• Published 26th Aug 2020
  • 384 Views, 262 Comments

A Father's Fury - Windlife

An old war torn father is deprived from his son when the human menace comes through a portal and kidnaps his foal for cutie mark harvesting. Will he be able to save his son from Natash? With Twilight's help, maybe he will. NO HATE IN THE COMMENTS!

  • ...

Ignorance is Strength

We come out of the portal it is very dust and muddy and i see him waiting (The evil human named natas) in the distance. He has guards.

We attack and he almost kills me but i manage to throw my tomahake into his face and almost kill him but he blocks it with a agressive looking stand with a sheild but he was rahter defencsive. HMMMMM.

He slashes at me but my son jumps in the way and dies! "Nooo!" I sohut holding him up like a bag of meat.

"Father kill satan."

"Is that his name>"

I think?

I get up and kill him with the help of twitlight/.

But he is still aliove!

Comments ( 78 )

NEW CHAPTER IS OUT WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then leave? Big brain.

The size of my brain ain't depend how smart I am. Thankles for the complament love!

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnffffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssstttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Couldn't agree more.


The size of my brain ain't depend how smart I am.

Big brain.

Thankles for the Compliment! Have a unfollow!

No name 13 is unfollowing you.

No! Not the follow bot! NO!

Oh now what? Gonna report me for being a bot account? Ooh! I'm scared!

Again, I'm not accusing you of literally being a bot. Another big brain 200IQ response.

Pfft. Please. Get a life.

Man, I gotta say, it feels like I'm beating up on a defenseless kid right now. Out of respect for you and your reputation, I'm going to block you for a day. Just a day. Come back with better material tomorrow, okay?

Is this the new GrayOnBlue?

Comment posted by Scarheart deleted Aug 27th, 2020
Comment posted by Hclegend deleted Aug 27th, 2020

Wait... so you want to be a girl, but you are a girl...
I don't get you...

2 likes and 56 downvotes...wish me luck boys...I'm going in!

Comment posted by Mordezerstoren deleted Aug 27th, 2020

Aight, after minutes of speed reading... I have found this story, comedic. It replicates the idea of chaos and order in one form. The fact that this story is trying to be dark and filled with revenge and action, only to be bought down by grammatical issues and misspellings is downright hilarious. The chaos it created in the comment section alone will make Discord blush!

Amazing work! Continue to make more story and create more chaos and hate! I love the drama happening in the comment section!

That is The Party from 1984 in chapter titles. Finnegan's Wake is a book that exists. Combined, I can actually believe that this sort of thing is what academia wants to see. If this sounds like an indictment of academia to you, very good! You have better reading comprehension than most Americans.

Comment posted by Sunchips deleted Aug 27th, 2020

"Nooo!" I sohut holding him up like a bag of meat.

It's reading absolute perfection like this that reminds me I'm going to die one day soon, and that If I wasn't wasting that precious little life reading this masterpiece, I honestly couldn't die happy.

So thank you for also wasting your life writing this, even though I'm pretty sure it took me longer to read this, than it took you to write it.

Congratulations, you've stolen my life and time.

I'm adding this to my "Favorites" and leaving a "Like", just ignore the quotation marks, they're simply there for decoration.

May you succeed in... Well whatever the hell this is.

God Bless.


Would choose reading this for eternity as my punishment in hell.

Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 27th, 2020

- Yea, but do you sohut "Noo!" ?

It is sad you did not pass highschool! Keeps trying okay?? One day you mighting do the it!!!!

Comment posted by fr13dgh05t deleted Aug 27th, 2020

Because he got the away!!! The plot is very good but I might need to do some slight revisions!!!

this is the best story ever written of fimfic and there's nothing that can top it



The plot is good, but clarity would go a long way. Thank you for the compliment earlier, but my stance is still that this story needs editing, and maybe more time. You jump from scene to scene with speed that gives us whiplash in the worst way. You need to give us plot density. The story has potential, but things like Rainbow Dash being killed for being a traitor comes out of the blue. The main character isn't loveable, as he celebrates the death of an amnesic grandmother and sells off his "beloved" daughter without a fight. No father that said they loved somepony so much would do such a thing. While I am impressed this story has the length is does considering your other single chapter travesties, this would appreciate help.

Thank you so much!!!

Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020

Failed gym class, that sucks! Better work out next time! Maybe lift some weights <3

Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020
Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020
Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020
Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020

try as you like but once you brought my physical capabilities into this, you started a war of attrition, and I intend to win


I may rest now but just know, this isn't over

Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020

Nice war of attrition, dude.


it's simple, I post, you delete, I post again

Comment posted by 02 deleted Aug 28th, 2020

lol. So smart XD


ahem, I tried to be funny and I tried to be civil, I am 16 and yet still feel older than your sorry ass, I was trying to help you realize that criticism was a good thing with a bad name, but NOOOOO, you just HAD to act like a child, not a care for what people say, neither good nor bad, it just isn't true because "I said so"
WAKE-UP CALL MOTHER FUCKER, YOU AIN'T GONNA PAY OFF YOUR STUDENT LOAN DEBTS WITH SOME POORLY WRITTEN NOVELS, and the only thing you'll have left to repair your career is your broken hopes and dreams, but I'm sure you already have plenty of those don't you?
I'm done here cause wasting any more time on you will only leech years off my life-span just like you leech off of your disapointed parents.

Comment posted by -Pinkamena_Pie- deleted Aug 28th, 2020


I'm done here cause wasting any more time on you will only leech years off my life-span just like you leech off of your disapointed parents.

Yet you've become so enraged that you reposted this message 7 times.


Makes sense now :twilightblush:

Huh! I wonder what happened to the new chapters? Huh?


I'm just making it known that you just can't handle the truth


there's a difference between rage and spreading common knowledge

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