor summoned a Sky Drake Legendary Pokémon Bomb from within him and the two legendary Pokémon spirits in him as he absorbed that that into his left leg before he dived with that said leg sticking out as Twirama fired her Plasma Tailed Beast Bomb, causing the two attacks to clash as the two fighters smiled.

A large dust cloud covered the whole stage.

Danyelle asks "Who won?"

“I dunno, but I’m on the edge of my seat!” I responded in excitement!

When the dust cleared, both fighters were down on their backs, much to our surprise!

Twirama struggled back onto her paws.

Raptor struggled to get onto his feet as well.

Twirama growls before whacking Raptor off the stage.

But then Raptor smiled before lightning struck Twirama.

But Twirama had teleported a split second before the lightning hit her.

But then Raptor flew up right back onto the battlefield just in the nick of time.

Wings flapping, Twirama fired another Plasma Beam thus knocking Raptor out of the stage limits.

But then Raptor fired a sky blast, knocking Twirama out of stage limits at the exact same time he did.

But since Raptor was knocked out of bounds first, the victory had gone to Twirama.

But then Raptor and Twirama started laughing joyfully.

Twirama chuckles "Man, it's been SO long since I had such a good spar!"

Raptor laughed “That was so much fun, I’m not even gonna think that this loss is a bad thing!”

Twirama spoke "We should spar again some time!"

Raptor spoke "Hehehe! Sure! And who knows, maybe some of the others would wanna spar too."

Twilight spoke "I really hung in there though."

Raptor spoke "Hehe. Same."

Twilight spoke "Sorry for flipping the bird at you, I was caught off guard."

Raptor spoke "Eh, no biggie."

Twilight giggles "Yeah."


Sunny-Day Dinners/A Dangerous Gamble!

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*Sunny’s POV*

Ah… Another great morning after waking up from a good-night’s sleep.

Yuki yawns "Good morning Princess Sunny..."

It was clear to me that the white furred she-cat was sleep deprived but as to why, I don't know.

But then I decided to help all of my friends and family living with me cheer up with a breakfast we can all share!

Midnight was yawning loudly since he had a bad dream last night.

“What happened, uncle?” I asked.

Midnight yawns "Tantabus.... I thought Luna had gotten rid of it..."

“Strange.” I noted. “I’ll check on the others.”

Opaline was a cranky mess, as was the Belle family.

“Oh boy… I think they’ll need that breakfast.” I worried.

Midnight spoke "I should talk to Luna about it..."

Twilight was a frazzled mess.

I looked outside and saw Jolyne and Ermes doing some catch.

Muta had pelted Jolyne with a snowball, blaming Haru for it.

Jolyne saw right threw that and punched, Muta in the face, sending him flying back a bit while Vivian was drinking some water. I noticed that ever since F.F. became a part of Vivian’s body, she’s been drinking more water than usual.

Muta spoke "That hurt...."

Jolyne yawns "Sorry, couldn’t sleep last night. That masked grim reaper almost killed me."

Lune yawns "A lot of us are on edge because of that monster..."

Then we saw Kakyoin show up.

Lune yawns "Hey..."

Kakyoin asks "What happened?"

Lune yawns "Many of the Mobians and some of the Equians are on edge because of a grim reaper..."

Kakyoin asks "Grim Reaper? Why does that sound familiar?"

Lune yawned again, “And it was all because we saw that thing in our dreams.”

Kakyoin froze at that.

Danyelle yawns "But I thought Shadow killed Freddy Kreuger 220 years ago...."

Kakyoin asks "No… It’s not Freddy Krueger… Jotaro, myself and the others fought that enemy before. But how did you manage to survive it?"

Luna yawns "Most of us were in limbo, remember?"

Kakyoin spoke "R-Right. But we must be on guard tonight."

Vivian asks "Hey Jolyne, Ermes, mind if I try?"

Ermes spoke "Sure."

Ermes tagged out with Vivian as she started playing catch with Jolyne.

Midnight yawns "Whoever it is, they're targeting immortals..."

We started preparing as I made breakfast for all of us at the lighthouse.

Vivian spoke "W-Wow! We’ve gone back and forth 86 times, without even dropping the ball!"

A loud crash was heard at the sheriff's office since Wind Whisper had knocked something over with her wings.

Flurry asks "*sweatdrop*: Was I that troublesome as a foal auntie Twilight?"

Cozy Glow, having become a alicorn, showed up with a sweat-drop in agreement.

Showing up, Spike spoke "You don’t know the half of it."

Twilight asks "Cozy? When did you become an alicorn?!?"

Cozy giggles "*Nervous blush* It’s kind of a long story. Nicolo and I did some traveling around the world to help others, but when I put my life on the line for all of my friends and family at really tough situation, not caring what would happen to me, I saved them, but found myself having a horn."

Flurry Heart playfully elbowed Cozy Glow. “Guess you really are my rival you claimed to be.”

Cozy Glow giggles "Heehee! Come here you!"

Flurry and Cozy started playfully wrestling with each other.

Akari pounces on her cousin and started tickling Flurry.

Twilight giggled with a smile, happy that everyone is getting along.

Vivian asks "Can we really get to a hundred, Jolyne?"

A weasel spoke "A hundred dollars says you won’t."

Jolyne asks Huh?"

We looked at the source of a voice, revealed to be a female weasel Mobian none of us know.

The weasel asks "Will you take that bet?"

Jolyne asks "Sorry, but who are you? And what are you saying?"

The weasel spoke "My name is Miraschon the Weasel. I’m saying you won’t catch the ball. I’m willing to bet a hundred dollars that your little game of catch will end before you reach a hundred."

Jolyne: Don’t you think this is coming out of nowhere? What do you really want?"

Miraschon: Just trying to kill time."

Ermes noticed something in Miraschon’s left sock.

Vivian spoke "It’s only thirteen more passes, right? I think we can do that."

Jolyne spoke "Don’t jump the gun, Vivian! Regardless, I don’t have anywhere near that amount of money on me, so it won’t be much of a bet."

Miraschon spoke "Well, it doesn’t have to be money, you know? I’ll take drugs, cigarettes, chewing gum, some phone time, hell, even some gender things… anything with a bit of value will do."

Jolyne spoke "I’ll be frank with you. I don’t really do bets, so get lost."

Ermes spoke "Wait just a second. Come on, Jolyne. You should go along with this. We’ve got some crazy luck. And whatever you don’t have, I’ll lend you. Vivian kinda sucks at throwing, but she managed to do it 87 times. We can win."

Jolyne spoke "There’s more to it than that!"

Ermes spoke "Yeah. It might be a trap set by Pale Snake, right? But I know that Miraschon. We’ve met each other before. She’s a stupid gambler that ruined her life committing small robberies. Think about it for a sec. There may be some inside help she pays and knows to help get her out of messes. Some people aren’t as good as you think they seem."

Miraschon scoffs "Hey. Are you in, or are you not?"

Vivian spoke "S-Sure. I’m sure we can do it. I’m sure we can win this."

Miraschon scoffs "Okay! But do you even have a hundred dollars on you?"

Jolyne threw the ball past Miraschon’s head as Vivian caught it.

Jolyne scoffs "We’ll play, but conditions are if you raise your voice or move one step from that spot, the bet is called off. Got it?"

Miraschon spoke "So the game has already begun then, huh? But it won’t be fair if the distance is too close or if you hold the ball for too long."

Jolyne spoke "More than three meters apart. Within ten seconds."

Miraschon spoke "Okay."

Miraschon moved out of the way of the baseball’s path as she stood next to a nearby bench.

Vivian spoke "Alright then, here we go!"

Ermes spoke "Just calm down before you throw! You’ve got ten seconds, so take your time!"

Midnight switched to his true size before growling at Miraschon.

Miraschon however wasn’t fazed in the slightest as she continued watching the game.

Vivian spoke "89! Eleven throws left! Huh? *Notices Miraschon on bench* You little…! Get those sticky fingers the hell away from my water!"

“Hey!” Jolyne called out as she threw the ball, before Vivian caught it in the nick of time.

Ermes spoke "Way too close. Concentrate, Vivian!"

Vivian angrily asks "That’s not it! She’s the problem here! What is she doing near my water?"

Miraschon spoke "I’m just spectating quietly."

Vivian snaps "Well, do it away from my cup, or else!"

Miraschon spoke "Fine. Whatever. Clock’s ticking."

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Throw the ball!"

Vivian growls "Screw this girl! She’s bugging me!"

Ermes spoke "Here! *Holding Vivian’s cup of water* I’ll hold your water. Now throw the ball!"

Miraschon spoke "One second."

Jolyne spoke "*As Miraschon walked away from the bench* Throw it!"

Vivian growled as she threw the ball, only for her and the rest of us to notice that she actually threw it at the bench out of anger.

Ermes spoke "Idiot!"

Jolyne jumped toward the bench and caught the ball.

Ermes spoke "Jolyne! That was close, but you pulled through."

Vivian spoke "S-Sorry. I kinda need more water than usual, and I guess F.F. is rubbing off on me a bit."

Ermes spoke "*As Jolyne and Vivian continued* Be more carefree next time, Vivian."

Vivian spoke "Okay, I will."

A few seconds later, the two made it to one hundred.

Vivian spoke "We… We did it! A hundred times!"

Miraschon spoke "Okay."

Vivian spoke "Actually, I feel like a hundred more times would be really easy too."

Ermes spoke "It was an easy win like I thought. Now fork over the hundred dollars."

Jolyne spoke "No. You were betting with Vivian earlier too, weren’t you? So doesn’t that mean it should be two hundred?"

Ermes spoke "Yeah, true! It definitely should be two hundred. Hurry up and give it to me."

Miraschon spoke "*Showing money* I’ve got a grand on you not being able to do it again."

The amount of money that weasel had surprised all of us.

Miraschon spoke "What, did you not hear me? I’m telling you my bet is one thousand dollars."

We found that kinda hard to believe.

Ermes gasps "Are you for real? Do you even have that kind of cash?"

Miraschon spoke "Of course."

Midnight snarls "Fork it all over then!"

Miraschon asks "Like I said earlier though, anything with value will do the trick just the same. The rules remain unchanged as well. Sound good?"

Jolyne spoke "No, we're done with your games. *Tossing away baseball glove* We might've just won, but honestly, I don't like you one bit. So if you wanna bet, take it somewhere else."

Ermes spoke "I'll go instead of Jolyne."

Jolyne spoke "Wh-"

Miraschon spoke "Well, okay."

Ermes spoke "Vivian, here! Give me the ball and glove!"

Vivian spoke "Okay."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

Ermes spoke "*Given ball and glove by Vivian* Jolyne, I don't like this chick all that much either. Or the way she's oddly fixated on betting. But still... *Taking out some gum* If it's gonna be twelve hundred dollars including the earlier bet, there's no way we can pass this up."

Miraschon spoke "You might wanna be careful. Like the rules of the last game, this one began the moment you decided to play. You've less than ten seconds."

Jolyne spoke "Throw it!"

Ermes spoke "Coming your way!"

Ermes threw the ball as VIvian caught it.

Vivian spoke "This might be easy too."

Some time passed as we all had breakfast.

Vivian spoke "Thirty. Thirty one. Thirty two. Thirty three's up next."

Midnight spoke "Jolyne, I don't like that weasel..."

Jolyne spoke "Me neither."

Something’s bugging me, but what?” Ermes thought.

Miraschon spoke "Five seconds."

Ermes spoke "Vivian, catch!"

Ermes threw the ball as Vivian caught it.

Vivian spoke "Thirty three!"

But then we noticed it was starting to get windy.

Jolyne: Hey, you! We’re calling this bet off! It’s done!"

Miraschon taunts "Okay, here’s a thought for you. Let’s suppose for a moment now, that a meteorite fell from the heavens out of nowhere. Sure it’s wild, but you’d probably think that the game should be called off, like it’s just over. You’d say it’s the meteor’s fault. And not to convince me, mind you, but yourselves. But are you sure that’s okay? Don’t you think you all might have noticed the strong wind, because you were taking your sweet time and deliberately throwing the ball slowly? Take a good look into your heart and you’ll see. If it’s telling you you didn’t break any rules, there’s no need to worry. By all means, if you’re innocent you can stop the game at any time."

Ermes spoke "*To Miraschon* Screw you. *To Vivian* Vivian, now! Hurry up!"

But then a sudden strong wind flew by, causing the glove to fly off of Ermes’ hand.

Ermes spoke "What?! *Jumping towards the ball* Damn it!"

Ermes landed on the ground and tried to catch the ball, causing it to fly up before falling down as she tried to catch it again.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, no!"

Ermes raised her hand, revealing the baseball in it and showing that she caught it. But Ermes had shadows over her eyes for some reason.

Vivian spoke "That was close!"

Midnight had curled a tail around Jolyne in case the wind picked up again, strong enough to send a Mobian flying.

Ermes spoke "Let’s keep going."

Miraschon spoke "*As Ermes tossed the ball to Vivian, who caught it* I’m merely a spectator here."

Midnight and Jolyne ask "Huh?"

Miraschon spoke "I won’t move a muscle or even think. But still, though I can’t prove what she just did… *As Ermes caught the ball that Vivian threw at her* On the inside, Ermes knows exactly what happened. There’s no denying it, Jolyne. Your bestie just broke one of the rules. I know because…"

All of us saw a shadow looming over us from the right as we looked in that direction, seeing a humanoid machine.

Miraschon spoke "The debt collector, Marilyn Manson has appeared before us."

Jolyne asks "What the?!"

Midnight growls.

The red visor on the machine spun like a slot machine until it showed $1000 before it charged towards Ermes.

Jolyne shouts "Ermes, hey! Watch yourself! She’s a Stand User!"

Ermes tried to defend herself, but the Stand pierced its hands into the sides of her chest, grabbing money, much to our shock as she screamed.

Miraschon spoke "No matter where you hide it away or what the item is, it takes absolutely everything and leaves nothing behind."

The red visor now showed $590.

Mary Lynn Manson scoffs "This is still not enough."

Ermes coughs "Sticker…"

Ermes was about to summon her stand when Mary Lynn Manson’s right claw pierced into her.

Miraschon scoffs "Game over."

The Stand’s claw then pierced through Ermes, holding a liver, much to our horror.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

The Stand withdrew its arm as Ermes was on her knees, covering her bleeding wound while breathing heavily.

Midnight growls "What did you do?!"

Mary Lynn Manson: If you sold this liver I’m holding on the black market… *Red Visor now showing $0* it would make up for the remaining 590 dollars that you owe.

Vivian spoke "Back off!"

Vivian shot strange liquid bullets at the stand, only to pass through it harmlessly, much to our shock.

Midnight shot black fire at Miraschon, hitting her.

Miraschon growled at that.

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "I am the shadow that lies deep within Ermes’ heart. All of you cannot possibly land an attack on me. Ermes has broken the rules you established, and has therefore lost the bet on her own. I came to collect the debt weighing on her shoulders. Or are there any other precious items she may have? If so, I can exchange this liver for something of equal value."

Jolyne spoke "*Grabbing the baseball* This bet still isn’t over yet."

Mary Lynn Manson asks "*Absorbing liver* What?"

Jolyne spoke "We’ll catch the ball a thousand times, and if we succeed, you’ll give back everything you took from Ermes. And then just leave us the hell alone."

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "Okay. However, I’m sure you’re aware of how this goes. You must offer something if equal value."

Jolyne spoke "Yeah, I know."

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "Excellent. *Withdrawing into the ground’s shadows* With the rules set, the game has begun. See you later."

The stand then vanished.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian, here!"

Jolyne threw the ball to Vivian, who caught it.

Ermes spoke "J-Jolyne…"

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, you’re not the one at fault here. *Catching the ball* Since Miraschon is a Stand User, there’s a high chance that Pale Snake is involved. If that’s the case, then they’re aiming for my dad’s disc! That’s what the collector is for."

Ermes spoke "There you go. Another reason not to take this bet."

Midnight spoke "If Pale Snake got its hands on Danyelle... She'd lose three discs instead of two!"

Jolyne spoke "You guys got dragged into this mess because of my family drama. I can’t let you die for me, Ermes."

Vivian gasps "But a thousand throws in a row? How are we gonna do that? That Stand was invincible!"

Jolyne spoke "Yeah, that’s exactly why we’re gonna chase down Miraschon and attack her directly! That greedy Stand of hers may be invincible, but her body is fair game! That’s why she’s putting distance between us!"

Miraschon then walked away, vanishing from sight.

Jolyne spoke "Let’s go!"

Midnight spoke "And as long as I'm still kicking, Star Platinum will be safe."

Midnight lowers his head so his horn was near Ermes's injured spot before using a healing spell on it, searing the wound shut.

Ermes spoke "I can’t live long without a liver though…"

After some time passed, Midnight and I were watching Vivian and Jolyne catching the ball with each other in a shower room as lookouts for Miraschon.

Jolyne spoke "You see her? I’m sure I saw her come in here."

Vivian spoke "That door on the other side of the room. She might’ve gotten out from there."

Jolyne spoke "Passing to you!"

Jolyne was about to throw the ball to Vivian when Midnight and I saw Miraschon move towards the light switch.

“Jolyne! Don’t throw the ball!” I called out, but I did it too late as Jolyne threw the ball to Vivian before Miraschon turned off the lights.

Vivian scoffs "Seriously?!

Jolyne spoke "Oh no, Vivian! I threw the ball!"

Vivian spoke "But where did you throw it, because I can't see a thing!"

Jolyne spoke "Don’t move! It’ll probably hit your body!"

Vivian did that as the ball did hit her, but bounced off before the black liquid from before came out of her left eye and grabbed the ball before she grabbed it.

Vivian spoke "Thanks, F.F.! Jolyne! I got the ball!"

Jolyne spoke "That’s great, you two! Now let’s just stay calm and keep the ball moving. Over here!"

Vivian asks "Here where?"

Jolyne spoke "Hurry!"

Miraschon spoke "Heh. It’s already over."

Jolyne spoke "I’m right here!"

Vivian spoke "Now I’m mad!"

Vivian shot the liquid bullets from before at the darkness, before a scream of pain rang out as the door opened, revealing Miraschon with a wounded right arm as she left the room.

Vivian spoke "We’re fighting a fool. I heard a voice come from somewhere over there, so F.F. and I fired randomly in that specific direction."

The four of us started chasing Miraschon again as Jolyne and Vivian kept passing the ball to each other.

Midnight fired a Roar at Miraschon, sending her crashing into a wall.

Jolyne and I caught up with Miraschon.

Jolyne spoke "How unfortunate for you. There’s nowhere left to run. And now that I know you’re a fellow stand user, I won’t need to hold back."

Miraschon spoke "Hey, wait a second! Take the money! And the liver. Here, it’s all yours!"

Jolyne spoke "That’s not the only things I want. For starters, I wanna know who gave you Stand Power."

Miraschon asks "*As Jolyne tossed the ball to Vivian, who tossed the ball back* Huh?"

Jolyne spoke "It was Pale Snake, right? Don’t lie. Tell me who they really are."

Miraschon stammers "Wha-What are you talking about?"

Jolyne asks "You sure you’ve got time to be playing dumb?"

Miraschon spoke "You gotta believe me! I don’t know who that is! All I wanted to do was go on parole!"

Miraschon suddenly smirked as Jolyne tossed the ball to Vivian before Miraschon pressed a button, closing a door and separating me and Jolyne from Vivian and Midnight as Vivian caught the ball.

“This is…” Jolyne and I realized.

Miraschon spoke "An elevator. One that transports meals. How much longer now? Six seconds? Or is it five?"

Jolyne spoke "No!"

Vivian spoke "Jolyne! Sunny!"

Vivian used F.F.’s liquid as she and Midnight grabbed the elevator door and forced it open, only to see the elevator we were in already moving up.

Miraschon spoke "Two more…"

“Vivian! The ball!” I called out as Midnight held the door open.

Jolyne spoke "Come on, Vivian! Throw it here!"

Vivian did that as Jolyne caught the ball throw the door closes on the elevator.

Vivian spoke "We gotta move, Midnight! To the next floor upstairs!"

Midnight teleported up a floor with Ermes on his back.

Miraschon spoke "Nice jump."

Jolyne "Now what are you gonna do? You’ve got eight more seconds. *As Vivian ran to the next floor* Seven… Six…"

The door open as Vivian showed up.

Jolyne spoke "Catch, Vivian!"

Jolyne threw the ball to Vivian, before the ball was suddenly grabbed by something invisible.

Midnight growls "I teleported, you idiot."

But then that something invisible threw the ball away, revealed to be a Stealth Sneak Heartless as Jolyne kneeled down while the elevator door closed before she punched the door in frustration.

Miraschon laughs "Try catching the ball now! Oh, you can’t anymore, can you? This game of catch is over! You’re dead, Jolyne Kujo!"

Mary Lynn Manson emerged from the wall in the elevator and pierced its right claw threw Jolyne.

Miraschon spoke "Mary Lynn Manson will always come to collect what is owed! No matter where they may be hidden. Even if you are unaware, Mary Lynn will know!"

Vivian spoke "Jolyne!"

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "First, I’ll take your most expensive organ. And to cover the remainder, I’ll take your most precious possession. Your father’s Stand Disc! As for where to find it…"

As the stand was searching through Jolyne, it dove its right arm into the flow and emerged it from outside the elevator.

Mary Lynn Manson spoke "That clever hybrid, Midnight, has had it inside his soul since the very beginning!"

Miraschon spoke "I won! Now I’ve got your organ and your disc!"

The arm pierced into Midnight.

Miraschon spoke "It all belongs to me!"

But then Miraschon’s face was hit by the baseball, which was connected by Stone Ocean’s threads as she coughed blood and spat out a tooth.

Miraschon asks "Huh?"

Jolyne spoke "This little game of catch is far from over."

Jolyne pulled the thread back and caught the ball.

Miraschon spoke "Huh? But how? The ball…"

The five of us except Miraschon knew what happened. Jolyne used Stone Ocean’s thread form to catch the ball in midair and pull it towards her hand before the door closed a few seconds ago.

Miraschon spoke "Impossible… You cheater…"

Jolyne spoke "No. I never specified the creature I’d be playing catch with. The Heartless counts too."

Miraschon gasped at the realization as the stand’s right arm put the disc back into Midnight and healing the wound on his back, before putting Ermes’ liver back in her, healing her wounds as well as Jolyne was fully healed too.

Jolyne spoke "Seems like the collector also approves. Now then, did we have 800 more balls to catch? Or was it 900? You know what? Screw it. Take a thousand!"

Stone Ocean appeared and threw the baseball 1000 times, dealing 1000 blows to Miraschon while shouting “Ora!” multiple times. “Ora!” Stone Ocean shouted as she threw the ball for the final and 1000th time, hitting Miraschon right on the nose as she fainted, causing Mary Lynn Manson faded, causing money to shower the inside of the elevator as the door opened.

Vivian spoke "We did it! Yay!"

Ermes smiled as she got off Midnight’s back before two discs ejected from Miraschon’s head.

Jolyne spoke "We’re gonna get my dad’s disc to the Speedwagon Foundation. And that includes the one Pale Snake’s holding on to. Just watch."

Grabbing the Stand Disc, Midnight spoke "I’ll take her to the sheriff’s place in jail. She’ll have to be in there a little longer before going on parole."

I spoke "Good idea Uncle Midnight."

Midnight spoke "Thanks, Sunny."

Midnight picked up Miraschon and went off to Hitch’s sheriff apartment.

“Besides, we should get ready for tonight when we go to sleep.” I reminded.

Vivian spoke "Your uncle's pretty awesome though Sunny."

I couldn’t help but giggle in agreement. “Yeah. He is pretty awesome. Probably the best uncle there is.”

But then we heard a crash.

Bluestar shouts "Faust damn it Oakheart! That was my favorite set of plates!"


Death 13’s Dream/I’ll take one Stand DISC to go

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*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

The first gen Pony Guard and I were called to Sunny’s home as Polnareff showed up.

Polnareff asks "You said you needed help?"

Twilight was absent since Peppermint and Rocky required her attention, so Flurry was filling in for her.

Midnight was resting outside with Opaline on his belly since he was on his back while in his true size.

Kakyoin spoke "Yes."

Midnight spoke "Honestly, I’m glad to have you back in my life, Opal."

Flurry spoke "My aunt's unable to help much since my new cousins need her attention more. And I would hate to see them get killed since they can't fight back yet."

Opaline giggles "You're like a big fluffball."

Midnight and Opaline nuzzled each other’s noses.

Opaline giggles "Hehehe! I can hardly wait for us to have some fun."

Midnight spoke "We will soon, Opal. We will soon."

Opaline giggles "You'd probably rip me apart at your current size."

Vetur appeared with a necklace. “Well this little necklace I made can make you as malleable as rubber, so you’ll be perfectly fine if you wear this, even if Midnight is at that size.”

Midnight spoke "But I have the size change pendant... My true size is more combat usable. My other size is around size of Opaline."

Vetur spoke "It also comes with a size growth function, so it can make you as big as Midnight, Opaline. But it’s your choice if you wanna take it or not."

Midnight shrunk his size down to around Opaline's height thanks to the pendant he always wears.

Midnight spoke "This could work too."

Vetur spoke "But as I said before, I’m only offering."

Opaline asks "Do you know anything about an Eternal Champion?"

Vetur spoke "Eternal Champion? Hmm… Let me see…"

Vetur brought out a tablet and started searching through before a burst of light appeared, leaving behind a crater.

Vetur spoke "Something is definitely giving off that energy."

All of the immortals were now on edge because of the strange energy.

We looked at the crater, seeing some kind of unicorn mare in a ninja outfit with a mask over her eyes.

Sonic spoke "Someone better go get Redheart..."

The ninja asks "What? What happened?"

Sonic spoke "You crash landed by a lighthouse."

The ninja asks "*Grabbing Wakizashi sword* Who are you?! And where am I?!"

Sonic spoke "You dare draw your katana against royalty? I would have you arrested for that!"

To the ninja's surprise, Sonic had his wings spread wide.

The female ninja looked around and saw the rest of us before giving a sigh as she sheathed her sword.

I spoke "We kinda got off on the wrong hoof there."

Vetur spoke "Gah! It’s on the tip of my tongue!"

Dialga appeared. “He’s the warrior who knows all styles of martial arts and Kung Fu.”

Vetur spoke "Oh yeah, that guy!"

Opaline spoke "Seems to be all-knowing too..."

I yawned from exhaustion. “Well, I need to get some shut-eye.”

Fluttershy spoke "It would be easier if we stayed together as a group though Rainbow since many of us are on edge."

The rest of us agreed as we decided to go to sleep in a group.

But when I opened my eyes, I suddenly found myself in an amusement park with the others as they got up as well, but Kakyoin wasn’t seen.

Midnight and Opaline were nowhere to be seen.

Flurry spoke "I'm scared...."

Applejack spoke "How in tarnation did we get here? We were just at Sunny’s home."

Polnareff spoke "I remember! I know this place! Everyone! Be on your guard! My memory is coming back! We’ve been transported into a dream world. A horrible one. This is bad, we’ve entered a world of nightmares!"

“Huh? A dream? Nothing to worry about then.” I shrugged off as I laid back down.

Polnareff spoke "Don’t make the same mistake that I did! Listen! This has happened to me, Kakyoin, Jotaro and Mr. Joestar before! But the stand user was only a baby, for all we know, he could be an old man by now. We are in enemy territory. I know none of this makes any sense, but the last time I fought this stand with the others, the user was only an 11-month old baby who followed DIO."

Luna spoke "The turtle is right Rainbow Dash, the dream world can be dangerous at times if one isn't careful."

Polnareff asks "*Sweatdrop* Uh, have you forgotten that I transformed into a turtle-snow leopard Mobian hybrid all those centuries ago?"

Luna spoke "My bad but as I said back when some of us handled that Freddy Kreuger monster, my sister can't help us in the dream world since it's not her domain."

Polnareff spoke "The Stand was called Death 13, and it’s a part of the Tarot Cards. Wait… something feels really wrong. M-My shell…"

We looked at Polnareff, only to see his shell grow at a fast pace and covered all of his body except his head, preventing him from moving. But then the rest of us hear we soon imprisoned by our own parts, mane, tail, or belongings as we became completely powerless before Luna was chained up by Tantabus and shadows.

Ermes spoke "How are we gonna fight this?! It’s driving me crazy!"

Polnareff spoke "Damn! Anything can happen in this world! There are no rules here, nothing makes sense! As long as we’re in this place, all of us, even Luna are completely at his mercy! Wait. I remember there being one rule."

Nightfall blasted the tantabus thus freeing Luna.

Nightfall asks "That being?"

A shadow started approaching us.

Polnareff spoke "His murder weapon… If he wants to slice us to pieces, then… he’ll have to use his stand… and nothing but his stand!"

A voice spoke "Lali-Ho!"

We saw a grim reaper stand, the same one we saw from the last few nights.

Jolyne spoke "Stone…"

Polnareff spoke "Jolyne, stop! It won’t work!"

Jolyne spoke "...Ocean!"

Stone Ocean appeared.

Polnareff spoke "Merde! This is bad!"

Muta restrains Jolyne in his arms which also stopped Stone Ocean.

Both alicorns were surrounded by the Pony Guard as Muta slowly walked backward while holding onto Jolyne, keeping his eyes locked on the Stand.

But then Stone Ocean punched Jolyne, sending her back a bit as the “stand” laughed before its head turned into Death 13’s

Death 13 laughs "Lali-Ho! Surprise! I’m a fake!"

The fake then turned into a combo of Stone Ocean, Smack, Silver Chariot and Death 13.

