A howling scream filled the air, Ozpin's eyes snapped open and a vast empty space greeted him. Nothing but the color white as far as the eye can see. He wandered forward unconsciously, his mind as blank as his surroundings. There was no sound, his footsteps were silent. Try as he might, he could not produce any noise with the surface of the empty world.
Ozpin opened his mouth to speak, but no words had come out of it. His lungs felt empty, yet he could breathe normally. Ozpin tried to raise the volume, but still nothing. With nothing else to do, he continued his silent walk to nowhere.
That's when he heard it, a loud thud from behind. His body whipped around, his eyes widened, his mouth agape. There was a desk with a man behind it, Ozpin swore that it wasn't there when he walked around the vast empty world. Or perhaps he did not even move at all and he was walking on the spot endlessly. But that was the least of his concern. What was more important was who was behind the desk with a rubber stamp in hand.
"Qrow?" Finally, his voice was heard.
Qrow shook his head as he raised the rubber stamp above a sheet of paper, he slammed it down with a loud thud and placed the sheet on a stack. Then Qrow took from another and did the same thing with the new piece of paper.
Before Ozpin could question his trusted friend, Qrow had suddenly shifted into a different form. Ozpin's eyes widened as the man behind the desk changed into Glynda Goodwitch. Then Cinder, then into a man Ozpin had not ever met. This continues over and over with no sign of stopping. That is what Ozpin believed until whoever was behind the desk had stopped shifting.
Ozpin's eyes were as wide as ever, the one sitting at that desk was a face that he knew all too well. "Well, Ozpin... or should I say Ozma?" Funny, Ozpin was actually looking at Ozma himself. "Take a seat." A white chair rose out of the ground.
Ozpin sighed, he did not question why this being had taken his own face, Ozpin simply sat on the offered chair. He looked back at himself behind the desk, it was like looking at a window of a memory that leads to the past. The armor he wore was the same one on that fateful day, the day where it all started.
The being who wore his old face straightened himself. He placed the rubber stamp on a pad and smiled towards Ozpin.
"Who are you?" Ozpin finally spoke after the long silence.
"I have no name." They answered. "I am only a god who wishes to speak to you. I am not like the ones you've met before."
Ozpin eyed them carefully. "What would a god need of me?" In truth, he expected something that would benefit the god more than him, so Ozpin had prepared himself to say no to whatever offer they would make.
"I just wanted to congratulate you, Ozma." Ozpin became confused, but he didn't let his guard down. "I am not here with any ill will, so could you please allow me to speak with you not as a god, but as someone who wishes to give you a present."
"I will not hear any of it." Ozpin declared as he stood up from his seat. "If you have nothing important to say, I must return to my world to finish my job."
"But Ozma, it's over..." Ozpin's body became rigid.
"What... do you mean?"
The being smiled, Ozpin felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched the face of his old self smile. "You've done it Ozma, you've united the people of Remnant!"
"But I don't-"
Just then, countless memories flashed in his mind. He clutched his head as he stumbled back. It all just flooded into him, how he- no, how Oscar had stood in front of an army. How the boy faced against the horde of Grimm, with Ruby and her team by his side as well as Arc's, together they stormed towards the dark wave.
They all charged through the wall of Grimm with the army of every country behind them. Ozpin saw many familiar faces among them, he knew them so well. A tear ran down his cheek as the army clashed with the Grimm. He could see that many had died, yet the number of Grimm that fell was greater. Ruby's power aided their advance to Salem's castle, and soon enough, Oscar and his allies had entered her throne room.
Then it went blank. Tears streamed down as Ozpin collapsed back into the chair. "Do you remember now?" He looked up to face the being behind the desk.
"But... what happened to Salem?"
The being sighed. "Do you not recall what fate Salem was given?"
Another memory had come into play, in a large room stood Salem, across her was Ruby Rose and Oscar. Both were the only ones present, whatever happened to the rest is a mystery to Ozpin. And just as it started, the memory ended with a picture of him holding the withering body of Salem. His own heart stopped as he saw a small smile on her face as Ozpin in Oscar's body held her close.
"She had finally done what the God of Light had asked her to. Salem had finally learned the importance of both life... and death."
Ozpin placed his palm on his head as he remembered the event. Then he faced the god in front of him. "I wish to see her."
