• Member Since 28th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 28 minutes ago


Particle Physics and Pony Fiction Experimentalist


Every unicorn knows that pegasi can steal your luminescence, but as it hasn’t actually happened for so long, no pony can remember exactly how they did it. This is the story of how they pulled off the heist, many moons ago.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 12 )

Theres strange things occur when you try doing Schroedinger maths with fractional calculus. Like each point is affected by all other points on the curve, no matter how far away it is.:trixieshiftright:


each point is affected by all other points on the curve, no matter how far away it is

Gravity is fun; that old joke about Chuck Norris pushing the world down is also technically true. (Yes, Chuck Norris Facts are now "old")

So basically, the reason the pegasi and unicorns fell out, and likely contributed greatly to the separation from the earth ponies too, was ultimately because...marketing.

Yeah, that seems about right. :rainbowlaugh:

My take is the separation of the pony tribes was a gradual process with many causes. This story is just a small part of a bigger picture. Insensitive 'helicopter research' leads to distrust. Then if a digital divide emerges, where one group has access to new technology and another doesn't, that pushes them further apart.

You can blame a lot on marketing, just like Canterlogic.

No, I agree--the "Great Division" was almost certain;y a gradual thing caused by a great many different events, and likely transpired comparatively recently in relation to the events of G4. Otherwise, surely the whole of the G5 cast would've been able to point to that "one thing" that had caused them to all be driven apart...but never can, and never try to. Because there wasn't any "one thing." It's why G5 itself hasn't elaborated on what caused it, because the story's actually probably just a pretty mundane chain of events that wouldn't make for good television once it's all said and done.

But nevertheless...the idea that it happened, or at least was contributed to, because somebody in Marketing decided there wouldn't be a profit in some seemingly unrelated thing...does still seem rather poetic in an ironic sort of way. :rainbowlaugh:

*thows tennis ball at screen*

Very nice work as always.

Ah yes, the good Dr. Y. A. Garnet.

Nice little story. It just needs a little editing.
Second scene, first paragraph after the conversation. "She dashed off to great them and clear a table." Greet, not great?
Also, I think it's a funny horse pun if they say "hay" instead of "hey".

Thanks. Fixed.

Somehow, missed the update:

Your ponies can only see 3 colors. ¿Why is that? Most birds see red, green, blue, and UVA.

Bridewood becomes a technological backwater. It sounds like the AntiVaccerCommunities without 5G because those dolts believe the G5 causes the 'Rona. G5 caused G5.

In our universe, horses have two-colour vision. However I think it is reasonable to assume things are different in Equestria, as those huge pony eyes look very different, and I'm going with three colours.


I know, ponies, like most eutherians,* are dichromates.

Our nocturnal ancestors lost to cone-types. We regained the distinction between red and green through gene-duplication.

I always imagined ponies seeing near infrared, red, green, blue, have their retinas in front of their bloodvessels and nerves,, and UVA are sensitive to polarized light. I wonder how ponies would perceive the dress:


This dress is clearly blue and black, but people with neurological problems perceive it as white and gold because they cannot compensate for the cast.

I wonder the optical processing as much as I wonder about the eyes.

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