Death taunts "Oh, the overwhelming power! The absolute terror! It’s so much fun! A stand is a manifestation of the mind. And what are dreams if not the mind laid bare? My Death 13 has trapped all of you within your subconscious, which is why you can’t summon your precious stands! Although… things might be different had you summoned your stands before you fell asleep. Then they would’ve appeared with you, just like your clothes, sleeping bags and prosthetic parts. Death 13 will never be forced to face another stand in battle again! And as you know, the only thing that can defeat a stand is another stand, so I’ll always be on top! Hahaha! Now that I have all of you in one place and in my crosshairs, how about you give me a scream? One that captures the joy and elation I’m about to feel at my easy victory! *As something green appeared and grabbed Death 13’s left shoulder* Lali… ho?"

A voice spoke "Lali-Ho!"

Death 13 spoke "Oh, it’s just one of the fakes I made."

Death 13 flicked the green being’s forehead, but nothing happened before it grabbed the stand’s neck, starting to choke it.

Death 13 spoke "What? No! Not again! How could I have not seen this coming?! This is the real Hierophant!"

All of us were then suddenly freed and returned to normal as Polnareff smiled before Silver Chariot jumped out of the giant teapot behind him.

Polnareff spoke "Good planning, Kakyoin!"

We looked to our left as we saw Kakyoin sitting on a giant teacup.

Kakyoin spoke "Obviously, it slipped your noticed that we already summoned my Hierophant Green and Polnareff’s Silver Chariot by the time we fell asleep."

Star Platinum beat the tar out of Death-13 since it had appeared when Midnight drifted off to sleep.

Tails thrashing in anger, Midnight spoke "And Star Platinum too!"

Death 13 growls "Grr! You can’t do this!"

Kakyoin spoke "Now, it’s time for your punishment, baby."

Ooh!!! That was an awesome taunt that Kakyoin just did there!

Midnight snarls "We have something you will NEVER TRULY UNDERSTAND! AND THAT'S THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!"

Danyelle yowls as she flew at high speed while cloaked in heavenly fire, courtesy of Amaterasu, as she used the Spindash to rip through Death-13.

Danyelle attacked Death 13, unfortunately hitting Hierophant Green as well as their lower halves were cut off before Kakyoin fell, much to our shock and horror. But Death 13 was somehow unharmed as he opened his cloak, revealing only the neck, shoulders, arms and scythe as Hierophant Green fell off the enemy stand.

Death 13 taunts "Lali-Ho! Haven’t you figured it out yet?! Death 13’s body is as hollow as the space between your ears! My stand is only comprised of the head, arms and the giant scythe it wields! You gigantic ignoramuses! Let’s see, giving the way that stands work, Kakyoin’s body should also be split in two."

Kakyoin got back up, unharmed. “Nah, just kidding!”

That surprised us!

Rarity: What do you mean you’re kidding?!"

Kakyoin spoke "Please take a closer look. Surely, you know Hierophant isn’t that careless. He wouldn’t just stay on the enemy’s back without a plan in the wings."

We then noticed a green tendril moving into Death 13’s right ear as Hierophant Green, his lower half revealed as said tendrils that were connected to his body, tore off the cloak while his body kept turning into tendrils with them slithering deeper into Death 13.

Death 13 spoke "He’s not chopped in half! He’s turned into a tendril and he’s slithering into my ear!"

Hierophant Green’s arms turned into tendrils as well as they were going into Death 13’s other ear and the bottom of his neck as his started moving strangely.

Death 13 screams "No! My arm is moving on its own again!"

The blade of the scythe was now against Death 13’s neck as Hierophant Green was now completely inside the enemy stand as he revealed his face inside the mouth.

Kakyoin spoke "I told you before! My stand was in your blind spot, and your scythe couldn’t cut him. Besides, Hierophant Green can destroy you from the inside out."

Danyelle spoke "And my Stand can banish the darkness!"

Luna spoke "We’ll need to wake a small group up so they can find the user."

Nightfall spoke "Shadow's on the move since he's faster on his own."

But then Death 13’s left arm was suddenly sliced off.

Danyelle's nichirin sword was glowing brightly since she had sliced Death's left arm off.

Death 13 spoke "W-What?! But how?! That’s impossible!"

Danyelle spoke "The nichirin swords are used to fight demons that want to kill innocent people!"

Danyelle whistles loud in a tone only Bowser could hear, making him come running.

A portal opened as Bowser showed up.

And to Death's shock, the REST of the Smashers show up!

Danyelle spoke "You can't hope to defeat all of us!"

Sonic spoke "Bayo, Kirby, Mario, Falco, Fox! Glad you and the others all came to help!"

Bayonetta (Cereza) spoke "Of course, darling."

Spyro and Cynder arrive as well.

Meggy spoke "Let's splatter that freak!"

Death 13 screams "No! It’s impossible! Only a stand can defeat another stand! You shouldn’t even be able to scratch me!"

Danyelle growls "You picked the wrong lot to mess with!!"

All of the Smashers and Stand Users attack Death 13 at once, destroying him.

Luna spoke "Good riddance!"

Polnareff gasps "Hold on a second! How is this place still in one piece when we destroyed that stand?!"

Midnight spoke "If the user's still alive, then so is the Stand!"

Kakyoin: No. Having a stand destroyed is a major trauma, so the user will be flat on his back for months.

Luna spoke "I am actually holding this place together since it is a dream world."

Midnight spoke "Right, only Luna and Nightfall have the ability to hold a dream together."

Sonic spoke "Shadow should find Death 13’s user with no problem then."

Midnight spoke "Right since alicorns can't kill."

Flurry sadly sighed.

Snowfall spoke "MOMMY!!!!"

Midnight spoke "I have a bad feeling..."

Soon, we woke up in the morning.

Midnight yawns loudly.

“Morning everyone.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "Hey."

Kakyoin spoke "Come on everyone, breakfast is ready."

A female white furred cat-taur was helping Kakyoin serve breakfast to everyone.

Polnareff asks "Hmm... Kakyoin, who's she?"

The taur spoke "I'm not a chakat though, I'm a cat-taur."

Kakyoin spoke "Indeed, she and I only met a couple of days ago."

Polnareff asks "But what's her name then?

Cloudrunner spoke "I'm Cloudrunner, I know my name sounds like a chakat name but I'm no chakat."

Flurry asks "Do you know someone by the name of Danyelle?"

Cloudrunner tilted her head in confusion.

Cloudrunner spoke "You have me confused for a different taur."

Polnareff asks "Huh?"

Cloudrunner spoke "As you can tell, I can't see anything. I'm blind..."

Polnareff asks "Uh... Are you an airbender?"

Cloudrunner spoke "I'm not... though blind, my eyes are blue."

Cloudrunner's left ear just as Jay screeches loudly in warning.

Cloudrunner spoke "Sounds like we got trouble..."

Flurry asks "What?"

Cloudrunner spoke "It has something to do with a train."

Jolyne was on the phone, talking with the Speedwagon Foundation.

Midnight spoke "It was enough that Star Platinum accepted me as its temporary User while Jotaro is on life support since we still haven't gotten his memory disc back yet."

Jolyne ended the call as the Speedwagon Foundation hung up.

Jolyne spoke "We got someone coming here to pick it up, someone known as Savage Guardian, but it'll take some time when he'll arrive. So the Speedwagon Foundation will let us know when Savage Guardian will be arriving soon."

Midnight spoke "But that would mean I would have to give Star Platinum up!"

Sonic spoke "You sure that's a good idea Jolyne? Midnight doesn't have a Stand of his own, none of the Sparkle family does."

Jolyne spoke "Look, call it a hunch, but with how Midnight’s using this power, something might change him."

“Uh… What’re we gonna do about her?” I asked as we looked at the ninja unicorn from earlier.

Sonic spoke "Not everyone is able to manifest a Stand or even a Persona."

Jolyne spoke "I know that."

A female asks "My name is Shadow Yamato, but please, call me Yamato. Where am I and what year is this?"

Sonic spoke "Maretime Bay, 2240 A.D."

Yamato spoke "Oh no… I was sent forward through time again…"

Sunny asks "Meaning...?"

Yamato spoke "I’m from Japan, 1995 A.D."

Zoey spoke "I'm from Japan too!"

Yamato spoke "Last thing I remember was that I was just pushed off a building."

Zoey hugs the ninja.

Zoey spoke "Now I remember... My magic had flared up yesterday, bringing you through time thus saving you from an untimely death."

But then Zoey’s eyes glowed white.

*Zoey’s POV*

I was seeing the past, I saw what would’ve happened if my magic didn’t flare up as I saw Yamato pushed off a building, screaming while she fell to her death as she crashed onto the road below before I was back in the present.

I spoke "Oh my god... That would have been terrible if I didn't have a temporal magic surge..."

Sunny asks "But what do we do now?"

Midnight spoke "Might as well investigate that train."

Astral spoke "Good idea."

Opaline spoke "I just hope we find some friendly faces there."

Midnight spoke "Maybe..."

But little did any of us knew that our adventure was about to get more bizarre.

Midnight's ears twitch.

Midnight thinks "Something’s up… But what?"

The eleven tailed tod-tom was wary of what was to come.


All Aboard the Demon Train!/A False Dream?!

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*Opaline’s POV*

We were on our way to board the train we were gonna investigate.

Muta spoke "Hey Jolyne, I'm sorry for calling you by your nickname, I didn't know you hated being called that."

Jolyne spoke "Tch. Only my family could call me that."

Muta spoke "I was only trying to protect you since your dad's on life support but we will get his memory disc back. I promise you this."

Jolyne spoke "I know we’ll do that."

Muta spoke "I will fight until my last breath to keep you alive."

Jolyne scoffed as we looked for our seats before we heard a voice.

A voice spoke "Tasty!"

Midnight jumped in shock.

Midnight spoke "What the?!? this train's alive!"

Shippo spoke "That's SO not normal!"

I sweated at them jumping the gun. “Uh… guys?”

I pointed towards a seat as everyone else saw a male dragon with flame-yellow scales and flame-red spines, having a cape with flame patterns on it while he was eating boxed lunches vigorously. “Tasty!”

Shippo and Muta were immediately by Jolyne's side, protecting her since both males were wary of the dragon.

The dragon asks "Hmm? *Notices me and the others* Oh! My apologies! I didn’t see you there. Would you care for boxed lunches?"

Muta asks "Who are you?"

the dragon spoke "Oh! Pardon my manners. My name is Rengoku."

Muta spoke "I'm Renaldo Moon but I prefer to be called Muta."

Rengoku spoke "I see."

Muta spoke "The eleven tailed tod-tom is Midnight Storm."

Rengoku spoke "Hmm… You remind me of someone…"

Midnight asks "How so?"

Rengoku asks "Because I can sense a bit of a demon inside you. But I trust that you are here to protect the passengers as well?"

Midnight spoke "I may be a fox-cat-alicorn mix but I'm not dangerous. Plus Alpha-Queen Danyelle had tamed Fenrirs."

Rengoku spoke "I see."

But then I noticed a male Abyssinian with Chicago mob clothes from the 1900s in another seat.

I gasp "Wait... Fenrirs??"

Midnight chuckles "Yeah."

“But who’s that?” I asked as the others saw the Abyssinian I saw a few seconds ago.

Rengoku spoke "Oh, he’s a friend of mine I met some time ago. My guess may be illogical, but I have a feeling he’s from a different time period."

Midnight spoke "Time travel could be a possibility."

The Abyssinian asks "Well, the name’s Larcen Tyler. What year is this?"

Midnight spoke "2240 A.D."

Larcen spoke "Definitely got sent forward through time. I’m from Chicago, 1920 A.D."

Midnight spoke "I'm about 224 years of age."

Larcen spoke "That’s quite a long while."

Shippo spoke "I'm over 700."

Larcen spoke "Okay, enough with the age talk."

Midnight spoke "I've noticed you have a few burn scars."

Larcen spoke "Huh? What burn scars? I didn’t see any when I looked in the mirror."

Midnight spoke "My bad."

Larcen spoke "Not a problem."

Soon, the ticket inspector showed up.

Midnight pulled his crown out from one of his tails and put it on his head.

Rengoko spoke "Do not worry, I have my ticket."

Midnight spoke "I paid for a group ticket."

Larcen spoke "I bought my ticket."

The ticket inspector then stamped the three tickets before walking away.

Midnight spoke "Being royalty has some perks."

“I’ll admit, I’m hungry.” I said before my stomach growled.

Midnight pulls out some daisy sandwiches for me and a tuna sandwich for himself since he was an omnivore.

All of us had a good meal as we sat in our seats.

Midnight spoke "I don't like being the black sheep in my family... But I can't help it, it's the way I am."

“Midnight… You’re perfect just the way you are.” I told my boyfriend as I gave him a kiss on the nose.

Midnight spoke "I've got the teeth of a carnivore though..."

“Does that really matter, sweetie?” I asked my Midnight.

Midnight spoke "Not really since most of the Mobians are omnivores."

I hugged my boyfriend as he hugged me back.

Midnight tickles me.

I giggled as I started tickling Midnight back, making him chuckle.

Midnight spoke "Stahp! I'm too ticklish!"

I took the opportunity to close my eyes and kiss Midnight right on the lips, before he closed his eyes and kissed back.

Midnight purrs loudly since he was part cat after all.

Midnight and I started making out as we began falling asleep by each other’s sides.

Muta pulls my tail soon after the train stopped.

But for some reason, Muta did that while asleep and I didn’t wake up as the train started moving again. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the Crystal Empire.

Midnight spoke "I remember this place.... It was where I had my Crystalling 224 years ago...."

But what I saw… was a miracle! I saw all of the friends I made from 224 years ago, long before the immortals were trapped in the limbo!

Sunny was rather confused.

But then I saw something, Larcen as a cat Mobian back in Chicago at a hospital wing, holding a clock with ripped-off wires on his right hand, and a pack of dynamite in the other. But when I looked at a reflective surface, I saw myself banging against it as if the reflection was trying to get my attention as it said, "Opaline! You have to wake up! This is all a dream!"

Somehow, I felt as if I couldn't wake up, and neither can any of the others, unless...

I teleported me and the spirits of my friends that were asleep in the real world to a desolate place in the mountains. "Guys! Something's wrong!"

Muta pinched Jolyne's arm, making her jolt awake.

But for some reason, she didn't wake up.

"Guys, I think I know a way out of this. But it might be the hardest thing to ever do. EVER." I warned.

Muta spoke "Luna and Nightfall can't help us in this matter."

"Yeah." I agreed, before I found a sword that was in good condition as I used my magic to pick it up and put the edge against my neck, much to my friends' shock and horror. "This is the only way I could think of to wake up. Don't worry, I'll see you guys in the real world when I wake up." I smiled before I sliced my own throat, killing myself, before I jolted up wide awake back on the train without a single wound on me.

Muta bit Midnight on one of the tails, making the tod-tom jolt awake before biting himself on the arm.

The others soon jolted awake before we saw Rengoku standing in his sleep.

Midnight spoke "That was close..."

Sunny spoke "Still, to wake yourself from a dream like that by killing yourself? That’s crazy!"

Midnight spoke "It was a risky move Opal."

“Sorry, but it was the only way I could think of to wake myself up.” I apologized before we noticed ropes tied on our wrists.

“The scent, it’s faint, but it’s the same as the one on the tickets! Somehow, we were put to sleep when these were punched.” Midnight realized before I instinctively dodged an attack from behind, seeing a unicorn mare wielding an ice pick. “What’re you-?!”

Unicorn Mare snaps "You’re all interfering! Now that you creatures are here, we won’t get any happy dreams!"

But then more ponies and other creatures accompanied her, wielding ice picks as well.

Unicorn Mare spoke "*To someone else* What are you doing? Get off your ass, and come help us out! I don’t care if you have tuberculosis. If you don’t do your job, I’ll go tell him, and then he won’t show you anymore dreams!"

A Pegasus stallion rose, seeming hesitant to go through with attacking us while silently crying tears, like he just couldn’t do it. But tuberculosis? That’s a lung disease. That settles it, someone is manipulating them. It’s unforgivable… taking advantage of innocent creatures like this. “I’m sorry, but it looks like I’ll have to knock you out.” I apologized before I put a sleeping spell on the creatures wielding ice picks while the Pegasus stallion was still awake since I didn’t use that spell on him. “You only wanted a happy dream, didn’t you? I know. Because I wanted that too. I wish this and what happened back then was only a bad dream.” I empathized with the unconscious creatures.

Pegasus Stallion thinks "Until I experienced the warmth and sorrow of her soul, I was willing to hurt others if it meant I could escape from the pain of my own illness. But now…"

“Are you okay?” I asked the Pegasus stallion.

Pegasus stallion spoke "I am now. All of you, please be careful."

Midnight growls "How dare you attack the son of the Nine Tailed Terror?"

“Midnight, calm down.” I said to my boyfriend.

Pegasus stallion spoke "I don’t want to fight anyone anymore, and don’t blame the others. There’s a demon who promised to give us happy dreams, and we blindly accepted to that, and so we were ordered to shatter your spiritual cores while connected to your dreams as you slept, but after experiencing the warmth and sorrow in that alicorn’s soul, I realized what I was doing was wrong. So I just couldn’t hurt her, or any of her friends and family."

Shippo asks "What did the demon look like?"

Pegasus Stallion spoke "I don’t know, he only communicated us with his left hand that hand with a mouth on it and with the word Dream on each of his knuckles except the middle finger on that hand."

Shippo spoke "Must have been a Baku type of demon...."

Opaline spoke "Well I’m gonna find it."

A warp ring opens up before Erza steps out.

Erza spoke "Wow Midnight, you've gotten a lot bigger than the last time I saw you."

Midnight gasps "Erza? You’re back?"

Erza spoke "I freaked Natsu out when I got out of limbo."

Midnight "Nice!"

I walked to the door of the train car as I opened it.

Erza spoke "It was funny when Danyelle shot Natsu in the ass with a Chaos Bullet."

Sunny giggles "Heehee! Tell me about it."

Larcen spoke "Hold it Opaline, not smart to look for that demon alone."

Muta spoke "I agree, I'd rather choke on a hairball than let Jolyne get hurt since her dad is unable to right now."

Midnight spoke "I’ll go with Opaline."

Larcen spoke "Same with me, better a trio than a duo."

Sunny spoke "Four is better than three."

Shippo spoke "You can count me, the lardball and the hedgehog in. Seven is better than four."

Muta spoke "Hey! Don't call me Lardball! Only Haru and Hiromi can get away with calling me that!"

Opaline spoke "Okay, but the others stay inside and check on the other train cars."

Muta asks "You coming Jolyne?"

Jolyne scoffs "Tch. Fine, better than screwing around, doing nothing."

Muta spoke "I wish I had a Stand though... I'm just an ordinary fat cat..."

Jolyne spoke "Let’s get going already!"

The seven of us went outside and onto the roof of the train.

Midnight wraps six of his tails around the body of the others so that they don't fall off the top of the train.

Midnight spoke "*Cough before covering nose* It’s the demon. His scent’s too much, even with wind this strong. How did I even sleep through that? Even if each car was was closed off and airtight, I just can’t believe it."

But then we saw someone on the roof of the first car, revealed to be a male abyssinian demon, wearing a tailcoat, and as the pegasus stallion said earlier, his left hand had a mouth on it with the dream kanji on each knuckles except the middle finger.

The Tom spoke "What’s this? You seven are awake now? Good morning. What a shame. You could’ve all stayed dreaming forever. Might as well introduce myself, my name is Enmu."

That’s when the seven of us realized that he’s the one behind this.

Enmu asks "Why are you awake? Did I not show you all a dream tailored to your every desire?"

That got us confused.

Shippo growls "Those were not real!"

Enmu spoke "Hmm. If I had so wished it, it could have been a dream where your family and friends were being slaughtered. Would you have liked that one better? Of course not. Much too distressing. Or here’s an idea. A dream where your long-lost friends comes back to life."

That arrogant punk…!

“I really do love showing people happy, little dreams right before submerging them into a terrible nightmare. Seeing the look of confusion and horror on a creature’s face is simply exquisite. To look upon someone shattered to the absolute core by misfortune, squirming in agony, is like a sweet nectar to me. My methods may seem roundabout, but do not mistaken me for distracted. I will kill those immortals. By mixing my blood with the ink of those tickets, the conductor simply needs to punch the holes in them, at which point… the spell activates. All from a safe distance as well. It took more effort, but it was well worth it. Not being detected is very important, lest the illusion that holds in them in their dream be broken. So why… why is it that these ones managed to wake up? It didn’t take them long to figure out how to, either. Reminds me of that boy with the Hanafuda earrings. How can this be, when the creature desire to wrap themselves in a cheerful world of their own imagination…” Enmu mentally thought to himself before finishing the thought out loud. “Is of such a giant magnitude?”

“Trespassing on a creature’s soul is something I won’t allow! Your intrusion… will not stand!” I growled in anger before Enmu noticed Jolyne and her birthmark.

“What’s this? That birthmark on her neck…” Enmu thought to himself before joyfully smiling. “What good fortune! Like a moth to flame, she came right to me! Could this be a dream? Now I can receive and even greater share of Pale Snake’s power!” Enmu said as the seven of us readied to fight him with Larcen taking a Kung Fu stance.

Midnight growls "Star Platinum!!!"

Star Platinum appeared by Midnight’s side as we charged.

“Blood Demon Art!” Enmu started as he faced the back of his left hand towards us, showing that grin on his hand. “Whispers of Ordained Unconscious Mesmerism.” Enmu mentally finished as his hand spoke, “Go to sleep, dear children.” before we were hit by the spell and fell asleep, before we woke ourselves up. “It didn’t work?” Enmu mentally wondered as we attacked, only for Enmu to dodge and jump back.

A yowl rings loud "CELESTIAL GODS!"

14 out of 15 spirits gang up on Enmu, attacking him.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

The seven of us and the celestial spirits fell asleep before we woke up again.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

We fall asleep again, only to wake up once more.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

We fell asleep, then woke up again.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Sleep now!"

Same action, same result.

Enmu’s left hand spoke "Go to sleep!"

Why are they not affected? No… they are. They’re falling under the spell over and over.”Enmu thought as he dodged our attacks again before he used his technique once more, making us fall asleep. “But each time they do, they remain self-aware… and takes their own lives to reawaken.” Enmu continued thinking to himself as we woke up again before attack him while he dodged. “To commit suicide, even in the middle of a dream, to take their own lives with their own appendages, requires incredible willpower. These rascals… are out of their minds!” Enmu thought again to himself as we were about to attack before he made us fall asleep again. While I was in the dream realm, I was in the Crystal Empire, but the crystals were Sombra-black and stained with blood before Pearl showed up and shoved me. “Why didn’t you save us? We needed you, Opaline. While everyone here died from old age and the rest of your family was trapped in the limbo, where the hell were you? Why were you… the sole survivor?”

But then I found myself in my father’s room as he threw a cup at my face. “You couldn’t even save your own family. You’re so useless.”

Then I found myself in a graveyard near the Crystal Empire, seeing the tombstones of all my friends from here who died of old age before my mother showed up as I turned around to face her. “You’re the one who should’ve been sealed in the limbo that day. But instead you’ve gone and just left us all behind, committing unforgivable crimes.”

That monster…! Making my own family say stuff like that?! That angered me to no end!

Myself and the others woke up as we charged at Enmu.

“Don’t you dare put words in the mouths of my family! They would never ever say that! Your visions… they only insult their memory!” I roared in absolute anger as I cut off his neck with the others combining their attacks with mine, separating the demon’s head from his shoulders.

Danyelle yowls "Cuss! He's not going to go down that easy!!! Demons like him can only be slain by a nichirin sword!!!"

“I understand now… I understand why Pale Snake ordered me to have you and your friends disposed of.” Enmu said as flesh emerged from the train and connected to his head, much to our shock and horror. “Disposed with the princesses! It’s the nature of your very existence. You’re like gaping, blistering sores on one’s heel.”

“He’s not dead?!” My friends and I gasped.

“What lovely expressions on your faces, ones that I have been longing to see.” Enmu laughed. “You’re wondering why I’m still alive, even after you decapitated me. Well, I’ll tell you, since I’m feeling so ecstatic. I’ll try to use small words so even you all can understand it.” Enmu laughed again. “It’s because that wasn’t actually my true self. The same can be said about what’s before you. It may look like my head, but that is not the case. While you were all sleeping like helpless little babies, I fused my being with this entire train! Every inch of it has become my blood, my flesh, right down to my bones! The look in your eyes. You’re starting to understand. For, you see, the more than 200 passengers on this train or should I say hostages will soon become a part of my body. Do you think all of you can protect them? Can all of you alone prevent me from feasting on all the tasty flesh that’s been packed from stem to stern? Or will my appetite be satiated in full?”

The angered us as we charged to attack Enmu, but he laughed as he already retreated into the flesh before it was soaked into the train, causing us to miss him.

Danyelle growls "You forget one little detail! My Stand, Celestial Gods, has brought the train to a STOP!"

Mentally, Enmu thought, “Hehehe. Doesn’t really matter.”

“Guys! We have to protect the passengers!” I urged.

The whale of Celestial Gods whacks the front of the train with its tail, sending sharp pains through Enmu's body.

Midnight teleported all of the passengers out of the train with magic, getting them all to safety.

Danyelle spoke "Thanks, Midnight! Now we just gotta find the neck."

Midnight pants "R-right! and Stand wise, you're one of the most strongest Mobians there is..."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed, but I’ll need to use my nichirin sword if we wanna kill the demon."

Sunny spoke "You got this Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "Michigami!"

A white penguin appears by Danyelle as it guided her to the where Enmu's neck is.

Midnight took flight while carrying the non-flyers with his tails.

We went to the engine of the train as I opened up a tile, revealing the neck bone, but as Danyelle was about to slice it, flesh appeared and guarded it, keeping her from hitting it as we became surrounded by flesh in a fleshy arena.

Danyelle spoke "Tachigami!"

A white rat with a rather large sword attacks the flesh at the same time as Danyelle had with the nichirin sword.

But then more flesh appeared before eyes with the dream kanji on the opened.

Eyes of Forced Unconscious Sleep.” Enmu mentally said. “Dream.”

As all of the eyes stared at Danyelle, she suddenly fell asleep as the other eyes stared at us, making us fall asleep as well, before all of us woke ourselves up, only for the eyes to open and make us fall asleep again, before we woke up again as we realized that we had to keep our eyes closed when we wake up before the eyes made us fall asleep once more.

Danyelle puts a blindfold over her eyes to protect herself.

Danyelle puts her trust in Michigami to attack a certain spot.

But then the conductor showed up and with an ice pick and charged at Midnight.

“Midnight!” I called out.

The Conductor spoke "I won’t let you take away my chance to dream!"

I got in front of the conductor, taking the blow for Midnight as I got stabbed before I used a sleeping spell on him, making the conductor fall asleep.

Midnight roars "OPALINE!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

“Midnight, I’m okay.” I assured my boyfriend as I teleported the conductor away from the train.

Midnight spoke "Do you dare do anything that reckless again... I almost lost you...."

“It’s only a small wound.” I insisted.

Midnight spoke "Your mom would freak if she saw what happened."

Larcen and Tachigami sliced the flesh shield apart as Danyelle breathed out sun flames.

Danyelle spoke "Sun Breathing…"

Danyelle did a full vertical sideways 360 and sliced the neck bone, decapitating the train and Enmu as he screamed/roared.

Danyelle spoke "Clear Blue Sky!"

Amaterasu and Chibiterasu howl loud as they brought the full power of the sun down on the train, melting it.

I can’t regenerate. Have I lost? Am I going to die? Me? Ridiculous. Absurd! There was so much more to do! I couldn’t devour a single creature. My plan to fuse with the train and eat everyone was a complete failure! And now look at what I’ve been reduced to. After all the preparations I had taken… it was him! This is his fault! Even with all the hostages I had in my possession, I still wasn’t able to get the upper hand. Is this the power of a Hashira? That abyssinian was fast too. And then there’s him, a demon fighting alongside demon slayers? What treachery is this? Why is he allowed to live? Damn it. Damn it all. It all started going to hell when that alicorn brat was able to wriggle out of my spell. She’s to blame for this! If I had the strength… I would kill her right now. And that Nekomata queen, I should have killed her when I had the chance, too. But her amount of power, allies and her nichirin sword skills as a demon slayer somehow managed to best me. Her instincts were too strong. Have I truly lost? Is this the end? What a terrible, wretched nightmare this is. Am I no different from those mortal beings who were defeated? Even after receiving so much of his power, I couldn’t defeat them. It’s not fair. If only I could turn back time. Then I could undo this awful, horrible nightmare.” Enmu mentally lamented as he was completely burned to ash.

Danyelle spoke "It's finally over... The nightmares are over..."

“Yeah.” I agreed before I winced from the pain caused by my stomach’s wound.

Midnight spoke "Opal!"

Danyelle used her firebending to sear the wound shut on my stomach.

“Thanks.” I said in gratitude.

Larcen spoke "Oi, that was a close one."

Shippo "Don't remind me... We don't have a doctor on hand at the moment so the cat had to do what she could."

Rengoku spoke "Everyone, great work."

Danyelle spoke "The only major threat left is Pale Snake."

Rengoku spoke "Indeed, but I admit, it will not be easy."

But then a cloud of dust suddenly appeared.

Danyelle coughs "Kazegami! Blow this dust away!"

Kazegami did that, only to reveal… Akaza?! But something was off, he had the Heartless insignia on his chest. I think Chameleo told me about this. When a Heartless takes the form of someone alive and not captured by heartless, it’s called a Soulless. But then Soulless Akaza charged towards me before Rengoku got in front of me and blocked the strike, pushing him away as the Soulless demon copy healed its left arm.

Soulless Akaza spoke "That’s a fine sword."

Rengoku spoke "I see. So Akaza is alive somewhere else."

Grabbing the Cosmic Star keyblade, Danyelle spoke "Careful guys, Soulless are much hard to defeat!"

