Time Turner, also known as the Doctor, was in a dilemma. His years of academic experience, achievements, and intellectual mind had not prepared him for this. By far, it was his greatest battle on this planet.
Red or blue tie?
Turner was conflicted, he loved both of them to even choose. He had been at this for a whole hour, time wasted on this silly problem when he could have used some of that time to clean a few messes in his new house.
"Red! It is the color of passion!" The Drunkard suggested. "I even bet the wall-eyed horse will love it!"
"This isn't about her opinion of me, I just want to pick a tie... And are you hinting at something?"
"Listen, she has a kid but no wedding ring tied on her neck. All I'm saying is maybe we should put something back on the bucket list."
"One more word out of you and I'll avoid alcohol for a year, be quiet"
"What about the blue one?" The Inventor thought. "It also translates to intelligence and trust."
"When I said be quiet, that goes to all of you." He hissed at them.
Even with the suggestions, Turner could not decide. He went back and forth between the two pieces and feared he may be late for his lunch with Derpy. It was important for him to join her so their friendship could bloom, no other reason, he just needed someone that he could hang out with in his free time.
And he'll have a lot of it.
There was no issue with that, he just didn't like being idle, he had so much to do and yet he could barely do most of it. It was a problem for him, and the voices didn't help.
"Forget it!" He shouted in this empty room. He snatched something from his closet and bolted out the door.
Turner hurried through the streets, carefully avoiding a few ponies as he made his way to Derpy. He made sure to also avoid the strange pink pony that tried to catch him on a few occasions. She was a weird one that mare was, something inside Turner told him to avoid her at all cost.
He had started his life in this town just recently, but already he knew the streets as if he was born there. Every turn and twist, he would never be led astray, Turner already made a mental map of the whole town. So it would be impossible if he were to get lost.
Just as he expected, the pink demon attempted to catch him in ridiculous and cartoonish traps. It was truly a change of pace compared to his life back in Canterlot. He dodged her like a plague, Turner knew not of her intentions, but she was something he must avoid at all cost.
Soon enough, he reached his destination. There it was, a cozy-looking restaurant with outdoor dining. Derpy already had a table for them both, but he noticed that Dinky was not around, so it would seem that it will be just the two of them.
"Sorry I'm late by a few seconds! I had to pick up a change of attire, and then there was this odd mare."
"Don't worry Doc, I understand!" Derpy smiled. "I'm just happy you got here before the waiter! What's that about an odd mare?"
Turner took a seat across from her. "The pink one, I'm sure you know about her?"
"Oh, that's Pinkie Pie! She's the resident party pony who likes to throw parties for birthdays, weddings, and acquaintance parties to welcome newcomers!"
"And acquaintance parties?" He cocked a brow. "That explains why she's trying to kidnap me then, but I had my fair share of odd ponies."
"Oh, this party is gonna be so much fun!" Derpy squealed. "And I do love that scarf, it looks great on you."
"Scarf?" He was befuddled by the question until he looked down on his neck. It was a green scarf with a cross at the center... Turner scoffed, he had somehow forgotten that this article of clothing existed, and to add insult to injury, he had accidentally worn it also. He knew not how that could ever happen, but there was no point anymore. "I should've gone with the red tie.."
"May I take your orders?"
"Oh, a muffin and milk tea, please!" Derpy was quick to make a decision, it would seem she knew what she wanted and had no problem with choices. Time Turner on the other hand was going to have a hard time deciding what to eat.
He would have, but something else troubled him, and it was the fact that a familiar mare stood in front of him. Earth Pony by race, creamy colored fur with a two-toned mane. He felt a headache coming as he stared blankly at the mare who is their waiter for the day.
"Bon Bon," He hissed. "What the bloody hell are you doing here?"
"You know her, Doctor?" This turn of events piqued Derpy's interest.
"Know her? She's my stalker."
"I am not a stalker!" Bon Bon shouted as her hoof nearly split the table. She quickly composed herself once all attention landed on her. "Ahem, I am not a stalker. Don't believe anything he says, Miss, he was always a weird one."
"You always followed me around, I think I have the right to say that you are indeed my stalker," The Doctor said with a calm and peaceful tone. "Perhaps I should call the authorities on you?"