"Of course, Salem is waiting for you in the afterlife!" The god leaned back against his chair. "You are free to see her." Ozpin rose to his feet. "But... let me ask you something Ozpin."
Ozpin cocked a brow, he didn't like it already. He had noticed the way the god mentioned his name, there was something behind that smile that irked Ozpin. "Very well."
"Have you ever enjoyed life?"
"I do not understand."
"You died young, you've returned to the living and lived a happy life with Salem and had four beautiful daughters up until you were utterly destroyed. Then you spent many cycles trying to fight back and save the world from Salem. All of it because the gods made you do it. So tell me Ozpin, did you enjoy your life?"
Ozpin did not answer, he turned to leave but found himself facing the being again.
"Ozpin, let me offer you one last chance."
"If I decline?"
"Then you crossover to the afterlife, and reunite with Salem and live happily ever after."
"Then you know my answer." Ozpin attempted to leave again, this time he was successful. That's what he thought as he heard footsteps that were not his own, it was obvious since he didn't have any.
"Call it pity if you will, but I have seen you suffer Ozpin and I wish better for you." The god added. "What would you say if I offered this chance to someone else?"
"Just take the offer!" A man in a white beanie shouted as he lugged a bottle around, he struggled to stay upright, it was obvious that this man had drank too much. "Nothing is stopping you, and we deserved better!"
"No, we don't." An old man with a long beard spoke, his hat covered half of his face which hid his contempt toward the god. "We've done what we needed to do on Remnant. We freed Salem of her curse, hers and ours."
A dark-skinned man with glasses entered the scene. "He's right, no one needs us anymore, it is time to hang up our coat and finally get the rest we truly deserve."
"Are you kidding me!?" The Drunkard scowled at his other selves. "For years we have been breaking our backs to save Remnant, all because of the Brothers who had cursed her in the first place!"
"Enough! I will not hear this from you of all people!" The Hermit glared at the Drunkard.
"I think we should consider it." Ozpin glanced over to a man in a grey suit, purple vest, and a yellow tie. "I mean, we had been through so much that... I'm sure one more cycle would not hurt..."
"And I too believe that we should take this offer." A frail-looking old man spoke as he leaned on a very familiar cane. "Don't you think we suffered enough? This could be our only chance to live happily!"
"You buffoon." The Hermit scoffed. "We had already lived, it is time for us to rest."
Then the number of people grew, his previous lives had gathered around him and Ozma. They spoke and argued with each other whether or not they should choose to accept their death or live once more. This went on while Ozpin tried his best to understand everything, try as he might, the decision was no longer his to make.
A man with white hair has caught everyone's attention, his blue robe shifted as he walked up to Ozpin's side. His eyes filled with sorrow and satisfaction. "Ozpin, we have done it, Salem is fine now... our daughters are fine... they are waiting for us." Ozpin's first reincarnation placed his hands on Ozpin's shoulders. "It's time to rest..."
That's when the Drunkard's face became dejected. Upon the mentioning of Ozma's daughters, Ozpin's face hardened, the rest of his reincarnations did so as well. "My answer is final." Ozpin declared loudly. The others nodded, accepting his decision.
"Hey, Ozpin..." All eyes turned towards a boy that stood in front of Ozpin, who then sheepishly smiled towards the professor.
"Oscar..." Ozpin muttered.
"Y-yeah... it's me." Oscar sighed. "I know you've decided to say no, and I'm not here to change your mind or anything, I'm just here to say goodbye." He gave the professor a bright and honest smile, the best he could. "We won't really see each other anymore, and this might be the only moment where we can speak for one last time. So... Thank you, Professor Ozpin."
Ozpin was taken aback, he nearly went stumbling back in surprise.
"Thank you for showing me so many things, teaching me to fight! Because of you, I met Ruby and everyone! You taught me more than I ever dream of Ozpin! You've made my life an amazing story, something more than back at the farm. And I promise to you that the wisdom you have given to me shall be passed onto future generations, and I'll take back Beacon in your honor! Mark my words!"
Ozpin stared at the boy, his heartbeats were slower than usual, his mind started to calm. Ozpin had begun recalling his very short moments and adventures with the boy. How he had convinced him to travel over to Haven. How he had thrown the boy into the dangerous waters for his own goals to achieve victory. Ozpin had made Oscar cast away his home and family for a mission that was not his. He settled a hand on Oscar's shoulder and smiled.