Rengoku asks "Tell me demon, why would you go after a wounded creature over me?"

Soulless Akaza spoke "I thought that she’d get in the way of our little chit chat is all."

Rengoku spoke "What is it you would like to discuss? While this is our first time meeting, I already dislike you."

Soulless Akaza spoke "Is that right? Well, I dislike weak beings. The mere sight of them makes my skin crawl."

Rengoku spoke "If that is the case, I do not believe we will ever get along."

Soulless Akaza asks "Be that as it may, let me make you and the other strong warriors here an offer. Why don’t you all become demons as well?"

Rengoku spoke "No, thanks."

Shippo spoke "I'm already a demon so TRAMPLE OFF!!"

Midnight growls "Don't touch MY MARE!"

Soulless Akaza asks "I can tell just by looking at all of you that you’re strong. Your fighting spirits have been tempered like quality steel. Your names?

Rengoku spoke "I’m the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku."

Midnight growls "I'm Prince Midnight Storm, son of Kurama and Matatabi."

Danyelle hisses "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Alishia Marrie Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack."

Larcen spoke "Larcen Tyler."

Jolyne scoffs "Tch! Jolyne Kujo."

Muta scoffs "I'm Renaldo Moon, former criminal of the Sol Dimension turned bodyguard to Jolyne Kujo."

Shippo spoke "Just call me Shippo."

I spoke "Wait guys! if you give out your names, you might be targeted by other hostile demons!"

Soulless scoffs "Hmph. I am Akaza. Kyojuro, let me tell you and your friends why, despite being strong, your strength, even combined, is not enough. Because you’re merely mortals, destined to be killed eventually, and others destined to grow old and eventually die. Become demons. Doing so will allow you to better yourself for another hundred, even 200 years."

Rengoku spoke "Both growing old and passing away, these are the things that makes being mortal beautiful. Those may seem like weaknesses to you, but our lives are all the more precious and honorable because of them. You see, true strength does not just refer to the physical body. This mare is not weak. Don’t insult her. Let me be clear. The two of us will never see eye to eye. No matter what twisted reasons you give, I will not yield."

Danyelle growls "Bull crap! I'm immortal! Same with those I had interacted with!"

Soulless Akaza "I see."

Soulless Akaza stomped the ground, causing markings on the ground to appear and glow fire-blue.

Soulless Akaza spoke "Technique Development. Destructive Death, Compass Needle."

The others readied themselves for battle.

Soulless Akaza spoke "I guess I’ll just have to kill all of you then."

Danyelle hisses "Sun Breathing... WHITE HOT FLAME SHOT!!!"

The seven of them charged and clashed at speeds so fast, I couldn’t keep track of either of them!

Danyelle got a whack in with her keyblade, inflicting damage.

But then the wound healed instantly.

Soulless Akaza spoke "In all my years, I’ve never gotten to kill a Flame Hashira or a Warrior Princess! No one has yet to take me up on my offer, either."

Rengoku managed to cut Soulless Akaza’s left wrist.

Soulless Akaza spoke "Why do you think that is? As a fellow master of the martial arts, I just can’t comprehend it. Not when only the chosen ones can become demons!"

Rengoku then sliced off Soulless Akaza’s right arm, countering its instant attack, before it regrew instantly as the seven of them kept clashing with the Soulless.

But suddenly, the damage that Danyelle had caused with the Cosmic Star was too much for Soulless Akaza to handle since it was a god tier Keyblade.

Soulless Akaza laughs "*As his power started to increase* Hahahahaha! Yes! Now this is what I’m talking about!"

Soulless Akaza then struck Danyelle, sending her flying back.

Danyelle threw both her keyblade and nichirin sword through Soulless Akaza's neck, killing him.

Rengoku made sure that Soulless Akaza was done for as he decapitated the Soulless as the real Akaza suddenly appeared at struck the Heartless Copy at the heart.

Picking her weapons back up, Danyelle spoke "It's dead."

Rengoku spoke "With a demon like that, it’s best to make sure by decapitating it with a nichirin sword. And I can tell the real Akaza has changed."

Danyelle spoke "I've got the most rarest Keyblade in existence too."

Larcen apoke "I’ll admit, that’s no small feat."

Danyelle spoke "I'm immortal... I have the rarest keyblade in existence as well as the most rarest stand that only I can wield. I have a nichrin sword which was given to me by Sumarda."

Sumarda appeared. “And believe me, the ore that nichirin swords are made of are hard to come by in my dimension.”

Danyelle spoke "But it's odd that Anzu's got one though..."

Sunny spoke "There's a pair of Zorua on my back...."


Battle to Survive! Celestial Gods Versus Pale Snake!

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*Danyelle’s POV*

Jolyne told us that Savage Guardian was coming soon, and that we need to meet up with it at Zephyr Heights, before Emporio said that he wanted to show us something that can help as we followed him into Burn Down the House.

I was soon sitting down on the floor since I couldn't sit on the couch.

I ask "Okay Emporio, what is it?"

Emporio spoke "I think you might need help in case trouble finds you."

We saw a male coyote Mobian with a white furry hat with golden horns on it, sitting in a piano and a male giant otter Mobian with pink fur and a heart-shaped hat.

Jolyne asks "Hey, Emporio, who are those guys?"

Emporio spoke "Oh, don’t worry. They’re not enemies. He’s prefer to sleep in a bed of course, but unfortunately for him, there simply isn’t one to be found in this room. So, naturally, he’s got no other choice but to sleep in the grand piano."

The otter Mobian then walked away and opened a door, leaving the room into another.

As the coyote Mobian came out of the piano, Emporio spoke "He wants to tag along with you two. It’d be a good idea to let him. He’ll be a great help. I forgot to mention. His name is Weather Forecast."

Soon, Jolyne, Weather Forecast and I were out of the ghost room as we made our way to Zephyr Heights.

I spoke "I'm Emporio's adopted mother by the way."

Midnight and Muta soon catch up with Jolyne and I.

Emporio: You can let your guard down with Weather Forecast. The reason why he doesn’t talk much is because he lost his memories.

Jolyne asks "Memories?"

Emporio spoke &He doesn’t have any memory of his childhood or even how he ended up in Equestria. He likes to stretch out and walk on his toes. He loves reading TV guides, but he doesn’t watch TV. Whenever he does speak, he doesn’t open his mouth very wide, so he tends to talk right in front of your face. Oh, and his nose breath is warm."

Jolyne asks "Wait, so does this mean Pale Snake stole Weather Forecast’s memories?"

Emporio spoke "Probably. So because of this, he wants to find out who he really is. Also, Weather Forecast wants to help figure out why your father’s memory disc was stolen from him."

Weather Forecast whispered something to Emporio.

Emporio spoke "He said, he isn’t the sort of Stand User who has been made one created with a DISC, so it sounds like Weather Forecast was born a Stand User."

That surprised us.

Muta spoke "Regardless, one of us doesn't have a Stand though but the others do. Not to mention, Celestial Gods is the most strongest Stand we have on our side. Which means that Pale Snake monster will likely target Danyelle first."

Emporio spoke "Yes, but I should tell you that Weather Forecast’s power…"

Small clouds started appearing near Weather’s head.

Emporio spoke "…is to alter and control weather phenomena. It’s named…"

The clouds got bigger and took form of a humanoid being.

Emporio spoke "Weather Forecast!"

As we arrived at Zephyr Heights, Weather Forecast’s rain tipped a mug of pens and markers on a nearby piano and played an impressive tune, before falling with the rain.

Muta spoke "If I had a Stand, it would be kinda cat-like in appearance."

Weather spoke "Just act like you didn’t notice. Pretend."

But then we noticed something.

Weather spoke "Well, seems someone was surprised by the sound and decided to look around the area. I was able to confirm this. It would appear that there’s somebody who knows you’re making a move, and they’ve come here to check up on you. And now, I’ve seen the enemy’s face."

We saw a male jackalope Mobian before we decided to run as the strange Mobian started following us.

Jolyne spoke "Oh, crap. I had no idea he was already this close to us all. But if that guy is a Stand User, then we’re going to have take care of it right now this instant!"

Emporio spoke "Don’t do it, guys! It’s better to hide from him."

Jolyne asks "Huh?"

Emporio spoke "Keep on running! He doesn’t know that you’re trying to make your way to the castle’s top! Think about it. He only came to find us because he must not know what you talked about on the phone! If he knew what your plan was, then he would’ve headed directly to the castle. That’s why he’s chasing after us right now instead of trying to beat us there!"

I grab Jolyne and Emporio with my magic as I airlift Muta, taking flight to the top of Haven's castle.

Wings flapping, Midnight spoke "But he can't fly though!"

But when that guy jumped, it was like he was suddenly in zero gravity before he spat twice, hitting a leg of mine and Jolyne.

Jolyne asks "Who… Who the hell is that freak?"

Emporio spoke "We gotta lose him! Hurry! Before he catches up to us!"

I spoke "Moegami, lead that jackalope away from us!"

But then the jackalope was suddenly gone.

Jolyne spoke "What the hell was going on with that guy, anyways? The way he ran on all fours was so strange. We were pretty lucky."

I spoke "Before I got my cutie mark, I once ran on all fours."

Jolyne spoke "That’s not what I really meant, Danyelle."

Soon, we landed, but we still had twenty minutes left, so we went inside.

Midnight spoke "to be honest with you Jolyne, I don't want to give up the disc but I have to...."

Jolyne spoke "Calm down, Midnight."

I sighed as I sat on a couch, but a minute later, for some reason, I couldn’t feel the floor.

Muta spoke "He's just stressed out, we all are... Wait... something's wrong with Danyelle!"

I looked around and saw that the couch I’m on is suddenly in zero gravity, causing me to panic and jumped off, only to realize that I was in zero-gravity too.

Jolyne gasps "What the hell?!"

Jolyne tried to step back, but slipped, before floating in zero gravity.

Jolyne asks "What? What is this? What the hell is all of this? Could it really be…?"

Jolyne tried to get somewhere, only to spin in zero gravity.

Jolyne asks "Wha-What the…?"

My blastia glowed brightly all of a suddenly, cancelling out the zero gravity effect on myself and Jolyne.

I spoke "That was bloody close.... Remind me to smack Jet the next time I see him."

Jolyne spoke "Wait! I don’t think Jet’s doing this!"

“Jolyne, what are you talking about?” Midnight asked before putting a paw on Jolyne’s shoulder when she and I suddenly found ourselves in zero-gravity again!

Jolyne asks "Every single thing we touch inexplicably becomes unmoored, suspended in the air. Like that couch you were sitting on. And even the two of us! But since when? Did all of this weird stuff begin when that strange guy started to chase after us? During his pursuit, he spit some sort of substance at the two of us, Danyelle. Is that why?"

Midnight started floating in zero-gravity too.

Jolyne spoke "Oh no! Midnight touched me, getting stuck in midair. Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean appeared as she shot a thread, but it went out of control.

Jolyne groans "Just my luck. Why can’t I control my thread? We don’t have any sense of direction, up or down. There’s no gravity here! We must be in a zero-gravity zone!"

I spoke "Wait... This is like the arks of the Cosmos! The power is the same!"

I pull out one of the arks of the Cosmos from my hammerspace and use it to cancel out the zero gravity effect.

But somehow, the cancel only lasted a few seconds as we were back floating in zero-gravity, same with the others in the room.

Weather spoke "Don’t panic. The enemy has to be somewhere in this room. He must be hiding."

But then Jolyne got a bit uncomfortable. “There’s… a little bit of a problem. It’s sort of hard to say it out loud. The thing is, it’s a personal matter. Although, I’m at a physical limit, so I’m troubled. Um… and…I don’t know why it became a problem so suddenly. Uh… well… but, um… I do think it happens to everyone sometimes."

Most of us were confused by that.

I spoke "Damn it! Blastias don't work, neither does the ark of the cosmos!"

I flung my keyblade at a certain spot, whacking something on the head hard and freeing the others.

A cloaked unicorn stallion with a magical staff showed up with a male owl gryphon.

Owl gryphon spoke "Now that hurts! Hoo!"

But then the others were back in zero-gravity.

Weather spoke I see. When you find yourself in zero-gravity, the blood in your body will suddenly collect at your head. That blood is usually down in the lower parts of the body because of gravity. Between your skin and bones is flesh that’s squishy and swollen with blood. It’s called moon face.”

I touched my forehead and it did feel squishy.

Weather spoke "However, it can be dangerous when too much blood goes into your head, and thus your kidneys automatically begin working to lessen the amount of blood in you. That’s why there’s a severe diuretic effect. It removes sodium content through you-know-what, and thins out the blood."

We then realized what Weather was talking about.

My magic flares up, coating myself and the others in a gravity bubble.

I hiss "What gives you jerks?"

But the gravity bubble suddenly vanished, being negated.

Unicorn Stallion spoke "Calm yourselves, we do not want to fight you. We want to help you. My name is Xavier Pendragon, and this is my companion, Hooter. We are both from the year of 1692 A.D. as we realized that we were sent forward through time."

But then blood from a wound on Jolyne and her nose started being sucked into in the wall’s seam.

Jolyne spoke "Guys! Something’s wrong with my blood!"

Weather spoke "Mine too. It’s coming out of my wound from earlier."

Jolyne: My nose won’t stop bleeding either! It’s gushing!"

Weather spoke "It’s so… so painful. Slowly. Could this be… how I die? *Noticing nuts and bolts flying towards Jolyne* Jolyne!"

Jolyne summoned Stone Ocean as she punched the projectiles away, but got a cut on her right arm as the blood from it started getting sucked up too, before Xavier and Hooter were suddenly flying towards us as Midnight caught them.

Midnight spoke "Gotcha!"

Jolyne spoke "Wait a minute, everything Danyelle and I touch enters zero-gravity. We touched the doors, floors and walls. That means this room itself has become zero-gravity! Air! Air doesn’t stay put within a zero-gravity zone! It’ll get pulled by surrounding gravity and then escape! We need to fill the gaps in the walls! Or at this rate, we’ll suffocate if we don’t seal them quickly!"

Weather spoke "No, Jolyne. What we actually need is to worry about is not suffocation, but the fact that our blood will boil, and we’ll die from that before we even run out of air. While within a vacuum, a creature’s blood will boil right up like water. A vacuum with zero-gravity makes one’s blood boil dry up in 20 seconds. It’s quite a long time before the individual would ever suffocate."

Nuts and bolts suddenly flew at us again as I teleported the projectiles to the ground.

Weather spoke "We’re gonna get shot. So we need to hide somewhere."

Jolyne spoke "What are you talking about? My nose is still bleeding way too much! We gotta stop the air flow!"

Weather spoke "Weather Forecast!"

Clouds suddenly surrounded me, Jolyne, Weather and the others in zero-gravity before we hid somewhere as the vacuum stopped while we wore some kind of astronaut suits made of clouds as we breathed normally and stopped bleeding.

Muta spoke "That was bloody terrifying!!!!"

I spoke "Blastia, ark of the cosmos, magic, chaos barrier... Nothing will work against that kind of stand... Unless... Amaterasu, Chilbiterasu! Flush out the one behind this!"

Weather spoke "Take good care not to breathe too heavily. I collected what remaining air was left within this room and covered our bodies with clouds in order to trap it."

Jolyne asks "So this… is a cloud suit?"

Weather spoke "You could put it like that, yeah."

Tachigami knocked a wall down with Power Slash, creating a large gap so the others and I could breathe easier.

Jolyne spoke "Wait a second. Look over there."

We looked at a part of the room in the distance and saw that the stuff there was affected by normal gravity.

Jolyne spoke "Danyelle and I touched the floor, walls, doors, and even shutters of this room. That’s why the whole place entered into zero-gravity, and now everything’s floating. But then why are the stuff there not floating too? They’re attached to the floor instead. Also, our strange foe. How is the enemy possibly breathing inside of this vacuum? Given the circumstances, shouldn’t the blood of that freak be boiling up? I see! That’s his attack range distance! His zero-gravity’s got a distance range, and it doesn’t extend through the whole room!"

Muta spoke "Now we need a plan to stop him!"

“We gotta move!” I urged as we started moving before nuts and bolts were fired at us again while Jolyne and I deflected them, unfortunately one of them hit Weather’s cloud suit as we saw that jackalope mobian floating forward while out of the zero-gravity area. I think I heard of him, his name was Lang Rangler.

Lang spoke "No way in hell you can get out of my attack range, you fools!"

A stand appeared beside him.

Jolyne spoke "He’ll try to shoot us down, specially Weather Forecast. But we won’t let him! We’ll do everything we can to guard Weather Forecast!"

Lang spoke "Now! Jumpin’ Jack Spark!"

Lang fired more nuts and bolts as we deflected them right back, but Lang dodged them, before firing again as we deflected them once more, but the deflected projectiles missed.

I spoke "Itegami! Whip up THE WORST BLIZZARD YOU CAN CREATE!!! Kyokugami! MAGNETIZE HIM!!!"

Itegami blinds Lang with a blizzard as Kyokugami magnetized the ground under the jackalope, stopping him from moving.

But the spinning balls on his stand’s wrist couldn’t stop moving as they shot nuts and bolts at an large empty water bottle, ricocheting off it before Stone Ocean stretched out her arm with a thread attached and deflected the shots.

Jolyne spoke "Weather Forecast is going to reach the oxygen in a few feet. As soon as our ally gets to that supply of fresh air, he’s going to corner you!"

Lang spoke "If you want it that badly, then have some air. You don’t even have to leave the area. Just a moment ago I finished my attack and hit my true target."

We then heard a crinkle as we saw that water bottle from he shot earlier, floating in Z-gravity and dented.

Lang spoke "I was not attempting to direct the bullets to hit the Mobian you call Weather Forecast. I meant to hit that giant empty bottle to damage it!"

The bottle then became crushed and started to inflate.

Lang spoke "There’s air in the empty water bottle, correct? If I’m right, the air inside of that bottle is on the brink of bursting from being pressurized in a vacuum."

The giant empty water bottle soon sprung a leak as it rocketed towards Weather.

Jolyne: Weather Forecast!

It was too late though as the bottle slammed into Weather, cracking his could suit’s helmet as he was sent flying further away from the exit.

Lang: He’s been pushed back into the zero-gravity. He’s finished now! Done for! Your pathetic friend probably can’t obtain enough air power to stop that momentum anymore.

“This is bad!” I dread as my panic caused Itegami and Kyokugami to vanish and withdraw as Weather’s skin started swelling with blood.

Jolyne suddenly punched her cloud suit, making a hole on the left shoulder and causing her to move toward Weather as I followed her.

Weather spoke "Jo-Jolyne! Danyelle! The heck are you two doing? Go… go back! He’s going to shoot you! On top of that, you’ll lose oxygen just from the moving force!"

Lang spoke "*Unblinded and free to move* They make decisions so quickly. You’re trying to stop the cloud guy’s movement with your bodies, and this push him out away from the zero-gravity zone again. Any yet… Neither of you won’t be able to get away from me like that!"

Jumpin’ Jack Spark shot nuts and bolts at Jolyne and me as we deflected them.

Lang spoke" I’m already well aware. Your Stands are extremely powerful. The high speed of my rotation bullets would easily be flicked away as you defended yourselves. *As Jolyne and I kept deflecting projectiles* I prepared this for that reason. I looked over for them everywhere! I captured them and hid them away."

Two projectiles came at Jolyne and I, and to our shot, it was live rats!

Lang laughs "There’s a lot of them."

Jolyne spoke "Rodents! And they’re alive! *As the rats started swelling up* Could it possible be…? This is… Stone Ocean! Flick those dirty rodents away from us!"

Stone Ocean punched the two rats, causing them to explode and spraying blood onto our helmet visors, blinding us.

Jolyne spoke "I… I can’t see!"

Lang laughs "There we go. I didn’t think you two would be able to push through my zero-gravity power this much. But you two are defenseless now! It’s over! Final blow, Jolyne Kujo and Alpha-Queen Danyelle!"

Lang fired nuts and bolts, and hit our cloud suits dead on.

Lang gasps "With this, my mission is officially complete! Jumpin’ Jack Spark is the best stand in the world. I don’t think I could ever lose to anybody. I’m glad to have gotten into Equestria. I’ve obtained enormous power here. There may be nothing I can’t do in this world. My future’s the color of an invincible rose! I’m gonna extract the disc from Prince Midnight and hand it over to Pale Snake, and then defeat him too if I deem it necessary. I’ll do it with my own hands! Huh?"

Lang noticed threads attacked to his nuts and bolts, connected through his spinning wrist gauntlets to the projectiles stuck on our cloud suits, as Jolyne and I were unharmed.

Lang: Wha-?"

“That was real risky, Jolyne.” I quipped.

Jolyne spoke "Oh, we knew it. We were so certain you would do it. How predictable. We were just waiting for you to reload. While you were reloading your screw bullets, I was hiding my time with my threads flying. And then you foolishly shot those and us."

Lang gasps "This thread! When in the hell did you…?"

“Now! Amaterasu! Chibiterasu!” I urged!

Jolyne spoke "Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean, Chibiterasu and Amaterasu appeared as the stands pulled the threads, pulling Lang into the zero-gravity zone as he started to swell.

Lang screams "Hey! *Screams of pain*"

Midnight howls "STAR PLATINUM!!!"

As Star Platinum appeared,Jolyne spoke "Looks like you were the one who got completely affected by the vacuum. Also, since you don’t have a cloud suit of your own, your blood will boil up and explode even faster than ours will. We’ve beaten you! If you don’t wanna die, then you’ve got to dismiss this zero-gravity immediately!"

But then we noticed Lang holding a glass bottle of something as he mentally thought, “That crime I committed, which got me into Equestria in the first place. How many times did I stab that woman? When I killed my college professor, the prosecutor said I stabbed the lady precisely 69 times. This is the same feeling as then. I feel it again, after so long! I won’t forgive them for looking down on me!” before we saw the murder in his eyes. “You little…! *Adding something into the bottle, causing the gas inside it to expand* Add peroxide to manganese dioxide, and a chemical reaction occurs, and oxygen is produced. Exactly like the oxygen in this bottle, it keeps on spewing outwards! *As the glass bottle cracked* After such a long time, that feeling of wanting to murder somebody has come back! You’re dead! I’ll carve an epitaph into the flesh of your corpse with shards of glass and make it reek of urine!” Lang growled as he threw the glass bottle at us before it exploded, shooting glass shards at Jolyne, Midnight and I, shredding our cloud suits to pieces and cutting us a lot. “With those fresh cuts on your bodies, your blood will explode before mine does! This is how your lives end, Jolyne Kujo, Alpha-Queen Danyelle and Prince Midnight! I got sent to Equestria for stabbing someone, and I’ll kill you three and your friends by carving you up so you’ll all burst, then leave this place having become invincible!”

But then clouds surrounded me, Jolyne and Midnight, forming new cloud suits as Weather sacrificed his oxygen to make those suits to save us.

Weather asks "I’ll give mine to the three of you. It should be enough to defeat him. Jolyne, Danyelle, Midnight, it’s enough, right?"

Weather gagged as he kept swelling and fell unconscious.

“Weather Forecast!” Jolyne, Midnight and I gasped.

“What in the hell?!” Lang said in shock as he mentally thought, “This… This is bad. My body is also at its limit. If I release the zero-gravity, air will flow it. I might get away if I use that air flow! Releasing zero-gravity! Jumpin’ Jack Spark!” Lang shouted as his stand appeared and canceled out the zero-gravity zone, allowing air to rush in as Jolyne, Midnight and I punched him with our stands as he flew away but then back to their fists.

Jolyne spoke "You should’ve just released zero-gravity from the start. You could’ve escaped from our wrath using the wind pressure. If you’d released it while you still had distance between our stands. Instead, because of your arrogance, you waited. Now the sudden air is blowing you back to us!"

Our stands delivered a storm of attacks on Lang, as our final blow sent him flying into a trash can while we landed safely on the ground.

I shot white-hot fire from my mouth at the trash can as well as Lang, incinerating him.

Jolyne asks "How long until Speedwagon gets here? What’s left? Minutes? Seconds?"

My ears twitch at the sound of wings flapping but something was wrong.

“We should check outside.” I suggested.

Muta spoke "Yeah."

Jolyne spoke "Wait, Weather should stay here."

I carry the coyote with my magic.

I spoke "He's hurt so he needs treatment. We don't have a doctor on hand or paw in Midnight's case."

Xavier spoke "Indeed, we must find him medical assistance."

Hooter spoke "Agreed. Hoo!"

I spoke "Last thing we need is Pale Snake attacking us when our guard is down."

We went outside, only to find ourselves surrounded by Nobodies!

I yowl loudly "ZOEY!!!! SORA!!! KAIRI!!!"

A sudden sonic strawberryboom was seen as several nobodies get sent flying and set on fire as Zoey flew past them.

Two blasts of blue magic hits a few Nobodies, destroying them.

Two Chrysalises flew into battle but only one was the real deal.

“What the?!” I gasped in shock.

The real Chrysalis smirked at me before grabbing a Nobody by the neck with her magic and yeets it far away, clonking Pierce on the head when he was about to prank Moeka.

“Nice!” I smiled as more melted coming before the copy Chrysalis suddenly turned into… The World?!

Minus Kabegami and Michigami, the other 17 pieces of my Stand appear and attack the Nobodies.

But then we dodged gunshots as we saw some Nobodies wielding live gun firearms!

Midnight roars loud as he shot fire from his mouth in a widespread wave, incinerating the gunslinging Nobodies!

Weather asks "Is there… Anyone outside in Zephyr Heights?"

I checked and double-checked, and every inhabitant in the city were inside the buildings. “No.”

A white alicorn mare with rose-magenta eyes and a mane in sea green and fiery red was blasting the Nobodies with fire magic.

Light Breeze spoke "Prince Midnight! Alpha-Queen Danyelle! It's so good to see you again!!!"

Midnight chuckles "Heh! Same thing, Princess Light Breeze!"

“Been a long time, buddy!” I smiled.

Using Weather Forecast, Weather spoke "Then I’m afraid this is all I can offer at this point."

Weather went unconscious as a Nobody was about to strike me from behind, but something went splat on its hand, revealed to be a blue frog with black dots, leaking green ooze. Wait a minute… blue with black dots? A poison dart frog?! Then another poison dart frog splattered on its head!

All of us were majorly confused.

Chrysalis spoke "Now isn't the best time for idle chitchat! I just saw a bunch of those things heading to the castle!"

Midnight spoke "Guys… It’s worse than that! Look up!"

We looked up and saw the clouds literally raining poison dart frogs all over Zephyr Heights! And we were caught in the storm, but we also saw the Nobodies taking damage from the poison from the frogs’ fatal impacts. But then I remembered a story that was between the years of 1887 and 1974, in the state of Florida alone, there were more than 50 reported cases of fish, frogs, snakes and sheep falling from the sky in unbelievable numbers. They said it was caused by a tornado. We kept fighting the Nobodies as we kept the poison dart frogs away from impacting on us by catching them as we knew that if they survive their fall, their poison wouldn’t splatter or hurt us.

Moegami shot fire from his beak though it was a lot stronger than normal since my element was fire.

I put poison proof shields over myself and the others, causing the frogs to bounce off the shields instead.

But the battle pretty much left us exhausted as the skies then cleared as we decided to play dead with Stone Ocean covering us with live poison dart frogs in its thread form before Pale Snake showed up.

Pale Snake scoffs "The rain has stopped. But where… are Jolyne Kujo, Danyelle, Midnight and their allies’ lifeless bodies? If I find them, I should find the disc. Huh? *Notices us under live frog pile* “The soul of a deceased criminal returns to Earth in the form of a frog, in the name of trying to bring its companion to the land of the dead.” I have heard that in the East there are stories of a similar nature, but this horror is truly the personification of that proverb. Nonetheless, the disc I seek must be in Midnight.

Pale Snake touched Midnight as Star Platinum’s disc ejected from him before the stand grabbed it.

Pale Snake laughs "I have retrieved the DISC."

*Midnight’s POV*

That risk… It took a lot outta me, but then I felt a new power from within as my flames felt stronger as Luna showed up before stands emerged from me and her.

“That doesn’t belong to you!” I shouted as my new stand and I struck the disc out of Pale Snake’s hand and into the sky with the others revealing themselves from the frog piles.

Jolyne spoke "Yuck! This is so gross. They’re all over my face. Makes me wanna throw up. The poison only comes out when the frogs splatter on impact, so if they don’t explode, they’re harmless. That’s why I made a large net using live frogs, in order to lessen the impact of the frogs still falling. Which allowed us to lay in wait for you to drop your guard."

Pale Snake spoke "It doesn’t matter! You lost! Accept your fate and die!"

Pale Snake was about to strike us when we heard a shackle, looking up and saw Star Platinum’s disc cuffed to a pigeon’s leg as it flew off with the cargo.

Jolyne spoke "Actually, it… was already here. The Speedwagon Foundation’s messenger wasn’t Mobian, Equestrian, or any other mythical creature. You just didn’t even see that it was here right on time. Swerving through the deadly rain of frogs like an angel, it made it to this castle. Savage Guardian is the name of that pigeon. And like all trained carrier pigeons, it will bring the disc to its rightful place."

Pale Snake grabbed a gun and aimed it at the pigeon, only for us to hear a click, realized that it was out of ammo.

Pale Snake angrily spoke "Ugh, idiotic Nobodies! They completely emptied the clips of bullets. Damn it!"

Jolyne spoke "We won."

Pale Snake spoke "Don’t underestimate me, you insolent brats! This changes nothing! Even with Star Platinum returned, your father will be nothing more than a broken puppet! He will never be able to recognize you as his own daughter again! This little game is over!"

He was about to strike, but stopped as we all heard voices, realizing that ponies were arriving, before Pale Snake fled. We kept holding onto our consciousness, but ultimately failed as all of us here, even Danyelle, have fainted.