"Listen," She raised her hooves defensively. "I didn't even want to come to this town to begin with, but... Can we talk in private?"
"Nope," He popped. "Anything you have to say to me you can say to Derpy."
"Ugh, fine!" She gave in quicker than he believed. "My 'boss' was concerned about the strange rise of Shadow Beast attacks and wanted an 'employee' close to the Everfree. This has nothing to do with you."
"Really?" His brow went higher than it should, it showed how doubtful he was with her story.
She sighed in defeat. "And to keep an eye on you... So they sent me because it was cheaper than sending another pony to Ponyville, two birds one stone kind of deal."
"Alright, I will refrain from blabbering about you being my stalker as long as you distance yourself from me."
"Oh, how is Lyra?"
"She's over there," Bon Bon pointed a hoof to another table, Lyra gave Turner a wave. "She didn't like the idea at first, but when she found out that you were moving into town as well, she packed her stuff quicker than she cleans the dishes."
"Well at least she's much more tolerable than you." He snickered with delight as he witnessed Bon Bon's scowl. "As for my order, coffee and cookies, thank you."
"I'll try not to spit in your drink, sir." She said as she left to retrieve the desired beverage and snacks.
"You Canterlot ponies sure are interesting," Derpy commented. "Oh, you should invite your friend over, I would really like to meet her!"
"No need!" Lyra slid into the conversation, a smile wider than a barn was on her face. "It really is good to see you, Doc!"
"Ah, Lyra," He chuckled softly. "the better half of Bon Bon. This is Derpy we met on a train to Ponyville."
"Nice to meet you!"
"Well, a friend of Doc's is a friend of mine!" Lyra said. "Just a wonder, is she interested in our club?"
"No Lyra, I assure you she isn't." He laughed. "Now, when did you and Bon Bon move into town?"
"Yesterday," Lyra answered.
Time Turner had a scowl, somehow Bon Bon knew of his plans a day before and had already joined the community of this little town. This meant she was in his room again. This was a common occurrence between him and Bon Bon
He made a plan and she rummaged through his room for information. It was the same as always, no matter how many times he changed the lock, or how many locks he bought. She was a thorn in his side ever since childhood...
"Hello, my name is Bon Bon!"
A young colt looked away from his work to meet the gaze of a filly, Time Turner stared for a minute before he returned to his own business.
"Um..." She persisted in speaking with him. "What's your name?"
"Time Turner."
"Nice to meet you! Wanna play!?"
He paused, he looked away from his little device, but not at Bon Bon, but the tall figure behind her. He waited for a response, the man nodded as if he encouraged the thought.
"Well, I have no idea of what games we could play..." He admitted to the filly.
"That's alright, I have loads of games! But can I ask you something?" She waited for a nod from him, when she received it, Bon Bon leaned over to him just to whisper. "Aren't you the wonder child?"
That was it, his first encounter with an agent of SMILE, so young yet talented. He would've frowned upon the idea of using children for personal interests, but... he was in no place to judge.
Out of all the ponies he dislikes... Well honestly, Bon Bon was the only pony he disliked. She was too nosy and determined to learn the truth from him. At least Lyra wasn't one to pry into his life, he liked her the most out of all the ponies he met in Canterlot.
"Right Doc?"
Turner was snapped out of his memories as he was pulled back into the conversation. It appeared she was speaking about a subject where she and he were an expert in... Wait...
"Lyra, please don't tell me you're teaching her about the club?"
"But Doc, this could be our chance to recruit for the Human Appreciation Club!"
He sighed. "Dear girl, I really hope that you haven't said anything to scare Derpy..."
"No, it's alright." The pegasus was chipper as usual. "I'm actually interested, who knew humans would be so fascinating!"
"Yup, I agree!" Lyra said. "Not only are humans interesting, but we have an expert!" She said as she presented the Doctor.
"An expert?" He laughed. "Lyra, I only did my research, any pony would know what I knew if they did the same. If anything, even a colt would have discovered my findings as well."
"That's because he was nine years old when he discovered so much about humans!" Lyra whispered to Derpy.
"Lyra, please..."
"Aw come on Doc! Everypony should hear what you have to say!"
