• Member Since 16th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Lightning Sprint

Fly High~


This story is a sequel to Extra, Extra! Read All About It!

Following a successful interview with Heiress Peppermint Tea of the Golden Horseshoe Tea Company, Front Page was given a day and a time. Saturday at 8:00PM. Making his way back to Ponyville, what follows is a night he wouldn't of expected in his wildest dreams. He must be doing something right, huh?

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 3 )

Amidst the vibrant energy and bustling streets of New York City beckons a hidden treasure, carrying echoes of decades past and offering an escape from the modern world. The Tavern, located in the heart of the city, is more than just a tavern, it's a place where history, music and conviviality converge. Join restaurants near me nyc to experience the highlights and learn the most interesting facts that make the Tavern a timeless gem worth discovering.

It's a lovely sequel to the first one. Will there be another sequel to this?

I was thinking about doing so. If that's what people wanted to see :twilightsmile:

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