One hour later, we found ourselves in the hospital.

Danyelle's left eye was yellow due to sight sharing since her Latias was following Pale Snake while invisible.

Danyelle groans "that jerk..."

Weather sighs "I’m sorry… I couldn’t help you more."

Danyelle spoke "I got my Latias following Pale Snake while invisible, I don't want her to get hurt or worse. I can also see what she sees, it's a little something called sight sharing."

Xavier spoke "I admit, it is impressive. But after having a glance at this Pale Snake, I could already tell he will be extremely difficult to track down, even with sight-sharing. But it is not impossible."

Light Breeze spoke "Even with the most powerful Stand in existence on our side, that Pale Snake jerk is slippery."

Zipp showed up. “I would’ve said ‘As slippery as an eel.’ but I thought at would’ve been insulting.”

Danyelle's right eye flashed white, triggering a vision.

*Danyelle's POV*

I was looking through the eyes of an imprisoned Jolyne when I saw Enrico walking past while something floated beside him.

What the hell?” I mentally thought before my vision ended, returning me back to the hospital. I was suspicious of Pucci before, but now I’m more suspicious of him. I still can’t jump the gun yet though.

Muta asks "What happened?"

“No idea, but I’m have more suspicions now.” I answered.

Chibiterasu had his head resting on my lap.

Light Breeze spoke "I don't trust that Pucci guy... He gives me the creeps..."

“Still, we can’t jump the gun until we have all the info.” I pointed out.

Muta spoke "Agreed... But we should be careful. That Pale Snake is dangerous."

Xavier asks "Hmm… Have you already met Yamato and Larcen?"

I spoke "Yeah."

Xavier spoke "I feel like I’ve met them before."

I spoke "We'll deal with that after we get rid of Pale Snake."

Chrysalis spoke "We will stop that jerk!"


Maretime Bay Day 2.0/ Mega Friends!

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*Rarity’s POV*

Ah! Maretime Bay Day! Such a fine day indeed.

Blizzardstar chuckles "And with Hearts and Hooves Day being 12 days away, I can imagine all of the couples are going to be busy."

Snowfire spoke "Hi momma!"

Mythic and River were play-fighting over a stick.

“Indeed, although there will be those competing for others.” I noted.

Blizzardstar chuckles "And I plan to treat you to a fancy dinner that day."

I giggled, “Oh you!”

Blizzardstar chuckles "You're the only one for me Rarity, wings and all."

“Now all this love-talk is making me quite feisty.” I purred.

Blizzardstar spoke "I aim to please."

Akari groans "And Auntie Cadence is spazzing out...."

Twilight giggled.

Midnight was in his true size as he carried Danyelle and a few others back to Maretime Bay since they had a nasty run-in with Pale Snake.

“Oh dear…” I dreaded.

A unicorn stallion and male owl gryphon was accompanying them.

Twilight gasps "Midnight, what happened?!"

Danyelle growls "Pale Snake happened..."

“Did you manage to meet up with Savage Guardian?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "We did but we ran into a few dozen Nobodies as well... They're as stupid as Ein."

“No doubt about that.” I snickered in agreement.

Light Breeze then showed up. “And you wouldn’t have believed what Weather did to help us out! He made it literally rain poison dart frogs!”

“Who?” Blizzardstar, Twilight and I asked in confusion.

Jolyne spoke "A new ally of ours, and a natural-born Stand User."

Midnight spoke "Not to mention.... This black sheep of the Sparkle family has a Stand now."

Twilight gasps "*Shocked* …Wait, what?"

Midnight spoke "Well, it's my first official stand since Star Platinum was borrowed."

Twilight’s eye was certainly twitching.

Danyelle spoke "Twilight....."

Midnight showed his stand and demonstrated its power, making Twilight faint.

Danyelle called forth all 19 pieces of her Stand, freaking Lillian and Tempest out.

Danyelle spoke "Sorry about that."

Lillian spoke "You're the most CRAZIEST cat I have ever known!"

Danyelle spoke "I’ll take that as a compliment."

X spoke "Hey guys."

X then showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey X."

X spoke "It’s been a while, Danyelle."

Megaman.EXE spoke "That reminds me! My sister's been working on a little project since the start of the new year."

Roll spoke "Yeah."

Then we saw Zipp.

Danyelle teleported with the robot and the two NetNavi-Mobian hybrids to her place.

Roll spoke "I'll go get the project then."

The hedgefox-NetNavi heads off before returning while pushing a trolley that was covered.

“Oookay…?” I said in confusion before I asked Zipp, “Is everything alright?”

Zipp nervously asks "Uh… Yeah?"

Polished was carrying a foxpony colt by the scruff with his mouth.

Polished spoke "*ahem*"

I sighed as I had a certain feeling about something. “Something’s wrong with Pipp?”

Hitch spoke "PIPP'S GONE MISSING! As has Wind Whisper!"

Izzy spoke "I said I was sorry!"

Zoey spoke "Anzu's gone too!"

Amy and Renee both spoke "Same with Estelle and Yuri!"

Midnight face-pawed.

Holo spoke "Even Myuri is missing!"

A loud howl followed by a dying scream was heard.

Jolyne spoke "That is not good!"

Myuri shows up with the missing Mobians and ponies while carrying a decapitated jackal body in her mouth but it wasn't any of the jackals that made up the Canterlot branch of the Mobian Guard.

“What… happened?” I asked in utter shock.

Myuri drops the body of a white jackal on the ground.

Myuri spoke "I heard a Latias scream in pain so I went to look and there she was... Being strangled by a white male jackal with black stripes."

But then the body suddenly faded, revealed as an illusion.

Myuri spoke "Nothing can fool a wise wolf. My ma and I can't be fooled by illusions."

Pale Snake spoke "You truly are unique."

We looked up and saw Pale Snake on the roof, not wounded at all.

Pale Snake spoke "It wasn’t an illusion, but a vision. You saw what you wanted to see."

Pale Snake then suddenly vanished.

But just as Pale Snake was about to vanish, a sudden Luster Purge hits him hard.


Pale Snake didn’t show any reaction as he completely faded.

But the damage was already done.

Pipp was holding her dead filly close while crying.

Zipp punched a wall in anger.

Latios gave up his life force to bring Wind Whisper back to life.

A Soul Dew was fused to Whisper's chest since she was now a Pegasus-Latias hybrid.

Whisper spoke "M-momma...."

Pipp spoke "Wind Whisper! *Sobbing!* It’s okay, mommy’s here and won’t let you get hurt ever again."

Whisper spoke "Ias..."

The young hybrid cries.

Danyelle had comforted Latias since she was crying.

But then a light appeared before fading, leaving a crater in its wake.

Raiju, Enkai and Sui surround Danyelle and Latias.

Serena asks "What is that?"

But then we heard a groan as we saw a Pegasus Stallion emerged from it, but he was half-pony and half-machine and looked like a kickboxer.

The Pegasus Stallion asks "Wait… What year is this?"

Danyelle spoke "2240 A.D."

The Pegasus Stallion spoke "So I was sent back in time again."

Latias was depressed since her brother had given up his life to save a young filly.

The Pegasus Stallion asks "Wait, did I interrupt something?"

Danyelle spoke "Long story short.... A violent Stand killed a defenseless foal... My Latios had given his life up to save the child, not realizing the effects it had on my Latias..."

Serena asks "Say Ash, didn't you once know a Latios that gave up its life to save a city?"

Ash spoke "Man… Talk about deja vu…"

Danyelle spoke "But even a halfbreed Latias such as Wind Whisper can be targeted by bad people like Team Rocket if we're not careful. That Soul Dew is part of her now and if it gets ripped out, she can never be revived a second time."

The Pegasus Stallion looked at himself at hearing that.

Danyelle spoke "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, leader of the Crystal Stars hive-pack. I'm also known as the Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Friend to All Legendary Pokémon, Hero of Equis, Keen Cat and Tamer of Fenrir and Slime."

The Pegasus Stallion spoke "My name is R.A.X. Coswell, a cyborg kickboxer from 2345 A.D. The first name stands for Robotic Artificial Exoskeleton, but you can call me RAX."

Danyelle spoke "Nice to meet you."

A Heartless appeared and jumped at RAX from behind before his metallic hoof was surging with electricity as he flipped around and punched the Heartless with the electrified hoof, electrocuting the Heartless and causing it to scream as it turned black and burned to ash.

Danyelle sliced five heartless to ribbons with her nichirin sword.

Zoey groans "What is it with Heartless and Maretime Bay?"

Danyelle pulled out a Pokemon themed keyblade and tossed it to Ash.

Ash asks "You sure?"

Danyelle spoke "I don't think Serena would be happy if you got killed in battle plus keyblades appear to those worthy of wielding them."

Ash spoke "Okay."

Yamato and Larcen showed up as they, Xavier and Hooter helped us fight the Heartless. Larcen grabbed a Heartless before bringing out a butterfly knife and stabbed it multiple times, defeating it. Yamato brought out a katana and diagonally sliced a Heartless before piercing it with a thrust, causing it to disappear in defeat. Xavier used his staff and shrunk a Heartless before he stomped on that enemy, squishing it as it was defeated.

Danyelle sliced hundreds of heartless to ribbons.

All of a sudden, three large Heartless explode because of a new keyblade.

Megaman spoke "They keep on coming!!!"

Geo spoke "Good thing I’m here to help!"

Anzu spoke "And me too! I left my daughter in Kayla's care."

Much to Danyelle's surprise, the Straw Hat gang arrive to help!

Luffy spoke "ALRIGHT!!! Let’s do this!"

Nami spoke "YEAH!!!!"

Zoro spoke "Heh. About time we get some action."

Danyelle spoke "TILL EQUESTRIA ENDS!!!"

Sonic, Ben, Knuckles and Yuki spoke "MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!"

Zoey yowls as she flew into battle while singing thus boosting morale of the other fighters.

Icicles suddenly flew in, hitting Heartless as a familiar falcon/cheetah gryphon showed up.

Greta screeches as several blades of air slice many Heartless to pieces.

Bold spoke "Second Generation Pony Guard! ATTACK!!!"

Astral knocked back some heartless with his Roar.

Midnight rips a large Heartless's head off.

Pet Shop screeched as Horus appeared on his back and fired more icicles.

Gilda and Ezekiel flew into the fight.

Enkai, Raiju, Sui, Groudon, Zekrom and Reshiram rip several Heartless to pieces.

Kyogre blasts several Heartless with Hydro Pump, filling them up with water and causing them to explode.

Iggy showed up as he summoned The Fool, attacking the Heartless.

Quartz impaled several with her earthbending.

Danyelle spoke "Now I see what caused the Joestars to become immortal! It was all because of Iggy!"

Iggy chuckles "Heh, took ya long enough."

Danyelle spoke "Dumbass dog."

Iggy scoffs "Tch. Good grief."

Aphmau spoke "Focus mutt!"

Inuyasha snapped at the same time as Iggy. "WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?"

Danyelle face-palmed at that.

Kagome spoke "SIT BOY!!!"

Inuyasha was face down on the ground.

The command alone had scared Iggy.

Darrel had slashed the neck of a Heartless with his claws.

Ermes fought the Heartless.

At least three Chaos Blasts were seen.

Maylu grabs a Heartless by the neck and threw it far away.

Luna showed up and blasted a Heartless with her magic.

Moonlight, Evening and Lightning aid their mother in battle.

A sudden Windboom sends several Heartless flying as Sonic went into a flying spindash, clonking Pale Snake hard on the head.

Pale Snake then faded completely.

Wings flapping, Sonic spoke "That should get rid of him for good."

Eggman showed up as something was going through his head.

Rita asks "Is it over?"

The rest of the Heartless were soon defeated.

Danyelle spoke "That should be the last of them since Sonic had clonked Pale Snake hard on the head. But that was too easy..."

Eggman spoke "Indeed."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Guys! Come on! We won! Might as well enjoy it!"

Danyelle spoke "We may have won this fight..."

Gilda spoke "But the war isn't over."

Jolyne spoke "Yeah, a lot of guys might be working for Pale Snake."

Chrysalis spoke "And a lot of them will likely target Danyelle since she's got a powerful Stand."

Iggy spoke "Come on, it’ll take a long while for them to get here.

Danyelle spoke "But as for the young children, we have to protect them."

Gilda spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle spoke "But if we can get rid of the source of the problem, our young ones can grow up safely!"

Twilight spoke "Hold on! The battle’s worn everyone out."

Chrysalis spoke "Don't be such a stick in the mud Sparkles, I got energy to spare!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm not tired out either."

Twilight spoke "I know, but we really shouldn’t push ourselves."

Iris spoke "Not all of us were fighting though. I could have sworn I saw Birchtooth rip one of those things to shreds!"

Celestia appeared. “Everyone, calm down!”

Light Breeze spoke "Mother!"

A grown up Ivory Dawn was beside Celestia.

Celestia spoke "*Warm smile* It’s wonderful to see you too, my daughter."

Light giggles "And Ivory's gotten so big too, she was just a tiny little filly the last time I saw her. And I heard from Honey that you had been the one to trigger her and Sunny's ascension to alicornhood."

An adult Nightfall was heard arguing with a Mobian jackal.

Nightfall spoke "For the last time, he’s dead!"

The jackal then calmed down and walked away without argument.

Nyx asks "What's his problem?"

Nightfall groans "Ugh… He’s been raving about his dead best friend. But he’s calmed down now, so I guess that’s a win."

Nyx asks "Was it a white jackal with black stripes on the back?"

Nightfall spoke "Not in the slightest."

Nyx spoke "It's bad enough many of the frontline fighters are exhausted though."

Nightfall spoke "Yeah."

Nyx spoke "Yeah but we still haven't found a way to get the Sinsverse version of me back to her world..."

Showing up, Starlight spoke "And we got time-displaced revived champions in case anyone forgot."

Danyelle spoke "Most of the Mobians are no strangers to time travel... And you might want to watch out Nightfall, some hedgehog has a crush on you."

Nightfall asks "And that is?"

Danyelle pulls Silver out from his hiding spot by an ear with her magic.

Nyx was on her back while laughing.

Nightfall asks "Wait, you mean future boy?"

Danyelle spoke "You forget, immortals don't age. I spat my strawberry juice in Cadence's face when I found out that Geo was my grandson. On top of him falling for Anzu of all Mobians."

Nyx spoke "If I remember correctly, Nightfall had the look of a 12 year old back then when we first met Silver..."

Nightfall asks "Meaning?"

Getting back up, Nyx whispers in Nightfall's ear which caused the mare's wings to shoot up.

Nyx giggles "I still remember that time when Silverstorm teased me about Asriel."

Nightfall growls "*Glaring* What are you getting at?"

Lillian reached up and grabbed Nightfall by the ear.

Lillian spoke "Just because you're an adult pony now, it doesn't mean I can still spank you on the rear."

Nightfall gasps "Don’t you even…!"

Lillian spoke "Don't give me that tone missy."

Nightfall and Lillian glared into each other’s eyes, before they started snickering, then bursted out laughing into their backs.

Danyelle's right ear twitches just as another vision kicks in.

*Danyelle's POV*

Okay, this vision was from the past, but for some reason, I saw DIO, but I couldn't see who he was talking to as I only heard three faint words; "spell," "family," and "revived," before I was sent back to the present.

I ask "Where's Josuke?"

Josuke showed up. "Yo."

I explained to Josuke about what I had seen in my vision.

Josuke spoke "Huh... That's weird."

I spoke "I have a really bad feeling...Dio might come back...."

Joseph showed up. "No, I seriously doubt that's the case. What did you hear in that vision?"

I spoke "Spell... Family... Revived...."

Joseph spoke "Hmm... That definitely doesn't sound like it has anything to do with DIO, maybe it's one of his followers."

I spoke "Spell could mean magic... family might be his illegitimate sons... Revived might mean he could come back to life..."

Joseph spoke "Still, I think there is more to it than that."

I spoke "Regardless, we have to be careful."


The Game Is a Hoof/ New Gear Obtained!

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*Zipp’s POV*

I can’t believe this is happening!

Polished spoke "I'm just as surprised as you are since Princess Twilight announced the revival of the Equestria Games."

“Not just that! My sunglasses are missing!” I panicked.

Polished shook his middle tail a bit, causing the sunglasses to fall out.

“Babe, you’re the best!” I eagerly said as I kissed him on the lips a lot. “How were they there anyway?”

Polished chuckles "Izzy tried to prank me."

“Wait, Izzy’s been taking measurements of my head for some reason.” I remembered.

Polished chuckles "And mine as well, maybe she's making something."

“But what?” I asked.

Fire Cracker was on my head.

Polished chuckles "There's our little Fire Cracker."

“Ya know…” I started to wonder.

Cracker asks "Momma?"

“Yeah, Cracker?” I asked my kid.

Cracker asks "What happened to cousin Whisper?"

My ears perk up since I had heard Danyelle playing her ocarina.

Polished asks "Huh?"

Nimbus flew overhead.

Nimbus spoke "Oh, there's one of my favorite nieces!"

Cracker asks "Who that?"

“Your grand-uncle, Cracker.” I answered.

The young hybrid fainted.

Perci was sitting at a cafe by herself while eating some cheesecake.

"Ya know what would be crazy though?" I asked.

Polished asks "What is it baby bird?"

"If something strange happened at the Equestria Games." I answered.

Polished chuckles "Great Auntie Danyelle would get mad if someone told her that she wasn't allowed to have her blastia..."

Danyelle was growling since she smelled aliens.

Ace then showed up with his map glowing.

Danyelle asks "Let me guess... Bugs sensed it too?"

Coloratura's ears were pinned back in fear as she fled from one of the Monstars.

Coloratura spoke "JI-JI!!!!"

The Mobian lynx held onto Coloratura. “You alright, baby?”

A flying Spindash rams into the alien's stomach hard, sending it flying into a random building.

Sonic asks "She okay?"

Ji-Woon spoke "Yeah. Thanks Sonic."

Sonic spoke "I'd rather not get an earth spike through the stomach by Applejack if Coloratura got hurt."

Soon, Nurse Sally and Doctor Herman showed up.

Dr. Herman asks "What’s going on here?"

Sonic spoke "The Monstars are back and they're MEANER than ever!"

Philip and Rin then showed up as well.

Philip spoke "Hmm… They must be entering the Equestrian Games."

Rin asks "But why?"

Sonic growls "I don't think so... Last time they showed up, they wanted to destroy Acme Acres."

Dr. Herman chuckles "Well, if they want to cause trouble, they’ll surely be in for real en-lightning shock therapy."

Nurse Sally giggles "Heehee! Oh Doctor, you’re too much."

The floating gryphon hen then hugged the electric dragon, who hugged back.

Sonic teases "So, when are you two going to have kids?"

Dr. Herman chuckles "Hoho! Don’t make me go real crazy now."

Nurse Sally giggles "Oh, I’m sure we will."

Max and Charlotte then showed up, with a grown Victor out of her with the chest wound closed.

Charlotte spoke "Well I hope my brother can find amour soon."

Sonic chuckles "Well Hearts and Hooves day is coming up."

Max spoke "That honestly sounds, mighty fine."

Victor asks "Hey! Wanna know what my sister and I found out we can do?"

Sonic spoke "Sure."

Though unseen by many others, the original Sakura decided to stay by Danyelle.

Victor managed to shrink himself back to when he was a young diamond dog before Charlotte’s chest wound opened as Victor crawled into it.

Victor spoke "And don’t worry, if I somehow get killed, I’ll just respawn like this from where I used to be conjoined with my sister."

Charlotte spoke "Oui, it is true."

Max chuckles "*As Victor moved out of the Charlotte’s chest wound, which was actually where he used to be conjoined with her* Heh, yer still a natural beauty, Charlotte."

Charlotte spoke in French "Aw, Monsieur Thompson, beau fermier, vous savez toujours comment faire en sorte qu'une femme se sente aimée, surtout si c'est votre femme."

Charlotte kissed Max, who kissed back.

Sonic spoke "That sounded like French..."

Blaze showed up and slapped Sonic at the back of the head. “That’s because it was French.”

Sonic yelps "Augh, what that for Blaze?"

Blaze smiled before kissing Sonic on the lips, making him putty in her hands. “Because I felt like it, you goofy hedgehog.”

Sonic picks Blaze up before darting off through a warp ring to the Chuddle Hotel.

Frank and Julie then showed up.

Frank spoke "Huh. Wonder what Sonic and Blaze are gonna do."

Lance spoke "Knowing them, it's probably something personal. Oh, I'm Prince Lance Ogami, heir to the Sol Kingdom throne."

Joey and Susie showed up.

Joey asks "Hold on, where’d that Ogami part come from?"

Lance spoke "My paternal grandfather's dad is Shirou Ogami. So yeah, I'm 25% wolf beastman. Same with my cousins Melody, Harmony and Kelly. But Melody's last name is Kagetashi since her husband's mothers had combined their last names together."

Susie spoke "Oh dear. That sounds complicated."

Lance spoke "My adopted aunt's last name was Doucet before she got married."

Julie spoke "Man, talk about a huge family."

Lance chuckles "If you thought the Ogami family was big, my wife's family is a lot bigger!"

Danny then showed up. “Indeed. The Apple Family may be the biggest family ever in existence.”

Lance was soon face down on the ground since Applebloom was on his back.

Applebloom spoke "Ah'm Applebloom Ogami, Lance's wife."

*Meanwhile in the Chuddle Hotel*

Nat was busy cleaning up a mess that a visitor had made.

Nat sighed in boredom at that.

Xavier asks "What's the matter kiddo?"

Nat spoke "I’m just feel so… lonely."

Xavier spoke "You'll find the right guy soon."

Nat asks "Really?"

A male Renamon-raccoon hybrid trips on something, tumbling head over tail and crashes into Nat.

The hybrid spoke "Sorry... I'm kinda clumsy..."

Nat spoke "Gah!!! Why don’t you watch-"

The two suddenly froze as they eyes suddenly glimmered pink.

Nat spoke "S-Sorry, I was the one standing in your way."

The hybrid spoke "*utter gibberish*"

Grabbing the hybrid, Nat asks "Hey, you alright?"

The Renacoon kisses Nat on the lips.

Nat was surprised at first, but then closed her eyes and kissed back.

The Renacoon spoke "I'm Kyle Cooper."

Kyle's tail wags a bit.

Tail wagging, Nat giggles "My name’s Nat."

Kyle chuckles "You're cute."

Nat giggles "Wanna come with me to my room? On the house."

Kyle chuckles "Sure."

Nat spoke "You know, I think your parents have came here before."

A gray furred Renamon was in a wheelchair since her legs weren't as strong as they used to be.

Renamon spoke "Hey kids... *Cough*"

Kyle spoke "That's my mom, she's not as young as she used to be but she's not immortal... She had to move into this dimension once she was in a wheelchair..."

Renamon spoke "*cough* These old bones of mine can barely keep me going."

Nat asks "Oh… And your dad?"

Kyle spoke "he... Died years ago..."

Xavier winced at that while Nat was just devastated.

Kyle spoke "But he died a hero."

Nat hugged Kyle while silently sobbing tears.

Renamon spoke "He died while protecting me.... Some bad Digimon wanted to get rid of me and my son... I never remarried after losing my husband..."


Disaster in Maretime Bay!

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*Zipp’s POV (still)*

Okay, I can tell Ermes is definitely furious about something. It’s time I find out what.

Pipp spoke "This concerns everyone though, regardless if they have a Stand or not."

“Pipp, I don’t think Ermes is mad about just Pale Snake. I think it’s something else entirely.” I noted.

Yuki's sword was rattling, as were the swords that Inuyasha, Clarity, Yuri, Anzu and Danyelle have. Even Zoey's keyblades were rattling as well.

Yuki spoke "Whatever the case may be, we can figure it out!"

Ermes suddenly ran off.

“Jolyne, Vivian, Yuki, follow me.” I urged as we silently followed Ermes.

Clarity, Yuri, Inuyasha, Anzu, Zoey and Danyelle follow as well.

Unknown to us, Ermes mentally thought to herself, “For the past few days, I’ve been watching your every move closely and carefully, just biding my sweet time. Then, in a surprising turn of events, I saw you hanging around a cemetery, cleaning. You left some flowers there. Is it the grave of some fellow gang members that died by electric chair? I also saw you skulking around in a workshop, making stuffed birds and alligators, of all things. How’d a thug like you suddenly take an interest in crafts like taxidermy? I mean, it doesn’t really matter. The only thing I actually care about and want to know for sure is…Wait for me, Gloria. I’ll get revenge on him with my own hands.” before my eyes suddenly was blinded as I saw Ermes as a young girl next to a teenage echidna Mobian girl.

The female spoke "Ermes, dear. From now on, even though I’m your big sister, I’ll be your foster mother. It will be okay."

But then I heard Ermes’ thoughts as I saw a bit into the future of that past, Ever since that day, Gloria, no matter what, you would always put our family first, before anything else.

Gloria spoke "Ermes, we could really use your help around this place, at least a little. Dad’s leaving us the restaurant. I can’t do this by myself. I want us to do this together."

Past Ermes spoke "I don’t care about this place. I’m getting outta here. I’m gonna go to college on a track and field scholarship. Now butt out of my life and stop acting like my mother."

Gloria asks "Ermes, wait! *As Past Ermes ran out* Where are you going?"

I saw Gloria give chase, looking for Ermes before she stopped, seeing a butterfly Mobian looking down on a captured Mobian. Gloria hid behind a rock, concealing herself.

Male Mobian spoke "Please, help me!"

The female spoke "I want you to hold that chunk of wood there in your mouth. Not like a dog chews a bone, but the way a baby sucks on a binky."

The male innocent Mobian did as he was ordered, only to Gloria’s horror and mine, the butterfly Mobian stepped on his head, killing the innocent Mobian as the wood pierced through the back of his throat before as heard Ermes’ thoughts again. “She had no plans to look around the corner, nor would she have reported them, anyway. Leave the ones that move in darkness to those in darkness. Otherwise, there’s no way you could operate a functioning restaurant in that trashy city. But that night…” Gloria and I saw Past Ermes run, having saw what happened as we looked back at the butterfly Mobian. I heard Ermes remember, “Gloria, while more than aware of the dangers, had no choice but to report them in order to protect me. But…” before I found myself in a courtroom as the judge said, “Defendant Sports Maximum, sentenced to five years of rehabilitation in Equestria for tax evasion and grievous bodily injury.”

Past Ermes thought in shock, “Only five years? And rehabilitation? That’s all he freaking gets?!” before I saw her pin the prosecutor against the wall as the male prosecuting Mobian said, “If the witness is like that, we can’t catch him by the tail. A felony charge wouldn’t stick.”

Past Ermes spoke "*As her father grieved over Gloria’s dead body* He told those goons to kill her."

Prosecutor spoke "All the evidence has been destroyed."

I saw Sports getting cuffed by cops.

Past Ermes spoke "Hey, you prick. I’m not finished with you!"

A cop spoke *As he and another cop restrained Past Ermes* Hold down, miss!"

Past Ermes spoke "You piece of dirt!"

I then found myself back in the present before I fell to my knees in shock of what I saw.

Danyelle whispers in Zoey's ear. "I feel sorry for Ermes..."

Zoey whispers back "Same here..."

“You saw that too?” I asked.

Zoey spoke "Danyelle's dimensional scream kicked in when we all had that vision... I nearly threw up..."

Jolyne spoke "So Ermes wants to avenge her big sister."

Inuyasha spoke "But we can't mess with the dead. Besides, that gryphon with the shield mark on the flanks might have been an echidna in a past life...."

Vivian spoke "But we don’t know for sure…"

Gloria crashed into a tree since she had gotten a cussload of memories from a previous life.

Gloria squawks "Son of a...!"

I realized immediately who that was before I flew off to find Ermes, when I did, I saw that butterfly Mobian from before as he looked to the left and saw Gloria’s echidna Mobian picture on a pipe before he took it off.

Ermes spoke "I see your memory’s intact. Works for me!"

Ermes revealed herself.

Ermes spoke "Gloria would be so pleased."

But then another flashback hit me as I saw a dead drowned body as the police recovered her with Past Ermes screaming her sister’s name before I was back in the present. But I soon realized that picture was a sticker from Smack as a pipe hit Sports Maximum, trapping him.

Ermes spoke "I’ve been waiting years for this chance. A place where I could get you alone, and nobody will hear your screams but me. *As Sports was starting to becoming trapped in the merging pipes* That’s the one thing I couldn’t stop thinking about this whole time. What this ordeal must have been like for Gloria. So, Sports Maximum, *Summoning Smack* this is gonna be burned into your memory forever."

Sports snaps "What the hell do you think you’re doing? You can’t keep me trapped in here!"

Ermes spoke "Well, I know your “rehabilitation” term ends in about a year or so. Once you’re back on Mobius, you’ll always have a bodyguard on point. But here, you’re my prisoner!"

Sports suddenly fell deeper down the pipe.

Ermes asks Well, look at that! Like a glove. Now, the rusty pipes in this place aren’t big enough for a creature to fit comfortably inside. But see! It does make a nice improv coffin, don’t you think? *Hearing something* Was that the sound of him falling down?"

Sports shouts "Hey, help me! Just who the hell do you think you are? Let me out of here right now! I’m serious!"

Ermes spoke "You still don’t know who I am? Try harder!"

Sports asks "Huh?"

Ermes spoke "Come on, now! Use your last moments to think! You threw Gloria to the sewage, you bastard."

I then heard Ermes thoughts, “Because of that, dad got depressed and it made him sick. I’ve lost everything I had.

Ermes growls "So, apologize to them when you get to hell, Sports Maximum. If you can apologize with that sphincter you call a mouth."

Sports got his fingers through a crack as he looked through.

