"What exactly are you doing?" Mayor Mare questioned her new assistant.
The two stood right outside the town hall, a strange contraption of sorts was displayed in front of Mayor Mare, its purpose is a mystery to her. It was oddly designed, shaped like the sun with its golden rays of sunshine. Built upon a base made from wooden materials and held together by several nails.
It looked like it was from an art museum.
Though the inside of this contraption confused the Mayor greatly. Turner was ducked in the wooden base, he had tools scattered about, the strangest part was that it sounded like a construction site in there. To really make it feel like one, a contractor was even present, the mare just sat there and did nothing- oh wait, it was just Derpy pretending to be one.
"Uh, Turner?"
"Sorry," Turner pulled his head out of the machine, a strange tool in his hoof. The handle was too large and long, there was a pommel and a handguard. It looked more like a weapon instead of a tool if it had a sword attached to it. "Right, well with the Summer Sun Celebration is nearing, I figured we should have something for when the day arrives."
"And what may this... thing you are building do?"
"It's a surprise, but I'll be happy to explain." Turner cleared out his throat, as if it was her cue, Derpy brought out a sketchbook that clearly belonged to Turner. Derpy opened the book to a page where the sketch of the contraption was on. The tool in Turner's hoof retracted into the device before a long rod extended out of it.
"W-what is that?" The Mayor pointed at the tool.
"Oh this? Just my magical screwdriver and cane, I mostly use it as a coat rack really." He chuckled. "Anyway, as you can see from my original design, the sun of my construct is equipped with a variety of colorful smoke bombs. It will ascend to the skies in the first light of dawn, triggering the smoke bombs as it gets higher and higher, but... I am trying to implement a music player inside though I have to consult you first because it might clash with the band you'll be hiring in the future unless we can make a compromise and prepare some music for both this design and the band but we must first decide on what that music should be because we need to have something harmonious together I can of course-"
"Oh, sorry about that!" He knew not who called his name for he was too deep in his words, but it was best to apologize for his little mistake. "Sometimes I get lost when I explain things, but as I said, I wanted something to really inspire the crowd when we celebrate the event."
The Mayor hummed. "Very interesting, so this will benefit the town?"
"Well of course, I will set up five of these machines around Ponyville, and when the event is over, everyone will remember the spectacular show that we've put together. I bet others will be jealous of our machines."
"Our?" Mayor Mare was puzzled but then realized that he was willing to tell the world that it was a team effort of the Mayor and Turner. He was selfless when it came to his inventions, an odd sense of satisfying the needs of others before his, that was her perspective on the Doctor.
She smiled warmly as the Doctor continued with the machine, never had she thought that a stallion of such talents would be working under her. It honestly made her happy to have Turner around, even if she didn't deserve him. Heck, it would be better for Turner if he worked somewhere his skills would be of use, but no, he chose a simpler job.
"I do believe that you should take a break, Turner, you've been working hard for the town, and I can't just slave-"
Something snapped inside the machine, this scared the two mares as it came out of nowhere, Turner was frozen still with his upper body inside the construct.
"Are you okay, Turner?" The Mayor inquired.
"Right," He chuckled as he pulled himself out. "Sorry, I just don't like that word... So, now that I've broken something, maybe I should take a moment to rest. Thank you for suggesting, Mayor Mare. If something difficult comes up, just call me. Come along, Derpy."
"Oh, wait for me!" Derpy said as the Doctor ran off before she could even say a word.
The Mayor was left confused, she was unsure what set the Doctor off like that, and she feared that she might make the mistake again. She hoped she would find out soon, Mayor Mare would rather not lose someone as valuable as Turner. He had already been helpful the day he hired himself, and it would be dreadful if something happened.
Turner strode through the streets, days had passed since he had started living in Ponyville, on his first day there were countless headaches. But he managed to relax in the final hours with his new friends. Then yesterday, he woke up in a bakery and discovered the pink demon had kidnapped him for a party. Turner was forced to learn so many names.
The few times he had tried to escape, Pinkie Pie caught him every time.
He sighed, sometimes it was easy to antagonize him, his mind was not as clear as he believed. Constantly, he is plagued by his past, and he knew it was not a dream. "For these voices are real, and you are bound to them." Ozpin spoke as he walked along with Turner. "Though your resolve is strong, it is not without fault. Your heart, it aches my friend, and I understand."
"You understand nothing."
Turner realized that he spoke out loud, he was embarrassed that he allowed his emotions to fog his mind just like that. "Perhaps you could ease the burden in your heart, if you just talk..." Ozpin believed. "You have friends who are willing to listen, Bon Bon especially."
"Derpy, I am going somewhere private, I am sorry but this is where we split off for now. See you next time my friend."
He then ran faster than Derpy had ever seen, he was so quick and agile that she could not form a response to him. Before she knew it, he was gone just like that.
The Doctor continued his running, he cared not if he caught any curious glances from bystanders. He rushed towards the only place he could get the privacy he needed, and it wasn't his house, Bon Bon had obviously bugged it, so he cannot speak his mind freely. He passed by some Legionnaires, they tried to greet him but he was too quick for them.