"And I will miss you as well, Oscar." Ozpin then raised his head to meet everyone's eyes, he scanned through the crowd as one thought ran in his mind. The others knew what he was thinking, but it seems that Oscar did not.
"I have decided Oscar, that I'll take the offer." With that, the reincarnations vanished, leaving Oscar and Ozma with Ozpin. "I am ready... God." The god nodded and smiled.
"Wait!" Ozpin looked over to Oscar, only to be shocked as the boy wrapped his arms around the professor. "Goodbye, Ozpin, I hope to see you again!"
Ozpin returned the gesture and held him closer. "I know you've been through so much Oscar... Before I leave, I must tell you this... I am sorry for ever bringing you into my own problem, and I wish you could forgive me."
Oscar shook his head as he took a step back. "You don't have to apologize, Ozpin, I'm happy that you did."
Ozpin smiled warmly, he patted Oscar's head before facing the strange being that wore Ozma's face. The world became black with just a snap, the two became completely alone in the abyss. Ozpin nodded towards him. "Very well, Ozpin. But be warned, the world I will send you to for your final cycle of life is not one you will be familiar with. It is peaceful, but do not lower your guard! Do not be deceived by the calm, I cannot control the reality where you will be thrown in. I can't even tell where you'll end up, this place is unpredictable, all I can assure you is that you will be safe. And I wish you the best of luck, Ozpin."
"I understand, my only request is that you keep an eye over the boy."
The god cupped his chin with his hand. "That would be a bit problematic since it isn't my domain, but I will promise you that this boy and his descendants shall live to lead the united world of Remnant. As long as you fulfill a request as well..."
Ozpin stood waiting patiently for the god to finish.
"Ozpin, my request to you is that you enjoy your next cycle, not as Ozma, or any of your reincarnations, but someone else. Someone new, live your life however you pleased, and let us meet again in the future, both with smiling faces."
Then everything was gone.
"How could this happen to me of all ponies!?" An earth pony stallion exclaimed as he dashed through the streets of Canterlot. Dodging any pony that stood in his way. He made sure to apologize as he did so.
In the distance, he could hear a train blowing its horn, signaling that it was about to depart from the station. The stallion picked up his pace and beat the cobblestone quicker, time was running out and he needed to hurry. He passed more ponies on the way to the station, a few gave their complaints but he only gave them a sincere and quick apology. A few guards tried to stop and tell him to slow down, but the stallion was too quick for them to catch.
"I'm sorry, but I am in a great hurry! So please forgive me if I am causing some disturbance!"
He ran down a street and jumped over a few obstacles, he glanced over to a pony who had a pocket watch out and mentally screamed as he caught a good look at the time. I'm not gonna catch it in time!
The stallion took a sharp turn into an alleyway and ran past a shady-looking dumpster, and once he exited, the stallion was met with a railing. And over it and down below was the train station. He looked over and sighed. "As much as I'd rather take the normal route, this would be a lot quicker to reach the train."
"Hey, you!" He turned around to find a guard standing at the mouth of the alleyway, golden armor and all. "Stop right there!"
"Yes, I know I have been causing some trouble by randomly running through the streets like a mad pony, but I am just in a hurry and I have no time to speak with you!" With that, the stallion leaped over the railings and plummeted down, the guard's eyes widened and rushed over to check on him.
Much to the guard's surprise, the stallion was already on the ground with no injuries, he smiled and waved at the guard before continuing his objective. The guard could only question how the stallion landed without so much of a scratch.
The stallion rushed through the wave of ponies that had the same problem as him, but the stallion was quicker and far more nimble than anyone in the station. He slid through the small gaps between ponies in a blink of an eye and hopped over a few just to get to the train that was about to leave. Before anyone even knew it, the stallion had achieved his objective. He sighed with relief as he entered the car, his heart was racing and his lungs were working overtime.
The stallion quickly takes a seat, but not before giving his ticket to the collector. He huffed one last time before his heartbeats became slower. Thankfully he was calming down, but then he realized that he was not alone. Sitting on the seat across him was a grey pegasus mare and a small unicorn filly sitting next to her. He smiled sheepishly and waved at the two.