Ermes spoke "Oh, just so you know, I put one more sticker on the pipe. Consider it the last nail in your coffin."

Ermes took the sticker off, completely repairing the pipe by merging it as Sports was completely sealed in.

Ermes spoke ""All right! It’s totally sealed. Now fee free to scream your lungs out, and don’t stop."

Sports spoke "You jerk!"

Ermes spoke "Try calling for help! Though I bet the only ones who’d even be listening are just the roaches and the rats."

Ermes turned a knob as sewer water started flowing in the pipes.

Ermes spoke "Now, you’re in the sewage, too, cusshead! Scream, Sports Maximum! Scream for me!"

But then Sports Maximum said something strange, “Those resurrecting from darkness, Limp Viscuit, rise and come with me. With the darkness, share the joy, Limp Viscuit…” before we heard a sudden shatter as we saw a stuffed bird on a branch fallen out of a shatter glass case and on the table.

A gryphon hen grabs Ermes by the wrist before she was about to hit Sports.

Gloria spoke "That is far enough sister."

Ermes asks "Wait, what?"

But then canisters suddenly flew off the table on their own before we saw a bird-shaped footprint appear on a puddle of water.

Gloria growls at the stand as the sword wielders and keybladers got their weapons ready.

Danyelle spoke "Careful guys, this one is tricky since it's invisible!"

Ermes spoke "What…"

But then lights around us shattered.

Ermes spoke "What is that? The hell! Something’s happening!"

We heard wings flapping as Ermes caught something before her right hand’s thumb were torn off and then bleeding holes appeared on her right cheek.

Ermes asks "What? What the hell? Could it be Sports Maximum?"

But then a trail of wounds came the top hole and went for Ermes’ right eye before Smack appeared and punched, saving her before we heard wings flapping again as Ermes and her stand started kicking and punching before they stopped at hearing the silence.

Ermes spoke "Cuss! My finger, it hurts! Ugh, this is definitely a Stand. I don’t get why I didn’t freaking see it before. But it was definitely an object with weight and mass. Maybe a bird."

But then something tore into the left of Ermes’ neck as it dragged her carotid artery, trying to tear it off so it could kill her.

Ermes spoke "St-Sticker!"

Ermes put a sticker on her jacket, creating another one as she caught the bird before Smack punched the invisible bird on the jacket, before we heard a shatter as we looked at the stuffed bird, only to see it broken and shattered.

Ermes scoffs "Crap! Did we kill it? Did it get demolished? I didn’t count on that guy becoming a Stand User. *To Sports* What’s wrong? You got real quiet, prick! Speak up! Rat got your tongue? Did you get crushed in the pipe? Do dreams come try? *Kicking pipe, receiving hollow thuds* Or maybe, you’re literally up in sewage to you eyeballs, and you ate so much you drowned in it?"

But then we heard a crash as we looked to our right, seeing a wreck before noticing a moving car-shaped keychain.

Danyelle spoke "Chaos Barrier!"

Barriers of chaos energy shield Ermes and the others.

Danyelle spoke "This ain't no normal stand! it's invisible so we have to use our ears to pinpoint it!"

When we looked at the keychain, we saw a stuffed alligator on its back with that keychain attached to it before the car keychain and chain were chomped by something as they were completely devoured.

Ermes asks "What is this thing?"

A footprint appeared and crushed a water bottle before a steel table was flipped.

Ermes growls "Sports Maximum’s still alive? The power of this invisible thing means that punk’s still in the pipe. And he didn’t die?"

We then heard footsteps.

Ermes spoke "This one’s even bigger, crap!"

We ran as the invisible being chased us.

Ermes spoke "So fast!"

We jumped onto the ceiling as the invisible being thrashed around and dented the pipe Sports was in.

Ermes spoke "This power… Could it possibly be the stuffed alligator from the workshop? The first one was the birds. Does it mean that the corpses are moving? Can the power of the invisible corpses actually shift and attack? *As a leak was opened on the pipe* Damn it, bastard! He’s trying to get out of the pipe by breaking it."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes."

Ermes asks "Huh?

Jolyne and Vivian soon showed up.

Jolyne asks "What the hell are you guys doing up there?"

Vivian asks "Guys, is something wro-"

Ermes spoke "Jolyne, Vivian, no! Don’t come this way!"

The invisible alligator corpse rushed and chomped off Vivian’s left leg as she fell onto her back.

Ermes spoke "No!"

Jolyne spoke "No, Vivian."

Ermes spoke "There’s an enemy, Jolyne. It’s an alligator. A demonic spirit is waiting on the floor. Watch out!"

Vivian’s chomped-off leg started being devoured by the alligator.

Vivian spoke "Oh man! There goes my leg."

Jolyne asks "Guys! What’s going on, for real? Is this a Stand attack?"

Inuyasha launched a Wind Scar at the alligator, shredding it.

Ermes spoke "Yes, exactly. It’s Sports Maximum’s tool. While I was looking for him, he became a Stand User."

Vivian regenerated her leg with F.F.’s plankton black liquid as we got down and Ermes got a bucket of water.

Ermes spoke "Here, Vivian. You’ll need this."

Vivian spoke "Yeah, I sure do. Thanks, Ermes. Wait a sec."

Ermes asks "Huh?"

Vivian traced plankton black liquid on her wounds and on Ermes’ pointer finger, healing the wounds and reconnecting Ermes’ right hand with her pointer finger.

Vivian asks "Ermes, was that really an alligator ghost controlled by Sports Maximum?"

Ermes asks "Uh-uh! I don’t think so. It’s too insane! Remember? Not a ghost, but an invisible corpse. The living dead whose primary instinct is hunting for blood. But his terrible power is creating invisible zombies. Huh?"

We looked and saw the pipe torn open.

Ermes spoke "Crap! Not good!"

Jolyne asks "What’s wrong, Ermes? What happened to Sports Maximum? Did he finally drown there?"

Ermes spoke "*Looking into pipe* It’s too dark, so I can’t be sure. Maybe he’s stuck deeper down in the pipe. Or… *Notices black handprints on pipe* These sure as hell look like handprints."

But then we heard a female scream of pain from Maretime Bay.

Danyelle spoke "CHAOS CONTROL!!"

Danyelle teleports with the group back to Maretime Bay.

Ermes spoke "Crap! Where did Sports Maximum go? We gotta find him!"

Jolyne spoke "Maybe when that zombie-ass alligator was trying to kill us, he worked his way out of the pipe. Or maybe, he somehow transformed into an invisible corpse himself. *Gasp!* Guys! Look!"

We saw everyone shocked at the sudden death of an unknown mare.

Jolyne spoke "Everyone, keep your eyes open. I knew that bastard got out of the pipe."

Ermes asks "What did he do to that poor mare? Did-Did he bite her? What’s happening? She’s just a pile of bloody flesh. Can normal teeth really do that much damage?"

Jolyne spoke "He’s clearly not normal anymore, in mind or morals. But I’d be willing to bet he must have his disc on him right now."

Ermes spoke "Excellent! I’m gonna go get them from him, then. So guys, I want you to wait here."

Inuyasha spoke "Not a chance in hell missy, we go together. Safety in numbers."

Jolyne then surrounded us and everyone else, including herself, with Stone Ocean’s threads.

Jolyne spoke "Stay close, guys! The enemy’s got intelligence, like any of us! And keep your distance from any walls. I have a feeling they’re not constrained to the floor. I’ll track his location in the third dimension."

A thread was pulled before Stone Ocean appeared as the Stand and Jolyne kicked.

Jolyne spoke "Found you, prick! Hanging from the trees and roofs, real clever. Then you must have had a bone broken, huh."

But then something invisible that Jolyne kicked grabbed her leg and lifted her.

Jolyne spoke "What? Damn! Even with a broken arm! Right, I forgot. He’s just a rotten corpse now. Stone Ocean!"

Stone Ocean unleashed its thread and constrained the invisible enemy.

Jolyne spoke "I got him!"

Stone Ocean attacked the enemy before we heard a squirt and looked behind us, seeing the unknown mare’s corpse spraying out blood.

Ermes spoke "No! Jolyne, wait! That isn’t Sports Maximum under there. He was moving the dead mare’s corpse as a decoy and you bought it."

Jolyne brought up her guard before her shoulder was chomped as a part of it was ripped off.

Ermes spoke "Jolyne!"

Smack appeared and attacked rapidly, not hitting anything.

Ermes spoke "Where is he? Come on, out! Hey, guys, stop moving and stay put. This is not your battle to fight, you know. Sports Maximum is my problem, not yours."

Jolyne spoke "Ermes, we’ve leveled up. This goes way beyond just revenge or what you consider your own personal problem."

Ermes asks "What?"

Jolyne spoke "And it’s not even just that. We don’t have the time or the room to even think. Do you understand that? Now, look!"

We did as Jolyne said as we saw something unbelievable.

Ermes groans "Ugh, no, it can’t be."

Jolyne spoke "Oh, yes, it can. We didn’t catch it, then. But he already backed us all into a corner a long time ago."

The graveyard not far from us had its graves erupt as rotting invisible corpses rose from them.

Jolyne spoke "Every one of the invisible corpses had already been resurrected! I have no idea how many or where they are. We’re surrounded, everyone."

A freaked out male lion Mobian with a tri-color mane in dark red, dark indigo and rust-yellow was clinging to a tree while screaming.

The lion spoke "I think I need some help here!"

Danyelle spoke "Help's on the way Yugi!"

Danyelle transforms into Danydonna before using Chaos Blast, knocking away all of the corpses.

Danydonna's ears twitch.

Jolyne spoke "You can get your revenge later. Right now, we need to keep everyone safe!"

Danydonna looked back and saw Ermes stepping into the fray.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

Ermes spoke "Right! Revenge! And that’s the important part, Jolyne! And I know what has to be equally important to Sports Maximum, who’s hiding somewhere around here. He wants vengeance for having drowned in the pipe. His mind must’ve flooded with thoughts of how to retaliate. He wants to chew my head to pulp, and drain the blood spewing from it until he’s sure I’m dead."

Jolyne spoke "What are you-"

Ermes spoke "The one who’ll eventually end me is definitely the bastard himself, with his own foul teeth."

Jolyne spoke "Don’t say that!"

Ermes spoke "Listen to me, guys. There’s tons of people who’d say, “Getting revenge won’t bring your sister back!” as if they understand what I’m trying to do. And others who would tell me forgiveness is important. I don’t care! There’s no way I force myself to forget that my own blood relative was thrown into a sewer, and just go on about my life. This is all I’ve been preparing for. Revenge is waiting, so I can decide my own destiny and finally satisfy it."

Jolyne spoke "Ugh, Ermes, can you tell me this isn’t a standoff, right? *As threads started snapping* You can’t! Get back! Don’t do this! There’s five, no, wait, seven corpses breaking through the thread and moving in on you. Ermes, stop! Get out of there!"

Ermes screamed in pain as she was bitten by three corpses.

Jolyne spoke "Leave her alone, you pricks!"

Ermes spoke "Which way are you coming from? I’m ready for you. *Still getting attacked* Crap! I’m fading fast…"

But then something bit Ermes’ head as it tore off a piece of her head.

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

We soon saw that Ermes used a sticker to split her head in two!

Ermes spoke "Here’s my official license for revenge. Smack! *Smack appearing* There you are, Sports Maximum!"

Smack swung her arm, only to miss.

Sports spoke "Hmm, how predictable you are. I knew you’d do that. Remember you did the same thing when you trapped me in that pipe before. You used that silly sticker that splits anything in two. Ha-ha! But you can see, I won’t fall for that power anymore. Because I, too… am a corpse. You can’t kill me."

Ermes growls "Damn it! It didn’t work! Where the hell is he hiding?"

Sports spoke "You’re a smart girl, follow my voice? What the hell, I’ll tell you! It’s your sister’s fault she witnessed an average night, and it cost her everything she had."

An invisible corpse bit Ermes’ left shoulder, causing her to scream in pain, angering Gloria.

Gloria screeches "ERMES!!!!!"

A gust of air so powerful kicked up, knocking away all of the corpses.

A draconic gryphon shot blades of air at Sports, slicing his arms and legs off.


Another draconic roar was heard as a white dragon with blue eyes shot lightning at the corpses, incinerating them to ashes.

A green furred Mobian tiger with blue eyes and brown stripes scoffs "What a sore loser."

Sports spoke "Heh, nice try. But you missed. But due to that little incident… *As more corpses rose from the ground* …now after being defeated by you, Ermes Costello, this is what I’ve become. And unfortunately, my feelings will never dissolve."

Ermes spoke "*Smack attacking corpses* Not this one. Nor this one."

Sports spoke "*Putting head back on his shoulders* Listen to me. Even if I would have sucked up your brain like jelly right now, and filled that empty skull that’s left with the crap that’s in your stomach, my feelings of hatred towards you will still exist throughout all of eternity, you jerk. *Takes off sticker, causing Ermes’ head to merge back together* It’s time to say good night! The one that finishes you off is me!"

But then blood started spewing out of Sports’ chest as a piece of Ermes’ head that he bit off earlier.

Jolyne spoke "The moment she’s been waiting for. It’s happening now! The moment he rips off the sticker and attempts to maul her real head. If you peel off the sticker, the two halves will reconjoin. Even the piece that Sports Maximum bit off and swallowed will fuse back in."

Ermes spoke "The jig is up. I’ve ID’d your exact location. I’m aiming right above that. The median line of your face, from chin to skull."

After the piece merged back with Ermes, she and Smack kicked Sports right in the face, breaking some of his teeth.

Jolyne spoke "She… she did it!"

Ermes spoke "One more thing, this last parting gift is for Gloria. You got it? There must have been a bone in your ugly face that got crushed before. And I think the way that happened was Gloria fought back hard against you. And this… is also for Gloria!"

Ermes and Smack punched Sports in the face, sending him flying.

Sports spoke "Rip that woman to shreds! Do it now!"

Ermes spoke "What? Are you gonna try to hide again? You can’t do that anymore, because I just put a sticker on your ugly head and split that thing in two."

Ermes showed her right hand holding an invisible copy of Sports’ head that had a sticker on it.

Ermes spoke "If I peel this, you’ll merge back into one. This next one is for Gloria, too."

Ermes peeled the sticker off as Sports suddenly flew towards her copy head before Smack punched him in the face.

Ermes spoke "Oh, yeah! And the one after that as well."

Sports came back and got punched in the face by Smack again before flying back to her once more.

Ermes spoke "Not to mention the next one after that, and so on, forever. They’re all for my big sister Gloria! *As Smack punched Sports’ face* This one *Another punch* And this one! *And another punch* And this one! *And another punch* Take this one! *Smack delivering a flurry of punches on Sports Maximum* And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! And this one! All for Gloria!"

As Ermes let the copy head go, Smack punched Sports right into the air before the copy head flew right at his head, causing to discs to eject from him and a bright light to shine from him as Sports’ invisible corpse and the other invisible corpses faded away in the light. Gloria came up behind Ermes and hugged her before the echidna turned around.

Ermes spoke "*As the two discs landed on the floor* How about that? Look. *Showing her face as tears fell from her eyes* I’m finally crying. All I want right now… is to sob my eyes out by your side, sis. But I don’t have time, or even a speck of energy left to do it."

Ermes fell unconscious in Gloria’s arms.

Gloria screeches "ERMES!!!! NO!!!!!!"

Gloria started to sing as she cried.

Danyelle yowls in sadness, causing the others to cry as well.

Matatabi had her head underneath Kurama's chin while crying.

Aphmau and Aaron howl in sadness.

Vivian healed Ermes’ wounds before Nurse Sally showed up.

Nurse Sally spoke "Every, please calm down."

Gloria cries "What good am I if I can't protect the only family I have left?"

Nurse Sally asks "Herman, could you?"

“Of course. I did train my abilities after all, so this’ll only wake her up.” Herman said as he then rubbed his claws together before they were sparking electricity. “Alright, everycreature. Stand back.” Herman ordered as all of us around Ermes, including Gloria did that. “Clear!” Herman shouted as he thrusted his palms onto Ermes’ chest, shocking her wide awake with a scream before she stopped and wince from the pain she had.

Gloria spoke "Ermes, you idiot... Don't scare me like that again!"

Ermes asks "Wait, that really you, Gloria?"

Gloria washed the dye out of her mane and tail tuft, revealing the blonde coloring.

Gloria spoke "Yeah, it's me. I remember the song I always sang to you when were were kids."

Ermes spoke "Heh. I was only a little baby back then, since I was six years younger than you."

Gloria hugged Ermes.

Gloria gives Ermes a noogie.

Ermes suddenly punched Gloria’s elbow, making the griffon wince a bit.

Ermes spoke "That was for scaring the hell outta me."

Gloria beans Ermes in the back of the head with a wingslap.

Gloria spoke "That's for scaring the cuss out of me! I thought you had died!"

Hugging Gloria, Ermes spoke "Then I guess we’re even."

Ermes soon notices a Stand beside Gloria.

The green tiger was growling since his Stand sensed trouble.

The green tiger spoke "I’m sensing a large prison with strange trouble happening there, but it’s a far distance."

Yugi spoke "You sure Seto? It could be a trap as far as we know!"

Seto spoke "It may be a trap, but we’ll need to spring it."

Ears flatten, Yugi spoke "You're a bigger idiot than Joey and Tristan combined..."

Joey spoke "Hey! I dunno if I should feel relieved or insulted by that!"

Téa whacks Joey with a book.

Téa scoffs "Remember that one time Duke made you wear that dog costume?"

Joey spoke "Don’t bring that up!"

Danyelle glares at Joey, making him shut up.

Yugi was now on his back while laughing since Joey got scared by a cat.

Tristan laughs "Hahaha! Real smooth, Joey."

Danyelle spoke "Don't make me beat you up foxboy."

Yugi spoke "Shut up Tristan or you'll get set on fire."

Tristan spoke "I think I’ll take your word on that, little bud."

Zoey spoke "It doesn't help that Danyelle has a temper as explosive as Donald Duck..."

Danyelle spoke "Hehe. At least I don’t have a messed-up voice like *Imitating Donald* Why you…! *Blah-like quacks*"

Zoey was on her stomach while giggling.

Ben chuckles "Hehe. That was funny, babe."

Ears pin back, Danyelle spoke "Remember that one time when we were on the run from Glitter Drops? You used the word on me... I couldn't get the taste of sand out of my mouth..."

Ben spoke "Yeah, sorry about that."

Danyelle spoke "I had snapped at Yakko which in turn made you say the word thus making me eat sand...."

Danyelle's right ear twitches before growling.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, now I have a really bad feeling about this."

Even the Jackal Guard were growling since they were on edge.

Danyelle spoke "Now we definitely need to get to that prison."

Fizzlepop spoke "Last thing any of us needs is a reset..."

Danyelle spoke "Was that supposed to be a joke? Because it’s NOT funny."

Ben spoke "Danyelle...."

Danyelle spoke "Wait… reset? Okay, that word’s starting to bug me."

Inuyasha spoke "It annoys me as well!"

Jolyne spoke "Calm down, everyone."

Danyelle's ears flatten as her tails fluff up due to a rather nasty vision of the future.

But then Danyelle suddenly threw up from what she saw in the foresight.

Zoey asks "You okay Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Chameleo... What I saw in that vision, it's happened to him before..."

Zoey asks "That bad huh?"

Danyelle spoke "But if he managed to stop that... we can too!"

Zoey spoke "We've got the most strongest Stand on our side. We also got Twiliterasu, Arceus and even Faust on our side too!"

Danyelle spoke "We got this together!"

The others cheer loudly.


Disaster Strikes

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*Danyelle's POV*

I spoke "The final battle with Pale Snake is drawing near!"

Kurama and Matatabi roar loud.

But the words from that flashback with DIO still rang inside my mind.

Kurama spoke "Since Twilight still can't fight back because of her young foals, that might throw a wrench into the whole Danyterama fusion thing..."

Matatabi spoke "That may be so but Danyelle's smart."

“Thanks, Matatabi.” I said in gratitude.

Kurama spoke "Regardless, what Dio had said in that flashback worries me."

Zoey spoke "We should talk to Melira, Capper, Shady and Chummer about this too."

Yuki spoke "Spell... Family... Revival..."

“I know that sounded strange for all of us, but we should get going.” I say.

But then a light appeared before vanishing, leaving a crater behind.

Yuki hisses, alerting me.

We looked at the crater before we saw a green male hippogriff with golden armor, a trident for a right hand, fin-shaped feathers on his legs and ears, with a spherical ruby on the forehead of his golden helmet.

Ears pin back, I ask "Who are you?"

The hippogriff spoke "Ugh… I should be asking you that."

Yuki spoke "That's Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, user of Celestial Gods which is a 19 piece Stand."

The hippogriff spoke "Strange… I’ve never heard of you."

I spoke "Alpha-Queen, Nekomata of Redemption, Ally of Arceus, Defender of Legendary Pokemon, Keen Cat, Tamer of Fenrir and Slime, Hero of Equestria."

The hippogriff spoke "Sorry, but none of those sound familiar."

I spoke "Hmmm... Maybe Eternal knows something..."

Larcen showed up. “Been quite a while, Trident.”

Trident asks "Larcen Tyler. I should’ve known. I was sent forward through time, wasn’t I?"

I spoke "Yeah... You're in Maretime Bay, 2240 A.D."

Trident spoke "I guess Atlantis and my race are long gone then, after I was defeated by those treacherous Romans in 110 B.C."

I spoke "But the Atlantean spirit lives on in the descendants of those long gone."

Trident spoke "No, my race died out because they were banished into the sea by the Romans when we lost."

I spoke "Yikes...."

Ben asks "Wait… Trident? Why does that vaguely ring a bell?"

Lan spoke "Maybe one of our ancestors was an Atlantean that had escaped..."

Trident asks "What was that Atlantean’s name?"

Ears droop down, Lan spoke "The name was lost to history but she was a fox though."

Ben gasps "Gah!"

Lan groans "Ugh!"

Ben spoke "Something's... happening to me and Lan!"

Soon enough, the affects got to Ethan, Lyra, Irene, Ralph, Stella and Geo since they were related to Lan and Ben.

That made me start panicking before we saw the eight of them gaining fins on their lower arms and legs, fins on the left and right sides of their heads as they gained a few green fish scales on some of the parts of them that didn't have fur on them.

I spoke "ME LIKEY!!!"

I pounce on Ben before snuggling him.

Ben asks "Th-Thanks, Dany. But how did this happen?"

Bridget spoke "Maybe your long since dormant Atlantean blood is starting to surface."

Ben spoke "You make it sound like you know this stuff really well."

Bridget spoke "I may not look it but I am also of Atlantean descent."

The other four of the Tokyo Five were caught completely off guard by that.

Bridget spoke "It's true... but the Atlantean blood is extremely dilute now since it's been over 5000 some odd years."

Trident spoke "Wait... I'm sensing a faint connection between myself and the one you call Bridget."

Bridget spoke "I'm a descendant of your wife."

Trident really was shocked as he fell onto his flank with his left claw on his head, before three more lights appeared.

Zoey asks "More Atlanteans?"

When the lights faded, there were two female hippogriffs with fin-like feathers on their legs and ears, while there was a male fox Mobian.

Zoey asks "What the...?"

Trident however was shocked.

Bridget faints.

Kayla sighs "Jeeze..."

Trident gasps "Lanecea? Tadrann?"

Irene was carrying Reuben in her arms.

Geo spazzes out and faints.

Jolyne spoke "Jeez, and here I thought things couldn’t get anymore bizarre."

Muta spoke "Look Jolyne, I know we don't get along that well but I really like you."

A loud yowl was heard from Haru.

“That can’t be good!” I dreaded as we headed towards Haru, but she was gone, before I realized… “SHE’S BEEN TAKEN TO THE PRISON!”

Louise yowls "MOM!!!!!"

Baron spoke "HARU!!!"

The two Mobian cats suddenly have Stands.

Louise spoke "Heart of Gold!"

A familiar rat was on my head but it wasn't Bug-Eaten since I had killed it long ago.

“Remy?” I asked in surprise.

Remy squeaks loud, causing a gold frying pan to whack Enrico on the head without him knowing that it happened.

But then Enrico suddenly vanished.

"Damn it! A vision! That means Pale Snake's definitely at the prison. We need to head there ASAP!" I urged as Banjo and Kazooie appeared.

And to my surprise, the rest of the Smashers show up too!

I spoke "Mario! Link! Zelda! Samus! Cereza! I'm sure glad you and the others showed up!"

Twiliterasu howls.

A portal opened towards the inside of the prison, where a strange bone was shown there.

I growl "Dio's bone..."

We went through there, only the gates suddenly opened as we saw a Heartless responsible for that while water Heartless got every single part of the floor wet before more than 36 convicts came out of the cells as there suddenly started fighting each other to the death. But then... "Louise! Those Heartless aren't gonna make it easy for us, so could you at least keep me and the others calm so we won't get affected by the stand that's making the convicts angry?"

Louise spoke "Given that my Stand is the polar opposite of the one causing this, I can do that!"

Louise activates Heart of Gold's ability, Calming Aura to keep the Smashers and I calm.

Soon, we started fighting the Heartless with clear heads.

Muta whacks a heartless with a baseball bat, sending it flying far.

Muta laughs "And it's out of here!!"

A Heartless appeared behind Jolyne and was about to attack her, before an arm emerged from the ground, destroying it with a punch.

A male spoke "I won't let an enemy lay a hand on Jolyne."

I looked and saw that giant otter mobian from that music room in Burn the House Down.

Showing up, Vivian spoke "I managed to get some help, but you seriously wouldn't believe this guy."

I yowl loud, getting the attention of the first generation Pony Guard.

Twilight flew in throw an open window before breathing fire on the Heartless, incinerating them.

Rarity and Blizzardstar freeze a few Heartless in ice as Applejack and Crosswind rip some apart with earthbending while Pinkie and the Tri-Pies annoy the cuss out of a large Heartless.

We fought the heartless for a while now, before a convict showed up behind me, only for him to suddenly bloat up with water and fall onto his face, dead, much to Jolyne's and my shock.

Jolyne asks "Wait! What the... No! Please don't tell me this didn't already happen. Please! The battle between the convicts is already over! They're all disfigured and bloated. Every last body in this prison is dead. It's a Stand power. How many Stand Users are in this place?"

I counted 35 waterbed-bloated convicts, including the one that died before he could attack us from behind.

A sonic yowl was heard as Haru sent someone flying through several walls.


I spoke "Good thing Remy wasn't affected by that strange Stand, he's on my head."

We looked and saw a short, skinny, old male Red-Faced Cormorant Mobian.

The male spoke "How can you stand with gaping wounds? *Stretching* Your stands are intriguing, my dears. A Stand of string! And a Stand who can neutralize Survivor’s conductive battle instinct! Who would’ve thought? I also find it interesting that all of your combat moves are completely unpredictable. Most interesting of all, however, is your dogged determination. It’s obvious you could’ve been gravely wounded, but I can tell you can grown much from those brutal fights. When Pale Snake sent three Stand Users here, including me, I was taken aback because I’m sure you can imagine. Well, I thought “Are that many necessary to accomplish this?” But now, the reason why is totally obvious, heh, if he wants to eliminate you all for good, which he clearly does. By the way, I am Kenzou, a spritely 78 years old. The key to good health is eight hours of deep sleep, and of course, urine therapy every day without fail. It’s important to maintain good habits. Are you familiar with it? Urine therapy! *Giggle*"

That last piece of info really grossed me out.

I growl "Well Pale Snake's got another thing coming!"

All 19 pieces of Celestial Gods surround me and my comrades, startling Kenzou.

Amaterasu and Chibiterasu growl.

Jolyne spoke "If you wanna play, I’ll gladly take you on. I can do an American style. Or how about French style? Japanese style work? And of course Italian Naples style."

Kenzou spoke "I’ll get straight to the point, dears. All the dead you see didn’t just die, they were drowned. I drowned them, that’s why their bodies are bloated and look like giant ticks about to explode. *Vivian approaching Kenzou* And regrettably, it seems my first opponent is not either of you, or it is not yet."

Some kind of weapon formed on Vivian’s right hand as she fired F.F. bullets at the old man before a bloated dead body rolled by and took the attack for him, before passing by.

Vivian spoke "Damn! I thought I had him. So much for my grand finisher. And conveniently, a bloated corpse somehow rolled by and took F.F.‘s bullets."

Kenzou spoke "Heeheehee. Yes, it was close, indeed."

Vivian spoke "Everyone, let me handle the old man."

I flew up after drawing my nichirin sword, scaring Kenzou.

I spoke "Sun Breathing.... WHITE FLAME BLAST!!!"

The attack hits Kenzou from above since none of the corpses were Pegasi.

But then Kenzou suddenly dodged it effortlessly.

Vivian spoke "We don’t know what this guy can do! *More Heartless started appearing* Let me take care of him!"

I switched to the Cosmic Star keyblade before yowling loud, calling in the KH Sonic and KH Twilight.

Vivian spoke "Guys! If we all rush at him, he could wipe us all out! Let me take care of this creepy old geezer."

I spoke "Show that creep the strength of a Prower!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "We’ll take care of the Heartless!"

I call in Sora to help fight the Heartless.

Blizzardstar uses hir cyrokinesis to create a thin yet flexible layer of ice on Vivian so that she doesn't dehydrate.

Blizzardstar spoke "That will keep you from drying out!"

Vivian spoke "Thanks, Blizzard. Now I’m gonna take this creepy old geezer out, and I’m gonna like it."

Blizzardstar spoke "It may be thin but it's strong enough to prevent you from getting killed. I'd rather not get an earful from Serenity if you got killed a second time."

Anzu tossed her Nichirin sword to Vivian.

Anzu spoke "Show that old bastard the strength of the Ikisatashi clan!"

Vivian spoke "Hehe… Damn straight!"