Soon enough, the Doctor reached his destination, a secluded place right inside the Everfree Forest.
Then he let out a scream, he cursed and pounded his hoof against the dirt beneath him. The frustration that built up within his chest finally released, like a childish tantrum, but he was too angry to care. In his rage, he accidentally tore a tee in two, if he was not blinded, he would have noticed something strange.
"This is the worst!" He shouted to the darkness of this forest. "Day by day, I try to keep you all suppressed, but no, you keep coming back!"
"I am sorry," Ozpin said with an apologetic look on his face. "we didn't mean to bother you so much."
Turner sighed, he sat upon the stump and glared at the empty space in front of him. His body lit up and an aura of magic swirled around him. "Come out..." He whispered.
With a small incantation, the forest lit up with a warm light. He was alone at first, but now several people appeared from thin air, familiar faces, ones that Turner despised.
"What do you want?" The Hermit questioned as he glared back.
The Drunkard scowled. "Are you going to blame us again? You called us, it isn't our fault."
"Shut up." The Doctor hissed.
"This is always your issue! All you do with us is complain! Unless you're ready to talk to us like an adult, then I ain't listening to anything you will say." The Drunkard proceeded to the back where would be away from the Doctor's sight.
The Doctor closed his eyes shut, though he plunged himself in darkness he could still see them all, their eyes focused solely on him. They whispered, he could hear their words clearly, and he despised that. Many of their names he left forgotten, but only a few stuck to him.
Ozpin and Ozma.
Ozma... sometimes, the Doctor doesn't believe that they exist in the first place. He theorized that perhaps, they were a cause of some kind of trauma in his past. But then remembered everything, all the sins he committed. The ability he had since birth, this magic of his was unlike the ones unicorns used.
Unlike most of his peers, he was skillful with his magic powers, so much that he was able to conjure up his past selves. It was not easy, he was unsure of why he even created the spell in the first place.
"Must be a way for you to cope," The Inventor thought.
The Inquisitor nodded his head. "Well this could be healthy, I guess, we can perhaps create something that would help ease his mind."
Ozpin shook his head. "You do realize that this is what he dislikes, we need to respect his choice and remain silent, enough for him to clear out his head."
"If he wanted to calm down in some smelly forest, then maybe he should've done it alone!" The Drunkard said from the back.
"Uh, Turner..." Ozpin called out to the Doctor.
"Shut up, please." He said through his teeth.
"This is important, there's a Grimm gnashing its teeth at you."
With a disgruntled sigh, his eyes snapped open to meet the Grimm that dared to cross his path. A beowolf, a very dangerous beast that could pierce the strongest armor in Equestria with its claws. The only issue is that this monster chose the wrong prey. There was no point diplomatically settling this.
It pounced at him with teeth bared, but found itself frozen in the air covered in a dark aura. The Doctor... no, he wasn't just the Doctor, he was Time Turner. He was not like his past selves whose names he had forgotten. His title is not one filled with regret.
Time Turner slammed the beast into the ground and crushed it with an immense amount of power. So much that the earth caved in and created a hole shaped like the beowolf, though the body itself was rendered to dust that shall serve as the soil that buried this beowolf. No, this was not enough.
With a flick of his hoof, the hole was set ablaze with a fiery inferno from hell, this beast shall not have any remains. Frustrated, Turner continued his wrath upon the Grimm that no longer existed.
"Is this healthy?" The Old Man inquired to the others.
Ozpin smiled devilishly as he watched the pony let loose hell on the beast, if you could even call it that anymore. "Well, perhaps it could allow him to release all his stress on that Grimm until he cleared out his mind."
"By Celestia..."
Everybody froze.
A voice, one that no one was familiar with, had spoken from behind the Doctor. The source cried out as Turner ripped the stump he created out of the earth with his telekinesis but found no sign of them.
"That was not Bon Bon..." The Drunkard pointed out.
"A mare..." Turner muttered with a deep scowl, the fire he cast upon the Grimm had died as his focus shifted. "A mare has discovered my secret..."
"What do you plan to do?" The Hermit questioned with a curious look in his eye.
"We can't let her live knowing of my abilities, or else some unwanted attention will come for me."
The Inventor clicked his tongue. "Need I remind you that the pony population of mares is higher than stallions? This will be like searching for a needle in a haystack."
"Shut up, all of you." He snapped at himselves. "I have one thing to go by, my only clue, her voice."
Derpy followed him, obviously
I think he would have recognized Derpy's voice if it was her.
Probably Fluttershy, since she's the only one that hangs around the Everfree.
I'll follow for a bit
This reminds me of the Panacea problem from Worm.
If you had a gift such as the ability to sculpt and alter flesh or wield magic, what should you do with it?
Spend all your time helping others such as by healing patients at a hospital everyday and do little to nothing for yourself in comparison, keep it to yourself and keep it hidden to be used for what purposes you can, or do you try something else in an effort to not to let your life be consumed by this problem?