The filly returned the wave and smiled brightly. "Hello!" She greeted.
"Hello, what a fine day we are having."
"Oh, it is!" The pegasus smiled. There was something about her that the stallion couldn't help but notice. It was her eyes, the imperfect golden orbs that were not aligned. As she smiled, one eye met his two ones, while her other eye stared out the window. "You seem exhausted, did you run all the way here?"
The train whistled loudly, then it began moving.
"Yes, I had been so focused on something that I did not see what time it was. A few more seconds then this train would've been gone!" He explained. "I don't think I can wait for the next train to Ponyville."
"Well, I'm glad that you've made it!" The mare rifled through her saddlebag and pulled out a bottle of water. "You must be thirsty!"
"Oh, such a kind gesture from someone like you when I haven't even introduced myself yet." He accepted her offer and smiled. "I am Time Turner, at your service!"
"Oh, I'm Derpy!" She smiled back at him. "And this is my daughter Dinky!"
"Nice to meet you!"
Turner chuckled softly. "What a lovely daughter you have, Derpy. Would you like to see a magic trick, little girl?"
"Would I!" The young filly stood on her seat and eagerly waited for whatever trick the stallion would show her.
"Ooh!" Derpy was also interested in what Time Turner would do.
Time Turner smiled and brought up his hoof. The two watched intently and carefully. And before they even knew, colorful orbs rose out of his hoof and floated above them. Dinky's eyes sparkled with delight, she watched the orbs dance around the air with a smile. Derpy shared the feeling, and she was in awe, her eyes followed the orbs as they rose towards the ceiling. And just as it made contact, the orbs popped into a rain of sparkles.
"Wow!" Dinky giggled happily.
Turner sighed with a small smile on his face. "Nothing warms my heart more than the sweet laughter of a child. You really are lucky to have her, Derpy."
"Oh, thank you!" Derpy shyly grinned at him. "That was an amazing trick, Time Turner! How did you do it?"
"Oh it was nothing, and I can't really tell you."
Derpy stuck out her tongue. "Aw phooey!" She chuckled for a short second before smiling towards Time Turner. "So what do you need in Ponyville anyway?"
"Oh, nothing really amazing, just moving into town and live my life peacefully."
"Oh, Ponyville isn't one for the peaceful. Every day there's always something going on." She raised her wing and started counting on each feather. "There's always a party planned by the resident party planner. The rainbow-headed pegasus is always out to prank random ponies. Sometimes a timberwolf comes by."
"Don't forget the random lightning clouds coming from the Everfree Forest!" Dinky added.
Derpy patted Dinky's head. "Of course dear. Oh! We also have a severe Shadow Beast problem since the town is so close to the Everfree!"
"Can't say that anywhere else is better," Turner smirked. "But I'll take what I can."
Derpy snickered silently. "Okay, but you'll probably start tearing your hair out in the first couple of days."
"We'll see, Derpy, we'll see."
Time Turner looked out the window, the land moved as the train ran on its tracks. He sighed as his reflection mimicked his dejected frown. With a blink of an eye, it was replaced with a face he was all too familiar with. It wasn't a pony that stared back at him, but Ozpin himself.
"What are you doing Turner?" Ozpin questioned the stallion.
"I don't know." He answered quietly as the train entered a tunnel, and everything went black.
Interesting so far. Proceed
Whoa, never seen this before.
Story's on the Future page with 8 likes and 0 dislikes, something we shouldn't be able to see unless the story has at least a total of ten likes or dislikes.
I suppose it makes sense. If it has enough engagement to make to the Feature Box, that moots the reason for the hiding.
I thought his...its real name was Ozma.
Well, I still say he as, AFAWK, Ozma has always reincarnated into men
There is that, though again, the bastard's not sharing many of his secrets, so we'll never know.
To the story itself, an interesting take on the character. He seems less...old in this incarnation than most, though some of that is I read CAA's stuff like Null, where he's part of the problem...or A Rabbit Among Wolves where he's just a delight and makes me laugh really hard sometimes. Otherwise, an interesting start to this one, with some grounding in both the RWBY and MLP worlds. Curious to see where it goes.
True, then again, most immortal types rarely share all their secrets