"Attention is the last thing I want, that's why I moved into town." He said.
"Lyra, listen to the Doctor." Bon Bon arrived with their order, she placed them accordingly on the table so they could enjoy their lunch. "If anything, we should respect his decision and move on. I rather not find out that you two are conducting experiments behind my back... again..."
Turner smiled. "Well I can't say I was in the wrong, the prosthetic I invented would surely help our country grow. We just need a few tweaks, and I can sell the patent once it is complete. Speaking of which, Lyra, I need you to drop by my house later so we can continue where we left off."
"You are not doing weird science experiments on my marefriend."
"But Bon Bon!" Lyra whined like a child.
"You do realize she still needs to see me, correct?" Turner pointed out. "It has been a week since we last met, a check-up is in order, also... that letter I sent this morning is practically useless with you two here."
"Ugh, fine!" She turned to leave but sent one last glare at Turner. "Don't try anything funny, buster, or else I'll call my boss."
He only smiled. "Try as they might, no pony on this planet could ever catch me, because I'm the Doctor."
"Doctor, what a pleasant surprise!"
All heads turned to see who had spoken only to be blinded by something so amazing, that it prettified the mares, only Turner was unaffected by this strange anomaly. It was Octavia, her presence was so awe-inspiring that Lyra even believed the mare before them was an angel in disguise.
Of course Vinyl was by Octavia's side, she gave Turner a nod before she returned to her music.
Time Turner stared, he felt something in the air, as if the wheels of fate were turning for whatever reason. "Octavia, Vinyl!" He greeted them with a false smile. "Here for lunch? We got plenty of space."
"Why thank you! So, who are your friends?"
Lyra was the first to regain herself. "Are you an angel?" To which she received a quick bop on the back of her head, courtesy of Bon Bon.
Octavia giggled playfully. "My, such a humorous friend you have, Doctor."
"Indeed she is, her name is Lyra, that's Bon Bon and-"
"Derpy," She finished for him. "This is a small town, Doctor, names aren't easy to forget, especially for our resident mailmare. I am Octavia, and this is Vinyl."
The mute waved hello.
The two then occupied the remaining free seats, well there was one more, but it would seem Bon Bon was busy at the moment.
"Well Doctor, how are you today? Nothing out of the ordinary I hope."
"Octavia, ordinary is the only thing I want," He said as the smile faltered a bit. He could feel it, the emotions he bottled up inside.
Throughout the day he tried to live his life as normally as a pony would, but every step he took only led him to all kinds of unwanted attention. Sometimes he doubted that he made the right decision, but that was pointless to think about.
He was late for the train and nearly ruined his morning, the pink menace wouldn't leave him alone. Bon Bon was there to spy on him like a damn fly on the wall. One other mistake was the fact he had forgotten about the Iron Legion headquarters that was built near the town. Which meant Ironwood being a nuisance for the rest of his days, not to sound bitter, but still.
Honestly, as he sat there, as these mares talked amongst each other and occasionally spoke with him, Turner wanted to scream. His frustrations built up in his chest. It was painful just keeping it all in. Turner wanted to speak, to be truthful, no lies, unlike his previous life.
Derpy snapped him out of his thoughts, his smile brightened as he faced her. "Yes?" He asked. But that was when he noticed the concern on every one of them.
He looked down at the table where his hoof rested and found a furious fire that consumed his drink which was nothing more than charred and cracked empty mug. None of them even attempted to extinguish the flames as they were caught in a net of confusion and fear.
Bon Bon on the other hand was a mare of action, she came out of the restaurant with a bucket of water and splashed it all into the table.
"Oh, dear, fire spirits are quite active this time around." He commented as if this was a normal occurrence to him. "I think I should head home for today, tons of cleaning to do and what not."
He said his goodbyes to all, he even gave Bon Bon a sly smirk as he passed by only to receive a frown from the candy mare.
The five watched as the Doctor left casually, unbothered by the fire that came out of nowhere. But Bon Bon knew that he was the culprit behind the destruction. None of the four other mares were sure how it happened, it just did.
Bon Bon excused herself as she went after the Doctor.
But aren't the Brothers evil?
Can I please get links to those stories?