Kenzou opened his right palm as some kind of compass appeared on it before it pointed in a direction.

Kenzou taunts "Direction facing southeast, 127 degrees, 30 minutes, 20 seconds. Sweat. It’s dripping down. Are you going to open your mouth?"

Kenzou stopped as Vivian shot more F.F. bullets, only for them to miss without fazing him.

Kenzou taunts "Or would you prefer to drown? Is that it?"

Vivian spoke "What do you mean “drown?” I have no idea what you’re planning, but thanks to my stand, water is my jam. If you think you can-"

Kenzou suddenly thrust his hand into Vivian’s mouth before water started coming out of the vixen’s mouth.

Kenzou spoke "For a trained creature to drown under these circumstances, it usually takes anywhere between five to seven minutes. But only if they draw breath deep enough to leave oxygen in the lungs, that’s what buys them that precious time. If all the oxygen in both lungs are exhaled, that would have a far less enjoyable outcome. You see, with only a few drops of water, a creature will just drown and then die instantly. Siphoned directly from your filthy mouth, I damaged your fourth cervical spine vertebrae. There’s a large nerve that connects right to your kidney! When one is under duress, the adrenal gland secretes bodily fluid into the respiratory mucosa like a lubricant. So these few drops of water should evoke a feeling of being suffocated by a giant wave. Huh, lovely!"

Vivian thinks "Oh my god! I can’t breathe. F.F., I’m losing! This is bad, my body can’t take it!"

Vivian suddenly fell as her throat was bloated.

Kenzou spoke "Do any of you want to drown, too? I’m glad to help out. Heeheehee!"

Vivian then stabbed her right hand into her neck, causing a hole-shaped wound as the water escaped from her, reverting her neck back to normal.

Kenzou asks "Huh?"

Kenzou brought out his compass again as it pointed behind him as Vivian fired more F.F. bullets before Kenzou jumped, while two bullets grazed the front and back sides of his right ankle.

Kenzou spoke "Grr… Hiyah!"

Kenzou kicked before Vivian moved back, slipping through the bars and dodging the attack.

I yowl loud, casting a speed boost spell on Vivian as Tachigami sliced Kenzou's legs.

But somehow Kenzou dodged that attack. “What are you? Identify yourself.”

Anastasia scoffs "What kind of stand user is that old geezer, anyway? We should be evaluating his strengths. Wouldn’t you say? The main problem here, you see, is not the old man’s ability to drown other creatures, but the fact that he dodged bullets. Perhaps it’s trite, but why aren’t any of those well-aimed shots hitting him? That’s a far more dangerous detail."

Jolyne asks "Why’d you come here? And what’s your name again? Anastasia or… something prissy?"

Anastasia spoke "Because I love you, and I’ve been dying to see your face again."

Muta was beyond shocked while Jolyne was confused.

Jolyne scoffs "Hah? What did you just say?"

Muta hisses "Back off! Jolyne's my friend!"

I spoke "He's fast for an old fart.... So I should be thrice as fast! TRIPLE ACCELLERO!!!"

I was as fast as the speed of light while flying right at Kenzou as I curled into a ball, using a spindash and shredding the guy's neck bad.

But then Kenzou suddenly dodged me effortlessly again.

Anastasia spoke "Mrs. Danyelle, let Vivian handle this herself. That old man has been locked up here a while. He’s served forty years at this prison. He’s a lunatic who enjoys drinking his own urine. It had been ages since I’d seen him before. It turned out he was here all along. And now this decaying freak show is a Stand User. In the fall forty-two years ago, he killed 34 young men and women. He was sentenced to 280 years in prison, equivalent of several lifetimes. That grinning gray carcass was only 37 back then. He claimed to be the guru of a secret cult. And he was so successful that he even had Hollywood stars in his bizarre little fringe group. But their activities led to issues between his rabid followers and outside society, so the police and FBI started to get involved. He knew he was fully cornered, so he and 34 of his followers holed up in a Florida villa, and planned out a mass suicide. But it wasn’t quite that simple. Kenzou drugged his followers so they would pass out, then he set the building on fire. You see, all the believers burnt to death, except for one sole survivor who just happened to be the cult leader. It was just dumb luck, really. Strangely, it seems the wall of the building nearest him collapsed in such a way that partly shielded him from the smoke and flames. There is no doubt, though, that he was willing to die, since he was near death when they found him. What’s my point in telling you all this? I’m sorry. I’ve digressed a bit. But the fact is only he survived. He’ll never get released from this prison, but he wasn’t sentenced to death, either. This is the reality behind him."

Kenzou spoke "I’ve never seen you before and I don’t know who you are. But I can see your point of strength as though you’re made of glass, the secret of the power that lies within you. It’s patently clear that what flows through every artery in your body is very much something other than blood. Am I seeing the source of your stand in action? Or is it a different organism entirely? Either way, it will not affect how I’m gonna finish you off. In terms of vital points and body composition, you’re essentially no different than a normal being. In the end, you will shed blood, just the same. *As Vivian got up and readied herself for battle while Kenzou summoned his compass again* I assumed by your stance, you’re ready to drown once again. Just be aware, you won’t survive this time. West-southeast, 225 degrees, 0 minutes."

Kenzou started moving, confusing us.

Vivian growls "Yeah, that’s it. He put something on his hands again. What the hell is that? And what’s with the creepy side-crab walk?"

Kenzou spoke "Oh, how utterly fascinating. It seems your dragon’s direction is…"

The compass then disappeared before a dragon revealed itself, pointing at a spot on the back of Vivian’s head.

Jolyne spoke "Hey, Vivian. He’s right behind you!"

Vivian then fired at the stand, only for the bullets to pass through the stand.

The dragon spoke "No! Don’t attack me! You’re just wasting your time, truly!"

Vivian shot another bullet, only for it to pass through the stand again.

The dragon spoke "I’m telling you, your real enemy is that insane old man, so stop shooting at me. Don’t you get it yet? I’m impervious. An illusion. Your attacks will only pass through me. Eyes forward! Danger approaches. He’s coming right at you! I have no right to interfere. It’s only that old man. He’s your enemy. Destroy him!"

Vivian asks "What… what is this? The reason that old sack can dodge bullets is because of him?"

The dragon spoke "Here he comes."

Kenzou spoke "Hiyah!"

Vivian attacked as Kenzou blocked every single one of them.

Jolyne groans "This guy is 78? How does the walking dead kick and punch so fast?"

Kenzou spoke "To put a phrase, I can now enter the dragon. Hiyah!"

Kenzou jumped off of Vivian as his left arm enter the bubble before the stand grabbed it with its maw. Kenzou chuckled as his left arm was torn off without shedding any blood, leaving us in shock.

Jolyne gasps "What is he? He tore his own arm off, but… why would he?"

The stand shot the arm as it flew past Vivian before it turned towards the back of her head.

Jolyne spoke "No way! Now, his arm is flying right to the back of Vivian’s head."

Vivian blocked it, but got wounded from the impact.

Jolyne spoke "Man! That was close. But still, Vivian blocked it. That was so badass!"

I growl as I transformed straight to Danyterama for some odd reason.

I gasp "What the cuss? How in Faust's name did I attain this without fusing with Twirama?"

I punt the old bird hard with a lightning fast kick from my front left leg, sending him flying backwards.

But he suddenly dodged it again!

Anastasia spoke "I noticed as soon as Kenzou touched that dragon stand, his arm disappeared at that same moment. A smoke screen so we won’t see his attack coming."

Kenzou reattached his left arm and readied himself to fight.

Vivian spoke "Oh, crap! What’s that dragon behind him now? When you touch it, does your other arm tear off? It’s just like the user, the attack was weak."

The Stand spoke "No, Vivian! This battle’s result is already decided. But it’s not like anyone can actually predict what happens, though."

Kenzou growls "Hiyah! And you, pipe down! You talked too much. Why would you give away everything? You’re supposed to be neutral! Remember that?"

The Stand spoke "You’re operating in bad faith, though. You must share your secret with her."

Rats suddenly scurried on the walls, while one of them coincidentally flipped a switch, causing the prison doors to close as one of them pincered a head of a convict, shattering his glasses and causing them to fly, piercing Vivian’s mouth and causing it to bleed.

Kenzou spoke "Oh dear! You opened your mouth. Hiyah!"

Kenzou started attacking Vivian as she dodged them.

Jolyne asks "Vivian! Look out! There is no freaking way that was a coincidence. That inmate’s glasses flew straight at Vivian and lodged themselves in her face?"

Anastasia spoke "Unfortunate direction. I’m starting to understand. It’s feng shui in action."

That got us confused.

My left ear twitches before I kick the bird with a back hoof, breaking his skull.

I groan "I hate it when people attack me from behind!"

But then Kenzou dodged it again! It’s starting to get on my nerves!

Anastasia spoke "Feng Shui is geomancy for the East Asians. Watch Kenzou’s movements as if he’s adjusting to a certain direction. Attacks coming from there, one direction as if pre-determined, and that Stand on his hand, it just works. The only conclusion is, with that dragon stand, Kenzou can perfectly control the direction of his attacks."

Jolyne: "Feng Shui? What is that? And what do you mean by direction?"

Anastasia spoke "I’ll explain. It’s as famous as astrology and tarot card reading, maybe more, but it’s not fortune telling. East Asian philosophy highlights the idea that there are natural paths of energy in the natural world such as the flow of wind and water. By knowing the direction, in which nature is flowing, it helps creatures choose similar paths for their lives. Here’s an example; Feng Shui is used to determine the good and bad areas of the land, house, and room. If the direction of the land or house is bad, it will affect the resident’s health, fortune and even the whole family’s well-being negatively. In times of war, it is said that they checked the Feng Shui of the castle and thus could determine the most advantageous area of the fortress they could attack from to being down the enemy. On the other hand, if you build a shrine in the weak zone of the castle, it can calm the evil energy. The castle with gain furthermore solidified defense. And of course, this same theory of Feng Shui can also be applied to creature's bodies. There’s even an attack called Feng Shui assassination. If you can control the direction from which to attack your enemy, you’re almost guaranteed a victory over them. *As Vivian took the glasses out of her face and spat out some blood* No matter how alert and prepared the target is, you’ll be able to approach them without being noticed, leaving them completely vulnerable, and you can easily assassinate them. That means… unlucky direction. I think we’ve now established the secret of Kenzou’s stand. The unlucky course pointing toward Vivian. That dragon stand is pointing out the precise direction for Kenzou to kill them fast and easy. And at some point very soon, his attack will merge with that floating dragon. I’m afraid Vivian’s fate has already been decided. I can’t believe Kenzou. He’s spent the last 40 years in prison mastering the Feng Shui assassination, and that skill developed as his stand power."

Jolyne spoke "*As Kenzou moved around Vivian* Feng Shui! The direction to proceed! Then that means when he was on defense, that would explain it. That’s why not one of the bullets hit the old man, either."

“You gotta be kidding me!” I dreaded.

Jolyne asks "You’re saying the Feng Shui also protected him as well as helped him try to kill them?"

Anastasia spoke "Yes, I am. When he holds that dragon stand in his hands, he reads which direction is the best to take. And while moving in that direction, he simultaneously launches his attack. The dragon is trying to show the direct line to kill again.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Wait! Those glasses were deliberately made to shoot right into your face. Hold the old man off. Don’t let him get too close to that dragon."

I had to warn Vivian too.

I warn Vivian via telepathy "{Watch your back kiddo!}"

Kenzou snaps "Let’s go! Nicely done, Drake’s Dream. Thank you! They figured it out because you had to go and flap your scaly jaws."

Drake’s Dream: Shut up, you rotting mummy. I’m not your henchmen or your underling. The art of Feng Shui belongs to everyone, not just you. But it’s true that you can utilize my power to the fullest. Vivian, next unlucky spot is here! Right above your left ear. Feel it? This direction has the utmost critical emergency alert ringing. Your lucky charm is yellow, and your charm is a picture of a goldfish, if you have ‘em."

Jolyne spoke "Hey, look! He’s going around behind you, Vivian!"

Vivian attacked behind her, only for Kenzou to dodge it and grab on to her left leg.

Kenzou spoke "Time for a knife hand strike. I don’t even need to touch the dragon’s direction for it."

Vivian was about to attack Kenzou, but he struck first, landing a jab on the front right of her neck.

Anastasia spoke "The movement of his defending arm is also working as an attack. Must be tai chi training.

Kenzou spoke "How’s your mouth? I’ve got you now!"

Kenzou thrusted his right hand into Vivian’s mouth, but she chomped down her jaws, biting his hand as Kenzou yelled in pain.

Drake’s Dream spoke "Wow! If your defense works as an attack, then the reverse applies, too. Turnabout is fair play, old man!"

I stomp my left hind hoof twice on the ground, alerting Vivian to another attack.

Kenzou spoke "Hiyah! *Knocking Vivian away* I’ve grown tired of this, you brat. I guess now I need to utilize the dragon’s direction to finish you off completely."

Kenzou kicked Vivian towards Drake’s Dream before her front left leg was in the dragon stand’s maw.

Kenzou spoke "I forced your leg to merge with the dragon. How do you like that? Just so you know, that’s the same move I employed in my attack before. You’re about to get beaten senseless by your very own leg.

Drake’s Dream grabbed the leg as it was torn off of Vivian before it shot the arm past her, knocking up a dead inmates body into the air before it flew back to her, reattaching to Vivian’s body.

Kenzou spoke "Yes, that did just happen. My Stand attack has merged with the course of your death."

Vivian snaps "You asshole! What the hell was that nightmare? I lost my leg just then. Are you responsible for that?"

Drake’s Dream spoke "I told you there’s an unlucky direct. I’m very sorry! That’s caused by the direction’s certain power. I have no way of knowing what’s gonna happen in the next moment. But if I were you, young vixen, I would try my best to prevent or minimize the inevitable damage."

I looked and saw two flies buzzing upwards, before seeing the loose fan up there before a bird flew in and ate the flies and flew upwards, only to get sliced to pieces by the fan above it, causing parts of the fan to fall apart and off it.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Hurry and get out of there! The fan’s gonna fall on you!"

Vivian readied to shoot the fan while a corner piece of it bounced of the ground and started flying like a boomerang, ricocheting off the walls and ground and flying back.

Drake’s Dream spoke "Actually, what you have to worry about is not the fan. It’s the metal boomerang heading towards you."

Vivian was too late as the boomerang tore through her scalp, with it only hanging a bit on the right side while very little blood spilled from that.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian!"

Vivian spoke "Ugh… I’m glad none of the blood spilled. But still, that was definitely bad luck."

Kenzou asks "Huh?"

Vivian aimed her right front hoof at Kenzou as she shot more F.F. bullets.

Kenzou growls "What? Come back here, dragon! How dare you?"

Three of the bullets hit Kenzou’s right shoulder and arm.

Kenzou spoke "Son of a…!"

Kenzou then dodged the other three bullets.

Drake’s Dream spoke "You’re losing your touch, old man!"

I bodyslam Kenzou into the floor.

Out of nowhere, Evil Grows Requiem grabs Kenzou and turns him into a robot.

Eggman spoke "You so did not take MY Stand into account!"

But then a dark silver aura surrounded Kenzou as he reverted back to normal.

Kenzou spoke "Never again! I’ll never be careless and step away from the safe direction again. I knew better than that, and I am better than that."

A impenetrable barrier suddenly pushed me and Eggman away, leaving only Kenzou, Vivian and their stands as Kenzou’s eyes glowed magenta.

Vivian thinks "Speaking of directions, I’m learning something important here, how I can best get them. A mirror! I need a mirror right now! If F.F. and I can create a mirror midair, I can beam the dragon’s reflection off its surface, and fool Kenzou into moving away from his safe space. That’ll give me the perfect window to beat up that rotting bag of skin. But I need water. Even though I’m not dehydrated, the amount I have isn’t enough. I can use water to make a mirror, but I obviously need to heal my wounds too. But the only way I can possibly make a mirror midair is if I can get some water."

Kenzou spoke "In the not-so-distant past, some 30,000 loyal disciples of mine worshipped me, eagerly learned my teachings and rapidly following in my footsteps. But not now! Ever since being incarcerated here, their love and loyalty has turned into pure disgust. Everyone looked down on me, laughed and turned away. Even degenerates that abducted children and did unspeakable things to them saw me as beneath them. Forty years… forty long hard years! Honor! It was true honor, I tell you. Forty years ago, I was at the top of the world, a shining star. And my former glory will return. I swear! My wisdom on Feng Shui which rendered me the only survivor of that fire appeared in the form of a stand. As soon as I am floating here, glaring at you, people will soon call me Founder once again. And they will follow me, even if I never see outside this prison again. *Jumps up towards Vivian* The only thing I have left to do now is finish you off. For the last time, you show me. I command you now, Drake’s Dream. You will show me the precise direction of my finishing attack."

Kenzou kicked as Vivian dodged, jumping back.

Jolyne spoke "Vivian! Look over there, on the other side of the stairs! There’s a fire hose! Run and grab it, hurry!"

Vivian did that as she ran toward the fire hose before Kenzou chased after her.

Anastasia spoke "Remember, Vivian and F.F. said themselves not to step in for them. Let them finish this battle."

Vivian growls "*Having gotten to the hose* Where is it? I gotta get the water running now. Where the hell is the faucet?"

Vivian found the faucet and tried to get there, only to see Drake’s Dream to her left.

Drake’s Dream spoke "Be careful what you touch. This is your unlucky direction. You must protect it fiercely. Otherwise, it’s definite attack will head your way. There’s no time to be doing something silly like drinking water."

Kenzou was right above Vivian before she swung her left front hoof at Drake’s Dream, tearing it off into its bubble. “At their own will!” Drake’s Dream gasped in surprise as Vivian swung her other hand at it, tearing it off into the stand’s bubble as well.

Jolyne screams "Vivian! No! What are you doing? Please, stop! An attack has already been decided, get it? This is not going to end well for you."

Kenzou kicked Vivian’s head and the hose with his right leg, but then Vivian was suddenly gone.

Kenzou asks "Hm?"

But then we noticed a hole on the hose and something moving in it, including Kenzou.

Anastasia: Rather than a decided attack or being led into bad luck, it looks like more than anything else. What Vivian really needs is water."

Jolyne: She purposely removed her arms to fit her body into the hose."

Vivian then kicked the faucet, causing it to gush out water.

Jolyne: Oh, they did it! They managed to get-"

But then Vivian was punched out of the hose with her own two arms.

Drake’s Dream spoke "This is your leg. Feng Shui Assassination has now begun."

Kenzou spoke "Ah, it’s obvious you wanted to get some water and clearly you need it, but I’m delighted to inform you that nothing will go your way anymore. My attacks will continue to become your bad fortune from here on out. That’s Feng Shui Assassination. Drake’s Dream! It’s all pre-determined. You cannot stop destiny."

Vivian fell down the staircase with both arms attached to her.

Jolyne asks "She almost got water, but then couldn’t. He won’t even let her touch it. What’s gonna happen now?"

Anastasia spoke "Directly beneath the Discipline Cell here is the execution room. There is electrocution in the chair down in the basement, and it uses 2,800 volts."

Vivian soon fell as the hose bounced into the control room and turned on the countdown for electrocution. There was 1 minute and thirty seconds on the clock.

Vivian spoke "Ugh! This stinks! I was so close to the water, I can’t believe I missed it! At least I broke the faucet off. I just need to get water from up there then. If things don’t change… Wait a minute…"

Vivian looked at what she landed against, and it was an electric chair!

Anastasia spoke "The planktons and Vivian would certainly be annihilated in less than a second."

Vivian gasps "Oh no! Is that what I think it is?!"

Vivian tried to run, but found her tail caught on a restraint before being sent onto the chair as she saw the timer.

Vivian spoke "What the hell? It’s counting down. Is it already live? Or does that mean it turns on when it hits zero? *Tearing off restraints* Not of I can help it, it won’t!"

Vivian tried to move, but found her right leg shackled to the chair.

Kenzou spoke "*Arriving in execution room* I was curious. After I unleashed my attacks, what’s the end going to look like for you? That situation, anyone could perfectly predict what was going to happen."

Vivian fired bullets as they went past Kenzou as she ran past him, before one of the shots shattered his necklace and one of the beads on the ground caused her to slip right back onto the chair as the headpiece fell onto her head. Ten seconds was left!

Drake’s Dream spoke "Looks like it’s already been decided. You’re supposed to be sitting in that chair. Don’t fight it!"

Vivian tried to escaped, but was attacked by Kenzou.

Kenzou laughs "Hiyah! You’ll never get your water, so give up! And the timing’s absolutely perfect. The precise time, I’ll be finishing you."

Kenzou forced Vivian back into the chair as the headpiece went onto her head before the timer reached zero, with the chair starting to electrocute Vivian.

Jolyne spoke "Oh, god! Vivian!"

Kenzou spoke "Yes, the definitive direction of attack and a perfect direction of protection. Feng Shui Assassination. It took 40 years to achieve, but this only mean that I finally master it. The Founder has been resurrected at last! With this, I’ll go down in history as a Buddha equivalent in power and glory to Shakyamuni."

Drake’s Dream spoke "I’m neutral, old man. So it’s not like I’m gonna help you out or anything. But you see, Vivian did manage to obtain water mere moments ago, in fact, when you kicked her, wanna know how? Because a 78-year-old like you ran around hysterically, you perspired abundantly because Vivian made you run around. *Water appearing around it* Your sweat’s the water she and her stand used, and you missed it."

Drake’s Dream was actually at a different location, reflected off the water mirror Kenzou had in his hands.

Kenzou asks "Huh?"

Drake’s Dream spoke "It appears that Vivian can use F.F. to create mirrors using sweat. All it takes is about a third of a glass to make a functional one. You provided more than enough for them. In other words, if you’re looking at a reflection of me, that’s not at all your safe direction. In fact, quite the opposite."

Vivian grabbed Kenzou’s right arm.

Drake’s Dream spoke "It’s an official tie. The only thing that has sealed the perfect Feng Shui Assassination is a tie. Vivian and F.F. made their resolve specifically for this."

Kenzou started getting electrocuted as well.

Vivian spoke "Take this and choke on it! If I can share some bad luck with you…"

Kenzou spoke "My safe direction!"

Vivian then grabbed Kenzou by the neck as they were both being electrocuted before the chair died down as the barrier disappeared.

Anastasia asks "Well, that’s over. What’s going to happen next?"

“We gotta make sure Vivian’s okay!” I urged as Jolyne agreed before we and the others rushed down the stairs.

Muta spoke "Let's go!"

We went downstairs and saw Vivian and Kenzou, unconscious, but alive.

Eggman spoke "Let me handle this."

Eggman touched Kenzou and a pulled out some kind of capsule that he used to capture wisps with.

Eggman spoke "I think we should hold onto Drake’s Dream for safe keeping."

Due to my rather large size, I was stuck in the doorway.

Rarity drenches Vivian with water magic, jolting the green furred Mobian vixen awake.

Vivian spoke "*Gasp!* Thanks, guys. I know, it was a big risk."

I managed to back off and got myself unstuck.

Gloria spoke "Don't ever scare us like that again!"

Vivian spoke "I’ll try."

“Okay, guys. Let’s try to get that bone.” I said.

Muta spoke "But uh Danyelle, you can barely fit though doorways at that size...."

“Don’t worry, the bone’s on the floor I’m at anyway.” I responded.


Pale Snake Strikes!

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*Danyelle's POV (still)*

Haru yowls, alerting the others and I to Pale Snake's presence.

“That’s bad!” I dreaded before I saw that the thirty-six convicts were somehow turned into trees with some kind of open, empty bulb that formed on the ground and that the bone was suddenly gone.

Sonic spoke "Be careful everyone!"

We teleported ourselves to Haru, who was out of breath, while guarding a green baby with a star-shaped birthmark like Jolyne’s, which I honestly found adorable.

Sonic spoke "Watch out Dany, that's no normal baby!"

“Wait… Could that baby have been in the bulb?” I wondered before Weather showed up.

Haru spoke "Man! Am I glad to see you, Weather Forecast!"

Danny suddenly materializes before growling at the green baby since he knew it was dangerous.

But then before any single one of us could react, Weather suddenly attacked all of us, bringing us down to our backs in shock.

Anastasia spoke "Haru, I don’t think you know who you brought with you. You bastard. I’ll kill you. Now, you’ve really done it.

Vivian gasps "N-No way! Seriously?!"

Anastasia spoke "He isn’t Weather Forecast. I think this guy… This guy is… just an illusion."

Weather then turned into Pale Snake.

Pale Snake laughs "Thanks for leading the way for me, Haru. Very nice of you. I’m glad I could make it with plenty of time before the real Weather Forecast could ruin everything. *As everyone but Jolyne and I fell unconscious* 547. 557. Prime numbers are unbreakable and indivisible. I never believe this day would truly come. After 22 years, the place that exists beyond the pinnacle of creature achievement. It’s real! This is it! I know it! After decades of searching, I finally found it. The direct path to heaven."

A jackal spoke "True, it’s still imperfect and premature. But all that’s left now is to follow the memories sealed by Jotaro Kujo. There is a new moon tonight. Dio! I will awaken you and it’ll be time for a heaven gloriously fitting for me to control."

The person we saw emerge from the brush confirmed my suspicions, Pale Snake’s was Enrico Pucci!

Pucci snaps "The 36 damned souls of those who once committed heinous crimes. The pure new being born from that soil. Behold the living embodiment right here! Though, of course, very quickly before we get into that. I must cast you all into the perfect oblivion of death, especially the damned doctor. You all must know it was always leading up to this. Get up, Alpha-Queen of Redemption, and daughter of Jotaro. You’re the ones who barely protected your vital points and the others in blinding speed. Shame on you!"

Jolyne and I got up slowly.

Pucci spoke "If you won’t come to me, I’ll indulge your stubbornness and come to you."

Pucci summoned Pale Snake and launched an attack on me and Jolyne.

I clash swords with Pale Snake as Twilight aided Jolyne.

I spoke "I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!!!!"

Twilight shot fire from her mouth at Enrico.

Since Yuki was also affected by the new moon, her normally white fur was black as coal.

Jolyne spoke "You have two big things we plan to take back. One, my dad’s memories. And two, most importantly, your life!"

Pale Snake delivered a flurry of punches at us. “USHYAAAA!!!”

The four of us clashed his punches with our own.


Estelle shouts as she flew through a smashed window "Divine judgement for an evil soul! SACRED PENNANCE!!!!"

A blast of holy magic hits Enrico hard.

GlaceAngemon and his fellow hybrid Digi-Pokémon flew into battle, firing off several attacks at once.

Pale Snake deflected the attacks.

Pucci spoke "You think your friends can help you stop me, do you? I feel quite compelled to mention none of you quite seem to understand what you’re doing."

I snarl "SHUT UP!"


We heard the brush in the wind.

Pucci spoke "Imagine swallows that fly straight into cliffs, so they die. It’s impractical and tragic but their flight at skewed dangerous angles almost sure to get them killed. Their parents never taught them to fly in safe loops. But it isn’t because the parents chose not to teach them, it’s because they’re unable to teach them, since they’ve never learned from their parents, either. Many swallows don’t live very long. They don’t even realize they’re predisposed to those fatal accidents. I believe Jotaro was just such a swallow."

The three of us punched Pucci as he punched the three of us, causing a disc a disc to come out of each of us, stealing our sight and making the three of us blind.

Pucci spoke "Finally, your Stone Ocean, Celestial Gods, Forme Change, Kurama and Matatabi are mine!"

But the three of us attacked him!

Stone Ocean spoke "Ora! Ora!"

But how did they know when I blinded them with the discs? It doesn’t make sense!” Pucci mentally thought to himself as Jolyne, Twilight and I kept attacking him. “Oh, I see! It’s intimidation. That’s it! They’re using intimidation to detect and fend off my attacks. I didn’t think they could be this strong. This is bad, the three of them may be too strong for Pale Snake. I’m running out of time fast. What should I… Worst of all, the newly born entity will be…” Pucci mentally dreaded before he threw something, catching our attention as we stopped.

Jolyne snaps "What the hell? What’d you throw? What did you do?"

“We’re asking you what did you just throw at us!” I clarified.

Pucci spoke "Discs are souls in convenient material form. They can be preserved for eternity. However, if a disc enters the body of someone dying, it will simply fade out and die along with them. And no matter what you attempt to do, you’ll never be able to resurrect it. It’s done."

But then I realized something! When I defended the others, I wasn’t fast enough to protect Eggman from a fatal wound.

As millions of hordes of Heartless appeared, Pucci laughs "That is Jotaro’s disc you’ve been risking your life for. Why waste time? I have a better thought. Julien Robotnik’s dying. I could put it in his body instead. I gouged the thing in. And Heartless are attacking. What are you all going to do? Are all of you going to pull the disc out and protect your friends from the Heartless? Or are you all going to continue on with the ridiculous death match?"

Jolyne, Twilight and I sensed the disc fading with Eggman. Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!

Pucci taunts "So, Jolyne Kujo, Alpha-Queen Danyelle and Princess Twilight Sparkle, what’s it going to be? This is no longer an ultimate decision. Jotaro’s being dragged to his death with Eggman. Your friends will be killed by the Heartless. Aren’t you three upset? Are you dead inside, too?"

RAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!! That bastard! Jolyne, Twilight, myself and the others had no other choice but to go for the others and save them from the Heartless while getting Jotaro’s disc out of Eggman and heal him.

A chaos spear hits Pucci.


Kurama and Matatabi turn on Pucci before ripping him to shreds!

But Pucci somehow kept moving! “As expected, you chose your family and friends.”

As all of us kept fighting the Heartless and I was removing the disc while saving Eggman, Pucci slowly approached the baby.

