• Published 26th Nov 2021
  • 1,634 Views, 15 Comments

Ozpin The Great And Powerful - dudenotactive

Salem had been defeated, Ruby Rose had fulfilled her destiny. Ozpin finally won, his duty is finished. Only one thing left to do.

  • ...

New Chapter

Ponyville, town hall.

A symbol of leadership that represented the people of this lovely town, this is where all would gather for important businesses concerning Ponyville, and there was only one pony you needed to talk to. And she is Mayor Mare, a respectable pony beloved by all. She delivered what she promised before being elected, opinions of her grew for the best.

Or perhaps it is simply her political appearance, none could truly tell what happens behind closed doors. Ozpin had many experiences of such people, politicians who wore a mask when facing those they claim to fight for, tongue smoother than the most polished orb.

But Time Turner needed to ignore the thought, he had an appointment with the Mayor and it would be best if he did not think negatively about her occupation.

He waited patiently in the office, it was a mess, stacks of papers were everywhere, and garbage all around. It would seem the Mayor was too busy with her job to even care for her office. Though, this does remind Turner of something, a memory, one that he would rather forget in the abyss, like the rest of his past.

"Does this place not have a janitor? It's like a pigsty in here!"

"Maybe she doesn't want one to be snooping around in her office?" The Doctor suggested to the unwanted voice. Then he went back to his book just to kill time.

"Honestly," Another voice scoffed. "our views on politicians have been ruined by our immortality. Wish we could just forget everything completely."

"And yet you all decided to stay." Turner glared over his shoulder. "Now be quiet, I am trying to read."

A familiar face kneeled next to his, it was Ozpin, the old man eyed the book in Turner's hooves with a curious glint in his eyes. "Equestrian Myths and Legends?"

Turner sighed. "Just a habit, one that I can't seem to get rid of."

Ozpin arched his brow. "Is that so...?"

"I'm sorry that I'm late!" The door swung open to reveal a tired Mayor Mare. "There has been a lot on my plate lately..."

"It is fine, I am in no hurry."

The Mayor took her seat behind the desk, she made some room so both could properly look at each other, also to be professional. As Mayor Mare moved a few stacks of paper aside, Turner couldn't help but notice something about her. A single pink strand of hair, such an out of place thing in a mane so gray.

Once the desk was cleared, Time Turner placed his résumé on it so the Mayor could get an insight. Imagine her shock when she received two pages that detailed his accomplishments throughout his life and his past and current occupations. A freelancing inventor who invented the hay-powered engine, of which the Iron Legion had bought the patent. Not only that, but he had earned a few PhDs.

This was no ordinary pony in front of Mayor Mare. From what she could tell about him just from his résumé was that he was living his life fast. She asked him a few questions for confirmation, he answered accurately, which only surprised her more. This was an interview that she would have never expected.

"I can't hire you, you're overqualified for the job." She informed him. "I may recommend another, something far more suitable for your skills."

"No, it is alright," He said. "I am not looking for anything fancy, just a simple job for me, please. Also, I'm sure my experience with time pieces will be of great help to this beautiful town."

"Are you sure?" She was baffled. "I cannot just simply accept someone so talented!"

He shook his head. "If I may, Mayor, no job in town interests me, and I only wish to enjoy my life while I am still young. As you have already read, I've accomplished many things already, that is because I am not ready to die just yet. And the fear of it drives me to chase my goals until the day I can no longer walk. It may be a little odd, but I wish to work under an amazing mare such as you. Perhaps I can even learn a few things from a beloved leader like yourself."

Mayor Mare had never met someone so honest, well not as much as a certain farmer. But it would seem that he was determined to be her assistant, not only that, but he applied to be the town's timekeeper, he was certainly ambitious.

"Tell me, do you have any experience in politics?"

"A mock election during my last few years in the Canterlot Academy, but to be completely honest, I used some of your speeches as a reference when I made mine, of which won me the election."

