• Member Since 16th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Thursday

Lightning Sprint

Fly High~


After waking up one day, ready to help the other pegasi weather teams with all the snow, Lightning Sprint's day is changed when she begins to sneeze... again and again.

A couple of friends drop by to see how she's doing and cheer her up but one visit in particular is a pleasant surprise.

Chad belongs to Alpha Wolf

This is a Canon story in the FaM Universe

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

Huh, I was wondering how she ended up sick. Poor LS, she would've been an amazing addition to the song. If only the universe weren't so cruel.

Another fantastic story by a fantastic friend!

Poor Lighty. Hope she gets better soon!

Poor lightning, need a hug?

And your Story amused me when i saw the doctor

She'll be her normal self in no time!


As long as she doesn't sneeze I'm sure she'd accept it ^^


As for the Doctor, if i may say, i have an oc with the exact same name and job as you used here, thus i had to chuckle

Great minds think alike, huh.

Mhm. Ironically, a friend meant that redcross is unfitting as name, given the similarence to the actual red cross

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