Pucci spoke "Now, spiral stairs, the beetle, abandoned town, fig tart, beetle, the path to Dolorosa, beetle singular, Giotto. Angel, hydrangea, beetle, singularity, secret emperor."

The green baby then awoke and gazed upon Pucci before he used Pale Snake to pierce into the palm of his right hand, bringing out DIO’s bone and showing it to the green baby.

Pucci asks "Could it be you're showing interest in this? Will you come to me, quickly, of your own volition? *As the green baby reached out to the bone* Will this be the new beginning of everything?"

The green baby then suddenly chomped down on the bone and Pucci’s left lower arm.

Pucci spoke "Bless you, my child! Now, we can both enter your world together. Hallelujah, beloved Dio!"


Twilight roars loud, bringing Kurama and Matatabi back to her side.

I roar just as loud, bringing all 19 pieces of Celestial Gods back to my side.

Jolyne summoned Stone Ocean as all three of us attacked Pucci, causing an explosion. But when it faded, Pucci and the Green Baby were just… gone. Not a single trace of them, no hide or hair either.

Twilight spoke "It's not over guys!"

“Twilight’s right, Pucci’s out there somewhere. But right now, we need to get this memory disc to Jotaro and Eggman healed up as soon as possible.” I declared.

Sonic spoke "You forget, Rarity and Maria are healers since their element is water!"

The two females heal Eggman back to full strength.

Eggman spoke "Ugh… But still, we need to get that disc to Jotaro."

Twilight spoke "One problem, Danyelle's locked in her Danyterama form. Without her Forme Change, she can't switch back to normal nor can she use CrossFusion."

I teleport with the whole group to the Speedwagon Foundation, bypassing the barrier.

Jolyne spoke "*Showing Danyelle’s Forme Change DISC* You mean this Forme Change DISC? I managed to get it back."

I lower my head down towards Jolyne so she could put the Forme Change disc back in.

“Thanks, Jolyne. I owe ya one.” I said in gratitude.

Jolyne spoke "Come on. It’s the least I could do."

Ben spazzes out at how large I was and fainted.

Muta spoke "We should give Jotaro his memories back."

As I engulf myself in fire to revert back my regular form, something goes wrong. Only my size was affected for some reason.

I spoke "I can't turn back to my Mobian form!"

My Forme Change DISC suddenly ejected out of my head as Twilight looked at it, before she paled a bit. “I think I know why.”

We looked at the DISC and saw a crack on it.

Twilight spoke "The DISC’s damaged."

I spoke "Damn it... With it cracked... my normal form, Danydonna form, Danyterasu form and CrossFusion ability are blocked..."

Jolyne spoke "Hold on, I think it can be fixed. But at best, it’ll take 3 to 4 weeks."

I spoke with panic in my voice "3 to 4 weeks?!?!?! I can't stay as a taur that long! I might forget that I was ever a Mobian!"

A portal opened as Chameleo came out of it before he slapped me up the back of my head. “PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER, WOMAN!!! Your forms don’t affect your mind or memories! YOU ARE ALPHA-QUEEN DANYELLE, AND YOU’LL BE FINE!!!”

I ask "Did you just slap a demi-god?"

Chameleo spoke "As you told me, a slap in the face is humiliation, a slap at the back of the head is a wake-up call. So I was helping you calm down."

I spoke "Still! Slapping a demi-god or a full-fledged god is just asking to get killed."

Chameleo spoke "I’ve beaten gods and Demi-gods before."

But I felt myself being more calm and smiled. “But I’ll let it slide this time, since you did calm me down.”

Muta spoke "Well Jolyne, I guess this is where we part ways. I know for a fact that I don't stand a chance at being by your side since someone else has an interest in you."

Jolyne asks "Huh? What’re ya talking about?"

Haru spoke "What Muta was trying to tell you is that he really likes you but someone else also likes you."

Anastasia sighs "Muta, a word."

Muta sighs "What...?"

I put a bubble of silence on the two males so that they could talk things out.

Chameleo spoke "You know, when Jotaro was a teen, high-school girls just flocked to him. Same with Josuke and Giorno."

Haru spoke "Many of the she-cats took one look at Muta but they only saw him as Renaldo Moon... Due to what he had done... Nobody could love a thief..."

I spoke "My high school years were rough though, people picked on me by dropping things like money on the ground..."

Chameleo spoke "I think Anastasia can understand Muta about being a former criminal. And when I was in ninja school, I was treated like dirt. The adults glared at me like they hated me for even existing. But thanks to meeting Swampsuke, Primakura and Crawkashi-sensei, I managed to become a ninja and help others."

Twilight spoke "Try having a tailed beast sealed inside since birth, Kurama was the reason why most ponies didn't get near me."

Chameleo spoke "I can understand that, since Rivershifu and Articuno were sealed in me when I was hatched."

Twilight spoke "Midnight's different from everyone else because of what he is but he doesn't let the hateful words bother him."

I spoke "I got called a female dog one time when I was in my last year of high school."

Chameleo spoke "*Wince!* That’s just harsh."

I spoke "I was close to slapping the brat that had said that terrible word but I knew what would happen if I had snapped."

Chameleo chuckles "Smart move. Ya know, you’re kinda like Princess Vivi when she was a kid. “King” Wapol of “Drum Kingdom” just slapped her just for kicks after the summit meeting, but she didn’t cry, knowing it could’ve caused a war, and simply apologized, annoying Wapol enough to make him leave."

Nami spoke "I remember that!"

Chameleo asks "Guess Vivi told you about that, huh?"

Nami spoke "Yeah she did."

Chameleo spoke "Even though she stayed behind to help her kingdom, she is an honorary Straw Hat Pirate."

Twilight spoke "The weight of the crown in any world is heavy."

Chameleo spoke "Yep, like being a Mizukage."

I spoke "Or being an Alpha-Queen."

I looked at Anastasia and Muta and saw that they shook hands.

Haru asks "Well?"

“Maybe I should get rid of the bubble first.” I noted.

Using a claw on my right forepaw, I pop the bubble.

Muta spoke "Anastasia and I came to an agreement that we’d accept whatever choice you’d choose, Jolyne."

So, I had to ask Jolyne the big question.

Haru spoke "Not to mention... Polyandry is illegal in many places. It's enough that Manic has two wives though."

Chameleo asks "*Concerned* Should I be involved in this?"

Haru asks "What do you think Jolyne?"

Jolyne certainly seemed to be struggling with making a choice.

All of a sudden, the sound of a sword clashing with something was heard.

A blonde Mobian she-cat was fighting with Pale Snake.

The blonde Mobian she-cat spoke "PISS OFF!!!"

But when she slashed Pale Snake, he vanished, revealed to have been an illusion.

Blonde Mobian she-cat spoke "Quit hiding like a damned coward or I kill your user!"

Sonic spoke "*sweatdrop* That's Andromeda... She's one of Blaze's cousins on Phoebus's side of the family... She's got a rather short temper, but it's not as bad as Danyelle's temper."

Muta started looking like quite the smitten kitten as he walked towards Andromeda.

Haru grabs Muta by the ear.

Haru spoke "She's out of your league Moo-ta."

What Haru had called Muta soon causes Jolyne to giggle.

Muta sighs "Laugh it up Jolyne..."

Anastasia spoke "That is quite amusing."

I whisper all of Muta's embarrassing nicknames into Jolyne's ear, making her laugh.

Muta started blushing like crazy in embarrassment before Andromeda noticed Anastasia, instantly becoming smitten with him.

Twilight giggles "This could work out."

Chameleo spoke "Huh. Oh well, better get back to my own universe."

A portal opened as Chameleo exited through it.

I spoke "Bye Chameleo."

Yugi asks "So what now?"

Seto spoke "We need to find Pucci."

Joey spoke "As much as I would agree with ya Kaiba, we don’t even know where that jerk even is!"

I spoke "Tagging him with magic is a no-go since Pale Snake would know but despite that, I stuck a tracking spell in Pucci's brain and it's immune to Stand power. I know where that prick is."

But then I suddenly got a headache.

I yowl "GAH!!!!!!"

Ben woke up from my yowl, “Babe! Are you alright?”

A loud thud was followed by a yelp from Joey since I had fainted.

Haru spoke "Bending can't be taken by a Stand which is good for us though, only Korra and her descendants have that ability to strip someone of bending."

Yugi was laughing since Joey had gotten squished.

Tristan laughed a bit too.

Haru asks "Anyone seen the pink catgirl?"

Yuki asks "You talking about Moeka?"

Haru spoke "The OTHER pink cat! She's GONE!!!"


Jotaro's Memories

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*Haru's POV*

I spoke "We should deal with the memory disc first before it's too late."

Yuki spoke "I agree."

We soon entered the room where Jotaro was unconscious.

Renaldo spoke "You should put the disc back then Jolyne."

Jolyne spoke "Alright."

Yuki and I were on full alert in case Pale Snake attacked.

Jolyne inserted the memory disc into Jotaro, who groaned as he started coming to.

Danyterama spoke "Hey Jotaro."

Jotaro groans "Ugh… That was a nightmare."

Renaldo spoke "A lot has happened though but it's good that you're back to normal now."

Jotaro asks "You’re Muta, aren’t you?"

Renaldo spoke "That's more of a nickname, my actual name is Renaldo Moon."

Danyterama spoke "Renaldo kept Jolyne safe the entire time you were in a coma."

Jotaro asks "Really?"

Renaldo couldn’t really tell what was going through Jotaro’s head, but suddenly he found himself in a cold sweat after making eye contact with the Joestar.

Danyterama spoke "Knock it off Jotaro, you're scaring the lardball."

Jotaro spoke "Tch. Good grief."

To Jotaro's surprise, Danyterama didn't look like the nekomata Mobian he remembers.

Jotaro asks "What happened?"

Danyterama spoke "My Forme Change disc was cracked.... Jolyne said it'd take 3 to 4 weeks to fix..."

Jotaro asks "I’m guessing Pale Snake did that?"

Danyterama spoke "Yeah... And his user was identified."

Jotaro asks "It was that priest, wasn’t it?"

Danyterama's ears flatten, confirming the question Jotaro had just asked.

Twilight spoke "That damn stand of his nearly stole Kurama and Matatabi from me."

Jotaro spoke "His presence reminded me too much of Dio."

Danny's spirit barks in annoyance since it was Dio's fault he had died.

Danyterama spoke "The spirit of your second great grandfather's pet dog said that the Green Baby is a reincarnation of Dio... And now that Pucci has it, it'll be harder to kill Pucci before Maiden Heaven is activated."

But then we heard a HUGE boom and felt an earthquake-like rumble!

Danyterama yells "HITCH! WHAT IN FAUST'S NAME WAS THAT???"

An exhausted Hitch spoke "Bright light… crashed like a meteor… but left a small crater…"

Danyterama teleports to where Hitch was.

Danyterama asks "What do we got here?"

Danyterama looked at the crater to see… a male Leptocyon Diamond Dog?!

Mrs Sparkle was wary of the Diamond Dog since she was the only known pony Joestar without a Stand.

Danyterama spoke "I thought the Leptocyons went extinct a long time ago!"

Trident spoke "*Showing up* Slash. I am not surprised that you caused that aftershock.

Slash groans "*Dizzy* Ugh…"

Danyterama looks at a book she had worked on that kept records of all time travelers.

Danyterama spoke "Leptocyon cavefox, 50 thousand B.C.E., cause of death, beaten with heavy rocks by tribe."

But seriously though, this guy, Slash, had caveman clothes, and even a wooden club with a tooth spike on it or two.

Danyterama spoke "I might as well cross out Katie's name, Snowfire's name and the names of the Tri-Pies since they aren't time travelers anymore."

The 13-tailed wolftaur erased the five names from the book since the five in question were not time travelers anymore.

Slash asks "W-What happened? Where am I? I get sent to future again?"

Danyterama explains what happened to Slash slowly so he'd understand.

Slash spoke "Oh… Okay."

Danyterama spoke "I have problems with number of tails I have... Most common is two..."

Ben spoke "Babe, calm down. You’ll get your tails back in the Forme Change DISC."

Danyterama suddenly sat down on her hindquarters.

Danyterama groans "Great Faust.... Not now...."

Ben spoke "Uh… If you’ll excuse us."

Ben threw a warp ring before leading Danyterama to the Chuddle Hotel.

Sonic spoke "Well, that's going to be a new problem... If Danyelle was in taur form if she got pregnant, that would mean she'd be locked in that form until after she gave birth."

*At the Chuddle Hotel*

Danyterama spoke "Long time now see Arcana."

Arcana asks "Okay, what happened to you, Dany?"

Danyterama spoke "Cracked forme change... I'm locked in taur form for a month at most until it's fixed. And no, it can't be fixed with alicorn or draconequus magic."

Arcana spoke "I see."

Danyterama spoke "And to make matters worse... I'm 220 years overdue on my heat cycle... so I need to work it off."

Arcana spoke "Oh dear… Knowing that long, you might be with Ben for one week straight at best."

To Arcana's surprise, Danyterama's cutie mark was fully visible.

Danyterama looks at the mark which was a fiery lightning bolt behind a five pointed purple star.

Danyterama spoke "Okay, that star was not there before..."

Arcana spoke "Oh my Faust…"

Vetur spoke "I think she's the reincarnation of Jonathan Joestar... How else can you explain the Joestar mark and the spirit of a dead dog from 520 years ago? Something tells me that all of the existing Joestars are going to freak the cuss out."

*Back at the Speedwagon Foundation*

Twilight spoke "Jotaro, I saw a purple star on Danyterama's cutie mark...."

Even though his face didn’t show it, Twilight could tell that Jotaro was shocked.

Soon enough, word about the purple star on Danyterama's cutie mark got out thus shocking the other Joestars as well as the entire Crystal Stars hive-pack.

Josuke, while having a drink on the edge of an open window in a high building, leaned backwards and started to fall off before panicking as he used his stand to grab back onto the ledge.

Irene spoke "Stella, tell me it's not true!"

Stella spoke "Afraid so sister, mom has the mark... Hence why the others are spazzing out."

Nova screeches "DAD!!!!"

Bruno asks "Hmm? What is it, Nova?"

Nova spoke "There's a lot of talk going on in town about Alpha-Queen Danyelle! She's got the Joestar mark!"

Bruno: I see. Just like Giorno.

Nova spoke "But her Stand came second though, Forme Change was the first although... I heard from the dumbass cyro that Alpha-Queen Danyelle's Forme Change disc got cracked in battle, locking the nekomata in a wolftaur form for a month..."

Bruno spoke "Oh."

Wave spoke "I heard about it from Tails though."

Bruno asks "Is something troubling you, Wave?"

Wave spoke "Not really but being immortal kinda sucks though."

Bruno asks "Why is that?"

Wave spoke "Ask Sonic.... He's the cause of the whole immortal thing."

Bruno sighs "He truly is a strange one."

Wave spoke "Given who his paternal grandfather is...."

Bruno spoke "Indeed."

Some time later, Danyterama returns to Maretime Bay with Ben.

Danyterama spoke "Even after my Forme Change disc is fixed, I'm locked in this form for nine months... Oh hey Josuke."

Josuke shouts "I’m trying to stay calm about this but… WHAT THE HELL, DANYELLE?!"

Ears flatten, Danyterama spoke "Can you not yell at me? I don't like being yelled at... And call me Danyterama, I'm stuck like this for the next nine months."

Josuke exclaims "Sorry, but you’re kidding me, right? You’re a Joestar?!"

Though unheard by Josuke, Danny barks "Not just that, the 13-tailed wolftaur's also the reincarnation of my original owner Jonathan Joestar."

Danyterama called Appletank over so that she could relay what Danny had said.

Appletank spoke "Danny said that Danyelle’s also Jonathan Joestar’s reincarnation."

Josuke spoke "Sssssshhhhhhhut the front door!"

Danny barks "It's bad enough that jerkwad Dio killed me but if that Pucci jerk calls forth Maiden Heaven, then we're ALL SCREWED!!"

Appletank spoke "Bottom line, if Pucci manages to summon Maiden Heaven, we’re in boiling water."

Josuke spoke "I think I’ll take your word for that since I think it’ll be worse than Killer Queen."

Danyterama spoke "None of us can live in peace with that bastard around. And with Téa missing, we have to prepare for war one more time!"

Luna spoke "I will not lie to you any longer! Equestria is in grave danger. But when I look at you all, I don't just see subjects. I see friends, family... Strong, brave individuals who have stood by each other's side and have never, ever backed down from a fight! Today, we face a danger like none before! As one of your princesses, your friend and as a sister in arms. I ask you to fight one more time! For Equestria and for the multiverse!!!"

Various Mobians and Equians spoke "FOR EQUESTRIA! AND OUR FUTURE!!!!"


Imagination Unleashed

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*Andromeda’s POV*

Well, we’re all getting ready.

Kikyo, Tex and Rocky had gone into the world of Yo-kai to enlist as many combat-ready fighters as they could get their paws on.

Kikyo yowls loud "CALLING ALL YOKAI!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!!"

Lord Enma showed up. “You need our help?”

Tex meows "The final battle against Pale Snake and its user draws near. If we can't stop the guy before Maiden Heaven is activated, all our hard work will be reset!"

Onestar yowls "Count me in!!"

A silver tabby cat yokai yowls when many other cat yokai yowl in agreement.

Jibanyan spoke "Tch. If it’s to protect the living world, I’ll help."

Sandstorm meows "Exactly! United we stand, divided we fall!!"

Komasan spoke "Let’s do it, y’all!"

Sly spoke "YEAH!!!!"

*Back in Maretime Bay*

Crosswind was hard at work sharpening swords since the call went out to all able-bodied fighters. Shi was currently sharpening Inuyasha's sword.

But then a ball of light appeared, revealing a male dragon in a green suit, with sunglasses and high-tech wrist gauntlets.

Crosswind asks "What can I do for you sir?"

The dragon asks "What time period am I at?"

Crosswind spoke "Maretime Bay, year 2240 of the Celestial Era. You caught many of us at a bad time, a war is drawing near."

The dragon spoke "Oh. I may be a bounty hunter, but even I can tell that something’s wrong here."

Crosswind spoke "Princess Luna put the call out since the final showdown against the most evil Stand in existence is drawing near. Ah've been busy sharpenin' swords since Ah was a blacksmith."

The dragon spoke "The name’s Jonathan Blade, I’m from 2030 A.D."

Crosswind spoke "Ah'm Crosswind, unicorn ponykat. Nice ta meet ya. Now if ya'll excuse me, Ah've got work ta do."

Blade spoke "Hold it, your friends sound like they’ll need my help in the battle."

Crosswind spoke "Ask mah cousin, Princess Twilight. Ya'll find her near a dark blue alicorn named Princess Luna."

Blade asks "Thanks for the direction. Wait, why do I feel like there are two holes on the back of my suit?"

Crosswind spoke "It's because of yer wings, any Mobian that has wings automatically has their clothes altered so that they don't get chaffed wings. Just ask Corina or Zoey 'bout it some time."

Blade spoke "Oh, that’ll make things go quicker."

Blade flew off and found Twilight, who was talking with RAX.

To Blade's surprise, there was a nine tailed foxpony with red eyes and a two tailed catpony with heterochromatic eyes in yellow and green near Twilight.

Blade asks "What in the-What’s going on here?"

Twilight spoke "Sorry, that's a side effect of a skill called Body Double. The foxpony is Kurama, he's been a part of me since I was born."

Kurama spoke "A lot's been going on lately and we need as many fighters as we can get."

RAX spoke "Blade, it’s been some time.

But then Twilight noticed Blade’s gauntlets and had stars in her eyes.

Twilight gasps "Oh my Faust! Are those hi-tech?!"

Blade spoke "Uh… Yeah...."

Danyterama spoke "SIT GIRL!!!"

Twilight fell straight on her face. “Can you blame a creature for being curious?”

Danyterama spoke "Now isn't the time to be starry eyed!"

Danyterama roars loud, calling in Eren and Mikasa along with with all of the other Smashers.

Rarity spoke "Goodness! Look at the allied forces! Nothing can dare stop us now!"

Mikasa spoke "This is way worse than titans!"

But then something whooshed by.

Terramar asks "What was that?"

Anastasia spoke "Diver Drive!"

Anastasia’s stand appeared and thrusted its arm as it passed through a crate.

Anastasia spoke "I got it!"

Diver Drive pulled its arm back, holding… Pinocchio?

Anastasia asks "What is this thing?"

But then I noticed a book, seeing that the cover was missing a character.

Kurama was growling.

Sumarda appeared before capturing Pinocchio into a barrier-bubble of silence combo. “Just in case.”

Twilight spoke "Last thing we need is a rampaging nine tailed fox... Or a pissed off 13-tailed wolftaur..."

A portal window suddenly appeared, revealing Chameleo. “Guys! You’re up against Bohemian Ecstatic, a Stand that brings characters to life and can-“ before the portal window went static and closed.

Danyterama: Oh no! Haru! Are you alright?!"

“I’m fine. I’m right-“ Haru started to say before she saw her body suddenly walking away as I realized that was her soul split from my body. “GUYS!!! I’m right here!”

Heart of Gold suddenly appears, thus negating the effects of Bohemian Ecstatic and saving Haru.

But then we heard ticking as we looked behind us, seeing a Grandfather Clock.

Kabegami yowls loud in warning, alerting Danyterama.

To the surprise of many, two stands appear by Haru since one hand been Travis's stand.

A voice cries "You monster. How dare you do this to me?"

Anastasia kicked the clock, destroying it as a book called “The Wolf and the Seven Young Lambs” landed before we heard bleating as we looked down and saw a young lamb.

Anastasia asks "What?"

Danyterama's motherly instincts kick in before she darted over and picks the lamb up, holding it in her arms as she gently rocks it to sleep.

Danyterama spoke with a gentle voice "It's okay little one, there's nothing to be afraid of now."

But then we heard more bleating as we saw other young lambs torn apart and gnawed off as the sleeping one spoke while waking up with tears of vengeance, “In the story, he’s very devious. The sly wolf managed to trick the seven young goats and entered their house. And once he was inside, the ferocious fur monster went around capturing and devouring the young goats one by one. The only one that survived was the youngest goat and only because he hid in the old grandfather clock!”

Anastasia spoke "This story. I know this one!"

Danyterama spoke "But we can't rewrite what has already been written. Besides, not all wolves are mean though."

Holo, Myuri and various wolf Mobians nod in agreement.

Danyterama's ears twitch before growling.

Danyterama growls "Show yourself Ungalo!"

Anastasia spoke "There’s a problem…"

The Young Goat spoke "The mother of the young goats came back home to the slaughter and was very angry. Upon finding the big bad wolf, she took the scissors and sliced his stomach open. Snip! Snip! She dragged out his intestines and proceeded to stuff him full of rocks. So he’d sink in the river!"

Anastasia spoke "That’s enough reading! No more stories!"

Anastasia grabbed the book before his fur started changing color as his jaw started to change.

The Young Goat spoke "The Wolf is the villain of the story. And I’m gonna make sure you pay for eating my brothers!"

Anastasia’s ears started changing too. “This is bad. Now I get enemy Stand’s target. It was never after Haru’s body. It wanted all of us to join the fantasy and I’ve already been dragged into a story!”

But then Heartless appeared as we started fighting them.

Young Goat spoke "Mother’s coming back! And when she gets here, she’s gonna make you pay with her scissors! You better believe when Mother shows up, you’ll be dead."

But then we heard scissors snipping.

Mother Goat screams ":You monster!"

Readying for battle Anastasia taunts "You want some of this?!"

A few voices spoke "Mama! We’re over here! Hey! We’re in here, Mama! Hey!"

We heard the voices come from inside Anastasia’s stomach.

Anastasia gasps "*Shocked* What did you say?"

But then we saw the Mother Goat on Anastasia in a rage.

The Mother Goat screams "You monster! How dare you? How dare you gobble up my darling kids? I’ll kill you!"

The Mother Goat attacked, slicing a bit of Anastasia’s left side as more young goats jumped out.

The Young Goat spoke "My brothers are saved, hurray! It’s just like the story."

Anastasia and the rest of us started running.

Anastasia groans “Just like the story... that’s the only way things can play out! Which means destroying or calming down these jacked up goats is impossible!"

Danyterama glares hard at the Mother Goat, scaring her.


But somehow she wasn’t fazed even in the slightest as she stabbed Anastasia again while the young goats started bringing rocks.

Anastasia spoke "Guys! It’s no use. Weather! Hurry up and kill the Stand User already!"

We found Weather Forecast, but he was in a bad a situation as Anastasia was against a sled portrait of Van Gogh before both of them fell when we suddenly heard a gunshot through Weather’s head as he started melting.

Anastasia asks "Weather! *Notices hand melting into his mouth* I’m melting? What the heck is this, Weather?

Van Gogh spoke "It’s over. Just as it should be. I shall honor your sacrifice by living a happy life in your stead."

But then Weather and Danyterama grabbed Van Gogh.

Danyterama's claws were on fire in anger, inflicting burns on Van Gogh.

A roar was heard as Kurama rips an arm off Ungalo, causing him to scream.

A few minutes later…

Van Gogh asks "I… I can’t breathe. What more could you want from me?"

Weather spoke "Nothing, this is fine. You’ve done well. Thanks. You’re a really talented artist."

Danyterama spoke "I hope you know what you’re doing."

Anastasia asks "What did you and Danyterama make him draw, huh, Weather?"

Weather spoke "We had Van Gogh here put his skills to work and create a hero for us. They have a story too. Like most heroes, they have powers."

The drawing emerged from the ground with the words ”Put Back” on his chest and hat.

Weather spoke "The power to defeat fantasy heroes and return them all back to normal!"

The hero then activated its vacuum and started sucking up all of the other fantasies that were brought to life by Bohemian Ecstatic.

Weather spoke "And the story can only end one way. With the hero bringing everything back to reality!"

Weather and Anastasia were restored to normal as Kurama brought back a limp, unconscious male horse Mobian, known as Ungalo, who was missing an arm and had a face of complete and utter despair, and he seemed beyond recovery.

Dropping Ungalo on the ground, Kurama spoke "I went after the user and attacked him, thus stopping Bohemian Ecstatic."

Weather spoke "Perfect timing."

The hero with the “Put Back” words was just a perfect drawing on the ground again.

Two screams followed by a roar were heard since Matatabi had defeated Donatello and Rikiel on her own.

Matatabi drags the two males over and drops them on the ground, Don had a leg missing and Rikiel had an arm missing.

Matatabi spoke "I stopped these two on my own since they had the nerve to insult Midnight."

But then something dashed past us, revealed to be a Stand known as Netherworld.

Danyterama growls since she didn't know if Netherworld was friend or foe.

But then Netherworld faded back into Don as Weather started chuckling.

Danyterama growls "What's with you?"

Anastasia asks "Weather Forecast?"

Weather asks "Oh? So my name is Weather Forecast now?"

Strange rainbows started shining down with clouds appearing.

Danyterama's tails were thrashing in annoyance, which meant that the others should be careful.

I spoke "Anastasia, I think the wolftaur is furious..."

But then Don and Rikiel started coughing.

Don spoke "It is here, the Devil’s Rainbow. With his memory returned, Weather Forecast can use his Stand’s true power, Heavy Weather."

Haru, out of concern for the two of them, rushed over and used her firebending to sear the wounds shut.

Haru spoke "That was close... But reattaching a leg or arm is impossible unless... Wait... GIORNO! JOSUKE! GET OVER HERE!!!!"

Josuke asks "Huh?"

Giorno asks "Do you need assistance?"

Haru explains to the two males about Don's leg and Rikiel's arm.

Josuke asks "Oh! So does Matatabi know where those limbs are?"

Ears drooping down, Matatabi spoke "I ate them..."

Twilight spoke "EWW GROSS!!!!"

Giorno spoke "Do not worry, I can make new ones. However, they could still feel pain from that."

Giorno grabbed two long rocks and put them on where the limbs were severed as he used his stand’s power to turn the stones into Rikiel’s arm and Donatello’s leg.

Rikiel gasped as he woke up!

Inuyasha had sneezed suddenly, setting Sesshomaru's hair on fire.

Towa was on her back while laughing at her father.

Kurama chuckles "Hehehe. He’s in trouble."

Rikiel spoke "I… I need to tell you something."

Danyterama turned towards Rikiel, who got her attention.

Danyterama asks "It's about Pucci right?"

Rikiel spoke "Yes… and about Weather Forecast. Getting his memory stolen and being thrown into Equestria aren’t the only bad things that happened to Weather Forecast. He doesn’t even remember how to use his Stand’s true potential. Being unable to use the forbidden power which his biological brother Pucci thought he sealed away for good."

That info bomb left us speechless before we noticed that Weather Forecast was gone as a Rainbow passed through Ermes right arm, before snails, snail slime and snail eggs started erupting from the back of her lower arm, much to our shock and horror.

Ermes gasps "What the? My arm! What the?!"

Jolyne spoke "Ermes!"

But then the hole on Ermes’ arm where the snails came from closed instantly, as if nothing ever happened.

Ermes asks "Uh, yeah, what just happened?"

Danyterama snarls "That tears it! Enrico is DEAD MEAT!!!"

Sesshomaru took his anger on Enrico instead of Inuyasha for once, killing the jackal.

But then he faded, revealed only as an illusion.

Haru spoke "We need to find Weather right now! He could be fighting Pucci for all we know!"

Danyterama's eyes flash white, causing all 13 of her tails to bristle up and her wings to stiffen.

Danyterama spoke "We need to move… NOW!!!"

Twilight spoke "Akari's looking after Peppermint and Rocky so I can be able to help."


Various folks shout "PONY AND MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!"

We rushed off and looked for Weather, before we saw an area with liquid and frozen blood before Emporio stood at a point with shadows over his eyes, concerning us.

Twilight, Kurama, Matatabi and Midnight were all snarling.