This piqued her curiosity greatly. "Did you now..."

"One of the reasons why I wish to work for you is to learn, your words are just too inspiring, and it pushes me to do more!" He rose up from his seat, book in hoof and a smile on his face. "I'll start today, the clock tower needs a tune-up since it's thirty minutes early, definitely got some dust in the gears. Your secretary has the keys I presume, so I better get going then, wouldn't want to be late on my schedules."

The Mayor couldn't get a word in as he left her office, the stallion just hired himself and she was unsure if she should humor him and just accept him for the job, or simply decline him as politely as she could. But something about him made her lean on the former more, it was the aura of experience he radiated. She smiled and chuckled to herself, this pony was certainly a go-getter. That's when she was convinced that there was no other choice, she felt the weight on her shoulders lighten knowing that she had someone to trust, someone who is talented.

The future of this town is bright now that she has the aid of Time Turner.

"She wanted you to be something more, her reasons are admirable." Ozpin commented.

"Perhaps not all politicians are snakes, but let's keep our opinions open for now." The Hermit said.

"Silence, both of you." The Doctor scolded. "I need to focus, where did I place my tools?"

"Is your memory failing you this early?"

"I spent more time trying to forget, that may be the reason, and none of you are helping." He sighed. "No more distractions, we are in a new chapter in my life. I wish to make the most of it while I still stand!"

"I still can't believe the Mayor dyes her hair..." A voice muttered.

Ozpin stopped for a moment, he was reminded of the book the Doctor had with him. Though they were in that office for an hour, Time Turner had spent all his time on a single page. He may not know what the pony was thinking, but he had his suspicions.

The gears moved and clicked, a rhythmic tick echoed in the room loudly, his mind was at ease as he continued his work. Something about this place brought harmony to his soul, though as much he rather forget, he couldn't simply ignore his memories back in Beacon.

Quickly, he pushed the thought away.

Just as he was about to finish dusting the gears, a strange noise caught his attention. He turned around to discover a strange unicorn by the exit, head bobbed to the beat of the drum that came from her headphones. He listened carefully and recognized the song quickly, it was one of that young folk music that's taking Equestria by storm.

Her purpose to be in this room was obvious, in her magic was a microphone hooked up to a small recorder strapped on her waist. Turner kept silent and allowed her to take what she came for, which was the working gears of this clock tower, and as if she did not notice him, the mare walked about the room and collected the sounds.

Lighty, he tapped her shoulder, to which she turned and nearly gasped, but Turner placed a hoof over her mouth just so she would not ruin her recording. Once she was acquainted with him, he tapped his wrist before pointing up. There was silence, she stared at him with an odd interest. Then the world shook, the bell above rang, if it were not for the loud music and the fact that she might as well be, the mare would've become deaf just from the bell.

She looked up with a smile, her microphone pointed at above so she could record the noise. Once she got what she was after, she gave him her thanks with a small nod.

"You're welcome," He finally spoke. "I wouldn't have thought that ponies would be interested in such things."

She gave him a shrug.

"I see, so this is a hobby, or is it related to your work?" She tapped her cutie mark. "Ah, you are in the music business, a DJ. I would love to hear some of your work if you have the time."

She gave him a silent nod.

"This Will Be The Day, quite an interesting song you're listening to."

The mare was surprised that he could hear the song that was playing. Not only that, but it would seem that he was familiar with it as well.

"Yes, I'm just happy to meet a like-minded pony. Though I would enjoy 'talking' about music, but I have to return to my work, these gears won't oil themselves."

"Vinyl, you're awfully quiet up there!" Another voice spoke from the door, where a graceful mare emerged. Beauty couldn't begin to describe her, and any stallion would fall head over heels for this mare, not the Doctor though. "Oh, excuse me! I did not know that somepony was up here, and I hope that my friend was not a bother."

"Oh, no problem at all, but I was glad that I had somepony to talk to, these gears are starting to echo in my head."