Zoey, Haru, Yuki, Lune, Darrell, Kara, Blaze, Muta and I were growling in anger.

Danyterama asks "Emporio?"

We got to Emporio, but what we saw was just… Devastating… Weather Forecast was on the ground, with both legs chopped off.

Jolyne spoke "Hey, guys. He’s there. Call a doctor. He should’ve healed from the snails by now! Emporio!"

Ermes spoke "Jolyne. Jolyne! I’m sorry, the wind stopped."

Emporio spoke "The rainbow disappeared too, everyone."

A horrible realization hit us like a blow from Faust.

Jolyne spoke "No way."

Anastasia spoke "Listen, all of you. Plenty of people called me a murderer. At least that’s what the newspapers said about me. And I don’t necessarily disagree. When people asked me if I would sacrifice myself for my family, I told them all, no. I don’t think my answer would change even now. When it came to my parents, my heart was never moved by them. However… I know I’d be willing to risk my life for those that revived me from the dead without a second thought. It was like that for Weather, too."

But then Emporio noticed a Disc in Weather’s right hand. “That’s…”

As Emporio grabbed the disc, Anastasia said, “Yeah. When Pale Snake was focused on dealing the final blow, he took advantage of his special ability. He used that moment to seal his ability to a disc.”

Emporio spoke "Hey, Jolyne… I think Weather entrusted this to you, Danyterama, Twilight and Rainbow Dash."

Anastasia spoke "Weather came back to life when he met all of you. And that’s the proof he left for you. In his final few days, he was happy. Weather had already been saved!"

Danyterama, Jolyne, Twilight and Rainbow Dash spoke "Weather…"

Jolyne and Rainbow Dash sobbed as Danyterama and Twilight roared into the very stars in absolute fury. We’re gonna find that bastard, and make him pay for everything he’s done!

Jolyne spoke "One more time… I wanna speak with you just one more time. Just once more, I wanna talk to you in the soft breeze."

Others were crying as well. The wolves were all howling in sadness.

Ears pin back, Kurama spoke "Weather..."

Kurama, Matatabi and Midnight roar loud in sadness.

Opaline was crying.

Flarerudamon and the others cry out in sadness.

Enkai, Sui and Raiju roar in sadness.

Gilda and all of the gryphons and hippogriffs were crying as well.


The Final Showdown!

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*Rainbow Dash’s POV*

It’s been three days since what happened, and we couldn’t find a trail of Pucci!

Crosswind spoke "Alright everyone, listen up! Weather may be gone but he doesn't want us ta grieve for long!"

Luna spoke "Crosswind is right. He would want us to defeat Pucci."

Gilda spoke "I agree! But finding that damn jackal is impossible since tracking magic is off the table. Dany tried that but got a headache afterwards."

But then I noticed a small stone rolling by. “Huh?”

Gallus spoke "That's not normal!"

But then Zipp slipped and started sliding in the rock’s direction before she jumped off and started flying.

Cracker spoke "Momma!"

All of a sudden, the unity crystals started glitching out causing magic to go wild.

Danyterama spoke "Wait a minute, I think gravity’s out of control!"

A ball of light appeared in the shade before it faded, revealing a male batpony whose hooves and chest didn’t have any skin or muscles on them.

Trident spoke "Dr. Midnight! Perfect timing!"

Dr. Midnight asks "What’s going on?"

Twilight sneezes but no flames shot out.

Danyterama spoke "Hold on, something’s happening at Cape Canaveral on Mobius! That’s gotta be where Pucci is!"

Ben spoke "Aren't you forgetting something Dany? You go back to Mobius, you turn back into a human regardless if you're locked in taur form or not."

Danyterama groans "Grr… And I’m still pregnant."

Twilight spoke "My fire's gone!"

I spoke "Same with mine!"

Jolyne spoke "Still, this is bad."

Twilight spoke "Danyelle can't fight though since she would lose her taur form if she went back to Mobius."

Tossing a warp ring to Cape Canaveral, Jotaro spoke "Still doesn’t mean we don’t have help. Danyelle told me she had a friend in Florida."

Sunny spoke "You can count me and my friends in too."

“Same with me and the others.” I added as Pinkie, Rarity, Twilight, Applejack and Fluttershy agreed.

Kurama spoke "Where Sparkles goes, Matatabi and I follow."

Matatabi spoke "Agreed."

Danyterama spoke "Taur form or not, I'm still going back. Amaterasu and her followers can't help you if I'm not there."

Ben spoke "But you’re still pregnant, Dany!"

Danyterama spoke "I'm not that far in though."


Ben spoke "Uh-oh!"

Danyterama spoke "Like it or not, I'm the only one that can use Celestial Gods."

“Okay. But watch yourself.” I said.

Danyterama spoke "Don't make tickle your hooves Skittles."

“Hey, I’m just worried since you’re pregnant.” I responded.

Danyterama grabs me before tickling the bottom of my hooves, making me squeal.

Ben chuckles "Okay, babe. That’s enough."

Danyterama giggles "Skittles started it... And I'd rather not punt someone through a wall right now.... Not in my current form."

Brandy snaps "GUYS!!!"

Danyterama spoke "Oh right! TILL EQUESTRIA AND MOBIUS ENDS!!!"

The others spoke "PONY AND MOBIAN GUARD DEFEND!!!!"

Twilight spoke "Let's go!"

*After arriving in Florida,*

The Pony Guard were in anthro forms yet Danyterama hadn't changed back to human form.

Danyterama spoke "Now I get it! Since my Forme Change disc is cracked, I can't go back to my human form."

Lillian spoke "That’s new."

Danyterama bit back a snicker, as did the rest of the Pony and Mobian Guard.

Twilight spoke "Uh Lillian... Whatever you do... Don't look in a mirror...."

Lillian asks "What do you-?"

Lillian saw herself on a reflective surface and was in hir hermaphrodite form from when she was in Sumarda’s dimension.

Tempest was also screaming.

Tempest screams "SOMEONE GET ME A DAMN SHIRT!!!!"

A shirt appeared over Tempest’s chest, courtesy of Discord. “You’re welcome.”

Tempest spoke "That tears it, I'm wearing clothes from now on so that this doesn't happen again...."

Lillian spoke "Smart choice."

Katie spoke "Natural born Mobians don't have that issue though."

Lillian spoke "Not the time, Katie."

Sonic spoke "But she's right though Lillian."

Danyterama's ears twitch.

Danyterama spoke "Be careful everyone, Pucci might be nearby."

But then we saw people, Mobians, vehicles and other objects falling right towards us before we caught the those falling and anchored ourselves to the ground to keep all of us from falling.

Twilight spoke "Without magic, unicorns and alicorns can't do anything!"

“Maybe not by themselves, but when they’re working together with other creatures, they can win.” I said.

A smaller than normal Latias in the same colors as Wind Whisper was trying her best to hold onto her mother.

A shrill "IAS!!!!" rang loud since Danyterama's Latias had found Pucci.

Danyterama spoke "We got Pucci’s location! He’s at the space shuttle!"

Kurama shot a Tailed Beast Bomb at the space shuttle, causing it to explode.

The ship was still intact before Pucci walked out of it unharmed and walking on the ground like normal gravity before a stand attacked as Jolyne defended herself before she found her right hand pulled towards a building right next and below her as it started becoming invert. “Something is happening to my right hand! My arm’s turning inside out!”

C-Moon spoke "I’ve come to eliminate you all for good. Jolyne Kujo, Princesses Twilight and Danyelle!"


Muta was growling as he flung rocks at the Stand with his earthbending.

But C-Moon struck the rocks before they turned inside-out, becoming powerless.

C-Moon couldn't move since Amaterasu, Gekigami and Chibiterasu had it restrained with their mouths.

Grabbing Pucci with Chaos Barrier Trap, Danyterama spoke "I wouldn't move if I were you! One move and I SNAP THIS GUY'S NECK!!!"

But then Danyterama’s arm suddenly turned inside out, causing her to scream in pain as Pucci was released from the trap.

“All right, let’s head back. We’ll continue waiting in the Visitor Center.” Pucci said as he ran into before…

Stone Ocean and Star Platinum spoke "ORA!!!"

The two stands punched Pucci while within the building, shattering a window as the steel frames were shoved out of the wall, with Pucci stuck on them and bleeding as we zero gravity started taking effect and the inverted affects were removed.

Pucci spoke "No, Jotaro and Jolyne Kujo made it at the last second."

Emporio spoke "We finally got you surrounded, Pucci. The idea that your stand will reach its completed state in a few hours is just your twisted fantasy. This game is over. You don’t have anymore allies to help you. And you won’t ever be able to see the new moon."

Pucci spoke "That’s where you’re wrong, Emporio. It appears that fate… is truly on my side, and it’s serving me with one last test to prove my worth! What I thought was a hindrance became exactly what I needed. In the end, the Joestar bloodline is here to lend me aid! After my body was forcefully thrown into this frame, I finally saw the truth that the Kujos have been my allies all along!"

C-Moon attacked the frame as it started floating high into the air.

Anastasia asks "What is this? Why the hell is that damn priest floating up towards the sky?"

Pucci spoke "Gravity is working with me as its center! I understand everything now, Dio! This is it. The time is now!"

Ermes grabbed a gun and shot four bullets at Pucci.

Pucci spoke "C-Moon!"

Jotaro’s Stop time, Star Platinum: The World!

Time then stopped as everything and everyone except Jotaro and his stand stopped, while all of us immortals could only watch in the frozen time before Danyterama decided to give Jotaro a telepathic message.

Danyterama spoke "{Be careful Jotaro! He's planning to reset everything back to zero!}"

Two alabaster hooves slam into Pucci's face, sending him crashing into the ground.

Faust spoke "Thy don't think so thou little brat!"

But when time resumed, Pucci ricocheted off the ground as he then landed at the door of a floating spaceship from the space shuttle as Pucci laughed. “All of you, even the goddesses of Equis, are the ones who’ve been helping to raise me up all along. Ever since our first encounter, you’ve all been there, lending me aid! Our Father, who art in heaven, I beseech you to lead and guide me! I ask you to please watch over me, so I may not walk down the wrong path! It is to your very will that I dedicate myself! *As the sun’s luminous rays washed over him* I can feel it!"

Then light started erupting from his eyes, mouth, ears and every other part of him.

Pucci laughs "The coordinates! I’m here! Just now when Faust attacked me, I felt it. Her actions directed me into place! *As C-Moon fell apart* The ones who have been raising me up to heaven were those who share the blood of the Joestars!"

Emporio spoke "Look! It’s Anastasia! He’s already managed to get on the outer wall of the Space Shuttle!"

Anastasia spoke "You’re done for! Now, Diver Drive!"

Diver Drive was about to attack when something emerged from Pucci before all of us were engulfed in a blinding light. When it faded, the spaceship and Pucci were just… gone. And it was night too, but Giorno was breathing heavily for some reason.

Bonnie spoke "Thou made a grave mistake hitting a demi-god!"

Giorno spoke "Guys… I don’t know how long I can keep this up…"

That made us concerned for Giorno.

Leaflymon used her healing powers on Giorno, bringing his strength back to full power.

Giorno spoke "Thank you, Golden Wind Requiem is keeping time from accelerating, but that doesn’t mean that Pucci isn’t getting faster by the second."

Jotaro spoke "Giorno’s right, he’s probably moving at the speed of a bullet train."

I suddenly got an idea, but it was super risky. Still, it doesn’t matter how you look at it, because it’s time to do or die! “Emporio, I got a plan. When I tell you “now,” you send open a portal right behind me to Burn the House Down.”

Emporio spoke *Giving me something* Alright. I hope you know what you’re doing."

I nodded as I moved and stood ready in front of a wall before I saw Pucci rushing towards me.

Pucci spoke "I do this for the sake of all existence! Die, Rainbow Dash!"

“NOW!!!” I shouted as Emporio made a crack in the wall behind me as I fell into it, taking Pucci and his stand with me as he punched me in the face. Only he didn’t hit my face as I put Weather Forecast’s Stand Disc right in front of it, making him insert it into me as we found ourselves in Burn the House Down. “Thanks to what Rikiel told us, I figured out how to beat you. You said fate’s set in stone and it’ll stay that way. If that’s true, then I’ll just force you to change it for all of us. When we enter that crack in the wall to Burn the House Down, your arm pushed this into my head. Before Weather Forecast died, he used your Pale Snake to turn his Stand ability into a disc before you killed him. And it’s the same disc Emporio, Jolyne, Twilight and Danyterama entrusted to me. *As I summoned Weather Forecast’s Stand* So I’ve been keeping it in my hooves for all of them!"

Weather Forecast attacked before Pucci and Maiden Heaven circled around me in blinding speeds.

Pucci spoke "In the name of God, I will destroy you and everyone else! Your actions here today, Rainbow Dash… All they accomplished is solidify the fact that your screams will become the trumpets of hell! Even if you insert someone else’s disc into that mindless head of yours, Weather’s ability is what it is because of his own talent! Do not arrogantly assume that you can just wield that kind of power so easily! And besides, to stop you, I’ve become faster than any being could hope to be! In front of my honorable ambitions, Rainbow Dash, you shall come to realize your own insignificance as you wither and fade away!"

I knew everyone else was watching my battle as Pucci was about to strike me, before veins popped out on his hands as he was blown away onto his stomach before blood flowed out of my eyes and pupils like tears… the pain was unbearable. But I never faltered.

Struggling to get up, Pucci spoke "What is going on here? I can’t… stand! Something is wrong. *As Weather Forecast stepped up to him* What is this madness? It’s Weather Forecast!"

I said, “Even though I’m no egghead, I had to make sure I know everything about the weather and what it’s made of. I know that the deadliest poison that’s in reach with any living being is the very air they breathe. Every creature needs to breathe oxygen to live on the planet. But it can’t be concentrated more than 40%. 100% pure oxygen is extremely toxic, and any organism exposed to it will die. Highly concentrated percent of oxygen can rust iron in only a few seconds flat and even make fire blow up like a bomb. It also absorbs electrons in the living body, slowly destroying the cell tissues bit by bit. *As blood leaked from Pucci’s eyes* If you breathe it in too much, your hands and feet will start going numb, leaving you unable to stand. And those small veins in the eyes will break, making you go blind. Accelerate time for all I care. Weather Forecast is a Stand that controls the weather itself. I already used to to assemble a huge bunch of pure oxygen into this room. Now, you’ll go unconscious as the pure oxygen slithers deeper and deeper into your tissues."

Pucci spoke "No, I refuse to let a beast like you beat me!"

I spoke "I’m not doing this. It’s Weather Forecast’s secret ability. You’re the one who stole his memories, and awakened him again when you regained his power to make killer snails. Pucci, it’s all because of you. Gravity still affects you, right? You can’t beat your fate!"

As Weather Forecast pressed his right fist onto Pucci’s skull, he begged, “No, you have to end this, Rainbow Dash! You can still stop Weather! Do not let him do this… After I finally obtained the ability I worked so hard for, God wished it to be so! It was an ability that God choose for me to possess! A new history of creature-kind will be born, and the future of all existence will be saved! We haven’t even reached the point in time yet, where time acceleration started in Cape Canaveral. Maiden Heaven has yet to be completed. As long as it’s after Cape Canaveral, I will gladly sacrifice my life. But if I die now, it will mean that everything I’ve done this far would have been utterly meaningless! The fate of all existence will be changed forever! If I die, creatures won’t be able to see their future as it happens before them, which means they won’t be able to face their fate! Don’t you remember? Accepting their fate is how they’ll be truly happy! It was my mission to bring about true happiness. I cannot die here!"

I scoffed as I asked, “You still don’t get it, do ya? You lost and destiny is the winner!”

Pucci growls "You insignificant little…"

I added, “I didn’t do this alone. Jolyne, Danyelle, Twilight and Emporio knew I’d make it here, and this is what they would’ve wanted me to do. Weather, too. All of my friends and every single part of my family as well. We had no clue about what the future had in store for us, but we all had resolutions. The one who couldn’t accept their own fate was you, Pucci! Your fate is walking down the path of justice. You’re finished!”

”No, I’m not! You’re the one who doesn’t understand anything! *As Weather Forecast’s fist tore into his head* Go to hell, you insignificant little beast!” Pucci roared before Weather Forecast delivered a huge storm of punches as Pucci screamed in absolute pain while the missing pieces fell off him as I caught them.

“You won’t be going to heaven, you won’t be going to hell either. Your soul will be destroyed in the endless void that awaits you!” I roared as I left Burn the House Down before a void appeared, devouring a dying Pucci as Weather Forecast withdrew back into me.

Soon, when I came back, everyone was shocked and amazed at what I did.

Bold spoke "Mom, you are CRAZY!!"

“I know, Bold. But there wasn’t any other choice. It was do or die time since I figured out what those three words meant.” I responded.

Twilight asks "But what about Weather... No, Domenico's body?"

Danyterama spoke "Friends! Allies! We've won this long war but at a great cost!"

Danyterama howls loud, setting off the others as they all cried.

Midnight's ears droop down in sadness before roaring loud.

Jotaro tipped his hat, casting a shadow over his eyes as tears fell from one of them as tears silently fall from Anastasia’s eyes, who’s expression didn’t change.

Andromeda yowls in sadness alongside the other Mobian cats.

Sonic howls since he was in werehog form.

Muta comforted Jolyne as she cried all night long.


Celebration of Life

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*Lillian’s POV*

I still couldn’t believe that Weather’s actually gone.

Tempest spoke "He was a valuable ally..."

I hugged Tempest with tears.

Danyterama spoke "If I have a boy, I'll name him after Domenico. And who knows? He might have the Joestar mark."

Ben asks "Really babe?"

Danyterama spoke "Yeah Ben, it'll keep the memory of him alive."

Twilight spoke "Even though we lost a trusted ally, he wouldn't want us to be sad forever."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Agreed."

Kagome spoke "We made it out of that mess alive and that's what matters."

Muta spoke "Jolyne, I want to ask you something."

Jolyne asks "What?"

Muta asks "D-do you want to go out on a date with me?"

Jolyne playfully punched Muta’s shoulder. “Sure, ya furball. I’ll give it a chance.”

Muta spoke "And your dad looks like he's about to blow a gasket...."

Danyterama bops Jotaro on the head with a tail.

Jotaro spoke "Tch. *Tips hat* Good freaking grief."

Danyterama warns "Need I remind you that Muta took it upon himself to keep Jolyne safe while you were in a coma?"

Jotaro scoffed again before smiling, not denying that.

Twilight spoke "With Pucci dead, we can live in peace!"

Flash spoke "Definitely, Twily."

Twilight spoke "Things may be peaceful now but new enemies will appear, but that'll be up to the fourth generation Pony and Mobian Guard to deal with once they are old enough to fight."

Rainbow Dash spoke "But hey, doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t join in on the fun."

Twilight spoke "Exactly but right now, we don't know who the fourth generation of the Pony and Mobian Guard will be."

Danyterama spoke "Exactly."

A ball of light appeared before it faded, revealing an alicorn mare with red and blue sashes connecting to golden bracelets on her hooves, and a yellow-orange mane and tail.

Twilight and the others bow in respect to the newcomer.

Yamato spoke "Jetta, what a surprise."

Jetta spoke "Ah, Yamato. Good to see comrade again."

Twilight spoke "My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle, leader of the first generation Pony Guard. You're in the year 2241 of the Celestial Era."

Danyterama spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari, co-leader of the first generation Mobian Guard and the Crystal Stars hive-pack."

Jetta spoke "Ah, fellow princesses. I am Princess Jetta Maxx, royal Russian from 1899 A.D. I used to be undercover as acrobatic for circus until tightrope and safety net were sabotaged as I fell to my death during last performance of my life."

Danyterama spoke "I'm kinda above the rank of princess though. This kind of stems from the fact the one of my adopted children was a princess up until Thorax became the leader of his hive. He and I work together as joint leaders since some of my hive had been part of his hive until they left. The alpha part was because I had scared a few Diamond Dogs into obedience, plus I'm rather tall for a normal Mobian since I was born human."

Jetta spoke "Bау!"

Pinkie spoke "Huh. Sounded more like “Vau!” than “Bay!”."

Danyterama spoke "Must’ve been Russian."

Jetta: "“Вау” was Russian for “Whoa,” and “Da” is Russian for “Yes.”"

Danyterama spoke "I don't speak muh Russian though... I spoke Japanese one time but that was because of a type of flower called poison joke..."

Rainbow groans "Did you have to bring that up Dany? I couldn't fly right because of that..."

Danyterama smirked. “You could fly, Dash. Just not the right way being upside down.”

Applejack whacks Rainbow upside the back of the head.

Danyterama spoke "Gosh dang it Applejack...."

*Back in Maretime Bay,*

A loud scream split the air.

Sprout screams "MOTHER!!!!!!"

To Phyllis's shock, Sprout had wings and a horn.

Luna soon showed up with a bit of a snicker.

Celestia wingslaps Luna upside the back of the head.

A portal showed up with a sleepy Chameleo exiting it. “Ugh… Why was there a scream in my- *Notices Sprout’s new look* Wait-what?”

Celestia spoke "Clearly... Astral Flare has some explaining to do... and something tells me that Twilight is going to freak out."

A voice spoke "*Glumly* Boohoohoo…"

But the sound went unheard since neither Twilight or Danyelle were around at the moment.

Inspecting the color of Sprout's wings, Celestia spoke "It seems like I should have a talk with Phyllis about her husband..."

Chameleo sighs "Why am I not surprised?"

Chameleo’s Multitrix turned into a Yo-Kai Watch and shined on a spot, revealing something.

Chameleo sighs "Yep. Definitely bad luck."

Celestia spoke "Bad luck or not, he's still a bonafide alicorn. Besides, we already have at least 25 alicorns... Including pseudo-alicorns and half alicorns."

But then an angry roar from Twilight was heard.

Chameleo spoke "And Twilight’s on her way."

Astral turned invisible and masked his scent.

Danyterama spoke "SIT GIRL!!!!"

Twilight was face down on the ground.

Danyterama showed up as she saw what Chameleo found. “*Sigh* Buhu…”

Buhu spoke "I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry. I’m really sorry, I am. I didn’t even know that me inspiriting him would turn him into an alicorn. That’s really bad luck. Boohoohoo…"

An invisible Astral spoke "That was more my fault, I didn't realize that my alicorn genes were stronger than earth pony genes. It was only a matter of time before Sprout got his wings and horn..."

Buhu spoke "Still, i’m sorry. we yo-kai have to inspirit the same way creatures sleep at night."

Danyterama asks "Don't you mean eat?"

Chameleo spoke "No. She meant sleep."

Danyterama spoke "Oh right..."

Chameleo: Well, I better get back. *Yawn!* I need some sleep.

Chameleo left through the portal as it closed.

Luna spoke "Sorry if the noise woke you up."

“No biggie.” Chameleo said through the portal before it completely closed.

Serena asks "So what now?"

Pinkie spoke "Well… if it’s alright…"

Twilight spoke "Go ahead Pinkie, there's no point of saying no to you..."

Various others nod in agreement to what Twilight had said.

Pinkie spoke "Thanks, guys. Just to let you know, this party will be to celebrate Weather’s life."

Latias spoke "Ias! {Don't forget about my brother, he gave up his own life to save a foal he barely knew!}"

Pinkie spoke "Yes, Latios too."

Danyterama was digging in the ground before unearthing a light gray egg with blue on the bottom and a red triangle.

Holding the egg in her arms, Danyterama spoke "If only there was a way to bring that Latios back... But there isn't... Since the one I had is now a Soul Dew..."

Twilight spoke "We will never forget the brave folks that gave up their lives to ensure peace for the rest of us."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Agreed."

Bold spoke "As long as the Pony and Mobian Guard's still around, no creature will ever be harmed!"

Applejack spooke "Darn tootin’."

Appleseed spoke "Eyup!"

Much to Pinkie's surprise and the surprise of the Gunderson family, Nico and Pedro soon arrive!

Nico chuckles "Now hold up, pink party pony. Don’t think you can start without the Bird Carnaval Duo."

Pedro spoke "Yeah! We’ll have to take it to the next level!"

Twilight spoke "Let's get this party started!!"

Pedro chuckles "That’s right! The next level’s the Level! You gotta shake your tail feathers!"

Danyterama howls loud, causing the party to begin.

Flying about, Twilight spoke "Ya, ya, ya, ya, yo! Everybody put their wings, hands and hooves together and clap 'em as loud as you can. Flap 'em, clap 'em. I don't care, slap 'em!"

Danyterama spoke "Party in Equestria, baby!"

Twilight flies through the sky with all eight of her kids although Daylight was on Dusk's back since she didn't have wings while all nine sang.

There were no annoying cockatoos, no troublesome Stands and no end of the world threats to disrupt the party.

Luffy exclaims "YAHOO!!! PARTY TIME!!!"

Danyterama lets out all of her Pokemon so that they can party too.

Polnareff spoke "Alright! Now this is a party!"

Polnareff then accidentally crashed into Gloria, causing them both to fall.

Danyterama elbows Ermes in the side before pointing at the two.

Ermes asks "Huh?"

Polnareff spoke "I-I’m sorry, miss! I-"

Gloria spoke "S-Sorry for crashing into you like-"

But then the two froze before their eyes flashed pink.

Polnareff stammers "E-Excusez-moi. Where are my manners? My name is Jeanne Pierre Polnareff."

Danyterama spoke "Didn't see that coming..."

Gloria spoke "M-My name’s Gloria Costello."

Three adult Ender dragons were singing as they flew through the sky when the female crashed into a tree.

the dragoness yelps "OW! Who shot me with a freaking arrow?"

Ein yelps "EEP!"

Bertha blasts Ein with a Poison Dragon Roar, sending him flying.

Danyterama spoke "Some guys never learn..."

Twilight spoke "Agreed."

Soon, Gloria brought Polnareff over.

Gloria spoke "Polnareff, this is my little sister, Ermes."

Polnareff spoke "Bonjour, Mademoiselle Ermes."

Ermes spoke "*Blushing* Uh, hi."

The green eyed Ender dragon was chuckle-roaring.

Gloria smiled as she flew off, leaving Ermes with Polnareff.

Becky asks "Oi gryphon girl! Where you going?!?"

Becky followed Gloria to a spot as she saw the gryphon breathing rapidly to calm herself down.

Gloria spoke "S-Sorry. It’s just like my mind went blank when I first saw Polnareff and all I could think about was him. I’m just trying to keep myself from going love-crazy."

Becky chuckles "I have a similar problem. Aside from my dad and brothers, a lot of the male dragons have taken interest in me."

Gloria spoke "You know, some girls go for guys just for their appearances and attitudes, right? Well, my sister can be a bit like that, going for the looks. But for me, I go for what they truly are on the inside. And I can tell that Polnareff is a gentlemanly, silly, loyal and cheerful swordsman."

Becky spoke "I heard rumors that the wolftaur was the one that had gotten a black cat and a honey blonde vixen together."

Gloria asked as she flew back with Becky, “Really? Who?”

Serena was laughing since Ash was drenched in slime.

Gloria giggles "Oh!"

Soon, Gloria and Becky returned.

Polnareff asks "Ah, Gloria. Had a talk with a friend?"

Gloria spoke "Yes."

Becky spoke "It's not easy being one of the only four known Ender dragons though... And goodness, is that Smolder? I haven't seen her since I was just a hatchling!"

Smolder spoke "‘Sup, guys."

Danyterama spoke "Wow Smolder, you've gotten bigger since I last saw you."

The keen eyed wolftaur notices a pink egg in Smolder's left hand.

Danyterama asks "Is that your egg?"

Smolder was flustered.

Danyterama called Sandbar and the rest of the Young Six over.

Gallus asks "What happened?"

Ocellus spoke "That's what I want to know too."

Beetlo spoke "Same here."

Silverstream asks "Wait, is that an egg?"

Sonic spoke "By the looks of it, yeah."

Yona asks "Where did dragon get egg?"

A wooly chakat spoke "I'm thinking the same thing."

Danyterama spoke "Maybe it's hers though."

The wooly chakat spoke "That aside... LET'S PARTY!!!!"

Shion had challenged Applejack and Rainbow to a cider contest.

The two gladly accepted with Zoro joining in. Nami didn’t want to join before the grand prize was announced, which motivated her enough to participate as well.

Sanji spoke "Oh no you don't Nami, you've got a child on the way."

Nami seductively winked at Sanji, making the chef change his mind in a love-daze.

Danyterama spoke "Yo Bright Mac! Round of cider for everyone! Non alcoholic for the children and pregnant females though."

A breeze ruffles the fur of Danyterama as she sang

Bright Mac spoke "Eyup."

The two eggs soon hatch.

A small Latios was soon napping in Danyterama's arms.

Danyterama spoke "Oh, what a little cutie."

The party continued on all day.

While we were partying long and hard, a gentle wind blew with a smile.

Danyterama spoke "His fighting spirit will never die as long as we protect the peace."

Everyone cheered in agreement.


Final Notes

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*Discord's POV*

I spoke "When one story ends, another begins. Even though the Pony and Mobian Guard along with all of their allies won the war against Pucci, there were still more threats out there hiding in the shadows. Muta finally got the courage to ask Jolyne out on a date, much to Jotaro's annoyance but Danyelle had slapped the guy in the back of the head. And speaking of Danyelle, eight months after her Forme Change disc was repaired, she had a tora-ge wolftaur son which came as a big shocker for everyone. Opaline was eight months in with a hybrid foal which freaked Radiant and Twilight out. Andromeda and Anastasia got married and now have twins on the way. I passed the mantle of Chaos Lord to Yui's son."

Danyelle spoke "Oh shut up Discord before I tell Pandora on you!"

I spoke "Don't you dare!"

Danyelle spoke "PANDORA!!!!"

I chase Danyelle off.

End of Book 10