She laughed at his silliness. "Well, thank the heavens that company came before you lost yourself to this place. I am Octavia, this is my friend Vinyl if she has not introduced herself yet."

"I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"That is indeed the question." He chuckled. "Sorry, just an inside joke, I am Time Turner. It is truly a pleasure."

"Well, now I wonder why a gentlecolt such as yourself is here in this dusty clock tower."

"Oh nothing interesting, just doing my job as Ponyville's official timekeeper."

"I see, good timing as well, this clock was in need of a cleaning, and we better get out of your mane."

"Guess this is farewell for now." He smiled.

"Indeed, and Doctor? Welcome to Ponyville."

Once he was alone, Turner returned to his work and dusted more gears. The deafening whispers of the machine brought themselves back, no voice could be heard as time went by. Though he wanted to focus, Turner could not forget the mares that he had met, something about them bothered him, how randomly they had appeared.

Was it fate? Destiny?

Only the gods would know, and he would rather fall into a dreamless sleep than ask any gods, even if they aren't listening. Ozpin would never...

No, he's Doctor Time Turner, gods are just things that are beyond science, beyond his concern. He could care less about who created the sun, or what gave them all life. The only thing important to him was how to figure out the fundamentals of science.

Work was done before he knew, it was lunch the time told him, and thanks to Turner, this clock tower shall once again tell nothing but the truth. Until it needs another maintenance. Though he wished that he could be as honest...

"Let's see," The Doctor started as he walked towards the town hall. "I have to return the key to the tower for now until the Mayor can give me a duplicate. Then I have lunch with Derpy. After that, my new home requires cleaning as well. Perhaps moving to this town was a brilliant idea after all."

"Watch it!" Turner was thrown out of his thoughts as he crashed into someone. A Legionnaire it would seem, his iron armor was far more iconic than those who serve the crown directly.

Before the guard could even snap at him, someone else had stepped between Turner and the guard. This stallion was dressed in a white uniform, a familiar face, one that Turner wished he did not meet.

"Doctor!" The stallion greeted cheerfully.

He smirked. "General Ironwood, pleasant day innit?"

The General quickly pulled Turner back on his hooves. "Indeed it is, and it has been a while, Doctor. I'm curious why you're in town."

Turner chuckled. "Just wanted a fresh start, that's all. Got myself a job as the timekeeper for the town, also as an assistant to the Mayor."

"Why didn't you talk to me? We got plenty of openings in the Legion."

"Sorry old pal, but desk work is not for me. Gotta keep my joints loose and limber."

"Doctor," He became stoic. "a stallion such as yourself is full of potential, and with that intelligent mind, no Shadow Beast would stand a chance against ponykind. I offer you a chance to help us in this war, please accept."

The gathered ponies were silent, Turner stared blankly at the General. He sighed as he walked past Ironwood, the Doctor's answer was clearer than a sparkling pond. "Goodbye, Jimmy, hope we can enjoy some coffee together at a later date."

This caught Ironwood's Legionnaires off guard, shocked with how casually the Doctor turned down Ironwood's offer.

"Think about it, Doctor. And I'm sorry for Lieutenant Storm's first impression..."

Turner chose to keep his silence, as the distance between them grew, a nagging feeling crept up his chest. This won't be the last time he'd see the offer, they have known each other for so long, and he was so determined to get Turner into the Legion. His first mistake was overstepping with his inventions, which caught the attention of Ironwood.

A mistake he will not repeat.

For now, Time Turner shall enjoy his first-ever lunch with his new friend in this lovely town called Ponyville.

"Would you like a hint?" An old Hermit asked as he walked by Turner's side.

"It better be about how I can keep all of you silent."

"Second to worse, an annoying pest she is." Was all he said before Turner was once again alone.

The Doctor sighed deeply, he glared over his shoulder as he realized that starting a life in this town would not be so simple.